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Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora

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Dear All, As per Garga Hora - Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave (Garga Hora)[The Moon in the 2nd house makes the native a physician endowed with gold. He becomes rich by trading with gems and valuables] (Translation by KK Pathak) I don't think that this result is true. There is some thing wrong either with the sloka or the meaning provided. What to do say? What were the actual results experienced? I hope to hear the comments about the same from the learned souls, as well the description of actual experience by people having Moon in 2nd from Lagna, for whom Moon dasa is already over. Love and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Sreenadh ji, Could the meaning of the sloka be - "........becomes vaidya(physician), endowed with gold, mani, ratna(precious stones), dhan................" I am not an expert in Sanskrit. I feel Bhagwati Ji might throw some light on this. I know an individual with Moon in the second house who happens to be an Ayurvedic physician. The moon dasa is already over but it came at an early age when there was no question of being in profession so can not be tallied as far as mode of earning is concered. Regards, Dr. Sanjay SharmaSreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear All, As per Garga Hora - Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave (Garga Hora)[The Moon in the 2nd house makes the native a physician endowed with gold. He becomes rich by trading with gems and valuables] (Translation by KK Pathak) I don't think that this result is true. There is some thing wrong either with the sloka or the meaning

provided. What to do say? What were the actual results experienced? I hope to hear the comments about the same from the learned souls, as well the description of actual experience by people having Moon in 2nd from Lagna, for whom Moon dasa is already over. Love and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Monica ji,

Good point made - such a meaning is definitely possible. But the problem is, for example -

I am also having Moon in 2nd house (Virgo Lagna); but still I am not

a Vaidya (physician), but in IT field. Of course since I took birth in

Jupiter Dasa Moon dasa will never be experienced. This is one of the

reasons for my inquisitive in this combination and the result predicted

for it (by identifying the results experienced by people who underwent

that dasa, by discussing the results told for that combination in

various texts etc).

To be sincere, when looked in another perspective, this discussion is

nothing but my effort to bring the group back to the Planet-House

combination (of the 7-fold astrological system) to discuss various

Planet-House combinations in detail, collecting, compiling and

presenting the results told by various sages for the the said

combinations and arriving at better understanding by accepting what

should be be accepted and understood in from the perspective of all the

rishi horas and rejecting, that which may not materialize and in

contrast with the common opinion. So the point is the subject does not matter much, but your/our opinion and discussion is!

Love and regards,


, Monica Devgun <monicadevgun wrote:>> Dear Sreenadh ji,> Could the meaning of the sloka be - > "........becomes vaidya(physician), endowed with gold, mani, ratna(precious stones), dhan................">

I am not an expert in Sanskrit. I feel Bhagwati Ji might throw some

light on this. I know an individual with Moon in the second house who

happens to be an Ayurvedic physician. The moon dasa is already over but

it came at an early age when there was no question of being in

profession so can not be tallied as far as mode of earning is concered.

> Regards,> Dr. Sanjay Sharma> Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> Dear All, > As per Garga Hora -> Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet> Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave> (Garga Hora)>

[The Moon in the 2nd house makes the native a physician endowed with

gold. He becomes rich by trading with gems and valuables] (Translation

by KK Pathak) > > I don't think that this result is

true. There is some thing wrong either with the sloka or the meaning

provided. What to do say? What were the actual results experienced? >

I hope to hear the comments about the same from the learned souls, as

well the description of actual experience by people having Moon in 2nd

from Lagna, for whom Moon dasa is already over. > Love and regards,> Sreenadh>

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Dear Giridhar ji,

Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from

earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is why

they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'

(astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost correctness

'as observed').

We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary positions

are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or

astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand that

what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of

Parameswara or so who named it so) will give the same results, since

both of them just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions

should be correct to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please

understand that there is no point in dropping the currently available

softwares and going after the old 'Drigganita', since due to the flow

of time the ancient calculation methods are already outdated and needs

correction to bring them in tune with the reality.

So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you have.

Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what you mean

by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now from any

standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and will think

'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.

Hope this clarifies.

Love and regards,


, "giridhar_km" <giridhar_k_m wrote:>> Hi all> Pl give information about importance of Drigganitha in deciding> Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanakshathra) varies if> Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among suryasiddanta > and drigganitha when we are looking> for marriage matchings.> > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.>

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Dear Sreenadhji,


In the english version of Garga Hora, available on the web, I do not

see this translation at all. Is the sanskrit version available online?

There maybe a hidden meaning to this verse, " vaidya " also denotes any

scholar or a learned person , " kanchana " also denotes brilliance or

lustre. So the verse could mean that moon in the 2nd makes own a

scholar endowed with brilliance. Just a thought!!





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Dear Bhagavati ji, It seems that the Sanskrit version of Garga Hora collection compiled by KK Pathak is not available online. No comments about the remaining. But may be the approach we should follow is - to collect the the quotes about "Moon in 2nd by other sages, and compare and contrast the opinion of Garga with theirs". This is what I was expecting to happen. So the questions are - * What Parasara states if Moon is in 2nd? * What Rishi horas such as Skanda-Kousika-Vaishta-Sounaka etc has to say about Moon in 2nd? * What Mihira says? * What is the opinion of Yavana Jataka (Spujidwaja Hora and Meenaraja hora) about the same? * What is the opinion/results about the same, provided by Saravali and Hora Ratna? * What is there special about the same - for all the other texts to say about the same? etc etc. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "bhagavathi_hariharan" <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:>> Dear Sreenadhji,> > In the english version of Garga Hora, available on the web, I do not > see this translation at all. Is the sanskrit version available online?> There maybe a hidden meaning to this verse, "vaidya" also denotes any > scholar or a learned person , "kanchana" also denotes brilliance or > lustre. So the verse could mean that moon in the 2nd makes own a > scholar endowed with brilliance. Just a thought!!> > Regards,> > bhagavahi>

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Namaste Sreenadh ji and others,


I could agree with the garga hora verse partly, as I have Gemini lagna with

Jupiter(amk) and mercury(pik) in 2nd with moon(ak) in 4th ( so parivartana

between mer & moon), and I , though not rich yet, am a businessman dealing in

gems and diamonds etc. I was incidentally born in moon dasa and am currently

undergoing Jupiter/sani dasa. Since Jupiter is 10th lord in 2nd, and moon in

parivartana, incidentally this occupation also happens to be my family business.


Hope this helps;


Gourav Jain

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>Dear Srenadh ji,

Thanks for your kind reply. When I took software generated horoscope

of mine, I found it as Shathabhisha Nakshathra. When my father took

the software generated horoscope at some other place, it was given as

Dhanishta nakshatra. Thats why I got into confusion. My time and date

are as follows.


DOB 08-11-1978

Time: 10.25pm


One more profile which we were checking out generated same kind of

confusion, between Bharani and Kritthika. That data is as follows.


DOB: 19-08-1984

Time: 9.37 am


Since these data is required for marriage matching, i have fallen into



Your clarification will be helpful.






There will b no match prediction in grp other discussions are welcome




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Dear Gaurav ji, Good to know that. I request others too to come up with similar responses. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Gaurav Jain" <yobrevol wrote:>> Namaste Sreenadh ji and others,> > I could agree with the garga hora verse partly, as I have Gemini lagna with Jupiter(amk) and mercury(pik) in 2nd with moon(ak) in 4th ( so parivartana between mer & moon), and I , though not rich yet, am a businessman dealing in gems and diamonds etc. I was incidentally born in moon dasa and am currently undergoing Jupiter/sani dasa. Since Jupiter is 10th lord in 2nd, and moon in parivartana, incidentally this occupation also happens to be my family business.> > Hope this helps;> > Gourav Jain>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,Among the significations of moon are flavours, food, drinks, drugs and herbs, jewels and pearls. In the second house of oral traditional education, it could've meant getting medicinal vidya and hence becoming a vaidya and earning from it as second house is also dhan bhava. As this would happen when moon is fairly strong, the vaidya will earn (jewels) mani and ratnas. Here we might see a connection with the Garga Hora quote to some extent, but how far it will be effective in modern competitive world of formal education, needs to be seen. May be at some places, where vaidyas pursue a family vocation and get this vidya from their fathers, this would hold true.

I have yet to find another classical dictum similar to Garga Hora

about moon in 2nd house, though most of the classics agree that Moon in

the second house will give beneficial results for the significations of

this house, assuming however, that the other influences on moon are not

malefic and the lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope.

Some caution may be needed for Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo ascendants

where Moon in the second house may not give good results as she is the

lord of 6th, 8th and 12th respectively. Moon in the second, preferably

in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, is said to help the native to achieve in

his young age a distinct professional achievement by the favour of the

King and Government.Some of the classical views for reference are:Brihat Jatak - The person concerned will have a large-family.Phaldeepika - If the Moon is in the second the native will be soft spoken and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will be something wrong with his speech. Saravali - Native will get all comforts of life and happiness, will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full Moon in the second house the native will be very rich but will not be much talkative.

Chamatkar Chintamani - The native will gain wealth and enjoy all comforts of the body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy women and will be affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very handsome.

Horasara – Moon in second will make one courageous, rich and dear to women. He will be happy with little.Stri Jataka - Leader among women, fond of charitable deeds, righteous, devotion to holy Brahmins.

Bhrigu Sutras - The native will be handsome in appearance, full of glory, wealthy and easily satisfied. In his 18th year he will get the appointment as his commander-in chief by the king (this can also mean that he gets a distinguished professional achievement by the favour of the king in his 18th year). If the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native will be uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with benefic or benefics, the native will be highly educated and wealthy. If full Moon is in the second house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.

Hope this helps.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Sreenadh ji Neelam ji and other respected members


I have moon in 2nd house as 8th lord.As 2nd house shows Kutumba, i

will provide the following info w.r to vaidya.


1.My maternal grandfathers were ayurvedic physicians and well learned

in sanskrit.Thus Vaidya in family is shown.


2.In Karka Rashi ,8th house,Ketu is placed.Rahu and Ketu gives the

results of house lords and aspects.Ketu represents maternal

grandparents while Rahu represents paternal. In my case Moon

dispositing Ketu and placed in 2nd house is thus showing Parampara of

Vaidyas.My 9th lord and 10th lord are also aspecting this Ketu.This

also shows interest in occult.Roga nirnaya or diagnosis is also



3.My 5th lord is in ashwini, again showing poorva janmas connecting

to vaidyas. Whether i will become a vaidya or not - only time can



These points were also mentioned to show how things can be delinated

from rashi chakra. Amshas whether it be the Pranamsha called navamsha

or nadiamshas holding finer secrets of time, will help us to see the

root of the traits shown by rashi chakra bhavas.


Hope this helps



, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh ji,


> Among the significations of moon are flavours, food, drinks, drugs


> herbs, jewels and pearls. In the second house of oral traditional


> it could've meant getting medicinal vidya and hence becoming a

vaidya and

> earning from it as second house is also dhan bhava. As this would


> when moon is fairly strong, the vaidya will earn (jewels) mani and


> Here we might see a connection with the Garga Hora quote to some

extent, but

> how far it will be effective in modern competitive world of formal

> education, needs to be seen. May be at some places, where vaidyas

pursue a

> family vocation and get this vidya from their fathers, this would

hold true.


> I have yet to find another classical dictum similar to Garga Hora

about moon

> in 2nd house, though most of the classics agree that Moon in the


> house will give beneficial results for the significations of this


> assuming however, that the other influences on moon are not malefic

and the

> lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope. Some caution

may be

> needed for Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo ascendants where Moon in

the second

> house may not give good results as she is the lord of 6th, 8th and


> respectively. Moon in the second, preferably in Aries, Taurus or

Cancer, is

> said to help the native to achieve in his young age a distinct


> achievement by the favour of the King and Government.


> *Some of the classical views for reference are:*


> *Brihat Jatak -* The person concerned will have a large-family.


> *Phaldeepika* - If the Moon is in the second the native will be

soft spoken

> and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will be something

wrong with

> his speech. Saravali - Native will get all comforts of life and


> will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full Moon in the


> house the native will be very rich but will not be much talkative.


> *Chamatkar Chintamani -* The native will gain wealth and enjoy all


> of the body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy women

and will

> be affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very



> *Horasara –* Moon in second will make one courageous, rich and dear


> women. He will be happy with little.

> *

> Stri Jataka - * Leader among women, fond of charitable deeds,


> devotion to holy Brahmins.


> *Bhrigu Sutras - *The native will be handsome in appearance, full

of glory,

> wealthy and easily satisfied. In his 18th year he will get the


> as his commander-in chief by the king (this can also mean that he

gets a

> distinguished professional achievement by the favour of the king in

his 18th

> year). If the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native will be

> uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with benefic or benefics,


> native will be highly educated and wealthy. If full Moon is in the


> house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.


> Hope this helps.


> Regards

> Neelam


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Dear Members,


I know a Libra Lagna person with Moon in 2H, i.e. deb. , who is all time

busy in profit /loss, very cautious in spending money even though he

is in a rich family, he would not spend unless he has done his homwork

on that..... even it is about Rs.1,000. Observed him to be a very

family fan with absolutely NO interest in any social community

{considering his richness & society he is into} and completely



2H =family, 2H = family finance = these two qualities suits him,

rest of the points stated in the classics does not find application in

his chart.


With regards,



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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Shree Sreenadhji & learned members,

My few " paise " for the meaning..

" Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet

Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave " .

----He is " Vaidya " which has its root as " Vit " , meaning " to know " . So

I dont think the original meaning should be physician, rather one

possessing good knowledge.

" Kanchana yuktascha mani ratno dhano bhavet " --he will possess

valuables, like jewelleries, gold, precious metals etc.

What is his profession??

" karpoora chandanamodee dhanee " ---he will be rich by dealing with

luxurious items, specially Camphor, Sandalwood(it today's lingo,

perfumes etc).

But the last word of the 2nd line changes the meaning... " Kumeda

bandhave " --meaning Moon in the house of friends... " fourth house " . If

Moon is in 4th house(4th house also stands for knowledge), he will

directly aspect the 10th house from Lagna, & we know, planets

aspecting the 10th house has a say in native's profession. Moon, by

nature is a trader.

Upon members to comment on this.

Let us look at some other classics, what they say when Moon in 2nd house.

From Jatakabharanam

" Sukhaatmaja-dravyayuto bineeto bhabennarah purnobidhou dwitiye|

Kshinwe skhaladvaag bidhano-alpobuddhir-nyunnaadhikatwe phalataaratamyam|

Chandrah Kutumbabhabane shukrena nirikshito dhanadaata||

Meaning-One who has strong Moon in 2nd house, is happy with son,

possess a lot of things, & has humility.

If Moon be weak, he will not speak well, (skhaladvaag), less money &

poor intelligence. However, results will vary according to condition

of Moon.

Further " If Moon in 2nd house,be aspected by Venus, one becomes

rich " (that means Venus should aspect from 8th house, giving some form

inheritence, probably, or share market etc..)

I would appreciate any comments...

Thank you,






, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


> Dear All,

> As per Garga Hora -

> Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet

> Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave



> Hora)

> [The Moon in the 2nd house makes the native a physician endowed with

> gold. He becomes rich by trading with gems and valuables] (Translation

> by KK Pathak)


> I don't think that this result is true. There is some thing wrong

> either with the sloka or the meaning provided. What to do say? What

> were the actual results experienced?

> I hope to hear the comments about the same from the learned souls, as

> well the description of actual experience by people having Moon in 2nd

> from Lagna, for whom Moon dasa is already over.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


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Dear Members




My daughter has moon in cancer in the 2H..


She has a round face with bright eyes, but she is short-sighted and

wears contact lenses. She is soft spoken and speaks very fast, most

people have difficulty keeping up with her conversation.She is a very

family orientated person.


She wanted to study medicine, but I persuaded her not to do so , as

she is a very caring emotional person, the emotional burden plus the

long working hours, might be too much for her..


In her university years, she studied microbiology, and wrote a few

papers, related to genetic research,stem cell research and ageing process,

funded by the Cancer Research UK.


Her first job was in the government department, dealing with the licensing of

medicines for sale in the UK.


Her current job( also in Government) involves negotiating the funding

for projects within the European Space Agency/British Space industry,

ensuring that british companies get a fair share of the work to

produce/manufacture goods for the space projects( finance and

resources= 2H)


Her moon in cancer is aspected by mars from the 7H and by exalted

shani in the 5H


I hope this information is helpful.


Warmest regards




, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> I know a Libra Lagna person with Moon in 2H, i.e. deb. , who is all


> busy in profit /loss, very cautious in spending money even though


> is in a rich family, he would not spend unless he has done his


> on that..... even it is about Rs.1,000. Observed him to be a very

> family fan with absolutely NO interest in any social community

> {considering his richness & society he is into} and completely

> teetotaller.


> 2H =family, 2H = family finance = these two qualities suits him,

> rest of the points stated in the classics does not find application


> his chart.


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas


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Dear Sheevaniji,


While the real experts will give the correct astrological opinion, I thought of expressing what appears to me from the limited data available. The Moon is in the second house, which it owns. The sixth and eleventh house owner is well placed in the seventh house (which is also its friend's house) and is aspecting her second house. This is the reason for her inclination towards Medical science and for studying the medicine- related subject of microbiology and also for a stint in licensing of medicine. Exalted Saturn is also aspecting her second house as well her eleventh house. She could have had a successful career in medicine but even otherwise she will have a well-paid satisfying job. However I see the possibility of a late marriage for her for this very placement of Saturn and Mars unless Jupiter (her seventh house lord) and / or Venus helps her in having an early marriage.


Hope you will give the feedback.




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Dear Sreeramji,


You can call this a shot in the dark but I see some family problem in his case and as the person is home-bound he may be devoting his time to some hobbies like music, which keeps him totally homebound, apart from the time taken for his financial calculations. Kindly give the feedback.




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Namaste Bhattacharya ji,

Possibly you have based the observation of amily problem from Moon deb., however, the dispositor in this case, Mars is exalted in the chart. Further Jupiter is also deb. in 4H, conjunct with Saturn in 4H. Hence, deb. is cancelled in both cases, however, my believe is that there is NO cancellation in real life, except that the problem is created by the deb. planets are diluted.

His family "manship" is purely for his note worthy principles on which he lives, not much into hobbies, for music is played all through the office, entire day.....to me his only hobby is how to make $ $ $....thinking new business ideas....

With regards,


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Dear Pradeep ji,Thank you for sharing this interesting aspect. Only a vivid imagination can make us understand how planets may work!It is clear that you have a cluster of planets 2H and sun would surely represent ancestors/father in 2H. Can you also tell us about the role of 2L/3L saturn and the dispositor of these planets in this scheme. His placement would be very important also.

RegardsNeelam2009/2/1 vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep





Dear Sreenadh ji Neelam ji and other respected members


I have moon in 2nd house as 8th lord.As 2nd house shows Kutumba, i

will provide the following info w.r to vaidya.


1.My maternal grandfathers were ayurvedic physicians and well learned

in sanskrit.Thus Vaidya in family is shown.


2.In Karka Rashi ,8th house,Ketu is placed.Rahu and Ketu gives the

results of house lords and aspects.Ketu represents maternal

grandparents while Rahu represents paternal. In my case Moon

dispositing Ketu and placed in 2nd house is thus showing Parampara of

Vaidyas.My 9th lord and 10th lord are also aspecting this Ketu.This

also shows interest in occult.Roga nirnaya or diagnosis is also



3.My 5th lord is in ashwini, again showing poorva janmas connecting

to vaidyas. Whether i will become a vaidya or not - only time can



These points were also mentioned to show how things can be delinated

from rashi chakra. Amshas whether it be the Pranamsha called navamsha

or nadiamshas holding finer secrets of time, will help us to see the

root of the traits shown by rashi chakra bhavas.


Hope this helps



, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Sreenadh ji,


> Among the significations of moon are flavours, food, drinks, drugs


> herbs, jewels and pearls. In the second house of oral traditional


> it could've meant getting medicinal vidya and hence becoming a

vaidya and

> earning from it as second house is also dhan bhava. As this would


> when moon is fairly strong, the vaidya will earn (jewels) mani and


> Here we might see a connection with the Garga Hora quote to some

extent, but

> how far it will be effective in modern competitive world of formal

> education, needs to be seen. May be at some places, where vaidyas

pursue a

> family vocation and get this vidya from their fathers, this would

hold true.


> I have yet to find another classical dictum similar to Garga Hora

about moon

> in 2nd house, though most of the classics agree that Moon in the


> house will give beneficial results for the significations of this


> assuming however, that the other influences on moon are not malefic

and the

> lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope. Some caution

may be

> needed for Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo ascendants where Moon in

the second

> house may not give good results as she is the lord of 6th, 8th and


> respectively. Moon in the second, preferably in Aries, Taurus or

Cancer, is

> said to help the native to achieve in his young age a distinct


> achievement by the favour of the King and Government.


> *Some of the classical views for reference are:*


> *Brihat Jatak -* The person concerned will have a large-family.


> *Phaldeepika* - If the Moon is in the second the native will be

soft spoken

> and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will be something

wrong with

> his speech. Saravali - Native will get all comforts of life and


> will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full Moon in the


> house the native will be very rich but will not be much talkative.


> *Chamatkar Chintamani -* The native will gain wealth and enjoy all


> of the body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy women

and will

> be affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very



> *Horasara –* Moon in second will make one courageous, rich and dear


> women. He will be happy with little.

> *

> Stri Jataka - * Leader among women, fond of charitable deeds,


> devotion to holy Brahmins.


> *Bhrigu Sutras - *The native will be handsome in appearance, full

of glory,

> wealthy and easily satisfied. In his 18th year he will get the


> as his commander-in chief by the king (this can also mean that he

gets a

> distinguished professional achievement by the favour of the king in

his 18th

> year). If the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native will be

> uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with benefic or benefics,


> native will be highly educated and wealthy. If full Moon is in the


> house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.


> Hope this helps.


> Regards

> Neelam


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Dear Sunil ji,




Thanks for sharing your observations.


My daughter is not married yet, but she has 7L Jupiter in the

7H(sagitarius) which is its mooltrikona-stan.


She has debilitated sun,mercury and exalted shani in the 5H but

sun,shani and moon are debilitated in navamsha while jupiter is

exalted in 7H in navamsha.


Another 2H characteristic.. she loves rich food( including mithai's)

and enjoys gourmet meals etc..


warmest regards




, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear Sheevaniji,


> While the real experts will give the correct astrological opinion, I

thought of expressing what appears to me from the limited data

available. The Moon is in the  second house, which it owns. The sixth

and eleventh  house owner is well placed in the seventh house (which

is also its friend's house) and is aspecting her second house. This is

the reason for her inclination towards Medical science  and for

studying the  medicine- related subject of microbiology and also for a

stint in licensing of medicine. Exalted Saturn is also aspecting her

second house as well her eleventh house. She could have had a

successful career in medicine but even otherwise she will have a well-

paid satisfying job. However I see the possibility of a late marriage

for her for this very placement of Saturn and Mars unless Jupiter (her

seventh house lord) and / or Venus helps her in having an early



> Hope you will give the feedback.


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


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, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


Dear Sreenadji,

I would like to thank you for the kind reply. I need some more

clear information from you. My DOB is 8-11-1978, time 10.25 pm.

Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and

some other software which my father has got has given it as

Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which dob

is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am. We have got Bharani as

Janmanakshatra from one software and it is kritthika in some

softwares. we are in confusion as which is correct, as we have to

use this for marriage purpose.

Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital


Pl find time and clarify this doubt.


Thanking you










> Dear Giridhar ji,

> Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from

> earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is


> they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'

> (astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost

correctness 'as

> observed').

> We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary


> are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or

> astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand


> what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of


> or so who named it so) will give the same results, since both of


> just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions should be


> to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please understand that


> is no point in dropping the currently available softwares and going

> after the old 'Drigganita', since due to the flow of time the


> calculation methods are already outdated and needs correction to


> them in tune with the reality.

> So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you


> Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what you


> by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now

from any

> standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and will


> 'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.

> Hope this clarifies.

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " giridhar_km "

> <giridhar_k_m@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all

> > Pl give information about importance of Drigganitha in deciding

> > Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanakshathra) varies if

> > Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among


> > and drigganitha when we are looking

> > for marriage matchings.

> >

> > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.

> >


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Dear Giridharji,


I guess Sreenadhji will need the details of the places of birth also. Sreenadhji will give you the precise astrological reply.


Assuming that Bharani and Dhanistha nakshatra are correct I find form the "Thumb rule" that Bharani and Dhanistha genarally do match (Rajayoga). However Bharani (girl) matches with Dhanistha (boy) still better if the boy is born in the second half of Dhanistha.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m wrote:

giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m Re: Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora Date: Monday, February 2, 2009, 4:32 AM



ancient_indian_ astrology, "Sreenadh" <sreesog > wrote:>Dear Sreenadji,I would like to thank you for the kind reply. I need some more clear information from you. My DOB is 8-11-1978, time 10.25 pm. Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and some other software which my father has got has given it as Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which dob is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am. We have got Bharani as Janmanakshatra from one software and it is kritthika in some softwares. we are in confusion as which is correct, as we have to use this for marriage purpose.Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital purposes.Pl find time and clarify this doubt.Thanking youGiridhara> Dear Giridhar

ji,> Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from> earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is why> they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'> (astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost correctness 'as> observed').> We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary positions> are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or> astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand that> what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of Parameswara> or so who named it so) will give the same results, since both of them> just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions should be correct> to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please understand that there> is no point in dropping the currently available

softwares and going> after the old 'Drigganita' , since due to the flow of time the ancient> calculation methods are already outdated and needs correction to bring> them in tune with the reality.> So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you have.> Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what you mean> by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now from any> standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and will think> 'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.> Hope this clarifies.> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "giridhar_km"> <giridhar_k_ m@> wrote:> >> > Hi all> > Pl give information about

importance of Drigganitha in deciding> > Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanaks hathra) varies if> > Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among suryasiddanta> > and drigganitha when we are looking> > for marriage matchings.> >> > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.> >>

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Dear Giridhar ji, Yes, as Sunil ji said, the 'Place of Birth' is required, for casting the chart - of both the girl and the boy. Now coming to Nakshatra Matching, as per Nakshatra Matching principles used in marriage matching - * Many astrologers may oppose Bharani-Dhanishta matching (Female: Bharani; Male: Dhanishta), since the said combination causes 'Madhyama Ranju Dosha'. (Rating: 3.5 points out of 8 points) * Bharani-Satabhisha matching (Rating: 3 points out of 8 points). Here also enough matching points are not present. *Krittika-Dhanishta matching (Rating: 4 points out of 8 points) - it is ok. * Krittika-Satabhisha matching (Rating: 4 points out of 8 points) - it is ok. But instead of depending on such simple Nakshara matching, go to some good astrologer and do a detailed matching making to get the clear idea. If you are in doubt about the Nakshatra of your and the girl, then provide the place of birth as well, so that some one in the group can cast the chart and clarify your doubt.Love and regards,Sreenadh , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Giridharji,> > I guess Sreenadhji will need the details of the places of birth also. Sreenadhji will give you the precise astrological reply. > > Assuming that Bharani and Dhanistha nakshatra are correct I find form the "Thumb rule" that Bharani and Dhanistha genarally do match (Rajayoga). However Bharani (girl) matches with Dhanistha (boy) still better if the boy is born in the second half of Dhanistha. > > Best wishes,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > --- On Mon, 2/2/09, giridhar_km giridhar_k_m wrote:> > giridhar_km giridhar_k_m Re: Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora> > Monday, February 2, 2009, 4:32 AM> > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Sreenadh" > sreesog@ > wrote:> >> Dear Sreenadji,> I would like to thank you for the kind reply. I need some more > clear information from you. My DOB is 8-11-1978, time 10.25 pm. > Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and > some other software which my father has got has given it as > Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which dob > is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am. We have got Bharani as > Janmanakshatra from one software and it is kritthika in some > softwares. we are in confusion as which is correct, as we have to > use this for marriage purpose.> Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital > purposes.> Pl find time and clarify this doubt.> > Thanking you> Giridhara> > > Dear Giridhar ji,> > Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from> > earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is > why> > they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'> > (astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost > correctness 'as> > observed').> > We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary > positions> > are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or> > astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand > that> > what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of > Parameswara> > or so who named it so) will give the same results, since both of > them> > just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions should be > correct> > to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please understand that > there> > is no point in dropping the currently available softwares and going> > after the old 'Drigganita' , since due to the flow of time the > ancient> > calculation methods are already outdated and needs correction to > bring> > them in tune with the reality.> > So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you > have.> > Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what you > mean> > by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now > from any> > standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and will > think> > 'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.> > Hope this clarifies.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "giridhar_km"> > <giridhar_k_ m@> wrote:> > >> > > Hi all> > > Pl give information about importance of Drigganitha in deciding> > > Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanaks hathra) varies if> > > Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among > suryasiddanta> > > and drigganitha when we are looking> > > for marriage matchings.> > >> > > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.> > >> >>

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Dear Giridharji,


I have given only the thumb rule matching, which is generally used for prima facie matching. There are several other factors one has to see while matching horoscopes. One important factor is the "Nadi" matching, another is "Gana" matching among several other factors.The Bhauma dosha or the Mangal dosha is also important. From all these factors a point count is made before deciding whether the matching is acceptable or not.


Then of course comes the consideration of the astrological positions of the grahas in both the horoscopes, which a good astrologer has to check.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:

Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjyaRe: Re: Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora Date: Monday, February 2, 2009, 3:08 PM








Dear Giridharji,


I guess Sreenadhji will need the details of the places of birth also. Sreenadhji will give you the precise astrological reply.


Assuming that Bharani and Dhanistha nakshatra are correct I find form the "Thumb rule" that Bharani and Dhanistha genarally do match (Rajayoga). However Bharani (girl) matches with Dhanistha (boy) still better if the boy is born in the second half of Dhanistha.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m@ rediffmail. com> wrote:

giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m@ rediffmail. com>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Moon in 2nd and Garga Horaancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, February 2, 2009, 4:32 AM



ancient_indian_ astrology, "Sreenadh" <sreesog > wrote:>Dear Sreenadji,I would like to thank you for the kind reply. I need some more clear information from you. My DOB is 8-11-1978, time 10.25 pm. Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and some other software which my father has got has given it as Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which dob is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am. We have got Bharani as Janmanakshatra from one software and it is kritthika in some softwares. we are in confusion as which is correct, as we have to use this for marriage purpose.Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital purposes.Pl find time and clarify this doubt.Thanking youGiridhara> Dear Giridhar

ji,> Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from> earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is why> they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'> (astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost correctness 'as> observed').> We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary positions> are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or> astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand that> what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of Parameswara> or so who named it so) will give the same results, since both of them> just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions should be correct> to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please understand that there> is no point in dropping the currently available

softwares and going> after the old 'Drigganita' , since due to the flow of time the ancient> calculation methods are already outdated and needs correction to bring> them in tune with the reality.> So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you have.> Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what you mean> by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now from any> standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and will think> 'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.> Hope this clarifies.> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "giridhar_km"> <giridhar_k_ m@> wrote:> >> > Hi all> > Pl give information about

importance of Drigganitha in deciding> > Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanaks hathra) varies if> > Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among suryasiddanta> > and drigganitha when we are looking> > for marriage matchings.> >> > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.> >>

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Dear Mr. Giridhar_KM,


I think you should go by your parent's referred nakshatra..... than

relying on the softwares...... we in the group cannot certify a software

to be good / bad or ugly..... nor one can do birth time



With regards,



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Dear Neelam Ji


Yes dispositor of the above said planets and karaka for 2nd house are

also to be considered as you have rightly observed.


2nd Lord in 6th - Can show debts, savings related etc. It can also

show the efforts and struggles necessary from the individuals

represented by the said bhava nathas and the jataka himself.

(2nd/6th/10th -natural prithvi tattwa).


Sun in 2nd as 9th lord will definitely show father and ancestors,

especially as joined by Rahu. My paternal grandfather into business

of spices had faced setbacks and big losses due to involvement in

SATA, a kind of commodities sharemarket agreement.Powerful influence

of Rahu is shown by his ablitity to dance in trance at family Sarpa



Nature of 3rd Lord and position in 6th can also show

initiatives/efforts and handling of obstacles.


As you are aware of - karakas,Lagna,Labha and overall strength needs

to be considered on any chart before arriving at conclusions.






, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Pradeep ji,


> Thank you for sharing this interesting aspect. Only a vivid

imagination can

> make us understand how planets may work!


> It is clear that you have a cluster of planets 2H and sun would


> represent ancestors/father in 2H. Can you also tell us about the

role of

> 2L/3L saturn and the dispositor of these planets in this scheme. His

> placement would be very important also.


> Regards

> Neelam





> 2009/2/1 vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep


> > Dear Sreenadh ji Neelam ji and other respected members

> >

> > I have moon in 2nd house as 8th lord.As 2nd house shows Kutumba, i

> > will provide the following info w.r to vaidya.

> >

> > 1.My maternal grandfathers were ayurvedic physicians and well


> > in sanskrit.Thus Vaidya in family is shown.

> >

> > 2.In Karka Rashi ,8th house,Ketu is placed.Rahu and Ketu gives the

> > results of house lords and aspects.Ketu represents maternal

> > grandparents while Rahu represents paternal. In my case Moon

> > dispositing Ketu and placed in 2nd house is thus showing

Parampara of

> > Vaidyas.My 9th lord and 10th lord are also aspecting this


> > also shows interest in occult.Roga nirnaya or diagnosis is also

> > similar.

> >

> > 3.My 5th lord is in ashwini, again showing poorva janmas


> > to vaidyas. Whether i will become a vaidya or not - only time can

> > prove:-).

> >

> > These points were also mentioned to show how things can be


> > from rashi chakra. Amshas whether it be the Pranamsha called


> > or nadiamshas holding finer secrets of time, will help us to see


> > root of the traits shown by rashi chakra bhavas.

> >

> > Hope this helps

> > Pradeep

> >

> > --- In



> > neelam gupta

> > <neelamgupta07@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sreenadh ji,

> > >

> > > Among the significations of moon are flavours, food, drinks,


> > and

> > > herbs, jewels and pearls. In the second house of oral


> > education,

> > > it could've meant getting medicinal vidya and hence becoming a

> > vaidya and

> > > earning from it as second house is also dhan bhava. As this


> > happen

> > > when moon is fairly strong, the vaidya will earn (jewels) mani


> > ratnas.

> > > Here we might see a connection with the Garga Hora quote to some

> > extent, but

> > > how far it will be effective in modern competitive world of


> > > education, needs to be seen. May be at some places, where


> > pursue a

> > > family vocation and get this vidya from their fathers, this


> > hold true.

> > >

> > > I have yet to find another classical dictum similar to Garga


> > about moon

> > > in 2nd house, though most of the classics agree that Moon in the

> > second

> > > house will give beneficial results for the significations of


> > house,

> > > assuming however, that the other influences on moon are not


> > and the

> > > lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope. Some caution

> > may be

> > > needed for Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo ascendants where Moon


> > the second

> > > house may not give good results as she is the lord of 6th, 8th


> > 12th

> > > respectively. Moon in the second, preferably in Aries, Taurus or

> > Cancer, is

> > > said to help the native to achieve in his young age a distinct

> > professional

> > > achievement by the favour of the King and Government.

> > >

> > > *Some of the classical views for reference are:*

> > >

> > > *Brihat Jatak -* The person concerned will have a large-family.

> > >

> > > *Phaldeepika* - If the Moon is in the second the native will be

> > soft spoken

> > > and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will be


> > wrong with

> > > his speech. Saravali - Native will get all comforts of life and

> > happiness,

> > > will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full Moon in


> > second

> > > house the native will be very rich but will not be much


> > >

> > > *Chamatkar Chintamani -* The native will gain wealth and enjoy


> > comforts

> > > of the body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy


> > and will

> > > be affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very

> > handsome.

> > >

> > > *Horasara –* Moon in second will make one courageous, rich and


> > to

> > > women. He will be happy with little.

> > > *

> > > Stri Jataka - * Leader among women, fond of charitable deeds,

> > righteous,

> > > devotion to holy Brahmins.

> > >

> > > *Bhrigu Sutras - *The native will be handsome in appearance,


> > of glory,

> > > wealthy and easily satisfied. In his 18th year he will get the

> > appointment

> > > as his commander-in chief by the king (this can also mean that


> > gets a

> > > distinguished professional achievement by the favour of the

king in

> > his 18th

> > > year). If the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native

will be

> > > uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with benefic or


> > the

> > > native will be highly educated and wealthy. If full Moon is in


> > second

> > > house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Neelam

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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