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Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800?

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Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji, I feel like changing my opinion about the period of Rk Vedanga Jyotisha (more in tune with your opinion) due to the following points. (The idea is vague only now, I will clarify it with proper numbers later). * During vedanga Jyotisha period the seasons started with the sidereal solar month of Tapa which in nothing but the sidereal Kumbha. This means that the winter solstice was at the beginning of Kumbha at this period, in Dhanishta nakshatra. But for this to be true, the vernal equinox must be 3 months away - i.e. in the beginning of Taurs in Kartika nakshatra. * Vedanga Jyotisha speaks about Krittikadi Nakshatra series which is true only for Krittikadi = BC 2600 to BC 1640 (provided the Nakshtra series were counted starting from the Nakshatra were the vernal equinox is present - acatully I don't agree to this idea much) It seems that with the identification of Tapa with sidereal Kumbha (which I have clarified in my earlier article on Vedic months), considering all the connected points some pre-dating of Rk Jyotisha texts (more in tune with your opinion) would be required it seems.Love and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Sreenadhji,


Good analysis indeed.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

Sreenadh <sreesog Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800? Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 10:40 PM



Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji, I feel like changing my opinion about the period of Rk Vedanga Jyotisha (more in tune with your opinion) due to the following points. (The idea is vague only now, I will clarify it with proper numbers later). * During vedanga Jyotisha period the seasons started with the sidereal solar month of Tapa which in nothing but the sidereal Kumbha. This means that the winter solstice was at the beginning of Kumbha at this period, in Dhanishta nakshatra. But for this to be true, the vernal equinox must be 3 months away - i.e. in the beginning of Taurs in Kartika nakshatra. * Vedanga Jyotisha speaks about Krittikadi Nakshatra series which is true only for Krittikadi = BC 2600 to BC 1640 (provided the Nakshtra series were counted starting from the Nakshatra were the vernal equinox is present - acatully I don't agree to this idea much) It

seems that with the identification of Tapa with sidereal Kumbha (which I have clarified in my earlier article on Vedic months), considering all the connected points some pre-dating of Rk Jyotisha texts (more in tune with your opinion) would be required it seems.Love and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Sreenadhji,

Before you build your assumptions over assumptions, let me remind you that from the beginning of dhanistha to makar sankranti it is only 7 padas.This means it becomes seven ninth of 2160 years which is 1680 years.If you subtract 285 from it , it becomes 1395 BC.Is there a way of going round this logic? thank you.


Hari Malla




Sreenadh sreesogTo: Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 11:25:43 AM Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800?


Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji, I feel like changing my opinion about the period of Rk Vedanga Jyotisha (more in tune with your opinion) due to the following points. (The idea is vague only now, I will clarify it with proper numbers later). * During vedanga Jyotisha period the seasons started with the sidereal solar month of Tapa which in nothing but the sidereal Kumbha. This means that the winter solstice was at the beginning of Kumbha at this period, in Dhanishta nakshatra. But for this to be true, the vernal equinox must be 3 months away - i.e. in the beginning of Taurs in Kartika nakshatra. * Vedanga Jyotisha speaks about Krittikadi Nakshatra series which is true only for Krittikadi = BC 2600 to BC 1640 (provided the Nakshtra series were counted starting from the Nakshatra were the vernal equinox is present - acatully I don't agree to this idea much) It

seems that with the identification of Tapa with sidereal Kumbha (which I have clarified in my earlier article on Vedic months), considering all the connected points some pre-dating of Rk Jyotisha texts (more in tune with your opinion) would be required it seems.Love and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Sreenadhji,


As the Winter Solsticial points move in the reverse direction, like the Rahu and Ketu does, the pada distance from the beginning of Wnter Solstice in Dhanistha Nakshatra to the end of Winter Solstice in Makara Rashi is 11 padas. You know this but all the members may not be awarere of this.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

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Dear Sreenadhji,


Kindly permit me to elucidate my statement as follows, as all may not be aware

of the reverse movement of the Solsticial points..


Winter Solstice occurs in  the two padas of the Dhanistha Nakshatra in the

Kumbha Rashi before it starts occurring in the Makar Rashi. Thereafter it goes

on occurring in the Makar Rashi and after that it starts occurring in the Dhanu

rashi. I hope anybody will agree that if we add the 9 padas of the Makar Rashi

to the 2 padas of the Kumbha rashi it will be 9 + 2 = 11 padas.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Wed, 5/6/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:



Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya

Re:Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800?


Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 4:45 PM





Dear Sreenadhji,


As the Winter Solsticial points move in the reverse direction, like the Rahu and

Ketu does, the pada distance from the beginning of Wnter Solstice in Dhanistha

Nakshatra to the end of Winter Solstice in Makara Rashi is 11 padas. You know

this but all the members may not be awarere of this.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

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Dear Bhattacharjyaji,

Sorry, if I am not wrong, dhanistha starts from the other end.You have caught the wrong side.Dhanistha does not start where you say, it ends there.The sun first enters from the other side and ends where you say. and Thank you.Regards,

Hari Malla




Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2009 10:43:09 AM Re:Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800?


Dear Sreenadhji, Kindly permit me to elucidate my statement as follows, as all may not be aware of the reverse movement of the Solsticial points.. Winter Solstice occurs in the two padas of the Dhanistha Nakshatra in the Kumbha Rashi before it starts occurring in the Makar Rashi. Thereafter it goes on occurring in the Makar Rashi and after that it starts occurring in the Dhanu rashi. I hope anybody will agree that if we add the 9 padas of the Makar Rashi to the 2 padas of the Kumbha rashi it will be 9 + 2 = 11 padas. Regards, Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Wed, 5/6/09, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @> wrote:Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya @>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re:Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800?ancient_indian_ astrologyWednesday, May 6, 2009, 4:45 PMDear Sreenadhji, As the Winter Solsticial points move in the reverse direction, like the Rahu and Ketu does, the pada distance from the beginning of Wnter Solstice in Dhanistha Nakshatra to the end of Winter Solstice in Makara Rashi is 11 padas. You know this but all the members may not be awarere of this. Regards, Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

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Dear Hari Malla ji, Whether it is 9 or 11 padas that should be considered I will address later. But I feel like putting a sudden response to the below statement- //I also would like to request both Mr. Nairji and Bhaattcharjyaji to

reflect if the rashis are mentioned in vedanga jyotish or not . If they

are mentioned how frequently they are mentioned.// Don't be foolish! How many references to Tapa and Tapasya you got in Vedanga Jyotisha? Only one - right? It is true about numerous things in Vedic literature, for many things we have only lone quotes to base upon, and we should learn to respect what ever rudiments we are left with. Otherwise you will remain just the feeble but egotic destroyar of the an ancient knowledge base itself, and nothing more. If the world gets distucted today, how many piece of paper will remain after 1000 years? How many iron roads will survive over 1000 years? Near to none - right? So jest learn to be realistic and learn to approach ancient even bits of evidances with respect in a scholarly way. Now coming to the mention of Rashis (Signs) in Vedanga Jyotisha, how many references we have? Just like in the case of Tapa-Tapasya, only one - yes, the reference to Meena rasi in Vedanga Jyotisha text. But even when we are considering just the Vedanga jyotisha texts (depending on that alone and not at all on the other vedic literature is simply silly foolishness I feel - still) there is enough proof available to show that both Ishadi (Madhuvadi sidereal solar months; at that time the winter solstice near to Makara-Kumbha border in tune with Tapa), and Meshadi sidereal solar months existed and was in extensive use. If not blind to facts and logic, please start correcting your views. Or if you are just like the fool AKK, who is blind to truth and blind folded by his pedestrian hatred against astrologia, then you can shamelessly continue your missionary work. Hope this helps.Love and regards,Sreenadh , Hari Malla <harimalla wrote:>> Dear Sunil Bhattcharjyaji,> Let me say with all respect that, if we want to discuss about these matters which bears such deep significance to our religion and culture, we should be humble and not egoistic.Also we should not bear too much enemity with any one.If our opinion is based on our likes and dislikes of people, then we are going to get no where.We should also be ready to shed any prejudice we may have.Then only we can arrive at the truth.Otherwise is it not useless to continue our discussions? Thus my humble request to all,if Mr. Kaul is right let us not hesitate to felicitate him.If he is wrong let us tell him so.I believe he will accept with honour.In short let truth prevail!> With respect to 7 pada or 11 pada from beginning of dhanistha to first pada of uttar ashadha or makar sankranti, I request respectable sirs to kindly re-check and accept the truth.Let not egoism work here, nor enemity.> I also would like to request both Mr. Nairji and Bhaattcharjyaji to reflect if the rashis are mentioned in vedanga jyotish or not . If they are mentioned how frequently they are mentioned.We should not forget that vedanga jyotish was the main book on jyotish once upon a time, since even Mahabharat describes its process through Bhisma.> Regards,> Hari Malla

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Dear Sreenadhji,


The Winter Solstice starts in 306.7 degre in Dhanistha and at 300 degree it leaves the Kumbha Rashi to enter the Makar Rashi and then at 270 degree it leaves Makar Rashi. So from 306.7 degree to 270 degree it is 11 padas. If you are considering the start from the junction of Makar and Kumbha, ie.from 300 degree, to the junction of Makara and Dhanu, ie. to 270 degree, then of course it will be 9 padas only. This is too elementary for you but it will help those who have doubt on this.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

Sreenadh <sreesog Re:Vedanga Jyotisha period before BC 1800? Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:55 AM



Dear Hari Malla ji, Whether it is 9 or 11 padas that should be considered I will address later. But I feel like putting a sudden response to the below statement- //I also would like to request both Mr. Nairji and Bhaattcharjyaji to reflect if the rashis are mentioned in vedanga jyotish or not . If they are mentioned how frequently they are mentioned.// Don't be foolish! How many references to Tapa and Tapasya you got in Vedanga Jyotisha? Only one - right? It is true about numerous things in Vedic literature, for many things we have only lone quotes to base upon, and we should learn to respect what ever rudiments we are left with. Otherwise you will remain just the feeble but egotic destroyar of the an ancient knowledge base itself, and nothing more. If the world gets distucted today, how many piece of paper will remain after 1000

years? How many iron roads will survive over 1000 years? Near to none - right? So jest learn to be realistic and learn to approach ancient even bits of evidances with respect in a scholarly way. Now coming to the mention of Rashis (Signs) in Vedanga Jyotisha, how many references we have? Just like in the case of Tapa-Tapasya, only one - yes, the reference to Meena rasi in Vedanga Jyotisha text. But even when we are considering just the Vedanga jyotisha texts (depending on that alone and not at all on the other vedic literature is simply silly foolishness I feel - still) there is enough proof available to show that both Ishadi (Madhuvadi sidereal solar months; at that time the winter solstice near to Makara-Kumbha border in tune with Tapa), and Meshadi sidereal solar months existed and was in extensive use. If not blind to facts and logic, please start correcting your views. Or if you are just like the fool AKK, who

is blind to truth and blind folded by his pedestrian hatred against astrologia, then you can shamelessly continue your missionary work. Hope this helps.Love and regards,Sreenadh ancient_indian_ astrology, Hari Malla <harimalla@.. .> wrote:>> Dear Sunil Bhattcharjyaji,> Let me say with all respect that, if we want to discuss about these matters which bears such deep significance to our religion and culture, we should be humble and not egoistic.Also we should not bear too much enemity with any one.If our opinion is based on our likes and dislikes of people, then we are going to get no where.We should also be ready to shed any prejudice we may have.Then only we can arrive at the truth.Otherwise is it not useless to continue our discussions? Thus my humble request to all,if Mr. Kaul is right let us not hesitate to felicitate him.If he is wrong let us tell him so.I

believe he will accept with honour.In short let truth prevail!> With respect to 7 pada or 11 pada from beginning of dhanistha to first pada of uttar ashadha or makar sankranti, I request respectable sirs to kindly re-check and accept the truth.Let not egoism work here, nor enemity.> I also would like to request both Mr. Nairji and Bhaattcharjyaji to reflect if the rashis are mentioned in vedanga jyotish or not . If they are mentioned how frequently they are mentioned.We should not forget that vedanga jyotish was the main book on jyotish once upon a time, since even Mahabharat describes its process through Bhisma.> Regards,> Hari Malla

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