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matching problems

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I am very much surprised on the separation of the recently married

couple whose horoscopes were studied and matched by the three

astrologers including me. Can any one study and reveal the secret that

why they got separated just a day after their marriage?

I am giving the details-

boy- 04-05-1978, 02.15 am (3rd night-4th morning), hoshangabad, M.P.

GIRL- 16-08-1979, 11.33 AM, JABALPUR, M.P.

Their match was with 28 points. Their families happily agreed, they

themselves as well. Marriage took place on 13th May 2007. The

differences emerged the second day of marriage, the girl went to her

parent's home on false information and did not return. Then resulted

in divorced which legally took place on 23-07-2008.

Which was the factor/force in their JANMANG that this event happened

which shoked even the astrologers.


Pl. solve and reveal the astral-mystery, if anybody can.


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Dear Mr. Tiwari,

I feel it is a case of total natal mismatch, married in

wrong dasha, with wrong transits.Very important point is girl's 7L mars

debilitates in 6H of boy which is cancer, and boy's 7L is sun is in gandanth in

cancer in girl's chart. And when they marry, both are running moon's antar with

mahadasha of ketu in one, rahu in another, both afflicted.

Girl is bold, outgoing, ambitious and

courageous and will not tolerate any nonsense. She has a good career, but marriage is a problem with Jup and venus combust in her chart, and 7L in 9H.Boy is an introvert, has badly afflicted 7H

and venus though vargottam but afflicted. He might be suffering from some

problem, secret disease or impotency or even could be a neurotic. Girl

discovers on the first day and walks out.

I am not giving the adverse combinations

and afflictions which are so many that everyone can see. No benefic aspects on 7H. Point matching will

not counter those things.


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Dear Mr. Tiwari,

Saturn in the 7th house is very adverse at times. Secondly the relationship of 7th lord and lagna are anti to each other for Kumbha and Simha. It is seen that for these two lagna codial placements of lord of the lagna and lord of the 7th house have led to adverse results. In the boys chart Saturn in the house of Sun has created the problem even though it is lord of the lagna in the 7th house.


Vishal Sood--- On Sat, 8/11/08, mk124t <mk124t wrote:

mk124t <mk124t matching problems Date: Saturday, 8 November, 2008, 7:06 PM



Sir/madamI am very much surprised on the separation of the recently married couple whose horoscopes were studied and matched by the three astrologers including me. Can any one study and reveal the secret that why they got separated just a day after their marriage?I am giving the details-boy- 04-05-1978, 02.15 am (3rd night-4th morning), hoshangabad, M.P.GIRL- 16-08-1979, 11.33 AM, JABALPUR, M.P.Their match was with 28 points. Their families happily agreed, they themselves as well. Marriage took place on 13th May 2007. The differences emerged the second day of marriage, the girl went to her parent's home on false information and did not return. Then resulted in divorced which legally took place on 23-07-2008.Which was the factor/force in their JANMANG that this event happened which shoked even the astrologers.Thanks.Pl. solve and reveal the astral-mystery, if anybody can.M.K.Tiwari


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Dear Tiwariji,

In boy's nativity, dasa of Sat/sat was in operation at the marriage

time. Saturn is placed in 8H in d-9 CHART.

The marriage was destined to fail in his case.


Girls nativity is worst for 1st marriage. Lagna pada falls in 4H.

Dara pada falls in 11H occupied by Sat and Rahu. LP and DP

are in 6/8 placement which is bad for the success in married (sex) life.

Upa pada -pada of 12H , fALLS IN 8h with Moon. 2h from upa pada is occupied by

7HL Mars in Gemini in the nakshatra of Rahu. This makes the yoga for multiple


She was married in Rahu/Moon /Sat period. Rahu is placed in 6H and Saturn is

placed in 8H

IN navamsa chart . Moon is in Khara Navamsa .She agreed to marriage because

Moon is placed

with Upa-pada.

There are other adverse indications which you may study your self.

It is unfortunate that marriage was arranged in such unfortunate condition,

under the influence of favourabl transits ,ignoring  other strong adverse

astrological indications.



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vishal sood <vishvcs


Saturday, 8 November, 2008 11:27:41 PM

Re: matching problems



Dear Mr. Tiwari,

Saturn in the 7th house is very adverse at times. Secondly the relationship of

7th lord and lagna are anti to each other for Kumbha and Simha. It is seen that

for these two lagna codial placements of lord of the lagna and lord of the 7th

house have led to adverse results. In the boys chart Saturn in the house of Sun

has created the problem even though it is lord of the lagna in the 7th house.


Vishal Sood


--- On Sat, 8/11/08, mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in>

[ancient_indian_ astrology] matching problems

ancient_indian_ astrology

Saturday, 8 November, 2008, 7:06 PM




I am very much surprised on the separation of the recently married

couple whose horoscopes were studied and matched by the three

astrologers including me. Can any one study and reveal the secret that

why they got separated just a day after their marriage?

I am giving the details-

boy- 04-05-1978, 02.15 am (3rd night-4th morning), hoshangabad, M.P.

GIRL- 16-08-1979, 11.33 AM, JABALPUR, M.P.

Their match was with 28 points. Their families happily agreed, they

themselves as well. Marriage took place on 13th May 2007. The

differences emerged the second day of marriage, the girl went to her

parent's home on false information and did not return. Then resulted

in divorced which legally took place on 23-07-2008.

Which was the factor/force in their JANMANG that this event happened

which shoked even the astrologers.


Pl. solve and reveal the astral-mystery, if anybody can.






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Dear Tiwariji,

In boy's nativity, dasa of Sat/sat was in operation at the marriage

time. Saturn is placed in 8H in d-9 CHART.

The marriage was destined to fail in his case.


Girls nativity is worst for 1st marriage. Lagna pada falls in 4H.

Dara pada falls in 11H occupied by Sat and Rahu. LP and DP

are in 6/8 placement which is bad for the success in married (sex) life.

Upa pada -pada of 12H , fALLS IN 8h with Moon. 2h from upa pada is occupied by

7HL Mars in Gemini in the nakshatra of Rahu. This makes the yoga for multiple


She was married in Rahu/Moon /Sat period. Rahu is placed in 6H and Saturn is

placed in 8H

IN navamsa chart . Moon is in Khara Navamsa .She agreed to marriage because

Moon is placed

with Upa-pada.

There are other adverse indications which you may study your self.

It is unfortunate that marriage was arranged in such unfortunate condition,

under the influence of favourabl transits ,ignoring  other strong adverse

astrological indications.







vishal sood <vishvcs


Saturday, 8 November, 2008 11:27:41 PM

Re: matching problems



Dear Mr. Tiwari,

Saturn in the 7th house is very adverse at times. Secondly the relationship of

7th lord and lagna are anti to each other for Kumbha and Simha. It is seen that

for these two lagna codial placements of lord of the lagna and lord of the 7th

house have led to adverse results. In the boys chart Saturn in the house of Sun

has created the problem even though it is lord of the lagna in the 7th house.


Vishal Sood


--- On Sat, 8/11/08, mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in>

[ancient_indian_ astrology] matching problems

ancient_indian_ astrology

Saturday, 8 November, 2008, 7:06 PM




I am very much surprised on the separation of the recently married

couple whose horoscopes were studied and matched by the three

astrologers including me. Can any one study and reveal the secret that

why they got separated just a day after their marriage?

I am giving the details-

boy- 04-05-1978, 02.15 am (3rd night-4th morning), hoshangabad, M.P.

GIRL- 16-08-1979, 11.33 AM, JABALPUR, M.P.

Their match was with 28 points. Their families happily agreed, they

themselves as well. Marriage took place on 13th May 2007. The

differences emerged the second day of marriage, the girl went to her

parent's home on false information and did not return. Then resulted

in divorced which legally took place on 23-07-2008.

Which was the factor/force in their JANMANG that this event happened

which shoked even the astrologers.


Pl. solve and reveal the astral-mystery, if anybody can.






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Dear Goelji

Thanks for your comments on this matter. I also think so that the

marriage time was not at all favourable according to their

Dasa/Antardasa and unfavourable Transits.

Now the questio arises whether their next marriage will take place?

and if take place, whether it will be successful? Because according

to me the planets positions and dasa are not favourable in the

comming two/three years.

What is your study? If you comment with description, it will add to

my knowledge.





, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937 wrote:


> Dear Tiwariji,

> In boy's nativity, dasa of Sat/sat was in operation at the marriage

> time. Saturn is placed in 8H in d-9 CHART.

> The marriage was destined to fail in his case.


> Girls nativity is worst for 1st marriage. Lagna pada falls in 4H.

> Dara pada falls in 11H occupied by Sat and Rahu. LP and DP

> are in 6/8 placement which is bad for the success in married

(sex) life.

> Upa pada -pada of 12H , fALLS IN 8h with Moon. 2h from upa pada is

occupied by

> 7HL Mars in Gemini in the nakshatra of Rahu. This makes the yoga

for multiple marriages.

> She was married in Rahu/Moon /Sat period. Rahu is placed in 6H and

Saturn is placed in 8H

> IN navamsa chart . Moon is in Khara Navamsa .She agreed to

marriage because Moon is placed

> with Upa-pada.

> There are other adverse indications which you may study your self.

> It is unfortunate that marriage was arranged in such

unfortunate condition,

> under the influence of favourabl transits ,ignoring  other strong

adverse astrological indications.

> Regards,





> ________________________________

> vishal sood <vishvcs


> Saturday, 8 November, 2008 11:27:41 PM

> Re: matching problems



> Dear Mr. Tiwari,

> Saturn in the 7th house is very adverse at times. Secondly the

relationship of 7th lord and lagna are anti to each other for Kumbha

and Simha. It is seen that for these two lagna codial placements

of lord of the lagna and lord of the 7th house have led to

adverse results. In the boys chart Saturn in the house of Sun has

created the problem even though it is lord of the lagna in the 7th


> Regards,

> Vishal Sood


> --- On Sat, 8/11/08, mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> mk124t <mk124t (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] matching problems

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Saturday, 8 November, 2008, 7:06 PM



> Sir/madam

> I am very much surprised on the separation of the recently married

> couple whose horoscopes were studied and matched by the three

> astrologers including me. Can any one study and reveal the secret


> why they got separated just a day after their marriage?

> I am giving the details-

> boy- 04-05-1978, 02.15 am (3rd night-4th morning), hoshangabad,


> GIRL- 16-08-1979, 11.33 AM, JABALPUR, M.P.

> Their match was with 28 points. Their families happily agreed, they

> themselves as well. Marriage took place on 13th May 2007. The

> differences emerged the second day of marriage, the girl went to


> parent's home on false information and did not return. Then


> in divorced which legally took place on 23-07-2008.

> Which was the factor/force in their JANMANG that this event


> which shoked even the astrologers.

> Thanks.

> Pl. solve and reveal the astral-mystery, if anybody can.

> M.K.Tiwari




> ________________________________

> New Email names for you!

> Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and


> Hurry before someone else does!



> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to



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Dear Ms. Neelam,

I have understood and appreciate your study by which I could

understood the point of mismatch. Thanks. But, still I am confused

whether they could be married again and be successful? according to

me the possibility is not seen in near future. I need a guidance on

this matter so that I can atleast convince their parents.

Thanks once again.




, " neelam gupta "

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Mr. Tiwari,


> I feel it is a case of total natal mismatch, married in wrong

dasha, with

> wrong transits.


> Very important point is girl's 7L mars debilitates in 6H of boy

which is

> cancer, and boy's 7L is sun is in gandanth in cancer in girl's

chart. And

> when they marry, both are running moon's antar with mahadasha of

ketu in

> one, rahu in another, both afflicted.


> Girl is bold, outgoing, ambitious and courageous and will not

tolerate any

> nonsense. She has a good career, but marriage is a problem with

Jup and

> venus combust in her chart, and 7L in 9H.

> Boy is an introvert, has badly afflicted 7H and venus though

vargottam but

> afflicted. He might be suffering from some problem, secret disease


> impotency or even could be a neurotic. Girl discovers on the first

day and

> walks out.


> I am not giving the adverse combinations and afflictions which are

so many

> that everyone can see. No benefic aspects on 7H. Point matching

will not

> counter those things.


> Regards

> Neelam


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Hare rama krishna

dear Tiwari ji


Neelam ji is busy now due to some personal occupations and may b activ in 10 days time ,so wait for her b activ again and repost ur doubts and question s


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .

, "mk124t" <mk124t wrote:>> r/neelamji,> What is your readings on their remarriage? Is it possible this year > or when? I am confused to tell them. Please...> Thanks> With regards> mktiwari> > , "neelam gupta" > neelamgupta07@ wrote:> >> > Dear Mr. Tiwari,> > > > I feel it is a case of total natal mismatch, married in wrong > dasha, with> > wrong transits.> > > > Very important point is girl's 7L mars debilitates in 6H of boy > which is> > cancer, and boy's 7L is sun is in gandanth in cancer in girl's > chart. And> > when they marry, both are running moon's antar with mahadasha of > ketu in> > one, rahu in another, both afflicted.> > > > Girl is bold, outgoing, ambitious and courageous and will not > tolerate any> > nonsense. She has a good career, but marriage is a problem with > Jup and> > venus combust in her chart, and 7L in 9H.> > Boy is an introvert, has badly afflicted 7H and venus though > vargottam but> > afflicted. He might be suffering from some problem, secret disease > or> > impotency or even could be a neurotic. Girl discovers on the first > day and> > walks out.> > > > I am not giving the adverse combinations and afflictions which are > so many> > that everyone can see. No benefic aspects on 7H. Point matching > will not> > counter those things.> > > > Regards> > Neelam> >>

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Dear Mr. Tiwari,Just saw this pending query from you. You are repeatedly asking about 'their remarriage'. Do you want to know if the couple would get married to each other again? orDo you want to see if they will get re-married independently. You wish to know about the girl or the boy?

Please understand that it is a laborious exercise and doing it for both the girl and boy would involve a lot of time and effort. If this exercise is for academic interest and your are an astrologer yourself, please take a few steps and put forth your views in the forum. I am sure then the learned members would be able to extend their opinion and you will get an idea.

If you wish to know their future, please take professional help from our learned members by contacting them personally.Hope you get my point.RegardsNeelam

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