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Dear grp and respected List here is another Joke frm shri Mr laughing stock of this century -AKK ((((((((Kaul has kept before the readers the facts that as in the Bhagawata Puranaor Vishnu Purana or Shiva Purana or the Mahabharata, Tantraloka etc. etc. oreven the sidhantas, there are no so called nirayana Mesha, Vrisha etc.Rashis, but only so called sayana rashis, similarly, during the 11th centuryAD, India was celebrating all the festivals as per a Sayana Rashichakra.That very sayana Rashichakra was used for phalita-jyotisha! You can seethis information in npj3.doc also.)))))))))))))))))) Now when ever he see rasies he find an escape route ,it is sayana ,because his challenge was if u show rasies in vedas or vedanga jyothisha s i can suicide in frnd of u ( but i request readers dont expect any thing ,pls stop hoping with this man he will commit to his words ) as it is imported without paying taxes and duties .Now he is trapped ,so he has to find an escape route .So if it is Nirayana then it is imported frm greeks or meditaranians if not still if he cannot proov it then it shud frm babylonians ( more lost is civilisation without even one records is more better to argue ) but puranic rasies r sayana , ( other wise all this meshadi rasi names r interpolated into hindus as we copied it -- readers if u dont know any thing it is more better ,then i can tell u any lies ,if u r sure u dont know anything i will tell u another secret this nakshtras also imported frm mesopotomia ,no way indian rishies the stupids who sit under trees with closed eyes and crossed legs can hav this much knowledge or some thing is there in their brain .cant u accept only fools will waiste their time such a way . ) then next question will b how the zodiac can b devided into 12 signs as Meshadi rasies yes ,but if it is sayana then it can b devided is the answer .next question is how nakhsatras taken ( he is asking to others as he realy dont know abt it ) ,then if no other way he will accept it is sayana only then he will say all festivals were celebrated according sayanna ( a kannadiga gentle man I think ) rasies then he pours all venom on varhammihira or some one who migh hav livd 15 or some centruies b4 11 century AD for making a mess on festivals ,still he can see in 11th century till alberuni came to india ( i dont know what he has done to festivals of hindus ) all festivals were celebated according atomic clocks precision .Still the festivals r not celebrated in correct time due to varhamihira who is dead and gone long long back and pure soul cannot defend for himself now .Rasi chakra is haram ( islamic arabic word for religious taboo ) if u r using it in siderial nakshtra way ,but if it is sayana then it is not a imaginary belt of imaginary animals ,also it is not taboo any more .For indian sanskrit words like rasi chakra he refers websters or some english dictionary and come out with meaning as it is imaginary belt ( is it is some karatte black belt ?? i dont know ) ,so much for his sanskrit knowledge who says he is sastri frm benares hindu University .Now he goes on saying ( another invention frm Mr alughing stock ) that even astrology was according to sayanna -kannadiga rasies those days of al beruni in 11th centruy AD so he accepts there is astrology practised in india now and but it shud b in sayanna -kannadiga way .but even if so when ever he feels he will call varahamihira as charlattan and fraud ( where as he is the only one who is not fraud according to himself --it is like a person says he is the best wrestler in word who dont even attended in one bouts ) Now can he mention any books on sayanna astrology practised during 11th century AD ( i dont know may b we need to learn arabic or persian for it ) which he says was practised in india according to him ,it is what is AL-beruni saab says ,which has sayanna rasies NIL will b answer ( all this for his mathematicaly impossible lunar calender -pls blv me i can vouch for it ,he is serious ) that is another beauti of sayanna rasies that is the miracle of sayanna calenders ,sayanna sankranties ,sayanna pitri tharpanam ,sayanna deepa vali ,for bengalies we hav there is sayanna kali pooja too so read it again ,and memorise it if possible go to nearest photo accessaries shop and laminate it and keep it in ur frnt room for next generation to see it """"""""""""""""Kaul has kept before the readers the facts that as in the Bhagawata Puranaor Vishnu Purana or Shiva Purana or the Mahabharata, Tantraloka etc. etc. oreven the sidhantas, there are no so called nirayana Mesha, Vrisha etc.Rashis, but only so called sayana rashis, similarly, during the 11th centuryAD, India was celebrating all the festivals as per a Sayana Rashichakra.That very sayana Rashichakra was used for phalita-jyotisha! You can seethis information in npj3.doc also."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Let us forget in past kaul himself was using Northern declination of sun as uttarayana and now trying to teach me new meanings as if it sun frm meshadi blah blah .Rgrds sunil nair hinducivilization , "jyotirved" <jyotirved wrote:Shri Sunil Nairji,Namaskar!There is Persian saying, "taa mard sukhan na gufta bashad, aib o hunarishnihufta bashad" i.e. "So long as one keeps one's trap shut his/her wisdomand/or foolishness remain hidden from the general public" I am glad that you are giving a proof of your own " high intelligence" bycontinuing this dialogue! Keep it up!You have said<see what AL -beruni ARBAB of kaul ji has written according to thetranslater ( Readiris, Copyright IRIS 2004 >"Readris" is a software used for scanning documents on hp laserprinter-cum-scanner. It is page No. 356, Chapter XXXVII, of Alberuni'sIndia that has been scanned. The translator of the original Arabic work isDr. Edward C. Sachau, and not Readris! Alberuni's India is an authenticsource of information about 11th century India, acknowledged by all thescholars.<and what kaul upholds as if parama satya>Kaul has kept before the readers the facts that as in the Bhagawata Puranaor Vishnu Purana or Shiva Purana or the Mahabharata, Tantraloka etc. etc. oreven the sidhantas, there are no so called nirayana Mesha, Vrisha etc.Rashis, but only so called sayana rashis, similarly, during the 11th centuryAD, India was celebrating all the festivals as per a Sayana Rashichakra.That very sayana Rashichakra was used for phalita-jyotisha! You can seethis information in npj3.doc also.<++++++++++That which is has northern declination is called Uttarakul(Uttara-gola) or Meshadi i.e. having Aries as beginningThat which has southern declination is called dakshinagola or tuladi i.e.having Tula as beginning..++++++++++++Means he visited india may b BC 7000 when uttarayana according to ur ownwordings as per al beruni sahib or 34 ooo yrs b4 or 61ooo yrs b4>Dear Sunilji, after all, how long will you go on making a laughing stock ofyourself! I have given you all the astronomical information in as simpleand uncomplicated a manner as possible, but still you are unable to graspplain truths! That way, you are a real "Vedic astrologer" since they cansee only previous and forthcoming janmas through predictive hocus focus butthey are blind as bats for simple and plain facts of day to day life! Afterall, they are the "living examples" of tamoguni budhi!Anyway, it is an astronomical fact that on the day of Vernal Equinox, thedeclination of the sun is always zero. It has been so over the last severalthousand years, if not several hundred thousand years, and will continue tobe so for the next several thousand years, at least! Vernal Equinox takesplace these days around March 21 and used to take place on the same date ineleventh century AD, and also in 5000 BCE, if we just ignore the correctionsfor Gregorian calendar! From that day onwards, the sun starts gainingNorthern declination, and reaches the maximum Northern declination on theday of Summer Solstice, known as Dakshinayana Day.All the Puranas and the sidhantas say that when the day and night are equal,that is the day of Mesha Sankranti and that is the day of Vishuva. That is.as such, Meshadi! You can see on the Rashtirya Panchanga itself that on theday of March 21/22, the heading itself is "(Vedic) Mesha". In other words,the Meshadi or Mesha Sankranti or Vaishakhi that whole of India, includingyou, is celebrating these days, is neither as per Puranas nor as per thesidhantas, but only as per the whims and fancies of Lahiri and Lahirwalas! The six months of (Sayana) Mesha, Vrisha, Mithuna etc, are known as UttaraGola (and not Uttarayana)! They are so even today in Malayalam panchangasas well. You can check it for yourself, at least from the Malyalam editionof Rashtirya Panchanga! Those six months are known as Uttaragola for thesimple reason that the sun is having northern declination from that date ofMarch 21 onwards, till it reaches the zero degrees of declination againaround September 21!The day of (Sayana) Karkata Sankranti is known as Dakshinayana (and notDakshina-gola) day, since on that day onwards the sun, after having gainedthe maximum northern declination, starts coming down from the same, andstarts moving towards south. The six months from that day are known asDakshinayana. It has been so over the last several thousand years, and willcontinue to be so for thousands of years! "Vedic astrologers" cannot wishit away!On the day of Sayana Tula Sankranti, the day is again equal to night, anddeclination of the sun is again zero. Having come down from the Northerndeclination, the sun starts gaining Southern declination from that date.That is why the period of six months of (Sayana) Tula, Vrischika etc.rashis are known as Dakshina Gola (and not Dakshinayana or Uttarayana). Itwill continue to be so for thousands of years, just as it has been so overthe last several thousand years, including eleventh century AD!Thus the Simhadi, i.e. the Malyalam New Year day, that you and the rest ofmy Malyali brothers and sisters are celebrating these days, should beactually around July 23 or so and not on August 17 or so, since the sunenters the real (Sayana) Simha rashi on July 23 whereas it is only "LahiriSimhadi" that you are celebrating on August 17 or so. If you want tocelebrate Chandrahari Simhadi, it will be a different date; Ramana Simhadiwill be on still another different date and so on. In other words, you cankeep on celebrating your Simhadi throughout the year by changing theAyanamsha by one degree per day! After all, who is going to stop "almighty"Lahirwalas! Anyway, the Sun reaches maximum Southern Declination around December 21these days, after which it starts going towards North. It has been so overthe last several thousand years, including eleventh century, and willcontinue to be so for next several thousand years! That very day of maximumSouthern Declination of the sun being the actual maximum Northerndeclination of the earth, is yet another reason as to why it is known as theUttarayana Day! The six months of Uttarayana start from that very date, andI only hope (against hope!) that you know that tonsure and yajnyopaveetaceremonies are performed only during the six months of Uttarayana!It is that very Uttarayana Day that is known as Makaradi/Makar Sankranti, asper all the Puranas including Bhagawata, Shiva Purana, VishnudharmotaraPurana, Tantraloka etc. etc. (Pl. see BVB6.doc). Thus the so calledMakaradi or Makara Sankranti etc. that whole of India, including you, iscelebrating these days around January 15 is actually "almighty" Lahiri MakarSankranti. Chandra Hari Makar Sankranti can be on a different date, RamanaMakar Sankranti on yet another date and so on! In other words. "Vedicastrologers" can make the hapless Hindu community celebrate Simhadi orMakaradi or Meshadi every day of the year! They can make the whole of Indiacelebrate all the three Sankrantis together on every day! After all, it isjust a matter of a degree of Ayanamsha plus or minus every day!And that is why I keep on repeating, "We do not need enemies to ruin ourdharma. 'Vedic astrologers' are doing that job in a splendid manner".I am really grateful to you for having given me this opportunity to clarifyto a layman as to how we are being taken for a ride by "Vedic astrologers"regarding our fasts, festivals and muhurtas---besides, of course, the socalled "Vedic astrology"Dhanyavad.A K Kaulhinducivilization , "sunil nair"astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > see what AL -beruni ARBAB of kaul ji has written according to the> translater ( Readiris, Copyright IRIS 2004 ) and what kaul upholds as> if parama satya++++++++++That which is has northern declination is called Uttarakal (Uttara-gola) or Meshadi i.e. having Aries as beginning>> That which has southern declination is called dakshinagolaor tuladi i.e.having Tula as beginning..++++++++++++ Means he visited india may b BC 7000 when uttarayana according to ur own>wordings as per al beruni sahib or 34 ooo yrs b4 or 61ooo yrs b4 > hinducivilization , "jyotirved" <jyotirved@>> wrote: Shri Sunil Nairji,Namaskar!> You have said,> >> > "Dear sunil Bhattacharya ji and List> >> > See ,read and enjoy another kaulian tamasha ,he endoresed AL -beruni> a> > arab as a most learned scholar on astronomy and his writing as if veda> > Vakhya for him"> >

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