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Suicide: Astrological Investigation Dr. S. C. Kursija

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Suicide: Astrological Investigation


Dr. S. C. Kursija



is as natural as life. According to the Bhagavad-Gita,

"For that which is born must die, and that which is dead must be born again" (10:


The end of life is accepted as a law of nature. However, the suicide of an

apparently sane person is so unnatural that it evokes anguish and perplexity.



still aberrant, suicide is perhaps more explicable when carried out for a

seemingly logical reason. The world is

replete with dramatic examples of suicide victims who have died to save

themselves from disgrace or oppression.



instance, at the end of World War II, German dictator Adolf Hitler committed suicide by a self-inflicted

gunshot and cyanide poisoning. The Rajput

Queen Padmavati chose voluntary death to avoid

dishonor at the hands of the Mughal ruler Allaudin. Bangladeshi women leap to their deaths to

avoid becoming prey to the violent and lustful Pakistani soldiers who tyrannize

them. In Singapore, trafficked Indonesian maids

commonly jump out of high-rise

apartments to avoid a degrading life of enslavement.


As in

the above examples, one might be able to make some small sense out of suicide

when it is performed to save one from a life of torture and humiliation. Yet,

it is difficult to fathom that contemporary students take their own lives due

to stress over examinations or social conflicts.



is a voluntary and intentional act that arises from inner or outer frustration,

fear, or humiliation. The high rate of suicide in modern Western culture

reflects the deviance of a materialistic society. As Western materialism

continues to inform global culture, so do the number of senseless suicides grow

in India, as well. Yet, the ancient seers of India revealed the universal law of

karma that would, if followed, prevent such meaningless acts. Life is sacred

and purposeful and has a natural course.


What is

the mysterious karma behind such an aberrant act as suicide? Such karma is

explained by the language of astrology. No action of humankind is outside the

scope of this vast science, including the manner of one's death. Whether

through suicide, accident, murder, or any other way, death can be judged from

one's horoscope.



Houses Responsible for Suicide:


The eighth

house from the lagna of the horoscope of the native shows the mode of death.

The eighth from the eighth–that is, the third from the lagna—signifies the self

and its intention and valor. One who attempts suicide needs the courage and

intention to end his life. Therefore, the third house is the house of suicide.


The lagna

similarly reveals the self and its intentions. When the lords of the first and

third houses are well disposed—exalted; posited in a kendra, trine, own or

friend's house; aspected by benefic planets and without the influence or

hemming of malefic planets—the native has the courage to bravely solve his

problems and face all situations.


When there

are afflictions to the lords of the first and third houses, and/or to the

houses themselves, and/or to the karakas of these houses, the native does not

have the courage to face his difficulties. He may become so mentally disturbed

that he spontaneously decides to end his life. Such an individual is not

mentally weak or a coward, but an impulsive force in the moment leads him to

act in such a way.


When the

lagna and the lords of the third and eighth houses are interrelated and afflicted

by malefic planets, or are weak in strength, death by suicide may be indicated.



The fifth

house as the abode of intellect and judgment is of secondary import.



Indicators of Suicide:



Moon represents the mind or the mood of a particular situation. Thus, it may be

involved when one commits suicide.


represents the nervous system. Without the stress and tension on the nervous

system, no one commits suicide. Therefore, affliction of the Moon and Mercury

by Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu is of primary importance in the chart.


conjunction or aspect of benign Jupiter, blissful Venus or a powerful ninth

lord will save the situation.



Sample of Applicable Classical Yogas:



were rare cases of suicide in ancient India. Hence, the sages did not offer

specific combinations for suicide. They did, however, reveal specific

combinations for "natural and unnatural death." As the occurrence of suicide

has become more prevalent in our chaotic times, the astrologer who seeks

guidance from the classical literature must broadly interpret these yogas for

death. As an example, the following are given in Saravali, the ancient classic by


Varma: [1]



due to fire if the Sun is posited in the eighth house.


Death due

to water if the Moon is posited in the eighth house.



from a weapon if Mars is posited in the eighth house.



due to fever if Mercury is in the eighth house.



from a mucous disease[2]

if Jupiter is in the eighth house.



from thirst if Venus is in the eighth house.



from hunger if Saturn is posited in the eighth house.


The above

shloka has been repeated in other classics, as well, indicating that the

influence of a planet on the eighth house indicates the mode of death, whether

death is natural, accidental, or unnatural as in suicide. Additionally, according

to Saravali, when Mars is posited in the

fourth house and the Sun is in the tenth, the native will die due to a fall

from a mountain or a blow to the head by a rock or stone. [3]

Similarly, these same rules would apply to manner of suicide.



stated in Saravali, a native will die

by drowning if Mars is in the fourth house, the Moon is in the seventh, and

Saturn is in the tenth. [4]

We can likewise interpret this rule for deaths by any means, including suicide.

All these yogas can be understood in the same manner.



by Fire: [5]

Mars in

the tenth house, with Moon in the fourth house and Saturn in the second house.



Mars and Mercury in the tenth house.

Moon posited

in Aries or Scorpio, hemmed between malefic planets—death by fire or by a weapon.


Sun in

the eighth house.


The Moon

posited in a sign of Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius) and hemmed between malefic

planets, indicates that one will commit suicide by burning, jumping from a high

place, or hanging.



the tattva of the sign is not

considered in the above yogas, in practice, it has been noted that there must be

involvement of Feiry signs (1, 5 and 9) or Airy signs (3, 7, and 11).



by Hanging:[6]


The lagna

lord and second lord conjoined Rahu and Ketu in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth



Rahu or

Ketu occupy the eighth house in a sign of Saturn.


The eighth

lord in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.



in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


The eighth

house and eighth navamsha (both) in Pisces.


The Moon

and Mercury occupy the sixth or eighth house.



fifth or ninth house occupied by a malefic planet and aspected by malefic

planets signifies suicide by hanging, jumping from a high place, or fire.



by Poison:


The lagna

lord and second lord occupy the sixth, eighth or twelfth

house and

are conjoined Saturn.


The Moon

is in the eighth house, the lagna is occupied by malefic planets, and Saturn as

seventh and/or eighth lord posited in a dusthana:



the eighth lord is in the seventh house, the seventh lord is in the lagna, and

the lagna lord is in the twelfth house.


The eighth

house in a sign of Saturn and occupied by Rahu or Ketu.


The eighth

lord in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


Saturn in

the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.



by a Weapon:


Mars in

the eighth house in its own sign.



and the fourth lord in the sixth or eighth house.



Mars and Rahu in the eighth house.



and Saturn in the lagna, and the Moon in the eighth house.


The Moon

in a sign of Mars and hemmed between malefic planets.



Moon and Saturn in a sign of Venus.


Mars in

the fourth house, the Sun in the seventh, and Saturn in the tenth house

indicates that one will commit suicide by fire, or weapon. [7]



by a Fall or Jumping from a High Place:


Mars in

the fourth house and the Sun in the tenth.



from drowning: [8]


Mars in

the fourth house, the Moon in the seventh, and Saturn in the tenth.


Sun and

Moon in Pisces Lagna.



Related Topic: Death by Capital Punishment:



and Saturn in the eighth house.



and Saturn in the eighth house.



second lord and the lagna lord in a dusthana.



debilitated Sun in the sixth or eighth house aspected by malefic planets (the

native or his father will die as a result of punishment by the government).



yoga for suicide can be culled from the classics, but even so, the main principle remains the same: The Moon and Mercury must be afflicted; and,

the lords of the lagna and third and eighth houses must be interrelated.



following examples explain this principle.







native was born on November 4, 1968, at 19:45 PM, Delhi, India, and had a balance of Ketu

Dasha for 6 months and 20 days.



Moon is posited in the sign of Mars (Aries) in the twelfth house, and Mercury

is posited in the sixth house with a debilitated Sun. Following the principle

that a retrograde planet is able to exert its influence from the preceding house, Saturn in the eleventh house

is exerting its third aspect onto the Moon from the tenth house. The Moon is

the third lord; Jupiter is the eighth lord; and the lagna is afflicted by

Saturn. The lagna lord is posited in the sign of Mars (Scorpio).



native took sleeping pills in Moon/Rahu/Venus dasha. The Moon is third lord;

Rahu signifies poison; and Venus is the lagna lord. Venus is in the nakshatra

of Mercury, which rules the mouth.


In the

navamsha, the Moon is posited in its own sign of Cancer in the twelfth house;

Mercury is in the third house; Saturn is in the eighth house; Rahu is in the

fourth house in Scorpio; Venus is in the seventh house with Jupiter; and, Mars

is in Saturn's sign (Aquarius). Therefore, there is no relief to the native.


Case Two:




native was born on October 30, 1960 at 4:00 AM, Delhi, India.


attempted suicide on October 30, 1999, by consuming sleeping pills,

during Mercury/Mercury/Venus dasha.



Moon is posited in the sixth house with Ketu, and aspected by fifth and sixth

lord Saturn. Mercury is retrograde in Mars' sign (Scorpio) in the third house,

and conjoined Venus, second lord (the second lord rules the mouth). Eighth lord

Mars is posited in the tenth house in the sign of Mercury (Gemini), and Mercury

is in the sign of Mars (Scorpio). Therefore there is an exchange between the

eighth lord and the third lord. Mercury is also lagna lord, and Mars aspects

the lagna and fifth house.


In the

navamsha, Saturn and Rahu are posited in the eighth house, and Mars and Ketu

are in the second. Venus is third and eighth lord occupying the tenth house in

the sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius).


All the

karakas and related houses and their lords are afflicted. Jupiter in its own

sign in the fourth house forms a strong Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, which saved

her in time, even though Jupiter is also seventh lord.


Case Three:





native was born on September 6, 1962, at 21:20 PM, Delhi, India.



Moon is placed in the eighth house in the sign of Mars (Scorpio). Rahu is

disposited by the Moon, and receives a full aspect from retrograde Saturn in

the tenth house in its own sign of Capricorn.


is posited in the sixth house in its own sign and aspected by Mars, eighth




both the Moon and Mercury are afflicted.



third house is occupied by Mars, which is both lagna lord and eighth lord. Mars

creates a link between the lagna and third and eighth houses. Saturn conjoins

Ketu in the tenth house and is aspected by Mars. He committed suicide by

consuming pills.


Many more

examples could be given showing the relationship between the lords of the lagna,

third and eighth houses, with afflictions of the Moon and Mercury.[9]



tenth house will also have a significant role to play in suicidal acts, since

the tenth house is the most important house of the horoscope, after the first. The

tenth house is at the apex of the astrological chart and represents the zenith

of human experience. In suicide, there will be a strong malefic influence on

the tenth house. This idea will certainly be confirmed by further astrological




[s.C. Kursija is a graduate of Delhi University, Post graduate from

Meerut University and Homeopathic

System of Medicines in Delhi. He has worked in various capacities for Delhi

Homeopathy Medical Association (DHMA), and was founder and chief editor of their

monthly journal, Hahnemann Homoeopathic

Sandesh. He has received numerous awards and passed the Jyotish Visharad from

the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Madras). He was a member

of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS, Madras

Delhi Chapter-1. Dr. Kursija was General Secretary of all Indian Federation of

Astrologers Societies. Dr. Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in various

chapters, and has written on various topics of interest. He is

particularly interested in hearing from fellow astrologers who are interested

in research in human behaviour, particularly

children. He teaches medical astrology, longevity, horary, Mundane and advance

and composite techniques of prediction. He can be contacted at BA/ 45B, Phase-I, Ashok Vihar, Delhi

110 052; (M) 9350227360; © 27457830; and Email: sckursija.]











Ed. Note: Mucous diseases can be interpreted as illnesses of the respiratory,

gastrointestinal, pancreatic and liver systems.












Ibid, 47:6.




Saravali, 47:7.




Saravali, 47:12.




Ibid, 47:3.



[9] The author does not possess

charts of victims who have died from suicide by hanging, jumping from high

buildings and other similar modes. He shall be thankful if such charts are

analyzed and offered for further research.


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Respected Sh.Sunil Nair ji,



Thanks for high lighting the article. There is no need to print my introduction

at the end of the article. The publisher have printed it with the file. It is

attached with the file. So when I post the file, it was also posted.




--- On Mon, 6/8/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

Suicide: Astrological Investigation Dr. S.

C. Kursija


Monday, June 8, 2009, 9:26 PM


Suicide: Astrological Investigation


Dr. S. C. Kursija


Death is as natural as life. According to the Bhagavad-Gita, " For that which is

born must die, and that which is dead must be born again " (10: 26-27). The end

of life is accepted as a law of nature. However, the suicide of an apparently

sane person is so unnatural that it evokes anguish and perplexity.


Though still aberrant, suicide is perhaps more explicable when carried out for a

seemingly logical reason.  The world is replete with dramatic examples of

suicide victims who have died to save themselves from disgrace or oppression.


For instance, at the end of World War II, German dictator Adolf Hitler committed

suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot and cyanide poisoning. The Rajput Queen

Padmavati chose voluntary death to avoid dishonor at the hands of the Mughal

ruler Allaudin.  Bangladeshi women leap to their deaths to avoid becoming prey

to the violent and lustful Pakistani soldiers who tyrannize them. In Singapore,

trafficked Indonesian maids commonly jump out of high-rise apartments to avoid a

degrading life of enslavement.


As in the above examples, one might be able to make some small sense out of

suicide when it is performed to save one from a life of torture and humiliation.

Yet, it is difficult to fathom that contemporary students take their own lives

due to stress over examinations or social conflicts.


Suicide is a voluntary and intentional act that arises from inner or outer

frustration, fear, or humiliation. The high rate of suicide in modern Western

culture reflects the deviance of a materialistic society. As Western materialism

continues to inform global culture, so do the number of senseless suicides grow

in India, as well.  Yet, the ancient seers of India revealed the universal law

of karma that would, if followed, prevent such meaningless acts. Life is sacred

and purposeful and has a natural course.


What is the mysterious karma behind such an aberrant act as suicide? Such karma

is explained by the language of astrology. No action of humankind is outside the

scope of this vast science, including the manner of one's death. Whether through

suicide, accident, murder, or any other way, death can be judged from one's



Astrological Houses Responsible for Suicide:


The eighth house from the lagna of the horoscope of the native shows the mode of

death. The eighth from the eighth–that is, the third from the

lagna—signifies the self and its intention and valor. One who attempts suicide

needs the courage and intention to end his life. Therefore, the third house is

the house of suicide.


The lagna similarly reveals the self and its intentions. When the lords of the

first and third houses are well disposed—exalted; posited in a kendra, trine,

own or friend's house; aspected by benefic planets and without the influence or

hemming of malefic planets—the native has the courage to bravely solve his

problems and face all situations.


When there are afflictions to the lords of the first and third houses, and/or to

the houses themselves, and/or to the karakas of these houses, the native does

not have the courage to face his difficulties. He may become so mentally

disturbed that he spontaneously decides to end his life. Such an individual is

not mentally weak or a coward, but an impulsive force in the moment leads him to

act in such a way.


When the lagna and the lords of the third and eighth houses are interrelated and

afflicted by malefic planets, or are weak in strength, death by suicide may be



The fifth house as the abode of intellect and judgment is of secondary import.


Planetary Indicators of Suicide:


The Moon represents the mind or the mood of a particular situation. Thus, it may

be involved when one commits suicide.

Mercury represents the nervous system. Without the stress and tension on the

nervous system, no one commits suicide. Therefore, affliction of the Moon and

Mercury by Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu is of primary importance in the chart.

The conjunction or aspect of benign Jupiter, blissful Venus or a powerful ninth

lord will save the situation.


A Sample of Applicable Classical Yogas:


There were rare cases of suicide in ancient India. Hence, the sages did not

offer specific combinations for suicide. They did, however, reveal specific

combinations for " natural and unnatural death. " As the occurrence of suicide has

become more prevalent in our chaotic times, the astrologer who seeks guidance

from the classical literature must broadly interpret these yogas for death. As

an example, the following are given in Saravali, the ancient classic by

Kalyana Varma: [1]


Death due to fire if the Sun is posited in the eighth house.


Death due to water if the Moon is posited in the eighth house.


Death from a weapon if Mars is posited in the eighth house.


Death due to fever if Mercury is in the eighth house.


Death from a mucous disease[2] if Jupiter is in the eighth house.


Death from thirst if Venus is in the eighth house.


Death from hunger if Saturn is posited in the eighth house.


The above shloka has been repeated in other classics, as well, indicating that

the influence of a planet on the eighth house indicates the mode of death,

whether death is natural, accidental, or unnatural as in suicide. Additionally,

according to Saravali, when Mars is posited in the fourth house and the Sun is

in the tenth, the native will die due to a fall from a mountain or a blow to the

head by a rock or stone. [3] Similarly, these same rules would apply to manner

of suicide.


As stated in Saravali, a native will die by drowning if Mars is in the fourth

house, the Moon is in the seventh, and Saturn is in the tenth. [4] We can

likewise interpret this rule for deaths by any means, including suicide. All

these yogas can be understood in the same manner.


Suicide by Fire: [5]

Mars in the tenth house, with Moon in the fourth house and Saturn in the second



Sun, Mars and Mercury in the tenth house.

Moon posited in Aries or Scorpio, hemmed between malefic planets—death by fire

or by a weapon.


Sun in the eighth house.


The Moon posited in a sign of Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius) and hemmed between

malefic planets, indicates that one will commit suicide by burning, jumping from

a high place, or hanging.


Though the tattva of the sign is not considered in the above yogas, in practice,

it has been noted that there must be involvement of Feiry signs (1, 5 and 9) or

Airy signs (3, 7, and 11).


Suicide by Hanging:[6]


The lagna lord and second lord conjoined Rahu and Ketu in the sixth, eighth, or

twelfth house.


Rahu or Ketu occupy the eighth house in a sign of Saturn.


The eighth lord in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


Saturn in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


The eighth house and eighth navamsha (both) in Pisces.


The Moon and Mercury occupy the sixth or eighth house.


The fifth or ninth house occupied by a malefic planet and aspected by malefic

planets signifies suicide by hanging, jumping from a high place, or fire.


Suicide by Poison:


The lagna lord and second lord occupy the sixth, eighth or twelfth

house and are conjoined Saturn.


The Moon is in the eighth house, the lagna is occupied by malefic planets, and

Saturn as seventh and/or eighth lord posited in a dusthana:


similarly, the eighth lord is in the seventh house, the seventh lord is in the

lagna, and the lagna lord is in the twelfth house.


The eighth house in a sign of Saturn and occupied by Rahu or Ketu.


The eighth lord in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


Saturn in the eighth house conjoined malefic planets.


Suicide by a Weapon:


Mars in the eighth house in its own sign.


Ketu and the fourth lord in the sixth or eighth house.


Saturn, Mars and Rahu in the eighth house.


Mars and Saturn in the lagna, and the Moon in the eighth house.


The Moon in a sign of Mars and hemmed between malefic planets.


The Moon and Saturn in a sign of Venus.


Mars in the fourth house, the Sun in the seventh, and Saturn in the tenth house

indicates that one will commit suicide by fire, or weapon. [7]


Suicide by a Fall or Jumping from a High Place:


Mars in the fourth house and the Sun in the tenth.


Suicide from drowning: [8]


Mars in the fourth house, the Moon in the seventh, and Saturn in the tenth.


Sun and Moon in Pisces Lagna.


A Related Topic: Death by Capital Punishment:


Mercury and Saturn in the eighth house.


Mars and Saturn in the eighth house.


The second lord and the lagna lord in a dusthana.


The debilitated Sun in the sixth or eighth house aspected by malefic planets

(the native or his father will die as a result of punishment by the government).


More yoga for suicide can be culled from the classics, but even so, the main

principle remains the same:  The Moon and Mercury must be afflicted; and, the

lords of the lagna and third and eighth houses must be interrelated.


The following examples explain this principle.


Case One:




The native was born on November 4, 1968, at 19:45 PM, Delhi, India, and had a

balance of Ketu Dasha for 6 months and 20 days.


The Moon is posited in the sign of Mars (Aries) in the twelfth house, and

Mercury is posited in the sixth house with a debilitated Sun. Following the

principle that a retrograde planet is able to exert its influence from the

preceding house, Saturn in the eleventh house is exerting its third aspect onto

the Moon from the tenth house. The Moon is the third lord; Jupiter is the eighth

lord; and the lagna is afflicted by Saturn. The lagna lord is posited in the

sign of Mars (Scorpio).


The native took sleeping pills in Moon/Rahu/Venus dasha. The Moon is third lord;

Rahu signifies poison; and Venus is the lagna lord. Venus is in the nakshatra of

Mercury, which rules the mouth.


In the navamsha, the Moon is posited in its own sign of Cancer in the twelfth

house; Mercury is in the third house; Saturn is in the eighth house; Rahu is in

the fourth house in Scorpio; Venus is in the seventh house with Jupiter; and,

Mars is in Saturn's sign (Aquarius). Therefore, there is no relief to the



Case Two:




The native was born on October 30, 1960 at 4:00 AM, Delhi, India.

She attempted suicide on October 30, 1999, by consuming sleeping pills, during

Mercury/Mercury/Venus dasha.


The Moon is posited in the sixth house with Ketu, and aspected by fifth and

sixth lord Saturn. Mercury is retrograde in Mars' sign (Scorpio) in the third

house, and conjoined Venus, second lord (the second lord rules the mouth).

Eighth lord Mars is posited in the tenth house in the sign of Mercury (Gemini),

and Mercury is in the sign of Mars (Scorpio). Therefore there is an exchange

between the eighth lord and the third lord. Mercury is also lagna lord, and Mars

aspects the lagna and fifth house.


In the navamsha, Saturn and Rahu are posited in the eighth house, and Mars and

Ketu are in the second. Venus is third and eighth lord occupying the tenth house

in the sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius).


All the karakas and related houses and their lords are afflicted. Jupiter in its

own sign in the fourth house forms a strong Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, which saved

her in time, even though Jupiter is also seventh lord.


Case Three:





The native was born on September 6, 1962, at 21:20 PM, Delhi, India.


The Moon is placed in the eighth house in the sign of Mars (Scorpio). Rahu is

disposited by the Moon, and receives a full aspect from retrograde Saturn in the

tenth house in its own sign of Capricorn.

Mercury is posited in the sixth house in its own sign and aspected by Mars,

eighth lord.


Therefore, both the Moon and Mercury are afflicted.


The third house is occupied by Mars, which is both lagna lord and eighth lord.

Mars creates a link between the lagna and third and eighth houses. Saturn

conjoins Ketu in the tenth house and is aspected by Mars. He committed suicide

by consuming pills.


Many more examples could be given showing the relationship between the lords of

the lagna, third and eighth houses, with afflictions of the Moon and Mercury.[9]


The tenth house will also have a significant role to play in suicidal acts,

since the tenth house is the most important house of the horoscope, after the

first. The tenth house is at the apex of the astrological chart and represents

the zenith of human experience. In suicide, there will be a strong malefic

influence on the tenth house. This idea will certainly be confirmed by further

astrological investigation.



[s.C. Kursija is a graduate of Delhi University, Post graduate from Meerut

University and Homeopathic System of Medicines in Delhi.  He has worked in

various capacities for Delhi Homeopathy Medical Association (DHMA), and was

founder and chief editor of their monthly journal, Hahnemann Homoeopathic

Sandesh. He has received numerous awards and passed the Jyotish Visharad from

the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Madras). He was a member of the

faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS, Madras

Delhi Chapter-1. Dr. Kursija was General Secretary of all Indian Federation of

Astrologers Societies. Dr. Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in various

chapters, and has written on various topics of interest. He is particularly

interested in hearing from fellow astrologers who are interested in  research

in human behaviour, particularly children. He teaches medical astrology,

longevity, horary, Mundane and advance and composite

techniques of prediction. He can be contacted at BA/ 45B, Phase-I, Ashok Vihar,

Delhi 110 052; (M) 9350227360; © 27457830; and Email: sckursija.]







[1] 47:1.


[2] Ed. Note: Mucous diseases can be interpreted as illnesses of the

respiratory, gastrointestinal, pancreatic and liver systems.


[3] 47:3.


[4] Ibid


[5] Ibid, 47:6.


[6] Saravali, 47:7.


[7] Saravali, 47:12.


[8] Ibid, 47:3.


[9] The author does not possess charts of victims who have died from suicide by

hanging, jumping from high buildings and other similar modes. He shall be

thankful if such charts are analyzed and offered for further research.


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