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References to solstice and equinoxes in early literature

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Dear Shankara Bharadwaj ji, May be these references from Adbhuta Samhita might interest you. Check this file: Sreenadh%20OG/Adbhuta_Samhita_and_the_Period_of_Som_.pdf Love and regards,Sreenadh , ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli <shankarabharadwaj wrote:>> Dear Kishore ji,> > "4. It> is Pandit Satyavrata Samasrami who had showed that Vedic seers had knowledge of> motions of planets – at least five and the causes of solar and lunar eclipses. It is very reasonably accepted that a> knowledge of solstice and equinox points existed on the part of Vedic authors."> > Could you point to some references to equinoxes in early literature? The only one I knew of is from the story of Dhruva in Vishnu Purana where the time for the shift to complete a full circle is approximated as 26000 years.>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,


I meant by early references the sruti-smriti texts, but this certainly

helps. Dhanyavad. I suggest you upload this in hinducivilization files

section too.




, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


> Dear Shankara Bharadwaj ji,

> May be these references from Adbhuta Samhita might interest you.

> Check this file:



> OG/Adbhuta_Samhita_and_the_Period_of_Som_.pdf



> 0OG/Adbhuta_Samhita_and_the_Period_of_Som_.pdf%20>

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh

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Dear Shankar Bharadwaj ji, ==>>> I meant by early references the sruti-smriti texts ..<== I think the text Orion by Balagangadhara Tilak gives many such references in one single location. I will try to compile a single document having most of the vedic references to Equinoxes and solstices as time permits. But prior to that, if you want a document that that provides quotes some ASTROLOGICAL references present in Vedas etc, then the following file present in the file section of this group could be of use, I belive. Link: Sreenadh%20OG/Vedic%20Proof%20of%20Sayana-Nirayana%20Systems.pdf Further the document on "Vedic Proof Of Planets" may also interest you I believe: Sreenadh%20OG/Vedic%20Proof%20of%20Planets.pdf ==>> but this certainly> helps. Dhanyavad. I suggest you upload this in hinducivilization files> section too. <== Good to know that it was useful. As you suggested I have uploaded the pdf in the files section of HinduCivilization group as well with the name "Adbhuta_Samhita_and_Some_Sages.pdf". Hope it would be of some use there as well. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "shankarabharadwaj" <shankarabharadwaj wrote:>> Dear Sreenadh ji,> > I meant by early references the sruti-smriti texts, but this certainly> helps. Dhanyavad. I suggest you upload this in hinducivilization files> section too. > > Shankar> > , "Sreenadh"> sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Shankara Bharadwaj ji,> > May be these references from Adbhuta Samhita might interest you. > > Check this file:> >> Sreenadh%20\> > OG/Adbhuta_Samhita_and_the_Period_of_Som_.pdf > >> <Sreenadh%2\> > 0OG/Adbhuta_Samhita_and_the_Period_of_Som_.pdf%20>> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh>

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