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Worshipping the wrong God; pseudo Rationalists

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Worshipping the wrong God; pseudo Rationalists


Posted by: "a_jagawat"







Fri May 15, 2009 1:47 am (PDT)



Associations like Tarksheel Society and Scientific and rational society

of India really make me laugh for their lack of knowledge and their

pseudo rationalists campaigns. Recently one of them offered a price of

Rs2500000 to anybody who will successfully predict the election results

of Loksabha.


Let me revise the questions and their mentality with some true rational

explanation. It is very evident that the mentors of these so called

organisations hardly know anything about astrology. They have not

studied it because the study of astrology requires a lifetime to study

it. Their criterion is based on Charlatans and con artists on television

shows and series. So first of all these pseudo scientists are opposing a

science that they have not studied well and they are opposing it on the

basis of people who are noting but imposters of truly amazing science.

Secondly their whole episode whether it is laid down by Mr.Randy or

these organisations is nothing but a publicity stunt. For their update,

astrology requires exact birth data of people involved in the

predictions (Which they will not provide). In this present instance they

require the data of all people fighting the elections in Calcutta. You

cannot foretell the number of seats but you can foretell who is going to

win these elections. To this they have knowingly turned a blind eye. A

true rationalist does not ignore an idea because he cannot explain it.

They are pseudo rationalists who need publicity stunts to feed their

wrong Gods. Their criteria of prize money is based on definitions which

ignore the basic data provisions for astrologers. They know this very

well. So they try to implement things their way, as they cannot give you

any prize money. So far they have not even met the real astrologers and

they live in a third world mentality of not accepting things that are

happening around the world. They will turn a blind eye to this whole

article because it is going to reveal the reality and truth. They will

turn a blind eye to the prediction mentioned in a Gujarati Newspaper

which mentioned the exact date of event with the place. Not to mention

that the earthquake did occurred at the same place on the same date.


Let me first explain what Vedic astrology is. Vedic astrology is as old

as our civilization, as there are archaeological proofs to prove the

same. The ancient books written much before Galileo's forefather

took a birth, explained all nine planets and true astronomical positions

of planets. What these imposters prove to be their discovery was

discovered much before their father's were toddlers. They have just

named their English synonyms and nothing else. These organisations

started with some true motives in hands such as opposition against all

kind of priest craft and fakers. I agree to this believe, because I am

strictly against all kind of thugs and exploits. I am also against magic

Talismans because I know that you cannot mould the laws of nature as

easily as by wearing a Talisman round your neck. But I believe that

later on these organisations turned to ridiculous behaviour and

publicity stunts when they came to know that the roots of their very

existence are soiled. They were feeding the wrong God and once they

realized it, they turned to cleverly guarded questionnaire which they

know that nobody can answer.


"Even the greatest fool can ask you more questions than the wisest

man can answer"


For example I can also oppose their publicity stunt with my own

questionnaire which this people will not answer. I can also quote a

price double their own, but I do not need their publicity stunt for the



1. Tell me how a person dies? They have to rationally explain

the death of a person and not the cause of death. Explain death in

a true scientific manner.


They will not be able to explain it because their fake God does not have

the least idea how this happens. Since they cannot prove it (Which is

the part of their pseudo rationality) they should believe that death

never takes place and they can live forever.


1. Tell me about the birth of a person? How life does comes in

shape. They have to explain this with technical details. Mind you I

am not talking about Chromosomes. I am not talking about bio

electrical waves; I am talking about the cause and reason of origin

of an undefined force.


They will not be able to explain it. Since they cannot prove it (Which

is the part of their pseudo rationality) they should believe that birth

never takes place and they can deny their own existence.


They generally question people who are either ill placed or half

knowledgeable. Moreover you cannot call a person with full knowledge as

a gimmick because he is a human being. They should know that even

doctors with equal and well balanced expertise sometimes fail to save

their patients with equal problems. If we work according to their

dim-witted criteria then even doctors should be nothing but well

balanced con artists playing with their patient's life. But we know

this is not the truth, we know that they are humans and mistake is a

part of human life. Even an average brain can tell you that people die

not just because of doctors, and as a reason even ordinary brain knows

that medical science is a true rational science. It becomes pseudo

science when it ignores true happenings and is not able to explain it.

It becomes pseudo science when it says that every medicine should have

an equal effect on every patient.


For example pseudo science will not believe in life after death

phenomenon. They will get some illogical data to prove their point but

there are people and research which can prove them otherwise. For their

updates they should read details on this page from Dr. Michael Sabom

`http://www.near- death.com/ experiences/ evidence01. html

<http://www.near- death.com/ experiences/ evidence01. html> ' .


These so called rationalists give me a hearty laugh because their so

called knowledge is nothing but ill information. I challenge them to

send me three people of their choice from unknown origin and me and my

organisation will reveal life history of at least one person with

remarkable accuracy. One person, because other may lack the data

required by my organisation. They will never accept this offer because

they consider their shell, their world. They do not know about happening

and advancement in astrological field. Their patrons are close brain

people who just sing a common song. Nobody cares to go deeper and they

just need someone to blame it on.


They should study latest scientific methods used to prove telepathy and

premonitions. These are published by The British Science Association and

no ill informed body like theirs.


They need to break open their shells to understand the difference

between true rationalism and their own brain child. It is time that they

should stop feeding their wrong Gods.


Alok Jagawat

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