Guest guest Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 Dear Bhaskarji Could you clarify my doubts (1)In vedic period ,THE FORMS OF GOD ONLY FEW,but afterthat people worships a lot of IMAGES OF GOD----is it the effect of KALIYUGA (2)Who is the ruler of Kaliyuga-is it the same person in bible/koran (SATAN) Some people worship thamo sakthis/Adarva-It is against goodness/Atharva veda-is it related only to Thamo sakthis Brgds SHA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 Dear SHA ji, 1) Just a few years after India got its independence if you ask how many Prime Ministers served the country, we could count it on our fingers. Just half a century ahead if asked the same question, it would require us a pen, and paper to note down the numerous ones. In same way it also may be that there may have been fewer Gods in pre-Vedic period as compared to the Vedic, and after that due to passage of time, even the Demi-Gods were started being worshipped as God, and also the saints or prohets or messiahs fell in that category. In Kalyuga people are more vulnerable and much more sentimental and superstitious than they appear outwardly. So no wonder Khatu Shyamji would be considered as God, Raani Sati would be considered as Devi, Sai Baba would be considered as God, and many many such other Bhaktas too which could be kept adding by the passing century. People just look for a support or shoulder to lean on to, nothing wrong about that, but its clealry mentioned in the Bhagawat Gita, that whomever one worhips, utlimately the offering goes to HIM. Whatever images one worships ultimately these are all for concentration and to focus and develop Love. Once that part is over for the Bhakta, he sees God everywhere and does not need temples or images. 2) Who is the ruler of Kaliyuga is immaterial. But if one reads the Srimad Bhagwat Purana, it is mentioned to which kind of people Kaliyuga will not effect. The actions are laid down which cause man to invite Kaliyuga to affect him. Satan is the Dark side, or the negative forces , but a form of what ? A form of this existence only. It is allowed to remain for the play of existence to continue. I would consider it as a force and not as a Being of Life. There is nothing like Satanic or the Devil ruling Kaliyuga. This force rules and has control only over those who are more into materialistic enjoyments of Life, and in course of same , falter from the laid down paths of ethical living, and overstep. It cannot rule everybody of this era with a single scale or measure of justice. It cannot rule those who are highly moral in living, practise abstinence and , into communion with the Godly and God. Some people worship only Thamo Shaktis. Depends on the targets one wishes to achieve. In the olden days of wars, many Kings use to worship Tamo Shaktis before going to war. Tamo Shaktis are worshipped for bringing in aggression desired in many avenues, desiring bounties which may come too late naturally, for acceleration of certain realisation of goals. Thats okay for such causes. But otherwise one should not worship, Tamo Shaktis, Demi Gods, or the ones who are now living in the zone of the Dead . Atharva Veda is related only to Tamo Shaktis, I have not studied so cannot comment. But no Vedas can be called as teaching us anything which goes against goodness. Our approach or angle of viewing it may be wrong. A book which teaches how to cut human bodies may seem horrendous to a person who does not know about it, but to a knowledgable one, he could immediately understand that it is a book on Chikitsa or a Surgeons Hand book. I am not available for further comments on this. best wishes, Bhaskar. , s s <sha_ash777 wrote: > > Dear Bhaskarji > > > Could you clarify my doubts > > (1)In vedic period ,THE FORMS OF GOD ONLY FEW,but afterthat people worships a lot of IMAGES OF GOD----is it the effect of KALIYUGA > > (2)Who is the ruler of Kaliyuga-is it the same person in bible/koran (SATAN) > > Some people worship thamo sakthis/Adarva-It is against goodness/Atharva veda-is it related only to Thamo sakthis > > Brgds > SHA > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 thanx bhaskarji U cleared my doubt & made me understood that keep good faith in God ,do only good karma SHA Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:08:42 AM Re: God only oneDear SHA ji,1) Just a few years after India got its independence if you ask how manyPrime Ministers served the country, we could count it on our fingers.Just half a century ahead if asked the same question, it would requireus a pen, and paper to note down the numerous ones.In same way it also may be that there may have been fewer Gods inpre-Vedic period as compared to the Vedic, and after that due to passageof time, even the Demi-Gods were started being worshipped as God, andalso the saints or prohets or messiahs fell in that category. In Kalyugapeople are more vulnerable and much more sentimental and superstitiousthan they appear outwardly. So no wonder Khatu Shyamji would beconsidered as God, Raani Sati would be considered as Devi, Sai Babawould be considered as God, and many many such other Bhaktas too whichcould be kept adding by the passing century. People just look for asupport or shoulder to lean on to, nothing wrong about that, but itsclealry mentioned in the Bhagawat Gita, that whomever one worhips,utlimately the offering goes to HIM.Whatever images one worships ultimately these are all for concentrationand to focus and develop Love. Once that part is over for the Bhakta, hesees God everywhere and does not need temples or images.2) Who is the ruler of Kaliyuga is immaterial. But if one reads theSrimad Bhagwat Purana, it is mentioned to which kind of people Kaliyugawill not effect. The actions are laid down which cause man to inviteKaliyuga to affect him.Satan is the Dark side, or the negative forces , but a form of what ? Aform of this existence only. It is allowed to remain for the play ofexistence to continue. I would consider it as a force and not as a Beingof Life. There is nothing like Satanic or the Devil ruling Kaliyuga.This force rules and has control only over those who are more intomaterialistic enjoyments of Life, and in course of same , falter fromthe laid down paths of ethical living, and overstep. It cannot ruleeverybody of this era with a single scale or measure of justice. Itcannot rule those who are highly moral in living, practise abstinenceand , into communion with the Godly and God.Some people worship only Thamo Shaktis. Depends on the targets onewishes to achieve. In the olden days of wars, many Kings use to worshipTamo Shaktis before going to war. Tamo Shaktis are worshipped forbringing in aggression desired in many avenues, desiring bounties whichmay come too late naturally, for acceleration of certain realisation ofgoals. Thats okay for such causes. But otherwise one should not worship,Tamo Shaktis, Demi Gods, or the ones who are now living in the zone ofthe Dead .Atharva Veda is related only to Tamo Shaktis, I have not studied socannot comment. But no Vedas can be called as teaching us anything whichgoes against goodness. Our approach or angle of viewing it may be wrong.A book which teaches how to cut human bodies may seem horrendous to aperson who does not know about it, but to a knowledgable one, he couldimmediately understand that it is a book on Chikitsa or a Surgeons Handbook.I am not available for further comments on wishes,Bhaskar. , s s <sha_ash777wrote:>> Dear Bhaskarji>>> Could you clarify my doubts>> (1)In vedic period ,THE FORMS OF GOD ONLY FEW,but afterthat peopleworships a lot of IMAGES OF GOD----is it the effect of KALIYUGA>> (2)Who is the ruler of Kaliyuga-is it the same person in bible/koran(SATAN)>> Some people worship thamo sakthis/Adarva-It is against goodness/Atharva veda-is it related only to Thamo sakthis>> Brgds> SHA>--- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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