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Books by Sreenadh in Malayalam/English

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Dear Vijay ji, ==>> Publish all your existing books (and also in future) in english<== Publishing the existing works in English may not be possible due to the following reasons - 1) No creative author usually likes to give birth to the same child again - it is a waste of time and may not give us the joy of a creative work. Same is my case - I usually don't like to repeat things. 2) When a creative individual tries to do the same thing again, it altogether changes and turns out to be something new!! In case of a translation, if done by the author itself, it usually ceases to be a translation and turns out to be a new and creative work (and at the end we will have 2 different works at hand in two different languages - and not the translation of the single work in 2 languages). 3) The prime requirement of language and cultures differ, even in learning, due to their tradition. For example Keralite astrologers may prefer to know more about Temple Prashna and would love to read books dealing with higher studies in that subject. But in north India, Temple Prashna is almost non-existant and even prashna has only a feeble presence. Here people are more interested in Natal chart reading and mundane astrology. So the prime books written should better address the Natal chat reading methodologies first and that also in detail; since the good and simple books available even on Natal chart reading is very few in number. So if I write a book in English, and if I really want to help the north indian astrologers (normal people were never my audiance) to know more indepth about ancient indian astrological system, then better I should write a book on 7-fold system first and on predicting with vargas second. So apart from collections of scattered articles, my first book on english would be about these subjects which demands prime attention only, and not any transilation of my previous works. ;)Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Vijay Goel" <goyalvj wrote:>> Respected Sreenadhji,> > //I will try publishing more books as more publishers come forward to> publish my books either in malayalam or english. :)///> > Hamara bhi khayal rakho, Publish all your existing books (and also in future) in english, or i am coming to your home with baggage :)) to understand what you wrote.> > Regards,> Vijay Goel> Jaipur.> > , "Sreenadh" sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Chandran ji,> > There are not many but only 5 of them as of now.> > 1) Deva parasna Anushtana pradeepam - Published by Bhagya Book House,> > TVM> > 2) Deepa lakshanavum nalikera lakshanavum - Published by Bhagya> > Book House, TVM> > 3) Tamboola Prashnam - Published by Arsha Publishers, TVM> > 4) Porutha Bodhini - Published by Arsha Publishers, TVM> > 5) Vivaha Porutam - Published from Vatakara (I forgot the name of> > the publishers)> > > > The first 4 of them must be available in and is distributed by Bhagya> > Book house; the last one by one pubilcation from Vatakara, Calicut. In> > other book stalls also you may find them, if Bhagya books had> > destributed it there; the last one is just a ready reconner for> > nakshatra matches and even in busstands (especially near to calicut)> > yiou might find it i believe. :)> > Any way, I am yet to get benefitted in any way by book publishing. :)> > I will try publishing more books as more publishers come forward to> > publish my books either in malayalam or english. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > , skm chandran> > <colchandran@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > Can you kindly send me the names of the books you have written and its> > availability in Kerala?> > > Warm regards,> > > Col.Chandran> > >> > > --- On Fri, 3/6/09, Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote:> > >> > > Sreenadh sreesog@> > > Re: Mail from Mr. Vinay Jha> > > > > > Friday, March 6, 2009, 7:35 PM> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Dear Vijay Goel ji,> > > The books I wrote are not in Tamil, but in Malayalam, my mother> > tongue. Any way thanks for the complement.> > > ==>> > > > This group was initiated for the discussion on 7 step theory as> > > > explained by him, but i think we have lost our direction and many> > > > general discussion is going on.> > > <==> > > This is only partially true.> > > * 7 step theory or explanation of astrological prediction system, > > is NOT my contribution but an ancient one, put forward by sage Vasishta.> > > * We haven't lost our direction but the members are in want of time> > to dedicate more - due to their busy schedule and just because of that> > resort to general discussions than to sequential and in-depth articles> > or write-ups.> > > * It is true that currently many general discussions are going on -> > and the main thread of 7 step or 7-fold system is not given prime focus> > (even though it is there in the mind of everyone).> > > Thanks for sharing the thought and reminding us all about the need> > to go back and start again from where we left in 7 -fold system.> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vijay Goel> > goyalvj@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Bhagavathi,> > > >> > > > ** // New Version of Kundalee Software : Faster, Easier but Bigger> > //> > > >> > > > Is vedic astro going the burger way? **> > > >> > > > Here the expansion of Kundalee software is going on Rahu way, not> > due to> > > > Jupiter. :)> > > >> > > > ------------ -------> > > >> > > > Shri Shreenadhji is the authenthic scholer and published few books> > in> > > > Tamil Language. I have seen that one book with my Tamil friend here> > at> > > > Jaipur.> > > > I am waiting for his few writings he has promised on divisional> > charts.> > > > This group was initiated for the discussion on 7 step theory as> > > > explained by him, but i think we have lost our direction and many> > > > general discussion is going on.> > > > I am eagerly waiting for some learnings from the seniors and from> > their> > > > experience.> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Vijay Goel> > > > Jaipur.> > > >> > >> >>

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