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Some common astrological reasons for various diseases

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Dear All, A good blog entry by Sarajit Poddar is given below. The source is: http://varahamihira.blogspot.com/2008/02/some-common-astrological-reasons-for.html Love and regards,Sreenadh=====================================

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Some common astrological reasons for various diseases




Lagna being occupied by both the luminaries without any benefic aspect.

The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn in 6th, 8th, 12th and 2nd in any order, blindness caused by vitiation of humor belonging to the strongest of these planets.

Malefics occupying 6th and 8th.

Mars being lord of the 2nd house (Libra or Pisces Lagna), luminaries in the 8th and Saturn in 6th or 12th.

The Moon in a dusthana and Mars and Saturn conjoined.

2nd Lord conjoin a malefic, Mars and Saturn together with Mandi placed in a single house.

Lord of navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord being joined by malefics and occupying the sign belonging to a malefic and 2nd lord being the Sun or Mars (Cancer, Libra, Pisces asdt.) is aspected by Saturn and Mandi.

1st and 2nd lord conjoined together in a dusthana.

2nd lord in dusthana along with the Sun, Venus and Lagna lord.

The Moon in a dusthana, 4th and 5th occupied by malefics.

Lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th occupying dusthanas and Venus being associated with the Asdt.

The Moon and Venus in a dusthana.

Venus along with the luminaries placed in the Asdt. and aspected by Mars and Saturn.

The Moon in a sign owned by Venus (Taurus & Libra) along with three malefics without any benefic aspect.

2nd lords conjoined with Saturn, Mars and lagna lord and placed in 6th or 8th.Eye-Disease:


Many malefics occupying the 2nd, aspected by Saturn and a weak benefic.

Mars and Venus together occupying the 2nd or a sign or navamsa which is the debilitation of one and inimical house to the other.Dumbness:


The 2nd lord in a dusthana along with the 4th lord.

Foul smell in the mouth:

Venus in a house owned by Saturn (Capricorn & Aquarius), Saturn in the Lagna and 6th lord in a sign owned by Mercury (Gemini & Virgo) or in Capricorn.Navel disease:


Lagna lord and the Moon in the 6th or joined with its lord.


The Lagna lord in a dusthana along with the Sun - Burning tumor.

The Lagna lord, 6th and 8th lord conjoined with the Sun - Tumor as a result of fever.

If it is the Moon instead of Sun - On a gland caused by dropsy or an operation.

If it is Mercury - Vitiation of bile.

If Jupiter - Illness.

If Venus - Sex.

If Saturn - Contact with the lowest or theives.

If Rahu or Ketu - Snake poison.Pox (Small pox/ Chicken Pox):


Mars occupying the Asdt. aspected by Saturn and the Sun.Enlargement of Spleen:


The sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.

The Moon along with a malefic in the 6th aspected by a malefic and Saturn in the 7th.

The Sun, the Moon and Mars combined in the 6th.

Mars in the lagna and 6th lord weak.

The waning Moon along with malefics in the Lagna belonging to Saturn or the 6th or 8th house.

The Moon and Saturn conjoined in 6th or 8th.

If the sign Scorpio happen to be the 8th house or the Navamsa occupied by the lord of 8th.

The Moon hemmed between the malefics and Saturn in the 7th.Lunacy:


The Sun in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th.

Saturn in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th or a trine.

Jupiter in the Lagna, Saturn or Mars in the 7th.

Lagna occupied by eclipsed Moon and Mercury.

Weak Moon along with Saturn in the 12th.

Weak Moon along with malefics in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th or 12th.

The Moon with malefics and Rahu in the 5th, 8th or 12th.

If the beginning of Sagittarius rising (In another view the day of birth be Tuesday or Saturday), Luminaries in the Lagna or trine, and Jupiter in the 3rd or in an angle.

Both the Moon and Mercury in angles without benefic navamsas.

The Sun, the Moon and Saturn in the angles.Epilepsy:


The Moon in conjunction with Saturn aspected by Mars.

Jupiter and Venus in 2nd-12th position, be weak aspected by or conjoined with the lords thereof, and be aspected by malefics at the same time.

The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the 8th house.Diabetes:


The Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, rasi or Amsa, being afflicted by malefics.

Venus in the 8th aspected by malefics.

Mercury and the Sun in a Jupiterian sign and aspected by Saturn.

The 7th being a watery sign occupied by Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Rahu.Venereal diseases:


Virgo be the 8th house or the navamsa occupied by the 8th lord.

Venus and Mars in the 7th aspected by a malefic.

6th lord along with Mercury and Rahu in the Lagna.

6th lord conjoined with Mars devoid of any benefic aspect.

The Moon in the navamsa of Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, conjoined with Saturn.

The Moon along with a malefic be in the Rasi occupied by the 8th lord and the 8th lord be aspected by Rahu.

The 8th house being occupied by three or four malefics without any benefic association.

Mars or the Sun along with Saturn placed in the 8th and aspected by debilitated, inimical or malefic planets.Stomach diseases:


Mars in the Lagna and 6th lord weak.

Saturn in the 8th, Rahu or a malefic in the Lagna.

Lagna lord in an inimical house or debilitated, Mars and Saturn in the 4th aspected by a malefic.

8th lord weak, 8th occupied or aspected by Saturn, Lagna aspected by Malefics.

The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th.

The 8th house or the Navamsa of the 8th lord be Capricorn.

Ketu in the 5th and 5th lord weak.

The Moon in Leo.

The Moon in the 6th.Heart disease:


The Moon in 1st, 4th, 6th or 8th hemmed between Mars and Saturn, the Sun in Capricorn.

Such a Moon with the Sun in Capricorn.

The Luminaries exchanging Rasis or Amsas.

The sun and the Moon conjoined either in Cancer or Leo.

The 8th house or the navamsa of the 8th lord be Aquarius.

The waning Moon in the 6th or 8th (Watery sign) conjoined with a malefic.

Venus in the 8th aspected by a malefic.

Jupiter in the 8th (watery sign ) aspected by a malefic.

The Sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.

The Moon between malefics ad Saturn in the 7th.

Saturn and Mandi in the 6th aspected by the Sun, Mars and Rahu without any benefic aspect or association.

Mars in the 6th house in cruel Shastyamsa , conjoined with Mercury and aspected by Venus.

Jupiter in the 4th aspected by or conjoined with the Sun and Mars.

The 4th occupied by Malefics and the 4th lord conjoined with or hemmed between malefics.Leprosy:


Malefics other than the lagna lord occupy the lagna.

The Moon along with Mars or Saturn be in the Amsa of Cancer, Pisces or Capricorn without benefic aspect or association.

The Moon in the Lagna, the Sun in 7th, Mars in the 2nd and Saturn in the 12th.

The Sun and Rahu in the 8th, more so when Mars also joins them.

The Sun, Venus and Saturn conjoined.

The Sun in a Martian house aspected by Saturn.

Rahu in Leo aspected by Venus.

Lagna lord and Mercury; or the Moon and Mars cojoined with Rahu or Ketu.

The Sun, Mars and Saturn conjoined.

The Moon, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Aries or Taurus.

The Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio provided there is no benefic in the Lagna.

Jupiter and Venus in the 6th and malefic in the Lagna.

The Moon hemmed between malefics and Saturn in the 7th. Poison through Snake-poison:


Rahu in the Lagna and the 3rd lord conjoined with Lagna lord.

A planet in depression or inimical house or combustion aspected by a malefic.

Lagna lord and the 6th lord being conjoined with Rahu and Ketu.

The 8th being owned by a malefic, occupied by a malefic and having a malefic asterism.

A planet in debility in the 3rd and a malefic in the 6th or inimical house, both aspected by malefics.

The 3rd lord or the Lagna lord in its own house combined with Rahu.



Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 10:10 AM


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Respected Sreenadh ji,

Thanks for giving some yogas and blog for the indications of the diseases. I am sorry to point out that our classics are full of such combinations. But these combinations are not applicable in the advancement and development in medical science and pathology. It will always be better if we confirm them on some practical horoscopes. In medical astrology, planets, sign and house and their combinations are more importants. Moreover Astrology is science of sciences due to indications for Time. No other science can indicates the on set of diseases. The medical science diagnoses only when there is disease. So please give some horoscope of blind persons to confirm the yoga.

I do not like to criticise any person. These are my views only.

With regards--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

Sreenadh <sreesog Some common astrological reasons for various diseases Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:39 PM




Dear All, A good blog entry by Sarajit Poddar is given below. The source is: http://varahamihira .blogspot. com/2008/ 02/some-common- astrological- reasons-for. html Love and regards,Sreenadh============ ========= ========= =======

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Some common astrological reasons for various diseases




Lagna being occupied by both the luminaries without any benefic aspect.

The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn in 6th, 8th, 12th and 2nd in any order, blindness caused by vitiation of humor belonging to the strongest of these planets.

Malefics occupying 6th and 8th.

Mars being lord of the 2nd house (Libra or Pisces Lagna), luminaries in the 8th and Saturn in 6th or 12th.

The Moon in a dusthana and Mars and Saturn conjoined.

2nd Lord conjoin a malefic, Mars and Saturn together with Mandi placed in a single house.

Lord of navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord being joined by malefics and occupying the sign belonging to a malefic and 2nd lord being the Sun or Mars (Cancer, Libra, Pisces asdt.) is aspected by Saturn and Mandi.

1st and 2nd lord conjoined together in a dusthana.

2nd lord in dusthana along with the Sun, Venus and Lagna lord.

The Moon in a dusthana, 4th and 5th occupied by malefics.

Lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th occupying dusthanas and Venus being associated with the Asdt.

The Moon and Venus in a dusthana.

Venus along with the luminaries placed in the Asdt. and aspected by Mars and Saturn.

The Moon in a sign owned by Venus (Taurus & Libra) along with three malefics without any benefic aspect.

2nd lords conjoined with Saturn, Mars and lagna lord and placed in 6th or 8th.Eye-Disease:


Many malefics occupying the 2nd, aspected by Saturn and a weak benefic.

Mars and Venus together occupying the 2nd or a sign or navamsa which is the debilitation of one and inimical house to the other.Dumbness:


The 2nd lord in a dusthana along with the 4th lord.

Foul smell in the mouth:

Venus in a house owned by Saturn (Capricorn & Aquarius), Saturn in the Lagna and 6th lord in a sign owned by Mercury (Gemini & Virgo) or in Capricorn.Navel disease:


Lagna lord and the Moon in the 6th or joined with its lord.


The Lagna lord in a dusthana along with the Sun - Burning tumor.

The Lagna lord, 6th and 8th lord conjoined with the Sun - Tumor as a result of fever.

If it is the Moon instead of Sun - On a gland caused by dropsy or an operation.

If it is Mercury - Vitiation of bile.

If Jupiter - Illness.

If Venus - Sex.

If Saturn - Contact with the lowest or theives.

If Rahu or Ketu - Snake poison.Pox (Small pox/ Chicken Pox):


Mars occupying the Asdt. aspected by Saturn and the Sun.Enlargement of Spleen:


The sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.

The Moon along with a malefic in the 6th aspected by a malefic and Saturn in the 7th.

The Sun, the Moon and Mars combined in the 6th.

Mars in the lagna and 6th lord weak.

The waning Moon along with malefics in the Lagna belonging to Saturn or the 6th or 8th house.

The Moon and Saturn conjoined in 6th or 8th.

If the sign Scorpio happen to be the 8th house or the Navamsa occupied by the lord of 8th.

The Moon hemmed between the malefics and Saturn in the 7th.Lunacy:


The Sun in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th.

Saturn in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th or a trine.

Jupiter in the Lagna, Saturn or Mars in the 7th.

Lagna occupied by eclipsed Moon and Mercury.

Weak Moon along with Saturn in the 12th.

Weak Moon along with malefics in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th or 12th.

The Moon with malefics and Rahu in the 5th, 8th or 12th.

If the beginning of Sagittarius rising (In another view the day of birth be Tuesday or Saturday), Luminaries in the Lagna or trine, and Jupiter in the 3rd or in an angle.

Both the Moon and Mercury in angles without benefic navamsas.

The Sun, the Moon and Saturn in the angles.Epilepsy:


The Moon in conjunction with Saturn aspected by Mars.

Jupiter and Venus in 2nd-12th position, be weak aspected by or conjoined with the lords thereof, and be aspected by malefics at the same time.

The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the 8th house.Diabetes:


The Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, rasi or Amsa, being afflicted by malefics.

Venus in the 8th aspected by malefics.

Mercury and the Sun in a Jupiterian sign and aspected by Saturn.

The 7th being a watery sign occupied by Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Rahu.Venereal diseases:


Virgo be the 8th house or the navamsa occupied by the 8th lord.

Venus and Mars in the 7th aspected by a malefic.

6th lord along with Mercury and Rahu in the Lagna.

6th lord conjoined with Mars devoid of any benefic aspect.

The Moon in the navamsa of Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, conjoined with Saturn.

The Moon along with a malefic be in the Rasi occupied by the 8th lord and the 8th lord be aspected by Rahu.

The 8th house being occupied by three or four malefics without any benefic association.

Mars or the Sun along with Saturn placed in the 8th and aspected by debilitated, inimical or malefic planets.Stomach diseases:


Mars in the Lagna and 6th lord weak.

Saturn in the 8th, Rahu or a malefic in the Lagna.

Lagna lord in an inimical house or debilitated, Mars and Saturn in the 4th aspected by a malefic.

8th lord weak, 8th occupied or aspected by Saturn, Lagna aspected by Malefics.

The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th.

The 8th house or the Navamsa of the 8th lord be Capricorn.

Ketu in the 5th and 5th lord weak.

The Moon in Leo.

The Moon in the 6th.Heart disease:


The Moon in 1st, 4th, 6th or 8th hemmed between Mars and Saturn, the Sun in Capricorn.

Such a Moon with the Sun in Capricorn.

The Luminaries exchanging Rasis or Amsas.

The sun and the Moon conjoined either in Cancer or Leo.

The 8th house or the navamsa of the 8th lord be Aquarius.

The waning Moon in the 6th or 8th (Watery sign) conjoined with a malefic.

Venus in the 8th aspected by a malefic.

Jupiter in the 8th (watery sign ) aspected by a malefic.

The Sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.

The Moon between malefics ad Saturn in the 7th.

Saturn and Mandi in the 6th aspected by the Sun, Mars and Rahu without any benefic aspect or association.

Mars in the 6th house in cruel Shastyamsa , conjoined with Mercury and aspected by Venus.

Jupiter in the 4th aspected by or conjoined with the Sun and Mars.

The 4th occupied by Malefics and the 4th lord conjoined with or hemmed between malefics.Leprosy:


Malefics other than the lagna lord occupy the lagna.

The Moon along with Mars or Saturn be in the Amsa of Cancer, Pisces or Capricorn without benefic aspect or association.

The Moon in the Lagna, the Sun in 7th, Mars in the 2nd and Saturn in the 12th.

The Sun and Rahu in the 8th, more so when Mars also joins them.

The Sun, Venus and Saturn conjoined.

The Sun in a Martian house aspected by Saturn.

Rahu in Leo aspected by Venus.

Lagna lord and Mercury; or the Moon and Mars cojoined with Rahu or Ketu.

The Sun, Mars and Saturn conjoined.

The Moon, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Aries or Taurus.

The Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio provided there is no benefic in the Lagna.

Jupiter and Venus in the 6th and malefic in the Lagna.

The Moon hemmed between malefics and Saturn in the 7th. Poison through Snake-poison:


Rahu in the Lagna and the 3rd lord conjoined with Lagna lord.

A planet in depression or inimical house or combustion aspected by a malefic.

Lagna lord and the 6th lord being conjoined with Rahu and Ketu.

The 8th being owned by a malefic, occupied by a malefic and having a malefic asterism.

A planet in debility in the 3rd and a malefic in the 6th or inimical house, both aspected by malefics.

The 3rd lord or the Lagna lord in its own house combined with Rahu.



Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 10:10 AM

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Dear Kursija ji, Thanks for the inputs. //So please give some horoscope of blind persons to confirm the yoga.// I hope some one in the group may provide the blind chart and you can proceed with the verification of the medical astrological yogas based on the given article of Sarajit Poddar or your own understanding. That would be a good learning and verification experience for all of us. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "S.C. Kursija" <sckursija wrote:>> Respected Sreenadh ji,> Thanks for giving some yogas and blog for the indications of the diseases. I am sorry to point out that our classics are full of such combinations. But these combinations are not applicable in the advancement and development in medical science and pathology. It will always be better if we confirm them on some practical horoscopes. In medical astrology, planets, sign and house and their combinations are more importants. Moreover Astrology is science of sciences due to indications for Time. No other science can indicates the on set of diseases. The medical science diagnoses only when there is disease. So please give some horoscope of blind persons to confirm the yoga.> I do not like to criticise any person. These are my views only.> With regards> > --- On Tue, 11/18/08, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> > Sreenadh sreesog Some common astrological reasons for various diseases> > Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:39 PM> > > > > > > > Dear All,?> ?? A good blog entry by Sarajit Poddar is given below. The source is: http://varahamihira .blogspot. com/2008/ 02/some-common- astrological- reasons-for. html?> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > ============ ========= ========= =======> Sunday, February 03, 2008> > Some common astrological reasons for various diseases > > Blindness:> > > Lagna being occupied by both the luminaries without any benefic aspect.> The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn in 6th, 8th, 12th and 2nd in any order, blindness caused by vitiation of humor belonging to the strongest of these planets.> Malefics occupying 6th and 8th.> Mars being lord of the 2nd house (Libra or Pisces Lagna), luminaries in the 8th and Saturn in 6th or 12th. > The Moon in a dusthana and Mars and Saturn conjoined.> 2nd Lord conjoin a malefic, Mars and Saturn together with Mandi placed in a single house.> Lord of navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord being joined by malefics and occupying the sign belonging to a malefic and 2nd lord being the Sun or Mars (Cancer, Libra, Pisces asdt.) is aspected by Saturn and Mandi.> 1st and 2nd lord conjoined together in a dusthana.> 2nd lord in dusthana along with the Sun, Venus and Lagna lord.> The Moon in a dusthana, 4th and 5th occupied by malefics.> Lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th occupying dusthanas and Venus being associated with the Asdt.> The Moon and Venus in a dusthana.> Venus along with the luminaries placed in the Asdt. and aspected by Mars and Saturn.> The Moon in a sign owned by Venus (Taurus & Libra) along with three malefics without any benefic aspect.> 2nd lords conjoined with Saturn, Mars and lagna lord and placed in 6th or 8th.> > Eye-Disease:> > > Many malefics occupying the 2nd, aspected by Saturn and a weak benefic.> Mars and Venus together occupying the 2nd or a sign or navamsa which is the debilitation of one and inimical house to the other.> Dumbness:> > > The 2nd lord in a dusthana along with the 4th lord.> Foul smell in the mouth:> Venus in a house owned by Saturn (Capricorn & Aquarius), Saturn in the Lagna and 6th lord in a sign owned by Mercury (Gemini & Virgo) or in Capricorn.> Navel disease:> > > Lagna lord and the Moon in the 6th or joined with its lord.> Tumors:> The Lagna lord in a dusthana along with the Sun - Burning tumor.> The Lagna lord, 6th and 8th lord conjoined with the Sun - Tumor as a result of fever.> If it is the Moon instead of Sun - On a gland caused by dropsy or an operation.> If it is Mercury - Vitiation of bile.> If Jupiter - Illness.> If Venus - Sex.> If Saturn - Contact with the lowest or theives.> If Rahu or Ketu - Snake poison.> Pox (Small pox/ Chicken Pox):> > > Mars occupying the Asdt. aspected by Saturn and the Sun.> > Enlargement of Spleen:> > > The sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.> The Moon along with a malefic in the 6th aspected by a malefic and Saturn in the 7th.> The Sun, the Moon and Mars combined in the 6th.> Mars in the lagna and 6th lord weak.> The waning Moon along with malefics in the Lagna belonging to Saturn or the 6th or 8th house.> The Moon and Saturn conjoined in 6th or 8th.> If the sign Scorpio happen to be the 8th house or the Navamsa occupied by the lord of 8th.> The Moon hemmed between the malefics and Saturn in the 7th.> > Lunacy:> > > The Sun in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th.> Saturn in the Lagna, Mars in the 7th or a trine.> Jupiter in the Lagna, Saturn or Mars in the 7th.> Lagna occupied by eclipsed Moon and Mercury.> Weak Moon along with Saturn in the 12th.> Weak Moon along with malefics in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th or 12th.> The Moon with malefics and Rahu in the 5th, 8th or 12th.> If the beginning of Sagittarius rising (In another view the day of birth be Tuesday or Saturday), Luminaries in the Lagna or trine, and Jupiter in the 3rd or in an angle.> Both the Moon and Mercury in angles without benefic navamsas.> The Sun, the Moon and Saturn in the angles.> > Epilepsy:> > > The Moon in conjunction with Saturn aspected by Mars.> Jupiter and Venus in 2nd-12th position, be weak aspected by or conjoined with the lords thereof, and be aspected by malefics at the same time.> The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the 8th house.> > Diabetes:> > > The Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, rasi or Amsa, being afflicted by malefics.> Venus in the 8th aspected by malefics.> Mercury and the Sun in a Jupiterian sign and aspected by Saturn.> The 7th being a watery sign occupied by Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Rahu.> > Venereal diseases:> > > Virgo be the 8th house or the navamsa occupied by the 8th lord.> Venus and Mars in the 7th aspected by a malefic.> 6th lord along with Mercury and Rahu in the Lagna.> 6th lord conjoined with Mars devoid of any benefic aspect.> The Moon in the navamsa of Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, conjoined with Saturn.> The Moon along with a malefic be in the Rasi occupied by the 8th lord and the 8th lord be aspected by Rahu.> The 8th house being occupied by three or four malefics without any benefic association.> Mars or the Sun along with Saturn placed in the 8th and aspected by debilitated, inimical or malefic planets.> > Stomach diseases:> > > Mars in the Lagna and 6th lord weak.> Saturn in the 8th, Rahu or a malefic in the Lagna.> Lagna lord in an inimical house or debilitated, Mars and Saturn in the 4th aspected by a malefic.> 8th lord weak, 8th occupied or aspected by Saturn, Lagna aspected by Malefics.> The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th.> The 8th house or the Navamsa of the 8th lord be Capricorn.> Ketu in the 5th and 5th lord weak.> The Moon in Leo.> The Moon in the 6th.> > Heart disease:> > > The Moon in 1st, 4th, 6th or 8th hemmed between Mars and Saturn, the Sun in Capricorn.> Such a Moon with the Sun in Capricorn.> The Luminaries exchanging Rasis or Amsas.> The sun and the Moon conjoined either in Cancer or Leo.> The 8th house or the navamsa of the 8th lord be Aquarius.> The waning Moon in the 6th or 8th (Watery sign) conjoined with a malefic.> Venus in the 8th aspected by a malefic.> Jupiter in the 8th (watery sign ) aspected by a malefic.> The Sun in the Lagna aspected by Mars.> The Moon between malefics ad Saturn in the 7th.> Saturn and Mandi in the 6th aspected by the Sun, Mars and Rahu without any benefic aspect or association.> Mars in the 6th house in cruel Shastyamsa , conjoined with Mercury and aspected by Venus.> Jupiter in the 4th aspected by or conjoined with the Sun and Mars.> The 4th occupied by Malefics and the 4th lord conjoined with or hemmed between malefics.> > Leprosy:> > > Malefics other than the lagna lord occupy the lagna.> The Moon along with Mars or Saturn be in the Amsa of Cancer, Pisces or Capricorn without benefic aspect or association.> The Moon in the Lagna, the Sun in 7th, Mars in the 2nd and Saturn in the 12th.> The Sun and Rahu in the 8th, more so when Mars also joins them.> The Sun, Venus and Saturn conjoined.> The Sun in a Martian house aspected by Saturn.> Rahu in Leo aspected by Venus.> Lagna lord and Mercury; or the Moon and Mars cojoined with Rahu or Ketu.> The Sun, Mars and Saturn conjoined.> The Moon, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Aries or Taurus.> The Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio provided there is no benefic in the Lagna.> Jupiter and Venus in the 6th and malefic in the Lagna.> The Moon hemmed between malefics and Saturn in the 7th. > > Poison through Snake-poison:> > > Rahu in the Lagna and the 3rd lord conjoined with Lagna lord.> A planet in depression or inimical house or combustion aspected by a malefic.> Lagna lord and the 6th lord being conjoined with Rahu and Ketu.> The 8th being owned by a malefic, occupied by a malefic and having a malefic asterism.> A planet in debility in the 3rd and a malefic in the 6th or inimical house, both aspected by malefics.> The 3rd lord or the Lagna lord in its own house combined with Rahu.> > > Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 10:10 AM > > ============ ========= ========= =======>

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