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Originality of Suryasiddhanta

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Dear all.




The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.


Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings

may now be somewhat off and one may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas (

who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others) call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras.


Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.


As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.


Hope you will find this information useful.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved wrote:

Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved[ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhantaindiaarchaeology Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM



Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:Shri Vinay Jha-ji,Namaskar!Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it

is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!Regards,A K KaulIndian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:>> > To All :> > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some> misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600

yojanas,> whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> prehistoric period

(before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.> Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework> of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit> with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> in favour of which I have cited above.> >

There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to> Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have> in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> Suryasiddhantic framework.> > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the> discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern

researches> have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of> Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and> beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

Suryasiddhanta, the> greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> internet.> > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > > > > -VJ> > ============ ==== ============ ====>--- End forwarded message ---

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Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji, //Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got

the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously

means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the

heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy.// No - this simply means that Maya was the student of (maya learned from) the ancient well revered sage with the name Surya who is the Kulacharya (Chancellor of the University) of the Rishu kula Surya Kula (just like Vasishta Kula, Garga kula etc). This sage Surya is considered among one of the 18 Jyotisastra Pravartaka (great propogaters or teachers of astrologia wisdom) and is the originator and original teacher of Surya Siddhanta, Surya Jataka and many more texts. Maya learned from this great sage and belongs to this Kula parampara of traditional widom. That is why it is said that he learned astronomy from Surya. Here the word 'Surya' DOES NOT refer to Sun, but to an ancient sage with the name 'Surya' (i.e. Surya Acharya or Sage Surya). This is my opinion and understanding. By the way - Sage Surya's teachings on astrology is in tune with Arsha (Hindu; Sanatana) School of astrological thought than with Garga (Jain) or Yavana (Ionion) school of astrological thought. Usually each of the 18 Jyotisastra pravatakas are the Kulacharyas of some astrological school of thought with minor differences. For example Manu (mentioned among the 18 acharyas) was the propogator of Sayana (Vedic) System of astrology and Bhrigu was of Nadi system of astrology, Vyasa was of Siderial (Nakshatra) system of astrology etc (But a later day sage of the same kula named Badarayana, spoke about Nirayana system in general and longivity calculations as well). The lost system among these various schools include that of Chaivana, Angira, Atri etc. Hope this info would be useful.Love and regards,Sreenadh , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear all.> > Namaskar,> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras. > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > Hope you will find this information useful.> > regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

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I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.


Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which

implies a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found

no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.


But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.


His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most

of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can

never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar's method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar's calculations, perhaps !!

Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!!

He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

anything can be posted on internet.








Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya


Cc: ; ;


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta






Dear all.




The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of

disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some

Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.


Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein

will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the

Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as

the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the

arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at

all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he

says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as

even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the king

of the suras.


Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.


As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.


Hope you will find this information useful.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:


Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

[ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar Krishen

Kaul " <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:


Shri Vinay Jha-ji,


Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good



Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have

obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag

end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the

duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some

" Vedic astrologers " .

Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha

wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is

supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee

softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which

Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and



A K Kaul

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:



> To All :


> One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.





> Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.





> Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.


> Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> rounded off to 99 in his verse.


> The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.


> Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> in favour of which I have cited above.


> There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> Suryasiddhantic framework.


> Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma%


> 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> internet.


> One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.





> -VJ


> ============ ==== ============ ====



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Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on

 the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the

tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected

the data for all the grahas  probably he did not succeed in correcting the data

for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first



Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the

dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas

establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the

author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should

have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data

for other dates too if Sunilji wants.


Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that

Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous

than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because some

ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as

1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga.  One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and  they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?


Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago.  Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.


Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth

on the eastern side. Interesting?




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM











I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.


Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.


But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.


His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most

of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can

never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps !!

Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.




____________ _________ _________ __

Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>


Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ;

vedic_research_ institute

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Dear all.




The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of

disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some

Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.


Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein

will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the

Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as

the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the

arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at

all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he

says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as

even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the king

of the suras.


Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.


As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.


Hope you will find this information useful.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:


Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

[ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM


Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar Krishen

Kaul " <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:


Shri Vinay Jha-ji,


Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good



Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have

obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag

end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the

duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some

" Vedic astrologers " .

Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha

wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is

supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee

softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which

Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and



A K Kaul

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:



> To All :


> One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.





> Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.





> Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.


> Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> rounded off to 99 in his verse.


> The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.


> Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> in favour of which I have cited above.


> There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> Suryasiddhantic framework.


> Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma%


> 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> internet.


> One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.





> -VJ


> ============ ==== ============ ====



--- End forwarded message ---



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--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:

Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjyaRe: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:35 PM








Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta.


Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.


Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than



Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.


Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM



Namaste,I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics. His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic

formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps !!Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that "skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my words in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything can be posted on internet.-VJ____________ _________ _________ __Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>indiaarchaeologyCc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ; vedic_research_ instituteTuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaDear all.Namaskar,The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the

upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and onemay need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for

past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras. Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from

Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.Hope you will find this information

useful.regards,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>[ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaindiaarchaeologySunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PMIndian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:Shri Vinay Jha-ji,Namaskar!Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from

Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?Thus you have first to see tha

janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!Regards,A K KaulIndian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:>> > To All :> > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some> misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,> whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) .

Hence, one> Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.>

Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework> of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit> with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> in favour of which I have cited above.> > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which

conform to> Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have> in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> Suryasiddhantic framework.> > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the> discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches> have shown that those observational

values belonged to the epoch of> Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and> beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the> greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> which was

true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> internet.> > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > > > > -VJ> > ============ ==== ============ ====>--- End forwarded message ---

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Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite

the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious

grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them.

Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in

extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta).

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta. Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says

Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of Shruti and not being committed

to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and

oral. Written version has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's

verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga

making for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have serious

differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern physical astronomy

with a high degree of precision (wrt precession). Thus, there were two

versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval exponent of

Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar

ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making, follolwed this

bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.


Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.


Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira was

probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the

Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira's Suryasiddhanta has

been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira's version to

be different from that of siddhanta method.


I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from

me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from following remark.


Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements

with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city

of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. " To this,

Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that

the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the

earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement,

whom he intends to befool ??


The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just because Sunil ji has not read

original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya

at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.



============= =======================

, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Namaste,


> Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based

on  the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed

the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda

corrected the data for all the grahas  probably he did not succeed in correcting

the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have

seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first



> Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try

the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.


> Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim

that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga.  One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and  they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?


> Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago.  Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.


> Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth

on the eastern side. Interesting?


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



> --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM





> I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.


> Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.


> But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.


> His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for

most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method

can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps !!

> Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>

> indiaarchaeology

> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @ .

com; vedic_research_ institute

> Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Dear all.


> Namaskar,


> The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of

disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some

Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.


> Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like

the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem

at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and

he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

> call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as

even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the king

of the suras.


> Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.


> As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.


> Hope you will find this information useful.


> regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




> --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:


> Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> indiaarchaeology

> Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar Krishen

Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:


> Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> Namaskar!

> Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good



> Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have

obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag

end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the

duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some

" Vedic astrologers " .

> Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he

is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> Regards,

> A K Kaul

> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > To All :

> >

> > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> >

> > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> >

> > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> >

> > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > in favour of which I have cited above.

> >

> > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> >

> > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > internet.

> >

> > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ ==== ============ ====

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.


Secondly he says as follows:




The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji

just because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.




Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.




Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

--- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16 Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM



Namaste,Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses

from Suryasiddhanta. Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological

purposes.Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latter followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : "Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" and extant version as "new" by Western commentators, in spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable

of refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own respect for truth, it is clear from following remark.Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India

where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional

Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji just because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar" ) just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him,

as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before commenting wildly.-VJ============ = ============ ========= ==, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:>> Namaste,> > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.> > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?> > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago.

Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.> > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > Regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> > > > > > > > > Namaste,> > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.> > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.>

> But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics. > > His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by

Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps !!> Only an atheist can say "Only a

school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that "skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my words in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything can be posted on internet.> > -VJ> > ____________ _________ _________ __> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> indiaarchaeology> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ; vedic_research_ institute> Tuesday,

April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > Dear all.> > Namaskar,> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta

Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer

of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras. > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly

bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > Hope you will find this information useful.> > regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> Subject:

[ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> indiaarchaeology> Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,> Namaskar!> Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!> > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is

being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?> If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?> Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is

the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!> Regards,> A K Kaul> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> >> > > > To All :> > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some> > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > > > > > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,> > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > Suryasiddhantic

yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in

historic period.> > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework> > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit> > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> > in favour of which I

have cited above.> > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to> > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have> > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> > Suryasiddhantic framework.> > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about

precession and ascribed the> > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches> > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of> > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and> > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/

Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the> > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> > internet.> > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > > > > > > > > > -VJ> > > > ============ ==== ============ ====> >> > --- End forwarded message ---> > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]> >

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I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya,

Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions

in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one

mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun

makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000

revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very

short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000

divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern

views apon ancient texts.


He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not

recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read?? Because

no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses.

The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha.

Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send

scanned pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the

extent of Mahayuga ??



============= ==============




Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya



Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta








Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the

Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read

the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.


Secondly he says as follows:




The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.




Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a million

years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi cycle of

2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making unnecessary

noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about

the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.




Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya


--- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM




Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite

the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious

grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them.

Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in

extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.

Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of

Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of

Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as

is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything

required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited

from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with

modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval

exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha

.. Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making,

follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.


Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.


Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira was

probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the

Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has

been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.


I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from

me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

following remark.


Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements

with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city

of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil

ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth

on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??


The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya

at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to maharshis

in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was

present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or

true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names

( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making

wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a lot

before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for misinformation by

ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha (published by Chowkhamba) wrt

Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before commenting wildly.



============ = ============ ========= ==

, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy

a wrote:


> Namaste,


> Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based

on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed

the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda

corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting

the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have

seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first



> Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try

the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.


> Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim

that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?


> Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.


> Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



> --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:



> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM





> I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.


> Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.


> But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.


> His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for

most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method

can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps


> Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> indiaarchaeology

> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @ .

com; vedic_research_ institute

> Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Dear all.


> Namaskar,


> The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of

disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some

Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.


> Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like

the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem

at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and

he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

> call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as

even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the king

of the suras.


> Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.


> As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.


> Hope you will find this information useful.


> regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




> --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:


> Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> indiaarchaeology

> Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM


> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar Krishen

Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:


> Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> Namaskar!

> Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good



> Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have

obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag

end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the

duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some

" Vedic astrologers " .

> Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he

is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> Regards,

> A K Kaul

> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > To All :

> >

> > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> >

> > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> >

> > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> >

> > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > in favour of which I have cited above.

> >

> > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> >

> > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > internet.

> >

> > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ ==== ============ ====

> >


> --- End forwarded message ---



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Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.


He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM



Namaste,I am repeating : "Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga". Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern views apon ancient texts. He again says "I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details". Why he cannot name that book which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew

about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of Mahayuga ??-VJ============ = ============ ==____________ _________ _________ __Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>Cc: ancient_indian_ astrologySaturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PMRe: Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaNamaste,Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.Secondly he says as follows:QuoteThe date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya

day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji justbecause Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.UnquoteVinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.Regards,Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya--- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaWednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AMNamaste,Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in

extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst

everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latter followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses. Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : "Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" and extant version as "new" by Western commentators,

in spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate

facts from views. He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own respect for truth, it is clear fromfollowing remark.Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom he intends to befool

??The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by

Sunil ji justbecause Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar" ) just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before commenting

wildly.-VJ============ = ============ ========= ==, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:>> Namaste,> > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the

Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.> > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?> > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.> > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > Regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > --- On

Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> > > > > > > > > Namaste,> > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.> > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19

seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.> > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to

unfounded assertions based on Western critics. > > His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps!!> Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that "skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my words in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything can be posted on internet.> > -VJ> > ____________ _________ _________ __> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> indiaarchaeology> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com; ; vedic_research_ institute> Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > Dear all.> > Namaskar,> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data

based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to

come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras. > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy.

Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > Hope you will find this information useful.> > regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT)

com> wrote:> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> indiaarchaeology> Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,> Namaskar!> Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!> > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at

least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?> If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?> Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee

softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!> Regards,> A K Kaul> Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> >> > > > To All :> > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some> > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > > > > > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600

yojanas,> > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> > capital was at

Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.> > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework> > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit>

> with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> > in favour of which I have cited above.> > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to> > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have> > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> > Suryasiddhantic framework.> > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> > written by a

clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the> > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches> > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of> > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and> > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> >

<http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the> > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> > internet.> > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > > > > > > > > > -VJ> > > > ============ ====

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--- On Tue, 4/28/09, sunil_bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:

sunil_bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjyaRe: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta"prafulla Vaman Mendki" <prafulla_mendkiTuesday, April 28, 2009, 4:35 PM







Dear friend,


The verse (MBH 3.188.22) is as follows:


अनà¥à¤¯à¥Šà¤¨à¥à¤¯à¤‚ परिमà¥à¤·à¥à¤£à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¥Š हिंसयनà¥à¤¤à¤¶ च मानवाः अजपा नासà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤•à¤¾à¤ƒ सतेना भविषà¥à¤¯à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¤¿ यà¥à¤—कà¥à¤·à¤¯à¥‡


This verse does not say what you mentioned. Can you please quote the Sanskrit verse you arer referring to?

Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Tue, 4/28/09, prafulla Vaman Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:

prafulla Vaman Mendki <prafulla_mendkiFw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta"Sunil Bhattacharjya" <sunil_bhattacharjyaTuesday, April 28, 2009, 6:26 AM

prafulla_mendki writes:Suryasiddhanta was written after start of Kaliyug.As per 188.22 in MarkandeyaSamasya parva in Mahabharata,Krut,Treta,Dwapar and Kaliyug were 4800,3600,2400 and 1200years only.The idea of Dev varsha and Manav varsha came after Mahabharatai.e. after start of Kaliyug .PrafullaWAVES-Vedic , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>>>> --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>>> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> To:

> Cc: > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 3:42 AM>>>>>>>>> Namaste,> > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.> > Secondly he says as follows:> > Quote> >

The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji

just> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.> > Unquote> > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.> > Regards,> > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya>> --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:>> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM>> Namaste,>> Sunil ji

claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.>

Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.>>

Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latter followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.>>

Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : "Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" and extant version as "new" by Western commentators, in spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.>> I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is

incapable of refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own respect for truth, it is clear from> following remark.>> Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??>> The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make

any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji just> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.>> While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar" ) just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before commenting wildly.>> -VJ> ============ = ============ ========= ==> , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:> >> > Namaste,> > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the

data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta.> > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.> > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick

to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?> > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care

to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.> > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > > > Regards,> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > >> > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> >> >> > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > >

> Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Namaste,> >> > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.> >> > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.> >> > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis

that Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.> >> > His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical

calculations" . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps> !!> > Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that "skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my words in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything can be posted on internet.> >> > -VJ> >> > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > indiaarchaeology> > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ; vedic_research_ institute> > Tuesday, April

21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> >> > Dear all.> >> > Namaskar,> >> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.> >> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok

was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras.> >> > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got

his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.> >> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.> >> > Hope you will find this information useful.> >> > regards,> >> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> >> >> >> > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT)

com> wrote:> >> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > indiaarchaeology> > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> >> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> >> > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,> > Namaskar!> > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!> >> > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?> > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?> >

Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!> > Regards,> > A K Kaul> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > >> > >> > > To All :> > >> > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some> > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient

capital of Magadha.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,> > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > >> > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > >> > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> > > Suryasiddhanta, the

latter must be an earliker work than> > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.> > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > >> > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical

and cosmological framework> > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit> > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> > > in favour of which I have cited above.> > >> > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to> > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic

yojana must have> > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> > > Suryasiddhantic framework.> > >> > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the> > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches> > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of> > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and>

> > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the> > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> > > internet.>

> >> > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > -VJ> > >> > > ============ ==== ============ ====> > >> >> > --- End forwarded message ---> >> >

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Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!


As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me to

prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?


I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described in

all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing





, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Namaste,


> 1)

> Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> 2)

> He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM





> I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya,

Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions

in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one

mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun

makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000

revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very

short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000

divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern

views apon ancient texts.


> He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not

recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read?? Because

no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses.

The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha.

Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ==


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>


> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Namaste,


> Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the

Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read

the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.


> Secondly he says as follows:


> Quote


> The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


> Unquote


> Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.


> Regards,


> Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya


> --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM


> Namaste,


> Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not

cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.

> Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of

Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of

Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as

is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything

required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited

from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with

modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval

exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha

.. Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making,

follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.


> Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.


> Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira was

probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the

Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has

been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.


> I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> following remark.


> Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements

with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city

of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil

ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth

on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??


> The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


> While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ========= ==

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy

a wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based

on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed

the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda

corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting

the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have

seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first


> >

> > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try

the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> >

> > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim

that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> >

> > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> >

> > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.

> >

> > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> >

> > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> >

> > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for

most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method

can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps

> !!

> > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > indiaarchaeology

> > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @ .

com; vedic_research_ institute

> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Dear all.

> >

> > Namaskar,

> >

> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken

of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and

some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> >

> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like

the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem

at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and

he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

> > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either

as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the

king of the suras.

> >

> > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> >

> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> >

> > Hope you will find this information useful.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> >

> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > indiaarchaeology

> > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > Namaskar!

> > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good


> >

> > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he

is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > Regards,

> > A K Kaul

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > To All :

> > >

> > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > >

> > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > >

> > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > >

> > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > >

> > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > >

> > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > internet.

> > >

> > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in

fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]


If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED

-- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years

that you have been trying to disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?


How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on

this vast and wide INTERNET reality?


And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your



Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to

make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but

DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!


Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and right

advice or just messing around with your mind!





, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!


> As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me to

prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?


> I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described in

all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing



> -VJ

> ===============================

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> >  

> > 1)

> > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > 2)

> > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> >  

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@>

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya,

Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions

in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one

mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun

makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000

revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very

short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000

divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern

views apon ancient texts.

> >

> > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read??

Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000

verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not

jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??

> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ = ============ ==

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>

> >

> > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the

Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read

the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.

> >

> > Secondly he says as follows:

> >

> > Quote

> >

> > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> >

> > Unquote

> >

> > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> >

> > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not

cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.

> > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of

Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of

Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as

is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything

required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited

from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with

modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval

exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha

.. Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making,

follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.

> >

> > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> >

> > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira

was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as

the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta

has been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> >

> > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> > following remark.

> >

> > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my

statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish)

occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur

Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to

be the end of the earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth "

in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??

> >

> > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> >

> > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.

> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in

correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person

to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the

very first Aryabhatta.

> > >

> > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not

try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> > >

> > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system

claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> > >

> > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> > >

> > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope

my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.

> > >

> > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and

is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > >

> > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> > >

> > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good

for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic

method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to

physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not

know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had

explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy

does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic

method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps

> > !!

> > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came

in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > indiaarchaeology

> > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Dear all.

> > >

> > > Namaskar,

> > >

> > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken

of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and

some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> > >

> > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not

like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a

problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the

Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past

observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of

Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book

for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti

tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such

as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura

was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in

the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such

as charlatan to describe others)

> > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either

as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the

king of the suras.

> > >

> > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > >

> > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > >

> > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> > >

> > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > indiaarchaeology

> > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > Namaskar!

> > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and

maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you

are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but

correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really

good astronomer!

> > >

> > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga,

he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be

the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > > Regards,

> > > A K Kaul

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > To All :

> > > >

> > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > >

> > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > >

> > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > >

> > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > >

> > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy


> > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > >

> > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > > internet.

> > > >

> > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > >

> > >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

, " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


> You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in

fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]


> If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED

-- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years

that you have been trying to disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?


> How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on

this vast and wide INTERNET reality?


> And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your



> Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to

make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but

DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!


> Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and

right advice or just messing around with your mind!


> RR



> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> >

> > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!

> >

> > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me

to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> >

> > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described

in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing


> >

> > -VJ

> > ===============================

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >  

> > > 1)

> > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > 2)

> > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > >  

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@>

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta

clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar

years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220,

and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern

conceptions of a very short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to

imagine that 12000 divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then,

4320000 solar revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to

impose modern views apon ancient texts.

> > >

> > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read??

Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000

verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not

jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ==

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>

> > >

> > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in

the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I

read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.

> > >

> > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > >

> > > Quote

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > Unquote

> > >

> > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does

not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta.

> > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part

of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions

of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full,

as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst

everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the

items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and

tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt

precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and

Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga

making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha

(like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira

was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as

the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta

has been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > >

> > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > following remark.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my

statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish)

occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur

Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to

be the end of the earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth "

in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji just

> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in

correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person

to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the

very first Aryabhatta.

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not

try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> > > >

> > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system

claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> > > >

> > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> > > >

> > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I

hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good


> > > >

> > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and

is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > >

> > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic

planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by

modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past

data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet

Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to

" real " (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> > > >

> > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good

for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic

method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to

physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not

know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had

explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy

does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic

method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations, perhaps

> > > !!

> > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came

in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Dear all.

> > > >

> > > > Namaskar,

> > > >

> > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been

spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars

and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> > > >

> > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not

like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a

problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the

Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past

observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of

Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book

for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti

tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such

as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura

was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in

the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such

as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson

either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra,

the king of the suras.

> > > >

> > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > >

> > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were

several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the

days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So

Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks

came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought

to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name

indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > >

> > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > >

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > Namaskar!

> > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and

maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you

are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but

correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really

good astronomer!

> > > >

> > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000

BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king

Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you

meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of

Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > > > Regards,

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > To All :

> > > > >

> > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his


> > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > >

> > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > >

> > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and


> > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology


> > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which


> > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one


> > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > >

> > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy


> > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned


> > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern


> > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by


> > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I


> > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > > > internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by


> > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

RR ji,


Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts due to

ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say there are 4320000

revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to 12000 divya years. Sunil ji

has no faith is such big numbers and says one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar

years, and it is Vinay Jha who is misinterpreting ancient texts. You can

download Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhanta form Brown

University's website to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am

inventing my DIVINE MESSAGE.


I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person (Sunil Ji)

over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who has either not read

ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me. I did not join forums to

" educate the great unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you

wondering at my seriousness, it is your choice.



================ ============




Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani


Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta






Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in

fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]


If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED

-- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years

that you have been trying to disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?


How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on

this vast and wide INTERNET reality?


And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your



Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to

make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but

DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!


Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and right

advice or just messing around with your mind!




, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!


> As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me to

prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?


> I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described in

all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing



> -VJ

> ============ ========= ========= =

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy

a@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > 1)

> > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > 2)

> > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya,

Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions

in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one

mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun

makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000

revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very

short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000

divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern

views apon ancient texts.

> >

> > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read??

Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000

verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not

jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??

> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ = ============ ==

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> >

> > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the

Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read

the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.

> >

> > Secondly he says as follows:

> >

> > Quote

> >

> > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> >

> > Unquote

> >

> > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> >

> > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not

cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from


> > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of

Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of

Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as

is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything

required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited

from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with

modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval

exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha

.. Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making,

follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.

> >

> > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> >

> > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira

was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as

the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta

has been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> >

> > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> > following remark.

> >

> > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my

statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish)

occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur

Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to

be the end of the earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth "

in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??

> >

> > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> >

> > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.

> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in

correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person

to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the

very first Aryabhatta.

> > >

> > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not

try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> > >

> > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system

claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> > >

> > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> > >

> > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope

my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.

> > >

> > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and

is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > >

> > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> > >

> > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good

for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic

method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to

physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not

know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had

explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy

does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic

method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations,


> > !!

> > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came

in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > indiaarchaeology

> > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Dear all.

> > >

> > > Namaskar,

> > >

> > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken

of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and

some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> > >

> > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not

like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a

problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the

Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past

observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of

Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book

for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti

tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such

as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura

was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in

the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such

as charlatan to describe others)

> > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either

as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the

king of the suras.

> > >

> > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > >

> > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > >

> > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> > >

> > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > indiaarchaeology

> > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > >

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > Namaskar!

> > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and

maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you

are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but

correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really

good astronomer!

> > >

> > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga,

he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be

the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > > Regards,

> > > A K Kaul

> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > To All :

> > > >

> > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > >

> > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > >

> > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > >

> > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > >

> > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy


> > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > >

> > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > > internet.

> > > >

> > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > >

> > >

> > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts due

to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say there

are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to 12000

divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says one

Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhanta form Brown University's website

to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing



I am a software developer who is

unnecessarily harassed by a person (Sunil Ji) over useless topics in

which he has no serious interest, who has either not read ancient texts

seriously or is motivated towards me. I did not join forums to " educate

the great unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you

wondering at my seriousness, it is your choice.



================ ============





hattangadi_suresh <hattangadi_suresh


Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:18:25 PM

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta






, " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


> You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in

fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]


> If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED

-- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years

that you have been trying to disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?


> How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on

this vast and wide INTERNET reality?


> And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your



> Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to

make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but

DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!


> Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and

right advice or just messing around with your mind!


> RR



> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!

> >

> > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me

to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> >

> > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described

in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing


> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ ========= ========= =

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > 1)

> > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > 2)

> > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta

clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar

years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220,

and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern

conceptions of a very short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to

imagine that 12000 divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then,

4320000 solar revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to

impose modern views apon ancient texts.

> > >

> > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read??

Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000

verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not

jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ==

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > >

> > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in

the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I

read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.

> > >

> > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > >

> > > Quote

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > Unquote

> > >

> > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does

not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from


> > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part

of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions

of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full,

as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst

everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the

items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and

tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt

precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and

Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga

making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha

(like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira

was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as

the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta

has been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > >

> > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > following remark.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my

statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish)

occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur

Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to

be the end of the earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth "

in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in

correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person

to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the

very first Aryabhatta.

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not

try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> > > >

> > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system

claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> > > >

> > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> > > >

> > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I

hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good


> > > >

> > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and

is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > >

> > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic

planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by

modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past

data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet

Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to

" real " (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> > > >

> > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good

for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic

method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to

physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not

know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had

explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy

does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic

method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations,


> > > !!

> > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came

in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Dear all.

> > > >

> > > > Namaskar,

> > > >

> > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been

spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars

and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> > > >

> > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not

like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a

problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the

Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past

observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of

Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book

for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti

tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such

as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura

was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in

the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such

as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson

either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra,

the king of the suras.

> > > >

> > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > >

> > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were

several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the

days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So

Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks

came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought

to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name

indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > >

> > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > >

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > Namaskar!

> > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and

maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you

are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but

correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really

good astronomer!

> > > >

> > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000

BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king

Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you

meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of

Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > > > Regards,

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > To All :

> > > > >

> > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his


> > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > >

> > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > >

> > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and


> > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology


> > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which


> > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one


> > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > >

> > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy


> > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned


> > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern


> > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by


> > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I


> > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > > > internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by


> > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Rohini,


Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.



He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.



According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to own the consequences of what his yuga span means.


A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his tactic to gain sympathy.


Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.


Best wishes.


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya








--- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM



RR ji,Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to 12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my DIVINE MESSAGE.I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person (Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me. I did not join forums to "educate the great unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is your choice.

-Vinay============ ==== ============____________ _________ _________ __Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaDear Vinay Jha Ji,You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years that you have been trying to

disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your seriousness!Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!RR, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:>> Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses "originally" according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove this figment of imagination !! > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born.

Why Sunil Ji wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?> > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing anything.> > -VJ> ============ ========= ========= => , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:> >> > Namaste,> > > > 1)> > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.> > 2)> > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > ---

On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Namaste,> > > > I am repeating : "Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga". Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history of human

race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose modern views apon ancient texts. > > > > He again says "I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details". Why he cannot name that book which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of Mahayuga ??> > > > -VJ> > ============ = ============ ==> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __>

> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology> > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > Namaste,> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.> > > > Secondly he says as follows:> > > > Quote> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it

was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil jijust> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.>

> > > Unquote> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.> > > > Regards,> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM> > > > Namaste,> > > > Sunil ji claimed original

Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses fromSuryasiddhanta.> > Yet

Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.> >

> > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latter followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : "Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" and extant version as "new" by Western commentators, in spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own respect for truth, it is clear from> > following remark.> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements with a view to poke

fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil jijust> > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.> > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar"

) just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before commenting wildly.> > > > -VJ> > ============ = ============ ========= ==> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:> > >> > > Namaste,> > > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the

data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. > > > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.> > > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas

just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule "Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?> > > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the

exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.> > > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > > > > > Regards,> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > > > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> > > > > > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > Date:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Namaste,> > > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.> > > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.>

> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics. > > > > > > His statement is

wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,perhaps> >

!!> > > Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that "skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my words in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything can be posted on internet.> > > > > > -VJ> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > indiaarchaeology> > > Cc: ancient_indian_

astrology; ; vedic_research_ institute> > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > Dear all.> > > > > > Namaskar,> > > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others corrected

the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line with the

requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as he fought with Indra, the king of the suras. > > > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from

Lord Surya. This obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy.> > > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > > > > >

Hope you will find this information useful.> > > > > > regards,> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > > > > > > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > indiaarchaeology> > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> > > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,> > > Namaskar!> > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good astronomer!> > > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?> > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> > > If Maya the

mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?> > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and defending!> > > Regards,> > > A K Kaul> > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > >> > > > > > > > To All :> > > > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of

Suryasiddhanta, which some> > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)> > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99> > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,> > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > > > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into> > > >

Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji> > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > > > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times> > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated> > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side> > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions> > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of> > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the> > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called> > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.>

> > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of> > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story> > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of> > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > > > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown> > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with> > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework> > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic> > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or> > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit> > > > with

Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof> > > > in favour of which I have cited above.> > > > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to> > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or> > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value> > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these> > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the> > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have> > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence> > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with> > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.> > > >

> > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch> > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,> > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the> > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches> > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of> > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a> > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of> > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and> > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to> > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either> > > > Almagest or

Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to> > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical> > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here> > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the> > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,> > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am> > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the> > > > internet.> > > > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means> > > > of Kundalee

software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never> > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a> > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -VJ> > > > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====> > > >> > > > > > --- End forwarded message ---> > > > > >

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Dear Sunil-da,


That is not fair!


Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that you

replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are older than both

of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My own biological brother

always said that and so did I experience -- Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is

here no more. MA took Him with Her when she was ready to leave...!


We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we all mean

that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?


There are basically two cohorts, Dada!


Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race reality that

make the commuting services and offices and payroll system and taxation services

and politicians and governments and governances, the latest cute-word and

policy-analysts come alive!


And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger group out

there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or similar Kibbutzes are

likewise: Misinformed Idiots!


The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get crowded

more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to holding on to one

another and supporting one another!


While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this coral

island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out what the tax

should be on the indwellers of this coral island!


We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie! Politicians have

already identified the coral islands as lucrative property and soon there will

be regulations and taxes imposed!


Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur when the

prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and Religion and

Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!


Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some scholars

got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira Didi's short-lasting

RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!


Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and what they

understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to invoke solidarity, for

the greater cause?


Respectfully submitted --






, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear Rohini,


> Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.


> 1)

> He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of the verses

in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise me. If he thinks I am

wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure otherwise let him withdraw

his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.


> 2)

> According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born more than

one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it too. Having told us

about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to own the consequences of what

his yuga span means.


> A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight question but

Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone questions his views he

will dub it as harassment. I think it is his tactic to gain sympathy.


> Did I ever contest the figure of  4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

Mahayuga.  Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga is

12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years. 


> Best wishes.


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya









> --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM



RR ji,


> Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts due to

ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say there are 4320000

revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to 12000 divya years. Sunil ji

has no faith is such big numbers and says one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar

years, and it is Vinay Jha who is misinterpreting ancient texts. You can

download Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown

University's website to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am

inventing my DIVINE MESSAGE.


> I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person (Sunil Ji)

over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who has either not read

ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me. I did not join forums to

" educate the great unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you

wondering at my seriousness, it is your choice.


> -Vinay

> ============ ==== ============


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>


> Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


> You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da says and in

fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]


> If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us GREAT UNWASHED

-- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru to do so in the years

that you have been trying to disperse and distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?


> How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great unwashed on

this vast and wide INTERNET reality?


> And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder about your



> Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR RETURNS to

make their mark and their message to come across. All three are remembered but

DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!


> Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you good and

right advice or just messing around with your mind!


> RR


> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000 verses

" originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants me to disprove

this figment of imagination !!

> >

> > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji wants me

to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> >

> > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as described

in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly projected by Sunil

Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no interest in inventing


> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ ========= ========= =

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > 1)

> > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born more than a

million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > 2)

> > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the Original

Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " . Suryasiddhanta

clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is equal to 4320000 solar

years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions, Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220,

and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is not possible in 12000 years. Modern

conceptions of a very short history of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to

imagine that 12000 divya years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then,

4320000 solar revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to

impose modern views apon ancient texts.

> > >

> > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book which he read??

Because no such book exists. No commentator of Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000

verses. The lost text of 100000 verses was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not

jyotisha. Absence of professors of Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an

opportunity to spread wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned

pages of ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent

of Mahayuga ??

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ==

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > >

> > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in

the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that I

read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.

> > >

> > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > >

> > > Quote

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> just

> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > Unquote

> > >

> > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does

not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from

> Suryasiddhanta.

> > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part

of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions

of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full,

as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst

everything required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the

items cited from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and

tally with modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt

precession). Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and

Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga

making, follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha

(like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira

was probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as

the Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta

has been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > >

> > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > following remark.

> > >

> > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my

statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the

easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish)

occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur

Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to

be the end of the earth on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth "

in my statement, whom he intends to befool ??

> > >

> > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> just

> > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are


> > >

> > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas probably he did not succeed in

correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person

to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the

very first Aryabhatta.

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not

try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> > > >

> > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system

claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas such

as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that

the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is

because those pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie. the period

the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana year. I read

somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta.

What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> > > >

> > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only read

about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji care to tell the group the exact

number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by Mayasura if he knows that

instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us

as to how he is sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the

correct number of verses.

> > > >

> > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient

Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the

eastern side. Interesting?

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I

hope my differences with him on following points will be answered in good


> > > >

> > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and

is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > >

> > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic

planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by

modern Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past

data about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet

Sunil ji is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to

" real " (ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> > > >

> > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good

for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic

method can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to

physical planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not

know the siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had

explained four samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy

does not recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic

method and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> perhaps

> > > !!

> > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came

in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels anything

can be posted on internet.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Dear all.

> > > >

> > > > Namaskar,

> > > >

> > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been

spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars

and some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> > > >

> > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not

like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a

problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the

Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more accurate for past

observations. This is in line with the requirement of updation of the data of

Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book

for all time to come, if viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn

Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti

tells us about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such

as sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura

was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in

the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such

as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson

either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra,

the king of the suras.

> > > >

> > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > >

> > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were

several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the

days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So

Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks

came to know astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought

to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name

indicates, was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > >

> > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > >

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > Namaskar!

> > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and

maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you

are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but

correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really

good astronomer!

> > > >

> > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000

BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king

Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you

meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of

Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > > > Regards,

> > > > A K Kaul

> > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > To All :

> > > > >

> > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his


> > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > >

> > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > >

> > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and


> > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology


> > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which


> > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one


> > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > >

> > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy


> > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned


> > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern


> > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by


> > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I


> > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > > > internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by


> > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > >

> > > >

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To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,


I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.

I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. I

did so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, he

forgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to oppose

everything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he is

writing. His present points are best example of what I say :


He says :



Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga

is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.




He accepts " 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga " and says one

Mahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)

360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per day

approximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solar

year is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000

solar revolutions.




Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,

but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother is

that he should write on topics which best suit his talents and

experience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I dare

not give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him write

such funny things).




If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will this

unsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??




According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of Treta

Yuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000

years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According to

Vinayji's yuga spans " as he asserts again and again, but according to

yuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download free

of cost from the website of Brown University

<http://www.wilbourhall.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploaded

them : http://www.wilbourhall.org/





If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me a

great favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.






================= =================


, " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani



> Dear Sunil-da,


> That is not fair!


> Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that

you replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are

older than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My

own biological brother always said that and so did I experience --

Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Her

when she was ready to leave...!


> We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we

all mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?


> There are basically two cohorts, Dada!


> Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race

reality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll system

and taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,

the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!


> And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger

group out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or

similar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!


> The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get

crowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to

holding on to one another and supporting one another!


> While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this

coral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out

what the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!


> We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!

Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrative

property and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!


> Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur

when the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and

Religion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!


> Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some

scholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira

Didi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!


> Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and

what they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to

invoke solidarity, for the greater cause?


> Respectfully submitted --


> Rohini




> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

sunil_bhattacharjya@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rohini,

> >

> > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.

> >

> > 1)

> > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of

the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise

me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure

otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.

> >

> > 2)

> > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born

more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it

too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to

own the consequences of what his yuga span means.

> >

> > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight

question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone

questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his

tactic to gain sympathy.

> >

> > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun

per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the

Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.

> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > RR ji,

> >

> > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts

due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say

there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to

12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says

one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website

to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my


> >

> > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person

(Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who

has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.

I did not join forums to " educate the great unwashed on this vast and

wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is

your choice.

> >

> > -Vinay

> > ============ ==== ============

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> >

> > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,

> >

> > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da

says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]

> >

> > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us

GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru

to do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse and

distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?

> >

> > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great

unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?

> >

> > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder

about your seriousness!

> >

> > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR

RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three

are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!

> >

> > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you

good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@

....> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000

verses " originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants

me to disprove this figment of imagination !!

> > >

> > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji

wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> > >

> > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as

described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly

projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no

interest in inventing anything.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ ========= ========= =

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > 1)

> > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born

more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > > 2)

> > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the

Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of

verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " .

Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is

equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,

Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is

not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history

of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya

years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose

modern views apon ancient texts.

> > > >

> > > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago

though I do not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book

which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of

Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses

was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of

Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread

wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of

ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of

Mahayuga ??

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ==

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > >

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really

there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though

I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give

the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without

wasting any time.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > > >

> > > > Quote

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > Unquote

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al

least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that

the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.

Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the

Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read

these as his views indicate.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why

he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of

ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then

forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of

Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II

quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which

differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which

Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his

own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from

Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because

Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from

> > Suryasiddhanta.

> > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which

are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there

were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version

has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the

written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making

for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have

serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern

physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as

Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki

system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although

Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while

Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the

tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter

followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only

difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is

the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose

magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by

Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these

differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,

because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is

distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah

Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is

missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute

anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :

" Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original

Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as " old " and

extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in spite of the fact

that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while

describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.

Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why

those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine

Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to

gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of

sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of

refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements

are unreliable. For instance, he says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied

data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??

I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil

ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,

but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200

BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic

planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has

no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for

his own respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > > following remark.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of

my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur

was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of

Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the

Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern

side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of

Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says

that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).

Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of

Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another

matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " )

just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a

lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for

misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,

before commenting wildly.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,

which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said

here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.

Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first


> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why

did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one

Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be

a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though

one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around

3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too

if Sunilji wants.

> > > > >

> > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga

system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.

What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the

Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some

fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara

yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara

yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those

pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule

" Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.

the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of

2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu

Astronomy than this?

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original

Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information

on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji

care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta

as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the

figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is

sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct

number of verses.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of

the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.

But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered

in good spirit.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect

to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic

synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336

synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949

seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value

of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds

in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between

Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > > >

> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that

Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is

a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of

Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking

to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real " (ie,

physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or

future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of

difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082

AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But

he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request

him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.

> > > > >

> > > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji

holds good for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the

proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results

acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we

make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that

is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in

siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such

samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made

changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year

of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable

differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s

method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> > perhaps

> > > > !!

> > > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord

Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that

" skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words

in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of

ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.

Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless

to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that

Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

anything can be posted on internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear all.

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaskar,

> > > > >

> > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has

been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both

Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for


> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the

data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only

imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from

time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the

grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others

corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th

century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his

own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person

and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never

borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that

Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by

Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The

calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one

> > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers

were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such

updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the

data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more

accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of

updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus

Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed

positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.

Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us

about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as

sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that

Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the

Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas

( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad

peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he

fought with Indra, the king of the suras.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to

have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This

obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the

movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of

astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his

knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a

school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > > >

> > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there

were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras

lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the

Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three

millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known

that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas

from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat

of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>


> > > > >

> > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > > >

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" Avtar Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > > Namaskar!

> > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh

program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental

arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond

even the imagination of a really good astronomer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he

claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least

several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who

gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years


> > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of

even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu

Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa

king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata

era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived

right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide

Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself

through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive

janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is

that you are talking about and defending!

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > A K Kaul

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To All :

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,

which some

> > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw

his (tantric)

> > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a

distance of 99

> > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600


> > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which

Vyaasa ji

> > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was

1.5 times

> > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it


> > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to

lower side

> > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the

capital of

> > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact

year), the

> > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in


> > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic


> > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and

magnitude of

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???

This story

> > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it

forms part of

> > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although

white and brown

> > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological


> > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with

Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to

astrology or

> > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be

prehistoric which fit

> > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized

view, one proof

> > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform


> > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /

astronomy or

> > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a

small value

> > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess


> > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,

during the

> > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana

must have

> > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of

aforementioned evidence

> > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to

Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a


> > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and

ascribed the

> > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But

modern researches

> > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the

epoch of

> > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of

Ptolemy' by a

> > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered

plagiary of

> > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity


> > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is

next to

> > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study


> > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great


> > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by

Clicking Here

> > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+

%3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \

> > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology

based on it,

> > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even

today. I am

> > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on


> > > > > > internet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta

astrologically, by means

> > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,

because I never

> > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn

even a

> > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent

is sincere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Dear Rohini,


What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the appropriate literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji does not see what is wrong and what is right.


Vinayji says as follows:




He forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution. Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.




Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in the Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants to say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and Narada purana to 4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the Suryasiddhanta the Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric model. In the geocentric model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year corresponding to the earth's annual revolution and the Sun also completes another revolution of the earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on its axis. That is how we see that the Sun rises and sets everyday. Suryasiddhanta calls the former as Solar year and the latter as revolution. Vinayji's equating revolution with 360 years is absolutely unfounded. When the Sun goes one degree the Moon goes 13.3 degrees and that is why the Surysiddhanta has given a higher

number of revolutions for the Moon. While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the Moon cpmpletes 4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower than the Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is correspondingly lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji cannot understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in these simple things.


I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him that the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may say that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects of the grahas correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on the ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations. Need I explain more.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16 Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AM



To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. Idid so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, heforgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to opposeeverything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he iswriting. His present points are best example of what I say :He says :<<<Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun perMahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayugais 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.>>>He accepts "4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga" and says oneMahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per

dayapproximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solaryear is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000solar revolutions.Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother isthat he should write on topics which best suit his talents andexperience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I darenot give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him writesuch funny things).If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will thisunsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of TretaYuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According toVinayji's yuga spans" as he

asserts again and again, but according toyuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download freeof cost from the website of Brown University<http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploadedthem : http://www.wilbourh all.org/If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me agreat favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.-VJ============ ===== ============ =====, "Rohiniranjan" <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:>> Dear Sunil-da,>> That is not fair!>>

Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting thatyou replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you areolder than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! Myown biological brother always said that and so did I experience --Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Herwhen she was ready to leave...!>> We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes weall mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?>> There are basically two cohorts, Dada!>> Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-racereality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll systemand taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!>> And there are those, I just listed and many others in

that biggergroup out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups orsimilar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!>> The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality herebite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we getcrowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed toholding on to one another and supporting one another!>> While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on thiscoral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure outwhat the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!>> We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrativeproperty and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!>> Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occurwhen the

prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination andReligion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!>> Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, somescholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in IndiraDidi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!>> Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals andwhat they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or toinvoke solidarity, for the greater cause?>> Respectfully submitted -->> Rohini>>>> , Sunil Bhattacharjyasunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:> >> > Dear Rohini,>

>> > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.> >> > 1)> > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number ofthe verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticiseme. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figureotherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.> >> > 2)> > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been bornmore than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have ittoo. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want toown the consequences of what his yuga span means.> >> > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straightquestion but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someonequestions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is histactic to gain sympathy.>

>> > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sunper Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of theMahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.> >> > Best wishes.> >> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:> >> >> > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> >> > RR ji,> >> > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional textsdue to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas saythere are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and saysone Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who ismisinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's websiteto see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing myDIVINE MESSAGE.> >> > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person(Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, whohas either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.I did not join forums to "educate the great unwashed on this

vast andwide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it isyour choice.> >> > -Vinay> > ============ ==== ============> >> > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>> > > > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> >> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,> >> > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil dasays and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]> >> > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on usGREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guruto do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse anddistribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?> >>

> How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the greatunwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?> >> > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonderabout your seriousness!> >> > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLARRETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All threeare remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!> >> > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving yougood and right advice or just messing around with your mind!> >> > RR> >> > , "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16 wrote:> > >> > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000verses "originally" according to some book he read but forgot, and wantsme to disprove this

figment of imagination !!> > >> > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Jiwants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?> > >> > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, asdescribed in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wronglyprojected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have nointerest in inventing anything.> > >> > > -VJ> > > ============ ========= ========= => > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > 1)> > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as bornmore than a million years ago, which is abrurd.> > > > 2)> > > > He

does not know himself the total numberr of verses in theOriginal Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number ofverses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?> > > >> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > I am repeating : "Indians (of

all ancient siddhaantas, incluingAryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga".Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years isequal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun isnot possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short historyof human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divyayears must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solarrevolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to imposemodern views apon ancient texts.> > > >> > > > He again says "I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long agothough I do not recollect all the details". Why he cannot name that bookwhich he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator

ofSuryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verseswas about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors ofJyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spreadwrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages ofancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent ofMahayuga ??> > > >> > > > -VJ> > > > ============ = ============ ==> > > >> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > > > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > >

>> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were reallythere in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even thoughI said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I donot recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him givethe number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway withoutwasting any time.> > > >> > > > Secondly he says as follows:> > > >> > > > Quote> > > >> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the textof Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at theend of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divyayear. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga

is said to be of 12000 divyayears, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji'sabsurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas ofancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from anytraditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "AnkaanaamVaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught toevery student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrituniversities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji> > just> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks allpandits are fools.> > > >> > > > Unquote> > > >> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born

alleast a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read thatthe Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what theBhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not readthese as his views indicate.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > >> > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > >

> Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Whyhe does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead ofridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and thenforgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses ofSuryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-IIquoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani whichdiffers from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, whichBurgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in hisown commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, nottranslated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta fromShruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript ofSuryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript ofSuryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so becauseBhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just

a century quoted verses from> > Suryasiddhanta.> > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items whichare part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, therewere two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written versionhas not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but thewritten verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga makingfor astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti haveserious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modernphysical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatestmediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed asDrikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketakisystem of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , althoughKetakar ji supported Drikpaksha

(like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) whileKamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.> > > >> > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed thetables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latterfollowed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The onlydifference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta isthe incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whosemagnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana byDiwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant thesedifferences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method isdistributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyugaand over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. VarahMihira followed karana method but the

verse mentioning his zero date ismissing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to computeanything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.> > > >> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :"Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the originalSuryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very firstAryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" andextant version as "new" by Western commentators, in spite of the factthat he is following karana method and not siddhanta method whiledescribing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is whythose who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagineVarahamihira' s version to be

different from that of siddhanta method.> > > >> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying togain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form ofsarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable ofrefuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statementsare unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplieddata for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunilji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhanticplanets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji hasno time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research

withhis unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As forhis own respect for truth, it is clear from> > > > following remark.> > > >> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions ofmy statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpurwas the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming ofPragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought theKamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the easternside." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom heintends to befool ??> > > >> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the textof Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at theend of Satayuga. This text says one divya day

is of one normal year(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divyayear. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divyayears, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji'sabsurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas ofancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from anytraditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "AnkaanaamVaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught toevery student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrituniversities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji> > just> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks allpandits are fools.> > > >>

> > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version ofSuryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also saysthat it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning ofCreation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is anothermatter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar" )just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild andunsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as hedoes for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read alot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not formisinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,before commenting wildly.> > > >> > > > -VJ> >

> > ============ = ============ ========= ==> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Namaste,> > > > >> > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he saidhere. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit SamantaChandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all thegrahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen theoriginal Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very firstAryabhatta.> > > > >> > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Whydid he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the

time around which oneMayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could bea chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, thoughone cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates tooif Sunilji wants.> > > > >> > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yugasystem claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule theHindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to somefantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwaparayuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwaparayuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because thosepseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the

rule"Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and theyalso do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or theNirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the HinduAstronomy than this?> > > > >> > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the originalSuryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand informationon that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayjicare to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhantaas composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing thefigure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he issanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correctnumber of

verses.> > > > >> > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that theancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end ofthe earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > >> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> > > > >> > > > >> > > >

>> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Namaste,> > > > >> > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answeredin good spirit.> > > > >> > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respectto Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhanticsynodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical valueof 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 secondsin 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference

betweenSuryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.> > > > >> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis thatSuryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It isa false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts ofSuryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical andSuryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is stickingto false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie,physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his falseclaims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present orfuture when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees ofdifference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. Buthe has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I requesthim not to give

vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.> > > > >> > > > > His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantajiholds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is theproof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving resultsacceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections wemake in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, thatis why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made insiddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize suchsamskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and madechanges merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got someapproximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his yearof observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerabledifferences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' smethod, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretlyaccording to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,> > perhaps> > > > !!> > > > > Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if LordSurya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that"skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my wordsin a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city ofancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is uselessto counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims thatSuryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! Hefeels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feelsanything can be posted on internet.> > > > >> > > > > -VJ>

> > > >> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > > > indiaarchaeology> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ; vedic_research_ institute> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > >> > > > > Dear all.> > > > >> > > > > Namaskar,> > > > >> > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, hasbeen spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include bothWestern scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts

foryourself.> > > > >> > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that thedata given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is onlyimperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded fromtime to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of thegrahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and otherscorrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19thcentury CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on hisown naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok waspublished that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a personand he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji neverborrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses thatSamantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected bySamantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. Thecalculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomerswere not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore suchupdation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using thedata from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were moreaccurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement ofupdation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. ThusSuryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewedpositively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells usabout people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such assanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known thatMayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as

Mayasura wrote theSuryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a badpeerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as hefought with Indra, the king of the suras.> > > > >> > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said tohave got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. Thisobviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed themovement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge ofastronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got hisknowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only aschool-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura andtaught him Astronomy.> > > > >> >

> > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that therewere several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuraslived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of theDwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about threemillennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also knownthat the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanasfrom Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seatof Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > > > >> > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.> > > > >> > > > > regards,> > > > >> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT)

com>wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > indiaarchaeology> > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> > > > >> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,"Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,> > > > > Namaskar!> > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganeshprogram and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I amsure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamentalarguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyondeven the imagination of a

really good astronomer!> > > > >> > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since heclaims to have obtained those planetary details direct from SuryaBhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at leastseveral million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the sameSurya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf whogave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of yearsback?> > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era ofeven 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like BrighuSamhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya ofSatya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the

father-in-law of Rakishasaking Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharataera? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survivedright from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guideArjuna through forest fire?> > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himselfthrough your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successivejanmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it isthat you are talking about and defending!> > > > > Regards,> > > > > A K Kaul> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,"vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > To All :> > > > > >> > > > > > One proof of

archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,which some> > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greekwork.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threwhis (tantric)> > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at adistance of 99> > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600yojanas,> > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > > > > >

Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > > > > >> > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert itinto> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, whichVyaasa ji> > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > > > > >> > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was1.5 times> > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, itfluctuated> > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came tolower side> > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantikamentions> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before

Ajatshatru shifted thecapital of> > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exactyear), the> > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital inso-called> > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historicperiod.> > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh andmagnitude of> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???This story> > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because itforms part of> > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > > > > >> > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, althoughwhite and brown> > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives

details which fit wellwith> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmologicalframework> > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony withVedic-Puranic- Epic> > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references toastrology or> > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must beprehistoric which fit> > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarizedview, one proof> > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.> > > > > >> > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conformto> > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /astronomy or> > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana.

Such asmall value> > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guessthese> > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,during the> > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojanamust have> > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account ofaforementioned evidence> > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed toVyaasa ji with> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.> > > > > >> > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is ahotch-potch> > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a provenplagiarist,> > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession andascribed

the> > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. Butmodern researches> > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to theepoch of> > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime ofPtolemy' by a> > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscoveredplagiary of> > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unityand> > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It isnext to> > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not studyeither> > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listento> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the greatmathematical> > > >

> > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed byClicking Here> > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+%3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics inSuryasiddhanta, the> > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrologybased on it,> > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true eventoday. I am> > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one onthe> > > > > > internet.> > > > > >> > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhantaastrologically, by means> > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,because I

never> > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turneven a> > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intentis sincere.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > -VJ> > > > > >> > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====> > > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---> > > > >> > > > >

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To All :


Suryasiddhanta (ch-1, verse 34) states " Of the asterisms, 1582237828 the number

of risings of the asterisms, diminished by the number of revolutions of each

planet respectively, gives the number of risings of the planets in an Age " (-E.

Burgess). Preceding verses (29-33) give number of risings of the planets in an

Age (Mahayuga). Let me show what this statement means.


Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29).

According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of

revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a

nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.


In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.


If we accept Sunil Ji's 12000 years in a Mahayuga, we will have (1582237828 /

12000 =) 131853.15 rotations of Earth per year with respect to fixed asterisms,

which is exactly 360 times the figure derived from Suryasiddhantic formula. It

is because 12000 divya varshas are equal to 12000 * 360 as stated in 13th

and14th verse which I had earlier cited to him (verse-13 and 14 say, as

translated by Burgess : " ...a solar month is determined by the entrance of the

sun into a sign of the zodiac : 12 months make a year, this is called a

//divyam// day of the gods . The day and night of gods and of demons are

mutually opposed to one another. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods,

and likewise of the demons. " ). Thus, Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one solar

year is one divya day, and 360 divya days are equal to one divya year. Hence 360

solar years are equal to one divya year.


Sunil Ji knows these facts well, Suryasiddhanta is not a rare book and the

commentary of Burgess can be procured in all parts of the world. He has

certanily read the book, and is deliberately distorting facts and misquoting

Suryasiddhanta as well as me to befool all of us. Sunil Ji is taking undue

liberties with ancient texts, which is permissible only in internet fora where

no one cares for what happens to an ancient text at the hand of a careless

chemist, who boasts thus " I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy

that I have taught him " and laments " It is very painful to see that people

like Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a

schoolboy will understand this " . After " teaching " me his false ideas and

pitying over my less than schoolboy's level of knowledge, he discovers the cause

behind my stupidity : " Understand it that way rather than try to derive

spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari

can know. " Thus, he is distoring facts and befooling members here because he

has to prove, by hook or by crook, that a brahmachari must be stupid. It is his

personal agenda, which he is carrying on for four months. If he is not

insincerely after me, then there is only one possibility : he must have

increased his daily dose from two to four tolas, otherwise simple arithmetics as

presented above could not have escaped his attention.


Sunil Ji must not be allowed to make a false statements about ancient texts. I

am awaiting his next misquotation with bundles of abuses. I wonder what yogas in

his horoscope gave him so wonderful a knowledge of mathematics !



============= =============






Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya



Monday, May 4, 2009 12:57:14 PM

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta






Dear Rohini,


What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a

political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am

wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the

appropriate literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not

angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji

does not see what is wrong and what is right.


Vinayji says as follows:




He forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution.

Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.




Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in the

Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants to

say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and Narada

purana to 4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the Suryasiddhanta the

Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric model. In the geocentric

model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year corresponding to the

earth's annual revolution and the Sun also completes another revolution of the

earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on its axis. That is how we

see that the Sun rises and sets everyday. Suryasiddhanta calls the former as

Solar year and the latter as revolution. Vinayji's equating revolution with 360

years is absolutely unfounded. When the Sun goes one degree the Moon goes 13.3

degrees and that is why the Surysiddhanta has given a higher number of

revolutions for the

Moon. While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the Moon cpmpletes

4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower than the

Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is correspondingly

lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji

cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will

understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji cannot

understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in these

simple things.


I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him

that the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may say

that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects of the grahas

correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on the

ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion

only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for

the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive

spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient

astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations.

Need I explain more.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AM


To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,


I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.

I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. I

did so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, he

forgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to oppose

everything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he is

writing. His present points are best example of what I say :


He says :



Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga

is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.




He accepts " 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga " and says one

Mahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)

360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per day

approximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solar

year is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000

solar revolutions.


Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,

but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother is

that he should write on topics which best suit his talents and

experience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I dare

not give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him write

such funny things).


If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will this

unsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??


According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of Treta

Yuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000

years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According to

Vinayji's yuga spans " as he asserts again and again, but according to

yuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download free

of cost from the website of Brown University

<http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploaded

them : http://www.wilbourh all.org/


If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me a

great favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.



============ ===== ============ =====


, " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani@ ...>



> Dear Sunil-da,


> That is not fair!


> Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that

you replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are

older than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My

own biological brother always said that and so did I experience --

Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Her

when she was ready to leave...!


> We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we

all mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?


> There are basically two cohorts, Dada!


> Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race

reality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll system

and taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,

the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!


> And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger

group out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or

similar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!


> The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get

crowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to

holding on to one another and supporting one another!


> While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this

coral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out

what the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!


> We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!

Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrative

property and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!


> Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur

when the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and

Religion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!


> Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some

scholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira

Didi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!


> Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and

what they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to

invoke solidarity, for the greater cause?


> Respectfully submitted --


> Rohini




> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

sunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rohini,

> >

> > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.

> >

> > 1)

> > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of

the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise

me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure

otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.

> >

> > 2)

> > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born

more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it

too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to

own the consequences of what his yuga span means.

> >

> > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight

question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone

questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his

tactic to gain sympathy.

> >

> > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun

per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the

Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.

> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > RR ji,

> >

> > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts

due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say

there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to

12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says

one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website

to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my


> >

> > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person

(Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who

has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.

I did not join forums to " educate the great unwashed on this vast and

wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is

your choice.

> >

> > -Vinay

> > ============ ==== ============

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> >

> > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,

> >

> > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da

says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]

> >

> > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us

GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru

to do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse and

distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?

> >

> > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great

unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?

> >

> > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder

about your seriousness!

> >

> > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR

RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three

are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!

> >

> > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you

good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@

.....> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000

verses " originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants

me to disprove this figment of imagination !!

> > >

> > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji

wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> > >

> > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as

described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly

projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no

interest in inventing anything.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ ========= ========= =

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > 1)

> > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born

more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > > 2)

> > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the

Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of

verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " .

Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is

equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,

Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is

not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history

of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya

years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose

modern views apon ancient texts.

> > > >

> > > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago

though I do not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book

which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of

Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses

was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of

Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread

wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of

ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of

Mahayuga ??

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ==

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > >

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really

there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though

I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give

the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without

wasting any time.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > > >

> > > > Quote

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > Unquote

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al

least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that

the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.

Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the

Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read

these as his views indicate.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why

he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of

ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then

forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of

Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II

quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which

differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which

Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his

own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from

Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because

Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from

> > Suryasiddhanta.

> > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which

are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there

were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version

has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the

written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making

for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have

serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern

physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as

Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki

system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although

Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while

Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the

tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter

followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only

difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is

the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose

magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by

Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these

differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,

because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is

distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah

Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is

missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute

anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :

" Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original

Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as " old " and

extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in spite of the fact

that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while

describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.

Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why

those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine

Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to

gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of

sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of

refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements

are unreliable. For instance, he says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied

data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??

I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil

ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,

but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200

BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic

planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has

no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for

his own respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > > following remark.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of

my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur

was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of

Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the

Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern

side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of

Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says

that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).

Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of

Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another

matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " )

just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a

lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for

misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,

before commenting wildly.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,

which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said

here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.

Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first


> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why

did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one

Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be

a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though

one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around

3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too

if Sunilji wants.

> > > > >

> > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga

system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.

What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the

Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some

fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara

yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara

yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those

pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule

" Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.

the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of

2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu

Astronomy than this?

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original

Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information

on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji

care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta

as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the

figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is

sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct

number of verses.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of

the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.

But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered

in good spirit.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect

to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic

synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336

synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949

seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value

of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds

in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between

Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > > >

> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that

Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is

a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of

Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking

to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real " (ie,

physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or

future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of

difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082

AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But

he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request

him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.

> > > > >

> > > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji

holds good for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the

proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results

acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we

make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that

is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in

siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such

samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made

changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year

of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable

differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s

method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> > perhaps

> > > > !!

> > > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord

Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that

" skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words

in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of

ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.

Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless

to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that

Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

anything can be posted on internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear all.

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaskar,

> > > > >

> > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has

been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both

Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for


> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the

data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only

imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from

time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the

grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others

corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th

century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his

own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person

and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never

borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that

Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by

Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The

calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one

> > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers

were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such

updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the

data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more

accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of

updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus

Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed

positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.

Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us

about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as

sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that

Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the

Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas

( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad

peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he

fought with Indra, the king of the suras.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to

have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This

obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the

movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of

astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his

knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a

school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > > >

> > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there

were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras

lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the

Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three

millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known

that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas

from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat

of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>


> > > > >

> > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > > >

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" Avtar Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > > Namaskar!

> > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh

program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental

arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond

even the imagination of a really good astronomer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he

claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least

several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who

gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years


> > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of

even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu

Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa

king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata

era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived

right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide

Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself

through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive

janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is

that you are talking about and defending!

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > A K Kaul

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To All :

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,

which some

> > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw

his (tantric)

> > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a

distance of 99

> > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600


> > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which

Vyaasa ji

> > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was

1.5 times

> > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it


> > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to

lower side

> > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the

capital of

> > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact

year), the

> > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in


> > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic


> > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and

magnitude of

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???

This story

> > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it

forms part of

> > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although

white and brown

> > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological


> > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with

Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to

astrology or

> > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be

prehistoric which fit

> > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized

view, one proof

> > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform


> > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /

astronomy or

> > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a

small value

> > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess


> > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,

during the

> > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana

must have

> > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of

aforementioned evidence

> > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to

Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a


> > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and

ascribed the

> > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But

modern researches

> > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the

epoch of

> > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of

Ptolemy' by a

> > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered

plagiary of

> > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity


> > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is

next to

> > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study


> > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great


> > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by

Clicking Here

> > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+

%3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \

> > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology

based on it,

> > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even

today. I am

> > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on


> > > > > > internet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta

astrologically, by means

> > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,

because I never

> > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn

even a

> > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent

is sincere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > >

> > > > >

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I am almost beginning to feel like the 'mejo-bhai'! Like some I/O interface that

compu-engineers call. Just a sounding board of sorts! ;-)


Dada has called me chota bhai, and today, chota bhai called me elder brother.


I have no problem being the servant of both or the interface but please you all

take notice! If you stick a 1024 MHz memory board but only have a 533MHz

interface (Sorry!), please don't blame the I/O interface just because Ma planted

the faster memory on a slower board ( board?) or because the faster memory

may not efficiently belong on this board and may be just wasting his extra

cycles and getting hotter and hotter?


Then again, I am no engineer but I am sure there are many here who can comment

on whether I got this electronic reality right or at least described it

convincingly ;-)





, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear Rohini,


> What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a

political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am

wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the

appropriate  literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not

angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji

does not see what is wrong and what is right.


> Vinayji says as follows:


> Quote


> He forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution.

Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.


> Unquote 


> Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in

the Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants

to say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and

Narada purana to  4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the

Suryasiddhanta the Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric

model. In the geocentric model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year

corresponding to the earth's annual revolution  and the Sun also completes

another revolution of the earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on

its axis. That is how we see that the Sun rises and sets everyday.

Suryasiddhanta calls the former as Solar year and the latter as revolution.

Vinayji's equating revolution with 360 years is absolutely unfounded. When the

Sun goes one degree the Moon goes 13.3 degrees and  that is why the

Surysiddhanta has given a higher number of revolutions for the

> Moon.  While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the  Moon

cpmpletes 4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower

than the Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is

correspondingly lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that

people like Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even

a schoolboy will understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji

cannot understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in

these simple things.


> I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught

 him that  the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may

say that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects of the

grahas correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on

the ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion

only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for

the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive

spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient

astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations.

Need I explain more.


> Best wishes,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AM




To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,


> I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.

> I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. I

> did so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, he

> forgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to oppose

> everything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he is

> writing. His present points are best example of what I say :


> He says :


> <<<

> Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

> Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga

> is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.


> >>>


> He accepts " 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga " and says one

> Mahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)

> 360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per day

> approximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solar

> year is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000

> solar revolutions.


> Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,

> but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother is

> that he should write on topics which best suit his talents and

> experience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I dare

> not give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him write

> such funny things).


> If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will this

> unsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??


> According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of Treta

> Yuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000

> years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According to

> Vinayji's yuga spans " as he asserts again and again, but according to

> yuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download free

> of cost from the website of Brown University

> <http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploaded

> them : http://www.wilbourh all.org/


> If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me a

> great favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.


> -VJ

> ============ ===== ============ =====


> , " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil-da,

> >

> > That is not fair!

> >

> > Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that

> you replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are

> older than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My

> own biological brother always said that and so did I experience --

> Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Her

> when she was ready to leave...!

> >

> > We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we

> all mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?

> >

> > There are basically two cohorts, Dada!

> >

> > Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race

> reality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll system

> and taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,

> the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!

> >

> > And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger

> group out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or

> similar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!

> >

> > The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

> bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get

> crowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to

> holding on to one another and supporting one another!

> >

> > While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this

> coral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out

> what the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!

> >

> > We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!

> Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrative

> property and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!

> >

> > Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur

> when the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and

> Religion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!

> >

> > Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some

> scholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira

> Didi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!

> >

> > Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and

> what they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to

> invoke solidarity, for the greater cause?

> >

> > Respectfully submitted --

> >

> > Rohini

> >

> >

> >

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> sunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Rohini,

> > >

> > > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.

> > >

> > > 1)

> > > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of

> the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise

> me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure

> otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.

> > >

> > > 2)

> > > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born

> more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it

> too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to

> own the consequences of what his yuga span means.

> > >

> > > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight

> question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone

> questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his

> tactic to gain sympathy.

> > >

> > > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun

> per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the

> Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.

> > >

> > > Best wishes.

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > RR ji,

> > >

> > > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts

> due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say

> there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to

> 12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says

> one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

> misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

> Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website

> to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my


> > >

> > > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person

> (Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who

> has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.

> I did not join forums to " educate the great unwashed on this vast and

> wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is

> your choice.

> > >

> > > -Vinay

> > > ============ ==== ============

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> > >

> > > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,

> > >

> > > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da

> says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]

> > >

> > > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us

> GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru

> to do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse and

> distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?

> > >

> > > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great

> unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?

> > >

> > > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder

> about your seriousness!

> > >

> > > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR

> RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three

> are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!

> > >

> > > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you

> good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > > , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@

> ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000

> verses " originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants

> me to disprove this figment of imagination !!

> > > >

> > > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji

> wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as

> described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly

> projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no

> interest in inventing anything.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ ========= ========= =

> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> <sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > 1)

> > > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born

> more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > > > 2)

> > > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the

> Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of

> verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

> Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " .

> Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is

> equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,

> Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is

> not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history

> of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya

> years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

> revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose

> modern views apon ancient texts.

> > > > >

> > > > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago

> though I do not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book

> which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of

> Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses

> was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of

> Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread

> wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of

> ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of

> Mahayuga ??

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > > ============ = ============ ==

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > >

> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really

> there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though

> I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

> not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give

> the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without

> wasting any time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > > > >

> > > > > Quote

> > > > >

> > > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

> of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

> end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

> (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

> year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

> years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

> absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

> ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

> and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

> traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

> Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

> every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

> universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > > just

> > > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

> pandits are fools.

> > > > >

> > > > > Unquote

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al

> least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that

> the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.

> Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the

> Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read

> these as his views indicate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why

> he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of

> ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then

> forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of

> Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II

> quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which

> differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which

> Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his

> own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

> translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from

> Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of

> Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of

> Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because

> Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from

> > > Suryasiddhanta.

> > > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which

> are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there

> were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version

> has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the

> written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making

> for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have

> serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern

> physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

> Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

> mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as

> Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki

> system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although

> Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while

> Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the

> tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter

> followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only

> difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is

> the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose

> magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by

> Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these

> differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,

> because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is

> distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

> and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah

> Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is

> missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute

> anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :

> " Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original

> Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

> Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as " old " and

> extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in spite of the fact

> that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while

> describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

> (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.

> Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why

> those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine

> Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to

> gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of

> sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of

> refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements

> are unreliable. For instance, he says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied

> data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??

> I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil

> ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,

> but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200

> BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic

> planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has

> no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

> his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for

> his own respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > > > following remark.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of

> my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur

> was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

> jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of

> Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the

> Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern

> side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

> intends to befool ??

> > > > >

> > > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

> of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

> end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

> (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

> year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

> years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

> absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

> ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

> and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

> traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

> Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

> every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

> universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > > just

> > > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

> pandits are fools.

> > > > >

> > > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of

> Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says

> that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).

> Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of

> Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another

> matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " )

> just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

> unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

> does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a

> lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for

> misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

> (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,

> before commenting wildly.

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaste,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,

> which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said

> here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta

> Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

> grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.

> Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

> original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

> Aryabhatta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why

> did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one

> Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be

> a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though

> one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around

> 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too

> if Sunilji wants.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga

> system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.

> What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the

> Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some

> fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara

> yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara

> yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those

> pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule

> " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

> also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.

> the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

> Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of

> 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu

> Astronomy than this?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original

> Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information

> on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji

> care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta

> as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the

> figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is

> sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct

> number of verses.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

> ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of

> the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaste,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.

> But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered

> in good spirit.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect

> to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic

> synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336

> synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949

> seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value

> of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds

> in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between

> Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that

> Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is

> a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of

> Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

> Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking

> to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real " (ie,

> physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

> claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or

> future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of

> difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082

> AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But

> he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request

> him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji

> holds good for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the

> proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results

> acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we

> make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that

> is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in

> siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such

> samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made

> changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

> approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year

> of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable

> differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s

> method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

> according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> > > perhaps

> > > > > !!

> > > > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord

> Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that

> " skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words

> in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of

> ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.

> Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless

> to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that

> Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

> feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

> anything can be posted on internet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

> . com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaskar,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has

> been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both

> Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for

> yourself.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the

> data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only

> imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from

> time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the

> grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others

> corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th

> century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his

> own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

> published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person

> and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never

> borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that

> Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by

> Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The

> calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one

> > > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers

> were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such

> updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the

> data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more

> accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of

> updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus

> Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed

> positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.

> Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us

> about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as

> sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that

> Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the

> Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas

> ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad

> peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he

> fought with Indra, the king of the suras.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to

> have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This

> obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the

> movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of

> astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his

> knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a

> school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

> taught him Astronomy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there

> were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras

> lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the

> Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three

> millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known

> that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas

> from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat

> of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " Avtar Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> > > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh

> program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

> sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental

> arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond

> even the imagination of a really good astronomer!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he

> claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

> Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least

> several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

> Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who

> gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years

> back?

> > > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of

> even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu

> Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

> Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa

> king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata

> era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived

> right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide

> Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself

> through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive

> janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is

> that you are talking about and defending!

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > A K Kaul

> > > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To All :

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,

> which some

> > > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek

> work.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw

> his (tantric)

> > > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a

> distance of 99

> > > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600

> yojanas,

> > > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it

> into

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which

> Vyaasa ji

> > > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was

> 1.5 times

> > > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it

> fluctuated

> > > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to

> lower side

> > > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika

> mentions

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the

> capital of

> > > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact

> year), the

> > > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in

> so-called

> > > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic

> period.

> > > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and

> magnitude of

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???

> This story

> > > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it

> forms part of

> > > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although

> white and brown

> > > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well

> with

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological

> framework

> > > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with

> Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to

> astrology or

> > > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be

> prehistoric which fit

> > > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized

> view, one proof

> > > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform

> to

> > > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /

> astronomy or

> > > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a

> small value

> > > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess

> these

> > > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,

> during the

> > > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana

> must have

> > > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of

> aforementioned evidence

> > > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to

> Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a

> hotch-potch

> > > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven

> plagiarist,

> > > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and

> ascribed the

> > > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But

> modern researches

> > > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the

> epoch of

> > > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of

> Ptolemy' by a

> > > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered

> plagiary of

> > > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity

> and

> > > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is

> next to

> > > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study

> either

> > > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen

> to

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great

> mathematical

> > > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by

> Clicking Here

> > > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+

> %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \

> > > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

> Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology

> based on it,

> > > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even

> today. I am

> > > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on

> the

> > > > > > > internet.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta

> astrologically, by means

> > > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,

> because I never

> > > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn

> even a

> > > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent

> is sincere.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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Dear all,


Vinayji has not told us what he thinks Lord Rama's date to be as by his calculations Lord Rama should have been born a miillion years ago. Or does he think that Lord Rama was a myth. Don"t you think that he owes us an explanation?


Secondly now he is contesting the geocentric model of the Suryasiddhanta


Thirdly he said as follows:




Let me show what this statement means.Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29). According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are (1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.




Vinayji is giving only a part-reply. In the earlier mail he gave the number of revolutions of the Sun, along with those of the Moon and the Jupiter but now he is trying to explain the number of the revolutions of the Sun alone. Don't you think that he has to explain the number of the revolutions of the Moon and the Jupiter also? Only after he gives the complete reply he should expect a reply from me.


Thirdly you all must have noticed that Vinayji is now quoting Burgess's translation as authoritative but at all other times he has been condemnng Burgess's translation as spurious. Why this double standard?




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 6:04 AM



To All :Suryasiddhanta (ch-1, verse 34) states "Of the asterisms, 1582237828 the number of risings of the asterisms, diminished by the number of revolutions of each planet respectively, gives the number of risings of the planets in an Age" (-E. Burgess). Preceding verses (29-33) give number of risings of the planets in an Age (Mahayuga). Let me show what this statement means.Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29). According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are (1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.If we accept Sunil Ji's 12000 years in a Mahayuga, we

will have (1582237828 / 12000 =) 131853.15 rotations of Earth per year with respect to fixed asterisms, which is exactly 360 times the figure derived from Suryasiddhantic formula. It is because 12000 divya varshas are equal to 12000 * 360 as stated in 13th and14th verse which I had earlier cited to him (verse-13 and 14 say, as translated by Burgess : "...a solar month is determined by the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac : 12 months make a year, this is called a //divyam// day of the gods . The day and night of gods and of demons are mutually opposed to one another. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods, and likewise of the demons."). Thus, Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one solar year is one divya day, and 360 divya days are equal to one divya year. Hence 360 solar years are equal to one divya year. Sunil Ji knows these facts well, Suryasiddhanta is not a rare book and the commentary of Burgess can be procured in all

parts of the world. He has certanily read the book, and is deliberately distorting facts and misquoting Suryasiddhanta as well as me to befool all of us. Sunil Ji is taking undue liberties with ancient texts, which is permissible only in internet fora where no one cares for what happens to an ancient text at the hand of a careless chemist, who boasts thus "I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him" and laments "It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will understand this". After "teaching" me his false ideas and pitying over my less than schoolboy's level of knowledge, he discovers the cause behind my stupidity : "Understand it that way rather than try to derive spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmacharican know." Thus, he is distoring facts and befooling members here because he has to prove, by hook or by crook, that a

brahmachari must be stupid. It is his personal agenda, which he is carrying on for four months. If he is not insincerely after me, then there is only one possibility : he must have increased his daily dose from two to four tolas, otherwise simple arithmetics as presented above could not have escaped his attention.Sunil Ji must not be allowed to make a false statements about ancient texts. I am awaiting his next misquotation with bundles of abuses. I wonder what yogas in his horoscope gave him so wonderful a knowledge of mathematics !-VJ============ = ============ =____________ _________ _________ __Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>Cc: ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, May 4, 2009 12:57:14 PMRe: Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaDear Rohini,What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the appropriate literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji does not see what is wrong and what is right.Vinayji says as

follows:QuoteHe forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution. Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.Unquote Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in the Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants to say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and Narada purana to 4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the Suryasiddhanta the Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric model. In the geocentric model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year corresponding to the earth's annual revolution and the Sun also completes another revolution of the earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on its axis. That is how we see that the Sun rises and sets everyday. Suryasiddhanta calls the former as Solar year and the latter as revolution. Vinayji's equating revolution

with 360 years is absolutely unfounded. When the Sun goes one degree the Moon goes 13.3 degrees and that is why the Surysiddhanta has given a higher number of revolutions for theMoon. While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the Moon cpmpletes 4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower than the Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is correspondingly lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji cannot understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in these simple things.I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him that the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may say that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects

of the grahas correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on the ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations. Need I explain more.Best wishes,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > Re: Originality of SuryasiddhantaSaturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AMTo Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.I have seen him writing like a

well educated gentleman on many topics. Idid so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, heforgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to opposeeverything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he iswriting. His present points are best example of what I say :He says :<<<Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun perMahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayugais 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.>>>He accepts "4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga" and says oneMahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per dayapproximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solaryear is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean

4320000solar revolutions.Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother isthat he should write on topics which best suit his talents andexperience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I darenot give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him writesuch funny things).If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will thisunsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of TretaYuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According toVinayji's yuga spans" as he asserts again and again, but according toyuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download freeof cost from the website of

Brown University<http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploadedthem : http://www.wilbourh all.org/If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me agreat favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.-VJ============ ===== ============ =====, "Rohiniranjan" <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:>> Dear Sunil-da,>> That is not fair!>> Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting thatyou replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you areolder than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! Myown biological brother always said that and so did I experience --Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is

here no more. MA took Him with Herwhen she was ready to leave...!>> We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes weall mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?>> There are basically two cohorts, Dada!>> Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-racereality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll systemand taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!>> And there are those, I just listed and many others in that biggergroup out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups orsimilar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!>> The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality herebite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we getcrowded more against

one another and the more we fight as opposed toholding on to one another and supporting one another!>> While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on thiscoral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure outwhat the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!>> We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrativeproperty and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!>> Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occurwhen the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination andReligion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!>> Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, somescholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in IndiraDidi's short-lasting RAAJ

muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!>> Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals andwhat they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or toinvoke solidarity, for the greater cause?>> Respectfully submitted -->> Rohini>>>> , Sunil Bhattacharjyasunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:> >> > Dear Rohini,> >> > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.> >> > 1)> > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number ofthe verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticiseme. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figureotherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.> >> > 2)> > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should

have been bornmore than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have ittoo. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want toown the consequences of what his yuga span means.> >> > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straightquestion but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someonequestions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is histactic to gain sympathy.> >> > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sunper Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of theMahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.> >> > Best wishes.> >> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

wrote:> >> >> > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > RR ji,> >> > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional textsdue to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas saythere are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and saysone Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who ismisinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's websiteto see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am

inventing myDIVINE MESSAGE.> >> > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person(Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, whohas either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.I did not join forums to "educate the great unwashed on this vast andwide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it isyour choice.> >> > -Vinay> > ============ ==== ============> >> > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>> > > > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> >> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,> >> > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil dasays and

in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]> >> > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on usGREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guruto do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse anddistribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?> >> > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the greatunwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?> >> > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonderabout your seriousness!> >> > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLARRETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All threeare remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!> >> > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving yougood and right advice or just messing around with your mind!>

>> > RR> >> > , "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16.> wrote:> > >> > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000verses "originally" according to some book he read but forgot, and wantsme to disprove this figment of imagination !!> > >> > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Jiwants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?> > >> > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, asdescribed in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wronglyprojected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have nointerest in inventing anything.> > >> > > -VJ> > > ============ ========= ========= => > > , Sunil

Bhattacharjya<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > 1)> > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as bornmore than a million years ago, which is abrurd.> > > > 2)> > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in theOriginal Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number ofverses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?> > > >> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > >

> > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > I am repeating : "Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluingAryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga".Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years isequal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun isnot possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short historyof human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divyayears must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000

solarrevolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to imposemodern views apon ancient texts.> > > >> > > > He again says "I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long agothough I do not recollect all the details". Why he cannot name that bookwhich he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator ofSuryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verseswas about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors ofJyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spreadwrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages ofancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent ofMahayuga ??> > > >> > > > -VJ> > > > ============ = ============ ==> > > >> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > >

Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > > > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were reallythere in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even thoughI said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I donot recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him givethe number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway withoutwasting any time.> > > >> > > > Secondly he says as follows:> > > >> > > > Quote> >

> >> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the textof Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at theend of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divyayear. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divyayears, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji'sabsurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas ofancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from anytraditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. "AnkaanaamVaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught toevery student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of

Sanskrituniversities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji> > just> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks allpandits are fools.> > > >> > > > Unquote> > > >> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born alleast a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read thatthe Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what theBhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not readthese as his views indicate.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > >> > >

> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM> > > >> > > > Namaste,> > > >> > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Whyhe does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead ofridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and thenforgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses ofSuryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-IIquoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani whichdiffers from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, whichBurgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in hisown commentary on Siddhaanta

Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, nottranslated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta fromShruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript ofSuryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript ofSuryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so becauseBhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from> > Suryasiddhanta.> > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items whichare part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, therewere two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written versionhas not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but thewritten verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga makingfor astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti haveserious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modernphysical astronomy with

a high degree of precision (wrt precession).Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatestmediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed asDrikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketakisystem of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , althoughKetakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) whileKamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.> > > >> > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : "Makaranda developed thetables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done." The latterfollowed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The onlydifference of Makaranda Tables from socalled "modern" Suryasiddhanta isthe incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whosemagnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana byDiwakar Bhatta but Western

commentators could not understant thesedifferences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method isdistributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyugaand over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. VarahMihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date ismissing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to computeanything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.> > > >> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :"Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the originalSuryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very firstAryabhatta." Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as "old" andextant version as "new" by Western commentators, in spite of the factthat he is following karana

method and not siddhanta method whiledescribing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is whythose who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagineVarahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.> > > >> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying togain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form ofsarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable ofrefuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statementsare unreliable. For instance, he says : "Vinayji claims to have supplieddata for 382 - 1082 CE ." Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunilji

is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhanticplanets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji hasno time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research withhis unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As forhis own respect for truth, it is clear from> > > > following remark.> > > >> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions ofmy statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : "Pragjyotishpurwas the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -jyotish) occurred." To this, Sunil ji replied : "Regarding the naming ofPragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought theKamrup district in Assam to be

the end of the earth on the easternside." By replacing "India" with "earth" in my statement, whom heintends to befool ??> > > >> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the textof Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at theend of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divyayear. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divyayears, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji'sabsurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas ofancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from anytraditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number ofplanetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga.

"AnkaanaamVaamato Gati" may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught toevery student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrituniversities who are called "pseudo-scholars" by Sunil ji> > just> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks allpandits are fools.> > > >> > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version ofSuryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also saysthat it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning ofCreation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is anothermatter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ("pseudo-scholar" )just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild andunsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as

hedoes for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read alot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not formisinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,before commenting wildly.> > > >> > > > -VJ> > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Namaste,> > > > >> > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he saidhere. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit SamantaChandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all thegrahas probably he

did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen theoriginal Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very firstAryabhatta.> > > > >> > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Whydid he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which oneMayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could bea chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, thoughone cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates tooif Sunilji wants.> > > > >> > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yugasystem claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his

likes ridicule theHindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to somefantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwaparayuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwaparayuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because thosepseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule"Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati" in the interpretation of the yuga data and theyalso do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or theNirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the HinduAstronomy than this?> > > > >> > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the originalSuryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand informationon that

as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayjicare to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhantaas composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing thefigure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he issanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correctnumber of verses.> > > > >> > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that theancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end ofthe earth on the eastern side. Interesting?> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > >> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:> > > > >> > > >

>> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Namaste,> > > > >> > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answeredin good spirit.> > > > >> > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respectto Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month.

Suryasiddhanticsynodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical valueof 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 secondsin 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference betweenSuryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.> > > > >> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis thatSuryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It isa false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts ofSuryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical andSuryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is stickingto false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to "real" (ie,physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his

falseclaims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present orfuture when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees ofdifference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. Buthe has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I requesthim not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.> > > > >> > > > > His statement is wrong : "The data as corrected by Samantajiholds good for most of the astronomical calculations" . What is theproof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving resultsacceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections wemake in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, thatis why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made insiddhantic mean planets, but modern

astronomy does not recognize suchsamskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and madechanges merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got someapproximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his yearof observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerabledifferences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' smethod, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretlyaccording to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,> > perhaps> > > > !!> > > > > Only an atheist can say "Only a school-child will ask if LordSurya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that"skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras" (please take my wordsin a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city ofancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.Pragjyotishpur

has no special contribution to astrology. It is uselessto counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims thatSuryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! Hefeels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feelsanything can be posted on internet.> > > > >> > > > > -VJ> > > > >> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>> > > > > indiaarchaeology> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; ; vedic_research_ institute> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > >

>> > > > > Dear all.> > > > >> > > > > Namaskar,> > > > >> > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, hasbeen spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include bothWestern scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts foryourself.> > > > >> > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that thedata given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is onlyimperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded fromtime to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of thegrahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and otherscorrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19thcentury CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on hisown naked eye obsevation of the

heavenly bodies. Only after his bok waspublished that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a personand he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji neverborrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses thatSamantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected bySamantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. Thecalculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one> > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomerswere not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore suchupdation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using thedata from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were moreaccurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement ofupdation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. ThusSuryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for

all time to come, if viewedpositively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells usabout people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such assanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known thatMayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote theSuryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)> > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a badpeerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an "Asura" as hefought with Indra, the king of the suras.> > > > >> > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said tohave got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. Thisobviously means that he meditated on Lord

Surya and observed themovement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge ofastronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got hisknowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only aschool-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura andtaught him Astronomy.> > > > >> > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that therewere several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuraslived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of theDwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about threemillennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also knownthat the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanasfrom Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seatof Jyotisha in the ancient times.> > > > >> >

> > > Hope you will find this information useful.> > > > >> > > > > regards,> > > > >> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>> > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta> > > > > indiaarchaeology> > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM> > > > >> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,"Avtar Krishen Kaul" <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Shri Vinay

Jha-ji,> > > > > Namaskar!> > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganeshprogram and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I amsure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamentalarguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyondeven the imagination of a really good astronomer!> > > > >> > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since heclaims to have obtained those planetary details direct from SuryaBhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at leastseveral million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the sameSurya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some "Vedic astrologers" .> > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf whogave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of

yearsback?> > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era ofeven 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like BrighuSamhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?> > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya ofSatya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasaking Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharataera? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survivedright from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guideArjuna through forest fire?> > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himselfthrough your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successivejanmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it isthat you are talking about and defending!> > > >

> Regards,> > > > > A K Kaul> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,"vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > To All :> > > > > >> > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,which some> > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greekwork.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threwhis (tantric)> > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at adistance of 99> > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of

Magadha.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600yojanas,> > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.> > > > > >> > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert itinto> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, whichVyaasa ji> > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.> > > > > >> > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was1.5 times> > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages,

itfluctuated> > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came tolower side> > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantikamentions> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than> > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted thecapital of> > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exactyear), the> > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital inso-called> > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historicperiod.> > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh andmagnitude of> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???This story> > > > > >

cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because itforms part of> > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.> > > > > >> > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, althoughwhite and brown> > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit wellwith> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmologicalframework> > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony withVedic-Puranic- Epic> > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references toastrology or> > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must beprehistoric which fit> > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarizedview, one proof> > > >

> > in favour of which I have cited above.> > > > > >> > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conformto> > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /astronomy or> > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such asmall value> > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guessthese> > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,during the> > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojanamust have> > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account ofaforementioned evidence> > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed toVyaasa ji with> > > > > >

Suryasiddhantic framework.> > > > > >> > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is ahotch-potch> > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a provenplagiarist,> > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession andascribed the> > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. Butmodern researches> > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to theepoch of> > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime ofPtolemy' by a> > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscoveredplagiary of> > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unityand> > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence

which Almagest lacks. It isnext to> > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not studyeither> > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listento> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the greatmathematical> > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed byClicking Here> > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+%3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \> > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics inSuryasiddhanta, the> > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrologybased on it,> > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true eventoday. I am> >

> > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one onthe> > > > > > internet.> > > > > >> > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhantaastrologically, by means> > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,because I never> > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turneven a> > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intentis sincere.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > -VJ> > > > > >> > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====> > > > > >> > > > >> > > > > --- End forwarded

message ---> > > > >> > > > >

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Please take this lightly -- as you have known and acknowledged me on this forum

and thanks for being so kind and forgiving always to a stranger, pretty much!


I write these weird accounts hre and elsewhere about $wami=ji, TeenAger and

M1sirjee the chowkidar and Jwalatarangaas -- Yoginis that dance on red hot coals

and Bhikaran Bee of course (I pass many pan-handlers as I get to work daily and

after the first few hundred passings while ignoring, one cannot but help notice

that these too are human beings and 'placed' there for a purpose! Even in a

nation where social protection for these lonely and forlorn exists, IF ONLY they

would accept help!


I don't know about you all but they keep me grounded. As do they and other

reading seekers on many fora on and other cyber-places where readings are

sought and many if not all for seeking help and not for some conspiratorial

fantasy or paranoia -- even worse!


My Mayor detests helping these individuals and has called them pigeons that must

not be fed!


How strange that within months of that public statement he was placed on charges

for trying to influence a democratic election. No one knows what was the truth

and how he will come out (no birthdata known!) but it is interesting that the

criminal trial against him is in progress now but started pretty much after he

went after these downtrodden bhikaris and bhikaarans!


Like Meera Bai said, " Karman ki gati nyaari, Uudho! "


Of course all of this could be coincidence and superstition!




, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear all,


> Vinayji has not told us what he thinks Lord Rama's date to be as by his

calculations Lord Rama should have been born a miillion years ago. Or does he

think that Lord Rama was a myth. Don " t you think that he owes us an explanation?


> Secondly now he is contesting the geocentric model of the Suryasiddhanta


> Thirdly he said as follows:


> Quote


> Let me show what this statement means.


> Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29).

According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of

revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a

nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.


> In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.


> Unquote


> Vinayji is giving only a part-reply. In the earlier mail he gave the number of

revolutions of the Sun, along with those of the Moon and the Jupiter but now he

is trying to explain the number of the revolutions of the Sun alone. Don't you

think that he has to explain the number of the revolutions of the Moon and the

Jupiter also? Only after he gives the complete reply he should expect a reply

from me.


> Thirdly you all must have noticed that Vinayji is now quoting Burgess's

translation as authoritative but at all other times he has been condemnng

Burgess's translation as spurious. Why this double standard?


> Regards,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



> --- On Mon, 5/4/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:



> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Monday, May 4, 2009, 6:04 AM



To All :


> Suryasiddhanta (ch-1, verse 34) states " Of the asterisms, 1582237828 the

number of risings of the asterisms, diminished by the number of revolutions of

each planet respectively, gives the number of risings of the planets in an Age "

(-E. Burgess). Preceding verses (29-33) give number of risings of the planets in

an Age (Mahayuga). Let me show what this statement means.


> Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29).

According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of

revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a

nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.


> In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.


> If we accept Sunil Ji's 12000 years in a Mahayuga, we will have (1582237828 /

12000 =) 131853.15 rotations of Earth per year with respect to fixed asterisms,

which is exactly 360 times the figure derived from Suryasiddhantic formula. It

is because 12000 divya varshas are equal to 12000 * 360 as stated in 13th

and14th verse which I had earlier cited to him (verse-13 and 14 say, as

translated by Burgess : " ...a solar month is determined by the entrance of the

sun into a sign of the zodiac : 12 months make a year, this is called a

//divyam// day of the gods . The day and night of gods and of demons are

mutually opposed to one another. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods,

and likewise of the demons. " ). Thus, Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one solar

year is one divya day, and 360 divya days are equal to one divya year. Hence 360

solar years are equal to one divya year.


> Sunil Ji knows these facts well, Suryasiddhanta is not a rare book and the

commentary of Burgess can be procured in all parts of the world. He has

certanily read the book, and is deliberately distorting facts and misquoting

Suryasiddhanta as well as me to befool all of us. Sunil Ji is taking undue

liberties with ancient texts, which is permissible only in internet fora where

no one cares for what happens to an ancient text at the hand of a careless

chemist, who boasts thus " I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy

that I have taught him " and laments " It is very painful to see that people like

Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy

will understand this " . After " teaching " me his false ideas and pitying over my

less than schoolboy's level of knowledge, he discovers the cause behind my

stupidity : " Understand it that way rather than try to derive spiritual meaning,

which only a Lifelong Brahmachari

> can know. " Thus, he is distoring facts and befooling members here because he

has to prove, by hook or by crook, that a brahmachari must be stupid. It is his

personal agenda, which he is carrying on for four months. If he is not

insincerely after me, then there is only one possibility : he must have

increased his daily dose from two to four tolas, otherwise simple arithmetics as

presented above could not have escaped his attention.


> Sunil Ji must not be allowed to make a false statements about ancient texts. I

am awaiting his next misquotation with bundles of abuses. I wonder what yogas in

his horoscope gave him so wonderful a knowledge of mathematics !


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ =


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>


> Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> Monday, May 4, 2009 12:57:14 PM

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Dear Rohini,


> What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a

political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am

wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the

appropriate literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not

angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji

does not see what is wrong and what is right.


> Vinayji says as follows:


> Quote


> He forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution.

Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.


> Unquote


> Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in

the Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants

to say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and

Narada purana to 4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the Suryasiddhanta

the Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric model. In the

geocentric model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year corresponding

to the earth's annual revolution and the Sun also completes another revolution

of the earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on its axis. That is

how we see that the Sun rises and sets everyday. Suryasiddhanta calls the former

as Solar year and the latter as revolution. Vinayji's equating revolution with

360 years is absolutely unfounded. When the Sun goes one degree the Moon goes

13.3 degrees and that is why the Surysiddhanta has given a higher number of

revolutions for the

> Moon. While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the Moon cpmpletes

4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower than the

Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is correspondingly

lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji

cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will

understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji cannot

understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in these

simple things.


> I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him

that the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may say

that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects of the grahas

correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on the

ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion

only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for

the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive

spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient

astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations.

Need I explain more.


> Best wishes,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AM


> To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,


> I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.

> I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. I

> did so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, he

> forgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to oppose

> everything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he is

> writing. His present points are best example of what I say :


> He says :


> <<<

> Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

> Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga

> is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.


> >>>


> He accepts " 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga " and says one

> Mahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)

> 360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per day

> approximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solar

> year is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000

> solar revolutions.


> Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,

> but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother is

> that he should write on topics which best suit his talents and

> experience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I dare

> not give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him write

> such funny things).


> If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will this

> unsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??


> According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of Treta

> Yuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000

> years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According to

> Vinayji's yuga spans " as he asserts again and again, but according to

> yuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download free

> of cost from the website of Brown University

> <http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploaded

> them : http://www.wilbourh all.org/


> If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me a

> great favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.


> -VJ

> ============ ===== ============ =====


> , " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil-da,

> >

> > That is not fair!

> >

> > Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that

> you replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are

> older than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My

> own biological brother always said that and so did I experience --

> Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Her

> when she was ready to leave...!

> >

> > We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we

> all mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?

> >

> > There are basically two cohorts, Dada!

> >

> > Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race

> reality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll system

> and taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,

> the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!

> >

> > And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger

> group out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or

> similar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!

> >

> > The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

> bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get

> crowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to

> holding on to one another and supporting one another!

> >

> > While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this

> coral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out

> what the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!

> >

> > We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!

> Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrative

> property and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!

> >

> > Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur

> when the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and

> Religion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!

> >

> > Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some

> scholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira

> Didi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!

> >

> > Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and

> what they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to

> invoke solidarity, for the greater cause?

> >

> > Respectfully submitted --

> >

> > Rohini

> >

> >

> >

> > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> sunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Rohini,

> > >

> > > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.

> > >

> > > 1)

> > > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of

> the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise

> me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure

> otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.

> > >

> > > 2)

> > > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born

> more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it

> too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to

> own the consequences of what his yuga span means.

> > >

> > > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight

> question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone

> questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his

> tactic to gain sympathy.

> > >

> > > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun

> per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the

> Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.

> > >

> > > Best wishes.

> > >

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > RR ji,

> > >

> > > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts

> due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say

> there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to

> 12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says

> one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

> misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

> Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website

> to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my


> > >

> > > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person

> (Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who

> has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.

> I did not join forums to " educate the great unwashed on this vast and

> wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is

> your choice.

> > >

> > > -Vinay

> > > ============ ==== ============

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> > >

> > > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,

> > >

> > > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da

> says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]

> > >

> > > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us

> GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru

> to do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse and

> distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?

> > >

> > > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great

> unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?

> > >

> > > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder

> about your seriousness!

> > >

> > > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR

> RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three

> are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!

> > >

> > > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you

> good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > > , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@

> ....> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000

> verses " originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants

> me to disprove this figment of imagination !!

> > > >

> > > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji

> wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as

> described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly

> projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no

> interest in inventing anything.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ ========= ========= =

> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> <sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > 1)

> > > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born

> more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > > > 2)

> > > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the

> Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of

> verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

> Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " .

> Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is

> equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,

> Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is

> not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history

> of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya

> years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

> revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose

> modern views apon ancient texts.

> > > > >

> > > > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago

> though I do not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book

> which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of

> Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses

> was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of

> Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread

> wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of

> ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of

> Mahayuga ??

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > > ============ = ============ ==

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > >

> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really

> there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though

> I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

> not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give

> the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without

> wasting any time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > > > >

> > > > > Quote

> > > > >

> > > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

> of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

> end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

> (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

> year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

> years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

> absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

> ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

> and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

> traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

> Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

> every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

> universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > > just

> > > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

> pandits are fools.

> > > > >

> > > > > Unquote

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al

> least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that

> the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.

> Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the

> Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read

> these as his views indicate.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why

> he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of

> ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then

> forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of

> Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II

> quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which

> differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which

> Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his

> own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

> translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from

> Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of

> Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of

> Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because

> Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from

> > > Suryasiddhanta.

> > > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which

> are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there

> were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version

> has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the

> written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making

> for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have

> serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern

> physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

> Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

> mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as

> Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki

> system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although

> Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while

> Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the

> tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter

> followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only

> difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is

> the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose

> magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by

> Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these

> differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,

> because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is

> distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

> and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah

> Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is

> missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute

> anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :

> " Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original

> Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

> Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as " old " and

> extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in spite of the fact

> that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while

> describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

> (different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.

> Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why

> those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine

> Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to

> gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of

> sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of

> refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements

> are unreliable. For instance, he says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied

> data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??

> I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil

> ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,

> but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200

> BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic

> planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has

> no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

> his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for

> his own respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > > > following remark.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of

> my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur

> was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

> jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of

> Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the

> Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern

> side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

> intends to befool ??

> > > > >

> > > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

> of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

> end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

> (verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

> year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

> years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

> absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

> ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

> and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

> traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

> planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

> Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

> every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

> universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > > just

> > > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

> pandits are fools.

> > > > >

> > > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of

> Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says

> that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).

> Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of

> Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another

> matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " )

> just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

> unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

> does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a

> lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for

> misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

> (published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,

> before commenting wildly.

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaste,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,

> which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said

> here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta

> Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

> grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.

> Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

> original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

> Aryabhatta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why

> did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one

> Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be

> a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though

> one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around

> 3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too

> if Sunilji wants.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga

> system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.

> What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the

> Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some

> fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara

> yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara

> yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those

> pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule

> " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

> also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.

> the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

> Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of

> 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu

> Astronomy than this?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original

> Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information

> on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji

> care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta

> as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the

> figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is

> sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct

> number of verses.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

> ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of

> the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaste,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.

> But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered

> in good spirit.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect

> to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic

> synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336

> synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949

> seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value

> of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds

> in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between

> Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that

> Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is

> a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of

> Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

> Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking

> to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real " (ie,

> physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

> claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or

> future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of

> difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082

> AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But

> he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request

> him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji

> holds good for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the

> proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results

> acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we

> make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that

> is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in

> siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such

> samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made

> changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

> approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year

> of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable

> differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s

> method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

> according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> > > perhaps

> > > > > !!

> > > > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord

> Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that

> " skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words

> in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of

> ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.

> Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless

> to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that

> Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

> feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

> anything can be posted on internet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

> . com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Namaskar,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has

> been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both

> Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for

> yourself.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the

> data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only

> imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from

> time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the

> grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others

> corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th

> century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his

> own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

> published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person

> and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never

> borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that

> Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by

> Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The

> calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one

> > > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers

> were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such

> updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the

> data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more

> accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of

> updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus

> Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed

> positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.

> Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us

> about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as

> sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that

> Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the

> Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas

> ( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad

> peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he

> fought with Indra, the king of the suras.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to

> have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This

> obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the

> movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of

> astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his

> knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a

> school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

> taught him Astronomy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there

> were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras

> lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the

> Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three

> millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known

> that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas

> from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat

> of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " Avtar Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > > > Namaskar!

> > > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh

> program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

> sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental

> arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond

> even the imagination of a really good astronomer!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he

> claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

> Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least

> several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

> Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who

> gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years

> back?

> > > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of

> even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu

> Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

> Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa

> king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata

> era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived

> right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide

> Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself

> through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive

> janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is

> that you are talking about and defending!

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > A K Kaul

> > > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

> " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To All :

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,

> which some

> > > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek

> work.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw

> his (tantric)

> > > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a

> distance of 99

> > > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600

> yojanas,

> > > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it

> into

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which

> Vyaasa ji

> > > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was

> 1.5 times

> > > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it

> fluctuated

> > > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to

> lower side

> > > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika

> mentions

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the

> capital of

> > > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact

> year), the

> > > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in

> so-called

> > > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic

> period.

> > > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and

> magnitude of

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???

> This story

> > > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it

> forms part of

> > > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although

> white and brown

> > > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well

> with

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological

> framework

> > > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with

> Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to

> astrology or

> > > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be

> prehistoric which fit

> > > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized

> view, one proof

> > > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform

> to

> > > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /

> astronomy or

> > > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a

> small value

> > > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess

> these

> > > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,

> during the

> > > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana

> must have

> > > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of

> aforementioned evidence

> > > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to

> Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a

> hotch-potch

> > > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven

> plagiarist,

> > > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and

> ascribed the

> > > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But

> modern researches

> > > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the

> epoch of

> > > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of

> Ptolemy' by a

> > > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered

> plagiary of

> > > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity

> and

> > > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is

> next to

> > > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study

> either

> > > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen

> to

> > > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great

> mathematical

> > > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by

> Clicking Here

> > > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+

> %3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \

> > > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

> Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology

> based on it,

> > > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even

> today. I am

> > > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on

> the

> > > > > > > internet.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta

> astrologically, by means

> > > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,

> because I never

> > > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn

> even a

> > > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent

> is sincere.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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To All :


Sunil Ji makes absurd assumptions : " Dear all,... Don't you think that he (Vinay

Jha) owes us an explanation (of Lord Rama's date)? "


Why should I OWE an explanation? Instead, Sunil Ji OWES an explanation of things

he is interested in. I am not interested in mathematical enquiry of millions of

years, because it will help nobody. It is an astrological forum of practical

astrologers. Sunil Ji is not an astrologer, and his sole purpose in this forum

is to waste my time over his false theories which he wrongly ascribes to me.


I am sure he is either incapable of understanding school level things or is

deliberately distorting facts. He says : " he (Vinay Jha) is contesting the

geocentric model of the Suryasiddhanta " . Unfortunately, he quotes that very

statement from me as my opposition to geocentricity which is a proof of

geocentric (actually geotopical) computations in Suryasiddhanta ; I had written



" In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year. "


These " risings of fixed asterisms " are with respect to Earth and not to Sun or

any other planet. Number of " risings " of fixed stars is same as sidereal

rotations of Earth or sidereal days. During 366.26 sidereal days, Sun makes one

(apparent) revolution round the Earth, hence with respect to Earth, Sun makes

365.25 geocentric risings. It is painful that Sunil Ji sees this as a refutation

of geocentricity.


I have supplied planetary bhagans already, as well as the rule which is the same

for the Sun as for the planets. If sunil Ji cannot compute, he should take the

assisstance of a calculator. Or, if he cannot understand, he should enrol in a

recognized university where Suryasiddhanta is taught. Pursuit of knowledge is

not limited by age. I have no interest in teaching him ancient astronomy unless

he gives his tolas (it is a code word which only Sunil Ji understands, there is

no offence intended, I am stating my principle).


Burgess made wrong translations and misinterpretations of many key words, but he

never lied about numbers. Hence I quoted him. Moreover, his work is freely

available at internet. If Sunil Ji thinks Burgess is not reliable, he may read

untranslated Sanskrit texts of Suryasiddhanta with Gooraarth-prakaasha-tikaa of

Ranganaatha and Sauravaasana-tikaa of Kamlakara Bhatt, all of which can be

downloaded freely from website of a reputed university where great works of

Greek and Arab astronomers also can be freely downloaded from.


Sunil Ji should admit his mistakes honestly. To err is human, but to admit is

divine. It will raise his stature as an honest man in our eyes. He stated there

are only 12000 solar years in a Mahayuga. I have quoted verses of Suryasiddhanta

which say there are 1582237828 sidereal and 1577917828 solar days in a

Mahayuga. If there are so many days in 12000 years only, we will have to accept

that one " solar year of Sunil Ji " (which is actually a divya year) is equal to

360 actual solar years. Sunil Ji knows he was in the wrong, but is not admitting

it, and diverting issues to lord Rama or other planets. What other planets can

do in determination of length of a solar year ?? Honesty is the best policy,

Sunil Ji. Accept truth, and regain your esteem, intead of raising doubts about

verses of Suryasiddhanta. Will you value Hindi translation of Suryasiddhanta by

HOD of Benaras Hindu University (Dr Ramchandra Pandey, his Hindi translation is

available at

Chowkhamba publishers), if original Sanskrit is too much for you ? Or every

publisher and translator is a liar ? If he wants Bengali version of

Suryasiddhanta, he can get it :


www.translatorscafe.com/cafe/file/?id=1079 & UploadedBy=27683


Translation of Surya Siddhanta, a text book on ancient Hindu Astronomy for

Rupanuga Vedic College under ISKCON (translated into Baanglaa by Pinaki



Sunil Ji, you have been caught red handed.



============ ============ =====




Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya



Tuesday, May 5, 2009 7:21:18 AM

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta






Dear all,


Vinayji has not told us what he thinks Lord Rama's date to be as by his

calculations Lord Rama should have been born a miillion years ago. Or does he

think that Lord Rama was a myth. Don " t you think that he owes us an explanation?


Secondly now he is contesting the geocentric model of the Suryasiddhanta


Thirdly he said as follows:




Let me show what this statement means.


Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29).

According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of

revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a

nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.


In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.




Vinayji is giving only a part-reply. In the earlier mail he gave the number of

revolutions of the Sun, along with those of the Moon and the Jupiter but now he

is trying to explain the number of the revolutions of the Sun alone. Don't you

think that he has to explain the number of the revolutions of the Moon and the

Jupiter also? Only after he gives the complete reply he should expect a reply

from me.


Thirdly you all must have noticed that Vinayji is now quoting Burgess's

translation as authoritative but at all other times he has been condemnng

Burgess's translation as spurious. Why this double standard?




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Monday, May 4, 2009, 6:04 AM


To All :


Suryasiddhanta (ch-1, verse 34) states " Of the asterisms, 1582237828 the number

of risings of the asterisms, diminished by the number of revolutions of each

planet respectively, gives the number of risings of the planets in an Age " (-E.

Burgess). Preceding verses (29-33) give number of risings of the planets in an

Age (Mahayuga). Let me show what this statement means.


Number of risings of the Sun in a Mahayuga is given 4320000 (in verse 29).

According to the above verse, substract it from 1582237828 to get number of

revolutions of Sun in a Mahayuga 1577917828. It gives us the length of a

nirayana Saura year (1577917828 / 4320000 =) 365.2587565 days.


In a Mahayuga, there are 1582237828 risings of fixed asterisms, or same number

of rotations of Earth. There are 4320000 solar years, hence there are

(1582237828 / 4320000 =) 366.2587565 rotations of Earth per year.


If we accept Sunil Ji's 12000 years in a Mahayuga, we will have (1582237828 /

12000 =) 131853.15 rotations of Earth per year with respect to fixed asterisms,

which is exactly 360 times the figure derived from Suryasiddhantic formula. It

is because 12000 divya varshas are equal to 12000 * 360 as stated in 13th

and14th verse which I had earlier cited to him (verse-13 and 14 say, as

translated by Burgess : " ...a solar month is determined by the entrance of the

sun into a sign of the zodiac : 12 months make a year, this is called a

//divyam// day of the gods . The day and night of gods and of demons are

mutually opposed to one another. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods,

and likewise of the demons. " ). Thus, Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one solar

year is one divya day, and 360 divya days are equal to one divya year. Hence 360

solar years are equal to one divya year.


Sunil Ji knows these facts well, Suryasiddhanta is not a rare book and the

commentary of Burgess can be procured in all parts of the world. He has

certanily read the book, and is deliberately distorting facts and misquoting

Suryasiddhanta as well as me to befool all of us. Sunil Ji is taking undue

liberties with ancient texts, which is permissible only in internet fora where

no one cares for what happens to an ancient text at the hand of a careless

chemist, who boasts thus " I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy

that I have taught him " and laments " It is very painful to see that people like

Vinayji cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy

will understand this " . After " teaching " me his false ideas and pitying over my

less than schoolboy's level of knowledge, he discovers the cause behind my

stupidity : " Understand it that way rather than try to derive spiritual meaning,

which only a Lifelong Brahmachari

can know. " Thus, he is distoring facts and befooling members here because he has

to prove, by hook or by crook, that a brahmachari must be stupid. It is his

personal agenda, which he is carrying on for four months. If he is not

insincerely after me, then there is only one possibility : he must have

increased his daily dose from two to four tolas, otherwise simple arithmetics as

presented above could not have escaped his attention.


Sunil Ji must not be allowed to make a false statements about ancient texts. I

am awaiting his next misquotation with bundles of abuses. I wonder what yogas in

his horoscope gave him so wonderful a knowledge of mathematics !



============ = ============ =


____________ _________ _________ __

Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>


Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

Monday, May 4, 2009 12:57:14 PM

Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Dear Rohini,


What does he mean by saying that he supported me in many issues? This is not a

political forum where I will seek his vote. Support me if I am right. If I am

wrong then do me the favour by telling me where I am wrong but cite the

appropriate literature references in that case. I assure Vinayji that I am not

angry at all but on the contrary I am extremely sad that in his anger VInayji

does not see what is wrong and what is right.


Vinayji says as follows:




He forgets that the very definition of solar year is one apparent revolution.

Hence 4320,000 solar year means 4320,000 solar revolutions.




Vinayji earlier said that Suryasiddhanta and the Narada purana said that in the

Mahayuga of 12,000 years ther are 4320,000 revolutions. Then Vinayji wants to

say that he equates 4320,000 revolutions mentioned in Suryasiddhanta and Narada

purana to 4320,000 years. Vinayji forgets that that in the Suryasiddhanta the

Sun, though a star, is still a graha in the geocentric model. In the geocentric

model the Sun revolves round the earth once in a year corresponding to the

earth's annual revolution and the Sun also completes another revolution of the

earth corresponding to the Earth's daily rotation on its axis. That is how we

see that the Sun rises and sets everyday. Suryasiddhanta calls the former as

Solar year and the latter as revolution. Vinayji's equating revolution with 360

years is absolutely unfounded. When the Sun goes one degree the Moon goes 13.3

degrees and that is why the Surysiddhanta has given a higher number of

revolutions for the

Moon. While the Sun completes 360 revolutions of the Earth the Moon cpmpletes

4800 revolutions prer year. Similarly the Jupiter revolves much slower than the

Sun and therefore the number of revolution of the Jupiter is correspondingly

lesser than that of the Sun. It is very painful to see that people like Vinayji

cannot see these simple truths of the geocentric model. Even a schoolboy will

understand this if we explain to him but a scholar like Vinayji cannot

understand these simple truths as he tries to seek some higher truths in these

simple things.


I sincerely hope that Vinayji cools down and be happy that I have taught him

that the Suryasiddhanta has the geocentric model. The modern scholsrs may say

that this is a virtual model but this model tells us the effects of the grahas

correctly. The Sun is many many times greater that Moon but its effect on the

ocean tides do not follow that proportion. It follows the virtual proportion

only. All the Saurapaksha locations of the grahas are also virtual locations for

the purpose of astrology. Understand it that way rather than try to derive

spiritual meaning, which only a Lifelong Brahmachari can know. Ancient

astronomers made naked eye observations and those are also virtual observations.

Need I explain more.


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Sat, 5/2/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:11 AM


To Sunil Ji and Rohini Ji,


I have supported Sunil Ji on many issues, esp on his stand on calendars.

I have seen him writing like a well educated gentleman on many topics. I

did so because I felt he was right. But when he starts writing on me, he

forgets himself and writes like a political opponent who has to oppose

everything from me, right or wrong. And in anger, he forgets what he is

writing. His present points are best example of what I say :


He says :



Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per

Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the Mahayuga

is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.




He accepts " 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun per Mahayuga " and says one

Mahayuga is of 12000 solar years. It means Sun makes (4320000 / 12000 =)

360 apparent revolutions per solar year or one revolution per day

approximately ! He forgets the fact that the very definition of solar

year is one apparent revolution. Hence, 4320000 solar years mean 4320000

solar revolutions.


Nobody is expert in everything. Sunil Ji may be good in many subjects,

but not in these matters. My unsolicited advice to this elder brother is

that he should write on topics which best suit his talents and

experience. Another advice will ignite him to explosion, hence I dare

not give it publicly (about two tolas, which actually make him write

such funny things).


If I withdraw my comment on 100000 verses in Suryasiddhanta, will this

unsubstantiated statement of Sunil Ji become an established fact ??


According to ancient sources, Lord Rama was born at the fag end of Treta

Yuga and Treta Yuga was before Dvaapar whose duration was of 864000

years as per 4320000 years in a Mahayuga. It is not " According to

Vinayji's yuga spans " as he asserts again and again, but according to

yuga-spans of ALL ancient siddhantas, which Sunil Ji can download free

of cost from the website of Brown University

<http://www.wilbourh all.org/> (USA) where Late David Pingree uploaded

them : http://www.wilbourh all.org/


If Sunil Ji spends some time in reading these texts, he will do me a

great favour, because his ignorance is wasting a great deal of my time.



============ ===== ============ =====


, " Rohiniranjan " <jyotish_vani@ ...>



> Dear Sunil-da,


> That is not fair!


> Vinay-ji did admit that you were not entirely wrong! The posting that

you replied to. I suspect that I am older than Vinay-Ji and you are

older than both of us! Kshamaa baden ko chahiyey, chotan ko utpaat! My

own biological brother always said that and so did I experience --

Khshamaa from my eldest DADA who is here no more. MA took Him with Her

when she was ready to leave...!


> We all call one another brother and sister and at least sometimes we

all mean that seriously and yet we attack one another so viciously! Why?


> There are basically two cohorts, Dada!


> Those we think are idiots, OUT THERE! Those living in the rat-race

reality that make the commuting services and offices and payroll system

and taxation services and politicians and governments and governances,

the latest cute-word and policy-analysts come alive!


> And there are those, I just listed and many others in that bigger

group out there, who are sure that WE in here in Jyotish-groups or

similar Kibbutzes are likewise: Misinformed Idiots!


> The corrosive oceans of Maya are nipping at out Island of Reality here

bite-by-bite, nibble-by-nibble and as this coral reef shrinks, we get

crowded more against one another and the more we fight as opposed to

holding on to one another and supporting one another!


> While, they 'out there' are planning to regulate who belongs on this

coral island, who should be deported, and they are trying to figure out

what the tax should be on the indwellers of this coral island!


> We need to figure out where our solidarity and interests lie!

Politicians have already identified the coral islands as lucrative

property and soon there will be regulations and taxes imposed!


> Forget your personal angsts and battles and imagine what would occur

when the prevailing Governments take over Astrology and Divination and

Religion and Scriptures and TRUTH that we all have been fighting for!


> Nostradamus had his books burnt, Greek Philosophers got hemlock, some

scholars got placed 'gently' on STAKES -- Emergency RAAJ in Indira

Didi's short-lasting RAAJ muzzled astrologers as KNR has written about!


> Is it time to bicker about minor offences, going after individuals and

what they understand, or express and discrepancies like that or to

invoke solidarity, for the greater cause?


> Respectfully submitted --


> Rohini




> , Sunil Bhattacharjya

sunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rohini,

> >

> > Vinayji is an expert in evading issues.

> >

> > 1)

> > He has not told us what according to him is the correct number of

the verses in the Suryasiddhant but he does not hesitate to criticise

me. If he thinks I am wrong then let him tell us what is the true figure

otherwise let him withdraw his comment on the figure of 100,000 verses.

> >

> > 2)

> > According to Vinayji's yuga spans Lord Rama should have been born

more than one million years ago. He wants to eat the cake and have it

too. Having told us about a fantastic yuga span now he does not want to

own the consequences of what his yuga span means.

> >

> > A genuine scholar becomes happy if someone asks open and straight

question but Vinayji calls it harassment. He means that if someone

questions his views he will dub it as harassment. I think it is his

tactic to gain sympathy.

> >

> > Did I ever contest the figure of 4,320,000 revolutions of the Sun

per Mahayuga. Definitely not. What I said was that the Span of the

Mahayuga is 12,000 years (solar years) and not 4,320,000 years.

> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Fri, 5/1/09, Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:13 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > RR ji,

> >

> > Initially I suspected Sunil ji is misinterpreting traditional texts

due to ignorance. But I was mistaken. All traditional siddhantas say

there are 4320000 revolutions of Sun per Mahayuga, which is equal to

12000 divya years. Sunil ji has no faith is such big numbers and says

one Mahayuga is equal to 12000 solar years, and it is Vinay Jha who is

misinterpreting ancient texts. You can download Suryasiddhanta,

Aryabhatiya and Brahmasphutasiddhan ta form Brown University's website

to see whether it is already there in ancient texts or I am inventing my


> >

> > I am a software developer who is unnecessarily harassed by a person

(Sunil Ji) over useless topics in which he has no serious interest, who

has either not read ancient texts seriously or is motivated towards me.

I did not join forums to " educate the great unwashed on this vast and

wide INTERNET " . I cannot stop you wondering at my seriousness, it is

your choice.

> >

> > -Vinay

> > ============ ==== ============

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> >

> > Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:37:01 AM

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji,

> >

> > You obviously do not have much respect or belief in what Sunil da

says and in fact have questioned his motives [AS HE HAS TOO!]

> >

> > If you really had something important to say or to bestow on us

GREAT UNWASHED -- would you not have been allowed by God and your Guru

to do so in the years that you have been trying to disperse and

distribute your DIVINE MESSAGE?

> >

> > How long have you actually been trying to do so? Educate the great

unwashed on this vast and wide INTERNET reality?

> >

> > And it better be more than a few solar returns or I would wonder

about your seriousness!

> >

> > Even Alexander or Napoleon or Hitler needed more than a few SOLAR

RETURNS to make their mark and their message to come across. All three

are remembered but DEAD and INEFFECTIVE at this time!

> >

> > Take it or leave it! Check with your *Guruji* if I am giving you

good and right advice or just messing around with your mind!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@

......> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji makes a wrong statement that Suryasiddhaanta had 100000

verses " originally " according to some book he read but forgot, and wants

me to disprove this figment of imagination !!

> > >

> > > As for Lord Rama, no one can prove when he was born. Why Sunil Ji

wants me to prove it ? Why he does not prove it ?

> > >

> > > I am sorry to note that the yuga system of traditional India, as

described in all siddhanta texts as well as in Puranas, is wrongly

projected by Sunil Bhattacharjya as Vinaj Jha's yuga system. I have no

interest in inventing anything.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > > ============ ========= ========= =

> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > 1)

> > > > Vinayji's imagines a yuga systen which shows Lord Rama as born

more than a million years ago, which is abrurd.

> > > > 2)

> > > > He does not know himself the total numberr of verses in the

Original Suryasiddhanta. Then how does he contest that total number of

verses in the original Suryasiddhanta is not 100,000?

> > > >

> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009, 6:39 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > I am repeating : " Indians (of all ancient siddhaantas, incluing

Aryabhatiya, Suryasiddhanta, Narada Purana, etc) used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga " .

Suryasiddhanta clearly says that one mayayuga of 12000 divya years is

equal to 4320000 solar years during which Sun makes 4320000 revolutions,

Moon 57753336, Jupiter 364220, and so on. 4320000 revolutions of Sun is

not possible in 12000 years. Modern conceptions of a very short history

of human race upon earth leads Sunil ji to imagine that 12000 divya

years must be equal to 12000 solar years. But then, 4320000 solar

revolutions in12000 years will makes no sense. It is wrong to impose

modern views apon ancient texts.

> > > >

> > > > He again says " I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago

though I do not recollect all the details " . Why he cannot name that book

which he read?? Because no such book exists. No commentator of

Suryasiddhanta knew about 100000 verses. The lost text of 100000 verses

was about grammar (by Vyaadi), not jyotisha. Absence of professors of

Jyotisha & c on internet gives some persons an opportunity to spread

wrong ideas about traditional texts. Should I send scanned pages of

ancient texts to refute wrong statements of Sunil Ji about the extent of

Mahayuga ??

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ==

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > >

> > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > > Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:12:17 PM

> > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really

there in the Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though

I said that I read the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do

not recollect all the details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give

the number of verses in the original Suryasiddhanta straightway without

wasting any time.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly he says as follows:

> > > >

> > > > Quote

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > Unquote

> > > >

> > > > Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al

least a million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that

the Saptarshi cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha.

Hence he is making unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the

Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana say about the yugas. He has not read

these as his views indicate.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya

> > > >

> > > > --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > >

> > > > Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM

> > > >

> > > > Namaste,

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why

he does not cite the source of this wonderful information instead of

ridiculing me on fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then

forgets to substantiate them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of

Suryasiddhanta which are not present in extant version. Bhaskar-II

quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta Shiromani which

differs from the same formula in extant version of Suryasiddhanta, which

Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly mentioned in his

own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from

Shruti (ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta) . If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of

Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have seen the same, more so because

Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a century quoted verses from

> > Suryasiddhanta.

> > > > Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which

are part of Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there

were two versions of Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version

has not survived in full, as is clear from Utpala's verses, but the

written verse contains almopst everything required for panchanga making

for astrological purposes, while the items cited from Shruti have

serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with modern

physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest

mediaeval exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as

Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha . Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki

system of panchanga making, follolwed this bifurcation , although

Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while

Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for astrological purposes.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the

tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter

followed Drikpaksha while the former followed Saurapaksha. The only

difference of Makaranda Tables from socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is

the incorporation of beeja samskaara in Makaranda Tables, whose

magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in Makaranda-vivarana by

Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not understant these

differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge proportions,

because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta method is

distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah

Mihira followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is

missing is Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute

anything on the basis of Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating :

" Varahamihira was probably the last person to have seen the original

Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first

Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has been called as " old " and

extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in spite of the fact

that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method while

describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method.

Extant version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why

those who do not know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine

Varahamihira' s version to be different from that of siddhanta method.

> > > >

> > > > I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to

gain facts from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of

sarcastic remarks and non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of

refuting me, he uses words which give an impression that my statements

are unreliable. For instance, he says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied

data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does not falsify my supposed claims ??

I provided DATA, which are facts and not views. It is unfortunate Sunil

ji is unable to differentiate facts from views. He may oppose my views,

but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over the period 3200

BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said Suryadiddhantic

planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil ji has

no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for

his own respect for truth, it is clear from

> > > > following remark.

> > > >

> > > > Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of

my statements with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur

was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak -

jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil ji replied : " Regarding the naming of

Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the ancient Indians thought the

Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth on the eastern

side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??

> > > >

> > > > The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text

of Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the

end of Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year

(verse 13 in Ch-1) and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya

year. In succeeding verses, one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya

years, which is equal to 4320000 normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's

absurd notion of divya year being same as solar year, all siddhantas of

ancient India will have planetary motions being speeded up by 360 times,

and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all from any

traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam

Vaamato Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to

every student of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit

universities who are called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji

> > just

> > > > because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all

pandits are fools.

> > > >

> > > > While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of

Suryasiddhanta to Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says

that it was given to maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga).

Hence, according to Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of

Creation ! Whether Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another

matter, but Sunil ji has no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " )

just because I quote the texts accurately, instead of making wild and

unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not use foul words for him, as he

does for me, but I must counter his wrong statements. He should read a

lot before posting his statements here. Internet fora are not for

misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months,

before commenting wildly.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > > ============ = ============ ========= ==

> > > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables,

which are based on the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said

here. Makaranda develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar had done. While Makaranda corrected the data for all the

grahas probably he did not succeed in correcting the data for Mars.

Mihira (Varahamihira) was probably the last person to have seen the

original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of the very first


> > > > >

> > > > > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why

did he not try the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one

Mayasura helped the Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be

a chance that this Mayasura was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though

one cannot be sure. At least Vinayji should have tried that date around

3200 BCE instead of saying that he can supply data for other dates too

if Sunilji wants.

> > > > >

> > > > > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga

system claim that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago.

What can be more ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the

Hindu Yugas just because some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some

fantastic lengths for the yugas such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara

yuga. One who has read the Puranas know that the length of the Dwapara

yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years. It is because those

pseudo-scholars do not know the importance of the need to use the rule

" Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data and they

also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year, ie.

the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the

Nirayana year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of

2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu

Astronomy than this?

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original

Suryasiddhanta contained. I too do not have any first-hand information

on that as I only read about it somewhere long time ago. Will Vinayji

care to tell the group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta

as composed by Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the

figure of 100,000 verses? I hope he will also tell us as to how he is

sanguine about the number he may give if at all he can give the correct

number of verses.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of

the earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > > > > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste,

> > > > >

> > > > > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha.

But I hope my differences with him on following points will be answered

in good spirit.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect

to Sun, and is therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic

synodical month (29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336

synodic revolutions in a Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949

seconds longer than long term average value of modern astronomical value

of 29.53058780661 days, which implies a difference of merely 19 seconds

in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major difference between

Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> > > > >

> > > > > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that

Suryasiddhantic planets tallied with physical planets in the past. It is

a false myth created by modern Western critics posing as experts of

Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data about physical and

Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji is sticking

to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real " (ie,

physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false

claims with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or

future when Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of

difference from physical planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082

AD, and I can supply data for other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But

he has no respect for facts and is propagating fictious ideas. I request

him not to give vent to unfounded assertions based on Western critics.

> > > > >

> > > > > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji

holds good for most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the

proof ? Siddhantic method can never be corrected for giving results

acceptable with refrence to physical planets, whatever corrections we

make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the siddhantic formulae, that

is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four samskaaras made in

siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not recognize such

samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method and made

changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year

of observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable

differences. That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s

method, excepting Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly

according to Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s calculations,

> > perhaps

> > > > !!

> > > > > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord

Surya came in person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that

" skeptics say that there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words

in a friendly manner). Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of

ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred.

Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to astrology. It is useless

to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely claims that

Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths. He feels

anything can be posted on internet.

> > > > >

> > > > > -VJ

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @

. com; vedic_research_ institute

> > > > > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > > > > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear all.

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaskar,

> > > > >

> > > > > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has

been spoken of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both

Western scholars and some Indians. You can see the following facts for


> > > > >

> > > > > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the

data given therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only

imperative that the data of the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from

time to time as the motions as well as the mutual distances of the

grahas and the upagrahas do change with time. Bhaskaracharya and others

corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end of the 19th

century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on his

own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person

and he exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never

borrowed any data from the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that

Samantaji got data from the western scholars. The data as corrected by

Samantaji holds good for most of the astronomical calculations. The

calculations of the eclipse timings may now be somewhat off and one

> > > > > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers

were not like the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such

updation was not a problem at all. Hartley got good results by using the

data from the Suryasiddhanta and he says that the data were more

accurate for past observations. This is in line with the requirement of

updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to time. Thus

Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if viewed

positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta.

Mayasura was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us

about people using two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as

sanskrit)) and Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that

Mayasura was definitely not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the

Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit language. Ironically some modern mlecchas

( who use foul words such as charlatan to describe others)

> > > > > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad

peerson either as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he

fought with Indra, the king of the suras.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to

have got the knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This

obviously means that he meditated on Lord Surya and observed the

movement of the heavenly bodies and thus he acquired the knowledge of

astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta Chabndrasekhar got his

knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies. Only a

school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> > > > >

> > > > > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there

were several Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras

lived in the days of the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the

Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta was composed at least about three

millennia before the Greeks came to know astronomy. It is also known

that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas

from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates, was the earliest seat

of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope you will find this information useful.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>


> > > > >

> > > > > Avtar Krishen Kaul jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > > > > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > > > > indiaarchaeology

> > > > > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> > > > >

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" Avtar Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > > > > Namaskar!

> > > > > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh

program and maybe even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am

sure that by now you are aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental

arguments are anything but correct! They are the most monstrous, beyond

even the imagination of a really good astronomer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he

claims to have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya

Bhagwan himself at the fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least

several million years ago, as per the duration of yugas of the same

Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > > > > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who

gave Maya the mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years


> > > > > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of

even 6000 BCE available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu

Samhitas and Surya Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > > > > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of

Satya/Trea-yuga, he is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa

king Ravana! How can it be the same so called Maya of the Mahabharata

era? Or do you meant to say that like Brighu Samhita, he also survived

right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end of Dwapara-yuga to guide

Arjuna through forest fire?

> > > > > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself

through your Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive

janmas to decide as to which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is

that you are talking about and defending!

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > A K Kaul

> > > > > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

" vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To All :

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta,

which some

> > > > > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw

his (tantric)

> > > > > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a

distance of 99

> > > > > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600


> > > > > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which

Vyaasa ji

> > > > > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was

1.5 times

> > > > > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it


> > > > > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to

lower side

> > > > > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > > > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the

capital of

> > > > > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact

year), the

> > > > > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in


> > > > > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic


> > > > > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and

magnitude of

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ???

This story

> > > > > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it

forms part of

> > > > > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although

white and brown

> > > > > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well


> > > > > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological


> > > > > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with

Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > > > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to

astrology or

> > > > > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be

prehistoric which fit

> > > > > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized

view, one proof

> > > > > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform


> > > > > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology /

astronomy or

> > > > > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a

small value

> > > > > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess


> > > > > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence,

during the

> > > > > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana

must have

> > > > > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of

aforementioned evidence

> > > > > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to

Vyaasa ji with

> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a


> > > > > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven


> > > > > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and

ascribed the

> > > > > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But

modern researches

> > > > > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the

epoch of

> > > > > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of

Ptolemy' by a

> > > > > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered

plagiary of

> > > > > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity


> > > > > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is

next to

> > > > > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study


> > > > > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen


> > > > > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great


> > > > > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by

Clicking Here

> > > > > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+

%3A+Proof+ of+Brahma% \

> > > > > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in

Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > > > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology

based on it,

> > > > > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even

today. I am

> > > > > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on


> > > > > > internet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta

astrologically, by means

> > > > > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it,

because I never

> > > > > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn

even a

> > > > > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent

is sincere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -VJ

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- End forwarded message ---

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Dear Prafulla,


Yes, one should write to the Gita Press because if we take the date of the start

of the Kali yuga as 3102 BCE and the the span of the Kali yuga as 1200 years,

according to the verse you quoted, then the Kaliyuga ended in 1902 BCE, which

means that Lord Krsishna, the 8th Avatara of Lord Vishnu, was the last major

Avatara in the last Mahayuga. This is not acceptable according to the puranas.

Moreover the  purana gives the span of the Kali yuga as 4800 years. You said

that the Kali yuga was extended but you also said that there is no such proof in

the Mahabharata. In fact your own statement on extension of the Kali yuga

 contradicts the statement of the verses.


So I think you should write to the Gita Press for two reasons. Firstly because

it was you, who opened up the verses from the Gita Press version of the

Mahabharata and you are insisting on the correctness of the verses despite my

saying that these verses are not there in another version of the Mahabharata.

Secondly, as you are in India   you can send them a letter with a self-addressed

stamped envelope for reply. From abroad it is not possible for me to send them a

self-addressed stamped envelope for reply.





--- On Sat, 5/9/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Saturday, May 9, 2009, 7:12 AM



Dear Sunil

I have already said that I am refering to Gitapress Edition.

If you think that Gitapress has printed spurious verses ,then please communicate

to Gitapress for further discussions.



--- On Sat, 9/5/09, sunil_bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



sunil_bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Cc: prafulla_mendki,

Saturday, 9 May, 2009, 1:46 PM









Dear Prafulla,


The verses you quoted are not genuine. There are no such verses in the

Markandeya Samasya Parva in the Mahabharata as I have shown earlier. Please be

careful about such spurious verses. Further nowhere it is mentioned that the

Kaliyuga was extended.





--- On Fri, 5/8/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Sunil Bhattacharjya " <sunil_bhattacharjya

Friday, May 8, 2009, 8:52 PM








Dear Sunil

Kaliyug was extended to 4,32,000 years after Mahabharata.

Therefore there is no reference of 4,32, 000 years in Mahabharata.



--- On Fri, 8/5/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Cc: " Prafulla Mendki " <prafulla_mendki,


Friday, 8 May, 2009, 2:17 PM








Dear Prafulla,


You made the statement:




But it was extended to 4,32,000 years.

Threfore kaliyug has not ended.




Do I have to ask you for the Mahabharata reference for this statement or have I

to accept your word for it? I think it would have been better if you would have

substantiated that statement.


Suni K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Sunil Bhattacharjya " <sunil_bhattacharjya

Thursday, May 7, 2009, 11:23 PM








Dear Sunil

The answer toyour quetion is:

If  Kaliyug was not extended ,then it would have ended in 1902BC and there

would have been only eight Avatars.

But it was extended to 4,32,000 years.

Threfore kaliyug has not ended.

We can not change whatever happened in history because it is past.

But we can redefine Yug system in future again if all agree.




--- On Thu, 7/5/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Cc: " Prafulla Mendki " <prafulla_mendki,


Thursday, 7 May, 2009, 4:32 PM








Dear Prafulla,


So you mean to say that the Kali yuga was over in 1902 BCE (3102-1200 = 1902)

and the ninth Avatara of Lord Buddha  has occurred in the Satya yuga. So in

the last Mahayuga there were only eight Avataras. 




--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Thursday, May 7, 2009, 3:40 AM








Dear Sunil

Chatvari ahu: sahastrani varshanam tat ktrutam yugam  |

tasya tavat shati sanshya sandyansha: cha tathavidha:  || 2.188.22||

trini varshasahastrani tretayugam iha uchyate|

tasya tavat shati sandhya sandyansha: cha tat: param|| 2.188.23||

tatha varshasahastre dve dwaparam parimanat: |

tasya api dwi shati sandhya sandhyansha: cha tathavidha :|| 2.188.24||

sahatrasm ekam varshanam tat: kaliyugam smrutam|

tasya varshshatam sandhi: sandhyansha: cha tat: param||

sandhi sandhyanshyo: tulayam pramanam updharaya|| 2.188.25||




--- On Tue, 5/5/09, sunil_bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



sunil_bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Prafulla Mendki " <prafulla_mendki

Cc: ,

Tuesday, 5 May, 2009, 11:15 AM









Dear Prafulla,


I am referring to the textavailable from the " Sacred texts " site. Why don't you

give the five verses that you are referring to?


SunilK. Bhattacharjya


--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Sunil Bhattacharjya " <sunil_bhattacharjya

Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 10:17 PM








Dear Sunil

I am refering to Gitapress Khanda 2(Vanparva and Viratparva) in which

Markandeya Samasyaparva is present.188.22 is on page 1482.Are you refering to

Gitapress or some other Edition?





--- On Thu, 30/4/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Prafulla Mendki " <prafulla_mendki

Thursday, 30 April, 2009, 7:46 AM








Dear Prafulla,


Mahabharata Book - 2 is Sabha-Parva and that does not have the

Markandeya-Samasya Parva. Only the Book - 3 is Vana-Parva or Aranya-Parva and

that has the Markandeya-Samasya Parva. In the Markandeya-Samasya Parva there is

no verse like you have quoted.




--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



Prafulla Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 1:58 AM








Dear Sunil

I am refering to MBH2( not 3) 188.22 to 188.26( Gitapress) pages 1482 & 1483

Chatvaryahu: sahastrani varshanam tat krutam yugam

tasya tavat shati sandhya sandhyansha:  ch tathavidha: ....




--- On Wed, 29/4/09, sunil_bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



sunil_bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re: Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" prafulla Vaman Mendki " <prafulla_mendki

Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 5:05 AM









Dear friend,


The verse (MBH 3.188.22) is as follows:


     अनà¥à¤¯à¥Šà¤¨à¥à¤¯à¤‚ परिमà¥à¤·à¥à¤£à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¥Š

हिंसयनà¥à¤¤à¤¶ च मानवाः

     अजपा नासà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤•à¤¾à¤ƒ सतेना

भविषà¥à¤¯à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¤¿ यà¥à¤—कà¥à¤·à¤¯à¥‡


This verse does not say what you mentioned. Can you please quote the Sanskrit

verse you arer referring to?


Best wishes,


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Tue, 4/28/09, prafulla Vaman Mendki <prafulla_mendki wrote:



prafulla Vaman Mendki <prafulla_mendki

Fw: Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

" Sunil Bhattacharjya " <sunil_bhattacharjya

Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 6:26 AM



prafulla_mendki writes:


Suryasiddhanta was written after start of Kaliyug.

As per 188.22 in MarkandeyaSamasya parva in Mahabharata,

Krut,Treta,Dwapar and Kaliyug were 4800,3600,2400 and 1200

years only.

The idea of Dev varsha and Manav varsha came after Mahabharata

i.e. after start of Kaliyug .



WAVES-Vedic , Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:




> --- On Sat, 4/25/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



> Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

> Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Cc:

> Saturday, April 25, 2009, 3:42 AM





> Vinayji does not know himself as to how many verses were really there in the

Suryasiddhanta and tries to find fault with me even though I said that  I read

the figure of 100,000 in a book long ago though I do not recollect all the

details. If Vinayji thinks I am wrong let him give the number of verses in the

original Suryasiddhanta straightway without wasting any time.


> Secondly he says as follows:


> Quote


> The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


> Unquote


> Vinayji's yuga calculation will show that Lord Rama was born al least a

million years ago. Any takers of that? Vinayji has not read that the Saptarshi

cycle of 2700 Divya varsha is equal to 3030 Manush varsha. Hence he is making

unnecessary noise here. Let him say what the Bhagavata purana and Vishnu purana

say about the yugas. He has not read these as his views indicate.


> Regards,


> Sunil Kumar Bhattacharjya


> --- On Wed, 4/22/09, vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:


> vinayjhaa16 <vinayjhaa16@ >

> Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta


> Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 12:44 AM


> Namaste,


> Sunil ji claimed original Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses. Why he does not

cite the source of this wonderful information instead of ridiculing me on

fictious grounds ?? Sunil ji makes wild claims and then forgets to substantiate

them. Bhatta Utpala quoted many verses of Suryasiddhanta which are not present

in extant version. Bhaskar-II quoted a formula from Suryasiddhanta in Siddhaanta

Shiromani which differs from the same formula in extant version of

Suryasiddhanta, which Burgess misinterpreted, although Bhaskar had clearly

mentioned in his own commentary on Siddhaanta Shiromani (Vaasanaa-bhaashya, not

translated as yet) that he quoted this formula of Suryasiddhanta from Shruti

(ie, from oral Vedic tradition, and not from any manuscript of Suryasiddhanta) .

If Varaha Mihira had seen manuscript of Suryasiddhanta, Bhaskara-II must have

seen the same, more so because Bhatta Utpala who preceded Bhaskara by just a

century quoted verses from


> Yet Bhaskar-II clearly says Suryasiddhanta has some items which are part of

Shruti and not being committed to writing !!! Thus, there were two versions of

Suryasiddhanta : written and oral. Written version has not survived in full, as

is clear from Utpala's verses, but the written verse contains almopst everything

required for panchanga making for astrological purposes, while the items cited

from Shruti have serious differences with extant Suryasiddhanta and tally with

modern physical astronomy with a high degree of precision (wrt precession).

Thus, there were two versions of Suryasiddhanta, which the greatest mediaeval

exponent of Suryasiddhanta Kamlakara Bhatta termed as Drikpaksha and Saurapaksha

.. Ketakar ji, proponent of famous of Ketaki system of panchanga making,

follolwed this bifurcation , although Ketakar ji supported Drikpaksha (like

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekha) while Kamlakara supported Saurapaksha for

astrological purposes.


> Sunil ji makes a wrong statement : " Makaranda developed the tables the way

Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. " The latter followed Drikpaksha while the

former followed Saurapaksha. The only difference of Makaranda Tables from

socalled " modern " Suryasiddhanta is the incorporation of beeja samskaara in

Makaranda Tables, whose magnitudes were explained in siddhantic terms in

Makaranda-vivarana by Diwakar Bhatta but Western commentators could not

understant these differences which were inflated in tantra method to huge

proportions, because the accumulated beeja of ~2 billion years in siddhanta

method is distributed over ~5000 years in tantra method beginning from Kaliyuga

and over few centuries beginning from some recent zero date. Varah Mihira

followed karana method but the verse mentioning his zero date is missing is

Panchsiddhantika, hence it is not possible to compute anything on the basis of

Panchsiddhantika due to missing verses.


> Sunil Ji is merely repeating Western propaganda by stating : " Varahamihira was

probably the last person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the

Aryasiddhanta of the very first Aryabhatta. " Varahamihira' s Suryasiddhanta has

been called as " old " and extant version as " new " by Western commentators, in

spite of the fact that he is following karana method and not siddhanta method

while describing Suryasiddhanta. Makarandaachaarya also followed tantra method

(different from Tantras of philosophy) instead of siddhanta method. Extant

version of Suryasiddhanta is the siddhanta method. That is why those who do not

know how to make panchangas from three methods imagine Varahamihira' s version

to be different from that of siddhanta method.


> I am sorry to disclose these facts to a person who is trying to gain facts

from me by paying me handsome dakshinaa in the form of sarcastic remarks and

non-obscene abuses. Even when he is incapable of refuting me, he uses words

which give an impression that my statements are unreliable. For instance, he

says : " Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . " Why he does

not falsify my supposed claims ?? I provided DATA, which are facts and not

views. It is unfortunate Sunil ji is unable to differentiate facts from views.

He may oppose my views, but he should not oppose facts. I devoted months over

the period 3200 BC, as well as over other period. That is why I said

Suryadiddhantic planets do not tally with physical planets for ANY period. Sunil

ji has no time for making computations, and falsifies my years of research with

his unsubstantiated remarks about my integrity and truthfulness. As for his own

respect for truth, it is clear from

> following remark.


> Sunil ji is again taking a recourse to deliberate distortions of my statements

with a view to poke fun at me. I said : " Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city

of ancient India where first Sunrise (Prak - jyotish) occurred. " To this, Sunil

ji replied : " Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the earth

on the eastern side. " By replacing " India " with " earth " in my statement, whom he

intends to befool ??


> The date 2163101 BCE for Suryasiddhanta is mentioned in the text of

Suryasiddhanta itself, which says it was given by Lord Surya at the end of

Satayuga. This text says one divya day is of one normal year (verse 13 in Ch-1)

and next verse says 360 divya days make one divya year. In succeeding verses,

one Mahayuga is said to be of 12000 divya years, which is equal to 4320000

normal years. If we accept Sunil ji's absurd notion of divya year being same as

solar year, all siddhantas of ancient India will have planetary motions being

speeded up by 360 times, and it will be impossible to make any panchanga at all

from any traditional Indian method, because Indians used to give number of

planetary revolutions in terms of revolutions per mahayuga. " Ankaanaam Vaamato

Gati " may be a great discovery for Sunil ji, but it is taught to every student

of Jyotisha at primary level by those experts of Sanskrit universities who are

called " pseudo-scholars " by Sunil ji


> because Sunil ji has not read original texts and thinks all pandits are fools.


> While mentioning that Lord Surya gave present version of Suryasiddhanta to

Maya at the end of present Satyuga, the text also says that it was given to

maharshis in every yuga (ie, in every satyuga). Hence, according to

Suryasiddhanta it was present at the beginning of Creation ! Whether

Suryasiddhanta makes a false or true claim is another matter, but Sunil ji has

no right to call me names ( " pseudo-scholar " ) just because I quote the texts

accurately, instead of making wild and unsubstantiated claims like him. I do not

use foul words for him, as he does for me, but I must counter his wrong

statements. He should read a lot before posting his statements here. Internet

fora are not for misinformation by ignorants. He should study Makarandaprakaasha

(published by Chowkhamba) wrt Suryasiddhanta, which will take months, before

commenting wildly.


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ========= ==

> , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy

a wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> >  

> > Will Vinayji tell us his opinion about the Makaranda-Tables, which are

based on  the Suryasiddhanta, in the light of what he said here. Makaranda

develop[ed the tables the way Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar had done. While

Makaranda corrected the data for all the grahas  probably he did not succeed

in correcting the data for Mars. Mihira (Varahamihira)  was probably the last

person to have seen the original Suryasiddhanta as well as the Aryasiddhanta of

the very first Aryabhatta.

> >  

> > Vinayji claims to have supplied data for 382 - 1082 CE . Why did he not try

the dates around 3200 BCE, the time around which one Mayasura helped the

Pandavas establish their new capital? There could be a chance that this Mayasura

was the author of the Suryasiddhanta, though one cannot be sure. At least

Vinayji should have tried that date around 3200 BCE instead of saying that he

can supply data for other dates too if Sunilji wants.

> >  

> > Some people who do not have proper knowledge of the Hindu Yuga system claim

that Mayasura was there more than two million years ago. What can be more

ridiculous than that. Kaulji and his likes ridicule the Hindu Yugas just because

some ignorant Hindu scholars stick to some fantastic lengths for the yugas

such as 1,296,000 years for the Dwapara yuga.  One who has read the Puranas

know that the length of the Dwapara yuga is 3600 years and not 1,296,000 years.

It is because those pseudo-scholars  do not know the importance of the need to

use the rule " Ankaanaam Vaamato Gati " in the interpretation of the yuga data

and  they also do not know that Divya varsha is nothing but the Solar year,

ie. the period the Sun takes to come back to the same nakshatra or the Nirayana

year. I read somewhere that one author had given the date of 2163101 BCE for

Suryasiddhanta. What can be more damaging to the Hindu Astronomy than this?

> >  

> > Nobody knows exactly as to how many verses the original Suryasiddhanta

contained. I too do not have any first-hand information on that as I only

read about it somewhere long time ago.  Will Vinayji care to tell the

group the exact number of verses in the Suryasiddhanta as composed by

Mayasura if he knows that instead of ridiculing the figure of 100,000 verses? I

hope he will also tell us as to how he is sanguine about the number he may

give if at all he can give the correct number of verses.

> >  

> > Regarding the naming of Pragjyotishpur  Vinayji thinks that the

ancient Indians  thought the Kamrup district in Assam to be the end of the

earth on the eastern side. Interesting?

> >  

> > Regards,

> >  

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >  

> >

> > --- On Tue, 4/21/09, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>

> > Re: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:44 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > I support Sunil ji's view that Maya Asura was not a mlechchha. But I hope my

differences with him on following points will be answered in good spirit.

> >

> > Eclipses are based upon relative motion of Moon with respect to Sun, and is

therefore a function of synodical month. Suryasiddhantic synodical month

(29.530587946071718 224742696207476 days = 53433336 synodic revolutions in a

Mahayuga of 1577917828 days) is only 0.01204949 seconds longer than long term

average value of modern astronomical value of 29.53058780661 days, which implies

a difference of merely 19 seconds in 1600 years. Hence, Hartley found no major

difference between Suryasiddhantic and pgysical eclipses.

> >

> > But it is utterly wrong to say on this basis that Suryasiddhantic planets

tallied with physical planets in the past. It is a false myth created by modern

Western critics posing as experts of Suryasiddhanta. I have supplied past data

about physical and Suryasiddhantic planetary positions in detail , yet Sunil ji

is sticking to false claims that Suryasiddhantic planets conformed to " real "

(ie, physical) positions in the past. Why he does not back up his false claims

with calculations ? There is no period in past , present or future when

Suryasiddhantic planets show less than ~10 degrees of difference from physical

planets. I have supplied data from 382 - 1082 AD, and I can supply data for

other periods too if Sunil ji wants. But he has no respect for facts and is

propagating fictious ideas. I request him not to give vent to unfounded

assertions based on Western critics.

> >

> > His statement is wrong : " The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for

most of the astronomical calculations " . What is the proof ? Siddhantic method

can never be corrected for giving results acceptable with refrence to physical

planets, whatever corrections we make in terms used. Sunil ji does not know the

siddhantic formulae, that is why makes such wrong guesses. I had explained four

samskaaras made in siddhantic mean planets, but modern astronomy does not

recognize such samskaaras. Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar used siddhantic method

and made changes merely in the magnitudes of terms. Hence, he got some

approximations to planetary positions of modern astronomy for his year of

observation, but these approximations soon grew upto intolerable differences.

That is why no one accepted Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar' s method, excepting

Sunil ji who may be celebrating festivals secretly according to Pandit Samanta

Chandrasekhar' s calculations,


> !!

> > Only an atheist can say " Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in

person before Mayasura and taught him Astronomy " and that " skeptics say that

there were several Mayasuras " (please take my words in a friendly manner).

Pragjyotishpur was the easternmost city of ancient India where first Sunrise

(Prak - jyotish) occurred. Pragjyotishpur has no special contribution to

astrology. It is useless to counter such baseless statements. Sunil ji falsely

claims that Suryasiddhanta had 100000 verses originally (only 502 are left)!! He

feels no need of giving proof in favour of his invented myths...... He feels

anything can be posted on internet.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a @>

> > indiaarchaeology

> > Cc: ancient_indian_ astrology; @ .

com; vedic_research_ institute

> > Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:43:22 AM

> > Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> >

> > Dear all.

> >

> > Namaskar,

> >

> > The Suryasiddhanta, the ancient jewel of Indian Astronomy, has been spoken

of disparagingly by a lot of people, which include both Western scholars and

some Indians. You can see the following facts for yourself.

> >

> > Suryasiddhanta is an ancient text and it is obvious that the data given

therein will not exactly hold for today. It is only imperative that the data of

the Suryasiddhanta should be upgraded from time to time as the motions as well

as the mutual distances of the grahas and the upagrahas do change with time.

Bhaskaracharya and others corrected the data for their own time. Towards the end

of the 19th century CE Pandit Samanta Chandrasekhar revised the data based on

his own naked eye obsevation of the heavenly bodies. Only after his bok was

published that Samanta Chandrasekhar was given a telescope by a person and he

exclaimed that if only he had it earlier. Samantaji never borrowed any data from

the western scholars though Vinayji guesses that Samantaji got data from the

western scholars. The data as corrected by Samantaji holds good for most of the

astronomical calculations. The calculations of the eclipse timings may now be

somewhat off and one

> > may need to update that data. In ancient times the astronomers were not like

the arm-chair astronomers of today and therefore such updation was not a problem

at all. Hartley got good results by using the data from the Suryasiddhanta and

he says that the data were more accurate for past observations. This is in line

with the requirement of updation of the data of Suryasiddhjanta from time to

time. Thus Suryasiddhanta is an astronomical book for all time to come, if

viewed positively. Only an ignorant person will condemn Suryasiddhanta. Mayasura

was the composer of the Suryasiddhanta. Manu smriti tells us about people using

two bhashas ie. Arya-bhasha (refined language such as sanskrit)) and

Mlechha-bhasha (unrefined language). It is known that Mayasura was definitely

not one of the mlecchas as Mayasura wrote the Suryasiddhanta in the Sanskrit

language. Ironically some modern mlecchas ( who use foul words such as charlatan

to describe others)

> > call Mayasura as mleccha. An Asura is not necessarily a bad peerson either

as even Lord Krishna had been called an " Asura " as he fought with Indra, the

king of the suras.

> >

> > Mayasura was the author of Suryasiddhanta and he is said to have got the

knowledge of astronomy directly from Lord Surya. This obviously means that he

meditated on Lord Surya and observed the movement of the heavenly bodies and

thus he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. Even in the 19th century Samanta

Chabndrasekhar got his knowledge by direct observation of the heavenly bodies.

Only a school-child will ask if Lord Surya came in person before Mayasura and

taught him Astronomy.

> >

> > As regards the date of Mayasura some skeptics say that there were several

Mayasuras. Suffice it to say that the last of the Mayasuras lived in the days of

the Mahabharata war ie towards the end of the Dwapara yuga. So Suryasiddhanta

was composed at least about three millennia before the Greeks came to know

astronomy. It is also known that the Asura king Bhagadatta brought to

Hastinapur, a group of Yavanas from Pragjyitishpur, which as its name indicates,

was the earliest seat of Jyotisha in the ancient times.

> >

> > Hope you will find this information useful.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 4/19/09, Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

> >

> > Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

> > [ind-Arch] Fwd: Re: Originality of Suryasiddhanta

> > indiaarchaeology

> > Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:49 PM

> >

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " Avtar

Krishen Kaul " <jyotirved@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > Shri Vinay Jha-ji,

> > Namaskar!

> > Since you have alreadey downloaded a copy of Mahesh/Ganesh program and maybe

even Vasishta program from Hindu calendar forum, I am sure that by now you are

aware that the Surya Sidhanta fundamental arguments are anything but correct!

They are the most monstrous, beyond even the imagination of a really good


> >

> > Maya the mlechha is actually a liar of the worst kind since he claims to

have obtained those planetary details direct from Surya Bhagwan himself at the

fag end of the last Satya Yuga, i.e. at least several million years ago, as per

the duration of yugas of the same Surya Sidhanta which is being eulogized by

some " Vedic astrologers " .

> > Or do you mean to say that it was Surya Bhagwan Himelf who gave Maya the

mlechha wrong arguments, and that also millions of years back?

> > If we do not have any books even on palm leaves of an era of even 6000 BCE

available by now, how come it is only works like Brighu Samhitas and Surya

Sidhanta etc that have survied for millions of years?

> > If Maya the mlechha of the Surya Sidhanta is the Maya of Satya/Trea-yuga, he

is supposed to be the father-in-law of Rakishasa king Ravana! How can it be the

same so called Maya of the Mahabharata era? Or do you meant to say that like

Brighu Samhita, he also survived right from the end of Satya-yuga to the fag end

of Dwapara-yuga to guide Arjuna through forest fire?

> > Thus you have first to see tha janma-patri of Maya himself through your

Kundalee softwaree to acertain his earlier and successive janmas to decide as to

which Maya, if at all it is the real Maya, it is that you are talking about and


> > Regards,

> > A K Kaul

> > Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, " vinayjhaa16 "

<vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > To All :

> > >

> > > One proof of archaicness and originality of Suryasiddhanta, which some

> > > misguided persons assume to be an adaptation from Greek work.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mahabharata (MBh) has a story that when Jaraasandha threw his (tantric)

> > > gadaa at Mathura, it fell just adjacent to Mathura at a distance of 99

> > > yojanas from Girivraja, the ancient capital of Magadha.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Suryasiddhanta says Earth's equatorial diameter is of 1600 yojanas,

> > > whose modern value is 12756.4 Kms (or 12756.3) . Hence, one

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana measures 7.97274625 Kms.

> > >

> > > Computed the distance of Girivraja to Mathura and convert it into

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana, it comes to be 98.54 yojanas, which Vyaasa ji

> > > rounded off to 99 in his verse.

> > >

> > > The value of yojana in Aryabhatiya and Panchsiddhantika was 1.5 times

> > > greater than that of Suryasiddhantic one. In later ages, it fluctuated

> > > towards upper side of Aryabhatta's value, and never came to lower side

> > > near to Suryasiddhantic value. Since Panchsiddhantika mentions

> > > Suryasiddhanta, the latter must be an earliker work than

> > > Panchsiddhantika. Moreover, before Ajatshatru shifted the capital of

> > > Magadha to Pataliputra around ~490 BCE (I forget the exact year), the

> > > capital was at Rajgir. Girivraja was the capital in so-called

> > > prehistoric period (before ~600 BCE), and never in historic period.

> > > Therefore, can we not say that this story of MBh and magnitude of

> > > Suryasiddhantic yojana belong to a prehistoric period ??? This story

> > > cannot be brushed aside as an interpolation, because it forms part of

> > > the main story and its mathematical value is also accurate.

> > >

> > > Narada Purana is also accredited to Vyaasa Ji, although white and brown

> > > sahibs can think otherwise. It gives details which fit well with

> > > Suryasiddhanta. Moreover, the philosophical and cosmological framework

> > > of Suryasiddhanta is perfectly in harmony with Vedic-Puranic- Epic

> > > tradition. Therefore, the kernel of all those references to astrology or

> > > astronomy in Vedic, Puranic and epic texts must be prehistoric which fit

> > > with Suryasiddhantic framework. It is only a summarized view, one proof

> > > in favour of which I have cited above.

> > >

> > > There are interpolations in epic-Puranic texts which conform to

> > > Vedic-Puranic- Epic tradition of Suryasiddhantic astrology / astronomy or

> > > cosmology, but have a far smaller value of yojana. Such a small value

> > > has never been attested in historical period. Hence, I guess these

> > > interpolations belong to Harappan period perhaps. Hence, during the

> > > entire span of Treta and Dvapar ages, Suryasiddhantic yojana must have

> > > in vogue, unless proven otherwise, on account of aforementioned evidence

> > > from MBh, and similarity in other writings ascribed to Vyaasa ji with

> > > Suryasiddhantic framework.

> > >

> > > Now, I come to a difficult point. Almagest (Syntaxis) is a hotch-potch

> > > written by a clever plagiarist Ptolemy. Ptolemy is a proven plagiarist,

> > > who stole the idea of Hipparchus about precession and ascribed the

> > > discovery to his own experiments and observations. But modern researches

> > > have shown that those observational values belonged to the epoch of

> > > Hipparchus and not of Ptolemy (read the book 'The Crime of Ptolemy' by a

> > > modern professor Newton). Another hitherto undiscovered plagiary of

> > > Ptolemy is the fact that Suryasiddhanta has an organic unity and

> > > beautiful systemic coherence which Almagest lacks. It is next to

> > > impossible to prove this point, because Indians do not study either

> > > Almagest or Suryasiddhanta, and Westerners will never listen to

> > > Suryasiddhantic point of view. One instance of the great mathematical

> > > coherence amounting to almost magic can be viewed by Clicking Here

> > > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Suryasiddanta+ %3A+Proof+

of+Brahma% \

> > > 27s+Age> . There are many such hidden magics in Suryasiddhanta, the

> > > greatest of which is the accuracy of predictive astrology based on it,

> > > which was true in the era of Varaha Mihira and is true even today. I am

> > > translating my Hindi works and uploading them one by one on the

> > > internet.

> > >

> > > One should test the accuracy of Suryasiddhanta astrologically, by means

> > > of Kundalee software. I have nothing to gain from it, because I never

> > > earned a paisa out of astrology. Kundalee software will turn even a

> > > novice into good astrologer in short time, provided intent is sincere.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ============ ==== ============ ====

> > >

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >

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