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Dear All, A question-answer file I got from net is pasted below. It contains much useful information.Love and regards,Sreenadh====================CULTURAL QNS & ANS

(Source: Pattars/message/5160 )CULTURAL QUES ASWRespected friends- Time being we will leave diabetics, sraddha and marriageproblems and relax a little with Mythology.Here below you will find many of the questions familiarized but answersdifferent or answers may not be recollecting immediately . The aim of thisquestion answer is to provide such answers. If responded by members it wil becontinuing. Sincerely Gopala krishnanQ1 What deva form was taken by Rahu while nectar was distributed?A1 There was only one demon who was somewhat clever. His name was Rahu. Headopted the form of Chandra, the moon-god, and succeeded in drinking some of theamritaQ2 What were the names of Bharatha's sons.Where did he became king?A2 In Takshashila Bharata established his son Taksha as king and in Pushkaravtihe made his son Pushkara the king.Q3 Is it correct women pray to Surya for progency?A3 Yes. Women can be seen frequently taking a pledge that in case SURYA bestowsthem with a son, they would be regularly performing ceremony to worship thisgod.Q4 Do Brahma is told by any other name in the Puranas?A4 The name Brahma is not found in the Vedas and the Brahmanas, where theactive creator is merely known as Golden-Embryo (HIRANYA-GARBHA) or the Lordof Progeny (PRAJA-PATI).Q5 Every body may be knowing saraswathi was a river and later personified as Godtoo. What was the mythological reason for drying of Saraswathi?A5 In the Vedas Saraswati is primarily a river but in the hymns she iscelebrated both as a river and a deity.According to Mahabharata, the river was dried up by the curse of the sageUtathya.Q6 Every body kow about Parasurama son of sage Jamadagni. What was the name ofhis wife?A6 when Vishnu came here as Parashurama, Lakshmi followed him as his wifeDHARNI;Q7 Is there a version Narada is the grand son of Daksha?A7 Yes. According to Mahabharata Narada was the son of KASHYAP and his motherwas the daughter of Daksha.Q8 What was the end of Viswakarma?A8 According to Satpath Brahman, Vishwakarma performed a SARVMEDHA YAGYA (auniversal sacrifice) in which he offered up all creatures and ultimately himselftoo.Q9 A curious point- What is the name of the wife of Airavatham? What are theattributes of Airavatham?A9 The name of the wife of elephant Airavata isABHARAMU.Airavata has four tusks and is spotless white.Prithu, according to Vishnu Purana, made him King of all elephants.As per legend, Brahma held in his hands two halves of an eggshell over which heread seven sacred hymns. From the right half portion of the egg eight elephantsincluding Airavata emerged and from the left half eight cow-elephants.The cult of the white elephants as sacred deities is widely practiced in some other parts of Asia too, e.g., inThailand and Burma.Q10 Do Elephants had earlier wings?A10 Another interesting myth says that initially all the elephants had wings,and they could fly in the skies. Once one of these flying elephants descendedheavily on a tree under which a sage was performing his puja (worshiprituals).The branches of the tree broke and the sage felt much disturbed. He laid acurse upon all elephants that they should lose their wings. Notwithstanding thiscurse, they are still believed to be capable of producing clouds. Hence Indra,when seated on Airavata, sends rains on the earth.Q11 Who are the parents of Apsaras?A11 The Bhagavata Purana states that the Apsaras were born from Kashyap and MuniIn a later canto in the Bhagavata Purana an alternative version of the origin ofthe Apsaras is givenQ12 How many Apsaras are told in Mahabhata?A12 Mr. Subhash Mazumdar in his book Who is Who in the Mahabharata has compileda list of characters appearing in the epic.Fortunately he has listed all the Apsaras together. This is the most exhaustivelisting of the Apsaras I have come across.The list of forty-five Apsaras is reproduced below in alphabetical order.Adrika, Alamvusha, Ambika, Anavadya, Anuchana, Aruna, Asita, Budbuda, Devi,Ghritachi, Gunamukhya, Gunuvara, Kamya, Karnika, Kesini, Kshema, Lata, Laxmana,Manorama, Marichi, Menaka, Misrasthala, Purvachitti, Rakshita, Rambha,Ritushala, Sahajanya, Samichi, Saurbhedi, Sharadvati, Shuchika, Soma, Suvahu,Sugandha, Supria, Suraja, Surasa, Surata, Tilottama, Umlocha, Urvashi, Vapu,Varga, Vidyutparna & VishvachiQ13 Who is the apsars refered in Rigveda and Mahabharatha?A13 Urvashi is referred to in the Riga Veda, the earliest Hindu text. She isfamous for her love affair with King Pururava. This liaison was not at theinstructions of Indra, but a matter of love at first sight Pururava's wife wasbarren and the dynasty continued through the son borne by UrvashiQ14 Who is the apsars refered in Ramayana?A14The apsaras Harsha. Once Harsha was send to attract sage Vibondaka frompenaceQ15 When did tale of Ganga was told to Srirama? Who told it?A15 The tale of how the River Ganga came to earth is a famous one and is available in many scriptures, though in slightly different versions.Sage Vishwamitra recounted this tale to Rama and Laxman as they made their wayto Mithila for Sita's swayamvar.Q16 Is there any verse that Siva is a Vaishnavite in Srimad Bhagavatham?A16 The Shrimad Bhagavatam declares - vaishnavanam yatha shambhu - Shiva is thebest of all the Vaishnavas.Q 17 Do Rahu,shead seveared by vishnu is told in Srimad Bhagavata?A17 Yes as follows..But one demon, named Rahu, dressed himself like a demigodand sat down in the line of the demigods. He sat beside the sun and the moon.When the Supreme Personality of Godhead understood how Rahu was cheating, Heimmediately cut off the demon's head. Rahu, however, had already tasted thenectar, and therefore although his head was severed, he remained aliveSrimad-Bhagavatam 8:9 SummaryQ18 What is the myth behind Kumbhamela?A18 The last thing, which came out of the milk ocean, was the pot of nectar(Amrit) during chrning.The sage Dhanvantri, the mythological doctor emerged with the pot (Kumb) ofnectar Indira, King of Gods, signalled to his son Jayanth to snatch the pot ofnectar from the hands of Dhanvantri.Hence, a war ensued over the pot of nectar between the gods and the demons,which lasted for twelve days and twelve nights. During this war the pot ofnectar, being snatched from hand to hand, fell down twelve times and each time afew drops of nectar spilt out of the pot at different locations.While this was happening Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Saturn tried to protect the pot.The twelve places where the pot fell became sacred. It is believed that out ofthese twelve places only four exist on earth and the rest in other parts of theuniverse.Hence, the Kumb is celebrated only in these four places namely, Haridwar, Nasik,Allahabad and Ujjain.For Kumb to occur the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn should be in a particularformation as they were the ones present while they were protecting the pot ofnectar.Q19 What is a Brahma Rakshas?A19 A leisurely visit to ancient temples of Kerala, would familiarize a personwith a place, built with low elevation, appearing like a single large roomunfinished during construction, and stopped at plinth level, with that sandfilling.Devotees take a walk around it, with devotion, and a few pick up apinch of that mud from the elevated place. The name given to this sacrosanctplace is `BrahmaRakshas'.Some Brahmins are of the opinion that Brahmins do not `bow' to thisplace!There is a belief that persons who acquired great knowledge, and yet refused topart with it, become such BrahmaRakshas!Q20 What is the speciality of Akshaya thrithiya at Arasar koil temple?A20 Mythologically speaking, Kubera, the treasurer in Heaven received his wealthon this day from Siva. It is on this day Lord Siva blessed Goddess Lakshmi withwealth. In fact Lord Siva made Kubera as Lord of wealth and Lakshmi as Goddessof wealth. Kubera worshiped Lord Siva in the temple at Sivapuram.Q21 What is the mythological story of Abhijit Star?A21 In those Vedic Era, a constellation - Star named Abhijit was existing then.Abhijit nakshatra, an auspicious one was placed in-between Uthrashada andShravan (in-between Uthiradam and Thiruvonam). And the Nakshatra Lord is said tobe Brahma. To achieve success in every act, persons used to start theiractivities on this day.During the Mahabharata time, Lord Sri Krishna came to know, that Dhuriyodhana isplanning to start the War with PanchaPandavas on this auspicious day, combiningwith Amavasya & Abhijit Nakshatra! On getting Dhuriyodhana's plans and knowinghis intentions, Abhijit Nakshatra was plucked from the stellar system, by theLord Sri Krishna, to avoid misuse of this auspicious nakshatram during KaliYuga.Q22 Everybody knows Ramayana story â€"Ravana was owning the Pushpaka vimanam. Heactually seized it from Kubera, his brother. Rama after the war came to Ayodhyain Pushpaka vimanam. What is the speciality of the vimanam?Answ 22 The speciality is that Sitting in this chariot, one could obtainanything he or she desired.Q23 What is the story relating to sage Athri and moon?A23 Athri was one of the great rishis of ancient times. His wife was Anasooya.With the intention of getting many children he did penance sitting beneath theocean for 3000 years ( Deva's Years). At that time a brilliant light ( JOTHI)emanated from his eyes. This light piercing through the water traveled in space.After reaching the maximum height it started falling down towards earth. Fearingthat it will cause havoc if it dashes against earth Brahma caught it on hisRatham and diverted its motion in a circle around the earth. He went round theearth in a clockwise direction for 21 times and separated it, so that it willcontinue to travel in the orbit. This is the moon.Puranas say that because ofthis moon herbs started growing in the earth and moon got the name "Oshadeeshan"QUES 24 Everybody knows Ramayana story â€"Who was Kamavalli?Answ 24 It was a name of Soorpanakha gave to herself.Q25 What is somaskanda?A25 Somaskanda is thus a manifestation of Shiva featuring Shiva, Uma and Skanda;Shiva in a seated posture, with Parvati to his left and with Skanda his son,seated in between the two.It is to be noted that Somaskanda represents the processional image of Shiva inmost Saivite temples and there is thus a shrine dedicated to the UtsavamurthySomaskanda in most Saivite temples.Q26 How Panguni uthram is related to Lord Siva?A26 The Himavaan (Imagiri purakkum Mannan - king of Himalayas) met God Siva atMount Kailash (Velli Ongalin â€" pani padarnththa ongiya Kailaya malai), and gaveconsent to give his daughter Parvathi in marriage to God Siva and invited himfor the ceremony on that day being a very auspicious day of Panguni Uththaram,and returned to his abode.Q27 Every body know of Celestial nymph menaka. What was the name of herdaughter?A27 Madanika .Q28 Every body know about the Sringeri peedah. Question- how Sringeri isrelated to King Dasaradha?A28 The name of the place Sringeri is derived from an old legend connected withRamayana.Sringeri was originally the giri or the mountain of Rishya Sringa, the onehorned saint. Once there was a terrible famine in Ayodhya. King Dasarathabrought the saint to his capital. At once there was abundant rain. .In addition-as many of you know Rishyasringa was his son in Law.Q29 What is super station? What was" its "need?A29 Superstitions began centuries ago when our ancestors tried to explainmysterious circum stances or events as best as they could with the knowledge they had.Q30 What is the legend behind Mattupongal?A30 Another legend associated to the third day of Pongal known as Mattu Pongal involves Lord Shiva and his mount, Nandi the bull.It is said that once Shiva ordered Nandi to go to the Earth and deliver hismessage to the people that they should take oil bath every day and eat foodonce a month.However, the dozing Nandi could not hear the message right and told the peopleto eat everyday and take oil bath once a month. Shiva was furious and said thatdue to his folly, there will be lack of grains on the Earth and so he would have to remain on Earth to help humans plough the fields.Q31 Whhat is the legend behind Panchamukha hanuman?A31 Lord Hanuman assumed this form to kill Mahiravana, a powerful rakshasablack-magician and practitioner of the dark arts during the Ramayana war.Mahiravana had taken Lord Rama and Lakshmana captive, and the only way to kill him was to extinguish five lamps burning in different directions, all atthe same instant. Hanuman assumed His Panchamukha form and accomplished thetask, thus killing the rakshasa and freeing Rama and Lakshmana.The five faces of Panchamukha Hanuman are those of Sri Hayagriva, Sri Narasimha Sri Garuda, Sri Varaha and Hanuman Himself


Q1 We know samskaras like upanayanam, vivaham etc. Where do these things aretold?A1 The extent of the concept of sanskars and their number is widely discussed inthe Gruhyasutras.Sanskar forms the main topic of discussion in the Gruhyasutras. In these Sutrasthe sanskars performed on the body from Vivaha (marriage) till Samavartan(Sodmunja) are elucidated.Q2 Do antheyeshti is considered as samskara?A2 In many Gruhyasutras the sanskar of performing the last rites is notmentioned as a sanskar.' (1)Q3 What is samavartan and keshant?A3 Samavartan [sodmunja (Givingup bachelorhood)]Keshant (Keeping a small portion of hair on the head)Q4 What are the comparative importance of samskras?A4 Comparative importance of sanskarsNamakaran (The naming ceremony) 5Upanayan [Vratabandha, Munja(The rite of

thread ceremony)] 10Vivaha (Marriage) 63But nowadays, 1. Upanayan (Munja or Vratabandha), 2. Samavartan (Sodmunja) and3. Vivaha (marriage) are the only three sanskars (rites) in vogue.The rest of the sanskars are performed only as penance (prayashchitta).Prayashchitta means rituals performed as compensation for not having performedthe sanskars earlier.Q5 Do sanskaras were performed on girls too like Upanayana in ancient times?A5 Yes. In ancient times sanskars similar to those performed on the boys wereperformed on the girls as well. Even their thread ceremony (Vratabandha) wasbeing performed. However, during the Vedic period the sanskars performed on agirl began to decline and only the rite of marriage (Vivaha sanskar) continuedto be performed on the bride along with mantras.I understand still Lingayath women from Karnataka wear thread.Q6 Do the samskaras bound to all castes?A6

`The sanskars (rites) have been mainly prescribed for the three main classes(varnas) that is Brahman (priest), Kshatriya (warrior) and Vaishya(businessman).However the ten sanskars prescribed for the Shudras (labourers) as well asthose performed on the girls should be done without the chanting of mantras.The Shankhasmruti states that these sanskars should not be performed on theinsane and the mute.'(3)Q7 Is it necessary to wear all related to wear new cloths before samakara?A7 Yes. Before the ceremony of the sanskar, the one on whom the sanskar is to beperformed as well as the relatives should wear new clothes and ornamentsQ8 Do guruthi or animal sacrifice prescribed before sanskara is performed?A8 `To prevent distressing energies from attacking the one on whom the sanskar(rite) is being performed, one should make an offering of an animal sacrifice(bali) and pay obeisance to

them at the time of the ceremony. Probably it isshifted after sanskara and animal prohibited and now called as "Aarathhi"Q9 Do we had the fear of spirits getting attracted to during sanskara likeMundan,marriage etc ?A9 Yes is the answer. Some specific remedies: In the ceremony of Mundan (shavingoff the child's hair) the hair thus cut is hidden by mixing in a cake of cowdungand then buried in the cowshed or immersed in the river. This prevents thespirit of a diseased person (pishach) from possessing the child, using the hairas the medium.It is believed that spirits fear mustard seeds. Hence mustard seeds are strewnaround the place where the sanskar is to be performed. The bridal costume is a favourite medium of attack for spirits. No spirit cantrouble a Brahman (priest). Hence, that costume is either gifted to a Brahman orhung on a tree or in a cattle shed.It appear some offer the

bridal costume to sasthrikal ,I read some where.To prevent any obstacle from disrupting an auspicious occasion, it is begun withthe worship of Lord Ganapati, a practice which is prevalent since centuatries.Q10 What is the principle behind using Avani Palakai during sanskaras?A10 The energy generated in the body during worship, instead of escaping intothe ground instantly, is conserved in the body for atleast sometime due to thewooden platforms and woollen cloth. More information on seats (asans) is givenin `Science of Spirituality: Chapter 3 - Practice of Spirituality'.Q11 During sanskaras which side should be offered to wife?A11 It can be either left or right depend on sanskaraThe wife should be seated to the left of her spouse. The left side of thehusband indicates the Chandra nadi (Moon channel). When the wife sits on theside of the Chandra nadi, there is not much activation of energy. The one

onwhom the sanskar (rite) is to be performed should sit to the left of thehostess.Another school of thought states that `the wife should be seated to the right ofher spouse. Consequently, there is activation of energy. This energy thendestroys the distressing energies obstructing the ritual'.)The wife should sit to the right of the host and the one on whom the sanskar(rite) is to be performed should be seated to her right. The aim behind sittingto the right of her husband is to generate more energy during the ritual. Theright side corresponds to the Surya nadi (Sun channel).Q12 What is the purpose of wearing pavithram and performing pranayamam?A12 Wearing the sacred ring (pavitra/pavitrak dharan): The host performing thereligious ceremony should wear a sacred ring made of sacred grass (darbha). As aresult, pure particles of spiritual energy (pavitrakas) in the atmosphere getattracted towards him in

greater amounts.Pranayam: Due to pranayam, the raja component decreases and the sattva componentincreases.Q13 Why akshatha is called so?A13 Unbroken rice grains (akshata). Rice grains have the ability to attract verydistant pure particles of spiritual energy (pavitrakas).Betel nut too possess the potential of attracting them from both male and femaledeities. This potential is activated by a mantra.Q14 What is Puniavachan?A14 The objectives: `Punya () + aha () + vachan ( Punyahavachan () which meansgetting the Brahmans to pronounce that the day of commencement of the ritual isan auspicious one.Q15 Do unmarried girl manifest energy form?A15 Married women represent manifest energy while unmarried girls represent unmanifest energy. The sandalwood paste applied by married women is more effectiveas due to the manifest energy in themQ16 Do kalasam represent trities?A16 Prayer made to the pot:

Lord Vishnu is at the mouth, Lord Rudra at the neckand Lord Brahma at the bottom of the potQ17 Who are Matruka deties? How many Matruka deties are there?A17 It is a custom to worship the Matruka deities along with Lord Ganesh at thebeginning of any ceremony in order to prevent any obstacles. Matrukas are a typeof female deities .Two most important answers given regarding their quantum andare./sixteen/ seven.sixteen Matrukas -namely - Gouri, Padma, Shachi, Medha, Savitri, Vijaya, Jaya,Devsena, Svadha, Svaha, Mata, Lokmata, Dhruti, Pushti, Tushti and the familydeity (kuladevata) of the host.Another variation seven: Brahmi, Maheshvari, Koumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi,Indrani, Chamunda in addition to the above and Ganapati, Durga and the guardiandeity of the territory (kshetrapal) as substitutes.In kerala temples like Kodungallur, Ameda the saptha(7) matrus are worshipped.Q18 Do Matrus are worshipped

during Nandi sraadha? Who are Nandimukh?Do durva isused instead of darbha during Nandi?A18 Since the worship of the Matruka deities (Matrukapujan) is a part of theritual of Nandishraddha, it is performed along with the latter.The Nandishraddha is performed as an offering to the ancestors and their deities(Nandimukh and others) just as Lord Ganesh is worshipped before commencing anyauspicious ceremony to ward off any obstacle.Nandishraddha (Vruddhishraddha) instead of one sacred grass (darbha), another(durva) is used.One copper coin (paisa) is thrown towards the south as an offering to theancestors in the region of ancestors (pitrulok) situated in the south and to thedistressing energies from that direction so that they do not cause trouble.Another copper coin is thrown towards the north as an offering to benevolentdeities.References:to all the above QA`Sixteen Sanskars and some other rituals',

published by Sanatan Sanstha.Bharatiya Sanskrutikosh. Publishers: Pandit Mahadevshastri Joshi, Secretary,Bharatiya Sanskrutikosh Mandal, 410 Shanivar Peth, Pune 411 030Q19 Everybody know now taali or mangalyam was not an important part of marriageand came in to prominence much later. What are its details?A19 .Now the time of tying Tali is considered as Muhurtha.The "Thali" (mangalsutra) consists of two pieces, one from each family,traditionally dangling on a yellow thread It contains images of the Shiva Lingam- IyersThe Namam and Sudarshana Chakra - IyengarsIt is surprising but true that this practice was not in vogue in ancient days inHindu weddings.The "Grhyasutras" ( laws of domestic rituals) do not mention the mangalsutra butonly a "kankana bandhana".The kankana bandhana or protective cord was worn by the couple to protect themfrom all kinds of pollution before the samvesana

(consummation).It appears the mangalsutra evolved more as a popular practice than as ascriptural observance.For Hindu women, the mangalsutra or "Thali" is the one single symbol of theirwedded state.Three knots are tied - the first one by the bridegroom, the other two knots byhis sister to make the bride a parts of the boy's family.Q20.How Harichandra is related to Bhagiratha?A20 Bhagiratha came in the Lineage of Harichandra.Harchandra's son Rohit had two wives-- Prabha had given birth to sixtythousand sons but Bhanumati had only one son named Asamanjas. Anshuman was theson on Asamanjas. Anshuman's son was Dilip. Sage Bhagirath was the son of Dilip.Q21 Every body read Mahbharat know about sage Parasara and the malsya Gandhistory. What was the legend behind Parasara's birth?A21 Once, Sage Vashishth was presiding over a grand Yagya being organized by aking named

Kalmashpad. Vashishth had a rivalry with Vishwamitra. On seeingVashishth busy in that Yagya, Vishwamitra instigated Rudhir-- a demon, to killhis sons. Rudhir followed the instructions and devoured Vashishth's sonsincluding Shakti.When Vashishth learnt about his sons death his heart was filled with grief. Hedesired to give up his life but was prevented from doing so by hisdaughter-in-law. She informed him about her pregnancy and said-- Very soon you will see yourgrandson. So, quit the idea of giving up your life. Vashishth, though stillmournful of his son's death, postponed the idea of giving up his life for thetime being.One day while he was engrossed in the thoughts of his departed son, he wasamazed to listen the recital of a vedic hymn. He looked all around but foundnobody. Suddenly he heard a heavenly voice that revealed by his grandson who wasstill inside the womb of his mother.

In course of time, daughter in Law gave birth to a son who was named Parashar.Q22 Why do Lord siva is called Pasupathi?A22 Once, Sanatkumar went to the hermitage of Sage Shiladi and asked him as towhy was Lord Shankar also known as Pashupati. He also inquired about the reasonof man's ondages and how could he be liberated from them.Sage Shiladi replied---All the living beings including Lord Brahma have beenreferred to animals because of their attachment to worldly desires andignorance. Lord Shiva being the lord of them is also known as Pashupati.Q23 It is told there are slokas to be recited to end quarells in the family andto pray for ending sufferingsA23 to end quarrels:Haran kathin kali kalasha kalesu, ||maha moha nisi dalan dinesu ||To eliminate problems:Sakala bighna vyaapahin nahin tehi, ||raam sukripan bilokahin jehin ||Q24 Name four things which we should not believeA24

Dont believe in four things:a)unconquered mind b) love of an enemy c) flattery of a selfish man d) roadside astrologerQ25 Name four things which we should avoidA25 Avoid four things :a) An Atheist b)Wealth accumulated through wrong means c) Women other than yourown wife d) Criticizing others.Q26 What is dharma told to Arjun after Mahaharatha war by Lord KrishnaA26 Bhagavat geetha is told during war. After the Mahabharata war ended, LordKrishna said to Arjun that "O Partha, now that you have been victorious in thewar. I am going to tell you the summary of Dharma (or religion) which you shouldlisten to it attentively and accept it only after understanding it.AAHAR NIDRA, BHAYA MAITHHUNAM CHA, SAMANAMETAD PASHURBHIHSAMANA ||DHARMO HI TESANMADHIKO VISHESAN DHARMEN PASHUBHIHSAMANA ||(It means that the cravings for food, sleep, intercourse are the same in bothman

and animal. Both man and animal are affected by fear. The only thing, whichdifferentiates man form animal, is the quantity of religion. Man is morereligious. If a man lacks religiousness then he is more like an animal.)Q27 What is the importance of charanamirtha?A27 When the idols of deities are given bath, the water remained after it iscollected. This water is known as Charanamrita.Charanamrita collected from the bath of Shaligrama has far more significancethan Charananmrita of any other deity. Idol of a deity is given a bath amidstthe chanting of Vedic hymns.But to take maximum benefit, Charanamrita must be taken with the following hymn.AKALA MRITYU HARANAM SARVAVYADHIVINASHANAM|DEVA POODAKAM TIRTHAM JATHARE DHARYAMAHAM||I do recollect my father reciting the sloka while taking theertham from thetemple.Meaning : To prevent untimely death and cure all types of disease, I put theCharanamrita

that is like a pilgrimage place in my belly. Thus virtues of theplaces of Pilgrimage ar also present in God's Charanamrita. Hence, takingCharanamrita one gets the charity of performing pilgrimage and bathing in holyrivers also.Q 28 Why do morning bath is very important?A28 The body which consists of Nine Openings, Two Nose, Two ears, Two eyes, OneMouth, two exits are very untidy and impure, and fifth keeps on coming out fromthem. So our body becomes pure by taking bath in the morning.


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