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Notes on the 12 Zodiac Signs Part 1

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Dear friends, The undermentioned notes were picked up in 1982-84 during my trips to Calcutta and visits to College street, alane where all old and new books were available for one to explore and buy. Those days are gone. Those evening rests at the Coffee shop on the first floor, in the midst of all intellectual drinking coffee there with a cigareette in their hands, and one felt himself a smart person being there. It had the longest fans coming down from the ceiling many metres down over the tables, I had ever seen in my life. Have not visited there since. Now whats there, donno. But some notes I wish to share which I have re-typed without any corruption as it is. These are to be added with the next set which i will write next week and applied in unison, for a good prediction. These notes are closer to my heart. These were my first brush with astrology. I believe the author was from calcutta. And Bengal is famous for its brains. I also remember other memories - I was looked down upon, ridiculed because of my interest in astrology at such a young age, and they ( Contacts and relatives ) used to mock at me seeing astrology books scattered in my room- This fellow is going to sit outside the railway station and earn money doing parrot business. 25 Year Hence, the tables have turned, God knows how to bless, These same people flock to me with the charts of their families, and it is I who decide what is important or not , to be answered. AriesSymbol : Two Rams striking one another by the head.Cause : AgniGuna : TamaThe idea in this Raashi, essentialy is action. There is a spirit of fighting and defendingin its activities and such activities time to time face resistance from within due to Tama Guna and are at times at once instinctive and inert. Taurus Symbol : Bull.Cause : Prithvi.Guna : RajasBeing an Earthy sign, the main ideas in it are activities relating to earth or material things. The Bull represents virtue, for the idea isprimarily connected with the two supremes on earth - agriculture and milk which sustain human Life on Earth. Essentially,virtuous labour, slow activities, pleasure loving, sensuality or onjects concerned with the the senses are the ideas in this Raashi. GeminiSymbol : A man with a Club and a woman with a lute in clasp.Cause : VaayuGuna : SattvaIt represents uncommon power to grasp thoughts or ideas of others and redilver the same. Like air, it has flexibility and duality but also has sharoness and power to penetrate into any field of intellect through a peep-hole. CancerSymbol : CrabCause : JalaGuna : TamaThe ideas are identical to the forms and character of crabs. The abode of the crabs is the vicinity of water. Whenever they get fresh water, they plunge in the water in emotiona and let themselves swayed wherever tide flows. In charm and emotion they move in pleasure, breed freely and shelter innumerable offsprings. Blind in emotion, they do not object tot he torture of the youngsters, they remain absorbed in the pleasure of creation. The crab has ten feet, but two of them are always projected like a pincer - as if challenging. It clings and sticks, It moves sideways - not in advancement or receding. Crab had tenacity, receptivity and finest feelings or maternal principles. It has in it negative emotion - actions to come from outside to awake its latent virtues. LeoSymbol : A LionCause : Agni.Guna : RajasIt represents expressiveness with a forceful and dominating spirit or spirit to rule over others. It attaches a tendency towards show, grandeur, power etc. Virgo Symbol : A Virgin with a bundle of corn in one hand and a light in the other, standing on a boat anchored to the shore.Cause : Prithvi.Guna : Sattwa.Being an earthy sign it represents earthy things or material things - trade, commerce, etc. also concentration and expression by representation, viz.painter, craftsmen, etc. LibraSymbol : A scale with two platesCause: VaayuGuna : TamaIt represents balanced ideas, balancing ideas by judgement, comparison or test, also trade, representation of a thing viz.pictures etc. ScorpioSymbol : A ScorpionCause : JalaGuna : RajasThis Raashi represents mystic idea and being the eight house from Aries, it is also regardedas an occult sign. Essentially, the ideas in it are the destruction of materialism, to give birth to psychism.According to the theories of Science, the scorpions are lovers of hot countries. They generally hide during the day, cocealed under logs of wood or under stones or in holes, in sands which they dig for themselves. They hunt their prey at nigjht although their power of vision is feeble and they seem to be quite deaf. When a scorpion finds a victim, it is promptky seized and torn to pieces. If it is strong enoughto offer resistance it is paralysed by the sting and is then slowly eaten up. They are slow eaters. The poison they secrete is often instantanously fatal to insects and centipedes, but it is immune from its own posion. Scorpions food seem to provide its body with all moisture it needs, for these creatures never drink and can survive a prolonged fast. Scorpions will not use their stings unless considerably provoked. Indeed, when they are discovered they show much more marked desire to avoid notice , then to attract To their own kind they are howver, hostile. They generally live solitary lives and if two are foundtogether, one is eating the other. Scorpions indulge in courtships and after mating the female sometimes eat the male. Since Scorpio sign has ideas in creation after destruction, it shows two types of character - destructive , destrcution of baser qualities and then creative - aspiring attainment of higher ethical virtues. Sagiitarius Symbol : An archer on a horseback about to shoot an arrow and has an empty quilt.Cause : AgniGuna : sattwaThis sign represents aiming high, with certain object in mind. It aims at one thing at a time and has, therefore an empty quilt. It is expressiveness- ascending from material to spiritual plane. CapriconSymbol : Forehalf animal and the rest is fish, partly under water in a stream with current. Cause : prithvi.Guna TamaHard labour,concentration, high devotion, reluctance or ianttention to material things, philosphers etc. are represented by thus sign. There is duality of ideas in it, viz.mystic as well as psychic. AquariusSymbol : Empty water pot with a lid on.Cause : VaayuGuna : RajasIt represents unseen power , emptiness, concealed contents, occult knowledge, uniting, uniting to objects of ameneities of Life, creator or producer etc. Pisces :Symbol : Two fishes chasing each other in a cyclic way under water.Cause : JalaGuna : sattwa.It is an occult sign representing mystic ideas and psychic persuits. It is also called a Salvation ( Moksha ) Raashi. best wishes,Bhaskar.

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