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To set the record straight.

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Dear friends,


This has appeared in the " Kabadi ki dukaan " group and was written by

the moderator there.


// it is also refreshing in the time now as the AIA team had a set

agenda in a brief pretension of sharing or friendship in a TROJAN, to

finish Vinai ji a

reliable common source said. as they could not first establish a

peaceful atmosphere and then set their agend to discuss , Even though I

had assured him he will not face such a situation here he was

apprehensive defensive and.....//


Since last one month this game of undermining this Group has been played

by the moderator there. He has always used those members who have left

this group, to hit us back . He fires gun from their shoulders. In short

whatever is thrown away as garbage or discarded as of no value, he

picks up and puts for display in his " kabadi ki dukaan " .


In this case Mr.Vinay got ample opportunities to prove himself in this

group and in other Groups, but he could not. We are all witness to it.

So who is at fault ? This Group or Mr.Vinay ? The Jyotish Remedies

Moderator invited him there and put him atop the mountain peak by

buttering him, using him as a launching pad for blasting this Group.

Poor Mr.Vinay does not have this intelligence to understand that he is

being used. This Group AIA has always remained a Justice minded,

Diplomatic and a liberal platform for all astrologers who had something

worthwhile to speak of. Even Vinay was given a good opportunity here but

could not show the utility of his wares. So who is at fault ?


At the moment one poor lady is asking about her child who is dumb since

last 3 years and wishes to know when he can speak . But unfortunately

that Group has not a single astrologer to give her a contended

understandable reply. None has been able to even find the cause for the

childs dumbness even after postmartems, forget them to give cure. They

are taking that poor mother on a wild goose chase since long. Is this

the quality of astrologers on the Group which the moderator of Jyotish

remedies prides upon ? He has removed all good astrologers from there

and the only ones remain there, to put fear and sell their wares in

connivance with .....



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Dear Bhaskarji,


//At the moment one poor lady is asking about her child who is dumb sincelast 3

years and wishes to know when he can speak . //


I am also following the thread on this in JR groups. The boy is only three and

is still not speaking, for God's sake do not use the word dumb on this child. It

is too early to use such a term on this angel. It hurts me and perhaps might

hurt many readers as well.




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Dear Bhagvathi ji,


Lets not deviate from the issue.


Lets not make a mountain from a mole hole. That word was deliberately

used to put some stress on the poor mother who is suffering. You are not

ethical when you decide that the boy stays " Dumb " for whole Life, which

is not what I meant clearly. There is no need to envelope this fact

which is tue for the present, which is why the mother was asking

desperately from all the astrologers on the Group. Your hurt must strike

the right chord, by replying to that women when her child will speak

rather than contemplating on what vocabulary one must use.


You are not the only one who has compassion. We all have, perhaps I may

have more than you, Who knows this ?











, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Dear Bhaskarji,


> //At the moment one poor lady is asking about her child who is dumb

sincelast 3 years and wishes to know when he can speak . //


> I am also following the thread on this in JR groups. The boy is only

three and is still not speaking, for God's sake do not use the word dumb

on this child. It is too early to use such a term on this angel. It

hurts me and perhaps might hurt many readers as well.


> Regards,

> bhagavathi


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dear groups and respected members in List pls concentrate in discussion pls see the chart and see if it tallies with ur knowledge than which word shud b used mails also pls expose who ever comes and acting as custodian of ancient knowledge 'without Gaurding our culture frm all evil elements we hav no right to say even its legacy so do ur duty to protect it frm all neo coined unprooved theorys i will come soon with my questions on this readings here the data of the kid and reading of shri vinay ji on it who even terrorised mother saying this child should hav died b4 ,is it allowed by neeti satras to say so ?? is it allowed in astrology to say so when they laid conditions for who can practise astrology ?astrology may b a hobby for many ,but it is not so it is outcome of highest thinking of tantrism .vedism and yoga philosophy of india pls dont allow any one to use it for quick fame or short cut to fame by destroying it all this problems where instigated by a theoreticaly astrologicaly bankrupt moderater who uses his position to take revenges and malign other astrologers by hook or crook methods i also wanred him ever since one month tru personal mails ( asking him to step in and take action in case shri vinay ji cannot proov it ) and some mails in grp ( those mails withhold or deleted by him and approved some selectiv edited mails to show to instigate problems ) here is data of kid -------------------, "phone79@ " <phone79@ > wrote:


> >


> > Hello,


> > I am new to this group,I have joined this group in hope that someone will

predict and sugeest some remedy,I have a three year old son who is not talking

yet.His birth details are as follow


> > Date of Birth April 27 2006


> > Time 11:08 AM


> > Place Etobicoke canada


> >


> > Please predict when he would start to talk and what remedy is there to get

him to start talking.I will be highly thankful to you.


> >


> > Kind Regards,


> > Priyankahere is reply of vinay ji

Re: My 3 year old son is not talking yet,please predict


Kundalee software shows Ketu sitting enmically in 2nd house of maarakesh and

voice, its MD running till 19-7-2013. Moon-Merc-Rahu in 8th give a deadly

baalaarishta combination with Ketu in 2nd. Varsha pravesh kundalis are very bad

with Ketu in trik places in all years of ketu MD except Apr 2009 to Apr 2010

when Ketu is samgrihi in 4th. Among 16 divisionals, Ketu is in trik (bad houses)

in 8 divisionals, esp in D24 which shows learning (speaking for a kid), D9 which

shows fortune in all fields, D27 which shows strength, D30 which shows arishta,

etc !

This boy has passed Ketu-Moon MD:AD which failed to kill the boy in spite of

Ketu in 2 and Moon in 8, both being in enemy houses, Moon being lord of 12 which

is a killer combination if normal killers fail. This yoga failed because more

deadly combination is ahead : Ketu MD and Mercury AD (Saturn PD) in mid 2013,

at the end of Ketu MD. There are many arishtas before that too.

If these arishtas are overcome, normal age is Amshaayu 54.4 (Rahu:Rahu) or

Nisargaayu 84.2 (Sat:Sat), Pindayuu (Sat:Sun) ruled out due to benefic Sun.

Immediate propitiation of Ketu must be started, till mid 2013 : fast & c on

Tuesday for Ketu, japa, etc.

-VJi will post some analaysis and pointers if all memebrs want to discuss this chart in this forum rgrds sunil nair , "bhagavathi_hariharan" <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:>> Dear Bhaskarji,> > //At the moment one poor lady is asking about her child who is dumb sincelast 3 years and wishes to know when he can speak . //> > I am also following the thread on this in JR groups. The boy is only three and is still not speaking, for God's sake do not use the word dumb on this child. It is too early to use such a term on this angel. It hurts me and perhaps might hurt many readers as well.> > Regards,> bhagavathi>

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Dear Sunil ji and group,There is something called QUARANTINE. In this virtual reality, specially, everyone should be very aware and not take it lightly. Internet is a VIRUS'S DELIGHT. Any virus, even if passing by, gets attracted to this very conducive breeding ground and contaminate large pockets very quickly. Most of the users are defenseless and not equipped with masks to keep the virus away. And a large free space is a lottery! Wonderful! It should be the duty of CEOs of these small and big realities to keep their sites healthy and virus-free. Instead, they provide free grounds to them to proliferate and spread toxins. 

If there is a worthy research, it should be well-documented and submitted for public scrutiny by publishing in reputed journals. That document itself will hold much value and will attract scholars automatically. One cannot force-feed his beliefs into the minds of innocent public by unreasonably terrorizing them. Not even one person has acknowledged and accepted this forced flow of knowledge in more than six months. What a waste of time and energy for VJ ji. A creative mind is free to imagine, search and research, but he must be able to gracefully present his work with ample evidences  and leave it for public to judge and accept. 

We are not dogmatic and initially responded with an open mind, but there was not enough substance in the claims. And with time and space he was provided in JR, vanity and ego are his only possessions of this MONK. He misunderstands every which way one tries to explain the facts to him. In a way, CEO ji has brought out the worst in him. He had some sense when he was communicating in AIA. Now it is all non-sense. I hope and pray that he realises how he is being wasted, as he is still capable of putting his energies to good use.


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dear Neelam ji sure as u said all viruses shud b quarantined and it is duty of grop owners and moderaters than allowing a fight .or instigating a fight in the name of jealousy also all neo claims shud b subjuct to public scrutiny, asking for proofs is a part of it any discussion And eger to brand sincere astrologers as trouble makers he used systematic selectiv approving of edited to look cheap mails ,within a chain of mails if such a person is blving in reality the dharmic ,karmic connection with human life and astrology why he is making real discussion like this with such kind of cheap tactics even i requested him to save my name frm all this drama so asked him to take up this matter and spare me as i hav time constraints but he selected this way and i hav no options other than to fight it out for dharma .i dont think the bheeshma pitamaha 's will take their real role ,so no option than this to establish the dharma and my duty rgrds sunil nair , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji and group,> There is something called QUARANTINE. In this virtual reality, specially,> everyone should be very aware and not take it lightly. Internet is a VIRUS'S> DELIGHT. Any virus, even if passing by, gets attracted to this very> conducive breeding ground and contaminate large pockets very quickly. Most> of the users are defenseless and not equipped with masks to keep the virus> away. And a large free space is a lottery! Wonderful! It should be the duty> of CEOs of these small and big realities to keep their sites healthy and> virus-free. Instead, they provide free grounds to them to proliferate and> spread toxins.> > If there is a worthy research, it should be well-documented and submitted> for public scrutiny by publishing in reputed journals. That document itself> will hold much value and will attract scholars automatically. One cannot> force-feed his beliefs into the minds of innocent public by> unreasonably terrorizing them. Not even one person has acknowledged and> accepted this forced flow of knowledge in more than six months. What a waste> of time and energy for VJ ji. A creative mind is free to imagine, search and> research, but he must be able to gracefully present his work with ample> evidences and leave it for public to judge and accept.> > We are not dogmatic and initially responded with an open mind, but there was> not enough substance in the claims. And with time and space he was provided> in JR, vanity and ego are his only possessions of this MONK. He> misunderstands every which way one tries to explain the facts to him. In a> way, CEO ji has brought out the worst in him. He had some sense when he was> communicating in AIA. Now it is all non-sense. I hope and pray that he> realises how he is being wasted, as he is still capable of putting his> energies to good use.> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear All,A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does show the problem, but it also shows a relief.

Date of Birth April 27 2006Time 11:08 AMPlace Etobicoke canada

I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic aspect. Both mercury’s rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be congenital.

Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.

I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of this year.I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!


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dear Neelam ji Thanks for ur analaysis i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this chart and helping even ourselv to proov what we use is correct method and let so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by prooving their secrets or even software.they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .rgrds sunil nair , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear All,> > A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't> speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late> talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does> show the problem, but it also shows a relief.> > Date of Birth April 27 2006> Time 11:08 AM> Place Etobicoke canada> > I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct> lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in> stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L> in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H> and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also> the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic> aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately> seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per> Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be> congenital.> > Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved> navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L> showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies> the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L> moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in> lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye> on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.> > I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely> help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of> this year.> > I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Sunil Nairji,

I feel presently the Brihaspati, though feeble now,is working on it and only by

the time Jupiter leaves Capricorn there may be some sign of the boy trying to

talk. I see him start talking properly only when the Jupiter further works on it

fully in his 10th house.  When the Jupiter will be in the 11th house the boy

should be able to go to play-school.  As the 2l is combust the boy's mother can

do fast for eleven Mondays starting from a Shuklapaksha ASAP.


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Thu, 5/21/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

Re: To set the record straight.


Thursday, May 21, 2009, 12:33 PM



dear Neelam ji


Thanks for ur analaysis


i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this

chart and  helping even  ourselv to proov what we use is correct method  and let

so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by

prooving their secrets or even software.


they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp

atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .


rgrds sunil nair


ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@

....> wrote:


> Dear All,


> A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't

> speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late

> talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does

> show the problem, but it also shows a relief.


> Date of Birth April 27 2006

> Time 11:08 AM

> Place Etobicoke canada


> I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct

> lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in

> stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L

> in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H

> and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also

> the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic

> aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately

> seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per

> Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be

> congenital.


> Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved

> navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L

> showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies

> the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L

> moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in

> lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye

> on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.


> I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely

> help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of

> this year.


> I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!


> Regards

> Neelam


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dear sunil Bhattacharya ji Thanks for ur reading and prescribing remedies Hope all memebrs will participate and giv out their opinions rgrds sunil nair , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji,> I feel presently the Brihaspati, though feeble now,is working on it and only by the time Jupiter leaves Capricorn there may be some sign of the boy trying to talk. I see him start talking properly only when the Jupiter further works on it fully in his 10th house. When the Jupiter will be in the 11th house the boy should be able to go to play-school. As the 2l is combust the boy's mother can do fast for eleven Mondays starting from a Shuklapaksha ASAP.> Regards,> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > --- On Thu, 5/21/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala Re: To set the record straight.> > Thursday, May 21, 2009, 12:33 PM> > > dear Neelam ji> > Thanks for ur analaysis> > i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this chart and helping even ourselv to proov what we use is correct method and let so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by prooving their secrets or even software.> > they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp> atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .> > rgrds sunil nair> > ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear All,> >> > A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't> > speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late> > talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does> > show the problem, but it also shows a relief.> >> > Date of Birth April 27 2006> > Time 11:08 AM> > Place Etobicoke canada> >> > I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct> > lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in> > stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L> > in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H> > and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also> > the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic> > aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately> > seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per> > Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be> > congenital.> >> > Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved> > navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L> > showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies> > the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L> > moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in> > lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye> > on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.> >> > I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely> > help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of> > this year.> >> > I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!> >> > Regards> > Neelam> >>

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Dear Sunilji,




Superb analysis by Neelamji and yourself.




I fully agree with your view that Jupiter is the key and it being in debility in

transit now is really delaying the issue. As anticipated by you, jupiter

shifting to Aquarius shall possibly see some improvement.




However, my further view is that Jupiter alone cannot resolve the issue as it

has got kendradipathya dosham and is sitting at enemy house blocking the

initiativeness expected out of the 5th house. It however causes shubhargala to

the lagna where its virodhargala is from its lord Venus from the 9th house. The

mrithasanjeevani karaka Venus, being the lord of 5th house, shall give its full

support to any initiate from the 9th house of bhagya and hence I feel

worshipping Devi Laxmi shall be more appropriate for the right result. By

pleasing the 9th house posited by Venus its lord Saturn posited at 2nd house

shall also prove to be benefitial. Saturn in 2nd house shall give primary

effect of 9th house being moolatrikona more than its 8th house effect.

Venus-Venus-Saturn period from Nov.09 till May 10 shall definitely see the much

awaited solution to his speech problem.








Ravi Nair







Thu, 21 May 2009 23:08:40 -0700

Re: To set the record straight.



Dear Sunil Nairji,

I feel presently the Brihaspati, though feeble now,is working on it and only by

the time Jupiter leaves Capricorn there may be some sign of the boy trying to

talk. I see him start talking properly only when the Jupiter further works on it

fully in his 10th house. When the Jupiter will be in the 11th house the boy

should be able to go to play-school. As the 2l is combust the boy's mother can

do fast for eleven Mondays starting from a Shuklapaksha ASAP.


Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Thu, 5/21/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:


sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

Re: To set the record straight.


Thursday, May 21, 2009, 12:33 PM


dear Neelam ji


Thanks for ur analaysis


i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this

chart and helping even ourselv to proov what we use is correct method and let

so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by

prooving their secrets or even software.


they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp

atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .


rgrds sunil nair


ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@

....> wrote:


> Dear All,


> A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't

> speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late

> talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does

> show the problem, but it also shows a relief.


> Date of Birth April 27 2006

> Time 11:08 AM

> Place Etobicoke canada


> I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct

> lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in

> stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L

> in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H

> and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also

> the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic

> aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately

> seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per

> Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be

> congenital.


> Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved

> navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L

> showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies

> the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L

> moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in

> lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye

> on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.


> I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely

> help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of

> this year.


> I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!


> Regards

> Neelam












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Respected Ms.Neelamji, Sunilji (both), R. Nairji,


Thankyou for such a brilliant insight on the horoscope of this child.


Let me try :


April 27, 2006

Time: 11:08:00

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 79 W 34' 00 " , 43 N 42' 00 "

Etobicoke, Canada


In lagna :

1)LL and karak mercury is afflicted by nodes and is debilitated. Lagna has mars

the 6th lord.

2)2nd Lord moon is weak (birth of amavashya) aspected by saturn.

3)2nd house has saturn in it and is aspected by Rahu.

3)Venus is in Mritybhaga is aspected by retro 7L.

4)Jupiter, the only saver is retro and also Marak (7L) is situated in its enemy

sign libra.

6)From moon & sun, 2L venus is weak as said in point no. 3.


Now In D-9 :

1)Vargottam lagna, LL mercury in 8H, and lagna has venus 12L is aspected by


2)In second house sun + moon is aspected by saturn the 8th lord.

3)Jupiter is completely afflicted.


In D-3 :

1)LL saturn is with mercury the 8L, in its enemy sign (for both).

2)2L from lagna and from mercury is Jupiter is retro.


All above factors does not give much relief to the child.


I only find third house is strong in all three chart and sun is also strong in

all three chart (d-1.d-9.d-3) with vargottam lagna, indicate good level of



In venus\venus antardasa i don't forsee any good relief.


In venus\sun antardasa,(Jan 2011 onwards) due to heavy self efforts and

training, he could restore to speech or some communication skills.


Since sun, venus and jupiter is only the saver in this chart so, worshiping

Shiva could help him a lot.


Thanks and regards,

Best Wishes,

Vijay Goel






, " A. Ravindran Nair "

<rain13 wrote:


> Dear Sunilji,




> Superb analysis by Neelamji and yourself.




> I fully agree with your view that Jupiter is the key and it being in debility

in transit now is really delaying the issue. As anticipated by you, jupiter

shifting to Aquarius shall possibly see some improvement.




> However, my further view is that Jupiter alone cannot resolve the issue as it

has got kendradipathya dosham and is sitting at enemy house blocking the

initiativeness expected out of the 5th house. It however causes shubhargala to

the lagna where its virodhargala is from its lord Venus from the 9th house. The

mrithasanjeevani karaka Venus, being the lord of 5th house, shall give its full

support to any initiate from the 9th house of bhagya and hence I feel

worshipping Devi Laxmi shall be more appropriate for the right result. By

pleasing the 9th house posited by Venus its lord Saturn posited at 2nd house

shall also prove to be benefitial. Saturn in 2nd house shall give primary

effect of 9th house being moolatrikona more than its 8th house effect.

Venus-Venus-Saturn period from Nov.09 till May 10 shall definitely see the much

awaited solution to his speech problem.




> Regards




> Ravi Nair






> sunil_bhattacharjya

> Thu, 21 May 2009 23:08:40 -0700

> Re: To set the record straight.



> Dear Sunil Nairji,

> I feel presently the Brihaspati, though feeble now,is working on it and only

by the time Jupiter leaves Capricorn there may be some sign of the boy trying to

talk. I see him start talking properly only when the Jupiter further works on it

fully in his 10th house. When the Jupiter will be in the 11th house the boy

should be able to go to play-school. As the 2l is combust the boy's mother can

do fast for eleven Mondays starting from a Shuklapaksha ASAP.

> Regards,

> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


> --- On Thu, 5/21/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:


> sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

> Re: To set the record straight.


> Thursday, May 21, 2009, 12:33 PM


> dear Neelam ji


> Thanks for ur analaysis


> i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this

chart and helping even ourselv to proov what we use is correct method and let

so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by

prooving their secrets or even software.


> they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp

> atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .


> rgrds sunil nair


> ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't

> > speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late

> > talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does

> > show the problem, but it also shows a relief.

> >

> > Date of Birth April 27 2006

> > Time 11:08 AM

> > Place Etobicoke canada

> >

> > I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct

> > lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in

> > stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L

> > in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H

> > and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also

> > the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic

> > aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately

> > seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per

> > Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be

> > congenital.

> >

> > Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved

> > navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L

> > showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies

> > the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L

> > moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in

> > lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye

> > on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.

> >

> > I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely

> > help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of

> > this year.

> >

> > I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!

> >

> > Regards

> > Neelam

> >





> Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out!

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dear Vijay Goel ji Thanks for ur analsysis yes 3nd L and 3rd House ( tho in papakartari ) also the slowing planet and vridha Manda karaka sani in 2nd H of speach also show s delays 3rd Lord is strong ,3rd also rules throats area hence voice ,so there is chances in the the dasa prescribed by u ( i am yet to study chart ) waiting for commnts frm other learned memebrs too and i request all to participate in this discussion rgrds sunil nair , "Vijay Goel" <goyalvj wrote:>> Respected Ms.Neelamji, Sunilji (both), R. Nairji,> > Thankyou for such a brilliant insight on the horoscope of this child.> > Let me try :> > April 27, 2006> Time: 11:08:00> Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)> Place: 79 W 34' 00", 43 N 42' 00"> Etobicoke, Canada> > In lagna :> 1)LL and karak mercury is afflicted by nodes and is debilitated. Lagna has mars the 6th lord.> 2)2nd Lord moon is weak (birth of amavashya) aspected by saturn.> 3)2nd house has saturn in it and is aspected by Rahu.> 3)Venus is in Mritybhaga is aspected by retro 7L.> 4)Jupiter, the only saver is retro and also Marak (7L) is situated in its enemy sign libra.> 6)From moon & sun, 2L venus is weak as said in point no. 3.> > Now In D-9 :> 1)Vargottam lagna, LL mercury in 8H, and lagna has venus 12L is aspected by Rahu.> 2)In second house sun + moon is aspected by saturn the 8th lord.> 3)Jupiter is completely afflicted.> > In D-3 :> 1)LL saturn is with mercury the 8L, in its enemy sign (for both).> 2)2L from lagna and from mercury is Jupiter is retro.> > All above factors does not give much relief to the child.> > I only find third house is strong in all three chart and sun is also strong in all three chart (d-1.d-9.d-3) with vargottam lagna, indicate good level of confidence.> > In venus\venus antardasa i don't forsee any good relief.> > In venus\sun antardasa,(Jan 2011 onwards) due to heavy self efforts and training, he could restore to speech or some communication skills.> > Since sun, venus and jupiter is only the saver in this chart so, worshiping Shiva could help him a lot.> > Thanks and regards,> Best Wishes,> Vijay Goel> Jaipur.> > > > > , "A. Ravindran Nair" rain13@ wrote:> >> > Dear Sunilji,> > > > > > > > Superb analysis by Neelamji and yourself.> > > > > > > > I fully agree with your view that Jupiter is the key and it being in debility in transit now is really delaying the issue. As anticipated by you, jupiter shifting to Aquarius shall possibly see some improvement.> > > > > > > > However, my further view is that Jupiter alone cannot resolve the issue as it has got kendradipathya dosham and is sitting at enemy house blocking the initiativeness expected out of the 5th house. It however causes shubhargala to the lagna where its virodhargala is from its lord Venus from the 9th house. The mrithasanjeevani karaka Venus, being the lord of 5th house, shall give its full support to any initiate from the 9th house of bhagya and hence I feel worshipping Devi Laxmi shall be more appropriate for the right result. By pleasing the 9th house posited by Venus its lord Saturn posited at 2nd house shall also prove to be benefitial. Saturn in 2nd house shall give primary effect of 9th house being moolatrikona more than its 8th house effect. Venus-Venus-Saturn period from Nov.09 till May 10 shall definitely see the much awaited solution to his speech problem.> > > > > > > > Regards> > > > > > > > Ravi Nair> > > > > > > > > > > > sunil_bhattacharjya@> > Thu, 21 May 2009 23:08:40 -0700> > Re: To set the record straight.> > > > > > Dear Sunil Nairji,> > I feel presently the Brihaspati, though feeble now,is working on it and only by the time Jupiter leaves Capricorn there may be some sign of the boy trying to talk. I see him start talking properly only when the Jupiter further works on it fully in his 10th house. When the Jupiter will be in the 11th house the boy should be able to go to play-school. As the 2l is combust the boy's mother can do fast for eleven Mondays starting from a Shuklapaksha ASAP.> > Regards,> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Thu, 5/21/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@> > Re: To set the record straight.> > > > Thursday, May 21, 2009, 12:33 PM> > > > dear Neelam ji > > > > Thanks for ur analaysis > > > > i am asking all memebrs to participate in this discussion on analysing this chart and helping even ourselv to proov what we use is correct method and let so called secret holders if they want let them demonstrate it their worth by prooving their secrets or even software.> > > > they cant post me personaly this replies and will b displayed in grp > > atleast vinay ji is not banned in grp frm participating in this .> > > > rgrds sunil nair > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear All,> > > > > > A mother's trauma is quite understandable when her 3 year old child doesn't> > > speak a word. But it might just be a rough patch only as he could be a late> > > talker. It's not unusual. I have tried to check from his chart which does> > > show the problem, but it also shows a relief.> > > > > > Date of Birth April 27 2006> > > Time 11:08 AM> > > Place Etobicoke canada> > > > > > I am getting the last degree of Gemini Lagna, which might be the correct> > > lagna as it shows affliction to the 2H and Cancer. 2L moon is combust, in> > > stellar exchange with ketu, and 8L Saturn afflicts not only 2H, but also 2L> > > in 11H. Saturn specially has caused the delay as it continues aspect on 2H> > > and 2L in navamsha also. 2H is also aspected by rahu. Karak Mercury, also> > > the LL is in debilitation and afflicted with Rahu, again without any benefic> > > aspect. Both mercury's rashis are afflicted. All these factors unfortunately> > > seem to have caused speech problem. The child was born in ke-sa-mo (as per> > > Lahiri Ayanamsha), which has caused the trouble and the problem could be> > > congenital.> > > > > > Nevertheless, the aspect of Jupiter is quite reassuring with an improved> > > navamsha. The child will get ven-ven-ju from 26 May 2009, Venus is 5/12L> > > showing relief from trouble through treatment and Jupiter in 5H signifies> > > the end of problem as it aspects lagna and 6L mars, and 5L venus and 2L> > > moon. Navamsha is vargottam, has a strong moon in 2H and 5L venus is in> > > lagna dispositing an exalted Saturn, even though it continues to keep an eye> > > on the 2H, but is also the 9L in 5th.> > > > > > I think the parents should consult the speech therapists who will surely> > > help the child in start talking. He would be talking fluently by the end of> > > this year.> > > > > > I hope and pray for an early TALK TIME for him!> > > > > > Regards> > > Neelam> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________> > Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out!> > http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_t1_allup_explore_012009> >>

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Dear all,


This is the prediction I gave the lady. Besides, this I also gave her lot of

advise as a mother and as a medical person. I am posting only my astrological

predictions for her. I was waiting for her response. Hence my delay in giving my

analysis to the groups.



bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan

Re: My 3 year old son is not talking yet,please predict


Dear Priyankaji,


I happened to view your post, which has also become the subject of discussion in

other forums. I am not a professional astrologer. I went through your son's

chart. According to me, he would start speaking when jupiter moves to pisces and

saturn moves to libra. That time the transits would be on his second lord moon.

This will be after nov 2011, during his Venus/sun period, after his 5th birth

day. Did he ever speak atleast one word so far?


(Note: the said time I wrote, jupiter would be in aries and not pisces. Pisces

jupiter also will be strong, as it would aspect the 2nd house of speech)


His 3rd lord from the moon and the third house from the moon are considerably

afflicted. You may have to check with a doctor for possibility of hearing

problems, particularly the right ear. Often, ear problems cause dealy in speech.


I gave her the remedial measure of " OM " syllable to be chanted as many times as

she can alongwith the little boy



This is Priyankaji's response:


Namste Bhagavathi ji,


Thanks for looking into my son's chart.

My son right now only says like baba,mama etc but does not call me mama yet.He

is already 3.Yes you are right he is prone to frequent ear infections.he is also

attending speech therapy with little progress.PLease check his birth chart again

to see if there is any other earlier time of him speaking before he turns 5.Is

there any easy remedy I can do so that he starts speaking.MY husband and I are

very much worried about this.


Kind regards,




The boy clearly is not dumb as he is capable of uttering few words atleast.



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Pranams,Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,You may be correct in your predictions.But however in the chalit-Chakra 2nd lord and 3rd lord are placed together along with Lagnathypathi in the 10th Bavam - it gives rise concerns.If he speaks,it may be Sree Kaali-maa's kiruppa-ktacsha.Sincerely,Dhananjayan--- On Sun, 24/5/09, bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan Re: To set the record straight. Date: Sunday, 24 May, 2009, 2:02 AM


Dear all,


This is the prediction I gave the lady. Besides, this I also gave her lot of advise as a mother and as a medical person. I am posting only my astrological predictions for her. I was waiting for her response. Hence my delay in giving my analysis to the groups.


bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n wrote:


bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n

Re: My 3 year old son is not talking yet,please predict


Dear Priyankaji,


I happened to view your post, which has also become the subject of discussion in other forums. I am not a professional astrologer. I went through your son's chart. According to me, he would start speaking when jupiter moves to pisces and saturn moves to libra. That time the transits would be on his second lord moon. This will be after nov 2011, during his Venus/sun period, after his 5th birth day. Did he ever speak atleast one word so far?


(Note: the said time I wrote, jupiter would be in aries and not pisces. Pisces jupiter also will be strong, as it would aspect the 2nd house of speech)


His 3rd lord from the moon and the third house from the moon are considerably afflicted. You may have to check with a doctor for possibility of hearing problems, particularly the right ear. Often, ear problems cause dealy in speech.


I gave her the remedial measure of "OM" syllable to be chanted as many times as she can alongwith the little boy


This is Priyankaji's response:


Namste Bhagavathi ji,


Thanks for looking into my son's chart.

My son right now only says like baba,mama etc but does not call me mama yet.He is already 3.Yes you are right he is prone to frequent ear infections.he is also attending speech therapy with little progress.PLease check his birth chart again to see if there is any other earlier time of him speaking before he turns 5.Is there any easy remedy I can do so that he starts speaking.MY husband and I are very much worried about this.


Kind regards,



The boy clearly is not dumb as he is capable of uttering few words atleast.







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Dear Bhagavathiji,


I feel the boy will really start getting over the problem only towards the end of 2011 but there will definitely be a dramatic change in 2012 and at that time he should even be able to attend a play-school / Nursery class. The parents should not give up hope as they would be able to help the boy the most in 2012. His mother should fast for 11 Mondays and if possible take the boy to a Shiva temple on those days.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sat, 5/23/09, bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:

bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan Re: To set the record straight. Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009, 1:32 PM



Dear all,This is the prediction I gave the lady. Besides, this I also gave her lot of advise as a mother and as a medical person. I am posting only my astrological predictions for her. I was waiting for her response. Hence my delay in giving my analysis to the groups.bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n wrote:bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n Re: My 3 year old son is not talking yet,please predictDear Priyankaji,I happened to view your post, which has also become the subject of discussion in other

forums. I am not a professional astrologer. I went through your son's chart. According to me, he would start speaking when jupiter moves to pisces and saturn moves to libra. That time the transits would be on his second lord moon. This will be after nov 2011, during his Venus/sun period, after his 5th birth day. Did he ever speak atleast one word so far?(Note: the said time I wrote, jupiter would be in aries and not pisces. Pisces jupiter also will be strong, as it would aspect the 2nd house of speech) His 3rd lord from the moon and the third house from the moon are considerably afflicted. You may have to check with a doctor for possibility of hearing problems, particularly the right ear. Often, ear problems cause dealy in speech. I gave her the remedial measure of "OM" syllable to be chanted as many times as she can alongwith the little boyThis is Priyankaji's response:Namste Bhagavathi ji,Thanks for

looking into my son's chart.My son right now only says like baba,mama etc but does not call me mama yet.He is already 3.Yes you are right he is prone to frequent ear infections.he is also attending speech therapy with little progress.PLease check his birth chart again to see if there is any other earlier time of him speaking before he turns 5.Is there any easy remedy I can do so that he starts speaking.MY husband and I are very much worried about this.Kind regards,Priyanka The boy clearly is not dumb as he is capable of uttering few words atleast. bhagavathi

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Let us leave aside about my predcitions being right or wrong. In this chart,

mercury although neecha is in its own constellation. In chalit chakra,

mercury,moon together fortifies mercury. This is further amplified in the

navamsa where we see moon (own sign)in samasaptaka to mercury. Regarding sun

joining these in the chalit as the 3rd lord can be of a slight concern, though

it should not matter much in causing a speech defect altogether as this

combination takes place in the 10th house.


Could you please elaborate further on your side of explanation for this

mer-moon-sun in 10th affecting speech. I am curious to know.






-- In , Dhananjayan Brahma

<abhanaya wrote:


> Pranams,


> Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,


> You may be correct in your predictions.But however in the

> chalit-Chakra 2nd lord and 3rd lord are placed together along with

Lagnathypathi in the 

> 10th Bavam - it gives rise concerns.If he speaks,it may be Sree Kaali-maa's



> Sincerely,

> Dhananjayan

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Dear dhananjayan ji and bhagavathi ji thanks for adding more points in the reading of this chart Hope all other memebrs will participate tell their opinions on this actualy we r just testing what ever we know and learned ,same time which type of charts can show and indicate this problem in purticular chart which style of charts( method ) can b used with more confidence than who predicts right ,even i invite tropicalists ( who favr that tropical charts can use succesfuly with vedic astrology principles ) or any person who has a diffrnt method .All of ur views will b highly valued here .rgrds sunil nair , "bhagavathi_hariharan" <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:>> Dhananjayanji,> > Let us leave aside about my predcitions being right or wrong. In this chart, mercury although neecha is in its own constellation. In chalit chakra, mercury,moon together fortifies mercury. This is further amplified in the navamsa where we see moon (own sign)in samasaptaka to mercury. Regarding sun joining these in the chalit as the 3rd lord can be of a slight concern, though it should not matter much in causing a speech defect altogether as this combination takes place in the 10th house. > > Could you please elaborate further on your side of explanation for this mer-moon-sun in 10th affecting speech. I am curious to know. > > Regards,> bhagavathi> > > -- In , Dhananjayan Brahma abhanaya@ wrote:> >> > Pranams,> > > > Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,> > > > You may be correct in your predictions.But however in the > > chalit-Chakra 2nd lord and 3rd lord are placed together along with Lagnathypathi in the > > 10th Bavam - it gives rise concerns.If he speaks,it may be Sree Kaali-maa's kiruppa-ktacsha.> > > > Sincerely,> > Dhananjayan>

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Pranams,Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,My points of concerns are(1) 2nd and 3rd lords' conjecture with in 10 degrees in Meena Raasi .(2) Mercury gets Rishabha Raasi Dhirishti where in Ammavasya Soorya Chandra are present,(3) above referred (1) and (2) are complimented by Navamsa Chandra casting a samasapthama aspects on Navamsa Mercury.Jenma -Nakshtra Havan of the entire family including the boy should be done jointly and severally on respective annual jenma-nakshtra days,worshiping respective nakshtra grha and Devata may cure their sins and Lords' grace may bestow blessings to the Baby.The legends of Thirugnanasambandar,Kavi Kaalidas and Tenaali Raama may give some rejuvenative hopes to the Baby's parents and their faith on Lord may descend HIS BLESSINGS on THE CHILD.Sincerely,Dhananjayan--- On Sun,

24/5/09, bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan Re: To set the record straight.Date: Sunday, 24 May, 2009, 5:13 AM




Let us leave aside about my predcitions being right or wrong. In this chart, mercury although neecha is in its own constellation. In chalit chakra, mercury,moon together fortifies mercury. This is further amplified in the navamsa where we see moon (own sign)in samasaptaka to mercury. Regarding sun joining these in the chalit as the 3rd lord can be of a slight concern, though it should not matter much in causing a speech defect altogether as this combination takes place in the 10th house.


Could you please elaborate further on your side of explanation for this mer-moon-sun in 10th affecting speech. I am curious to know.





-- In ancient_indian_ astrology, Dhananjayan Brahma <abhanaya@.. .> wrote:


> Pranams,


> Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,


> You may be correct in your predictions. But however in the

> chalit-Chakra 2nd lord and 3rd lord are placed together along with Lagnathypathi in the

> 10th Bavam - it gives rise concerns.If he speaks,it may be Sree Kaali-maa's kiruppa-ktacsha.


> Sincerely,

> Dhananjayan




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Dear Bhagavathi ji,


//The boy clearly is not dumb as he is capable of uttering few words at least.//


I agree. If the toddler utters a few words like " mama, baba " ....he is not dumb.


Some kids are late developers. I know a neighbour's son who could say a word or

two like " mama " until he was about 4 plus. Naturally her mom was worried until

the boy started to talk like other kids.


I am sure there is nothing to worry for the parents in this case too.


The astrological reasons given by our learned members show the cause of delay.

If I may add something to this, Jaimini GK Saturn is placed in the 2nd house.

Jaimini Chara Dasha is also Gemini MD, which again makes Saturn placed in the

2nd house. But Venus AK aspects [Jaimini aspects] this Saturn and 2nd house.

Hence I am positive that the good wishes and positive predictions of everyone

here will surely come true.











, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Dear all,


> This is the prediction I gave the lady. Besides, this I also gave her lot of

advise as a mother and as a medical person. I am posting only my astrological

predictions for her. I was waiting for her response. Hence my delay in giving my

analysis to the groups.



> bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan

> Re: My 3 year old son is not talking yet,please predict


> Dear Priyankaji,


> I happened to view your post, which has also become the subject of discussion

in other forums. I am not a professional astrologer. I went through your son's

chart. According to me, he would start speaking when jupiter moves to pisces and

saturn moves to libra. That time the transits would be on his second lord moon.

This will be after nov 2011, during his Venus/sun period, after his 5th birth

day. Did he ever speak atleast one word so far?


> (Note: the said time I wrote, jupiter would be in aries and not pisces. Pisces

jupiter also will be strong, as it would aspect the 2nd house of speech)


> His 3rd lord from the moon and the third house from the moon are considerably

afflicted. You may have to check with a doctor for possibility of hearing

problems, particularly the right ear. Often, ear problems cause dealy in speech.


> I gave her the remedial measure of " OM " syllable to be chanted as many times

as she can alongwith the little boy



> This is Priyankaji's response:


> Namste Bhagavathi ji,


> Thanks for looking into my son's chart.

> My son right now only says like baba,mama etc but does not call me mama yet.He

is already 3.Yes you are right he is prone to frequent ear infections.he is also

attending speech therapy with little progress.PLease check his birth chart again

to see if there is any other earlier time of him speaking before he turns 5.Is

there any easy remedy I can do so that he starts speaking.MY husband and I are

very much worried about this.


> Kind regards,

> Priyanka



> The boy clearly is not dumb as he is capable of uttering few words atleast.


> bhagavathi


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Kindly alter to read as 'Mesha' instead of 'Rishabha' in item (2) below.



--- On Sun, 24/5/09, Dhananjayan Brahma <abhanaya wrote:


Dhananjayan Brahma <abhanaya

Re: Re: To set the record straight.


Cc: bhagavathi_hariharan

Sunday, 24 May, 2009, 4:45 PM




Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,


My points of concerns are(1) 2nd and 3rd lords' conjecture with in 10 degrees in

Meena Raasi .(2) Mercury gets Rishabha Raasi Dhirishti where in Ammavasya Soorya

Chandra are present,

(3) above referred (1) and (2) are complimented by Navamsa Chandra casting a

samasapthama aspects on Navamsa Mercury.


Jenma -Nakshtra Havan of the entire family including the boy should be done

jointly and severally on respective annual jenma-nakshtra days,worshiping

respective nakshtra grha and Devata may cure their sins and Lords' grace may

bestow blessings to the Baby.


The  legends of  Thirugnanasambandar ,Kavi Kaalidas and Tenaali Raama may give

some rejuvenative hopes to the Baby's parents and their faith on Lord may







--- On Sun,

24/5/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n wrote:


bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: To set the record straight.

ancient_indian_ astrology@ . .com

Sunday, 24 May, 2009, 5:13 AM















Let us leave aside about my predcitions being right or wrong. In this chart,

mercury although neecha is in its own constellation. In chalit chakra,

mercury,moon together fortifies mercury. This is further amplified in the

navamsa where we see moon (own sign)in samasaptaka to mercury. Regarding sun

joining these in the chalit as the 3rd lord can be of a slight concern, though

it should not matter much in causing a speech defect altogether as this

combination takes place in the 10th house.




Could you please elaborate further on your side of explanation for this

mer-moon-sun in 10th affecting speech. I am curious to know.










-- In ancient_indian_ astrology, Dhananjayan Brahma

<abhanaya@.. .> wrote:




> Pranams,




> Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,




> You may be correct in your predictions. But however in the


> chalit-Chakra 2nd lord and 3rd lord are placed together along with

Lagnathypathi in the 


> 10th Bavam - it gives rise concerns.If he speaks,it may be Sree Kaali-maa's





> Sincerely,


> Dhananjayan














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Mercury is in ubhaya rashi. How does it get the drsihti of mesha/rishabha. There

is some confusion in the analysis



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Pranams,Mrs.Bhagavathi ji,The error is regretted.Sincerely,Dhananjayan--- On Sun, 24/5/09, bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan Re: To set the record straight.Date: Sunday, 24 May, 2009, 8:32 PM




Mercury is in ubhaya rashi. How does it get the drsihti of mesha/rishabha. There is some confusion in the analysis






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