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Tajika Yogas

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Dear All, The following is a good Blog entry by our fellow member Sarajit Poddar at: http://varahamihira.blogspot.com/2008/02/tajika-yogas.html Love and regards,Sreenadh=============================

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Tajika Yogas





Ishkavala: Planets in the Kendras and Panapharas only.

Induvara: Planets only in Apoklimas.

Ithasala: When a faster moving planet is behind a slower moving planet this yoga is formed.

Vartamana: There is overlapping of the orbs of the planets in question (in aspects, conjunction etc..)Sampurna: It is full aspect (Conjunction. Trine etc..) for planets remaining with 10 of exact aspect, conjunction etc.Bhavisyat: The faster moving planet behind the slower moving planet is forming aspect (the orbs going to overlap).


Separating Ithasala: When the faster moving planet is ahead of the slower moving planet forming an Ithasala.

Easarapha: When faster planet is ahead of the slower planet.

Nakta: In the absence of the Ithasala, if a faster moving planet is in between the slower and a faster moving planet and involved in aspect with the other two.

Yamaya: When two planets are not in mutual aspect but are in Ithasala with a slow moving planet.

Manahoo: When there is an Ithasala between two planets and Saturn and Mars are within the Orb of the faster planet.

Kamboola: When the Moon joins an Ithasala yoga.

Gairakamboola: When the Moon is with any other planet whether or not forming a yoga, and when any other planet has entered the sign.

Khallasara: If the lord of Lagna Is situated between the moon and another planet and there is no mutual overlapping of orbs.

Redda: An Ithasala where a planet is in retrogression or in combustion or within the orb of the Sun.

Duparikutha: When a slower planet, strong (exalted, own house etc.) enters into Ithasala with a faster moving planet, not strong. But if the faster planet is retrograde or combust, the yoga can’t function.

Duttota: When any two planets are weak but one of them has Ithasala with another planet in exaltation, own house etc.

Thambira: Whn a faster planet strong at the end of a sign is about to form Ithasala with a slower planet.

Kutta: If a planet in the ascendant is aspected by a planet occupying a kendra or panaphara identical with exaltation or own house.

Durupha: When a planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th is debilitated or occupies an enemy’s house or is retrograde or combust and enters into Ithasala with another planet similarly afflicted.Orbs of PlanetsSl. No. Planets Orbs1. Sun 152. Moon 123. Mars 84. Mercury 75. Jupiter 96. Venus 77. Saturn 9OM TAT SAT



Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 11:20 AM ============================= , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> > History of Tajik Astrology as per Romaka> > - Writte by Sreenadh OG> > “Brihat Daivajna Ranjana†by Srimad Ramadeena Daivajna is> an excellent book on astrology written in 19th century, that provides us> with numerous quotes from ancient Rishi Horas some of them available and> some many lost. Just like the excellent authentic texts of North Indian> origin like Hora Ratna and Muhurta Chintamani I love this text as well.> In our search of ancient and authentic sages quotes, this text is a> treasure house. I found a quote by Sage Romaka that refers to Tajik> system of astrology in this text. The quote attracts our attention due> to various reasons. You may doubt what reasons? Let us explore and find> out. The given quote is as follows …amp;quot;> > Brahmana gaditam bbhanor, bhanuna yavanaya yat> > Yavanena cha yat proktam Tajikam tat prakasitam> > (RomakaH; Brihat Daivajna Ranjanam 1-9)> > [sage Romaka tells us that …amp;quot; The knowledge of Tajik system of> astrology was given by Brahma to Sun. Sun gave it to the Ionians. The> system the Ionians explained (to the people of Tajikistan) is called> Tajik system of astrology]> > The following points should be noted …amp;quot;> > 1) Mihira of 6th century in his text Pancha Siddhantika, quotes the> astronomical treatise ‘Romaka Sidhanta’ by sage Romaka.> From this it is evident that Sage Romaka lived prior to AD 5th century.> It is said that he wrote numerous texts in other branches of astrology> as well such as Hora and Samhita as well. This reference to> ‘Tajik system’ by sage Romaka indicate that prior to AD> 5th century itself the system of Tajik astrology (derived from the word> ‘Tajiki’, the language of Tajikistan, USSR) was popular.> Thus it proves that Tajik astrology is much ancient than it is though> of, (the popular opinion revolves around 9th century AD origin to this> system) and it reached India NOT along with the Arabs, but prior to that> itself.> > 2) As per the above quote, it is to Ionians this knowledge of Tajik> astrology belongs to! But how and why Ionians? If so what has they to do> with Tajikistan?> > As per Mahabharata tradition and references, there was an Ionian kingdom> in the north-west corner of India, in Tajikistan. (URL:> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/EpicIndia.jpg> <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/EpicIndia.jpg> ). It> is evident that it is to this Ionians sage Romaka is referring to. If> the above statement can be dated back to the Mahabharata epic period> (i.e. BC 24th century and not to the actual formation period of> Mahabharata text, i.e. around BC 200 to AD 200) then the period of> Romaka may date back to BC 24th century. Or if the text of Mahabhara and> the date of Romaka is ancient only as long as the history of Sanskrit> Devanagari script (i.e. BC 200 to AD 200) then the period of this> Mahabharata-Ionian-Romaka-Tajik period is somewhere between BC 200 to AD> 200.> > > > Again the question may remain …amp;quot; whether Sage Romaka referred to> here lived prior to the period of Alexander’s invasion to India> or after? Ascertaining whether sage Romaka is (as some westerners puts> it) is the sage of Rome (or the knowledge from Rome present in textual> form) or not would be another major problem. Even though the absurdity> of the argument is evident from the fact that we never had a sage> Chainaka, Sage Greekaka, Sage Lankaka or Sage Tajika and so …amp;quot; the> westerns may not agree since connecting Romaka with Rome satisfies their> false ego regarding the Greeko-Roman-Christian tradition! The western> scholars seems to be so un-scholarly and corrupted by western favoritism> in their arguments that based on simple word similarity alone (without> study) they argue that Sage Poulisa is Poul of Greek (Oh God! It is good> that they spared the Poul of Rome!), Romake is some one from Rome,> Yavana means only Greek, astrology came to India along with Alexander,> God Skanda is none but Alaxander worshiped by the locals, Spujidhwaja> and Meenaraja are Greeks and so on …amp;quot; all utter absurdities!> > > > Even a kid learning Indian and Greek astrology could readily see based> on variety of diverse astrological knowledge and methodologies present> in India and absence of ancient astrological texts except that of> Ptolemy of Egypt, that astrological knowledge flow was from India to> Greek and not vice versa. But at times the corrupted minds of western> favoritists are worse than that of kids! They will not see the presence> of any possible fraud in only 3 works of Ptolemy of AD 2nd century ALONE> surviving, where there is a total absence of availability of any> ‘astrological’ (not astronomical) text from Greece prior> Ptolemy or after Ptolemy till 13th century. They won’t see any> absurdity in the story of Ptolemy’s Geographia Maps of AD 2nd> century, getting ‘re-constructed’ in 13th century and> getting ascribed to Ptolemy. They don’t question, why no other> Greek astrological text between AD 2nd century to AD 13th century> survived or why Ptolemy’s texts are available and not others? But> they will certainly question the authority of Indian evidence! They will> try to argue that any astrological or astronomical knowledge in India> came after BC 300 Alexander’s invasion to India!> > > > It seems to be inferiority complex about the lack of adorable history of> knowledge to the Europeans and especially to the English people that> prompts them to -> > · Adopt Greek history as Englishman’s history> > · Argue that every thing is Greek, Roman or Christian or> that everything in India is much less older or came after BC 2000> Christian date of world creation or after BC 300 Greek king> Alexander’s Invasion to India.> > > > The whole setup is rather pathetic than respectable. It is very sad to> see that even some true scholars become part of this nasty ignorant> favoritism cult when it comes to the comparative study of Greek and> Indian knowledge.> > 3) The sloka states that Ionians learned this astrological system> (that later got named as Tajika) from Sun. This may point to the info> that …amp;quot;> > · Ionians were Sun worshipers> > · Even Heliopolis based Sun worshiping tradition may have an> Ionian connection or vice versa.> > History may not be linear; or rather it is not linear at all! We do not> progress from uncivilized to civilized. In truth, most of the ancient> civilizations/cultures of the world got destroyed by uncivilized people> who later became civilized. Greece was no exception.> > · They destroyed the Crete culture> > · They destroyed the culture that gave birth to great> classics such as Iliad and Odyssey; they destroyed the a culture that> was the store house of astrological and many other knowledge …amp;quot;> but alas, some fools ascribe the Crete classics to Greeks the barbaric> destroyers of that time, who destroyed the very literature and people!> > · They destroyed the Ionian culture> > > > Certainly the Create-Ionian culture was much advanced and civilized than> Greek culture. The Greek destroyers of this ancient culture does not> deserve to be called themselves as successors of the same culture> …amp;quot; because what they destroyed was more than what they preserved.> > 4) The quote again tells us that Brahma taught Sun; or is it that> the tradition and culture of Brahma worshipers (Indians?) taught the> people of Sun worshipers and they in turn taught the Ionians? The quote> may mean the following …amp;quot;> > · Brahma …amp;quot; Culture and people who worship Brahma> (Brahma worshipers)> > · Bhanu (Sun) - Culture and people who worship Sun (Sun> worshipers)> > · Yavana (Ionian) - Culture and people of Ionia> > · Tajika - Culture and people of Tajikistan, Russia.> > > > Tajikistan and Ionia are readily identifiable; but who are the Sun> worshipers and Brahma worshipers mentioned here? Could it be the Maya> civilization (Sun worshipers) and Sindhu-Sarasvati Indian culture> (Brahma worshipers)? Or is there any other cultural possibilities> …amp;quot; such as possibly some hidden tradition associated with> Heleopolice Sun worshipers or the Indian Sun worshipers? Who knows! Such> doubts will remain unanswered for long.> > 5) Now coming to the last but not the least point that should be> addressed …amp;quot; Could this be an interpolated quote in Brihad> Daivajna Ranjana incorporated into it with an intention?> > This does not seems to be possible due to the following reasons …amp;quot;> > · Rama Deena Daivajna was just quoting various slokas that> states the opinions of various schools and texts about the origin of> astrology. He quotes from Tatva Viveka, Romaka, Surya Siddhanta and> Narada Samhita. Except for agreeing upon the statement that> ‘astrology originated from Brahma, the creator’, there is> nothing much in common between these quotes.> > · It is evident that quoting Romaka (an ancient scholar) was> not intentional, ever very less the mention of Tajika system. Rama Deena> Daivajna was not bothered much about whether the text he quotes was> modern or ancient …amp;quot; it is the very reason for he quoting Tatva> Viveka, a medieval text, first and not Romaka. The only point he wanted> to stress is that astrology started from Brahma. The Romaka quote was> included only because it was available and it too says that astrology> started from Brahma. Rama Deena Daivajna neither want to discuss or> discusses Tajik astrology in his book. The reference to Tajik system> happened just because the same was present in the Romaka quote that says> that ‘astrology started from Brahma’.> > Thus it is evident that the quote provided is a true quote provided by> ancient scholar Sage Romaka, and is presented in the book Brihat> Daivajna Ranjana by Rama Deena Daivajna without any special intention of> corruption or distortion of history. It is a natural and sincere> reference available to us. Now what we learn based on the same is upto> us.> > > > Thinking about a simple but informative quote provided by Sage Romaka> helped us a lot in understanding the history of Tajik astrology and> astrology in general, I believe. The side tracking helped us to> understand how much the cultural favoritism of the westerners corrupt> the ancient Indian history and history of knowledge, I believe. Hope you> enjoyed this article.> > - 0->

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