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Fwd: The validity of Kala Sarpa Yoga

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Respected Sunil Nair,

Very nice write-up. According to me it is neither good or bad, it depends on the house occupied by the Rahu and the nakshtra occupied by the Rahu. It is one of the Nabhas Yoga. The life is snake and ladder game.--- On Fri, 5/29/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Fwd: Re: The validity of Kala Sarpa Yoga Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 12:10 AM


, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:dear Bhaskar ji and neelam jiI was trying steer away frm this discussions due to controversyattached to it ,some is having too much affinity to thse yogas ,somebecause their gurus says so are lov to blv itBut it is taking in the tune as a good discussion and i cannot controlmy 2 cents for this discussion under topicit says that Kalasarpa dosha or yoga ( caused by rahu ) and kalamritdosha ( caused by ketu ) 2 kinds of kalasarpa doshaswhen all the planets r in between rahu and ketu ( always considerreverse placement as rahu -ketu always transit anti -clockwise ) it saysit is kalasarpa dosha and when all planets are in between the ketu andrahu it is says its kala amrit doshasome says it as anulome kalasarpa dosha and vilome kalasarpa dosharesults

-it can bring challenges to the finances, health and property ofpeople. In addition, Kalasarpa Dosha causes delays and obstructions inour daily life, making it difficult to accomplish anything. No matterhow hard one may try, it seems almost impossible to complete any work.some says rahu being karaka for laukika it will lead nature to too muchindugance in mundane matters and take him to disastrous levels and whenketu is leading this dosha ,some can become too much spiritual and canforget his duties and even discard all his potentioals and growth .Now we hav see the conditions of kala sarpa dosha ,let us forget it isnot mentioned in any classics ,yet it become most feared and dreadeddosha and bad yoga in a chart ,and easy tool for astrologer to declare results .We can also forget latest addition of partial kalasarpa doshas.when ever a cricketer or film star or famous personaly has

anyproblems we hav easy answer ,partial kalasarpadid we forget ganguli episodes ,sachin tendul kar elbow problems and hisvisits to kukki subramanya temple ??we hav all famous personalities like Nehrue ,Rajni kant ,dirubai ambaniis all famous exmples of kalasarpa dosha .Goege W Bush ,margaret thatcher ,benito mussolini and nelson mandelaalso has full fledged KSY or KAYLet us see what gr8 B V raman says abt this dosha ( Tho he dont advocatethe yoga )1) All planets must be "hemmed in" between Rahu and Ketu, as weread clockwise in the southern-style radix charts.2) rahu must occupy one of the first 6 houses frm lagna Ie bhava1. and 63) If even one planet is outside the "clutches" of Rahu-Ketu - if even one planet is not hemmed in Kala-Sarpa yogadoes not apply.4) Kala-Sarpa yoga is also cancelled if there is any otherplanet in the same house with

Rahu.(Some restrict the cancellation, saying that the Rahu-accompanyingplanet must be in a lower degree than Rahu in order for KSY effectto obtain.means planet shud b in higher degrees thinking the reversetrnsit of rahu or ketu )Then there is partial kalasarpa dosha s ,KSY by house-pairaxis: 1-7, 2-8, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, and 6-12Then there is one planet ouside axis kalasarpa yogas for exmple Hitlorand Mahatma gandhixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKSY comments of B.V. Raman:"Kala Sarpa Yoga has its bright shades. It makes one industrious,hardworking, aware of one's own ability- despite mentalrestlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in their respective fields provided of course other Raja Yogas [strong powercombinations] are present.Rahu-Ketu axis favors rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu

axisindicates elevation in spiritual matters.It is also found that Kala Sarpa Yoga natives get betrayed bytrusted friends and even relatives.Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind andmellows one's outlook. This is a blessing of Kala Sarpa Yoga.....It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to KalaSarpa Yoga. The view held by some astrologers that Kala Sarpa Yogaaffects longevity and adversely affects the operation of other yogasfavoring a rise in life, achievement, and accomplishment is nottenable..... No single yoga, including Kala Sarpa Yoga, is capable of marringor making a horoscope. In our view, Kala Sarpa Yoga plays an importantrole in mundane astrology [assessment of world events] and is not ofmuch importance in individual charts."~~ Bangalore Venkata Raman, 300 Important

Combinations<http://www.barbarapijan.com/bpa/Yogas/b_yoga.htm> (1947),xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMy question is this if we take rahu -ketu transits ,it will take always18 months to move away back wards frm a rasi and if we take daily a signforms this axis it will almost 2 hrs assigned to one sign to rise andmove to next sign to rise ,so did all this people born in this periodhas kalasarpa dosha ( as trsnit chart for the moment of birth is natalchart )suppose sani and nodes together then what did it break kalasarpa dosha??as both will b yrs together ( sani will b in a rasi for 2.5 yrs andnodes 1.5 yrs )or did we apply other jyothish parameters and see what is the resultsand what is in store for the nativsin jataka chandrika it says nodes

with kendra Lords in a trikona or witha trikona Lords in kendra giv rise to Raja yogasdid all this points to how we shud use astro principles effectively thansimply going for a very common yoga which will b applicable to allcharts and hence all birth in universe but sure the nativs will shellout money only when u terrorise them than if u simply use all urknowledge and giv out resultsLike what col chandran ji mentioned here all old traditional masters hassaid to me that kalasarpa yoga shud b used in mundane charts when we seesankranti charts or new yr charts .some said to me there is mention of kalasarpa in Old tamil texts but cudnot find any reference till even in nadies ( Nadies has mention of kala( lord yama ,the Lord of death ) sarpa or pasa ( his rope ) yoga ,butnot this kind of kala sarpa yogargrds sunil

nairsorry for irrgular way of presentation of this post as i was busy

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I want o know whether in my horoscope there is kal sarp yoga exists or not , I have read that if ketu is in 6th and rahu is in 12th house there is kal sarp yoga in the horoscope aslo if all the planets are lies between ketu and rahu the kal sar yoga exists , here is my bith detals

d.o.b - 30th jan 1987

place - moga , punjab , india

birth time - 23 hours or 11:00 pm

lease if anybody knows about this rely me

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