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About Kadwa Patidar community

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Dear All, I found a readable article on Kadwa Patidar community at: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm I don't know much about this community, but the article was good, informative and readable, so posting it here. Love and regards,Sreenadh================================(Source: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm )Today science believes

earth may have been formed 4500 millions years ago and

living form may have taken place some 4000 millions years ago. With

very slow

speed (Time) living form (Jeev) made progress.

Thereafter, very many years later form (Jeev) made progress. And many


later that is just 1 million years ago the human form took place. In


beginning human progress was very slow. It was wandering about here and


Eventually by forming small groups they started living in small

communities all

over the place. From this castes, states, nations

and empires took place, and from this different cultures and

civilizations evolved. In this way, on this earth many cultures took

place, progressed and

disappeared. Its memories are this world's history.


One such culture took

place in a country called Pamir in middle Asia. This

country was once in the Soviet Union, but now it is separate. The world


history has known this culture as Araya culture.

Araya culture believes in, VASUDEV KUTUMB KAM, the world is one family.

Arayas started spreading from their original place to adjoining foreign

countries and then out of foreign country boundaries. Some came by way

of Iran

and Afghanistan to Bharatvarsh (India) and settled

in Punjab. They stayed in Punjab for a long time. Those new migrants


are our ancestors. These migrants were divided into 4 castes, Brahmin,


Vaishay and Sudra.

Researchers and historians of the Kadwa Patidar believe that Kadwa


originated from the Kshatriya caste. A lot of research has gone into

the origins

of the Kadwa Patidar in the last 100150 years and many books have been


on this subject. In the year 1856 the Gujarat

Vernacular Society held a conference on Kadva Patidar's

origins. There were a lot of articles written from the discussions at


conference. These articles provide interesting historical evidence for


Majority of authors believe Kadwa Patidars are

derived from the Kshatriya caste. As we come from the Kshatriya caste

we have

the right to have ajanoi (Upnayan sanskar). English head of the Gujarat


Society, at that time, professor Farbes also

believed that the Kadwa Patidar originated from the Kshatriya caste. In

1913 a


Shree Purushottamdas


This book throws good light on the nature, habits and behavior of the


Kshatriya caste, and gives our history in great detail.



There are three known branches in Patidars: Kadwa, Leva and


All these are believed to be descedents of KURMI RUSHI . In the beginning in

Punjab they were known as Kurmi Kshatriya. They lived in the region of Leva and Karad

area. As Kurmi Rushi

was Kshatriya it makes no difference in the belief that we are Kshatriya. After

coming in Punjab Kurmis

were farming and were thus known as Krushi

Kurmi. Krushi

means farming and Kmshak

means farmer. The Kanabi word was derived from the words KRUSH


For generations they were known as Kanabi. After increase of population in

Punjab they moved further into Hindustan. Those people living in the leva region

migrated to other region and wherever they settled they were known as Leva

Kanabi. Similarly those who stayed in Punjab for a long time in Karad region

were known as Karadva

Kanabi when they migrated to other regions. As time went the word Karadva became

Kadwa. Mainly when the Shak

people invaded Punjab, the Kurmi Kanabi people started moving to other places.

Some Kurmis left Punjab and made their way towards Bihar

in the east. Guyana's (Latin America) Prime Minister who later became

president, Dr. Chaddi Jagan was

also bom in

the Kurmi Kanabi family. Many Kurmi Kanabi moved east via Rajasthan

to Malava

and settled in Guj-arat.

Some settled in Khandesh.

Even today Kadwa Patidar are

in places like Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pardesh and Khandesh. In the beginning

they were known, all over as Karadva Kurmi. As

time went this changed and they were known as Kadwa Kanabi.

It is believed

that approximately 2000 years ago, people moved from Punjab and settled in the

abovementioned regions. The original residents of different parts of Punjab

moved to various places, living here and there, and finally settling in a town

in North Gujarat called Unjha In this town groups of Kurmis came and settled.

These people still maintain their original Surnames. In reality there were 52

surnames of which Ruhat, Mollot, Bhemat, Gothi Fok Mokhat and Kamavat are

original surnames, which still exist, in Unjha.



1850 Years ago in Malava (at

Madhavati) a Kurmi

King, Vrajpaiji was ruling. He had a battle with

King Chandrasen ofMahet State and lost. Hence, he left Madhavati with some money

jewellery and a small troop heading towards Gujarat. He came to Sidhpur

for the anniversary of his mothers death. There he

met Kurmi Kanabi brothers who had come from various states and on their

insistence Vrajpalji stayed there. At that time, nobody was ruling this region

The Kurmis living there were farmers. In 156 BC. (Vikram Samvat 212), after

checking for the appropriate auspicious (Muhart) time, Vrajpalji set up a town

called UMAPUR, which was about 5 miles from Sidhpur. He was a disciple of Shri

Shankar Mahadev therefore as his goddess he set up Mahadev's wife, Ma Uma

Umiyaji. This Umapur is today's UNJHA. The first temple of our Kuldevi,

Ma Umiyaji was set up in UNJHA 1844 years ago. The

Kadwa Kurmis of that time believed Umiyaji to be their Kuldevi and began to

offer prayers to her. Present big temple of stone was built in the year 1865. Before this temple, there was a

temple of bricks and mortar on the same site. During 11th century after

conquering Malava, Gurjamaresh(King of Gujarat) Sidhdharaj stayed with his

troops in the compound of Umiyaji temple. We have to imagine at that time, how

big the temple and its region was. It is believed that Muslim aggressor's

attacks may have damaged or destroyed the original temple. Although the Kadwa

Patidar population increased greatly their Kuldevi is the only ONE for all Kadwa

Patidars, this is their unique credibility.

After this for 500 years, Kurmi Kings ruled Unjha and its surrounding regions.

Vrajpalji and his descendants governed the area. But in year 746 AD. Vanraj Chavda set up today's


and ruled the region. Since

then the Kurmis of Unjha and surrounding region had to accept the ruling from

Patan. However Vrajpalji's descendant, Vrajpalji

II did not accept the ruling from Patan With some possessions

and a small army he left Unjha for Ider in Vikram

Samvat 802. There he set up a new village called Kawar

and hence started the new rule of Kurmis. Many Kurmis came and settled here and

started farming. They started increasing the setting up of new ruling places As

Desai, and Amm, Kadwa Patidars had worked as Commanders in Chief of great

Kingdoms been prosperous owners of lands and been Kings of small enclaves such

as Patadi, Ider and Viramgam This

brings to light the greatness of Kshatriyas they inherited.




Even after the end of rule of Kurmi Kings in this region, the Kurmi


carried on working sincerely and hard as farmers

under the rule of other kings in Patan. This is why the Kingdom collected good

taxes. As a result, grants received by the temple of Umiyaji under the Kurmi

Kings, continued under the rule of other Kings. This kept on increasing prestige

ofUmiya Mataji All the Kurmi farmers living

in this area started becoming prosperous and their devotion towards Mataji

kept on increasing.

Likewise their belief in Kuldevi Ma strengthened. In this state Kurmi tanners

owned land and were therefore known as Patidar. As time went on under the

British Raj this was shortened to Patel. The Kshatriya Kurmis liked the name

Patel as it showed pride They started to be known as Kadwa Patidar. When this

region including the state of Patan came under the rule of Gayakvad the grant

given to the Umiyaji temple continued. The Gayakvad government used to appoint

Patidars as Mukhi of a village in their state, because they found them to be

honest, understanding, generous at heart and straightforward. When the British

raj ruled they also noticed these same virtues and appointed them as Mukhis (Patel). In

Gujarat we

were known as Patel instead of Kanabi, in Maharastra as Patil, in Karnatak as

Kutumbin, in the Western states as Kunbi and in Bihar even today are known as





After conquering the regions around

Unjha, Vanraj Chavda's Prime Minister, expert in governmental

law, Champraj, in the name ofUmiyaji

set a new custom for marriage in order to gain control over the Kurmis.

Every 10, 11 or 12 years when the auspicious time (Muhart)

was announced from the Mataji temple then all sons

and daughters of the Kadwa Patidar

families all over India could get married on that day only. In the name of

Mataji all Kadva Kanbis

accepted this custom and strictly adhered to this for very many years. About 75

years ago this custom was abolished. In those days there were no communication

facilities like telephone and telegram. Even then all sons and daughters of all

Kadwa Patidar, all over India were to merry on the auspicious day announced by

Mataji. The message of the Muhrat was received well

in advance, all over the country.


Our ancestors have inhabited Unjha and the

surrounding regions for 2000 years. They lived in Punjab for a long time and got

their original surname from the name of the place they lived in. People of

Punjab living in the area of Rohtagadh were known

as Rusat, those coming from Mandleh

were known as Mollat and those from Bham

area were known as Bhemat. Those who came from

Amratsar were known as Amratiya. As time passed, population increased and

therefore their share of land was reduced. As a result they kept on moving

further to other states. Those people coming from the region of Karad

in Punjab maintained the Karadva Kadva surname in memory of the land from which they had originated. They

started adopting pseudosumames. After moving within Gujarat and staying in one place for a long period

when they moved to a new area they adopted a pseudosumame

in memory of the previous area. For example: people who left Adraj

area of Kadi district in north Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame of Adroja. Those

who left Kalari area of Chanashma in North Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame

Kalaria. Those people who moved from Devghat Bariya area in Panch Mahal adopted

the pseudosumame Baria. Those who moved from Unjha

town adopted the Unjiya surname. Those from Aghar

area of Viramgam district went and stayed in Sausrashtra, they adopted the

pseudosurname Aghar (Aghera) and therefore maintained a tie with Aghar area. In

this way everyone maintained their ties with their previous villages. As time

passed Kurmi Kanabi spread throughout Gujarat, Saurashtra

and Kutch. In these areas there will seldom be a

village where there is not a Kadwa Patidar





In a census one hundred and fifty years ago in Year 185152, according to

British Collector in Ahmedabad, Kadwa Kanbis merely numbered 6 lakhs. According to the

census there were 3,30,000 men and 2,65,000 were women. There were 100 boys for

every 78 girls newly born. That is why it is possible to believe girls were

drowned in milk at birth. British India government issued a public notice to

stop this custom. According to recent census, in Gujarat

State, Kadwa Patidar families are about 450,000 and

it is believed total population is 3540 lakhs. Of the total population of

Gujarat State approximately 10% are Kadwa Patidar and 22% are all Patidars.


Looking at our history it can be said that our caste had behaved according to

time and

circumstances. As Kshatriya they have fought

battles and have ruled states. Right up to the arrival of freedom Kadwa Patidars

were ruling in Patadi. In Ider, Viramgam and other places Kadwa Patidars

were receivers of huge lands, given to royal families for their maintenance.

While farming, they have worked hard with interest and care. Our movement from

middle Asia, our transformation from Kshatriya to Kanabi and thereafter to

Patidar were very very slow but were progressive. For centuries dwelling

movement was limited to within India only and changes of Kanabi Patidar

remained limited. Area of farming and animal keeping remained limited for

centuries, but in the last hundred to two hundred years, this has changed. Our

community has also adopted the changes. It is in our blood to adopt and live

with age - with time. They have achieved great success in scientific

farming, animal keeping and breeding. Together with this they adopted new types

of living. Adapting to the new era they acquired modem education. Kadwa Patidars

made very great progress in modem education and professions like, Doctor,

Engineer, Teacher, Professor, Accountant, Lawyer, Writer and Journalist.

Readily accepting various different businesses and new industries our community

made great progress. In the last century our community made big changes, great

progress and wonderful growth. Since the last few decades there has been great

progress in education. Financially, Kadwa Patidars have become solid and strong.


Migration and daring approaches are in our blood. But for centuries,

migration was limited within India. Before independence there were many small

rulers, laws were implemented poorly. Prospects of growth and progress were nil.

Future was bleak. In the nineteenth century, to come out of the countrys

troublesome position, to solve life's problems and with wishes to improve

future many adventurous people from Saurastra left

in small yachts. Depending on luck and with faith in God reached overseas Life

is collision Therefore we will wonder To construct my future Will fight with

creatures of the Universe. With determination and strong will power they reached

East Africa, then known as the Dark Continent. They lived in the forests of

those undeveloped countries after passing through high hills and mountains. High

Mountains and rough roads To go up hills alone bit by bit Take that way only a

brave man Leaving false accusation, keeping Ram as protector. Those adventurous

people left the land of Saurastra and spread in African countries. There our

numbers were few. In those countries, we first made our presence in the

nineteenth century. All the names of those adventurous people are not available,

but some of the remembered are:

1. Shri. Madavji Trikamji Adodra


In 1892 he came to East Africa from

Bhavnagar in

Saurastra State and lived in Kakira,

near Jinja, in Uganda and started farming sugar

cane. Later his farm was merged with

Madhvani Sugar Plantation.


2. Shri. Vashrambhai Muljibhai Sapariya

He left Kolki

village in Saurastra in 1895 and lived at Kabete

near Nairobi.

3. Shri. Devjibhai Ladhabhai Savani


He left Ranavav village in Saurastra

in 1895 and lived in Nairobi. He was Founder of the

well known printing press, D. L.

Patel Press.


4. Shri. Hirjibhai




He left Kolki village in Saurastra in 1890 and lived in Petermaryburg in

South Africa.


5. Shri. Laljibhai

Juthabhai Jalavadia


He left Vashliya village in Saurastra in 1896

and lived in Nairobi. He invited many of his close relatives and settled them in



With loving care and help of those of our


adventurous community, in the 20th century hundreds of our community

emigrated to those countries. Due to our unity, cooperation,

enthusiasm, patience, integrity, courage and confidence,

our successful but small community have played an

invaluable part in advancing the continent of Africa. They have been an

important party to the progress and growth of the continent. Where they were in

good number, they formed community unions to keep up community unity and

brotherhood. They erected big community centres in big cities like Nairobi and

Mombasa. In the beginning of the 20th century many became well

established in various places in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rhodesia

(Zambia) and Nyasaland (Malawi). They ran different

businesses. Together with other Indians settled in those countries they gave

invaluable donations and help to bring up those countries.


After great difficulty in settling down in the countries of Africa, there was

wind of change in just 60-70 years. As a result everyone was caught and

entangled in the governmental unsteady and stormy policies. Seeing uncertain

future in the country and events taking place suddenly and unexpectedly,

residents who were settled for decades left with heavy hearts and took shelter

in the unknown and unseen land of Britain. In the year 1968 many in numbers came

from Kenya and settled in Britain. Thereafter in the year 1972 came the influx

of those who were driven out of Uganda. Thus in the beginning of the eighties

there were about two thousand people settled in the country, all living in

different towns and cities. They all thought that community organisations were

needed in the country and in that way brotherhood, introduction, support and

loving care could be kept on going. In the year 1974 to keep all the Kadwa

Patidars under one roof of Community Organisation Shree Kadwa Patidar Samaj

(U.K.) was established. Today according to the Samaj record there are 2950 Kadwa

Patidars young and old. There are 1610 adult life members of Shree Kadwa Patidar

Samaj. The institution owns a large community Building developed at a cost of

£2m. Thus by forming such a large and new Institute out of India our small

group has achieved unparalleled achievement. Ignoring the traumas of 60s and 70s

and various political uncertainties in those African countries, today there are

still about 150 families living in Africa. They are helping those countries in

building their economy, business and industries, thus making an important

contribution to their progress. From the 60s Kadwa Patidars started living in

America. Today it is estimated there are approximately five thousand Kadwa

Patidars young and old living in USA & Canada. All the Kadwa Patidar

families living in the large country of America are keeping in touch with each

other. They share a common brotherhood under the roof of Kadwa Patidar Samaj of

America, thus maintaining our community's traditions and dynamism. In 1998 in

Charlotte (North Carolina) nearly 1200 of our people, Kadwa Patidars, attended a

National gathering. The Kadwa Patidars made good progress even in Western

countries and thus by their hard work achieved happiness and progress. Dr. Mafatlal

Patel past editor of DHARTI

monthly magazine of Ahmedabad recently published a well

known book called "Overseas Patidars"

in which detailed information of Kadwa Patidars settled in USA. appears.



In Sane 156 (Vikram Samvat 212) desire of we are all children of MA UMIYA

came out. Even after 2000 years the same strong desire exists. Desire and confidence

in Ma Umiya has

increased every year. In year 1976 at Unjha, Ma Umiya's

18th centenary celebrations were held. In those celebrations of 5

days, from 25.11.1976 to 29.11.1976, 1.8m Kadwa Patidars came to see (DARSHAN)

Ma Umiyaji. That showed great unity and togetherness.

Thereafter in year 1980 at Sidsar village of


a foundation stone was laid for a large temple. 100 years earlier (on 19.9.1899)

Ma herself appeared. The statue in white marble of Ma Umiya was reinstalled and

celebrations from 24.3.1985 to 28.3.1985 were held. That is why our faith in Ma

Umiya has increased.

Last year Sidsar Mandir's 1st centenary celebration was held

during the period of 5 days, from 22.4.1999 to 26.4.1999 and approximately 2.5m

people came to view Ma. These two celebrations show that no other community has

celebrated like Kadwa Patidars. At those both auspicious occasions love and

devotion towards MA Umiya was wonderful. In the violent rush by millions of

people, great discipline was maintained. At compound of Ma Umiya, egoism of Patidar

Samaj was sighted in full glory. These were proud historical celebrations.

Devotion and cheerful happiness were greatly witnessed by everyone.

Thus spiritual influence of Ma Umiya is increasing and more and more Kadwa

Patidars are getting happier. With MA Umiya's Blessings all developing

children can conquer newer lands of ascending success and this power granted to

Kadwa Patidars; has received invaluable inspiration to the developments of all


The Kadwa Patidar's desire of oneness, unity

and cooperation is, strengthening day by day due to Ma Umiya. With the desire of

all Kadwa Patidar's progress at heart "Shri

Umiya Parivar Utkarsh Nidhi"

was founded by Unjha Umiya Mataji Foundation for

raising Rs. 1000m. Every one experienced happiness

in contributing. These funds will be kept in fixed deposit account and only the

interest will be used for all Kadwa Patidar's educational, financial,

social, and religious requirements.


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Guest guest

Dear All, With the permission of the conversation participants I am posting mails from sunil ji an hari ji happened related to this article. Note: Every unique info causes the discussions to span in new directions and cause innovative new information to be shared - in an astrological group, information related to astrology, hist ory and astrological history as well. I hope that with the contribution of Chakraborty ji, Kishore patnaik ji, sunil bhattacharjya ji etc the thread will become more informative. Love and regards,Sreenadh=====================--- On Fri, 5/29/09, hari <chandra_hari18 wrote:hari

<chandra_hari18Re: patel effect"Sunil Nair" <astro_tellerkeralaCc: "sreenath nadh" <sreesogFriday, May 29, 2009, 9:19 PMI

mailed that to the Nair Monkeys to make them notice of the migration of

a caste worshipping Kali from Punjab to Gujarat in 100 or 200 AD times.



Nairs can also have a similar migration with their Bhadra kali and probably Jain tradition from the borders of Nepal.

Aum Namah Sivaya--- On Fri, 5/29/09, Sunil Nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

Sunil Nair <astro_tellerkeralaRe: patel effect"hari" <chandra_hari18Cc: "Sreenadh" <sreesogFriday, May 29, 2009, 11:07 AM





ha ha we can see same patel foolery on history here They originated in pamir and moved to india ,did all ppl left for india ??what happened to the balcnce left there why not they become succesful with the help of ma umiya jisome how indian caste system and brits helped them ,sure they hav the community feelings of a caste can providealso there is one theory in india behind every success ur caste counts ,this is tru with gujjus and marwaries because

first of all there was no competition for this business class ,sure

generaly in business they dont cheat each other atleast unlike we

keralites .i remebr when i meet a grp ( full flight of

uneducated London based gujju families ,they were coming for a marriage

and by accident they also stayed in same hotel where i stayed ,i was

the one who helped every one to fill embarkation forms in flight ,all

of them has her majesty passports and finaly when flight touched india

,no one even said thanks to me ,even in hotel no one said even a hai

,their marriage function was in progress and no one even seems to

bother to remembr abt me ,that is Gujjus ) if u go to haridwar u can

see they spend lacs for swamies over there ,and they thinks it is wat

spirituality is and their ends their spirituality .i dont know may b ur exprnce is diffrnt 'but i hav this patel effect first i was shocked why u sent me this --- On Fri, 29/5/09, hari <chandra_hari18 wrote:

hari <chandra_hari18"sreenath nadh" <sreesogCc: "Sunil" <astro_tellerkeralaFriday, 29 May, 2009, 5:45 PM






Aum Namah Sivaya

=====================--- On Sat, 5/30/09, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:Sreenadh <sreesog About Kadwa Patidar community Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 10:09 AM


Dear All, I found a readable article on Kadwa Patidar community at: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm I don't know much about this community, but the article was good, informative and readable, so posting it here. Love and regards,Sreenadh================================(Source: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm )Today science believes

earth may have been formed 4500 millions years ago and

living form may have taken place some 4000 millions years ago. With

very slow

speed (Time) living form (Jeev) made progress.

Thereafter, very many years later form (Jeev) made progress. And many


later that is just 1 million years ago the human form took place. In


beginning human progress was very slow. It was wandering about here and


Eventually by forming small groups they started living in small

communities all

over the place. From this castes, states, nations

and empires took place, and from this different cultures and

civilizations evolved. In this way, on this earth many cultures took

place, progressed and

disappeared. Its memories are this world's history.


One such culture took

place in a country called Pamir in middle Asia. This

country was once in the Soviet Union, but now it is separate. The world


history has known this culture as Araya culture.

Araya culture believes in, VASUDEV KUTUMB KAM, the world is one family.

Arayas started spreading from their original place to adjoining foreign

countries and then out of foreign country boundaries. Some came by way

of Iran

and Afghanistan to Bharatvarsh (India) and settled

in Punjab. They stayed in Punjab for a long time. Those new migrants


are our ancestors. These migrants were divided into 4 castes, Brahmin,


Vaishay and Sudra.

Researchers and historians of the Kadwa Patidar believe that Kadwa


originated from the Kshatriya caste. A lot of research has gone into

the origins

of the Kadwa Patidar in the last 100150 years and many books have been


on this subject. In the year 1856 the Gujarat

Vernacular Society held a conference on Kadva Patidar's

origins. There were a lot of articles written from the discussions at


conference. These articles provide interesting historical evidence for


Majority of authors believe Kadwa Patidars are

derived from the Kshatriya caste. As we come from the Kshatriya caste

we have

the right to have ajanoi (Upnayan sanskar). English head of the Gujarat


Society, at that time, professor Farbes also

believed that the Kadwa Patidar originated from the Kshatriya caste. In

1913 a


Shree Purushottamdas


This book throws good light on the nature, habits and behavior of the


Kshatriya caste, and gives our history in great detail.



There are three known branches in Patidars: Kadwa, Leva and


All these are believed to be descedents of KURMI RUSHI . In the beginning in

Punjab they were known as Kurmi Kshatriya. They lived in the region of Leva and Karad

area. As Kurmi Rushi

was Kshatriya it makes no difference in the belief that we are Kshatriya. After

coming in Punjab Kurmis

were farming and were thus known as Krushi

Kurmi. Krushi

means farming and Kmshak

means farmer. The Kanabi word was derived from the words KRUSH


For generations they were known as Kanabi. After increase of population in

Punjab they moved further into Hindustan. Those people living in the leva region

migrated to other region and wherever they settled they were known as Leva

Kanabi. Similarly those who stayed in Punjab for a long time in Karad region

were known as Karadva

Kanabi when they migrated to other regions. As time went the word Karadva became

Kadwa. Mainly when the Shak

people invaded Punjab, the Kurmi Kanabi people started moving to other places.

Some Kurmis left Punjab and made their way towards Bihar

in the east. Guyana's (Latin America) Prime Minister who later became

president, Dr. Chaddi Jagan was

also bom in

the Kurmi Kanabi family. Many Kurmi Kanabi moved east via Rajasthan

to Malava

and settled in Guj-arat.

Some settled in Khandesh.

Even today Kadwa Patidar are

in places like Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pardesh and Khandesh. In the beginning

they were known, all over as Karadva Kurmi. As

time went this changed and they were known as Kadwa Kanabi.

It is believed

that approximately 2000 years ago, people moved from Punjab and settled in the

abovementioned regions. The original residents of different parts of Punjab

moved to various places, living here and there, and finally settling in a town

in North Gujarat called Unjha In this town groups of Kurmis came and settled.

These people still maintain their original Surnames. In reality there were 52

surnames of which Ruhat, Mollot, Bhemat, Gothi Fok Mokhat and Kamavat are

original surnames, which still exist, in Unjha.



1850 Years ago in Malava (at

Madhavati) a Kurmi

King, Vrajpaiji was ruling. He had a battle with

King Chandrasen ofMahet State and lost. Hence, he left Madhavati with some money

jewellery and a small troop heading towards Gujarat. He came to Sidhpur

for the anniversary of his mothers death. There he

met Kurmi Kanabi brothers who had come from various states and on their

insistence Vrajpalji stayed there. At that time, nobody was ruling this region

The Kurmis living there were farmers. In 156 BC. (Vikram Samvat 212), after

checking for the appropriate auspicious (Muhart) time, Vrajpalji set up a town

called UMAPUR, which was about 5 miles from Sidhpur. He was a disciple of Shri

Shankar Mahadev therefore as his goddess he set up Mahadev's wife, Ma Uma

Umiyaji. This Umapur is today's UNJHA. The first temple of our Kuldevi,

Ma Umiyaji was set up in UNJHA 1844 years ago. The

Kadwa Kurmis of that time believed Umiyaji to be their Kuldevi and began to

offer prayers to her. Present big temple of stone was built in the year 1865. Before this temple, there was a

temple of bricks and mortar on the same site. During 11th century after

conquering Malava, Gurjamaresh(King of Gujarat) Sidhdharaj stayed with his

troops in the compound of Umiyaji temple. We have to imagine at that time, how

big the temple and its region was. It is believed that Muslim aggressor's

attacks may have damaged or destroyed the original temple. Although the Kadwa

Patidar population increased greatly their Kuldevi is the only ONE for all Kadwa

Patidars, this is their unique credibility.

After this for 500 years, Kurmi Kings ruled Unjha and its surrounding regions.

Vrajpalji and his descendants governed the area. But in year 746 AD. Vanraj Chavda set up today's


and ruled the region. Since

then the Kurmis of Unjha and surrounding region had to accept the ruling from

Patan. However Vrajpalji's descendant, Vrajpalji

II did not accept the ruling from Patan With some possessions

and a small army he left Unjha for Ider in Vikram

Samvat 802. There he set up a new village called Kawar

and hence started the new rule of Kurmis. Many Kurmis came and settled here and

started farming. They started increasing the setting up of new ruling places As

Desai, and Amm, Kadwa Patidars had worked as Commanders in Chief of great

Kingdoms been prosperous owners of lands and been Kings of small enclaves such

as Patadi, Ider and Viramgam This

brings to light the greatness of Kshatriyas they inherited.




Even after the end of rule of Kurmi Kings in this region, the Kurmi


carried on working sincerely and hard as farmers

under the rule of other kings in Patan. This is why the Kingdom collected good

taxes. As a result, grants received by the temple of Umiyaji under the Kurmi

Kings, continued under the rule of other Kings. This kept on increasing prestige

ofUmiya Mataji All the Kurmi farmers living

in this area started becoming prosperous and their devotion towards Mataji

kept on increasing.

Likewise their belief in Kuldevi Ma strengthened. In this state Kurmi tanners

owned land and were therefore known as Patidar. As time went on under the

British Raj this was shortened to Patel. The Kshatriya Kurmis liked the name

Patel as it showed pride They started to be known as Kadwa Patidar. When this

region including the state of Patan came under the rule of Gayakvad the grant

given to the Umiyaji temple continued. The Gayakvad government used to appoint

Patidars as Mukhi of a village in their state, because they found them to be

honest, understanding, generous at heart and straightforward. When the British

raj ruled they also noticed these same virtues and appointed them as Mukhis (Patel). In

Gujarat we

were known as Patel instead of Kanabi, in Maharastra as Patil, in Karnatak as

Kutumbin, in the Western states as Kunbi and in Bihar even today are known as





After conquering the regions around

Unjha, Vanraj Chavda's Prime Minister, expert in governmental

law, Champraj, in the name ofUmiyaji

set a new custom for marriage in order to gain control over the Kurmis.

Every 10, 11 or 12 years when the auspicious time (Muhart)

was announced from the Mataji temple then all sons

and daughters of the Kadwa Patidar

families all over India could get married on that day only. In the name of

Mataji all Kadva Kanbis

accepted this custom and strictly adhered to this for very many years. About 75

years ago this custom was abolished. In those days there were no communication

facilities like telephone and telegram. Even then all sons and daughters of all

Kadwa Patidar, all over India were to merry on the auspicious day announced by

Mataji. The message of the Muhrat was received well

in advance, all over the country.


Our ancestors have inhabited Unjha and the

surrounding regions for 2000 years. They lived in Punjab for a long time and got

their original surname from the name of the place they lived in. People of

Punjab living in the area of Rohtagadh were known

as Rusat, those coming from Mandleh

were known as Mollat and those from Bham

area were known as Bhemat. Those who came from

Amratsar were known as Amratiya. As time passed, population increased and

therefore their share of land was reduced. As a result they kept on moving

further to other states. Those people coming from the region of Karad

in Punjab maintained the Karadva Kadva surname in memory of the land from which they had originated. They

started adopting pseudosumames. After moving within Gujarat and staying in one place for a long period

when they moved to a new area they adopted a pseudosumame

in memory of the previous area. For example: people who left Adraj

area of Kadi district in north Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame of Adroja. Those

who left Kalari area of Chanashma in North Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame

Kalaria. Those people who moved from Devghat Bariya area in Panch Mahal adopted

the pseudosumame Baria. Those who moved from Unjha

town adopted the Unjiya surname. Those from Aghar

area of Viramgam district went and stayed in Sausrashtra, they adopted the

pseudosurname Aghar (Aghera) and therefore maintained a tie with Aghar area. In

this way everyone maintained their ties with their previous villages. As time

passed Kurmi Kanabi spread throughout Gujarat, Saurashtra

and Kutch. In these areas there will seldom be a

village where there is not a Kadwa Patidar





In a census one hundred and fifty years ago in Year 185152, according to

British Collector in Ahmedabad, Kadwa Kanbis merely numbered 6 lakhs. According to the

census there were 3,30,000 men and 2,65,000 were women. There were 100 boys for

every 78 girls newly born. That is why it is possible to believe girls were

drowned in milk at birth. British India government issued a public notice to

stop this custom. According to recent census, in Gujarat

State, Kadwa Patidar families are about 450,000 and

it is believed total population is 3540 lakhs. Of the total population of

Gujarat State approximately 10% are Kadwa Patidar and 22% are all Patidars.


Looking at our history it can be said that our caste had behaved according to

time and

circumstances. As Kshatriya they have fought

battles and have ruled states. Right up to the arrival of freedom Kadwa Patidars

were ruling in Patadi. In Ider, Viramgam and other places Kadwa Patidars

were receivers of huge lands, given to royal families for their maintenance.

While farming, they have worked hard with interest and care. Our movement from

middle Asia, our transformation from Kshatriya to Kanabi and thereafter to

Patidar were very very slow but were progressive. For centuries dwelling

movement was limited to within India only and changes of Kanabi Patidar

remained limited. Area of farming and animal keeping remained limited for

centuries, but in the last hundred to two hundred years, this has changed. Our

community has also adopted the changes. It is in our blood to adopt and live

with age - with time. They have achieved great success in scientific

farming, animal keeping and breeding. Together with this they adopted new types

of living. Adapting to the new era they acquired modem education. Kadwa Patidars

made very great progress in modem education and professions like, Doctor,

Engineer, Teacher, Professor, Accountant, Lawyer, Writer and Journalist.

Readily accepting various different businesses and new industries our community

made great progress. In the last century our community made big changes, great

progress and wonderful growth. Since the last few decades there has been great

progress in education. Financially, Kadwa Patidars have become solid and strong.


Migration and daring approaches are in our blood. But for centuries,

migration was limited within India. Before independence there were many small

rulers, laws were implemented poorly. Prospects of growth and progress were nil.

Future was bleak. In the nineteenth century, to come out of the countrys

troublesome position, to solve life's problems and with wishes to improve

future many adventurous people from Saurastra left

in small yachts. Depending on luck and with faith in God reached overseas Life

is collision Therefore we will wonder To construct my future Will fight with

creatures of the Universe. With determination and strong will power they reached

East Africa, then known as the Dark Continent. They lived in the forests of

those undeveloped countries after passing through high hills and mountains. High

Mountains and rough roads To go up hills alone bit by bit Take that way only a

brave man Leaving false accusation, keeping Ram as protector. Those adventurous

people left the land of Saurastra and spread in African countries. There our

numbers were few. In those countries, we first made our presence in the

nineteenth century. All the names of those adventurous people are not available,

but some of the remembered are:

1. Shri. Madavji Trikamji Adodra


In 1892 he came to East Africa from

Bhavnagar in

Saurastra State and lived in Kakira,

near Jinja, in Uganda and started farming sugar

cane. Later his farm was merged with

Madhvani Sugar Plantation.


2. Shri. Vashrambhai Muljibhai Sapariya

He left Kolki

village in Saurastra in 1895 and lived at Kabete

near Nairobi.

3. Shri. Devjibhai Ladhabhai Savani


He left Ranavav village in Saurastra

in 1895 and lived in Nairobi. He was Founder of the

well known printing press, D. L.

Patel Press.


4. Shri. Hirjibhai




He left Kolki village in Saurastra in 1890 and lived in Petermaryburg in

South Africa.


5. Shri. Laljibhai

Juthabhai Jalavadia


He left Vashliya village in Saurastra in 1896

and lived in Nairobi. He invited many of his close relatives and settled them in



With loving care and help of those of our


adventurous community, in the 20th century hundreds of our community

emigrated to those countries. Due to our unity, cooperation,

enthusiasm, patience, integrity, courage and confidence,

our successful but small community have played an

invaluable part in advancing the continent of Africa. They have been an

important party to the progress and growth of the continent. Where they were in

good number, they formed community unions to keep up community unity and

brotherhood. They erected big community centres in big cities like Nairobi and

Mombasa. In the beginning of the 20th century many became well

established in various places in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rhodesia

(Zambia) and Nyasaland (Malawi). They ran different

businesses. Together with other Indians settled in those countries they gave

invaluable donations and help to bring up those countries.


After great difficulty in settling down in the countries of Africa, there was

wind of change in just 60-70 years. As a result everyone was caught and

entangled in the governmental unsteady and stormy policies. Seeing uncertain

future in the country and events taking place suddenly and unexpectedly,

residents who were settled for decades left with heavy hearts and took shelter

in the unknown and unseen land of Britain. In the year 1968 many in numbers came

from Kenya and settled in Britain. Thereafter in the year 1972 came the influx

of those who were driven out of Uganda. Thus in the beginning of the eighties

there were about two thousand people settled in the country, all living in

different towns and cities. They all thought that community organisations were

needed in the country and in that way brotherhood, introduction, support and

loving care could be kept on going. In the year 1974 to keep all the Kadwa

Patidars under one roof of Community Organisation Shree Kadwa Patidar Samaj

(U.K.) was established. Today according to the Samaj record there are 2950 Kadwa

Patidars young and old. There are 1610 adult life members of Shree Kadwa Patidar

Samaj. The institution owns a large community Building developed at a cost of

£2m. Thus by forming such a large and new Institute out of India our small

group has achieved unparalleled achievement. Ignoring the traumas of 60s and 70s

and various political uncertainties in those African countries, today there are

still about 150 families living in Africa. They are helping those countries in

building their economy, business and industries, thus making an important

contribution to their progress. From the 60s Kadwa Patidars started living in

America. Today it is estimated there are approximately five thousand Kadwa

Patidars young and old living in USA & Canada. All the Kadwa Patidar

families living in the large country of America are keeping in touch with each

other. They share a common brotherhood under the roof of Kadwa Patidar Samaj of

America, thus maintaining our community's traditions and dynamism. In 1998 in

Charlotte (North Carolina) nearly 1200 of our people, Kadwa Patidars, attended a

National gathering. The Kadwa Patidars made good progress even in Western

countries and thus by their hard work achieved happiness and progress. Dr. Mafatlal

Patel past editor of DHARTI

monthly magazine of Ahmedabad recently published a well

known book called "Overseas Patidars"

in which detailed information of Kadwa Patidars settled in USA. appears.



In Sane 156 (Vikram Samvat 212) desire of we are all children of MA UMIYA

came out. Even after 2000 years the same strong desire exists. Desire and confidence

in Ma Umiya has

increased every year. In year 1976 at Unjha, Ma Umiya's

18th centenary celebrations were held. In those celebrations of 5

days, from 25.11.1976 to 29.11.1976, 1.8m Kadwa Patidars came to see (DARSHAN)

Ma Umiyaji. That showed great unity and togetherness.

Thereafter in year 1980 at Sidsar village of


a foundation stone was laid for a large temple. 100 years earlier (on 19.9.1899)

Ma herself appeared. The statue in white marble of Ma Umiya was reinstalled and

celebrations from 24.3.1985 to 28.3.1985 were held. That is why our faith in Ma

Umiya has increased.

Last year Sidsar Mandir's 1st centenary celebration was held

during the period of 5 days, from 22.4.1999 to 26.4.1999 and approximately 2.5m

people came to view Ma. These two celebrations show that no other community has

celebrated like Kadwa Patidars. At those both auspicious occasions love and

devotion towards MA Umiya was wonderful. In the violent rush by millions of

people, great discipline was maintained. At compound of Ma Umiya, egoism of Patidar

Samaj was sighted in full glory. These were proud historical celebrations.

Devotion and cheerful happiness were greatly witnessed by everyone.

Thus spiritual influence of Ma Umiya is increasing and more and more Kadwa

Patidars are getting happier. With MA Umiya's Blessings all developing

children can conquer newer lands of ascending success and this power granted to

Kadwa Patidars; has received invaluable inspiration to the developments of all


The Kadwa Patidar's desire of oneness, unity

and cooperation is, strengthening day by day due to Ma Umiya. With the desire of

all Kadwa Patidar's progress at heart "Shri

Umiya Parivar Utkarsh Nidhi"

was founded by Unjha Umiya Mataji Foundation for

raising Rs. 1000m. Every one experienced happiness

in contributing. These funds will be kept in fixed deposit account and only the

interest will be used for all Kadwa Patidar's educational, financial,

social, and religious requirements.


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dear sreenadh ji ha ha Good ,u put our prvt conversation between 2 nair war Lords ( read as in net only ) in public now it is other s turn to launder us rgrds sunil nair , sreenadh <sreesog wrote:>> Dear All,> With the permission of the conversation participants I am posting mails from sunil ji an hari ji happened related to this article. > Note: Every unique info causes the discussions to span in new directions and cause innovative new information to be shared - in an astrological group, information related to astrology, hist ory and astrological history as well. I hope that with the contribution of Chakraborty ji, Kishore patnaik ji, sunil bhattacharjya ji etc the thread will become more informative. > Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > =====================> --- On Fri, 5/29/09, hari chandra_hari18 wrote:> > hari chandra_hari18 Re: patel effect> "Sunil Nair" astro_tellerkerala Cc: "sreenath nadh" sreesog Friday, May 29, 2009, 9:19 PM> > I> mailed that to the Nair Monkeys to make them notice of the migration of> a caste worshipping Kali from Punjab to Gujarat in 100 or 200 AD times.> > > Nairs can also have a similar migration with their Bhadra kali and probably Jain tradition from the borders of Nepal. > > > Aum Namah Sivaya> > --- On Fri, 5/29/09, Sunil Nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > Sunil Nair astro_tellerkerala Re: patel effect> "hari" chandra_hari18 Cc: "Sreenadh" sreesog Friday, May 29, 2009, 11:07 AM> > > > > > > ha ha > > we can see same patel foolery on history here > > They originated in pamir and moved to india ,did all ppl left for india ??what happened to the balcnce left there > > why not they become succesful with the help of ma umiya ji> > some how indian caste system and brits helped them ,sure they hav the community feelings of a caste can provide> > also there is one theory in india > > behind every success ur caste counts ,this is tru with gujjus and marwaries > > because> first of all there was no competition for this business class ,sure> generaly in business they dont cheat each other atleast unlike we> keralites .> > i remebr when i meet a grp ( full flight of> uneducated London based gujju families ,they were coming for a marriage> and by accident they also stayed in same hotel where i stayed ,i was> the one who helped every one to fill embarkation forms in flight ,all> of them has her majesty passports and finaly when flight touched india> ,no one even said thanks to me ,even in hotel no one said even a hai> ,their marriage function was in progress and no one even seems to> bother to remembr abt me ,that is Gujjus ) if u go to haridwar u can> see they spend lacs for swamies over there ,and they thinks it is wat> spirituality is and their ends their spirituality .> > i dont know may b ur exprnce is diffrnt > > 'but i hav this patel effect > > first i was shocked why u sent me this > > > > --- On Fri, 29/5/09, hari chandra_hari18 wrote:> > > hari chandra_hari18 > "sreenath nadh" sreesog Cc: "Sunil" astro_tellerkerala Friday, 29 May, 2009, 5:45 PM> > > > > > > http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm> > > Aum Namah Sivaya> > > > > =====================> > > --- On Sat, 5/30/09, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> > Sreenadh sreesog About Kadwa Patidar community> > Saturday, May 30, 2009, 10:09 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear All,> I found a readable article on Kadwa Patidar community at: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm I don't know much about this community, but the article was good, informative and readable, so posting it here. > Love and regards,> Sreenadh> ================================> (Source: http://www.kpsuk.com/Pride_of_our_history.htm )> Today science believes> earth may have been formed 4500 millions years ago and> living form may have taken place some 4000 millions years ago. With> very slow> speed (Time) living form (Jeev) made progress.> Thereafter, very many years later form (Jeev) made progress. And many> years> later that is just 1 million years ago the human form took place. In> the> beginning human progress was very slow. It was wandering about here and> there.> Eventually by forming small groups they started living in small> communities all> over the place. From this castes, states, nations> and empires took place, and from this different cultures and> civilizations evolved. In this way, on this earth many cultures took> place, progressed and> disappeared. Its memories are this world's history.> ARYA CULTURE:> One such culture took> place in a country called Pamir in middle Asia. This> country was once in the Soviet Union, but now it is separate. The world> and> history has known this culture as Araya culture.> Araya culture believes in, VASUDEV KUTUMB KAM, the world is one family.> Arayas started spreading from their original place to adjoining foreign> countries and then out of foreign country boundaries. Some came by way> of Iran> and Afghanistan to Bharatvarsh (India) and settled> in Punjab. They stayed in Punjab for a long time. Those new migrants> (Arya)> are our ancestors. These migrants were divided into 4 castes, Brahmin,> Kshatriya,> Vaishay and Sudra.> Researchers and historians of the Kadwa Patidar believe that Kadwa> Patidar> originated from the Kshatriya caste. A lot of research has gone into> the origins> of the Kadwa Patidar in the last 100150 years and many books have been> written> on this subject. In the year 1856 the Gujarat> Vernacular Society held a conference on Kadva Patidar's> origins. There were a lot of articles written from the discussions at> this> conference. These articles provide interesting historical evidence for> us.> Majority of authors believe Kadwa Patidars are> derived from the Kshatriya caste. As we come from the Kshatriya caste> we have> the right to have ajanoi (Upnayan sanskar). English head of the Gujarat> Vernacular> Society, at that time, professor Farbes also> believed that the Kadwa Patidar originated from the Kshatriya caste. In> 1913 a> book, KANBI KHATRIYA DERIVAL (UTAPTI) AND HISTORY was written by late> Shree Purushottamdas> Parikh.> This book throws good light on the nature, habits and behavior of the> Kanabi> Kshatriya caste, and gives our history in great detail.> DERIVAL OF "KANABI" FROM> "KURMI"> There are three known branches in Patidars: Kadwa, Leva and> Aanjana.> All these are believed to be descedents of KURMI RUSHI . In the beginning in> Punjab they were known as Kurmi Kshatriya. They lived in the region of Leva and Karad> area. As Kurmi Rushi> was Kshatriya it makes no difference in the belief that we are Kshatriya. After> coming in Punjab Kurmis> were farming and were thus known as Krushi> Kurmi. Krushi> means farming and Kmshak> means farmer. The Kanabi word was derived from the words KRUSH> and KRUSHAK.> For generations they were known as Kanabi. After increase of population in> Punjab they moved further into Hindustan. Those people living in the leva region> migrated to other region and wherever they settled they were known as Leva> Kanabi. Similarly those who stayed in Punjab for a long time in Karad region> were known as Karadva> Kanabi when they migrated to other regions. As time went the word Karadva became> Kadwa. Mainly when the Shak> people invaded Punjab, the Kurmi Kanabi people started moving to other places.> Some Kurmis left Punjab and made their way towards Bihar> in the east. Guyana's (Latin America) Prime Minister who later became> president, Dr. Chaddi Jagan was> also bom in> the Kurmi Kanabi family. Many Kurmi Kanabi moved east via Rajasthan> to Malava> and settled in Guj-arat.> Some settled in Khandesh.> Even today Kadwa Patidar are> in places like Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pardesh and Khandesh. In the beginning> they were known, all over as Karadva Kurmi. As> time went this changed and they were known as Kadwa Kanabi.> It is believed> that approximately 2000 years ago, people moved from Punjab and settled in the> abovementioned regions. The original residents of different parts of Punjab> moved to various places, living here and there, and finally settling in a town> in North Gujarat called Unjha In this town groups of Kurmis came and settled.> These people still maintain their original Surnames. In reality there were 52> surnames of which Ruhat, Mollot, Bhemat, Gothi Fok Mokhat and Kamavat are> original surnames, which still exist, in Unjha.> MAKING OF UMAPUR> AND UMADHAM> 1850 Years ago in Malava (at> Madhavati) a Kurmi> King, Vrajpaiji was ruling. He had a battle with> King Chandrasen ofMahet State and lost. Hence, he left Madhavati with some money> jewellery and a small troop heading towards Gujarat. He came to Sidhpur> for the anniversary of his mothers death. There he> met Kurmi Kanabi brothers who had come from various states and on their> insistence Vrajpalji stayed there. At that time, nobody was ruling this region> The Kurmis living there were farmers. In 156 BC. (Vikram Samvat 212), after> checking for the appropriate auspicious (Muhart) time, Vrajpalji set up a town> called UMAPUR, which was about 5 miles from Sidhpur. He was a disciple of Shri> Shankar Mahadev therefore as his goddess he set up Mahadev's wife, Ma Uma> Umiyaji. This Umapur is today's UNJHA. The first temple of our Kuldevi,> Ma Umiyaji was set up in UNJHA 1844 years ago. The> Kadwa Kurmis of that time believed Umiyaji to be their Kuldevi and began to> offer prayers to her. Present big temple of stone was built in the year 1865. Before this temple, there was a> temple of bricks and mortar on the same site. During 11th century after> conquering Malava, Gurjamaresh(King of Gujarat) Sidhdharaj stayed with his> troops in the compound of Umiyaji temple. We have to imagine at that time, how> big the temple and its region was. It is believed that Muslim aggressor's> attacks may have damaged or destroyed the original temple. Although the Kadwa> Patidar population increased greatly their Kuldevi is the only ONE for all Kadwa> Patidars, this is their unique credibility.> After this for 500 years, Kurmi Kings ruled Unjha and its surrounding regions.> Vrajpalji and his descendants governed the area. But in year 746 AD. Vanraj Chavda set up today's> Patan> and ruled the region. Since> then the Kurmis of Unjha and surrounding region had to accept the ruling from> Patan. However Vrajpalji's descendant, Vrajpalji> II did not accept the ruling from Patan With some possessions> and a small army he left Unjha for Ider in Vikram> Samvat 802. There he set up a new village called Kawar> and hence started the new rule of Kurmis. Many Kurmis came and settled here and> started farming. They started increasing the setting up of new ruling places As> Desai, and Amm, Kadwa Patidars had worked as Commanders in Chief of great> Kingdoms been prosperous owners of lands and been Kings of small enclaves such> as Patadi, Ider and Viramgam This> brings to light the greatness of Kshatriyas they inherited.> > FROM KANABI TO PATIDAR> > Even after the end of rule of Kurmi Kings in this region, the Kurmi> Kanabis> carried on working sincerely and hard as farmers> under the rule of other kings in Patan. This is why the Kingdom collected good> taxes. As a result, grants received by the temple of Umiyaji under the Kurmi> Kings, continued under the rule of other Kings. This kept on increasing prestige> ofUmiya Mataji All the Kurmi farmers living> in this area started becoming prosperous and their devotion towards Mataji> kept on increasing.> Likewise their belief in Kuldevi Ma strengthened. In this state Kurmi tanners> owned land and were therefore known as Patidar. As time went on under the> British Raj this was shortened to Patel. The Kshatriya Kurmis liked the name> Patel as it showed pride They started to be known as Kadwa Patidar. When this> region including the state of Patan came under the rule of Gayakvad the grant> given to the Umiyaji temple continued. The Gayakvad government used to appoint> Patidars as Mukhi of a village in their state, because they found them to be> honest, understanding, generous at heart and straightforward. When the British> raj ruled they also noticed these same virtues and appointed them as Mukhis (Patel). In> Gujarat we> were known as Patel instead of Kanabi, in Maharastra as Patil, in Karnatak as> Kutumbin, in the Western states as Kunbi and in Bihar even today are known as> Kurmi.> > NEW MARRIAGE CUSTOMS> > After conquering the regions around> Unjha, Vanraj Chavda's Prime Minister, expert in governmental> law, Champraj, in the name ofUmiyaji> set a new custom for marriage in order to gain control over the Kurmis.> Every 10, 11 or 12 years when the auspicious time (Muhart)> was announced from the Mataji temple then all sons> and daughters of the Kadwa Patidar> families all over India could get married on that day only. In the name of> Mataji all Kadva Kanbis> accepted this custom and strictly adhered to this for very many years. About 75> years ago this custom was abolished. In those days there were no communication> facilities like telephone and telegram. Even then all sons and daughters of all> Kadwa Patidar, all over India were to merry on the auspicious day announced by> Mataji. The message of the Muhrat was received well> in advance, all over the country.> SURNAME AND PSEUDO-SUB-SURNAME (ATAK)> Our ancestors have inhabited Unjha and the> surrounding regions for 2000 years. They lived in Punjab for a long time and got> their original surname from the name of the place they lived in. People of> Punjab living in the area of Rohtagadh were known> as Rusat, those coming from Mandleh> were known as Mollat and those from Bham> area were known as Bhemat. Those who came from> Amratsar were known as Amratiya. As time passed, population increased and> therefore their share of land was reduced. As a result they kept on moving> further to other states. Those people coming from the region of Karad> in Punjab maintained the Karadva Kadva surname in memory of the land from which they had originated. They> started adopting pseudosumames. After moving within Gujarat and staying in one place for a long period> when they moved to a new area they adopted a pseudosumame> in memory of the previous area. For example: people who left Adraj> area of Kadi district in north Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame of Adroja. Those> who left Kalari area of Chanashma in North Gujarat adopted the pseudosumame> Kalaria. Those people who moved from Devghat Bariya area in Panch Mahal adopted> the pseudosumame Baria. Those who moved from Unjha> town adopted the Unjiya surname. Those from Aghar> area of Viramgam district went and stayed in Sausrashtra, they adopted the> pseudosurname Aghar (Aghera) and therefore maintained a tie with Aghar area. In> this way everyone maintained their ties with their previous villages. As time> passed Kurmi Kanabi spread throughout Gujarat, Saurashtra> and Kutch. In these areas there will seldom be a> village where there is not a Kadwa Patidar> resident.> > OUR POPULATION CENSUS> > In a census one hundred and fifty years ago in Year 185152, according to> British Collector in Ahmedabad, Kadwa Kanbis merely numbered 6 lakhs. According to the> census there were 3,30,000 men and 2,65,000 were women. There were 100 boys for> every 78 girls newly born. That is why it is possible to believe girls were> drowned in milk at birth. British India government issued a public notice to> stop this custom. According to recent census, in Gujarat> State, Kadwa Patidar families are about 450,000 and> it is believed total population is 3540 lakhs. Of the total population of> Gujarat State approximately 10% are Kadwa Patidar and 22% are all Patidars.> OUR DERIVAL> Looking at our history it can be said that our caste had behaved according to> time and> circumstances. As Kshatriya they have fought> battles and have ruled states. Right up to the arrival of freedom Kadwa Patidars> were ruling in Patadi. In Ider, Viramgam and other places Kadwa Patidars> were receivers of huge lands, given to royal families for their maintenance.> While farming, they have worked hard with interest and care. Our movement from> middle Asia, our transformation from Kshatriya to Kanabi and thereafter to> Patidar were very very slow but were progressive. For centuries dwelling> movement was limited to within India only and changes of Kanabi Patidar> remained limited. Area of farming and animal keeping remained limited for> centuries, but in the last hundred to two hundred years, this has changed. Our> community has also adopted the changes. It is in our blood to adopt and live> with age - with time. They have achieved great success in scientific> farming, animal keeping and breeding. Together with this they adopted new types> of living. Adapting to the new era they acquired modem education. Kadwa Patidars> made very great progress in modem education and professions like, Doctor,> Engineer, Teacher, Professor, Accountant, Lawyer, Writer and Journalist.> Readily accepting various different businesses and new industries our community> made great progress. In the last century our community made big changes, great> progress and wonderful growth. Since the last few decades there has been great> progress in education. Financially, Kadwa Patidars have become solid and strong.> OVERSEAS DWELLING> Migration and daring approaches are in our blood. But for centuries,> migration was limited within India. Before independence there were many small> rulers, laws were implemented poorly. Prospects of growth and progress were nil.> Future was bleak. In the nineteenth century, to come out of the countrys> troublesome position, to solve life's problems and with wishes to improve> future many adventurous people from Saurastra left> in small yachts. Depending on luck and with faith in God reached overseas Life> is collision Therefore we will wonder To construct my future Will fight with> creatures of the Universe. With determination and strong will power they reached> East Africa, then known as the Dark Continent. They lived in the forests of> those undeveloped countries after passing through high hills and mountains. High> Mountains and rough roads To go up hills alone bit by bit Take that way only a> brave man Leaving false accusation, keeping Ram as protector. Those adventurous> people left the land of Saurastra and spread in African countries. There our> numbers were few. In those countries, we first made our presence in the> nineteenth century. All the names of those adventurous people are not available,> but some of the remembered are:> 1. Shri. Madavji Trikamji Adodra> > In 1892 he came to East Africa from> Bhavnagar in> Saurastra State and lived in Kakira,> near Jinja, in Uganda and started farming sugar> cane. Later his farm was merged with> Madhvani Sugar Plantation.> > 2. Shri. Vashrambhai Muljibhai Sapariya> He left Kolki> village in Saurastra in 1895 and lived at Kabete> near Nairobi.> 3. Shri. Devjibhai Ladhabhai Savani> > He left Ranavav village in Saurastra> in 1895 and lived in Nairobi. He was Founder of the> well known printing press, D. L.> Patel Press.> > 4. Shri. Hirjibhai> Gongjibhai> Nagariya> > He left Kolki village in Saurastra in 1890 and lived in Petermaryburg in> South Africa.> > 5. Shri. Laljibhai> Juthabhai Jalavadia> > He left Vashliya village in Saurastra in 1896> and lived in Nairobi. He invited many of his close relatives and settled them in> Kenya.> > With loving care and help of those of our> farsighted> adventurous community, in the 20th century hundreds of our community> emigrated to those countries. Due to our unity, cooperation,> enthusiasm, patience, integrity, courage and confidence,> our successful but small community have played an> invaluable part in advancing the continent of Africa. They have been an> important party to the progress and growth of the continent. Where they were in> good number, they formed community unions to keep up community unity and> brotherhood. They erected big community centres in big cities like Nairobi and> Mombasa. In the beginning of the 20th century many became well> established in various places in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rhodesia> (Zambia) and Nyasaland (Malawi). They ran different> businesses. Together with other Indians settled in those countries they gave> invaluable donations and help to bring up those countries.> MOVING TO BRITAIN AND U.S.A.> After great difficulty in settling down in the countries of Africa, there was> wind of change in just 60-70 years. As a result everyone was caught and> entangled in the governmental unsteady and stormy policies. Seeing uncertain> future in the country and events taking place suddenly and unexpectedly,> residents who were settled for decades left with heavy hearts and took shelter> in the unknown and unseen land of Britain. In the year 1968 many in numbers came> from Kenya and settled in Britain. Thereafter in the year 1972 came the influx> of those who were driven out of Uganda. Thus in the beginning of the eighties> there were about two thousand people settled in the country, all living in> different towns and cities. They all thought that community organisations were> needed in the country and in that way brotherhood, introduction, support and> loving care could be kept on going. In the year 1974 to keep all the Kadwa> Patidars under one roof of Community Organisation Shree Kadwa Patidar Samaj> (U.K.) was established. Today according to the Samaj record there are 2950 Kadwa> Patidars young and old. There are 1610 adult life members of Shree Kadwa Patidar> Samaj. The institution owns a large community Building developed at a cost of> £2m. Thus by forming such a large and new Institute out of India our small> group has achieved unparalleled achievement. Ignoring the traumas of 60s and 70s> and various political uncertainties in those African countries, today there are> still about 150 families living in Africa. They are helping those countries in> building their economy, business and industries, thus making an important> contribution to their progress. From the 60s Kadwa Patidars started living in> America. Today it is estimated there are approximately five thousand Kadwa> Patidars young and old living in USA & Canada. All the Kadwa Patidar> families living in the large country of America are keeping in touch with each> other. They share a common brotherhood under the roof of Kadwa Patidar Samaj of> America, thus maintaining our community's traditions and dynamism. In 1998 in> Charlotte (North Carolina) nearly 1200 of our people, Kadwa Patidars, attended a> National gathering. The Kadwa Patidars made good progress even in Western> countries and thus by their hard work achieved happiness and progress. Dr. Mafatlal> Patel past editor of DHARTI> monthly magazine of Ahmedabad recently published a well> known book called "Overseas Patidars"> in which detailed information of Kadwa Patidars settled in USA. appears.> MA UMIYA:> OUR IDOL (SYMBOL) & STRENGTH OF UNITY> In Sane 156 (Vikram Samvat 212) desire of we are all children of MA UMIYA> came out. Even after 2000 years the same strong desire exists. Desire and confidence> in Ma Umiya has> increased every year. In year 1976 at Unjha, Ma Umiya's> 18th centenary celebrations were held. In those celebrations of 5> days, from 25.11.1976 to 29.11.1976, 1.8m Kadwa Patidars came to see (DARSHAN)> Ma Umiyaji. That showed great unity and togetherness.> Thereafter in year 1980 at Sidsar village of> Saurastra> a foundation stone was laid for a large temple. 100 years earlier (on 19.9.1899)> Ma herself appeared. The statue in white marble of Ma Umiya was reinstalled and> celebrations from 24.3.1985 to 28.3.1985 were held. That is why our faith in Ma> Umiya has increased.> Last year Sidsar Mandir's 1st centenary celebration was held> during the period of 5 days, from 22.4.1999 to 26.4.1999 and approximately 2.5m> people came to view Ma. These two celebrations show that no other community has> celebrated like Kadwa Patidars. At those both auspicious occasions love and> devotion towards MA Umiya was wonderful. In the violent rush by millions of> people, great discipline was maintained. At compound of Ma Umiya, egoism of Patidar> Samaj was sighted in full glory. These were proud historical celebrations.> Devotion and cheerful happiness were greatly witnessed by everyone.> Thus spiritual influence of Ma Umiya is increasing and more and more Kadwa> Patidars are getting happier. With MA Umiya's Blessings all developing> children can conquer newer lands of ascending success and this power granted to> Kadwa Patidars; has received invaluable inspiration to the developments of all> Samaj.> The Kadwa Patidar's desire of oneness, unity> and cooperation is, strengthening day by day due to Ma Umiya. With the desire of> all Kadwa Patidar's progress at heart "Shri> Umiya Parivar Utkarsh Nidhi"> was founded by Unjha Umiya Mataji Foundation for> raising Rs. 1000m. Every one experienced happiness> in contributing. These funds will be kept in fixed deposit account and only the> interest will be used for all Kadwa Patidar's educational, financial,> social, and religious requirements. > > ================================>

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Dear Sunil ji, I did it only after availing your permission, and was hoping that such threads will lead to discussion of - * Migration of cultures from one part of India to other * Ancient Malva history and its astrological connotations. * Unheard, and not so popular, but informative info on the history and stories preserved by various casts and sub-cults. and so on. But till now nothing came up. :(Love and regards,Sreenadh , "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > dear sreenadh ji> > ha ha> > Good ,u put our prvt conversation between 2 nair war Lords ( read as in> net only ) in public [:D]> > > now it is other s turn to launder us> > rgrds sunil nair

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