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Re:Humility - The Crest Jewel of True Learning

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Dear Renu ji, They are not Hindi phrases/sentences but Sanskrit. 1) Vidya Viheena Pasu : The without knowledge is equal to Animal. 2) Sri paramahamsaparivrajakacharyasya sri govindabhagavad pujyapada sishyasya sri sankara bhagavata kritau: The book written by Sankaracharya who is the student of Sri Govinda bhagavdpada who himself is the student of Sri Paramahamsa Parivrayjakacharya... 3) Pradeepajwalanabhi..........TvadeeyabhivigbhiH Tava janani vacham stutiriyam: (The auther of the article gives the meaning of the end portion of the sloka as -): I have only offered this Stotra with the gift of your own words - you are the mother of words. 4) The meaning of all the other quotes are given in the article itself just below the quote. 5) (The last quote reads) Bhooshananam Bhooshanam Savinaya vidya: Knowledge with humility is the best ornament among all the ornaments.Love and regards,Sreenadh , "renunw" <renunw wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji,> > Forgot to mention...if you would not mind...kindly explain the Hindi> phrases/sentences.> > blessings> > Renu> , "sunil nair" > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > HUMILITY - THE CREST JEWEL OF TRUE LEARNING The ancient Gurukula> > system of education in India was so well-planned and organised > that by> > the time a pupil completed his education, he would have developed > all> > the good qualities and virtued which would enable him to become a > true> > citizen of the country. One of the most important traits which he> > acquired during his tutelage was a sense of humility - a trait > which was> > considered the crest jewel of true education by the ancient > Indians.> > Bhartruhari, the famous sanskrit poet of the 7th century A.D., > therefore> > said that a man without such an education(which combined humility) > was a> > brute - [img1.gif (2830 bytes)] The principal goal of > education,> > according to Sanatana Dharma, is to realise the truth of God. With > a> > view to assisting a person to realise this, the Gurukula system of> > education laid stress both on devotion (Bhakti) as well as humility> > (Vinaya). Learning started when one was quite young - as well as > five> > years old - and teacher (Guru) taught the students without > charging any> > fees (unlike the modern days). As the teacher's main occupation and> > concern was teaching, he was not supposed to waste his time in > search of> > his daily food. On the other hand. pupil would go arround > collecting> > food from household both for himself as well as for the teacher's > family> > calling out at each house ( Bhavati Bhilksham Dehi) or May you > give me> > some alms - the request being made to the lady of the house. This > kind> > of life, begging for food, induced a sense of humility in the > student> > even at an impressionable age. It is the spirit that lies behind > the> > Mother - Bhiksha (Matri - Bhiksha) ceremony in the Upanayanam > Samskara> > when the Brahmachari seeks food from the mothers by > uttering "Bhavati> > Bhiksham Dehi" thrice. From times immemorial all the great> > philosophers, poets, reformers and religious teachers of the land > have> > always exhibited a deep sense of humility. The great Sankara> > Bhagavatpada, considered by many as a Divine incarnation, set the > trend> > of humility in all his works. Even though he out-shone his Guru, > Govinda> > Bhagavatpada, in learning as well as in achievement, he refers to> > himself in all his works as only the discipline of Govinda > Bhagavatpada> > (alluding that his greatness was not his own, but results of the > grace> > of his Guru), when he concluded his works with the following > words :> > [img2.gif (3639 bytes)] Soundaryalahari is one of the greatest> > compositions of Sri Sankaracharya which celebrates the beauty > ineffable> > of the Supreme Mother. At the end of Soundaryalahari, in the > hundredth> > Sloka, Sri Sankaracharya makes a confession which is extra-> ordinary in> > its humility. [img3.gif (6470 bytes)] I have only offered > this> > Stotra with the gift of your own words - you are the mother of > words.> > This is similar to waving the light of camphor to the all-bright > Sun,> > offering "Arghya" to the moon from the water oozing out of the> > Moon-stone. Kalidasa, recknoned as one of the fore-most poets in> > world literature, was no less humble. His sense of humility was > amply> > reflected in the opening verses of his epic poem Raghuvamsam when > he> > says - [img4.gif (3262 bytes)] Where is the race sprung > from the> > Sun ? And where is my poor intellectual equipment? Me thinks from > sheer> > folly I am bent upon crossing the ocean, though difficult to do > so, by> > the help of a small boat. [img5.1.gif (3311 bytes)] > Incompetant> > as I am, I should make myself the butt of ridicule were I to covet > the> > fame of a poet, like a dwarf (who could be laughed at) greedily> > stretching his hand to pluck a fruit that can be reached only by a > tall> > man. Sanatana Dharma always believes that whenever someone> > accomplishes a meritorious task in any field whatsoever, > recognition is> > bound to come to him, sooner or later, without his boasting about > it.> > This fact is particularly emphasised in the Mahanarayana Upanishad > when> > it declares- [img6.1.gif (2859 bytes)] Just as the > fragrance of> > a tree fully covered with flowers is wafted by the wind even from a> > distant place, so too, the fragrance of meritorious deeds - the > good> > name that occurs from them - spreads to a great distance, even > without> > the doer proclaiming it himself. No wonder, one of Kautilya's> > aphorisms (Chankya Sutra) says : [img7.gif (1334 bytes)]> > , "Ramesh Tendulkar"> > <ram_t_1968@> wrote:> > >> > > No updates on my post.> > >> >>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,

Oh...I accept my stupid ignorance . In fact I was wondering whether it was Sanskrit or Hindi...but the letters looked similar...though I am not much familiar with either.

Thanks for the translations.

'Knowledge with humility is the best ornament among all the ornaments."

This is beautiful !



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