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Visha kanya yoga

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Hare rama krishna

dear grp and learned memebrs .

This word i heard originated frm vishna kanyas ,which is used by indian kings and emperors for their inteligence work other wise known as guptacharinies ( i think i use ocrrect word other wise forgiv me ) ,so this girls are catch young ,who is extremely good looking and trained in various aspects of intellegnce and even seducing arts ( kama sutra ) .Then mean time they will b fed with a spl ayurvedic potion which is some herbal poison ,so constant feeding till they become mature enough will make them deadliest like snakes ,and who ever even kiss or sleeps with them will b dead next day ( its wat i heard ,may b next day or atleast their health will deteriorate ) where as nothing will hppen to this girls or ladies ,so in intelligence laungage of old indian history such girls known as visha kanyas( Gr8 vikramaditya period who says he ruled till saudi arabia (hisorians says he is same chandra gupta vikramaditya a jain king but the mythology says old vikramaditya was saivite and ardent devotte of siva and mecca Mandir of saudi arabia was built by him ( now muslim holy place and masjid ) ,later period astrology take it this term only .


This is just a background information how this word originated ,literal meaning is visha ( poison ) kanya ( means virgins or unmarried girls )


some excepts frm gr8 astrologer late sri suryanarain rao dairy -he mentions abt a case ,where he rejected marriage of some boy with a girl because girl has some deadly combination .And the boys family cannot afford to loose this proposal ,so they even humilate the astrologer and even verbaly abused him .And decided to go for this match .And even told every body let us see what will happen ,if we dont observe this stupid astrologers words .


later on the day of marriage ,in nite the boy felt some electric shock emnated frm the girls body and he was a sort of totaly helpless and also paralysed and next day he fall sick ,his body was swelling every day .No amnt of medical help was able to solve this problem and later this boy sent a messge that he wanted to see Mr.surya naraina rao and he apoligised the astrologer for what happened in presence of all family memebrs .

and within weeks time this boy dead ( i am writing frm memory ,so some facts may b diffrnt )

this is also one of such cases of vishakanya yoga


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .


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