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Science of Breath and some books.........

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Dear All,

Yesterday I visited Sunil ji, who is at bed rest due to high BP.

While coming back from his house, I visited a road side book stall near to a

temple. I cannot escape the temptation to flip through and buy some books

whenever I saw a book stall with some good books. Here too that was the

case. I was not expecting to get anything special, but a surprise text came to

my hand. It was not an old text, but only a text written in 2005 named

"Swara Sastra" by sri. swami Hariharadas Tyagi, published by

Ranadheer Prakasan, Haridwar. I always search for books with ancient

Sanskrit quotes as well - but this book was not even of that category - it

contained Dohas (Hindi 2 line poetry) about Swara sastra . The auther name was

unknown to me. But still it attracted my attention - firstly due to its name

"Swara Sastra" (Knowledge of Breath), and a flip through made me

became aware of the fact that it is on Astrology and not about Paranayama

(Yoga). The cost was bit high compared to the size of the book - i.e. Rs.

90/- for a book of 170 pages or so.

But I bought that book. Because -

* Till then, there is only 2 books which speak extensively about Swara

Sastra (Astrological knowledge connected to Breath pattern) - one, Siva

sworodaya (a talk between Siva and Parvati) and two, "Narapati Jayacharya

- Siva sworodaya", the AD 10th century text by poet Narapati of


* Where ever Swara (Prana, Breath) is mentioned, I smell the ancient

Tantric tradtion, Tantric Yogic knowledge, the ancient Jain tradition etc.

Whether it be the astronomy of Surya Siddhanta and Arya bhateeya, or whether it

be the astrology present in ancient Tantric texts and the texts like Narapati

Jaya charya this is the case. I was wondering where this text on Swara

(Breath) will lead me to.

* It was the first text written as Hindi Doha on Swara (Breath) I have

ever seen. This certainly made me curious to know - what is the ancient special

knowledge about Swara that is presented in this local language, that too in a

poetic manner.

So I bought the book. Flipping through the book provided me with

the following info, confirming some of my expectations.

* The book starts with a praise of the Jain Teerthankara Mahaveera, and

is written by a Jain awadhoota Yogi. (Sri. Swami Hariharadas Tyagi).

* The book is an effort to compile, translate, and provide info on

ancient Swara Sastra (Astrological knowledge connected with Breath) using Hindi

local tongue. It is exhaustive and creative effort based on ancient Tantric

text references about Swara Sastra such as those present in Jnanarnava Tantra.

* The text shows high reverence towards the Siddha and the

Ashtanga Yoga tradition.

* It provides us with info on another book on Swara Sastra named

"Sworoday ke char ratne", which is a compilation of four ancient

texts on Swara Sastra such as - Siva Sworodaya, Charandadas krita Jnana

Sworodaya, Pavana Sworodaya and Tatva Sworodaya. A compilation prepared by Baba

Anurag Das ji. [This book is also published by Ranadheer Prakasan,

Haridwar] I should try to get this text also from some where - since for sure

it may contain some rare info on mutual connection between breath pattern and


* Further it provides some rare Sanskrit quotes on Swara Sastra as


Interesting!!! So I though of sharing this info with the group -

so that some one else may also get benefited by the same.

Some thoughts

There are only a few north Indian scholars whose commentary I like -

Abhaya Katyayan is one such scholar. What ever the book be if the commentary is

by Abhaya Katyayan, then I used to by it without a second thought. Similarly if

Girija Sankar Sastri writes/publishes a book, I know for sure that it will certainly

contain some rare and unavailable info. So even though the commentary

would be normal, I will certainly buy it. (Since Girija Shankar ji was the man

behind the publication of books like Lomasa Samhita, Vasishta Samhita, Adharva

Vedanga Jyotisha etc). Living people of the credibility and sincerity of these

scholars seems to be very rare. As the future progresses the society will start

valuing their contribution more and more. Just sharing a side thought that came

to my head.

But I cannot neglect

remembering that - still we see some immature lost souls run around telling

that `Girija Shankar Sastri touches my feet and so I am greater than him' etc

etc!!! Let us hope that these kids will repent and understand their own

ignorance and immaturity – at least before they die out and gets forgotten]

Life is like a wind that scatters everything – and only our fragrance will remain

to rejoice the posterity.

Love and regards,


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