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What remedies will help to protect job and income in general ??

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Namaskar All. Last few months, job loss is common and some are under threat of termination, or a huge cut in there salary. How to find the remedy to prevent a loss of job or loss of income? or restore the lost job ?

Any thing which can be suggested from a chart will be helpful to readers and to students like me Praying to the Amathyakaraka?Or prayers related to the 2nd house which represent resources?or remedies to badakesh>?

Can these above methods help Thanks to all, Nandana

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Dear Mr. Nair,Can you enlighten me how to find kul devata? Is there a way to find it out from one's chart like Ishta devata or is it that one has to ask his/her parents, grandparents?RegardsSunil Sharma--- On Fri, 12/26/08, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: What remedies will help to protect job and income in general ?? Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 9:00 AM





Hare ramakrishna

dear nandana ji

Thanks fo u post .but i like to point out some thing mayb u may like it or not

I hav advised u many many times in our offline chats against mixing of systems ,first u learn and master one system and then another ,but dont mix any system .

here ur question indicate u r getting lot of net downloaded lessons which is freeely available in net and which finaly dont help u to adavnce in ur studies


by virtue of geographical location u r very much in kerala and i asked u to go to one guru and learn astro properly than moving aound in net and waisting ur time .

even if all world may b against but it does not or need not affect a person who is supposed to b benefited if his dasa or time according to chart is showing good .I hav seen it in some cases .

so the rest of the queries can b answered if we know charts ,there is no quick fix remedy


remdy can b kula devata worship to some planetary devatas which may giv him good boost ( like mantra devata ,ishta devata ,traditionaly accepted one etc ) ,i remebr one case where i asked the man to worship Garuda as it was his family traditionaly worshipped one ( for centuries ) and he got best results in shortest time .


and for that u shud stick to one system at least .


hope u may understand what i mean


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah

ancient_indian_ astrology, "Nandana astro" <nandanaastro@ ...> wrote:>> Namaskar All.> > > Last few months, job loss is common and some are under threat of> termination, or a huge cut in there salary.> > How to find the remedy to prevent a loss of job or loss of income? or> restore the lost job ?> > Any thing which can be suggested from a chart will be helpful to readers> and to students like me> > > Praying to the Amathyakaraka?> Or prayers related to the 2nd house which represent resources?> or remedies to badakesh>?> > Can these above methods help> > > Thanks to all,> Nandana>

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Normally worship of KulDevata are passed on by family i.e.. your

parents and grandparents should know the kuldevi/devata. If not, you

can go by native's ASC. as below.


ARIES: Goddess Durga,TAURUS: Lord Vishnu,GEMINI: Goddess

Lakshami,CANCER: Lord Shiva,LEO: Goddess Durga,VIRGO: Lord

Vishnu,LIBRA: Goddess Lakshami,SCORPIO: Lord Shiva,SAGITTARIUS:

Goddess Durga,CAPRICORN: Lord Vishnu,AQUARIUS: Goddess

Lakshami,PISCES: Lord Shiva.

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What remedies will help to protect job and income in

general ??

Posted by: "Nandana astro" nandanaastro


Thu Dec 25, 2008

10:24 pm (PST)

Namaskar All.


Last few months, job loss is common and some are under threat of

termination, or a huge cut in there salary.


How to find the remedy to prevent a loss of job or loss of income? or

restore the lost job ?


Any thing which can be suggested from a chart will be helpful to readers

and to students like me




Nandana: You've asked now, the perfect

Jyotish question!


It's not enough that we just deal with the astrology of job loss after it's


The best thing

to do is figure out what we can do to "prevent" job or income loss in the first



The number one thing to know is that any losses in life are due to Saturn.


Saturn is the primary planet of loss. On

the other hand Jupiter is the planet of `find' or `gain' or `expansion'.


So, we should

talk about both of them.


But, first let's talk about Saturn.


If Saturn is

the primary planet of loss, than the question really is what can we do to

understand why Saturn is bringing us and the world these losses?


The thing is Saturn is the planet indicative of balance. In other words if Jupiter is the planet of

expansion, and we've been going and going and progressing for days, what do we

then need?


We need to

rest. So, we have 5 days of work during

the week, than 1 to 2 days of rest at the end!

But, how many people really rest enough?


The sign that

you've rested enough over the weekend is that you wake up Monday morning raring

to go!


How few people can say that!


So, we plunge

back into an intense and hectic work week until, whoosh, we're back in the

following weekend break.


But, even

then, though we're demonstrably beginning to `drag' now, we keep going.


A few more

weeks of this and boom! We're sick!


We're laid up, we can't move and we're lying there wondering what the `heck'



Hopefully, we have a wise parent or partner who can tell us why this happened?



"Don't you

remember these last few weeks? You've

been working and working. I even told

you to rest more, but you … didn't and now you're paying the price!"


What happened,

why did we get laid up? Because, we

were just trying to move ahead without enough Saturn rest!


So, what did

Saturn do? Made us rest! Forced us to stop and take rest!


Why? Why did he do this? Because all progress in life depends on two

steps, not just 1! We so love to move

ahead on Jupiter's watchful eye and tantalizing vibration!


But, if we

don't wed important, prudent, Saturn wisdom to Jupiter's expansions than we're

going to again get sick, and be forced to stay in bed!


Like that we

work and work and work, and even, whole companies work and work and work. But, they too, don't rest enough. And, if companies don't rest enough,

consistently enough, than what happens to the company?


The company is

forced to rest! The company is forced to

slow down, to lay off workers, and to begin the healing process for them, as



So, what is

the solution! The main solution for each

one of us is to pay sufficient attention to our own Saturn's that we can hear

and heed the unique Saturn warnings that are right there in front of us!


Right now,

nature, our bodies, our hearts and minds are telling us something!


We're either

well rested or we're not!


And, if we're

not; than we're feeling the opposite, tiredness, fatigue, stress, anxiety, worry,

impatience and even depression!


How often has

someone said: "Don't worry, everything

will be better in the morning!"


Of course we

don't believe it but we've got to rest anyway, so we go to bed, and lo and

behold the next day, something has shifted, we do feel better and maybe, just

maybe we get it!


"Oh, my God, I

was just tired!"


"Oh, my God, I

was just not getting enough rest!"


So, this is

how we learn. We have an intrinsic

Jupiter sense to go and progress in life.

Our whole world is under the benign and beautiful grip of Jupiter! We all want to progress and enjoy profound

prosperity and abundance!


But, if we're

not sufficiently aware of Saturn's important role in life; we're going to NOT

progress! We're NOT going to grow, to

expand and achieve our goals; because all progress in life flows through two

alternating steps of rest and activity!


Sure we get up

and act, we go about our day, we enjoy increasing waves of activities and



But, if we

didn't do, act and move ahead, consistently with ENOUGH Saturn rest and

balance, than at some point we will, again, fall down sick!


Loosing our

jobs, loss of income is only a sign really!


They're only a

sign of Saturn neglect!


If we really want to make sure that we don't suffer the tremendously frustrating

pangs of job and income loss again; we just need to do one thing!


We need to get

enough rest! We need to get enough

consistent rejuvenation, recuperation, and healing silence, so that the next

wave of activity will be healthy and balanced!


If we do this,

then, even if the company we're in is going to have to lay off people, because

they've collectively not been taking enough care to be in-tune with their

Saturn's; we'll be prepared, we'll be ready to shift, and move into a new job,

career or occupation!


The key for

that then, is that we need to be ready to move into new situations! We need to be prepared financially, so if one

job, company or industry peters out; we need to be prepared to move into the

next situation!


Millions and

millions of people are so sorely lacking in their Saturn preparation to do this,

that the minor adjustments of Saturn, grab us by the neck and make us suffer!


We should

remember that Saturn is going to be doing his job! We've got to now, do our part, to get enough

rest, to save enough money and be prepared for anything!


If we do this,

then, we'll be adequately prepared for everything!


Of course, it

won't hurt either if we know all the subtle details or our personal chart!


So, far we've

only discussed this in general terms, so it'll be very important to integrate

this discussion with all the details of our personal charts.


I'll give you

an example. All of my life I seemed to

suffer financially. I'd work, and work

but never seemed to either make enough or have enough left over to live a more

comfortable life!


I went through

two marriages, and two extremely painful divorces in part due to both of us not

being able to either make enough money or save enough!


When I got

divorced I was so tired of suffering in this way, I went to the library and

looked up books on finances.


In all the

books I read, they all said there was one thing that was the most important to

develop and secure significant and profound prosperity!


Yes, you

guessed it, `saved money'! The number

one goal of all financial situations should be a savings plan! The first goal in fact, is to develop an

emergency fund of at least 6 months of our monthly expenses.


When I read

this I was shocked! I heard the words of

my deceased father ringing in my ear: "I

told you! I told you so!"


I just thought

he was so cute and provincial! Years

later, after doing it my own way, suddenly I was willing to hear!


I thought,

okay, I'm tired of living pay check to pay check, maybe I'll give it a try!


You know I've never faced something so difficult as learning to save! I had no knowledge of my astrology at this

point, (Saturn in the 12th house) but I was ready to try.


You know it took me over 12 months to save up even 1,000$. My goal at the time was to save at least

$ 6,000, (my 6 month expenses, by the way). But, even

saving $ 1,000, made a huge change in my life!


Suddenly, I

had `enough' money that for the first time in my entire life, I was not subject

to the extreme shakes when bills come in and you can't pay them!


I'd face a

normal bill and could pay it! I'd even

find myself facing unexpected expenses, flat tire or car expense, whatever, and boom! For the first

time, I could meet these too!


So, what had happened? I'd learned to

(Saturn) save and I was enjoying the tremendous joy and power of living from a

deeper level of Saturn having ness!


I got

extremely inspired to save the remaining 6 months of my expenses.



enough, that took me only 1 more year to achieve!


That was quite

surprising, since it first took me a year to achieve only my first 1,000$! So, this shows once we start, it will get better and better.Then, when I had saved my 6 months of my

expenses, oh, my God, I felt wealthy!


So, this is

what it's like to always have money!

To always have

enough anyway, that no normal expenditure throws us off! Wow, that was the beginning of my first real

insight into the nature of Saturn saving!


So, how few of

us are able to do this?

How few of us

even realize that we should be doing this?


Because so few

other people are doing this, we collectively keep suffering the repeating pangs

of neglect until boom, a whole company goes into recession!


Maybe a whole

town wakes up one morning and is exhausted!



Right now, our

whole world is reeling under the sad Saturn neglect of inadequate Saturn savings

and preparation.


And, who do we



We blame the

company that laid us off! We blame our

country which didn't protect us from this company! We blame our world, heck, we even blame God

for our demise!


Or if we're into astrology, we even blame

Saturn for bringing us this hardship!


But, Sani's

not the blame, God's not the blame, even our companies, country's and parents

aren't to blame!


Yep, we're to

blame. Deep inside our charts, those of

us who don't have adequate knowledge and wisdom of Saturn, are suffering, but

again, Saturn's not to blame!


Saturn, is

just the innocent messenger of our actions, which are now coming back to

us! Saturn is not to blame. We are!


It's very easy

to prove this to ourselves. Where ever

you are, right now, you can decide to save more! You can decide to make this a higher desire

and make it happen!


I know this is

possible, because it happened to me!

But, we have to be willing. Until

we get tired of doing it `our way' we won't change. Only when the grief is intense enough, will

we be willing to change!



we'll still be alive when we're finally ready!



But, if you

don't have a job, you can't really save right?

That's true,

but just know the tremendously frustrating and debilitating realities of being

in the Saturn lack, are just nature showing us the ills of our ways.


If we're now,

ready to change, to begin embracing the healthy, more balanced realities of

Saturn, then we may be ready to move out of Saturn's lower, more depressing



Next, time you

have a job, save!


Make it a

priority, a goal and work at it!


I used to

think that some how this would be too difficult.

I certainly

thought it would be NO fun!


Instead I discovered the great joy that comes from saving!


It's even more

powerful and enjoyable to save, vs. spending alone!


Even when I

went into my Saturn maha dasa period in 1991, I still found it possible to



We always need

to `save' in both our physical health and in our career, and financial savings!


We do this one

thing, we figure out how to do this, one thing, to save! And we'll be amazed at what



Then, the next

time some company which doesn't understand Saturn, lets us go, we WILL be better

prepared for moving into that new situation!


It may not

seem like this is an answer that we can heed, today, but the fact is, our

present dilemma's have been coming along for a long time!


We've been

getting out of Saturn balance for awhile, and now, suddenly we're in the

drink! So, it may take some time. We need to understand why this has happened

and learn to appreciate some of Saturn's true purpose, to save and acquire, and

in that added Saturn silence, that comes from saving, we can move again with

Jupiter, without getting out of balance, again!



Jai Sani….!


Jai Guru






Mark Kincaid













Praying to the Amathyakaraka?

Or prayers related to the 2nd house which represent resources?

or remedies to badakesh>?


Can these above methods help


Thanks to all,



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