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Fw: How and Why do we make decisions? Astrological Answers! 21/6

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Here was the first response to this question. I am brand new to looking at JR so I have no idea who the responder was, but the response was interesting (very verbose).




----- Forwarded Message ----Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:52:46 AMRe: How and Why do we make decisions? Astrological Answers! 21/6


Rajiv Jhannau were spamming every group with reading requests for months and litertally bugged everyone NOW u come up with kind of rubbish?ithe fundamental question is FIRST STUDY THE SUBJECT, ITS RULES, APPLICATIONS TEST AS MANY CASES AND THEN think of commenting on it any subject for that mattera horoscope has several revealing facets, factorsthe strength of the chart must be first be analysedits current running period, its strenght, the current planetary transitsany major combinations for good or badand above all the family and his own karmaic debts if too strong can't deliver the expected resultslast said point can be seen from a much deeper level say D60if even a shuba graha period is running if it is placed in a Krora or evil shastiamsa it can't deliver the said shubha phalabut if evil periods run and is in Krura shashtiamsas it can be quite compoundedand desha, kaala, paristhi

matters toowhen Kingdoms have given to diff forms of govt such substititions is neededthe essence of it is a major employersay in India railways is a v large organisation the biggest employer as of now it is Givt controled what if it is privatised?AIR INDIA is facing such a prospect by a distress sale if a govt employee with no effort of his becomes a privates ector employee it is the size of the employer herthat matters.to work, study, work abroad there must be supporting times in the chart just not combinations alone.similarly living abroead can be a yoga for some, but for many it is a EXILE yoga that is no family, friends, family worse off in w. asia , africa other places levels of it differs?so u may live and earn in a hostile environment.can anyone resist Karma even the Avataras of so many divine forms have show that in human form they have suffered normal human experiences but never

lost control of values, self respect.Did not the Pandavas who had Lord Krishna in their side not loose not once but twice in dice gambling even after the Lord did intervene 1st time and saved Draupadi's honor in the royal place where she was almost disrobed [emotionally] in public...still why did they take the 2nd 2nd invitation it is the role of this life's KarmaBUDHI KARMA ANUSAREthat is Buddhi will follow the instinctgs of ones Karmaa hororscope reveals both the +ve and -ve sides its occurance timing and allows us some free weill to reduce the bad ones, improve our Atma or souls balance sheet in this life on wards to become better. by burning off the -ve aspects and also not adding new -ve Karma into it which we all continue to doit bride a cop a tax official or push someone in traffic as we r in a hurry and want to reach home. work faster than one before u, [he/she may be too in such a situation if u care

to ask]fix a appointment with a hospital or a govt official ahead of others in the quee/even temple darshans, educational seats etcif these do happen only in the way they shuld in order of application than other means all else will be finebut each ones individual karma will make one choose a particular path.it is better to be careful and remain in the right side of the law, and karmaall good deeds with good intention will pay in the long runbut good deds by accident, mistake dont countbut bad ddeeds by even mistake count a sin so choice is v hard it is like driving down a ghat road with no protection on the sides and no metaling on itdevil or deep ravines....Best wishesPrashant____________ _________ _________ __GoldBerg Financial Trading Systems <goldberg.investment s. in>Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:20:07 PM How and Why do we make decisions? Astrological Answers!Dear Friends,Please check the following examples are answer if you can.1. A person is a job less. His natal chart says, he should be ingovernment job, so, why isn't he there? If his Planets and Stars are notsupportive in MNC job, why is he searching for the same? If hisPlanets/Stars are favourable, how come he has not applied for governmentjob?2. Natal Chart says, Person has good education, why is he not lookingforward to going to Harvard or IIM, why is he settling for lower levels ofeducation?3. Natal Chart says,

Person would have beautiful wife, a famouspersonality, but it would end in divorce. Should he Marry or rather Will heMarry if known the given outcome?4. Natal Chart says, Person would go to foreign lands, he would be veryrich there and it would be his only source of income, but in the process, hewould loose all his family, friends, and relatives, in homeland. Should hego to foreign lands, or rather would he go, if known the outcome?5. Natal chart says, person will loose wealth in Speculation and wronginvestments, but we see he is still there everyday? Why would he be there ifit is bad for him? Why can't he resist or Can he resist?These are just few examples, but the question remains the same.who is incontrol here, Natal Chart - Planets - or Human Decision. Who chooses, whodecides - Stars or Man, and how is this decision made?Can there be a discussion on this? (Again.Is this question need to

beanswered.Astrologic ally or will it go untouched or will some strong mindtake charge and look into it????)Thanks and regards,Rajiv Khanna------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --There's an old parable that goes as follows:Every morning in Africa a Gazelle wakes up, It knows it better run fasterthan the faster Lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. ItKnows it better run faster than the slowest Gazelle or it will starve todeath.. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle : WHEN THE SUN COMESUP, YOU BETTER BE RUNNING. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -

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