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Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora

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Namaste to all,


I have moon in 2nd house (Sagittarius). It is

with mercury, the 8 and 11th lord - am now working as customer

service representative in bank. I started working very late in life, only at

age 36. Till then, I was a housewife (family, kutumba). I have a round face and

I like to eat traditional and exotic vegetarian food (moon as 9th

lord). I do not like my work at the moment due to mental stress/conflict (moon

with mercury as 8th lord) involved in the job. I have already had my

moon dasa during which I was a housewife. During moon dasa, I have been abroad

as moon is 9th lord. I had my second son, I lost my mother and

mother-in-law during my moon dasa – all showing the activation of the

moon karak factors. I got good spiritual direction during my moon dasa –

I did the art of living course and benefitted from the teachings of Sri Sri, as

our guruji is called. I do like all subjects dealing with medical science. I

studied biological sciences for my graduation but never pursued any career in

that direction – nor has anyone in my family. In my case, I think moon is

much influenced by mercury, the 8th and 11th lord. Moon

is in the nakshatra of venus. Venus and mercury are in each others nakshatra. I

have a good voice for singing and am reasonably good at sales job, even though

I do not like it. Sometimes, I can be very emotional. Sometimes, I can talk

without thinking, and can hurt myself due to this impulsive nature. As regards

to standards of living, I have lead a middle class life throughout and have not

experienced dearth of any necessities, thanks to God.


Hope this helps.


With love and regards,




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Dear Smitha ji, Thanks for that informative note, which helps us much in understanding the nature of Moon in 2nd house. Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Smitha" <anilsmi wrote:>> Namaste to all,> > > > I have moon in 2nd house (Sagittarius). It is with mercury, the 8 and 11th> lord - am now working as customer service representative in bank. I started> working very late in life, only at age 36. Till then, I was a housewife> (family, kutumba). I have a round face and I like to eat traditional and> exotic vegetarian food (moon as 9th lord). I do not like my work at the> moment due to mental stress/conflict (moon with mercury as 8th lord)> involved in the job. I have already had my moon dasa during which I was a> housewife. During moon dasa, I have been abroad as moon is 9th lord. I had> my second son, I lost my mother and mother-in-law during my moon dasa - all> showing the activation of the moon karak factors. I got good spiritual> direction during my moon dasa - I did the art of living course and> benefitted from the teachings of Sri Sri, as our guruji is called. I do like> all subjects dealing with medical science. I studied biological sciences for> my graduation but never pursued any career in that direction - nor has> anyone in my family. In my case, I think moon is much influenced by mercury,> the 8th and 11th lord. Moon is in the nakshatra of venus. Venus and mercury> are in each others nakshatra. I have a good voice for singing and am> reasonably good at sales job, even though I do not like it. Sometimes, I can> be very emotional. Sometimes, I can talk without thinking, and can hurt> myself due to this impulsive nature. As regards to standards of living, I> have lead a middle class life throughout and have not experienced dearth of> any necessities, thanks to God. > > > > Hope this helps.> > > > With love and regards,> > smitha>

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Dear Sreenadji and Sunil Bhattacharya ji I have provided the

following information needed including place of birth.


I would like to thank you for the kind reply. My DOB is 8-11-1978,

time 10.25 pm, and place of birth is Tumkur, Karnataka.

Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and

some other software which my father has got has given it as

Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which dob

is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am, Place of birth is Bangalore. We

have got Bharani as Janmanakshatra from one software and it is

kritthika in some softwares. we are in confusion as which is

correct, as we have to use this for marriage purpose.

Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital


Pl find time and clarify this doubt, your clarification will be



Thanking you




, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


>  Dear Giridharji,


> I guess Sreenadhji will need the details of the places of birth

also. Sreenadhji will give you the precise astrological reply.


> Assuming that Bharani and Dhanistha nakshatra are correct I find

form the " Thumb rule " that Bharani and Dhanistha genarally do match

(Rajayoga). However Bharani (girl) matches with Dhanistha (boy)

still  better  if the boy is born in the second half of Dhanistha. 


> Best wishes,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



> --- On Mon, 2/2/09, giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m wrote:


> giridhar_km <giridhar_k_m

> Re: Moon in 2nd and Garga Hora


> Monday, February 2, 2009, 4:32 AM

ancient_indian_ astrology, " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@ > wrote:

> >

> Dear Sreenadji,

> I would like to thank you for the kind reply. I need some more

> clear information from you. My DOB is 8-11-1978, time 10.25 pm.

> Through Some softwares i am getting as Dhanishhta Nakshathra and

> some other software which my father has got has given it as

> Shathabhisha. Same thing happened to one more profile, for which


> is 19-08-1984 and time is 9.37am. We have got Bharani as

> Janmanakshatra from one software and it is kritthika in some

> softwares. we are in confusion as which is correct, as we have to

> use this for marriage purpose.

> Does Dhanishta(Male) and Bharani(Female) not match for marital

> purposes.

> Pl find time and clarify this doubt.


> Thanking you

> Giridhara


> > Dear Giridhar ji,

> > Astrology is created by the people who observed the planets from

> > earth. They thought that it should be utmost correct and that is

> why

> > they corrected it with 'observation' and that is how 'Drigganita'

> > (astronomical position of planets calculated with utmost

> correctness 'as

> > observed').

> > We are living in the modern age, and the correct planetary

> positions

> > are available to us now by the use of various good ephemeris or

> > astrological softwares. Simply depend on the same and understand

> that

> > what they give and what you may get through 'Drigganita' (of

> Parameswara

> > or so who named it so) will give the same results, since both of

> them

> > just tells us that 'astronomical planetary positions should be

> correct

> > to the maximum as observed from earth'. So please understand


> there

> > is no point in dropping the currently available softwares and


> > after the old 'Drigganita' , since due to the flow of time the

> ancient

> > calculation methods are already outdated and needs correction to

> bring

> > them in tune with the reality.

> > So please drop your purposeless doubt and start using what you

> have.

> > Most of the people in the group might be wondering that - what


> mean

> > by your question, when Nakshatra is clearly understandable now

> from any

> > standard astrological software; I too will feel the same and


> think

> > 'why you are unnecessarily hair splitting?'.

> > Hope this clarifies.

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " giridhar_km "

> > <giridhar_k_ m@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi all

> > > Pl give information about importance of Drigganitha in deciding

> > > Janmanakshathra. Because Birthstar(Janmanaks hathra) varies if

> > > Drigganitha is not considered. Which is correct among

> suryasiddanta

> > > and drigganitha when we are looking

> > > for marriage matchings.

> > >

> > > It will be helpful to me if I get right information.

> > >

> >


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Dear Members

I have moon in 2nd in cancer. It was a krishna paksha navami/dasami,

so perhaps not very strong moon? Had no inclination towards medical

sciences at any time though. Neither involved in any gems trading

etc., at least so far ( am 35 now).


I do have a round face, and try to eat the right food carefully. I try

to avoid all the rich foods. Have a very light diet. Have a weakness

for sweet though.


As far as riches go, I am still struggling to find the right

opportunities in career for several years. So I am at present on the

opposite end of what the dictum says about wealth. Although I have had

a decent education. I do love family and enjoy cosy environments but

for some reason I seek those outside my own family. I feel very

uncomfortable in my family (of origin, am single myself) . Debilitated

Jupiter aspects the moon from the 8th house also. ( Technically

though, moon is at 28 Cancer, and Jup is at 8 Cap, so a very wide

opposition with 20 degrees). Poetry writing came naturally to me. I

will be happy to provide any more details should someone ask.


Srinivasji,I found your mention of scorpio moon and focus on money

interesting. I have known at least 3 such natives. They all seemed to

be real penny pinchers and had a very strong focus on money and very

geniuses at saving it. I am very liberal with money usually.

Is that a normal phenomenon for debilitated moons? Or maybe aspect of

Mars on Moon creates a focus on money?






, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> I know a Libra Lagna person with Moon in 2H, i.e. deb. , who is all time

> busy in profit /loss, very cautious in spending money even though he

> is in a rich family, he would not spend unless he has done his homwork

> on that..... even it is about Rs.1,000. Observed him to be a very

> family fan with absolutely NO interest in any social community

> {considering his richness & society he is into} and completely

> teetotaller.


> 2H =family, 2H = family finance = these two qualities suits him,

> rest of the points stated in the classics does not find application in

> his chart.


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas


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respected member,

i had 8th house lord moon in second house,and also

saturn in 12th house aspecting 2nd house moon also aspecting its own

house.my eyes are brounish and my speech is loud but good and not

very fluent speech,idon't have any food restrictions and also i

always avoid rich foods,and i spend more mony to food.In every

matters my mind come across two ideas,i cant understand which one is

best and which one should apply.i done my engineering in electronics

and instrumentation field,and my job is related to process


in my openion fluctuation in mind and in welth is correct for this


for birth details are,



P.O.B-amalapuram(Andhra Pradesh)










, " "

<gaurav.ghosh wrote:


> ||Jai Ramakrishna||

> Dear Shree Sreenadhji & learned members,

> My few " paise " for the meaning..

> " Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet

> Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave " .

> ----He is " Vaidya " which has its root as " Vit " , meaning " to know " .


> I dont think the original meaning should be physician, rather one

> possessing good knowledge.

> " Kanchana yuktascha mani ratno dhano bhavet " --he will possess

> valuables, like jewelleries, gold, precious metals etc.

> What is his profession??

> " karpoora chandanamodee dhanee " ---he will be rich by dealing with

> luxurious items, specially Camphor, Sandalwood(it today's lingo,

> perfumes etc).

> But the last word of the 2nd line changes the meaning... " Kumeda

> bandhave " --meaning Moon in the house of friends... " fourth house " .


> Moon is in 4th house(4th house also stands for knowledge), he will

> directly aspect the 10th house from Lagna, & we know, planets

> aspecting the 10th house has a say in native's profession. Moon, by

> nature is a trader.

> Upon members to comment on this.

> Let us look at some other classics, what they say when Moon in 2nd


> From Jatakabharanam

> " Sukhaatmaja-dravyayuto bineeto bhabennarah purnobidhou dwitiye|

> Kshinwe skhaladvaag bidhano-alpobuddhir-nyunnaadhikatwe


> Chandrah Kutumbabhabane shukrena nirikshito dhanadaata||

> Meaning-One who has strong Moon in 2nd house, is happy with son,

> possess a lot of things, & has humility.

> If Moon be weak, he will not speak well, (skhaladvaag), less money


> poor intelligence. However, results will vary according to


> of Moon.

> Further " If Moon in 2nd house,be aspected by Venus, one becomes

> rich " (that means Venus should aspect from 8th house, giving some


> inheritence, probably, or share market etc..)

> I would appreciate any comments...

> Thank you,

> .





> , " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > As per Garga Hora -

> > Vaidya kanchana yuktascha mani ratna dhano bhavet

> > Karpoora chandanamodee dhanee kumuda bandhave



> (Garga

> > Hora)

> > [The Moon in the 2nd house makes the native a physician endowed


> > gold. He becomes rich by trading with gems and valuables]


> > by KK Pathak)

> >

> > I don't think that this result is true. There is some thing


> > either with the sloka or the meaning provided. What to do say?


> > were the actual results experienced?

> > I hope to hear the comments about the same from the learned

souls, as

> > well the description of actual experience by people having Moon

in 2nd

> > from Lagna, for whom Moon dasa is already over.

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >


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