Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear members, Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old age. Insurance, old age homes...etc.. are all products of western civilization. The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on " Friendly Charts " ..... is an extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few blind charts earlier. Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of breaking..... let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the combinations. Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc.. With regards, Sreeram_Srinivas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Srinivas-ji, That's a good idea. BTW, I always wonder why the relationship of Father-Son is so strained between planets - like Sun-Saturn, Moon-Mercury etc.. ? regards chakraborty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Hare rama krishna dear grp members here a data analyse the relation with parents . Male Natal Chart May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, India regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah . , "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64 wrote:>> > Dear members,> > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family> bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father> invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old> age. Insurance, old age homes...etc.. are all products of western> civilization.> > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on "Friendly Charts"..... is an> extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few> blind charts earlier.> > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external> environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of> breaking..... let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India> son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the> combinations.> > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the> relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc..> > With regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Members, The chart posted by Mr. Sunil Nair is an interesting one. One can also apply the theory of Maraka Sthana - MKS on this, for verification of that statement. The parents birth data is not available to my knowledge. There are some good combinations are there in this hororscope and request members to predict the relationship of the native with that of parents.... 1) Saturn deb., Sun exalted both in 9H of the Leo Lagna 2) Moon with Rahu in 7H 3) 4HL Mars conjunct with 10HL Venus, both placed in 10H. 4) Jupiter in 3H, native received 13+yrs of Jupiter dasha at birth. To me the native is hyper - to his parents, cannot expect him to have good relations. Members are requested to give their comments. With regards, Sreeram_Srinivas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Mr. Chakraborthy ji, In reality they have the most amicable relationship, until the planets converge and take positions in our hororscope i.e. they play with our lifes......else they keep enjoying every day....... Sun & Saturn have good relation between. Did you notice Mercury in Cancer or Moon in Virgo gives good results ?? Will post a data later today evening....where Saturn & Sun are in mutual exchange of positions.... i.e. parivartan..... With regards, Sreeram_Srinivas Dear Srinivas-ji, That's a good idea. BTW, I always wonder why the relationship of Father-Son is so strained between planets - like Sun-Saturn, Moon-Mercury etc.. ? regards chakraborty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Hare rama krishna dear chakraborty ji , this enmity and frndhship is based certain factors ,also based on karakatwas as these planets represents opposite karaktwas ,but while delinating results on certian aspect in life we need to go by karaka ,house and lord first . also according to vedic astro moon has no enmies but as a rule strong sun and moon promise all rajayogas in the charts with full strnght . regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah , "Chakraborty, PL" <CHAKRABORTYP2 wrote:>> Dear Srinivas-ji,> > That's a good idea. > > BTW, I always wonder why the relationship of Father-Son> is so strained between planets - like Sun-Saturn, Moon-Mercury> etc.. ?> > regards> > chakraborty> > > > sreeram srinivas [sreeram64]> Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:09 AM> > Father_Son_Relationship> > > > > Dear members,> > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family> bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father> invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old> age. Insurance, old age homes...etc.. are all products of western> civilization.> > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on "Friendly Charts"..... is an> extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few> blind charts earlier.> > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external> environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of> breaking..... let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India> son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the> combinations.> > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the> relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc..> > With regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sunil-ji, Following are my observations. 1) In rasi chart, Lagna is having Ketu.... LL is with Sani. Appearance .. may not be good. 2) LL is in 9H ... Wants to be his own boss. 3) 3rd and 10L in 10H with vargottam Mars... high energy 4) The 9H is interseting .. It has 2L / 11L Mercury (retro), Saturn and exalted Sun Sun is LL as well as symbol for father. My ideas are .... Sun and saturn together in a house indicates a mental struggle / agony ,, a need for father's affection. When Sun is exalted, the son idolizes the father.. wants to be like him... follow all the directions given by father, just to please father... but does not get affection to his hearts content. 2L/11L there may indicate some problem / verbal inhibition The person is not good looking.. may not be resembling his father in anyway. He is energetic, wants to be his own boss (wants to take all the decisions) and wants APPROVAL from Father for the same. He does not get that. However, in Navamsha, the picture changes. Here, Sun is in 9H.. with Vargottama Ketu.. Son perceives the father to be religious. The 10L in lagna... hard worker. Vargottam rahu in 3rd H, Vargottam Mars in 6H, Saturn in a fixed rasi in 10H. A no-nonsense hard working person ... after his independence in karma-kshetra. (Please note that I am not much conversant with use of navamsha... tried to interpret it just like rasi chart... may be totally off-mark) regards chakraborty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sunil-ji, Thanks... As a beginner, I guess I am confused most of the times. regards chakraborty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sreeram ji and group,Father son is one of the most important of the human relations. Father and son have a very unique relationship. A birth of a son is the happiest event in life of a father. Son, as he grows up and becomes aware of his surroundings, considers his father as most perfect man, because he sees everything through the eyes of his father. This relationship goes on changing as the son grows old and a set pattern is formed. This relationship could be very cordial and respectful; however it could also deteriorate and become very inimical. This relationship also depends upon the external factors which one faces in one's life and the Samskars one receives from his elders. In our civilisation there is very close bondage between father and son. Desha Kal and Patra also has played an important role in evolution of this relationship. Our Indian history is full of dutiful sons. Our favourite hero, Lord Ram happily went to Banvasa to enable his father, Dshratha to keep his promise, which he had made to his beautiful wife Keykai in the battlefield when she had saved his life during the battle. Sharavan carried his parents in a Palaki slung on his shoulders for pilgrimage to religious places.There are many examples of devoted fathers who would do anything to see their son happy. Dhratrashtra, the blind King, the father of Kauravas, due to his unfathomed love for his son, Duryodhan, accepted all the evil demands of his son, which ultimately resulted in bloody war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the Great Mahabharata.There are many examples of cruel and bad fathers. Hirnakashyap, who tortured his son endlessly as he wanted that his son, Prahalad to worship him only and not the Almighty. Yet another case when Vajsravas, the father in fit of anger offered his son, Nachiketa to Yamraj. Then came a time, when Mughal princes mostly came to power after eliminating their father Kings, either by killing him or confining him in the jail.In the modern world, the relationship of father and son is becoming daunting challenge the dictum of Desh, Kal, and Patra. Due to the effect of Western Culture and the unitary form of family unit, the father son relationship is fast changing. A child is left to himself to face the hard facts of life and evolve his principles and rules of life without the protection of his parents.A child needs the help of father to satisfy of his emotional and physical needs as he is young and is groping in the unknown world alone without any help. He is lucky if he finds help from his parents and other family member such as grand parents. As the time passes the scene changes and the parents in the old age when they are physically and mentally not so strong, need help from their children. The protective role in the father and son relationship changes. In India, the father and son are enter-dependent emotionally and at times physically on each other. To my mind, these are the important points of consideration for this relationship: In a chart, Lagna represents the self and 5H represents son and the poorva Janam Kramas. One gets the good or bad children based on the Poorva Janam Karmas. 9H represents father and Prarabdha Karmas and gets birth from a father as indicated by one's Prarabdha karmas. Therefore one becomes father and son only if their past Karmas are such which they are destined to enjoy or suffer in this Janama.So 1-5-9 houses are the important houses to the subject at hand. Basically, for all Lagna's the Lords of the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses are natural friends. It is the wish of God! that an individual (the Lagna), his child (the 5H) and father ( the 9H), have a cordial relationship and live happily. The 1H, the 5H and the 9H represent the 'Trines' and the trines are the abode of Goddess Lakshmi, who rules prosperity. They are therefore considered to be the best Houses in a horoscope. In addition, these Houses do not go bad very easily.In Hindu way of life, there are four purushaarths: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The first Trikona is the Dharma and is represented by 1st, 5th and 9th Houses. Here, if 1H means character, 5H his intelligence and 9H his sense of righteousness. These trines of duty, will show us how one follows Dharma – the first purpose of human existence.The principle of 'Bhavat Bhavam' states that the 5th H is the 9th from the 9thH and the 9th H is the 5th from the 5th H. Karakas: The karaka for the 1H is Sun, for the 5H – Jupiter and the 9H – Jupiter and Sun. They are both sattwic planets and are natural friends. The Karaka for Father is Sun and for Son is Jupiter. In kalapurusha kundli, the Sun owns the 5H and Jupiter the 9H. It therefore follows that when you deal with 3 good houses and 2 sattwic planets, who are both - the significators for Father and Son and the karakas of the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses in a horoscope, you are obviously handling something of great importance and significance.Varga charts of both father and son. Saptamsha is seen for children (son); the Saptamsha Lagna will represent the self of son and its 9H will indicate details regarding the father of Saptamsha lagna (son). Dwadamsha is seen for parents (father); its Lagna will represent the father of the person whose Dwadamsha it is; and its 5H will represent the son of this father. Dashas: The pattern of dashas and transits will further unfold the facets of this relationship and depict the fluctuations and swings that crop up from time to time. A comparative study of all these elements in two charts can give a good view of this unique relationship.RegardsNeelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sreeram Srinivas, I am sending data of father and two sons Father:21-4-1941, 23-07, Sukkur, Pakistan First son: 7-7-21968, 6:32, Delhi The father does not like his son as he is not settled in his life till date, he is ready to accept loan from any body and does not pay, his father has to pay back his loan and does not speak the truth but the son has respect for his father and does not speak before him and keep his respect. 2nd son 4-9-1980, 11;01, Delhi, He have no respect of his father, nay for any body in the family. fHe may raise his hand on the father. Love and regards. --- On Thu, 8/28/08, sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote: sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 Father_Son_Relationship Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:09 AM Dear members, Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old age. Insurance, old age homes...etc. . are all products of western civilization. The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on " Friendly Charts " ..... is an extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few blind charts earlier. Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of breaking.... . let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the combinations. Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc. . With regards, Sreeram_Srinivas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Hare rama krishna dear chakraborty ji Thanks for analaysis ,i will wait for others to try on this chart to tell the results ,if u can do relationship with mother also on same chart will b highly appreciated regrds sunil nair , "Chakraborty, PL" <CHAKRABORTYP2 wrote:>> Dear Sunil-ji,> > Following are my observations.> > 1) In rasi chart, Lagna is having Ketu.... LL is with Sani.> Appearance .. may not be good. > 2) LL is in 9H ...> Wants to be his own boss.> 3) 3rd and 10L in 10H with vargottam Mars... high energy> 4) The 9H is interseting ..> It has 2L / 11L Mercury (retro), Saturn and exalted Sun> Sun is LL as well as symbol for father.> > My ideas are ....> > Sun and saturn together in a house indicates a mental> struggle / agony ,, a need for father's affection. When > Sun is exalted, the son idolizes the father.. wants to be> like him... follow all the directions given by father, just to> please father... but does not get affection to his hearts content.> 2L/11L there may indicate some problem / verbal inhibition> > The person is not good looking.. may not be resembling> his father in anyway. He is energetic, wants to be his> own boss (wants to take all the decisions) and wants> APPROVAL from Father for the same. He does not get that.> > However, in Navamsha, the picture changes. Here, Sun is> in 9H.. with Vargottama Ketu.. Son perceives the father to be religious.> The 10L in lagna... hard worker. Vargottam rahu in 3rd H,> Vargottam Mars in 6H, Saturn in a fixed rasi in 10H. A no-nonsense> hard working person ... after his independence in karma-kshetra.> > (Please note that I am not much conversant with use of navamsha...> tried to interpret it just like rasi chart... may be totally off-mark)> > regards> > chakraborty> > > > > > sunil nair [astro_tellerkerala]> Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:23 AM> > Re: Father_Son_Relationship> > > > > > > Hare rama krishna > > dear grp members > > > > here a data analyse the relation with parents .> > Male > > Natal Chart> > May 1, 1970> Time: 15:04:00> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)> Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00"> Jabalpur, India> > > > > > > regrds sunil nair > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah .> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Chakraborty ji, // When Sun is exalted, the son idolizes the father.. wants to be like him... follow all the directions given by father//Sun is the Karaka for father, if it is exalted, it does mean that father could be a strong and dominating figure (depending upon many other factors, like house, placement, aspects, degrees of sun, etc). But it does not necessarily indicate that son would idolise him and would want to be like him. This is precisely what a study of relationship between two charts would show. He may infact hate him for his dominance, would never like to emulate him. This would be indicated by the placement of sun in Son's chart, wrt to lagna and LL. These are some of the factors that can be seen: Placement of sun vis-a-vis LLPanchadha Maitri of LL and sunPlacement of sun in navamsha and dwadshamsha. Here sun is the LL also and is in 9H of father representing father. Closely conjunct and combust debilitated 6L/7L saturn and a retrograde 2L/11L mercury. The 9H with sun-sat-mer is aspected by a retrograde 8L jupiter from 3H. Lagna has a vargottam ketu having gone to 9H of navamsh. Sun debilitates in D-12. Mars, the 9L is in 10H of son's karma and aspects his lagna. I guess the situation is not happy as father seems to be dominating and in control, which the son does not like and tolerate, more so after marriage as 7L gets involved who is also debilitated 6L. In any case, father son relationship gets strained as 7H has to be crossed when jumping from 5th to 9th. This bridge of 7H is most difficult to cross the waters from sanchit to prarabdh. There could be animosity and verbal exchanges also and differences in ideologies. Mercury's dasha would not help the matters. There may be disputes of financial kind also, or over property matters. 9L also being the lord of properties... the son has a situation like water water everywhere, not a drop to drink. RegardsNeelamRegards Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, India dear sunilji, I am posting my analysis on father/son relationship. the native's lagna is Aquarius and has moon and rahu. moon and rahu are having identical longitudes, rahu wins over moon and has a direct aspect on simha which can produce ups and downs in the relationship between father and son. Sun being the natural karaka for father. Sun is in the 3rd along with debilitated saturn and merc can make the individual successful in his job but at the same time saturn can bring in disturbed relationship with brothers/sisters (possibility he may not have brothers). Karaka mars is in the same amsa. 9th lord venus is in 4th along with mars but in bhava it goes to the IIIrd so once again it becomes weak. Only silver lining is 9th house is occupied by jupiter and is aspecting sun,saturn and merc. Accordingly the degree of strained relationship will be toned down. One more area is 4th lord venus is in 12th amsa so there is a possibility this native would have lost his father during Saturn mahadasa and venus antar ie between may 1999 -2003. looking forward to ur results. regards, k.gopu--- On Thu, 8/28/08, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: Father_Son_Relationship Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:23 AM Hare rama krishna dear grp members here a data analyse the relation with parents . Male Natal Chart May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, India regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah . ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64@.. .> wrote:>> > Dear members,> > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family> bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father> invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old> age. Insurance, old age homes...etc. . are all products of western> civilization.> > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on "Friendly Charts"..... is an> extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few> blind charts earlier.> > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external> environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of> breaking.... . let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India> son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the> combinations.> > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the> relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc. .> > With regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 dear sunilji, while entering the time i have committed an error ie i have taken it as 3.04am instead of 3.04 pm. I will chek again with the corrected time and give u the analysis. anyway u can see whether the analysis given with the time as 3.04pm is correct. sorry for the error. regards, k.gopu--- On Thu, 8/28/08, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: Father_Son_Relationship Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:23 AM Hare rama krishna dear grp members here a data analyse the relation with parents . Male Natal Chart May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, India regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah . ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64@.. .> wrote:>> > Dear members,> > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family> bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father> invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old> age. Insurance, old age homes...etc. . are all products of western> civilization.> > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on "Friendly Charts"..... is an> extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few> blind charts earlier.> > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external> environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of> breaking.... . let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India> son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the> combinations.> > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the> relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc. .> > With regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Neelam-ji, You are too good as an astrologer. I won't argue about it. I just put my own feeling.. as my own "assumed DOB" shows exlated Sun with Deb Saturn in navamsha. I still idolize my father (passed away long back). regards chakraborty neelam gupta [neelamgupta07]Thursday, August 28, 2008 1:39 PM Subject: Re:Father_Son_Relationship Dear Chakraborty ji, // When Sun is exalted, the son idolizes the father.. wants to be like him... follow all the directions given by father//Sun is the Karaka for father, if it is exalted, it does mean that father could be a strong and dominating figure (depending upon many other factors, like house, placement, aspects, degrees of sun, etc). But it does not necessarily indicate that son would idolise him and would want to be like him. This is precisely what a study of relationship between two charts would show. He may infact hate him for his dominance, would never like to emulate him. This would be indicated by the placement of sun in Son's chart, wrt to lagna and LL. These are some of the factors that can be seen:Placement of sun vis-a-vis LLPanchadha Maitri of LL and sunPlacement of sun in navamsha and dwadshamsha.Here sun is the LL also and is in 9H of father representing father. Closely conjunct and combust debilitated 6L/7L saturn and a retrograde 2L/11L mercury. The 9H with sun-sat-mer is aspected by a retrograde 8L jupiter from 3H. Lagna has a vargottam ketu having gone to 9H of navamsh. Sun debilitates in D-12. Mars, the 9L is in 10H of son's karma and aspects his lagna.I guess the situation is not happy as father seems to be dominating and in control, which the son does not like and tolerate, more so after marriage as 7L gets involved who is also debilitated 6L. In any case, father son relationship gets strained as 7H has to be crossed when jumping from 5th to 9th. This bridge of 7H is most difficult to cross the waters from sanchit to prarabdh. There could be animosity and verbal exchanges also and differences in ideologies. Mercury's dasha would not help the matters. There may be disputes of financial kind also, or over property matters. 9L also being the lord of properties... the son has a situation like water water everywhere, not a drop to drink.RegardsNeelamRegards This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, Indiadear sunilji, I am giving my analysis on taking the correct time as 3.04pm. the lagna is leo and the lord of the lagna is exalted in the 9th along with mercury and debilitated saturn. presence of saturn will make the native to lead a lonely life and may remain a bachelor much against the wishes of his father. so this would create lot of tension between the native and his father.Merc along with saturn will make the native untruthful. Aspect of jupiter will considerably bring down these negative effects.On the whole the native's relationship with his father will not be good. looking forward to ur results, regards, k.gopu--- On Thu, 8/28/08, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: Father_Son_Relationship Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:23 AM Hare rama krishna dear grp members here a data analyse the relation with parents . Male Natal Chart May 1, 1970Time: 15:04:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 57' 00", 23 N 10' 00" Jabalpur, India regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah . ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64@.. .> wrote:>> > Dear members,> > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family> bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father> invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old> age. Insurance, old age homes...etc. . are all products of western> civilization.> > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on "Friendly Charts"..... is an> extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few> blind charts earlier.> > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external> environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of> breaking.... . let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India> son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the> combinations.> > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the> relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc. .> > With regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sunil-ji, Relationship with mother... I will try. I don't know. But I feel that there is some sort of physical separation between son and mother, and mentally too. Moon is in 7H... foreign / distance 4L is in 9H ... again some sort of foreign / distance Moon with with Rahu .... separation. In navamsha, 4L in 12H...... but retro.. connection remains Moon is with 11L & 6L in 5H ... may be mother staying with his elder sister. Sunil-ji, just an off-topic question... is the person is from south / Maharshtra where marriage is possible with someone from mothers side too ? I don't know why I am getting such illogical feeling. regards chakraborty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear All, I am providing below data Male Natal Chart August 8, 1949 Time: 9:44:22 am Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 74 E 30' 00 " , 15 N 52' 00 " Belgaum, India I find it bit per my little understanding and using Lahiri Ayanmsa. Virgo Lagna 5H owned by Saturn and natural Putra Karaka Jupiter is Deblitated here and in Retro and you see JupR is Vargottama as well!! and Joined by Sun in Navamasa!!! May i request all learned members to shed some ligght on this? with regard to the Subject in line? Regards Chandu2Chill , " sreeram srinivas " <sreeram64 wrote: > > > Dear members, > > Indian Society has been a unique one and much appreciated for its family > bindings and still a subject of deep studies elsewhere. Father > invests in children, in return, children take care of parents in old > age. Insurance, old age homes...etc.. are all products of western > civilization. > > The thread started by Ms. Neelamji on " Friendly Charts " ..... is an > extension of the above. Relationships exist every where, including > Husband/Wife. We all have discussed first & second marriages, did few > blind charts earlier. > > Now in changing society and loose morals, influence of external > environment more, social fabric of society is under threat of > breaking..... let us explore some charts of Father-Son, {for in India > son's are expected to take care of parents as per norms} and see the > combinations. > > Would request members to post birth data of : Father-Son, where the > relationship has either soured or still sweet...etc.. > > With regards, > > Sreeram_Srinivas > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Chakraborty ji,Sorry, I don't understand whatever your comment meant. We are not here to argue about who is a better astrologer.I simply elaborated on one of your statements which appeared too generalised, and gave my comments on that with reference to the chart posted by Sunil ji. RegardsNeelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Neelam-ji, I should clarify my stand at once .. When I say anything good about anybody, including you, I mean it. I said, (to me) you are a really good astrologer. And I did not want to argue about the logic given. So, when you elaborated on the comment, I did not disagree. Rather I conveyed that my statement was based on my perosnal feeling. Which means.... my comments are not based on any logical ground. Please note that .. 1) I have a straight forward way of saying things (good /bad) 2) If I disgree, I convey it clearly.. not in a round-about manner. 'Sorry if my way of writing has created any misunderstanding or any hurt feeling. And thanks.. you have given me a chance to clarify my statement regards chakraborty neelam gupta [neelamgupta07]Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:57 PM Subject: Re: Re:Father_Son_Relationship Dear Chakraborty ji,Sorry, I don't understand whatever your comment meant. We are not here to argue about who is a better astrologer.I simply elaborated on one of your statements which appeared too generalised, and gave my comments on that with reference to the chart posted by Sunil ji. RegardsNeelam This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Chakraborty ji,Thanks for clarifying. I appreciate frankness.RegardsNeelam2008/8/28 Chakraborty, PL <CHAKRABORTYP2 Dear Neelam-ji, I should clarify my stand at once .. When I say anything good about anybody, including you, I mean it. I said, (to me) you are a really good astrologer. And I did not want to argue about the logic given. So, when you elaborated on the comment, I did not disagree. Rather I conveyed that my statement was based on my perosnal feeling. Which means.... my comments are not based on any logical ground. Please note that .. 1) I have a straight forward way of saying things (good /bad) 2) If I disgree, I convey it clearly.. not in a round-about manner. 'Sorry if my way of writing has created any misunderstanding or any hurt feeling. And thanks.. you have given me a chance to clarify my statement regards chakraborty neelam gupta [neelamgupta07]Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:57 PM Subject: Re: Re:Father_Son_Relationship Dear Chakraborty ji,Sorry, I don't understand whatever your comment meant. We are not here to argue about who is a better astrologer.I simply elaborated on one of your statements which appeared too generalised, and gave my comments on that with reference to the chart posted by Sunil ji. RegardsNeelam This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Chanduchill ji, Jupiter as karaka for children is debilitated in 5H of children, Saturn, the 5L is in 12H of loss with LL mercury and 9L venus. Both 5H and karak Jupiter aspected by 12L sun and 8L mars. Jupiter also disposits rahu. Jupiter is retrograde in 12L sun's nakshatra and is a debilitated vargottam in navamsh maintaining its relation with 12L sun. In navamsh also 5H is in R/K axis.Seen from 5H, it has 7L moon aspected by 8L sun from 7H and mars from 6H. From Jupiter also, LL, 5L and 9L are in 8H. Jupiter's dasha in the entire productive age brings Jupiter centre stage also.All this could mean difficulty with children. But take a look at saptamsha. 1-5-9 are well protected. 9H rising and LL venus in 9H shows luck with children and 5L mercury in 5H in exaltation sign. Jupiter also exalts in saptamsh and aspects LL venus. After initial difficulties in having children, the native may enjoy a good relationship with his children, at least from his side.RegardsNeelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Neelamji,You have given examples of good relations between father and son. True, Kautilya also said that "apatya" is the best friend of a person. However there are some examples of unhappy relation where the son had given extreme ill-treatment to his father, such as between Ajatashatru and Bimbisara.Regards,sunil K. Bhattacharjyaneelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 12:31:06 AM Re:Father_Son_RelationshipDear Sreeram ji and group,Father son is one of the most important of the human relations. Father and son have a very unique relationship. A birth of a son is the happiest event in life of a father. Son, as he grows up and becomes aware of his surroundings, considers his father as most perfect man, because he sees everything through the eyes of his father. This relationship goes on changing as the son grows old and a set pattern is formed. This relationship could be very cordial and respectful; however it could also deteriorate and become very inimical. This relationship also depends upon the external factors which one faces in one's life and the Samskars one receives from his elders. In our civilisation there is very close bondage between father and son. Desha Kal and Patra also has played an important role in evolution of this relationship. Our Indian history is full of dutiful sons. Our favourite hero, Lord Ram happily went to Banvasa to enable his father, Dshratha to keep his promise, which he had made to his beautiful wife Keykai in the battlefield when she had saved his life during the battle. Sharavan carried his parents in a Palaki slung on his shoulders for pilgrimage to religious places.There are many examples of devoted fathers who would do anything to see their son happy. Dhratrashtra, the blind King, the father of Kauravas, due to his unfathomed love for his son, Duryodhan, accepted all the evil demands of his son, which ultimately resulted in bloody war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the Great Mahabharata.There are many examples of cruel and bad fathers. Hirnakashyap, who tortured his son endlessly as he wanted that his son, Prahalad to worship him only and not the Almighty. Yet another case when Vajsravas, the father in fit of anger offered his son, Nachiketa to Yamraj. Then came a time, when Mughal princes mostly came to power after eliminating their father Kings, either by killing him or confining him in the jail.In the modern world, the relationship of father and son is becoming daunting challenge the dictum of Desh, Kal, and Patra. Due to the effect of Western Culture and the unitary form of family unit, the father son relationship is fast changing. A child is left to himself to face the hard facts of life and evolve his principles and rules of life without the protection of his parents.A child needs the help of father to satisfy of his emotional and physical needs as he is young and is groping in the unknown world alone without any help. He is lucky if he finds help from his parents and other family member such as grand parents. As the time passes the scene changes and the parents in the old age when they are physically and mentally not so strong, need help from their children. The protective role in the father and son relationship changes. In India, the father and son are enter-dependent emotionally and at times physically on each other. To my mind, these are the important points of consideration for this relationship: In a chart, Lagna represents the self and 5H represents son and the poorva Janam Kramas. One gets the good or bad children based on the Poorva Janam Karmas. 9H represents father and Prarabdha Karmas and gets birth from a father as indicated by one's Prarabdha karmas. Therefore one becomes father and son only if their past Karmas are such which they are destined to enjoy or suffer in this Janama.So 1-5-9 houses are the important houses to the subject at hand. Basically, for all Lagna's the Lords of the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses are natural friends. It is the wish of God! that an individual (the Lagna), his child (the 5H) and father ( the 9H), have a cordial relationship and live happily. The 1H, the 5H and the 9H represent the 'Trines' and the trines are the abode of Goddess Lakshmi, who rules prosperity. They are therefore considered to be the best Houses in a horoscope. In addition, these Houses do not go bad very easily.In Hindu way of life, there are four purushaarths: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The first Trikona is the Dharma and is represented by 1st, 5th and 9th Houses. Here, if 1H means character, 5H his intelligence and 9H his sense of righteousness. These trines of duty, will show us how one follows Dharma – the first purpose of human existence.The principle of 'Bhavat Bhavam' states that the 5th H is the 9th from the 9thH and the 9th H is the 5th from the 5th H. Karakas: The karaka for the 1H is Sun, for the 5H – Jupiter and the 9H – Jupiter and Sun. They are both sattwic planets and are natural friends. The Karaka for Father is Sun and for Son is Jupiter. In kalapurusha kundli, the Sun owns the 5H and Jupiter the 9H. It therefore follows that when you deal with 3 good houses and 2 sattwic planets, who are both - the significators for Father and Son and the karakas of the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses in a horoscope, you are obviously handling something of great importance and significance.Varga charts of both father and son. Saptamsha is seen for children (son); the Saptamsha Lagna will represent the self of son and its 9H will indicate details regarding the father of Saptamsha lagna (son). Dwadamsha is seen for parents (father); its Lagna will represent the father of the person whose Dwadamsha it is; and its 5H will represent the son of this father. Dashas: The pattern of dashas and transits will further unfold the facets of this relationship and depict the fluctuations and swings that crop up from time to time.A comparative study of all these elements in two charts can give a good view of this unique relationship.RegardsNeelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear Sunil ji,Of course our scriptures do indicate the code of conduct for both father and son. You must be knowing better. I think Sage Manu in "Manusmriti" lays down an approved dharamic behaviour pattern between a father and a son. Subhashita Manjari - states that all the following are to be treated as a father:One who gives birth.One who initiates (to begin, start, introduce, enlighten, inform).One who teaches. One who feeds.And, one who protects from fear.Regarding the bad relations, I could think of Hiranyakashyap, who tortured his son Prahalad and Vajravas who, in a fit of anger offered his son Nachiketa to Yamraj. In recent history we also know of Aurengzeb who tortured his father Shahjahan and held him captive for years. And of course as you say Ajatshatru and Bimbisara RegardsNeelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 28, 2008 Report Share Posted August 28, 2008 Dear learned members, Thank you for the excellent discussions. A thought just came to my mind, in Parashrama avtar, Parashurama, the brahmin warrior was very devoted to his father Jamadagni. When Jamadagni ordered his sons to cut the head of their mother Renuka, while all the other boys hesitated, Parashurama just obeyed his father's orders In Rama avtar, Ram blindly obeyed his father's orders and did not think about his new bride. Both avtars were devoted to their father, but I have often wondered, did they do right to the woman? Is it correct for a son to kill his mother? Is it correct for the man to give severe hardships to his wife? So if the chart of the son indicates blind devotion to father, will it be at the cost of another karaka? bhagavathi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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