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Vedic Astrology--Matchmaking Charts

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Hare rama krishna

dear grp .

Matchmaking is becoming some easy business for some astrologers who just go for mechnical way like comparing both moon signs and nakshtras ,when i revealed it some grp it moderaters and 40 or 50 yrs into astrology savants were after my blood and unleash a gr8 attack on me .and when i coutered with alternate questions was demanding to reveal all my long yrs on study in grps .which i said i will fo conveneintly but they dont hav any decency to think abt some ones time ,availabitity and free will .They thinks by shouting they can get it some ones long toiled efforts .


any way i just wanted to discuss the flaws in koota matchting ( in north or 10 pointporuttam system in south mainly in kerala ) here .


why Moon is important


Moon is karaka for mind ,it is deha karaka ,indicater of other lagna too in vedic astrology also controls water contents in body and its rakta karaka too ( partialy ) also in ladies the menses and hence productivity also moon has a gr8 say .even to calculate the skhetra sputa moon is imp .So moon has a gr8 say in matchting .But that shud not b mechanical ,if so we just need a table only and in that case we r thinking the human beings are some sort of mechanical beings than guided by various karmas and fate and time and free will.


we shud admit that india has high success rate of marriages esp among hindus .because there are very good astrologers unlike present day astrologers who dont even has the knack to understand various terms used in astrology ( i even heard some one says or equates varna system which is based on guna and karama as caste system which was black mark in indian history which has high traditions and values than branding some one born in purticular caste is having this dignity or that dignity ,it is against vedic way of life or thoughts too ) ,so now almost every one goes for this mechanical system to match or reject an alliance .


so this is the main problem this days .Those who dont know how to see even one chart properly is entrusted for matchting 2 charts means 2 livs .is it not funny ??when this is pointed out that astrologer is being hounded down .

so this so called astrologers see lunar positions and mansions and feed in computer or uses a spl table and declare results this cpls has x% of matchting .so i advise those who go for match making just ask astrologer is he is using just koota matchting or porutha matchting better ignore astrologer as u can also do it and any tom ,dick and harry can do it .( as moon can b in a mansion for 24 hrs and a house for almost 2and 1/4 days )so intelligent student can see the very basic flaw in this approach and they shud try to learn more ,

As this is highly defectiv and dangerous system .As horoscopes r rejected simply based on certain kootas and ignoring other factors in charts such as longitivity window hood ,prosperity ,raja yogas ,children and general wellbeing .sexual compatiability ,karmic debts etc .No one seems to bother abt the possibility of compatiability with respect 2 charts and judge their capacity to go in for mutual realtionship also no one is bothered abt the durability .

even parents seems to ( even the cpls who depends on some web sites computer generated reports which is written in beutiful language ) bothered abt is

who is cheap astrologer or who is free astrologer and avails their services only


so marriage is done in haste and laments later and tensions ,frustrations and torture for long period after .


Also we must see a moon is influenced by other factors can show mental problems to problems in bearing kids .And also we r seeing matchting frm lunar position of lady ,so the koota matchting is seeing frm that perspectiv ,so its hidden meanings an intellegent student shud understand .So match making is not koota matchting but matchting between 2 charts .


also other duryogas like extinction of family to high expenses leading to various problems also shud b checked .


all this needs high expertise and it also needs will to learn with a guru or guide other than just try to see lessons in net or even books ,as it needs lot of exprnce and even directions .other wise half baked knowledge will b leading to more danger and we may even block marriage of most eligible persons .


more in next

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .



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Dear Sri Sunil Nair ji,


Every thing including marriage happens according to their past KARMA and is destined to happen accordingly Marriage is also an act of past KARMA.. U n I cant stop such things by mails. According to their KARMA one will approach a person who guides him according to his KARMA. In my 40 years of experiance in this field this is what I observed. Now a days good number of Astrologers croppedup and matching the charts on these 10 poruthams which is mainly based on moon position and by star. Even number of web sites on Astrology giving ready made results basing on Nakshatra kootas and giving %age results resulting in %age failure/%age death after marriage. No body can stop this. It is GOD'S will and pleasure. This is my openion.


Thank U,


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