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Moola Trikona (Take the correct def)

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Dear Sobhana ji, That was good imaginative description. Good reading. Now coming to the facts - Moola means 'Root'. Trikona means 'Triangle'. May be this word Trikona(Triangle) could point to - 1) The 4 basic sign triangles - viz, Ar-Le-Sg; Ta-Vi-Cp;Ge-Li-Aq;Cn-Sc-Pi. Please note that the 1-5-9, 2-6-10, 3-7-11, 4-8-12 house concept arises from the correlation of the above Aries centric Kalapurusha chart with the Lagna centric natal chart. And thus points to one and the same concept/co-relation. 2) The Tri-bhaga (Drekkana) - viz. 10 degree parts of each sign which counts upto a total of 36 Tri-bhagas for 12 signs. 3) The 9-9-9 divition or the star Triangle that starts with Aswini-Makha-Moola. Interpretting Trikona (Triangle) as Tribhaga (Drekkana = 1/3rd) would be taking an erronious path. And therefore the the 2nd interpretation could be discarded. Everyone one including the age old Rishi horas speak about Moola Trikona as 'Moola Trikona Bhavanani' (Root Triangular Signs) and NOT as 'Moola Trikona Nakshatrani' (Root Triangular Stars) the 3rd argument relating Moola Nakshatra with the concept of Moola Trikona also would be an erronious path, and can be discarded. Thus the only option/interpretation remains is - as the sages clearly puts it - Moola Trikona Bhavanani refers to 'Root Triangular Signs' such as Ar-Le-Sg; Ta-Vi-Cp;Ge-Li-Aq;Cn-Sc-Pi. Now we need to understand why these signs are considered important 'Triangles'; what is the specific quolity that connects these triplets? Is it the concept of 'Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha'? Is it the concept of 'Krita-Dwapara-Treta-Kali' Yuga? Please note that since there are a total of 4 triplets (to complete 12 signs) the fundation of this Moola Trikona concept should be a 4 concept item such as Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha or Krita-Dwapara-Treta-Kali or something similar. The Dharma/Kali Sign Triangle (Ar-Le-Sg) - The MT of Mars in Ar, Sun is in Leo, and the MT of Ju is in Sg are in this triangle. The Artha/Dwapara Sign Triangle (Ta-Vi-Cp) - The MT of Moon is in Taurus, and the MT of Mercury in Virgo are in this triangle. The Kama/Treta Sign Triangle (Ge-Li-Aq) - The MT of Venus in Libra and the MT of Saturn in Aq are in this triangle. The Moksha/Kali Sign Triangle (Cn-Sc-Pi) - None out of the 7 planets have MT in this triangle. Do we have any co-relation or answer? Or do we not? Is it the Dharma-Artha etc and Krita-Dwapara etc concept that is in play or some other concept that is not mentioned here? We are in dark and can only guess (this remains a fact). Another major point to be remembered (as per ancient Rishi Horas) is that 'Moola Trikona' is a concpet that is applicable to 'A whole Sign' and NOT to some perticular degrees of those signs alone. Many seems to have making the mistake or of getting mis-guided that the the MT concept is related to some degrees of the sign only and not to the whole sign. This is important. So I request all to continue pondering and don't get the erronious assumption that they reached somewhere and is capable of teaching or guiding others. It is still kids play- and we all remain to be and continues to be kids who learn through fruitful mutual interaction (there are no self proclaimed teachers/gurs in this group and such absurdities are not allowed as well). This much is part of our basic understanding. Another basic question is for what basic purpose 'Moola Trikona' is used for? If we ask a practical astrologer his answer might be that 'MT concept helps us in determining the most important sign out of the 2 signs each assigned to planets (except Sun and Moon)'. Sobhana ji, Vinita ji, Bhaskar ji, Sunil ji, Nirmal ji and many others will have much more information regarding this to share I belive. (Actually me too have more info to share on this, but it is already too much typing and so I stop here for now).Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Shobhana" <shobhana_ms wrote:

Dear Vinita Kumar Ji,

This is really a very significant progress made by you and very good contribution in understanding the concept of Moola trikona. This is somewhat what it is but not sompletely.

Start from here. Like Nirrukta Sukta of Rik veda.

First there was Nothingness. (0)

Then cam existence and light. But It was one.(1)

Then came Darkness also. it turnded into day and night. The complete ecliptic belonged to sun. Then it was devided beween Sun and Moon. ( this is now 2)

How it was devided and in which order is known to all. That gave birth to the concept of Hora. First the elliptic belonged only to Sun and Moon as in the haze of creation nothing more is visble. Then other five Khechar appear. But ether a place belongs to Moon or the Sun. However due to movenet of sun and Moon it is well known now the elliptic has tweleve parts.But Go further and try undersatnd the two dimension of universe within three dimension. Or let it be at two. You know the concept of Parashari hora. That describes earlier satge. Then moon part and Sun part is devided into six each. Then comes cyclical Horas? That actually is the crux of matter towars understanding of Rasi and Moola trikona.

Then came the problem of defining the the celestail sphere and the ecliptic to be precise into three parts. Ok it was also decided upon. The zero degree or start point being zero degree of Moola. That is the graviatational center and center of maximus mass of our glaxy. As also someting like our Mooladhara.

The elliptic was devided into parts and a new concept of time dimension called Dreskona or Drakkana or trikonna, etc, three dimensions modelling came into being.

One has to keep in mind, that whenever Time is described, space as a dimension always becomes vital tio describe time as linearity. Space also involve direction. Indian philosophy and religious thought is full of the synchronomity or the absence of coordination between the two.

So far thre were 28 constellations with 28 lords. lordship of Nakshtras based on planets and their order was done at the stage of trisection of the ecliptic. Here comes the concept of Moola trikona. hare is the first attempt that will give life to Rasies in a multi faceted and multi dimensional way.

So you have actaully reached the answer but a few loose ends are to be tied.

Thanks for the innovative reply and breaking some of the Vinci code. :0)

> > > < , "vinita kumar"> shankar_mamta@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear all,> >> >> >> > This is a fascinating thread as it deals with something which is> > "moola". These are some interesting posers by the members:> >> > > > > > > > > > , "vinita kumar"> shankar_mamta@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear all,> >> >> >> > This is a fascinating thread as it deals with something which is> > "moola". These are some interesting posers by the members:> >> >> >> > Shobhanaji:> >> > My basic posers are:> > > >> > > > why a perticular rasi and a perticular degree has been assigned> > > as> > > > Exaltion of planets??> > > >> > > > Then we come to Moola Trikona. There are two simple Questions.> > > >> > > > First, what is understood by Moola ?> > > >> > > > Why is this a Trikona? Why not Rasi ??> >> >> >> > why is Moola Trikona a Trikona and> > > Moola ??> >> >> >> >> >> > Neelamji:> >> >> >> > The mooltrikonas basically relate to the progress at the level of> soul,> > and> > is more of a function of dharma trikon and initial degrees of the> change> > in> > cycle at 1-5-9. The first (moola) group (triad) of stars - ashwini,> > magha> > and moola generally cover these degrees. Even of we don't give them> > lordship> > of ketu, the fact remains that these stars fall in MT of mars, sun and> > Jup.> > This can also explain the nomenclature of mooltrikona (literally the> > primary/basic/fundamental triad).> >> > Take mercury for example, only nakshatra approach can give us the> > distinction between the three different positions in the same house.> > Very> > typically mercury gets its MT degrees in Hasta, Moon's nakshatra. Why?> >> >> >> >> >> > The patterns that are emerging are as follows:> >> >> >> > Only two grahas have the same sign for exaltation and mooltriknona,> ie,> >> >> >> > Moon> >> > Mercury> >> >> >> > The MT of both these grahas are ruled by the Nakshatra of Moon, i.e.,> > Rohini and Hasta respectively.> >> >> >> > The MT of the remaining grahas are ruled by nakshatras of Rahu or Ketu> > (is that correct???):> >> >> >> > Mars – Ashwin> >> > Sun – Magha> >> > Venus – Swati> >> > Jupiter – Moola> >> > Saturn – Shatabishak> >> >> >> > As already pointed out by the members:> >> >> >> > All fiery signs (dharma trikonas) have grahas in MTs> >> > None of the water signs (moksha trikonas) have grahas in MTs> >> > Two airy signs (of kaama trikona) and two earth signs (of artha> > trikona) contain grahas in MT> >> > Gemini and Capricorn in addition to signs in the moksha trikonas have> no> > grahas in MT> >> >> >> > Gemini is the only sign which has neither any graha in exaltation nor> in> > MT.> >> >> >> > My query, like those of others is - What does all this imply??????> >> >> >> >> >> > Do the MTs clearly divide grahas in 2 categories:> >> > Mars, Sun and Jupiter in one family?> >> > Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in another family?> >> >> >> > Are the MTs the bedrock of something?> >> >> >> > What is the importance of Moola Nakshatra?> >> >> >> > Are the MTs of grahas ruled by Rahu-Ketu-Moon?> >> >> >> > Have the MTs of grahas got something to do with the eclipsing of the> > mind/illusion/maya?> >> >> >> > Is this the reason why Moksha Trikonas do not contain any MT?> >> >> >> > Eager to learn from members…….> >> >> >> > regards,> >> > vinita> >>

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Dear All, Moola Trinona Bhavanani = Root Triangular Signs. In the Zodiac containing 12 signs there are 4 Root Triangles. 1) Ar-Le-Sg 2) Ta-Vi-Cp 3) Ge-Li-Aq 4) Cn-Sc-Pi It is cute to note uniqueness related to these triplets as stated below - 1) Ar-Le-Sg (Dharma-Kshetriya-Krita) : Ma-Su-Ju (3 planets) 2) Ta-Vi-Cp (Artha - Vaisya-Treta) : Mo-Me-? (2 planets) 3) Ge-Li-Aq (Kama - Sudra - Dwapara) : ? - Ve-Sa (2 planets) 4) Cn-Sc-Pi (Moksha - Brahmhana - Kali) : ? - ? - ? (0 planets) Mars owns 2 signs - Aries, a Kshetriya sign and Scorpio, a Brahmana Sign. Defenitly the the true nature of Mars is more in tune with the Kshetriya sign and so Aries is the Moola Trikona of Mars and not Scorpio. Mercury owns 2 signs - Gemini, a Sudra Sign and Virgo a Vaisya sign. Tue true nature of Mercury, the commercial businessman is more in tune with the Vaisya sign Virgo and so the Moola Trikona sign of Mercury is Virgo and not Gemini. Jupiter owns 2 signs - Sg, a Righteous Dharma-Kshetriya Sign and Pi, a Fallen Kali Brahmana sign. The true nature of Jupitor is more in tune with Sag and not with Pisces and so Sag is the Moola Trikona sign of Jupiter. Venus owns 2 signs - Taurus the Artha-Vaisya Sign and Li, the Kama-Sudra sign. The true nature of Venus is more in tune with Libra than with Taurus and thus Libra is the Moola Trikona sign of Venus. Saturn owns 2 signs - Cp, the Artha-Vaisya sign and Aq, Kama-Sudra sign. The true nature of Saturn is more in tune with Aq and so Aq is the Moola Trikona sign of Saturn and not Cp. Su (Time/Purusha) possibly owns the fixed Ra-Ke axis at the time of creation (Yugadi) and thus Leo is assigned to him and Leo is the Moola Trikona of Sun. Everything eternal belongs to the plane of Sun, he is Siva. Mo (Nature/Universe/Prakriti) possibly owns the moving vernal-autumnal equinox and its moveing cycle. At the time of creation (Yugadi) the Vernal equinox was in Taurus in the middle of Rohini Nakshtra. Possiblity this is why the Moola Trikona of Moon is Taurus. Everything changing belongs to the plane of Moon, she is Sakti. May be this or may similar interpretations are possible. They are all "our interpretations" to a scheame (of Moola Trikona) shown to us by the sages. Certainly the concept of 'Moola Trikona' is very important. Why? Because the whole concept of friendship and enimity between planets is derived based on the concept of Moola Trikona (as stated in Brihat Jataka). There are 3 levels for the Root Triangle (Moola Trikona) concept. * Ar-Le-Sg is the Root Triangle for Ma-Su-Ju * Ta-Vi-Cp is the Root Triangle for Mo-Me * Ge-Li-Aq is the Root Triangle for Ve-Sa This is the first level of Root Triangle. Now comes the question, for the planets related to each of these Root Triangles which sign is important to which planet. The concept of Moola Trikona Bhavana (Root Triangular Signs) is the next level in the application of Moola Trikona concept. The derivation of Friendship-Enimity between planets based on Moola Trikona is the 3rd level. And thus it continues and astrology develops - from simple to complex. Hope the above write-up was informative. I request all to continue pondering on this issue of Moola Trikona. Love and regards,Sreenadh.....Sreenadh..> wrote:

Re: Moola Trikona (Take the correct def)


Dear Sobhana ji, That was good imaginative description. Good reading. Now coming to the facts - Moola means 'Root'. Trikona means 'Triangle'. May be this word Trikona(Triangle) could point to - 1) The 4 basic sign triangles - viz, Ar-Le-Sg; Ta-Vi-Cp;Ge-Li-Aq;Cn-Sc-Pi. Please note that the 1-5-9, 2-6-10, 3-7-11, 4-8-12 house concept arises from the correlation of the above Aries centric Kalapurusha chart with the Lagna centric natal chart. And thus points to one and the same concept/co-relation. 2) The Tri-bhaga (Drekkana) - viz. 10 degree parts of each sign which counts upto a total of 36 Tri-bhagas for 12 signs. 3) The 9-9-9 divition or the star Triangle that starts with Aswini-Makha-Moola. Interpretting Trikona (Triangle) as Tribhaga (Drekkana = 1/3rd) would be taking an erronious path. And therefore the the 2nd interpretation could be discarded. Everyone one including the age old Rishi horas speak about Moola Trikona as 'Moola Trikona Bhavanani' (Root Triangular Signs) and NOT as 'Moola Trikona Nakshatrani' (Root Triangular Stars) the 3rd argument relating Moola Nakshatra with the concept of Moola Trikona also would be an erronious path, and can be discarded. Thus the only option/interpretation remains is - as the sages clearly puts it - Moola Trikona Bhavanani refers to 'Root Triangular Signs' such as Ar-Le-Sg; Ta-Vi-Cp;Ge-Li-Aq;Cn-Sc-Pi. Now we need to understand why these signs are considered important 'Triangles'; what is the specific quolity that connects these triplets? Is it the concept of 'Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha'? Is it the concept of 'Krita-Dwapara-Treta-Kali' Yuga? Please note that since there are a total of 4 triplets (to complete 12 signs) the fundation of this Moola Trikona concept should be a 4 concept item such as Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha or Krita-Dwapara-Treta-Kali or something similar. The Dharma/Kali Sign Triangle (Ar-Le-Sg) - The MT of Mars in Ar, Sun is in Leo, and the MT of Ju is in Sg are in this triangle. The Artha/Dwapara Sign Triangle (Ta-Vi-Cp) - The MT of Moon is in Taurus, and the MT of Mercury in Virgo are in this triangle. The Kama/Treta Sign Triangle (Ge-Li-Aq) - The MT of Venus in Libra and the MT of Saturn in Aq are in this triangle. The Moksha/Kali Sign Triangle (Cn-Sc-Pi) - None out of the 7 planets have MT in this triangle. Do we have any co-relation or answer? Or do we not? Is it the Dharma-Artha etc and Krita-Dwapara etc concept that is in play or some other concept that is not mentioned here? We are in dark and can only guess (this remains a fact). Another major point to be remembered (as per ancient Rishi Horas) is that 'Moola Trikona' is a concpet that is applicable to 'A whole Sign' and NOT to some perticular degrees of those signs alone. Many seems to have making the mistake or of getting mis-guided that the the MT concept is related to some degrees of the sign only and not to the whole sign. This is important. So I request all to continue pondering and don't get the erronious assumption that they reached somewhere and is capable of teaching or guiding others. It is still kids play- and we all remain to be and continues to be kids who learn through fruitful mutual interaction (there are no self proclaimed teachers/gurs in this group and such absurdities are not allowed as well). This much is part of our basic understanding. Another basic question is for what basic purpose 'Moola Trikona' is used for? If we ask a practical astrologer his answer might be that 'MT concept helps us in determining the most important sign out of the 2 signs each assigned to planets (except Sun and Moon)'. Sobhana ji, Vinita ji, Bhaskar ji, Sunil ji, Nirmal ji and many others will have much more information regarding this to share I belive. (Actually me too have more info to share on this, but it is already too much typing and so I stop here for now).Love and regards,Sreenadh

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