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I am on the lookout for another Yantra/ talisman so that enough money can be


to buy this one.

Sounds like Indiana Jones - Hollywood movie.

It certainly did not help the country much when it was here.


Chiranjiv Mehta



--- On Sat, 16/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala




Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 10:09 AM


An Article that appeared in a German Newspaper in 2005):-



(Also known at various times in history as:

" Kaylash Talisma " , " The Kaiser's Charm " ) :-


(translated from German language):-



There is a serious hunt among collectors of ancient relics and for one of the

oddest, perhaps the most mysterious, and, if true, arguably one of the greatest

treasures of the Orient. Bangalore in India, is suddenly abuzz with enquiries

and rumours of the existence of an ancient relic, a locket talisman, shaped like

a large metal plate, described as " bearing a 12-animal Chinese calendar-like

symbol along the edge of its imperfect circle " .


Believed to have been created in the 9th century AD in India, this relic is

considered " safe " . It is believed not to possess any bad-luck or misfortune,

especially, it is said, if you were to keep it in your possession strictly in a

logical and easy-to- understand cycle of " 12 " hours, days, months or years. It

was found to have helped people of all religions and beliefs, to amass great

wealth and power. It is believed to have traveled around the world, changing

hands at least 692 times, entering India at least 9 times in the last 200m

years. It is believed to contain a trapped " tulpa " (Tibetan word for a spirit).

It was photographed for the first time in India in 1960 by a Duncan Brother's

tea planter on the request of Keshav Prasad Goenka, father of Rama Prasad Goenka

the media magnate. It is not known if K.P. Goenka ever possessed it, or how or

where it came to be photographed. Strangely, it was Goenka's archrival Dhirubhai

Ambani of Reliance who is

believed to have later acquired it. Nearly five years after the photograph was

taken by KPG, an Arab contact of Dhirubhai in Aden informed him of it. After

confirming its authenticity, he is said to have borrowed it for a princely sum.

At least one Arab family member from Aden has confirmed to a Chinese diplomat

that in 1965 Dhirubhai religiously carried the KDY around in his pocket for 36



The Talisman is now once again believed to be somewhere in India. Speculation is

on as to whether the " tulpa " chose the recent Reliance family split to free

itself, perhaps seeking a new owner! However, the lid of secrecy surrounding the

relic's possible location was blown in the second week of April 2005, when the

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao visited Bangalore. It became known that he asked his

staff to secretly enquire from specified private collectors, temple officials,

carefully selected individuals and museum curators, of the possible location of

this talisman in South India. The Chinese intelligence agencies had him believe

the KDY was in existence in South India, and caused the premier to make some

unofficial forays, in the hope of locating and acquiring it, if possible. His

keenness in wanting to possess this ancient relic went rather overboard, as a

few media persons got wind of it. On being tipped off, they tried to extract

some information from

the Chinese officials in private. The following week, a long forgotten, and

perhaps the only known photographs of the talisman in existence, taken in the

early 60s, made its appearance (along with discrete enquires) among private

collectors around the country. To add to the confusion, photocopies of a

" pencil-rubbing " showing the relief features of the KDY began surfacing at

Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai & Hyderabad, confirming immediately to private

collectors and museums, the existence of the metal plaque, as confirmed by the

Chinese intelligence agency. Now there remains no doubt of the Chinese Premier's

secret and private agenda, and of his rather desperate and blatant enquiries. At

least one Bangalore based information Technology Company's CEO is known to have

received an offer, after being directly approached, promising a reward of US $

10 million only to trace this relic. The Chinese officials when contacted deny

any knowledge of this, and on being

persistently queried, light-heartedly humored the media personnel. However, one

member of the delegation, on condition of anonymity, agreed to divulge the

details of their leader's keen interest in acquiring the item. According to him,

at least five Indian government officials, two Bollywood personalities, one

Tamil movie personality, three Indian Industrialists, two Communist party

leaders from Kerala and Bengal, and one official of the Salar Jung museum,

Hyderabad, have offered to try and locate this relic for the Chinese Premier.

The Chinese Embassy in New Delhi is however tight-lipped on this affair.


It has been allegedly observed (and reported through history) that generally the

relic's arrival or presence in a country/kingdom immediately manifests in the

form of an up-swing in the nations economic growth and power, and the rulers

begin to receive unimaginable wealth, support and prestige from all over the

world in fulfillment of the talisman's promise of health, wealth and happiness.


As is believed to have happened in the past, politicians, aspiring world

leaders, election candidates etc., are once again setting aside their personal

wealth to search for, and to possess the original piece at least once in their



News appears to have traveled fast. British and Russian intelligence agencies

are believed to be making discrete enquiries in all the metros in India about

this strange item from India's ancient past. The Americans, whose intelligence

agency, the CIA, have long known of the relic's existence, ever since a

well-known American millionaire and public figure was dispossessed of it, have

been busy scouring every place in India, from people's private homes to museums,

from private collections to the flea markets of Calcutta and Mumbai, from

Delhi's Chandni-Chowk to the old city gullies of Charminar in Hyderabad in

search of the Talisman.


Power beyond Human Imagination:

It is believed that the Kailash Dhanaraksha Tantra Talisman has never once

failed to meet the wishes and ambitions of its possessors throughout its

history. The owner or possessor is advised to place the talisman in an extremely

pure and hygienic atmosphere. The Talisman is accompanied by a " tulpa " - a

Tibetan word for a phantom / ghostly form born solely from the imagination, and

yet so strongly vitalized so as to actually materialize or cause things to

happen. A " tulpa " is no more than an extremely powerful thought form. A known

easy method to contain and control the " tulpa " is to keep the Talisman covered,

immersed under dry holy ash in a box that is shut tight and covered or wrapped

in saffron cloth. It derives its super spiritual power and strength from 12

cyclical sacred mantras. Each animal symbol represents the theological

expressions of the 12 mantras. Anyone touching the brass talisman with naked

hands, without any intention of wearing it, is

advised to wash his/her hands with turmeric water and dry the hands, both

before and after handling it. Once in possession, and placed in a suitable

place, the Talisman should not be moved, sold or gifted without following its

logical and successive 12-mantra cycle. It is to be disposed off (sold or

gifted) in days that sum-up to multiples of 12 (i.e.: 12, 24, 36, etc) since

acquiring or coming in possession of it. The Talisman is believed to serve an

individual only once during his or her lifetime. It meets your highest

aspiration and desires. While in possession of this talisman, the owner is

requires to wear it on his/her person for at least 12 hours, 12 days, 12 months,

or 12 years. And during this time one should be wishing and dreaming in a

meditative mood of ones highest aspirations and ambitions during this lifetime.

The " tulpa " in the talisman feels the vibrations and " hears " the inner desires

of the wearer, and begins the irreversible process

to meet ones desires. Then on, all the forces of the universe begin to conspire

to make ones dream a reality. When the period of wearing it is over, it must be

replaced in the sacred-ash box. It is advised that one should consume only

vegetarian food during the period that one wears the talisman on ones person.




This ancient relic is believed to have been cast in brass by six Tibetan " lamas "

and six Indian " rishis " through 12 years of ritual fasting, and chanting of the

144 secrets Vedic slokas, 144 sacred Buddhist Sutras and 144 Tantric Mantras,

between the years 812 AD and 824 AD to invoke " Kriya Shakti " . Legend speaks of

how the talisman was heated and cooled for 144 days by soaking it in a pool of

720 medicinal herbs, roots and plant-extracts painstakingly collected from

various parts of the world. It was exposed to the elements including the Lunar

and Solar eclipses of those 12 years, especially during the auspicious minutes

of total eclipse from atop the holy mountain of Mount Kailash, as per Vedic,

Buddhist and Tantric rites. Placed in the middle of a Kyilkhor or yantra

(magical diagram) the relic was struck by lightning many times during the yagnas

performed by the holy seers high in the mountains. Finally it was released into

the world by allowing it to

" gestate " , by being hung around the neck of a carefully chosen healthy and

physically perfect wild tiger for another 144 days.


Throughout the history of this talisman, many people, with the ability to see,

have observed a blue and white aura emanating from this ancient metal plate,

especially on full-moon nights.


Successful people throughout the world have paid unimaginable amounts in gold

and money to try and buy this talisman. And some of the lucky ones have

possessed it in secrecy, successfully deriving untold and unaccountable benefits

in terms of money and power, and selling it again when satiated. When the time

comes for the talisman to leave its possessor, it is said there is no stoping



A Few Historical Personalities known to have Encountered The Talisman.


Marco polo, the Italian traveler is believed to have ritually worn this Talisman

around his neck for 12 months in the year 1272 AD before returning it to Kubla

Khan, the Emperor of China.


The Mughal Emperor Humayun wore the Talisman while he was in exile and regained

his kingdom from Sher Shah Suri.


Two hundred years later it was traced to a wealthy merchant in a little village

called Puglia in Italy around 1480, believed to have been brought there by a

wealthy Romany gypsy.


Later one John Dee came in possession of the Talisman at London in 1546, but he

did not follow the 12-cycle ritual, and sold it to an impoverished nobleman

within three months of possessing it. Though John Dee rose to become a

successful scholar, negative vibrations caused by a restless " tulpa " troubled

him for sometime.


The Talisman surfaced again in the tiny church of Sainte Madeleine, this time in

the possession of a priest, one Francois Berenger Sauniere in the winter of

1892-1893. The priest was suddenly blessed with incalculable wealth and

prestige. Sauniere died in 1917, and gave the talisman to one Marie Denarnaud,

who wore it on her person, as per the ritual, for a cycle of 12 months before

selling it to a French diplomat. For 36 years thereafter, until her death, she

remained wealthy, never wanting of anything.


Alexandra David-Neel, a Frenchwoman, is believed to have taken it back to the

Himalayas, the land of its origin, in 1923. This was the fifth time it entered

India. She is believed to have taken a photograph of the piece, and is credited

with creating at least 30 pencil " rubbing " impressions of it before handling it

to the then Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, who instantly recognized it, is believed

to have said, " Let it go back to the world to complete its cycles " . Many of the

pencil impressions are believed to be still in existence in China, India and

Europe, without any idea to viewers today as to the real significance the

impression represents.


Viceroy and Lady Curzon, the sultan of Brubei, Howard Hughes and a well-known

Japanese car manufacturer are among the many successful people believed to have

been in possession of the Talisman for a period of at least 96 days.. The

positive results of possessing the Talisman showed and manifested itself often a

few months after they had sold or given it away, indicating that the " Tulpa "

sometimes " stayed back " for some more time with its last owner to complete its



Dhirubai Ambani is believed to have come in possession of the Talisman in 1965

and carried it in his pocket wrapped in a saffron cloth for 36 days. This was

the last time an Indian is known to have possessed the KDY.


Until now, the Chinese official visit to Bangalore seems to have opened a

Pandora's box. Many explorers, collectors, curators and government agencies

throughout the world have constantly been trying hard to trace the item and

possess it. It has been seen, possessed changed hands, spoken of and written

about for centuries in various parts of the world. Museums around the world have

all, at some point in time been alerted of its existence. Some employees of the

well-known auction houses of Sotheby and Christie have been instructed to keep a

quiet lookout for this mysterious and somewhat curious Sino-Indian relic, though

not without some skepticism. The item is obviously priceless. If the anonymous

Chinese official at Bangalore is to be believed, at least four Arab millionaires

or their agents have visited India in the last two years in search of the



Known Details and Description of the Talisman:


Material: Brass.


Shape: Irregular Circle (Not a perfect circle). The genuine piece is

recognizable as it is allegedly not perfect in design and lacks symmetry. The

crude brass plate is reportedly thick along one arc of its circumference and

thin on another. A small projection in the form of a brass loop on the top

circumference allows the wearer to pass a string or thong through it to wear

around the neck or waist. The front face of the metal plate has 12 animals, of

what we today know as the Chinese calendar depicted in a circle, along and

around its circumference. Close to the edge of the brass plates are tiny

circles, forming a chain of spots. Most of these spots are distinct to the naked

eye, but some appear to be worn out through the ages. Towards the center are

eight sets of three broken lines placed in an octagon as seen on a Korean flag,

within a serrated circle of 5.9 cm diameter. The center has worm-like symbolic

markings drawn in nine boxes. Dividing a circle

into nine parts with serrated lines forms the boxes.


On the reverse the brass is flat, plain and crudely finished as if beaten to

shape. No symbolic art or impressions have been engraved on this side. Yet this

face has its own image, and like a fingerprint, the original imperfections on

the rough surface provide clear markings in metal to distinguish the real

Talisman from any attempts at imitation. The Chinese official was particularly

emphatic about the random, irregular and crudely finished reverse side to

distinguish the original KDY.


Diameter: This crudely made brass plate is said to have a varying diameter

measuring between about 10.3 cm (vertically) to about 10.6 cm (horizontally) .

The loophole at the top is about 3 mm diameters to allow a string or thong.


Weight: The talisman is believed to weigh exactly 220 grams.


Imitations, and How to Distinguish the Original.


Imitations of the relic have been made at various times in history in many parts

of the world. In China and Tibet, fraud was perhaps not intended, as the

markings on the relic represent auspicious symbols, and claims to being in

possession of the " real " talisman were few, and easily dismissed.


Today, as per the Chinese official who visited Bangalore, anyone claiming to

have seen, or is in possession of the original should be able to show at least

another photograph matching the 1960 photograph supplied by them (shown here).

Or an impression in pencil or charcoal " rubbings " of both surfaces: obverse and

reverse. The imperfections of the metal cast and especially of its crudely

finished reverse must match with the original. Just locating the original

talisman, it is said, would attract a reward of over 40 crores in Indian rupees.

Its purchase by the Chinese would depend on the willingness of the present owner

to sell the item. The price would then be negotiated directly though their own



Apart from the financial offer made by the Chinese diplomats, there are others

whose offers are not openly known, except by collectors and museum owners.

Indian officials feel very strongly about the relic leaving the country, but at

the moment cannot find a legal or viable reason to stop it from doing so.

Neither has the talisman ever had a permanent owner or legal papers..


The known photographs of the object taken in 1960, and a photocopy of a pencil

rubbing made by Alexandra David-Neel in 1923, are reproduced here. These were

recently circulated in India by Chinese officials to trace the location of the



The truth about this relic is difficult to ascertain. However, there cannot be

so much smoke without some fire. The talisman probably exists somewhere, but it

claims of power and especially the story of its creation are perhaps a myth.

Only time will tell.


It would be prudent to examine any claim to the existence of this ancient relic

with caution, as large sums of money are involved here. The only redeeming

factor in favor of the original piece is that the crude impressions on the

reverse side cannot be duplicated in brass even by the best of forgers..


One can only hope that the Indian government would take cognizance of this

frantic search for a truly " Indian wonder " , a treasure from our past, a promise

of a nation's pride and prosperity, and allow the " tulpa " to reside in one of

our museums for all to see.


Pictures of the Talisman are on many websites. You may view them on :-


http://www.esnips. com/doc/ca635e72 -d274-4f. ..sman-Front- face


http://www.esnips. com/doc/e1552978 -d9cd-4e. ..alisman- Reverse


I have picked up this article from another site. But would like to see the

comments of those who believe/disbelieve that spirits like the " tulpa " can

reside in an inanimate brass object purely by the magic of mantras.


http://www.unexplai ned-mysteries. com/forum/ index.php? showtopic= 123097























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