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Date of Ratna Malika Yoga

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Respected Members,Is there anyway, we can find out when this happened? on a friday in the

'ratna-malika-yoga' (conjunction of constellation uttara phalguni

on the twelfth day of bright fortnight).If you need the context, please read (Long text..uHffff...) explanation of Main - Moorthi given by Sriman Ramakrishna Dikshitulu of Srivari Kovil, TTD-Tirumala.Regards,Raj Upadhrasta.******************Ramakrishna Deekshitulu

Archaka, Srivari Temple, Tirumala HillsFriday, May 02, 2008 8:58 AM

Re: Fw: Re:Who is the ThAyAr On the left chest region of Lord VenkatEsa ?


Om devarAja dayApAtram dIbhaktyAdi gunArnavambhrugvAdi munaya: putrA tasmai sri vikhanasE namaha||


nArAyanam sakamalam sakAlAmarEndram

vaikhAnasam mam gurum nigamAgamEndram

bhrugvathrikAsyapamarIchi mukhAn munIdrAn

sarvAnaham kulagurum pranamAmi mUrdnA||

Dear Sriman Sadagopan Swamy,Excellent description of Thayars!!

Lord Venkateswara's

idol is having a Srivatsam mark on his right chest, which is a

permanent part of the idol. It can be seen embossed, but only on

Thursdays, when the jewels are removed completely, leaving the Melchat

Vastram, and on Fridays, during Abhishekam and Nijapada Darsanam. The

darsan of Vakshathala Lakshmi can be seen if we come very near to

Kulasekhara Padi and even from there also, we can only assume the shape

of the Lakshmi. Only Archakas can see the Lakshmi on the Chest. This

Lakshmi is called Dvi-bhuja-Vyuha-Lakshmi in Vaikhanasa Samhithas.

The presence of Lakshmi on the body of the Hill god is responsible for

the name Sri-nivasa( the abode of Lakshmi) for him. This image of

Lakshmi is in the Agamas prescribed to be two-armed and seated in the

lotus posture, this form is called Vyuha-Lakshmi.

dvibhujA vyuhalakshmi: syAt baddapadmAsanapriyA|srInivAsanga madyasthaa sutaram kEshavapriyA||

And the consecration and worship of Vyuha-Lakshmi are meant to secure unbounded and eternal prosperity( niravadika-samrddhi-siddhaye). In the daily worship of the Hill-god, after the Venkatesa-sahasra-nama-archana in the morning, this Vyuha-Lakshmi on the god's chest is also worshipped reciting 16 names of Lakshmi(shodasa-nama)

with the offering of tulasi-leaves after each name and also Goddess

Padmavathi on the left chest is worshipped at the same time( while the

16 names are being chanted). This image is specially worshipped during

the main deity's ceremonial bath on Friday's, as also during

Makara-sankaranthi(kAkApudi), when this lakshmi on right

chest of the hill-god receives bath with perfumed water. Ramanuja is

said to have prompted one of the yadava-raya kings to offer for the

hill-god a golden necklace in which the golden image of Lakshmi

(sculpted in relief and encrusted with precious stones) was hung as a

pendant( Bangaru Lakshmi). This necklace with the pendant(tiny idol of

lakshmi), weighing 2kg and 333mg is seen round the neck of the hill-god

all week days and is also permanent adornment on the idol, except

during the friday's abhishekam. This tiny idol of gold lakshmi was

offered, according to a traditional account, on a friday in the

'ratna-malika-yoga' (conjunction of constellation uttara phalguni

on the twelfth day of bright fortnight). Every Friday, since that time,

a special worship is accorded to this image. After the customary

ceremonial bath(tirumanjana) for the god, and after adorning the lord

with all the jewels(just before second thomala seva(or mAdhyAhnika

ArAdhanam), this pendant image is seperately given a sacred bath with

water, perfumes and turmeric amidst chanting of srI-sUktha by rchakas.

This abhishekam is perfomed in ekantham and only Archakas, Jeeyars,

Ekangis, Adhyapakas, Vedaparayanadars and the temple higher staff are

present at that time to view this tirumanjanam of bangaru-lakshmi.So

there is Vyuha Lakshmi on the idol's right chest which is embossed,

which can be seen only when all the jewels are removed with the chest

of the idol is fully visible and then there's an gold lakshmi(bangaru-lakshmi)

on the right chest which can be seen on all the time when jewels

adornment is done except on friday's abhishekam this bangaru lakshmi si

not seen instead the vyuha-lakshmi can be seen. As this bangaru lakshmi

is given a seperate bath before mAdhyAhnika ArAdhanam. On the left

chest there's a gold chain with a big(4" tall and 3 1/2 inches width)

pendant of goddess padmavathi and this padmavathi idol is always

present and is a permanent part of the idol. Though this is a seperate

chain with a tiny idol, it is always present with the lord's idol even

during the Abhishekam. it is never removed for any abhishekams and all.

That means at all the times god is srI-bhUmi sahitham. According to

Vaikhanasa scriptures, its not customary to worship all the gods in the

idol form, there's provision for amurtyarchana( without idols but

assuming there is an idol at that place). Also Panchamurthi Aradhana is

followed at tirumala. There will be five idols of lord Venkateswara

like Dhruva Beram(mulavirat), Kautuka beram(bhoga srinivasa

murthy), Utsava beram(Malayappa swamy), snapana beram(ugra srinivasa

murthy) and bali beram(koluvu srinivasa murthy).It is said that the

following combination is followed while offering worship to these five

idols.Dhruva beram, srI(lakshmi)-Vishnu(srinivasa(mulavirat))-bhu(padmavathi) sahithamkautuka beram, srI(lakshmi)-Purusha(bhoga srinivasa murthy)-bhu(padmavathi) sahithamutsava beram, dhruthi-Satya(malayappa swamy)-poushni sahithamsnapana beram, pavithrI-Achyutha(ugra srinivasa murthy)-kshOni sahithambali beram, pramodAyini-Aniruddha(koluvu srinivasa murthy)- mahI sahitham

Even there are no thayars present physically for bhoga srinivasa murthy

and koluvu srinivasa murthy idols, worship will be offered in the

amurtyarchana form.

So the different forms are as follows:Vishnu -- Vishnu, Purusha, Satya, Achyutha, Aniruddha,Lakshmi -- Sri, dhruthi, pavithri, pramodayini,Padmavathi-- Harini, Poushni, Kshoni, Mahi


Archakam Ramakrishna Deekshitulu


Srivari Temple, Tirumala Hills

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