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Vinay Jha - Chandra Hari - Yugas

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Dear Vinay Ji Namaskar


Due to time constraint i was unable to read all your emails. However i

would like to make the following observations.



I myslef had mentioned in my telephonic conversations with shri

Chandrahari in the past, about his temper and style. His answer was

diplomacy is hypocrycy.In certain respects his rosha is genuine and in

certain respects he may exercise more tolerance. But i am not competent

enough to advise or judge whether Chandra ji is right or wrong.Only his

conscience will know if his rosha is genuine or not!


Let us keep aside whether Chandrahari ayanamsha is correct or not. This

is something which needs study and experimentation.


However your attempt to prove that wrong and ridicule his studies using

emails from Shri P.V.Narasimha Rao holds no authenticity.It is due to

the following reasons -


1) Shri Narasimha Rao did not study the fundamentals underlying the said

Ayanamsha calculation.


2) He was eager to rule out moola/mooladhara and was more interested in

fixing mooladhara of kalapurusha in virgo rashi, which has no

classical/astrological or philosophical basis.There was no pramana

either to support his views.


3) He was not willing to respect the pramana defining the location of

moola. Thus you see shri Narasimha Rao did not follow the rules of Tarka

/Pramana. Thus how can you bring his views as support ? My respect

towards shri Rao is purely based on his his astrological software.


4) Your mail from Shri Sanjay Rath too does not hold any

authenticity.Shri Rath had once asked me if mooladhara origin is towards

end of Vrischika(molaldahara pramana) - how and why does moola extend

into dhanu-thighs ? . My answer was though a root will start at the

contact point between a plant and soil , it extends beneath and is

really rooted downwards.He did not give any answer later on. Thighs

gives us the strength to stand up and the roots run into dhanu. It is

also the galactic center. Ganapati is situated in Mooladhara kshethra ,

which is ruled by naksathra ketu, which is also the moolatrikona for

Guru.End of Vrischika marks the boundary of our material realm (or a

certain loka) guarded by Mars the Senapati.Brhaspati and ShaniDev is

another angle/Tala. From the Martain border,Subramanaya can lead the

army and is capable of piercing the chakras one by one.There is lot more

to say and when time comes Lord will reveal more.


Thus if you are sincere please be neutral. Don't try to bring in the

goodwill of shri PVR got through software to support other areas, where

he fails to follow the laws of Tarka. I can see a marked change in shri

Rao and his willingness to come up and fight against illogical

theories.However that is not sufficient. As human beings we all are

(including myself who is doing the preaching) have got limitations.

However as a a sincere student of this Mahashasthra one should have

non-a compromising will and should be willing to fight for truth.


Neither Parashara Muni nor Shri Rath nor Shri Rao nor you nor me can

vioalte fundamentals.


Shri Rath is right in saying that philosophical angle in depth is to be

understood in unearthing the karya/karana behind Jyothisha

principles.However he should not forget that Jyotish itself is a

shasthra with defined classical rules.Extended Philosophy is no passport

to to violate fundamentals. Many a times students including me have

fought a lot to point out the above said violations. However shri Rao

did not come to any support then. However TIME has proved that(as i

always beleived and will always beleive in) Truth alone will prevail.


I have nothing against any of these individuals as they have been

sacrificing their personal life and time for the cause of

Jyotish.However one cannot turn a blind eye when fundamental principles

are ignored and treated with scant respect.


I have some doubts on your articles and will ask as a seperate email.


Thanks for your patience


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Namaskaar vijayadas_pradeep jee,


The topic of that message was not ayanamsha but biased and abusive

behaviour of Mr Chandra Hari towards me. He refused to discuss any

point with me and posted about a dozen mails abusing me. He said 90%

members at this forum are monkeys who should be slapped and thrown to

Arabian Sea ; but did not specify the reasons, even a murderer is told

by a judge why he should be hanged or imprisoned. Are 90% members

idiots and only the 10% who are students of Mr Haro intelligent

persons? I am not asking you to answer these points. I am only

reminding you that that you are defending a wrong person who has taken

an oath not to discuss anything but only abuse Suryasiddhanta and me

and all those universities and individuals who do not accept him as

the final authority in all matters.


You did not even care to compare the value of ayanamsha in my software

with the value supported by PVR. Please do not divert the attention

from Mr Chandra Hari's misbehaviour to PVR's ayanamsha (which I do not



I never abused any member, but you are calling me 'not neutral'. I

cited PVR and Pt Rath for showing the biased and violent style of Mr

Hari, not for supporting their ayanamsha, which is much different from

mine. Does it imply I am a supporter of PVR on all points?


Mr Chandra Hari is not interested in serious discussions. I know the

reasons. Ask him to stop abusing and discuss like a gentleman. A

discussion needs two parties. One party abusing and the other

discussing is not possible.


If you are interested in serious discussions, forget Mr Chandra Hari

at least for dealing with me, and discuss directly with me any point

you are interested in. If Mr Hari steps in or is invited, all

discussions will be thwarted by his rash behaviour.


Which is the original source of the very notion of ayanamsha ? Forget

PVR or me or Mr Chandra Hari for some time, and come back to the

original sources. Only then we can find out which later developments

are genuine and which are fake. Burgess or Whitney is not shaastra.

Cite the original shaastras directly, and only thereafter make your

point clear.


I am interested in discussing these points only with those who are

interested in solving practical problems of astrology, which is

finding the most appropriate technique for predictive astrology. I am

not interested in wasting my time over those gentlemen who are

interested only in scholarly discussions but do not want to test the

debatable propositions by means of available softwares. Astrology is a

practical discipline. Mere theoretical discussion will do no good.

Theory and practice must go hand in hand.


Which is the original source of the very notion of ayanamsha ? When it

was discovered ? Without defining it properly in its original sense,

we cannot find out its modern value. Ayanamsha is not an European

concept. Hence do not rely on them in this matter.


Which is the original source of the very notion of ayanamsha ?

Which is the original source of the very notion of ayanamsha ?


I want to hear your opinion.



========= ========= ========= =========

, " vijayadas_pradeep "

<vijayadas_pradeep wrote:



> Dear Vinay Ji Namaskar


> Due to time constraint i was unable to read all your emails. However i

> would like to make the following observations.



> I myslef had mentioned in my telephonic conversations with shri

> Chandrahari in the past, about his temper and style. His answer was

> diplomacy is hypocrycy.In certain respects his rosha is genuine and in

> certain respects he may exercise more tolerance. But i am not competent

> enough to advise or judge whether Chandra ji is right or wrong.Only his

> conscience will know if his rosha is genuine or not!


> Let us keep aside whether Chandrahari ayanamsha is correct or not. This

> is something which needs study and experimentation.


> However your attempt to prove that wrong and ridicule his studies using

> emails from Shri P.V.Narasimha Rao holds no authenticity.It is due to

> the following reasons -


> 1) Shri Narasimha Rao did not study the fundamentals underlying the said

> Ayanamsha calculation.


> 2) He was eager to rule out moola/mooladhara and was more interested in

> fixing mooladhara of kalapurusha in virgo rashi, which has no

> classical/astrological or philosophical basis.There was no pramana

> either to support his views.


> 3) He was not willing to respect the pramana defining the location of

> moola. Thus you see shri Narasimha Rao did not follow the rules of Tarka

> /Pramana. Thus how can you bring his views as support ? My respect

> towards shri Rao is purely based on his his astrological software.


> 4) Your mail from Shri Sanjay Rath too does not hold any

> authenticity.Shri Rath had once asked me if mooladhara origin is towards

> end of Vrischika(molaldahara pramana) - how and why does moola extend

> into dhanu-thighs ? . My answer was though a root will start at the

> contact point between a plant and soil , it extends beneath and is

> really rooted downwards.He did not give any answer later on. Thighs

> gives us the strength to stand up and the roots run into dhanu. It is

> also the galactic center. Ganapati is situated in Mooladhara kshethra ,

> which is ruled by naksathra ketu, which is also the moolatrikona for

> Guru.End of Vrischika marks the boundary of our material realm (or a

> certain loka) guarded by Mars the Senapati.Brhaspati and ShaniDev is

> another angle/Tala. From the Martain border,Subramanaya can lead the

> army and is capable of piercing the chakras one by one.There is lot more

> to say and when time comes Lord will reveal more.


> Thus if you are sincere please be neutral. Don't try to bring in the

> goodwill of shri PVR got through software to support other areas, where

> he fails to follow the laws of Tarka. I can see a marked change in shri

> Rao and his willingness to come up and fight against illogical

> theories.However that is not sufficient. As human beings we all are

> (including myself who is doing the preaching) have got limitations.

> However as a a sincere student of this Mahashasthra one should have

> non-a compromising will and should be willing to fight for truth.


> Neither Parashara Muni nor Shri Rath nor Shri Rao nor you nor me can

> vioalte fundamentals.


> Shri Rath is right in saying that philosophical angle in depth is to be

> understood in unearthing the karya/karana behind Jyothisha

> principles.However he should not forget that Jyotish itself is a

> shasthra with defined classical rules.Extended Philosophy is no passport

> to to violate fundamentals. Many a times students including me have

> fought a lot to point out the above said violations. However shri Rao

> did not come to any support then. However TIME has proved that(as i

> always beleived and will always beleive in) Truth alone will prevail.


> I have nothing against any of these individuals as they have been

> sacrificing their personal life and time for the cause of

> Jyotish.However one cannot turn a blind eye when fundamental principles

> are ignored and treated with scant respect.


> I have some doubts on your articles and will ask as a seperate email.


> Thanks for your patience

> Pradeep


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Dear Pradeepji,


Some question arise in my mind about the link of Mooladhar Chakra in

human body and it location.Please see the some point it is right or

wrong :-


Muladhara is the root centre of physical experience, located at the

base of the spine, the sacral plexus.

The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the

four directions. Four allows for completion, and earth embodies the

elements and conditions for human completion on all levels.

Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its

desire, collecting and saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is

the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of

energy and the three main nadis.

The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth

element. The chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted

triangle in the centre of the square encloses the unmanifest Kundalini

in three and a half coils around the svayambhu (self born) linga. With

her mouth open, facing upward, she is connected with the path of

Sushumna, the central nerve canal that runs along the spine.


The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals

(sub-plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is

responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic

plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity.

When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the

excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the

Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the

first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the

Kundalini at the time of its awakening "


The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs,

and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human

being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini

through sexual practice such as tantra.


In women it located :-Moola bandha (cervix)

In man it located :-Moola bandha (between anus and scrotum;

perineal body)


The four petals of the Mooladhara chakra can be likened to the four

arms of the Hindu deity Shri Ganesha. In traditional iconography He is

shown holding a different object in each of His four hands. The

Mooladhara chakra, with its four petals, or sub-plexuses, is the

foundation of the Tree of Life, or the subtle sytem of seven chakras

(energy centres), in the human body. The Mooladhara Chakra gives us

our grounding in Reality, and the sense of orientation in space.



These three sources says Mooladhar Chakra is above the Anus and in

between Anus and reproductive organs.Mooladhar is " Prthavi " tatva and

activation Karka for Sex.


What do you have your opinion in Kalpursa,Rashi representation and the

real house in a Kalpursa chart about Mooladhar chakra ?


In my view Virgo is Bhomi tatva and Libra is Vayu tatva,Virgo is

'Estree' and Libra is 'Pursha'.Sex organ or reproduction repersent 7th

house and lord of 7th house,Venus is Karka for Sex,these all

possibilities says Mooladhar chakra is related to 7th house.It may be

between 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th house only.It is not possible it

has located in 9th house od Kalpursa chart.So it is between 180 degree

to 270 degrees not above 270 degree Where Mool Nakshatra started.


Do you still think Narhimaha Rao ji is wrong?


I have join this forum just few month ago,nice to see your first post

here.I hope,We will get your company to learn more in future.







, " vijayadas_pradeep "

<vijayadas_pradeep wrote:



> Dear Vinay Ji Namaskar


> Due to time constraint i was unable to read all your emails. However i

> would like to make the following observations.



> I myslef had mentioned in my telephonic conversations with shri

> Chandrahari in the past, about his temper and style. His answer was

> diplomacy is hypocrycy.In certain respects his rosha is genuine and in

> certain respects he may exercise more tolerance. But i am not competent

> enough to advise or judge whether Chandra ji is right or wrong.Only his

> conscience will know if his rosha is genuine or not!


> Let us keep aside whether Chandrahari ayanamsha is correct or not. This

> is something which needs study and experimentation.


> However your attempt to prove that wrong and ridicule his studies using

> emails from Shri P.V.Narasimha Rao holds no authenticity.It is due to

> the following reasons -


> 1) Shri Narasimha Rao did not study the fundamentals underlying the said

> Ayanamsha calculation.


> 2) He was eager to rule out moola/mooladhara and was more interested in

> fixing mooladhara of kalapurusha in virgo rashi, which has no

> classical/astrological or philosophical basis.There was no pramana

> either to support his views.


> 3) He was not willing to respect the pramana defining the location of

> moola. Thus you see shri Narasimha Rao did not follow the rules of Tarka

> /Pramana. Thus how can you bring his views as support ? My respect

> towards shri Rao is purely based on his his astrological software.


> 4) Your mail from Shri Sanjay Rath too does not hold any

> authenticity.Shri Rath had once asked me if mooladhara origin is towards

> end of Vrischika(molaldahara pramana) - how and why does moola extend

> into dhanu-thighs ? . My answer was though a root will start at the

> contact point between a plant and soil , it extends beneath and is

> really rooted downwards.He did not give any answer later on. Thighs

> gives us the strength to stand up and the roots run into dhanu. It is

> also the galactic center. Ganapati is situated in Mooladhara kshethra ,

> which is ruled by naksathra ketu, which is also the moolatrikona for

> Guru.End of Vrischika marks the boundary of our material realm (or a

> certain loka) guarded by Mars the Senapati.Brhaspati and ShaniDev is

> another angle/Tala. From the Martain border,Subramanaya can lead the

> army and is capable of piercing the chakras one by one.There is lot more

> to say and when time comes Lord will reveal more.


> Thus if you are sincere please be neutral. Don't try to bring in the

> goodwill of shri PVR got through software to support other areas, where

> he fails to follow the laws of Tarka. I can see a marked change in shri

> Rao and his willingness to come up and fight against illogical

> theories.However that is not sufficient. As human beings we all are

> (including myself who is doing the preaching) have got limitations.

> However as a a sincere student of this Mahashasthra one should have

> non-a compromising will and should be willing to fight for truth.


> Neither Parashara Muni nor Shri Rath nor Shri Rao nor you nor me can

> vioalte fundamentals.


> Shri Rath is right in saying that philosophical angle in depth is to be

> understood in unearthing the karya/karana behind Jyothisha

> principles.However he should not forget that Jyotish itself is a

> shasthra with defined classical rules.Extended Philosophy is no passport

> to to violate fundamentals. Many a times students including me have

> fought a lot to point out the above said violations. However shri Rao

> did not come to any support then. However TIME has proved that(as i

> always beleived and will always beleive in) Truth alone will prevail.


> I have nothing against any of these individuals as they have been

> sacrificing their personal life and time for the cause of

> Jyotish.However one cannot turn a blind eye when fundamental principles

> are ignored and treated with scant respect.


> I have some doubts on your articles and will ask as a seperate email.


> Thanks for your patience

> Pradeep


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Some typing mistake in my previous post so correcting here.


Dear Pradeepji,


Some question arise in my mind about the link of Mooladhar Chakra in

human body and it location.Please see the some point it is right or

wrong :-


Muladhara is the root centre of physical experience, located at the

base of the spine, the sacral plexus.

The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the

four directions. Four allows for completion, and earth embodies the

elements and conditions for human completion on all levels.

Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its

desire, collecting and saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is

the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of

energy and the three main nadis.

The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth

element. The chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted

triangle in the centre of the square encloses the unmanifest Kundalini

in three and a half coils around the svayambhu (self born) linga. With

her mouth open, facing upward, she is connected with the path of

Sushumna, the central nerve canal that runs along the spine.


The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals

(sub-plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is

responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic

plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity.

When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the

excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the

Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the

first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the

Kundalini at the time of its awakening "


The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs,

and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human

being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini

through sexual practice such as tantra.


In women it located :-Moola bandha (cervix)

In man it located :-Moola bandha (between anus and scrotum;

perineal body)


The four petals of the Mooladhara chakra can be likened to the four

arms of the Hindu deity Shri Ganesha. In traditional iconography He is

shown holding a different object in each of His four hands. The

Mooladhara chakra, with its four petals, or sub-plexuses, is the

foundation of the Tree of Life, or the subtle sytem of seven chakras

(energy centres), in the human body. The Mooladhara Chakra gives us

our grounding in Reality, and the sense of orientation in space.



These three sources says Mooladhar Chakra is above the Anus and in

between Anus and reproductive organs.Mooladhar is " Prthavi " tatva and

activation Karka for Sex.


What do you have your opinion in Kalpursa,Rashi representation and the

real house in a Kalpursa chart about Mooladhar chakra ?


In my view Virgo is Bhomi tatva and Libra is Vayu tatva,Virgo is

'Estree' and Libra is 'Pursha'.Sex organ or reproduction repersent 7th

house and lord of 7th house,Venus is Karka for Sex,these all

possibilities says Mooladhar chakra is related to 7th house.It may be

between 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th house only.It is not possible it

has located in 9th house od Kalpursa chart.So it is between 150 degree

to 240 degrees not above 240 degree Where Mool Nakshatra started.


Do you still think Narhimaha Rao ji is wrong?


I have join this forum just few month ago,nice to see your first post

here.I hope,We will get your company to learn more in future.






, " msbohra62 "

<msbohra62 wrote:


> Dear Pradeepji,


> Some question arise in my mind about the link of Mooladhar Chakra in

> human body and it location.Please see the some point it is right or

> wrong :-


> Muladhara is the root centre of physical experience, located at the

> base of the spine, the sacral plexus.

> The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the

> four directions. Four allows for completion, and earth embodies the

> elements and conditions for human completion on all levels.

> Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its

> desire, collecting and saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is

> the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

> The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of

> energy and the three main nadis.

> The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth

> element. The chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted

> triangle in the centre of the square encloses the unmanifest Kundalini

> in three and a half coils around the svayambhu (self born) linga. With

> her mouth open, facing upward, she is connected with the path of

> Sushumna, the central nerve canal that runs along the spine.

> --------

> The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals

> (sub-plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is

> responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic

> plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity.

> When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the

> excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the

> Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the

> first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the

> Kundalini at the time of its awakening "


> The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs,

> and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human

> being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini

> through sexual practice such as tantra.


> In women it located :-Moola bandha (cervix)

> In man it located :-Moola bandha (between anus and scrotum;

> perineal body)

> -------------------

> The four petals of the Mooladhara chakra can be likened to the four

> arms of the Hindu deity Shri Ganesha. In traditional iconography He is

> shown holding a different object in each of His four hands. The

> Mooladhara chakra, with its four petals, or sub-plexuses, is the

> foundation of the Tree of Life, or the subtle sytem of seven chakras

> (energy centres), in the human body. The Mooladhara Chakra gives us

> our grounding in Reality, and the sense of orientation in space.

> -------------------------


> These three sources says Mooladhar Chakra is above the Anus and in

> between Anus and reproductive organs.Mooladhar is " Prthavi " tatva and

> activation Karka for Sex.


> What do you have your opinion in Kalpursa,Rashi representation and the

> real house in a Kalpursa chart about Mooladhar chakra ?


> In my view Virgo is Bhomi tatva and Libra is Vayu tatva,Virgo is

> 'Estree' and Libra is 'Pursha'.Sex organ or reproduction repersent 7th

> house and lord of 7th house,Venus is Karka for Sex,these all

> possibilities says Mooladhar chakra is related to 7th house.It may be

> between 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th house only.It is not possible it

> has located in 9th house od Kalpursa chart.So it is between 180 degree

> to 270 degrees not above 270 degree Where Mool Nakshatra started.


> Do you still think Narhimaha Rao ji is wrong?


> I have join this forum just few month ago,nice to see your first post

> here.I hope,We will get your company to learn more in future.


> Thanks,


> M.S.Bohra



> , " vijayadas_pradeep "

> <vijayadas_pradeep@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Ji Namaskar

> >

> > Due to time constraint i was unable to read all your emails. However i

> > would like to make the following observations.

> >

> >

> > I myslef had mentioned in my telephonic conversations with shri

> > Chandrahari in the past, about his temper and style. His answer was

> > diplomacy is hypocrycy.In certain respects his rosha is genuine and in

> > certain respects he may exercise more tolerance. But i am not


> > enough to advise or judge whether Chandra ji is right or

wrong.Only his

> > conscience will know if his rosha is genuine or not!

> >

> > Let us keep aside whether Chandrahari ayanamsha is correct or not.


> > is something which needs study and experimentation.

> >

> > However your attempt to prove that wrong and ridicule his studies


> > emails from Shri P.V.Narasimha Rao holds no authenticity.It is due to

> > the following reasons -

> >

> > 1) Shri Narasimha Rao did not study the fundamentals underlying

the said

> > Ayanamsha calculation.

> >

> > 2) He was eager to rule out moola/mooladhara and was more

interested in

> > fixing mooladhara of kalapurusha in virgo rashi, which has no

> > classical/astrological or philosophical basis.There was no pramana

> > either to support his views.

> >

> > 3) He was not willing to respect the pramana defining the location of

> > moola. Thus you see shri Narasimha Rao did not follow the rules of


> > /Pramana. Thus how can you bring his views as support ? My respect

> > towards shri Rao is purely based on his his astrological software.

> >

> > 4) Your mail from Shri Sanjay Rath too does not hold any

> > authenticity.Shri Rath had once asked me if mooladhara origin is


> > end of Vrischika(molaldahara pramana) - how and why does moola extend

> > into dhanu-thighs ? . My answer was though a root will start at the

> > contact point between a plant and soil , it extends beneath and is

> > really rooted downwards.He did not give any answer later on. Thighs

> > gives us the strength to stand up and the roots run into dhanu. It is

> > also the galactic center. Ganapati is situated in Mooladhara

kshethra ,

> > which is ruled by naksathra ketu, which is also the moolatrikona for

> > Guru.End of Vrischika marks the boundary of our material realm (or a

> > certain loka) guarded by Mars the Senapati.Brhaspati and ShaniDev is

> > another angle/Tala. From the Martain border,Subramanaya can lead the

> > army and is capable of piercing the chakras one by one.There is

lot more

> > to say and when time comes Lord will reveal more.

> >

> > Thus if you are sincere please be neutral. Don't try to bring in the

> > goodwill of shri PVR got through software to support other areas,


> > he fails to follow the laws of Tarka. I can see a marked change in


> > Rao and his willingness to come up and fight against illogical

> > theories.However that is not sufficient. As human beings we all are

> > (including myself who is doing the preaching) have got limitations.

> > However as a a sincere student of this Mahashasthra one should have

> > non-a compromising will and should be willing to fight for truth.

> >

> > Neither Parashara Muni nor Shri Rath nor Shri Rao nor you nor me can

> > vioalte fundamentals.

> >

> > Shri Rath is right in saying that philosophical angle in depth is

to be

> > understood in unearthing the karya/karana behind Jyothisha

> > principles.However he should not forget that Jyotish itself is a

> > shasthra with defined classical rules.Extended Philosophy is no


> > to to violate fundamentals. Many a times students including me have

> > fought a lot to point out the above said violations. However shri Rao

> > did not come to any support then. However TIME has proved that(as i

> > always beleived and will always beleive in) Truth alone will prevail.

> >

> > I have nothing against any of these individuals as they have been

> > sacrificing their personal life and time for the cause of

> > Jyotish.However one cannot turn a blind eye when fundamental


> > are ignored and treated with scant respect.

> >

> > I have some doubts on your articles and will ask as a seperate email.

> >

> > Thanks for your patience

> > Pradeep

> >


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Dear Vinayji,The kaama or sensual attraction is, to my mind, associated with the Svadhisthan chakra rather than the Mooladhara chakra. Vrishabh rashi is more strongly controlled by Venus than the Tula. Venus represents the beauty of the face and the bust. Moola is considered to be at the beginning of Dhanu now but in the ancient times the span or the longitudinal spread of the nakshatras were not considered to be equal. Moola therefore could have represented the Mooladhar chakra region.Regards,SKB--- On Fri, 1/9/09, msbohra62 <msbohra62 wrote:msbohra62 <msbohra62 Re: Vinay Jha - Chandra Hari - YugasTo:

Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 10:56 PM


Dear Pradeepji,


Some question arise in my mind about the link of Mooladhar Chakra in

human body and it location.Please see the some point it is right or

wrong :-


Muladhara is the root centre of physical experience, located at the

base of the spine, the sacral plexus.

The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the

four directions. Four allows for completion, and earth embodies the

elements and conditions for human completion on all levels.

Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its

desire, collecting and saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is

the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of

energy and the three main nadis.

The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth

element. The chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted

triangle in the centre of the square encloses the unmanifest Kundalini

in three and a half coils around the svayambhu (self born) linga. With

her mouth open, facing upward, she is connected with the path of

Sushumna, the central nerve canal that runs along the spine.


The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals

(sub-plexuses) , is placed below the triangular bone, and is

responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic

plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity.

When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the

excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the

Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the

first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the

Kundalini at the time of its awakening"


The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs,

and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human

being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini

through sexual practice such as tantra.


In women it located :-Moola bandha (cervix)

In man it located :-Moola bandha (between anus and scrotum;

perineal body)

------------ -------

The four petals of the Mooladhara chakra can be likened to the four

arms of the Hindu deity Shri Ganesha. In traditional iconography He is

shown holding a different object in each of His four hands. The

Mooladhara chakra, with its four petals, or sub-plexuses, is the

foundation of the Tree of Life, or the subtle sytem of seven chakras

(energy centres), in the human body. The Mooladhara Chakra gives us

our grounding in Reality, and the sense of orientation in space.

------------ --------- ----


These three sources says Mooladhar Chakra is above the Anus and in

between Anus and reproductive organs.Mooladhar is "Prthavi" tatva and

activation Karka for Sex.


What do you have your opinion in Kalpursa,Rashi representation and the

real house in a Kalpursa chart about Mooladhar chakra ?


In my view Virgo is Bhomi tatva and Libra is Vayu tatva,Virgo is

'Estree' and Libra is 'Pursha'.Sex organ or reproduction repersent 7th

house and lord of 7th house,Venus is Karka for Sex,these all

possibilities says Mooladhar chakra is related to 7th house.It may be

between 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th house only.It is not possible it

has located in 9th house od Kalpursa chart.So it is between 180 degree

to 270 degrees not above 270 degree Where Mool Nakshatra started.


Do you still think Narhimaha Rao ji is wrong?


I have join this forum just few month ago,nice to see your first post

here.I hope,We will get your company to learn more in future.






ancient_indian_ astrology, "vijayadas_pradeep"

<vijayadas_pradeep@ ...> wrote:



> Dear Vinay Ji Namaskar


> Due to time constraint i was unable to read all your emails. However i

> would like to make the following observations.



> I myslef had mentioned in my telephonic conversations with shri

> Chandrahari in the past, about his temper and style. His answer was

> diplomacy is hypocrycy.In certain respects his rosha is genuine and in

> certain respects he may exercise more tolerance. But i am not competent

> enough to advise or judge whether Chandra ji is right or wrong.Only his

> conscience will know if his rosha is genuine or not!


> Let us keep aside whether Chandrahari ayanamsha is correct or not. This

> is something which needs study and experimentation.


> However your attempt to prove that wrong and ridicule his studies using

> emails from Shri P.V.Narasimha Rao holds no authenticity. It is due to

> the following reasons -


> 1) Shri Narasimha Rao did not study the fundamentals underlying the said

> Ayanamsha calculation.


> 2) He was eager to rule out moola/mooladhara and was more interested in

> fixing mooladhara of kalapurusha in virgo rashi, which has no

> classical/astrologi cal or philosophical basis.There was no pramana

> either to support his views.


> 3) He was not willing to respect the pramana defining the location of

> moola. Thus you see shri Narasimha Rao did not follow the rules of Tarka

> /Pramana. Thus how can you bring his views as support ? My respect

> towards shri Rao is purely based on his his astrological software.


> 4) Your mail from Shri Sanjay Rath too does not hold any

> authenticity. Shri Rath had once asked me if mooladhara origin is towards

> end of Vrischika(molaldaha ra pramana) - how and why does moola extend

> into dhanu-thighs ? . My answer was though a root will start at the

> contact point between a plant and soil , it extends beneath and is

> really rooted downwards.He did not give any answer later on. Thighs

> gives us the strength to stand up and the roots run into dhanu. It is

> also the galactic center. Ganapati is situated in Mooladhara kshethra ,

> which is ruled by naksathra ketu, which is also the moolatrikona for

> Guru.End of Vrischika marks the boundary of our material realm (or a

> certain loka) guarded by Mars the Senapati.Brhaspati and ShaniDev is

> another angle/Tala. From the Martain border,Subramanaya can lead the

> army and is capable of piercing the chakras one by one.There is lot more

> to say and when time comes Lord will reveal more.


> Thus if you are sincere please be neutral. Don't try to bring in the

> goodwill of shri PVR got through software to support other areas, where

> he fails to follow the laws of Tarka. I can see a marked change in shri

> Rao and his willingness to come up and fight against illogical

> theories.However that is not sufficient. As human beings we all are

> (including myself who is doing the preaching) have got limitations.

> However as a a sincere student of this Mahashasthra one should have

> non-a compromising will and should be willing to fight for truth.


> Neither Parashara Muni nor Shri Rath nor Shri Rao nor you nor me can

> vioalte fundamentals.


> Shri Rath is right in saying that philosophical angle in depth is to be

> understood in unearthing the karya/karana behind Jyothisha

> principles.However he should not forget that Jyotish itself is a

> shasthra with defined classical rules.Extended Philosophy is no passport

> to to violate fundamentals. Many a times students including me have

> fought a lot to point out the above said violations. However shri Rao

> did not come to any support then. However TIME has proved that(as i

> always beleived and will always beleive in) Truth alone will prevail.


> I have nothing against any of these individuals as they have been

> sacrificing their personal life and time for the cause of

> Jyotish.However one cannot turn a blind eye when fundamental principles

> are ignored and treated with scant respect.


> I have some doubts on your articles and will ask as a seperate email.


> Thanks for your patience

> Pradeep


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