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Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija

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Anti-Social and

criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


.. Dr.S.C.Kursija



The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased

now a day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for

the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or

murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones

from Rochester

Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the

conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a

number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratory experiments.

Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an interaction

between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a

genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of

an individual, but if they are exposed to the right environment, then their

chances are greater for engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior.


In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and

savants that the behaviour of the native depends on:

a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which

the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family,

schooling, friends, culture and the

societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the

development of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is

inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an

understanding of the Desh under which

a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will

vary according to cultural customs and expectations.


b) Kala:

the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing

of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with

aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all times. His

super-ego developed under Desh will

assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the

influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times.

But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over

the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social



c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has

tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to

anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these

tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive

instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed

super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the

slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social


Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep

observation and experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose

of life)


a) Dharma, duties

i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.


b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve

the life..


c) Kama: "Sexwhat motivates our

Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his desires.


d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama"

in present day terms peace of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if

one's desire is not fulfilled.


But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior

is due to a) Jada i.e.. material and

money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e.

protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and protect himself

and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances. There is

similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for "W

cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are

interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and

Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river

of Artha and Kama.

These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and

enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing

factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and

Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person

is full of passion and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. So the

conclusion of present researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are

the same. When a native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and

anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies

for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes the

native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal

behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background and the

environment in which they were nurtured.


The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a member of the

Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers

posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each

astrologer the birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his

own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized

for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen), and asked them for their advice. The

astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none could see

any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should

portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers

are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any chart, then this is

one they should have no trouble with.

(John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942

at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for

birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did

not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at

06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers

declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was prepared on

calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which mislead and

prediction failed.)

According to Nirayana system the

ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or not and apply the

rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We

will analyse the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are

always aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on

one subject.

A more elaborate test was carried

out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science

(Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie

devant la science (Planete 1966).


In his 1972 book, Gauquelin

concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional astrology are

seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars

is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)


The recent studies between self

control and criminal activities, published

in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "the low self-control

to be the strongest risk factor for crime."

It is what the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and

irritability and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It

also points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs that

the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they increases

self control.


But according to me the

astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The Astrology

can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour

of the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full

of anger and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.


(1) The 4th house indicates mental

make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in

lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the


(2) Gulika in 3rd

point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

(4) If Lagna lord

is weak and afflicted.

(5) The

combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15,

sh 2)

(6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa

yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21,

sh 42)

Even if there are malefic planets

in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and

lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.


if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one

becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)


When Gulika is in 9th house, the

person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX,



If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native

will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)


If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by

Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka

Parijat, IX, Sh:121)


If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a

debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)


When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra,

conjunction with malefic,


When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic

aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of

animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)


If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th

or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva,

Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to 154)


If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th,

7th or 9th.


If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th

and aspected by malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive

after drinking or taking some drug.


The native become impulsive and aggressive after

the punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.


If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are



If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna,

Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.


If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with

Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated

by the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the

nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali)

Others savants have also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of

the lagna. The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is

afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes

impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and

aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The

lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator

of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though

Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the

nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and

impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd,

4th and 11th house from lagna and Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive,

ant-social, criminal or murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its

dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets

without the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should

examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


It will be clear from the following charts.


Case 1

John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942

at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for

birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did

not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at

06:49 GMT



If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic

planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th

and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by

Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is

exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord

Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The

lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses

of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The

astrologer in Chicago predicted him

a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on

Nirayana system.


More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we

would find that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st).

The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and

aspected by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is



Case 2

The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961, at 11:25

hrs at Delhi. She got married at

the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love. She was attached

to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.




The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th

lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the

lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the

sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth

lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord

Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The

11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is

retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The

conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two

marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th

and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the

houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and

karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted.

lord also.the11


In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th

lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th

lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th

lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is

posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action

are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her



Case 3


She was born on 8th

March, 1924, at 3:35 Delhi.

She killed her three children and hanged herself.




The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th

lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of

Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn

from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th

house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th

lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th

house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic

planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th

house of children is occupied by 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. The 5th

lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children Jupiter is

posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is

indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and

dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See

article Suicide)


In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and

Rahu are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by

Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th

lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th

house indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.


Case 4


The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962, at 16:52 at Delhi.

He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took

objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy

killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.




The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th

lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka

Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited

in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th

with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd

house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu. 11th lord Mercury is

posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and impulsive.

Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the

lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both

are afflicted.


If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic

sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy

the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade

aggressive and impulsive.


Case 5


The native was born on 2nd April, 1959, at 10:12, at Kanpur

India. The

native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student

during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the

said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in

the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the

co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.





The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th

lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars

aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and

Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are

occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive,

revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited

in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord. There is no

benefic influence on lagna.


If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna

lord is posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun

is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th

lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury,

the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is

Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in

Navamsha chart also.


Case 6


The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer,

Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took

objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.




The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th.

The malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic

planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th

house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th

lord is posited in 6th. 11th

house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in

12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th

house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is

occupied by Mars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is

occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th

house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the

astrology can indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of

social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am

unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists particularly,

desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer.

The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy

and indicates only the traits of the personality of an individual and time,

when the even will take place. If there is malefic influence on the Self,

lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart,

influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive

and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits crime. It is the

society or say environment which converts these traits of impulsiveness,

aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal behaviour or

can turn these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the

department of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control.

The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals.

The recent researches of the various universities also support the same. ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )

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very nice and informative.


Anita--- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija Date: Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 5:45 AM





Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


.. Dr.S.C.Kursija



The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies

as well as laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior.


In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the behaviour of the native depends on:

a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family, schooling, friends, culture and the

societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs and expectations.


b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.


c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.

Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)


a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.


b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..


c) Kama : "Sexwhat motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his desires.


d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.


But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for "W cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha, full of

tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.


The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

(John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on

Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)

According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on one subject.

A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).


In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)


The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "the low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime." It is what the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they increases self control.


But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.


(1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.

(2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

(4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

(5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)

(6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

(7) if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

(8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

(9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

(10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

(11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)

(12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with malefic,

(13) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

(14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to 154)

(15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

(16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.

(17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

(18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

(19) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

(20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna. The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. One

should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna and Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


It will be clear from the following charts.


Case 1

John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT



If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.


More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated..


Case 2

The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love. She was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.




The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord,

7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord also.the11


In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..


Case 3


She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children and hanged herself.




The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is

indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article Suicide)


In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.


Case 4


The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.




The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu. 11th lord Mercury is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are



If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.


Case 5


The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.





The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord. There is no benefic influence on lagna.


If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also.


Case 6


The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.




The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of

impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the various universities also support the same.


( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )



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Guest guest

Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,


In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some or

most of us have.

Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????

For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka /

yogakaraka will help ??? etc


Chiranjiv Mehta



--- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM



Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


... Dr.S.C.Kursija



The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep

study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature

of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by

Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology,

the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the

criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has

been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as

laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more

often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal

behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not

determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right

environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or

anti-social behavior.


In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the

behaviour of the native depends on:

a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the

native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family,

schooling, friends, culture and the

societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the

native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the

natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is,

prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular

native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according

to cultural customs and expectations.


 b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we

calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the

planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at

all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his

actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will

prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of

Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the

influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.


c) Patra: is the native himself. " The self "   " individual " We can say lagna which

has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies

to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these

tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive

instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed

super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the

slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social


Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience

that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)


 a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society,

our country etc.


b) Artha: " purpose to serve " means earning money to serve the life..


c) Kama : " Sex " " what motivates our Karma " enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life

to fulfill his desires.


d) Moksha: " freedom " " overcoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and

contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.


But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada 

i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c)

Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and

protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances.

There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done

for " W cube " i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are

interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha.

The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do

not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as

you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go

into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha,

full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion

and anger he

commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and

the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally

troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and

crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and

environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an

individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their

genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.


The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is

astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical

Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working

with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place

of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company

internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for

their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work

and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because

his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated

killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any

chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

(John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius

ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope

was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which

mislead and prediction failed.)

According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include

war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social

or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must

remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able

to keep attention focused on one subject.

A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his

book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of

his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).


In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded " Confronted with science, modern and

traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future

by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself. "



The recent studies between self control and criminal activities,  published in

Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that " the low self-control to be

the strongest risk factor for crime. "   It is what the astrology suggests. The

sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main

cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of

the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures

criminals because they increases self control.


But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the

native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion

and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is

aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga

present in his chart.


(1)       The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in

4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful

behavior of the native.

(2)       Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

(4)       If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

(5)       The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native

murderer.(Saravali,  Ch       15, sh 2)

(6)       If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with

Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and

lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

(7)               if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer.

(Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

(8)               When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of

his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

(9)               If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be

murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

(10)          If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native

will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

(11)          If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet,

the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)

(12)          When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with


(13)          When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and

Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat

Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

(14)          If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e

become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to


(15)          If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

(16)          If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet,

the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.

(17)          The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment

from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

(18)          If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

(19)          If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra,

and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

(20)          If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the

native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna.

But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native

with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also

described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna.. The Moon is

controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic

sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by

Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as

Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of

self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though

Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous

system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive.

One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th

house from lagna and

Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only

when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or

kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet.

For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic

Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


It will be clear from the following charts.


Case 1

John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT




If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in

three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6)

Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the

two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord

Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon,

10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and

aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy

boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana



More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna

is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied

by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same

aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.


Case 2

The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi .

She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love.. She was

attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.





The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th

house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord

Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord

Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde

Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by

Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th

indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two

marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no

benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th

house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted.  lord also.the11


In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with

Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the

11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in

4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she

committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..


Case 3


She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children

and hanged herself.





The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord

is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord,

retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th

aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in

3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn.

So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native

is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord

and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The

karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of

children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and

dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article



In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined

in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's

sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is

aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no

improvement in the chart.


Case 4


The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi .

He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took

objection to the affairs.  The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with

the help of his friend.





The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu

from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin

girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The

Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in

8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu.. 11th lord Mercury

is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and

impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of

spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.


If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna,

occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and

aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.


Case 5


The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native

was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an

election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said

student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the

same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student

in Sat/Sun dasha.






The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord

Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is

aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust.

All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating

impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde

and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord.. There is no benefic

influence on lagna.


If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in

2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika

in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the

Jupiter  is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is

occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu

and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also..


Case 6


The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love

affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her

brother with the help of his friend.





The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets

are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra.

Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and

Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th.  11th house is also

occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd,

6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by

Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is

aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates

the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert

these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that

why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear

anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is

the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only

the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take

place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th

house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native

will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits

crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of

impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or

criminal behaviour or can turn

these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of

police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The

Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The

recent researches of the various universities also support the same. 



 ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are

requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )





















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dear chiranjiv ji sure Those who tried reading charts will find that every chart is unique and all this points can b used as aiding tool only and even depending on desa kala patra values changes and villions and heros also changes In Old medival kerala if some one in disagreemnt with some person he can ask him to come for a fight called "ANGAM " when all other methods fails ( here u can even hire persons too for this purpose ) ,and such persons/hired persons are hailed as heros , where as now such person s are termed as criminals and contract killers ,so is it not showing values and systems changes with time .so all jyothish dictoms are eternal but we shud use it intelligently and logicaly .rgrds sunil nair , chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:>> Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,> > In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some or most of us have.> Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????> For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka / yogakaraka will help ??? etc> > Chiranjiv Mehta> > > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM> > > Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective> > .. Dr.S.C.Kursija> > > The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior.> > In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the behaviour of the native depends on:> a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family, schooling, friends, culture and the> societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs and expectations.> > b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.> > c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.> Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)> > a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.> > b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..> > c) Kama : "Sexwhat motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his desires.> > d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.> > But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for "W cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion and anger he> commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.> > The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.> (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)> According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on one subject.> A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).> > In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)> > The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "the low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime." It is what the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they increases self control.> > But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.> > (1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.> (2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.> (4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.> (5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)> (6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)> Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.> (7) if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)> (8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)> (9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)> (10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)> (11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)> (12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with malefic,> (13) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)> (14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to 154)> (15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.> (16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.> (17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.> (18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.> (19) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.> (20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..> > It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna.. The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna and> Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.> > It will be clear from the following charts.> > Case 1> John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT> > > > If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.> > More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.> > Case 2> The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love.. She was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.> > > > > The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord also.the11> > In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..> > Case 3> > She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children and hanged herself.> > > > > The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article Suicide)> > In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.> > Case 4> > The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.> > > > > The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu.. 11th lord Mercury is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.> > If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.> > Case 5> > The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.> > > > > > The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord.. There is no benefic influence on lagna.> > If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also..> > Case 6> > The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.> > > > > The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.> > If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.> More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn> these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the various universities also support the same. > > > ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos./groups/>

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Respected gentlemen,

THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly disguised

himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?

I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my daughter's

horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has Rahu in the first

house and it is because of this presence that he has succeeded in life. I did

not ask him any further questions then as I was not at all into astrology then.

But reading the article today,   I wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house

gives a sort of an innate intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper

understanding of the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?

what do you think?



--- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:



chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv

Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM



Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,


In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some or

most of us have.

Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????

For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka /

yogakaraka will help ??? etc


Chiranjiv Mehta


--- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:


sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija

ancient_indian_ astrology

Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM


Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


.... Dr.S.C.Kursija



The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep

study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature

of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by

Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology,

the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the

criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has

been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as

laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more

often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal

behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not

determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right

environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or

anti-social behavior.


In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the

behaviour of the native depends on:

a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the

native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family,

schooling, friends, culture and the

societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the

native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the

natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is,

prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular

native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according

to cultural customs and expectations.


 b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we

calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the

planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at

all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his

actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will

prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of

Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the

influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.


c) Patra: is the native himself. " The self "   " individual " We can say lagna which

has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies

to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these

tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive

instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed

super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the

slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social


Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience

that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)


 a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society,

our country etc.


b) Artha: " purpose to serve " means earning money to serve the life..


c) Kama : " Sex " " what motivates our Karma " enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life

to fulfill his desires.


d) Moksha: " freedom " " overcoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and

contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.


But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada 

i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c)

Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and

protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances.

There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done

for " W cube " i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are

interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha.

The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do

not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as

you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go

into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha,

full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion

and anger he

commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and

the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally

troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and

crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and

environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an

individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their

genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.


The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is

astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical

Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working

with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place

of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company

internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for

their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work

and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because

his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated

killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any

chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

(John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius

ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope

was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which

mislead and prediction failed.)

According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include

war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social

or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must

remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able

to keep attention focused on one subject.

A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his

book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of

his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).


In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded " Confronted with science, modern and

traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future

by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself. "



The recent studies between self control and criminal activities,  published in

Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that " the low self-control to be

the strongest risk factor for crime. "   It is what the astrology suggests. The

sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main

cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of

the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures

criminals because they increases self control.


But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the

native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion

and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is

aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga

present in his chart.


(1)       The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in

4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful

behavior of the native.

(2)       Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

(4)       If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

(5)       The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native

murderer.(Saravali,  Ch       15, sh 2)

(6)       If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with

Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and

lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

(7)               if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer.

(Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

(8)               When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of

his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

(9)               If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be

murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

(10)          If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native

will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

(11)          If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet,

the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)

(12)          When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with


(13)          When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and

Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat

Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

(14)          If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e

become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to


(15)          If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

(16)          If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet,

the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.

(17)          The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment

from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

(18)          If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

(19)          If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra,

and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

(20)          If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the

native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna.

But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native

with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also

described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon is

controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic

sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by

Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as

Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of

self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though

Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous

system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive.

One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th

house from lagna and

Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only

when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or

kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet.

For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic

Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


It will be clear from the following charts.


Case 1

John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT



If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in

three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6)

Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the

two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord

Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon,

10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and

aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy

boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana



More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna

is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied

by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same

aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.


Case 2

The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi .

She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love... She was

attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.




The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th

house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord

Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord

Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde

Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by

Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th

indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two

marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no

benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th

house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted.  lord also.the11


In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with

Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the

11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in

4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she

committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..


Case 3


She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children

and hanged herself.




The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord

is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord,

retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th

aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in

3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn.

So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native

is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord

and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The

karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of

children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and

dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article



In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined

in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's

sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is

aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no

improvement in the chart.


Case 4


The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi .

He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took

objection to the affairs.  The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with

the help of his friend.




The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu

from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin

girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The

Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in

8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury

is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and

impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of

spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.


If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna,

occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and

aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.


Case 5


The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native

was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an

election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said

student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the

same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student

in Sat/Sun dasha.





The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord

Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is

aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust.

All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating

impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde

and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic

influence on lagna.


If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in

2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika

in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the

Jupiter  is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is

occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu

and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also...


Case 6


The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love

affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her

brother with the help of his friend.




The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets

are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra.

Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and

Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th.  11th house is also

occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd,

6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by

Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is

aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates

the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert

these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that

why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear

anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is

the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only

the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take

place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th

house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native

will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits

crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of

impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or

criminal behaviour or can turn

these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of

police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The

Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The

recent researches of the various universities also support the same. 


 ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are

requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )


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Dear Anita ji,

By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, one cannot attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one finds Rahu in the first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.

The other observances to be studied are as under -

1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed near the middle of the House , near Sandhis or otherwise.

2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of the Rashi in which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent and Temporary relationship with this Planet.

3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions to determine the intensity of those combinations.

4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, who are making aspects to Rahu.

5) The Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahu with the constellation Lord.

6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed.

7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.

8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati, if any, in the chart.

9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period of his Life, Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all .

The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusion about Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining the results of the Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except the above analytical method of dealing.





, Anita R <ash.rsh55 wrote:>> Respected gentlemen,> THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly disguised himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?> I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my daughter's horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has Rahu in the first house and it is because of this presence that he has succeeded in life. I did not ask him any further questions then as I was not at all into astrology then. But reading the article today, I wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house gives a sort of an innate intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper understanding of the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?> what do you think?> Anita> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv wrote:> > > chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM> > > Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,> > In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some or most of us have.> Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????> For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka / yogakaraka will help ??? etc> > Chiranjiv Mehta> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:> > sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> ancient_indian_ astrology> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM> > Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective> > ... Dr.S.C.Kursija> > > The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior.> > In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the behaviour of the native depends on:> a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family, schooling, friends, culture and the> societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs and expectations.> > b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.> > c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.> Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)> > a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.> > b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..> > c) Kama : "Sexwhat motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his desires.> > d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.> > But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for "W cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion and anger he> commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.> > The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.> (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)> According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on one subject.> A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).> > In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)> > The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "the low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime." It is what the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they increases self control.> > But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.> > (1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.> (2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.> (4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.> (5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)> (6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)> Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.> (7) if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)> (8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)> (9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)> (10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)> (11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)> (12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with malefic,> (13) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)> (14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to 154)> (15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.> (16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.> (17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.> (18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.> (19) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.> (20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..> > It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna and> Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.> > It will be clear from the following charts.> > Case 1> John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT> > > If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.> > More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.> > Case 2> The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love... She was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.> > > > The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord also.the11> > In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..> > Case 3> > She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children and hanged herself.> > > > The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article Suicide)> > In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.> > Case 4> > The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.> > > > The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.> > If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.> > Case 5> > The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.> > > > > The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic influence on lagna.> > If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also...> > Case 6> > The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.> > > > The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.> > If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.> More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn> these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the various universities also support the same. > > ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )> > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos. / groups/> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to http://in.promos./groups/citygroups/>

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Dear Kursija ji, Thanks for the informative article. It published in AIA website as well at: Anti social and criminal behavior - an astrological perspectiveLove and regards,Sreenadh

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Dear Bhasajar ji,

Thanks for the nice analysis of a planet. Every planet should be analysis in the

same manner.


--- On Sun, 5/31/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish

Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


Sunday, May 31, 2009, 1:48 PM




Dear Anita ji,

By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, one cannot

attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one finds Rahu in the

first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.

The other observances to be studied are as under -

1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed near the middle of the

House , near Sandhis or otherwise.

2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of the Rashi in

which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent and Temporary relationship

with this Planet. 

3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions to determine the

intensity of those combinations.

4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, who are

making aspects to Rahu.

5) The Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahu with the

constellation Lord.

6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed.

7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.

8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati, if any, in

the chart.

9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period of his Life,

Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all .

The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusion about

Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining the results of the

Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except the above analytical

method of dealing.






, Anita R <ash.rsh55 wrote:


> Respected gentlemen,

> THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly disguised

himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?

> I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my daughter's

horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has Rahu in the first

house and it is because of this presence that he has succeeded in life. I did

not ask him any further questions then as I was not at all into astrology then.

But reading the article today,   I wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house

gives a sort of an innate intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper

understanding of the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?

> what do you think?

> Anita


> --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv wrote:



> chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv

> Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM



> Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,


> In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some

or most of us have.

> Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????

> For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka /

yogakaraka will help ??? etc


> Chiranjiv Mehta


> --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:


> sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM


> Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


> ... Dr.S.C.Kursija



> The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep

study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature

of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by

Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology,

the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the

criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has

been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as

laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more

often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal

behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not

determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right

environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or

anti-social behavior.


> In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the

behaviour of the native depends on:

> a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the

native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family,

schooling, friends, culture and the

> societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the

native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the

natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is,

prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular

native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according

to cultural customs and expectations.


>  b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we

calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the

planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at

all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his

actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will

prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of

Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the

influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.


> c) Patra: is the native himself. " The self "   " individual " We can say lagna

which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic

tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and

flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on

the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have

developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only

the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social


> Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience

that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)


>  a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our

society, our country etc.


> b) Artha: " purpose to serve " means earning money to serve the life..


> c) Kama : " Sex " " what motivates our Karma " enjoyments and enjoy comfort of

life to fulfill his desires.


> d) Moksha: " freedom " " overcoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and

contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.


> But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada 

i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c)

Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and

protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances.

There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done

for " W cube " i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are

interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha.

The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do

not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as

you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go

into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha,

full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion

and anger he

> commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches

and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is

mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social

acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and

anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and

criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result

of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were



> The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is

astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical

Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working

with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place

of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company

internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for

their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work

and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because

his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated

killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any

chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

> (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT,

CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War

Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual

birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a

Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that

the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on

Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)

> According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include

war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social

or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must

remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able

to keep attention focused on one subject.

> A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his

book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of

his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).


> In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded " Confronted with science, modern and

traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future

by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself. "



> The recent studies between self control and criminal activities,  published in

Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that " the low self-control to be

the strongest risk factor for crime. "   It is what the astrology suggests. The

sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main

cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of

the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures

criminals because they increases self control.


> But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of

the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his

passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a

native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are

following yoga present in his chart.


> (1)       The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu

in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the

revengeful behavior of the native.

> (2)       Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

> (4)       If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

> (5)       The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native

murderer.(Saravali,  Ch       15, sh 2)

> (6)       If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native

with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

> Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and

lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

> (7)               if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer.

(Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

> (8)               When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of

his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

> (9)               If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be

murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

> (10)          If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native

will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

> (11)          If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet,

the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)

> (12)          When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with


> (13)          When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and

Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat

Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

> (14)          If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native

e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to


> (15)          If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

> (16)          If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic

planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some


> (17)          The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment

from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

> (18)          If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

> (19)          If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in

Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

> (20)          If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the

native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


> It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the

lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the

native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have

also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon

is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in

malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is

influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is

also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house

are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous

system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction

weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive,

revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic

planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna


> Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only

when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or

kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet.

For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic

Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


> It will be clear from the following charts.


> Case 1

> John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT



> If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in

three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6)

Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the

two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord

Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon,

10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and

aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy

boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana



> More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna

is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied

by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same

aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.


> Case 2

> The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi

.. She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love... She

was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.




> The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in

10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd

lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth

lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and

retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is

occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in

the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord

indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn

from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The

7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted.  lord



> In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with

Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the

11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in

4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she

committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..


> Case 3


> She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three

children and hanged herself.




> The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna

lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord,

retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th

aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in

3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn.

So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native

is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord

and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The

karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of

children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and

dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article



> In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are

conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is

Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house

is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no

improvement in the chart.


> Case 4


> The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi

.. He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took

objection to the affairs.  The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with

the help of his friend.




> The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu

from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin

girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The

Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in

8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury

is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and

impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of

spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.


> If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna,

occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and

aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.


> Case 5


> The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The

native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student

during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the

said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in

the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the

co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.





> The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th

lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is

aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust.

All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating

impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde

and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic

influence on lagna.


> If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in

2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika

in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the

Jupiter  is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is

occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu

and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also...


> Case 6


> The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had

love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He

killed her brother with the help of his friend.




> The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets

are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra.

Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and

Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th.  11th house is also

occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd,

6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


> If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by

Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is

aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

> More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates

the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert

these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that

why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear

anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is

the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only

the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take

place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th

house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native

will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits

crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of

impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or

criminal behaviour or can turn

> these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of

police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The

Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The

recent researches of the various universities also support the same. 


>  ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are

requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )


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Dear Kursija ji,


This analysis was just for the planet " Rahu " and not for every planet.

For instance Rahu represents first the planet it is conjunct with (In

close Orbs), if not, then the Raashi Lord where it is situated. All

other planets do not possess this feature.


Again Rahu for instance if conjunct with Mars, would aspect not only the

7th house, but also, 4th, 8th, 5th and 9th. This feature is not

applicable with the other planets.


The Nodes when conjunct with the planets like Saturn , Jupiter and Mars,

also get the aspect powers of the plaents they are conjunct with.


The Node is more powerful than any other planet.


The Node represents the Karmic bandhanas brought on by the native in

this Birth, and the significations of the houses where rahu is placed,

would be affected throughout the natives Life, until he brings in repair

to those through self efforts. Same with the Planet or raashi lord where

Rahu is placed. The relative signified with the Raashi Lord where Rahu

is placed, whatever relation it would represent by qualifying as the

natural karaka for Father,Mother,brother,Wife etcetc. the relationship

of the Native with that relative would be questionable. For instance

rahu in cancer, may have certain pockets to be filled in by the native

with reference to his relationships with his mother.


Thus what I mentioned was just for Rahu, and not for any other planet.









, " S.C. Kursija "

<sckursija wrote:


> Dear Bhasajar ji,

> Thanks for the nice analysis of a planet. Every planet should be

analysis in the same manner.


> --- On Sun, 5/31/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish

> Re: Anti-Social and criminal

behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


> Sunday, May 31, 2009, 1:48 PM




> Dear Anita ji,

> By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, one

cannot attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one finds

Rahu in the first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.

> The other observances to be studied are as under -

> 1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed near the

middle of the House , near Sandhis or otherwise.

> 2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of the

Rashi in which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent and

Temporary relationship with this Planet.

> 3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions to

determine the intensity of those combinations.

> 4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, who

are making aspects to Rahu.

> 5) The Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahu

with the constellation Lord.

> 6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed.

> 7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.

> 8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati,

if any, in the chart.

> 9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period of

his Life, Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all .

> The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusion

about Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining the

results of the Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except the

above analytical method of dealing.

> regards/Bhaskar.





> , Anita R ash.rsh55@


> >

> > Respected gentlemen,

> > THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly

disguised himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?

> > I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my

daughter's horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has

Rahu in the first house and it is because of this presence that he has

succeeded in life. I did not ask him any further questions then as I was

not at all into astrology then. But reading the article today, I

wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house gives a sort of an innate

intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper understanding of

the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?

> > what do you think?

> > Anita

> >

> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@

> > Re: Anti-Social and criminal

behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija

> >

> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM

> >

> >

> > Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,

> >

> > In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many

that some or most of us have.

> > Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????

> > For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka

/ yogakaraka will help ??? etc

> >

> > Chiranjiv Mehta

> >

> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>


> >

> > sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal

behaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM

> >

> > Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective

> >

> > ... Dr.S.C.Kursija

> >

> >

> > The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a

day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for

the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder

or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from

Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award

for Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops

due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a

number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratory

experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more

often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts

criminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior

does not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed

to the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in

criminal or anti-social behavior.

> >

> > In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants

that the behaviour of the native depends on:

> > a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under

which the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment

in family, schooling, friends, culture and the

> > societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development

of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is

inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with

reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of

the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological

interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs

and expectations.

> >

> > b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In

astrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash

and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies

will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh

will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will

and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at

most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose

his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic

tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.

> >

> > c) Patra: is the native himself. " The self " " individual " We can say

lagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native

has genetic tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh

which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since

prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression

for survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds are

less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocation

become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.

> > Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and

experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)

> >

> > a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family,

our society, our country etc.

> >

> > b) Artha: " purpose to serve " means earning money to serve the life..

> >

> > c) Kama : " Sex " " what motivates our Karma " enjoyments and enjoy

comfort of life to fulfill his desires.

> >

> > d) Moksha: " freedom " " overcoming Kama " in present day terms peace

of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not


> >

> > But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due

to a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of

life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One

wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities

of nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It

says that the criminal acts are done for " W cube " i.e. wealth, woman,

and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Artha

and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and

Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do not

allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much

as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When

you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and

Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a

person is full of passion and anger he

> > commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present

researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When

a native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he

commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies

for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same,

makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial

or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background

and the environment in which they were nurtured.

> >

> > The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate

is astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for

Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man

interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the

birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a

computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized for

accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. The

astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none

could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because

his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually

motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and

destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble


> > (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or

05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth

registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did

not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour

later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The

astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was

prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system

which mislead and prediction failed.)

> > According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where

you include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will

find him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the

chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always

aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on

one subject.

> > A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel

Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is

an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science

(Planete 1966).

> >

> > In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded " Confronted with science,

modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To

predict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at

least to delude oneself. " (p.138)

> >

> > The recent studies between self control and criminal activities,

published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that " the

low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime. " It is what

the astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability

and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also

points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs

that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they

increases self control.

> >

> > But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the

behavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness,

impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour of the native.

According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger

and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.

> >

> > (1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of

thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it

indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.

> > (2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful


> > (4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

> > (5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the

native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)

> > (6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The

native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

> > Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and

10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

> > (7) if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes

murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

> > (8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be

murderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

> > (9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native

will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

> > (10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio,

the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka

Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

> > (11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a

debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI,

shloka 6)

> > (12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra,

conjunction with malefic,

> > (13) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic

aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of

animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

> > (14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa,

the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter

lagna, shloka 145 to 154)

> > (15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or


> > (16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by

malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after

drinking or taking some drug.

> > (17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the

punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn


> > (18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

> > (19) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter

in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

> > (20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with

Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..

> >

> > It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by

the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the

nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna.

(Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native

from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of

mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house,

the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native

is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in

Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of

self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system.

Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction

weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive,

revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e.

malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna

> and

> > Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or

murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or

Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets without

the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examine

D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.

> >

> > It will be clear from the following charts.

> >

> > Case 1

> > John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or

05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth

registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did

not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour

later at 06:49 GMT

> >

> >

> > If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are

posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in

7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor

of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd

lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon

is combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self.

So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The

astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna,

because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.

> >

> > More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find

that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The

10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by

Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.

> >

> > Case 2

> > The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25

hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she

does not love... She was attached to another boy physically and

mentally. She murdered her husband.

> >

> >

> >

> > The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord

Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna

also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu,

the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and

7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th

lord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is

retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The

conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th

house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic

aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th

house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord also.the11

> >

> > In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in

lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited

in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and

Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self

and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband

with the help of her lover..

> >

> > Case 3

> >

> > She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her

three children and hanged herself.

> >

> >

> >

> > The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika.

The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by

3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from

10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in

Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun

and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are

occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and

aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and

aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The

karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the

killing of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual

sign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn

from 10th. (See article Suicide)

> >

> > In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu

are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn.

The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th

lord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house

indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.

> >

> > Case 4

> >

> > The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52

at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother

of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed the

brother of the girl with the help of his friend.

> >

> >

> >

> > The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord

Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the

lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in

enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika

in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is

occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury is posited

with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive,

revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the

sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th

house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are


> >

> > If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in

lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy

the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive

and impulsive.

> >

> > Case 5

> >

> > The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India

.. The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with

co-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured

enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted

in the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling

woke up. He killed the co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th

and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn

aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna

lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the malefic

planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and

aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in

Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic

influence on lagna.

> >

> > If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is

posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited

in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th,

the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the

dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is

Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no

relief in Navamsha chart also...

> >

> > Case 6

> >

> > The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan.

He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection

to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.

> >

> >

> >

> > The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The

malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no

benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th

house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord

is posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn

10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So

all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.

> >

> > If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by

Mars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun

and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house.

Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

> > More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can

indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social

thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am

unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists

particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth

of an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on

the science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of the

personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If

there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house

of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native

will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he

commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these

traits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an

anti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn

> > these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the

department of police or army where these traits are required. They have

low self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can

prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the various

universities also support the same.

> >

> > ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so

readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s


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My good lord,

SO many things to consider. So many things to check. I wonder.......... with

what confidence some astrologers take just one look at a horoscope and say this

horoscope has this dosha, that dosha etc......and it will create this problem

and that and this or that pooja is to be done.....I remember once when my

parental home purohit had come home, I had shown him a horoscope which had been

received for my daughter ( and was matching 13/36)  - he just had a look at it,

counted some thing on his fingers for a few seconds and said , the marriage can

be performed. I was so shocked that day. A man decides within  a few seconds

.....not even minutes- the entire course of my daughter's life........ Now that I

myself have been studying astrology quite seriously and diligently, I am

beginning to understand that the sort of attention the astrologers pay to a

person who goes to them for consultation is not sufficient in ANY WAY.  They do

not even touch the perifery

of the horosope. In which case the horoscope, like my daughter says becomes a 

  " horrorscope " .




--- On Sun, 31/5/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish

Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija


Sunday, 31 May, 2009, 8:18 AM


Dear Anita ji,

By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, one cannot

attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one finds Rahu in the

first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.

The other observances to be studied are as under -

1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed near the middle of the

House , near Sandhis or otherwise.

2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of the Rashi in

which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent and Temporary relationship

with this Planet. 

3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions to determine the

intensity of those combinations.

4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, who are

making aspects to Rahu.

5) The Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahu with the

constellation Lord.

6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed.

7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.

8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati, if any, in

the chart.

9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period of his Life,

Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all .

The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusion about

Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining the results of the

Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except the above analytical

method of dealing.






ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R <ash.rsh55@.. .>



> Respected gentlemen,

> THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly disguised

himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?

> I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my daughter's

horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has Rahu in the first

house and it is because of this presence that he has succeeded in life. I did

not ask him any further questions then as I was not at all into astrology then.

But reading the article today,   I wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house

gives a sort of an innate intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper

understanding of the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?

> what do you think?

> Anita


> --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@. .. wrote:



> chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@. ..

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour

and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM



> Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,


> In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some

or most of us have.

> Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????

> For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka /

yogakaraka will help ??? etc


> Chiranjiv Mehta


> --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:


> sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and

Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM


> Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective


> ... Dr.S.C.Kursija



> The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep

study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature

of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by

Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology,

the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the

criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has

been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as

laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more

often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal

behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not

determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right

environment, then their chances are greater for engaging in criminal or

anti-social behavior.


> In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the

behaviour of the native depends on:

> a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the

native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family,

schooling, friends, culture and the

> societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the

native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the

natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is,

prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular

native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according

to cultural customs and expectations.


>  b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we

calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dash and transit of the

planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at

all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his

actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will

prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of

Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the

influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.


> c) Patra: is the native himself. " The self "   " individual " We can say lagna

which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic

tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and

flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on

the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have

developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only

the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social


> Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience

that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)


>  a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our

society, our country etc.


> b) Artha: " purpose to serve " means earning money to serve the life..


> c) Kama : " Sex " " what motivates our Karma " enjoyments and enjoy comfort of

life to fulfill his desires.


> d) Moksha: " freedom " " overcoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and

contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.


> But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada 

i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c)

Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and

protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances.

There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done

for " W cube " i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are

interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha.

The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do

not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as

you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go

into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha,

full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion

and anger he

> commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches

and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is

mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social

acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and

anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and

criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result

of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were



> The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is

astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical

Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working

with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place

of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company

internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for

their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work

and none could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because

his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated

killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any

chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.

> (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT,

CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War

Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual

birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a

Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that

the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on

Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)

> According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include

war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him anti-social

or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must

remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able

to keep attention focused on one subject.

> A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his

book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of

his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).


> In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded " Confronted with science, modern and

traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future

by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself. "



> The recent studies between self control and criminal activities,  published in

Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that " the low self-control to be

the strongest risk factor for crime. "   It is what the astrology suggests. The

sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main

cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of

the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures

criminals because they increases self control.


> But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of

the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his

passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a

native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are

following yoga present in his chart.


> (1)       The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu

in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the

revengeful behavior of the native.

> (2)       Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtful action.

> (4)       If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.

> (5)       The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native

murderer.(Saravali,  Ch       15, sh 2)

> (6)       If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native

with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)

> Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and

lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.

> (7)               if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer.

(Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)

> (8)               When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of

his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)

> (9)               If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be

murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)

> (10)          If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native

will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)

> (11)          If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet,

the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)

> (12)          When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with


> (13)          When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and

Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat

Ch: VI, Shloka 14)

> (14)          If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native

e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to


> (15)          If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.

> (16)          If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic

planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some


> (17)          The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment

from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.

> (18)          If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.

> (19)          If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in

Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.

> (20)          If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the

native becomes aggressive and impulsive..


> It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the

lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the

native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have

also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon

is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in

malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is

influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is

also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house

are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous

system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction

weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive,

revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic

planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna


> Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only

when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or

kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet.

For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic

Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.


> It will be clear from the following charts.


> Case 1

> John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST

being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time

was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth

time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT



> If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in

three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6)

Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the

two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord

Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon,

10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and

aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy

boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana



> More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna

is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied

by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again the same

aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.


> Case 2

> The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi

.. She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love... She

was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.




> The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in

10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd

lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth

lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and

retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is

occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in

the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord

indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn

from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The

7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted.  lord



> In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with

Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the

11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in

4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she

committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover...


> Case 3


> She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three

children and hanged herself.




> The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna

lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord,

retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th

aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in

3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn.

So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native

is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord

and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The

karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of

children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and

dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article



> In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are

conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is

Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd house

is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no

improvement in the chart.


> Case 4


> The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi

.. He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took

objection to the affairs.  The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with

the help of his friend.




> The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu

from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin

girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The

Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in

8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury

is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon

and houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and

impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of

spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.


> If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna,

occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and

aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.


> Case 5


> The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The

native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student

during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the

said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in

the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the

co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.





> The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th

lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is

aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust.

All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating

impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde

and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic

influence on lagna.


> If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in

2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika

in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the

Jupiter  is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is

occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon has Argala of Rahu

and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also...


> Case 6


> The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had

love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He

killed her brother with the help of his friend.




> The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets

are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra.

Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and

Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th.  11th house is also

occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd,

6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.


> If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and

aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by

Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is

aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.

> More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates

the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert

these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that

why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear

anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is

the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only

the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take

place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th

house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native

will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he commits

crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of

impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or

criminal behaviour or can turn

> these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of

police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The

Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The

recent researches of the various universities also support the same. 


>  ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are

requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )


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Guest guest

Dear Bhaskar ji,

While your mail was very clear and very enjoyable in every way, I did not understand one sentence.

"The nodes represents the karmic bandhanas brought on by the native IN THIS BIRTH......"

Do you mean to say, nodes represent karmic bandhanas CREATED or will be created in this birth or Karmic bandhanas brought forward to this birth from the last / past birth/s.

Please clarify.


Anita--- On Sun, 31/5/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija Date: Sunday, 31 May, 2009, 1:45 PM



Dear Kursija ji,This analysis was just for the planet "Rahu" and not for every planet.For instance Rahu represents first the planet it is conjunct with (Inclose Orbs), if not, then the Raashi Lord where it is situated. Allother planets do not possess this feature.Again Rahu for instance if conjunct with Mars, would aspect not only the7th house, but also, 4th, 8th, 5th and 9th. This feature is notapplicable with the other planets.The Nodes when conjunct with the planets like Saturn , Jupiter and Mars,also get the aspect powers of the plaents they are conjunct with.The Node is more powerful than any other planet.The Node represents the Karmic bandhanas brought on by the native inthis Birth, and the significations of the houses where rahu is placed,would be affected throughout the natives Life, until he brings in repairto those through self efforts. Same with the Planet or

raashi lord whereRahu is placed. The relative signified with the Raashi Lord where Rahuis placed, whatever relation it would represent by qualifying as thenatural karaka for Father,Mother, brother,Wife etcetc. the relationshipof the Native with that relative would be questionable. For instancerahu in cancer, may have certain pockets to be filled in by the nativewith reference to his relationships with his mother.Thus what I mentioned was just for Rahu, and not for any other planet.regards,Bhaskar.ancient_indian_ astrology, "S.C. Kursija"<sckursija@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Bhasajar ji,> Thanks for the nice analysis of a planet. Every planet should beanalysis

in the same manner.>> --- On Sun, 5/31/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ... wrote:>>> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ....> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Anti-Social and criminalbehaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> ancient_indian_ astrology> Sunday, May 31, 2009, 1:48 PM>>>> Dear Anita ji,> By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, onecannot attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one findsRahu in the first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.> The other observances to be studied are as under -> 1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed

near themiddle of the House , near Sandhis or otherwise.> 2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of theRashi in which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent andTemporary relationship with this Planet.> 3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions todetermine the intensity of those combinations.> 4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, whoare making aspects to Rahu.> 5) The Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahuwith the constellation Lord.> 6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed.> 7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.> 8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati,if any, in the chart.> 9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period ofhis Life, Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all

..> The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusionabout Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining theresults of the Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except theabove analytical method of dealing.> regards/Bhaskar.>>>>> ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R ash.rsh55@wrote:> >> > Respected gentlemen,> > THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverlydisguised himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?> > I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at mydaughter's horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too hasRahu in the first

house and it is because of this presence that he hassucceeded in life. I did not ask him any further questions then as I wasnot at all into astrology then. But reading the article today, Iwonder if Rahu's presence in the first house gives a sort of an innateintelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper understanding ofthe human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?> > what do you think?> > Anita> >> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@ wrote:> >> >> > chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Anti-Social and criminalbehaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM> >> >> > Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,> >> > In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are manythat some or most of us have.> > Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????> > For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka/ yogakaraka will help ??? etc> >> > Chiranjiv Mehta> >> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala @ .co. in>wrote:> >> > sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala @ .co. in>> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminalbehaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> > ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com> > Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM> >> > Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective> >> > ... Dr.S.C.Kursija> >> >> > The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now aday. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail forthe cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murderor murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones fromRochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Awardfor Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior developsdue to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from anumber of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratoryexperiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is moreoften an interaction between genes and the environment that

predictscriminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behaviordoes not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposedto the right environment, then their chances are greater for engaging incriminal or anti-social behavior.> >> > In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savantsthat the behaviour of the native depends on:> > a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. underwhich the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environmentin family, schooling, friends, culture and the> > societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the developmentof the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what isinherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined withreference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding ofthe Desh under which a particular native develops.

Astrologicalinterpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customsand expectations.> >> > b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. Inastrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha and antar dashand transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencieswill not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Deshwill assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free willand the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray atmost times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will losehis control over the senses and under the influence of genetictendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.> >> > c) Patra: is the native himself. "The selfindividual" We can saylagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the nativehas genetic tendencies to

anti-social behaviour, but it is the Deshwhich develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings sinceprehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggressionfor survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds areless aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocationbecome aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.> > Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation andexperience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)> >> > a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family,our society, our country etc.> >> > b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..> >> > c) Kama : "Sexwhat motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoycomfort of life to fulfill his desires.> >> > d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama

" in present day terms peaceof mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is notfulfilled.> >> > But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is dueto a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts oflife. Desires. c) Jameen i.e. protection and safety of one's life. Onewants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamitiesof nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. Itsays that the criminal acts are done for "W cube" i.e. wealth, woman,and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Arthaand Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma andMoksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do notallow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as muchas you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. Whenyou go

into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma andMoksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When aperson is full of passion and anger he> > commits anti-social acts and crime.. So the conclusion of presentresearches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. Whena native is mentally troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger hecommits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendenciesfor aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same,makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocialor criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic backgroundand the environment in which they were nurtured.> >> > The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurateis astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee forSkeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five

astrologers posing as a maninterested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer thebirth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus acomputerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized foraccuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. Theastrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and nonecould see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test becausehis chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexuallymotivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits anddestinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no troublewith.> > (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birthregistration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals didnot follow this rule, so the actual birth time might

have been an hourlater at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) Theastrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope wasprepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana systemwhich mislead and prediction failed.)> > According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio whereyou include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You willfind him anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse thechart in the article.. One must remember that such persons are alwaysaggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused onone subject.> > A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by MichelGauquelin.. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which isan English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science(Planete 1966).> >> > In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded

"Confronted with science,modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. Topredict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or atleast to delude oneself." (p.138)> >> > The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "thelow self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime." It is whatthe astrology suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritabilityand low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It alsopoints out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outsthat the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because theyincreases self control.> >> > But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing thebehavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness,impulsiveness, his

passion and full of anger behaviour of the native.According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of angerand passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.> >> > (1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners ofthought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, itindicates the revengeful behavior of the native.> > (2) Gulika in 3rd point to impulsiveness and thoughtfulaction.> > (4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.> > (5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes thenative murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)> > (6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. Thenative with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)> > Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.> > (7) if Sun and Mars are

posited in Lagna, one becomesmurderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)> > (8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will bemurderer of his parents and preceptors. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)> > (9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the nativewill be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)> > (10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio,the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (JatakaParijat, IX, Sh:121)> > (11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by adebilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI,shloka 6)> > (12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra,conjunction with malefic,> > (13) When malefic planet be in kendra without beneficaspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer ofanimals. (Jataka Parijat Ch: VI, Shloka 14)> > (14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or

vice versa,the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapterlagna, shloka 145 to 154)> > (15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or9th.> > (16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected bymalefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive afterdrinking or taking some drug.> > (17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after thepunishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturnconjoin.> > (18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.> > (19) If Sun and Moon are posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiterin Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.> > (20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted withMercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..> >> > It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated bythe lagna. But lagna has 30

degrees. So our savages have described thenature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna.(Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the nativefrom Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon is controller of impulsiveness ofmind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house,the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the nativeis impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna inIndian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator ofself. Mercury is another planet which controls our nervous system.Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its afflictionweakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive,revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e.malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagna> and> > Moon. One becomes impulsive,

aggressive, ant-social, criminal ormurderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor orSelf, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets withoutthe influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examineD/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.> >> > It will be clear from the following charts.> >> > Case 1> > John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birthregistration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals didnot follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hourlater at 06:49 GMT> >> >> > If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets areposited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by

Saturn, maraka and is dispositorof Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rdlord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moonis combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self.So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. Theastrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna,because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.> >> > More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would findthat lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected bySaturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.> >> > Case 2> > The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom

shedoes not love... She was attached to another boy physically andmentally. She murdered her husband.> >> >> >> > The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lordSun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagnaalso. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu,the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6thlord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter isretrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. Theconjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7thhouse is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no beneficaspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7thhouse and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord

also.the11> >> > In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited inlagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is positedin 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn andSun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Selfand action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husbandwith the help of her lover..> >> > Case 3> >> > She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed herthree children and hanged herself.> >> >> >> > The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika.The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by3rd and 2nd lord, retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th inMars's sign, 10th lord is posited in

3rd and combust, conjoined with Sunand Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self areoccupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive andaggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord andaspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. Thekaraka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So thekilling of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dualsign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th..and aspected by Saturnfrom 10th. (See article Suicide)> >> > In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahuare conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn.The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12thlord. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th houseindicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.>

>> > Case 4> >> > The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brotherof girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed thebrother of the girl with the help of his friend.> >> >> >> > The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lordMercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect thelagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th inenemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulikain fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house isoccupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury is positedwith Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moonand houses of self are afflicted. So the native is aggressive,revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is

retrograde posited in 4th in thesign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7thhouse as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both areafflicted.> >> > If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign inlagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupythe 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressiveand impulsive.> >> > Case 5> >> > The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India. The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity withco-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurturedenmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got postedin the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feelingwoke up.. He killed the co-student in Sat/Sun dasha.> >>

>> >> >> > The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8thand 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturnaspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagnalord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the maleficplanets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful andaggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited inMars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no beneficinfluence on lagna.> >> > If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord isposited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is positedin 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th,the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, thedispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there isSun in kendra. Moon

has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is norelief in Navamsha chart also...> >> > Case 6> >> > The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan.He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objectionto it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.> >> >> >> > The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. Themalefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and nobenefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4thhouse is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lordis posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house.. Soall the factors indicating Self are afflicted.> >> > If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is

occupied byMars and aspected by Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sunand aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house.Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.> > More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology canindicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of socialthinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I amunable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientistsparticularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouthof an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based onthe science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of thepersonality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. Ifthere is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th houseof the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn,

the nativewill be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness hecommits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts thesetraits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into ananti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn> > these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in thedepartment of police or army where these traits are required. They havelow self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and canprevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the variousuniversities also support the same.> >> > ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , soreaders are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s)> >> > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos.

/ groups/> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go tohttp://in.promos. / groups/citygroup s/> >>

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Dear Anitaji,


I feel you have joined illustrious company here by using this term.


Jokes apart, I agree with your views. I have also seen some astrologers after a cursory look at a chart dishing it out!!! Astrology is not that simple.


Warm regards,

Col.Chandran--- On Sun, 5/31/09, Anita R <ash.rsh55 wrote:

Anita R <ash.rsh55 Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective,. Dr.S.C.Kursija Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 2:14 PM



My good lord,SO many things to consider. So many things to check. I wonder...... .... with what confidence some astrologers take just one look at a horoscope and say this horoscope has this dosha, that dosha etc......and it will create this problem and that and this or that pooja is to be done.....I remember once when my parental home purohit had come home, I had shown him a horoscope which had been received for my daughter ( and was matching 13/36) - he just had a look at it, counted some thing on his fingers for a few seconds and said , the marriage can be performed. I was so shocked that day. A man decides within a few seconds ....not even minutes- the entire course of my daughter's life........ Now that I myself have been studying astrology quite seriously and diligently, I am beginning to understand that the sort of attention the astrologers pay to a person who goes to them for consultation is not sufficient in ANY WAY.

They do not even touch the periferyof the horosope. In which case the horoscope, like my daughter says becomes a "horrorscope" .Regards,Anita--- On Sun, 31/5/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote:Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursijaancient_indian_ astrologySunday, 31 May, 2009, 8:18 AMDear Anita ji,By the qualification of Rahu being present in the first House, one cannot attribute the good effects mentioned, mandatorily when one finds Rahu in the first House everytime in a Horoscope, one is studying.The other observances to be studied are as under -1) The degrees of Rahu to determine whether he is placed near the middle of the House , near Sandhis or otherwise.2) The dispositor of Rahu. This means the quality of the Lord of the Rashi in which Rahu is placed. Additionally Rahus Permanent and Temporary relationship with this Planet. 3) The conjunctions of Rahu. The orbs of those conjunctions to determine the intensity of those combinations.4) The aspects on Rahu. The relationship of the Planets with Rahu, who are making aspects to Rahu.5) The

Constellation in which Rahu is placed. The relationship of rahu with the constellation Lord.6) The constellation in which the Sign Lord of Rahu is placed. 7) Rahus sambandha with Yogkaraka Planets in the chart.8) Rahus sambandh with the Badhak sthana and the Badhakstanadhipati, if any, in the chart.9) Rahus Mahadasha when, in the Life of the native ? At what period of his Life, Childhood, Youth, Old age, or not at all .The above factors have to be judged before one comes to any conclusion about Rahu, for there is no hard and fast rule for determining the results of the Nodes which is applicable anytime or anywhere, except the above analytical method of dealing. regards/Bhaskar. ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R <ash.rsh55@. . .> wrote:>> Respected gentlemen,> THere is a nice mail in today's mail box on Rahu and how he cleverly disguised

himself as God during the time of samudra manthan?> I remember my physician telling me after having a glance at my daughter's horoscope who has rahu in her first house, that he too has Rahu in the first house and it is because of this presence that he has succeeded in life. I did not ask him any further questions then as I was not at all into astrology then. But reading the article today, I wonder if Rahu's presence in the first house gives a sort of an innate intelligence, a cunning intelligence perhaps, deeper understanding of the human mind and nature which makes them succeed in life?> what do you think?> Anita> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@. .. wrote:> > > chiranjiv mehta vchiranjiv@. ..> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 2:38 PM> > > Dear Kusrijaji & Nairji,> > In the points 1 to 19 - they are crisp I must say - there are many that some or most of us have.> Surely they are not the only criteria required to be a criminal ????> For eg : Jupiters aspect is supposed to make things shubh, Or Karaka / yogakaraka will help ??? etc> > Chiranjiv Mehta> > --- On Sat, 30/5/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala @ .co. in> wrote:> > sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala @ .co. in>> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective, . Dr.S.C.Kursija> ancient_indian_ astrology> Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 11:15 AM> > Anti-Social and criminal behaviour and Astrological perspective>

> ... Dr.S.C.Kursija> > > The anti-social behaviour and criminal acts have increased now a day. The deep study has been conducted by many researchers in detail for the cause and nature of ant-social acts or criminal behavior or murder or murderer, particularly by Western Universities. Caitlin M. Jones from Rochester Institute of Technology, the Winner of 2005 RIT Kearse Award for Writing, came to the conclusion that the criminal behavior develops due to heredity and environment. This evidence has been generated from a number of twin, family, and adoption studies as well as laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the researches have stated that it is more often an interaction between genes and the environment that predicts criminal behavior. Having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior does not determine the actions of an individual, but if they are exposed to the right environment, then their chances

are greater for engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior.> > In Indian astrology it has been accepted by our rishis and savants that the behaviour of the native depends on:> a) Desh, in present day terminology means environment i.e. under which the native has been nurtured or has grown such as the environment in family, schooling, friends, culture and the> societies at large. Desh has a powerful Influence on the development of the native's mind, and the native's environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs and expectations.> > b) Kala: the kala is the time of occurring of the event. In astrology we calculate the timing of the event by dasha

and antar dash and transit of the planets. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all times. His super-ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times. But under the influences of Dasha and transit, one will lose his control over the senses and under the influence of genetic tendencies he will behave in anti-social manner.> > c) Patra: is the native himself. "The self" "individual" We can say lagna which has tendencies i.e. genetic tendencies. Though the native has genetic tendencies to anti-social behaviour, but it is the Desh which develops and flourishes these tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed super-conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others

with only the slightest provocation become aggressive and impulsive and commit anti-social acts.> Our savants have come to the conclusion after deep observation and experience that the jeeva do four type of Purshartha (purpose of life)> > a) Dharma, duties i.e. our duties towards our parents, our family, our society, our country etc.> > b) Artha: "purpose to serve" means earning money to serve the life..> > c) Kama : "Sexwhat motivates our Karma" enjoyments and enjoy comfort of life to fulfill his desires.> > d) Moksha: "freedomovercoming Kama " in present day terms peace of mind and contentment. When one s not disturbed if one's desire is not fulfilled.> > But in resent days it is said that the anti-social behavior is due to a) Jada i.e.. material and money, b) Joru i.e. sex and comforts of life. Desires. c) Jameen i.e.

protection and safety of one's life. One wants to survive and protect himself and his family from all calamities of nature and circumstances. There is similar proverb in English too. It says that the criminal acts are done for "W cube" i.e. wealth, woman, and wine. It indicates that the most people are interested only in Artha and Kama. They are not interested in Dharma and Moksha. The Dharma and Moksha are two banks of a river of Artha and Kama . These bank do not allow the river to go errant. Earn as much as possible and enjoy as much as you can. But take care of Dharma and Moksha as balancing factor. When you go into Artha and Kama without balancing effect of Dharma and Moksha, you will ha, full of tention, anger, remorse, and regret. When a person is full of passion and anger he> commits anti-social acts and crime. So the conclusion of present researches and the thinking of our savants and rishis are the same. When a native is mentally

troubled, full of tension, insecurity, and anger he commits anti-social acts and crime. When there are genetic tendencies for aggressions, impulses and anger and environment supports the same, makes the native anti-social and criminal. So an individual's antisocial or criminal behavior can be the result of both, their genetic background and the environment in which they were nurtured.> > The researchers also looked into Astrology but failed. How accurate is astrology? To find out, a member of the Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (KCCSI) went to five astrologers posing as a man interested in working with young people. He gave each astrologer the birth date, birth time and place of John Gacy instead of his own, plus a computerized natal chart from a company internationally recognized for accuracy (Neil F.Michelsen) , and asked them for their advice. The astrologers unanimously encouraged him to pursue youth work and none

could see any problem with this. Gacy was selected for the test because his chart should portray a clear picture of a sadistic sexually motivated killer. If astrologers are able to spot personality traits and destinies in any chart, then this is one they should have no trouble with.> (John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT. Both times give a Sagittarius ascendant.) The astrologers declared him as guy boy. (I think that the horoscope was prepared on calculations based on Sayana system not on Nirayana system which mislead and prediction failed.)> According to Nirayana system the ascendant should be Scorpio where you include war time or not and apply the rules of astrology. You will find him

anti-social or having criminal behavior. We will analyse the chart in the article. One must remember that such persons are always aggressive and impulsive and are not able to keep attention focused on one subject.> A more elaborate test was carried out in the 1960s by Michel Gauquelin. In his book Astrology and Science (Mayflower 1972), which is an English translation of his book l'Astrologie devant la science (Planete 1966).> > In his 1972 book, Gauquelin concluded "Confronted with science, modern and traditional astrology are seen to be imaginary doctrines. To predict the future by consulting the stars is to delude the world, or at least to delude oneself." (p.138)> > The recent studies between self control and criminal activities, published in Science Alert, Sydney by Mel Wililams, suggests that "the low self-control to be the strongest risk factor for crime." It is what the astrology

suggests. The sudden flare up of anger, and irritability and low self-control is the main cause of criminal activities. It also points out toward prevention and cure of the criminals. It point outs that the Prayanam and Yoga can prevents and cures criminals because they increases self control.> > But according to me the astrology is capable of pin pointing the behavior of the native. The Astrology can indicate aggressiveness, impulsiveness, his passion and full of anger behaviour of the native. According to astrology, a native is aggressive, impulsive, full of anger and passion, if there are following yoga present in his chart.> > (1) The 4th house indicates mental make up and manners of thought. Rahu in 4th, if aspected by Mars in lagna and Saturn in 7th, it indicates the revengeful behavior of the native.> (2) Gulika in 3rd point to

impulsiveness and thoughtful action.> (4) If Lagna lord is weak and afflicted.> (5) The combination of Sun and Mars in any sign makes the native murderer.(Saravali, Ch 15, sh 2)> (6) If there are malefic in kendra, Sarpa yoga is formed. The native with Sarpa yoga becomes murderer. (Saravali, ch:21, sh 42)> Even if there are malefic planets in three kendra i.e.4th, 7th and 10th and lagna is afflicted, there is Sarpa yoga.> (7) if Sun and Mars are posited in Lagna, one becomes murderer. (Saravali, Ch:31, Sh:6)> (8) When Gulika is in 9th house, the person will be murderer of his parents and preceptors.

(Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:5)> (9) If a person is born in Atiganda yoga, the native will be murderer. (Jataka Parijat, IX, sh:97)> (10) If a person is born in Dwadashamsha own by Scorpio, the native will be murderer, master of rogue and robbers. (Jataka Parijat, IX, Sh:121)> (11) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit crime. (Jatak Parijat VI, shloka 6)> (12) When debilitated Jupiter or Sun occupy kendra, conjunction with malefic,> (13) When malefic planet be in kendra without benefic aspect and Jupiter in 8th house, the native will be slaughterer of animals. (Jataka Parijat Ch:

VI, Shloka 14)> (14) If Jupiter is in Lagna and Mars in 7th or vice versa, the native e become aggressive and impulsive.(Jataka Tattva, Chapter lagna, shloka 145 to 154)> (15) If Saturn is posited in lagna and Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th.> (16) If 3rd lord is debilitated in 6th and aspected by malefic planet, the native become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking some drug.> (17) The native become impulsive and aggressive after the punishment from government officials, if 2nd lord, Sun and Saturn conjoin.> (18) If 2nd lord, Mars and Saturn are conjoined.> (19) If Sun and Moon are

posited in Trine or lagna, Jupiter in Kendra, and there is kala hora of Saturn or Mars at birth.> (20) If Sun and Moon are in lagna and conjuncted with Mercury, the native becomes aggressive and impulsive..> > It is clear from above that the nature of the native is indicated by the lagna. But lagna has 30 degrees. So our savages have described the nature of the native with reference to Dreshkona of the lagna. (Saravali) Others savants have also described the nature of the native from Navamsha of the lagna... The Moon is controller of impulsiveness of mind. If Moon is afflicted or posited in malefic sign in malefic house, the native becomes impulsive. If Moon is influenced by Mars, the native is impulsive and aggressive. Therefore Moon is also treated as Lagna in Indian astrology. The lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house are indicator of self. Mercury is another planet which

controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not lagna in Indian astrology, but its affliction weakens the nervous system of the native and native becomes aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. One should also note the malefic Argala i.e. malefic planet in 2nd, 4th and 11th house from lagnaand> Moon. One becomes impulsive, aggressive, ant-social, criminal or murderer only when its Lagna, lagna lord, Moon or its dispositor or Self, or navamshesh or kendra are occupied by malefic planets without the influence of benefic planet. For micro analysis one should examine D/3, cyclic Dreshkon and cyclic Trimshamsha. D/30 varga of the chart.> > It will be clear from the following charts.> > Case 1> John Gacy was born in Chicago on 17 March 1942 at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow

this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT> > > If we examine the chart, we will find that the malefic planets are posited in three kendra 4th, 7th and 10th and lagna lord is afflicted in 7th, (rule 6) Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, maraka and is dispositor of Sun and Moon, the two lagna. There is exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus. Venus is maraka and 12th lord also. Moon is combust. The lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th are the houses of self. So the impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior are indicated. The astrologer in Chicago predicted him a guy boy and Sagittarius lagna, because calculations were not based on Nirayana system.> > More over if we see the Navamsha chart of the native, we would find that lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars, (rule 1st). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected

by Saturn. Again the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.> > Case 2> The chart is of a female. She was born on July 1, 1961 , at 11:25 hrs at Delhi . She got married at the age of 21st. with a boy whom she does not love... She was attached to another boy physically and mentally. She murdered her husband.> > > > The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8thth lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6th lord. The 11th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5th indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house

is aspected by Mars from 12th and Saturn from 3rd, no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. lord also.the11> > In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover...> > Case 3> > She was born on 8th March, 1924 , at 3:35 Delhi . She killed her three children and hanged herself.> > > > The lagna is occupied by Mars, the 12th and 5th lord, and Gulika. The lagna lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Mars and aspected by 3rd and 2nd lord,

retrograde Saturn from 10th. Saturn aspects Moon from 10th and 7th house as 10th aspect. 6th lord Venus is posited 5th in Mars's sign, 10th lord is posited in 3rd and combust, conjoined with Sun and Ketu.11th house is occupied by Saturn. So all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets. Therefore the native is impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by 6th lord and aspected by Rahu. The 5th lord Mars is posited in lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children Jupiter is posited in 12th in Mars's sign. So the killing of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in dual sign in kendra and dispositor is posited in 12th.and aspected by Saturn from 10th. (See article Suicide)> > In Navamsha chart Mars, the lagna lord of navamsha chart and Rahu are conjoined in 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The lagna is Mars's sign and aspected by Sun, Gulika and Venus, the 12th lord. The 3rd

house is aspected by Mars with Rahu from 8th house indicating suicide. There is no improvement in the chart.> > Case 4> > The native is a Muslim boy. He was born on 5th July, 1962 , at 16:52 at Delhi . He has premarital relation with a Brahmin girl. The brother of girl took objection to the affairs. The Muslim boy killed the brother of the girl with the help of his friend.> > > > The lagna is a malefic sign, the lagna lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury and Rahu from 9th with 7th lord and karaka Venus aspect the lagna. So he loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th in enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon is posited in 10th with Gulika in fiery sign. The dispositor is posited in 8th. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord Saturn and Ketu... 11th lord Mercury is posited with Mars, enemy and aspecting lagna. So Lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon and houses of self

are afflicted. So the native is aggressive, revengeful and impulsive. Jupiter is retrograde posited in 4th in the sign of Saturn and aspected by Moon and Gulika. If we consider the 7th house as the lagna of spouse, 5th and 9th are her brothers and both are afflicted.> > If we look at the Navamsha chart, we will find again malefic sign in lagna, occupied by Rahu and aspected by Saturn, retrograde. Mars occupy the 4th and aspected by Saturn. So the native is first grade aggressive and impulsive.> > Case 5> > The native was born on 2nd April, 1959 , at 10:12 , at Kanpur India . The native was uncontrolled child since childhood. He got enmity with co-student during an election. The native lost election and had nurtured enmity toward the said student. After a couple of years, both got posted in the same city and in the same office. The native's revengeful feeling woke up. He killed the co-student in

Sat/Sun dasha.> > > > > The lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars and aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. The Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn. The Saturn aspects Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The Mercury is lagna lord, retrograde and combust. All the kendra are occupied by the malefic planets forming Sarpa yoga indicating impulsive, revengeful and aggressive behavior. The Jupiter is also retrograde and posited in Mars's sign in 6th. Jupiter is 10th lord... There is no benefic influence on lagna.> > If we examine Navamsha chart, we would find that the lagna lord is posited in 2nd house in the sign of Mars with Mars. The Sun is posited in 4th with Gulika in enemy sign. The 10th lord Moon is posited in 6th, the dispositor, the Jupiter is posited in 12th with Mercury, the dispositor of Rahu. The Self is occupied by malefic planets and there is Sun in kendra. Moon

has Argala of Rahu and Sun. Therefore there is no relief in Navamsha chart also...> > Case 6> > The native was born on 1-901970, at 23:35 hrs at Ajmer , Rajasthan. He had love affairs with a girl. The brother of the girl took objection to it. He killed her brother with the help of his friend.> > > > The lagna is Vargottama. The lagna lord is posited in 6th. The malefic planets are posited in Kendra with out benefic aspects and no benefic planet in kendra. Moon, 3rd lord is combust in 4th. The 4th house is occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu also. The Jupiter, the 11th lord is posited in 6th. 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. The Saturn 10th lord is posited in 12th and aspecting 2nd, 6th and 9th house. So all the factors indicating Self are afflicted.> > If we examine the Navamsha chart, we find that lagna is occupied by Mars and aspected by Moon and

Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by Sun and aspected by Mars. The Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in 8th house. Therefore the native is aggressive and impulsive and committed crime.> More cases can be given to prove our thinking that the astrology can indicates the traits of an individual and it is the duty of social thinkers to convert these individual in the benefit of the society. I am unable to understand that why the general masses at large and scientists particularly, desire to hear anti-social or criminal word from the mouth of an astrologer. The astrology is the science of Time (Kala) based on the science of astronomy and indicates only the traits of the personality of an individual and time, when the even will take place. If there is malefic influence on the Self, lagna, 3rd, 11th and 10th house of the chart, influence of Mars, Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, the native will be aggressive and impulsive. In his impulsion and aggressiveness he

commits crime. It is the society or say environment which converts these traits of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and revengefulness into an anti-social or criminal behaviour or can turn> these traits into service of society i.e. give employment in the department of police or army where these traits are required. They have low self-control. The Prayanam and Yoga creates self-control and can prevent and cure criminals. The recent researches of the various universities also support the same. > > ( All charts provided by author is not copyable to , so readers are requested to make charts and study the article --moderator s )> > Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite group at http://in.promos. / groups/> > > > > > > > > > > >

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