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Mooladhara-Moola-Ketu Cutting of head - 2

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Dear Bhora ji


Philosophically -


There are two cutting of heads which we are familiar of. Cutting of

Ganeshas head and the one related to Ashwini Kumaras.


These are the two Ketus - one at the beginning of dhanu and one at

the begginning of mesha.


There is one more Ketu which is in the nabhi - 5th sign. Here there

is another cutting - the cutting of the umbilical chord which is

related to creation and mother.


Ganesha's big ears and long trunk are pointing to the importance of

listening and smelling.This is the beginning of transformation

initiated by Shiva. Small eyes - less importance of external

sight/world. Starting to listen to the breath/self and smelling the

gandha.Shivas cutting and head replacement may have more inner

meanings which Lord has to reveal to us.


With respect to Ashwini Kumaras we have the story of Dadhichi muni

(dadhi & churning) and offering of his back/bone for vajrayudha.

Ashwini kumaras replacing munis head with horse head etc are all

related to Time principle and relation between


Cosmic man and Yogic man. Mooladhara is seated on an elephant.This is

the airavadha of Indra. There are many parralels.


My view is Shri Narasimha was in a haste to disrespect Shri

Chandrahari's theory, that too by attacking its sound root by

accusing it as the weakest link.


Shri Chandraharis root is strong.Let us respect it. Regarding

ayanamsha there are many factors mathematical as well as non-

mathematical which may be discovered further or revealed. Let us

support the learned ones to carry on further with their works.



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