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Simple but practcal astrology

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Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd.


Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer planet.


Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother.


Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc.


Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc.


Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.

Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health of married partner.


Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few.






, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Dear chakraborty ji> > Thanks for ur mail> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results> depending on situations .> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> > > Rgrds sunil nair> > > , CHAKRABORTYP2@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil-ji,> >> > Thanks for the reply.> >> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that> > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > average as far as earning part goes.> >> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > is operative.> >> > regards> >> > P L Chakraborty> >

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Dear Bhaskar-ji,


Thank you for the lucid explanation. It helped me greatly.




P L Chakraborty


Bhaskar [bhaskar_jyotish]Saturday, June 27, 2009 2:26 PM Subject: Simple but practcal astrology



Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd.


Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer planet.


Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother.


Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc.


Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc.


Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.

Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health of married partner.


Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few.






, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Dear chakraborty ji> > Thanks for ur mail> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results> depending on situations .> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> > > Rgrds sunil nair> > > , CHAKRABORTYP2@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil-ji,> >> > Thanks for the reply.> >> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that> > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > average as far as earning part goes.> >> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > is operative.> >> > regards> >> > P L Chakraborty> >

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Dear Bhaskar Ji,


Thank you for this lovely email. I am unable to spend much time these days, but I am glad I spent time to read this.








Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 1:55:37 AM Simple but practcal astrology



Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd.


Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer planet.


Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother.


Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner stabbing in bock etc..


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc.


Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc.


Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.

Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health of married partner.


Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few.






ancient_indian_ astrology, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:>> > Dear chakraborty ji> > Thanks for ur mail> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results> depending on situations .> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> > > Rgrds sunil nair> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil-ji,> >> > Thanks for the reply.> >> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that>

> if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > average as far as earning part goes.> >> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > is operative.> >> > regards> >> > P L Chakraborty> >

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Dear Bhaskar ji,


Thanks for the educative mail which directs the reader to delve more into

'simple but practical astrology'. Your simple explanation of a complicated

subject is beautiful.






, " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish



> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for

> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.

> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing

> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the

> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the

> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.

> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -

> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also very

> instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues

> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental

> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth

> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in

> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death

> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs

> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death

> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by

> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains

> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur

> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would

> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes

> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the

> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to

> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or

> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break

> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of

> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,

> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,

> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss

> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in

> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to

> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages

> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will

> aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about

> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by

> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show

> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th

> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,

> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a

> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the

> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above

> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.






> , " sunil nair "

> <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear chakraborty ji

> >

> > Thanks for ur mail

> >

> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> >

> >

> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> results

> > depending on situations .

> >

> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> >

> >

> > Rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> > >

> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > >

> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > is operative.

> > >

> > > regards

> > >

> > > P L Chakraborty

> > >


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Dear Bhaskarji,--- On Sat, 27/6/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Simple but practcal astrology Date: Saturday, 27 June, 2009, 2:25 PM


Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time..


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd.


Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer planet.


Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother.


Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc.


Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc.


Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.

Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother.. Health of married partner.


Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few.






ancient_indian_ astrology, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:>> > Dear chakraborty ji> > Thanks for ur mail> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results> depending on situations .> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> > > Rgrds sunil nair> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil-ji,> >> > Thanks for the reply.> >> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that>

> if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > average as far as earning part goes.> >> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > is operative.> >> > regards> >> > P L Chakraborty> >


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Dear Manoj ji, Chakroborty ji and Renu ji,


Thank You.


The less complicated we make the astrology analysis part, the more

better the facts surface. Most of us still not know properly the

relationships between the planets, how they will behave in a particular

house and sign. If this part is understood then half of astrology is

already learnt. Unfortunately most of us like to go for complicated

technical analysis which looks good in reading but ...


We must try to understand the Natal Chart properly before we move onto

the other Divisional Charts.


best wishes,








, " renunw " <renunw




> Dear Bhaskar ji,


> Thanks for the educative mail which directs the reader to delve more

into 'simple but practical astrology'. Your simple explanation of a

complicated subject is beautiful.


> blessings,


> Renu


> , " Bhaskar "

bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,


> > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can


> > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from


> > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again


> > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of


> > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are


> > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo


> > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.


> > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also


> > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the


> > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be


> > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or


> > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native


> > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his


> > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom


> > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the


> > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers


> > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and


> > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and


> > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may


> > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money


> > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and


> > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of


> > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,


> > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence


> > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,


> > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss


> > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of


> > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,


> > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,


> > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions


> > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded


> > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long


> > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It


> > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show


> > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

made by

> > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will


> > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the


> > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the


> > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like


> > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but


> > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the


> > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sunil nair "

> > <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for ur mail

> > >

> > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > >

> > >

> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has


> > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > results

> > > depending on situations .

> > >

> > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

can b

> > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > >

> > >

> > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > >

> > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > is operative.

> > > >

> > > > regards

> > > >

> > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > >

> >


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Dear Bhasker ji,


Thanks, its always informative to read you,though it is the general Astrologers

prudence  that 11th lord is a paapi,it acts as direct Maarak for nine Ascendants

and contingent maarak for the rest.





--- On Sat, 27/6/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish

Simple but practcal astrology


Saturday, 27 June, 2009, 2:25 PM




Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this

case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7.

Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th

Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna

Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the

6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the



Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is

the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

is the 7th Lord.  Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the

8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not

getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is

mostly also very instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House "   The Labha would

be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th

Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later

stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer



Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd

is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows

marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the

cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of

Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts

passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth,

happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the

native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why

? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd

house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of

the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,

to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of

Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from



Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from

children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money,

Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in

partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house



Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop,

Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism



Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business,

Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.


Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health of married



Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in

body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the

9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo

show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will

show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first

child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It

will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to

the elder brother or friends.  It will also show repairs needed to the roof of

the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may

start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic.

We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a

nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may

touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes

sense to few.







ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:



> Dear chakraborty ji


> Thanks for ur mail


> abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times



> but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results

> depending on situations .


> so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )



> Rgrds sunil nair



> ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil-ji,

> >

> > Thanks for the reply.

> >

> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > average as far as earning part goes.

> >

> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > is operative.

> >

> > regards

> >

> > P L Chakraborty

> >



























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Dear respected Bhaskar ji Thanks for the educativ posts even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts ) i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions rgrds sunil nair , "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe> that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very> instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the> 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will> aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.> > > > > > , "sunil nair"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear chakraborty ji> >> > Thanks for ur mail> >> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> >> >> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all> results> > depending on situations .> >> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> >> >> > Rgrds sunil nair> >> >> > , CHAKRABORTYP2@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil-ji,> > >> > > Thanks for the reply.> > >> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > > average as far as earning part goes.> > >> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > > is operative.> > >> > > regards> > >> > > P L Chakraborty> > >>

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Dear All,

I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few days back

which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the horoscopes I have.


Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th house but

also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a house of divorce

because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of course there are always

exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is never a pleasant one. If you are

able to get your hands on the Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are

bound volumes) I remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses

this 7th and 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th antar




In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into another

" dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .


I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are difficult to

predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can 7th lord in 8th when

it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

Can someone please explain the logic behind this?






--- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala

Re: Simple but practcal astrology


Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM










Dear respected Bhaskar ji


  Thanks for the educativ posts


even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP

krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


may write abt it ,when quality  time is availble for me ,(also wants to write

abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects livs

,and how can we see it  tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts )


  i thought when once such a mail on badaka  happened in grp ,i thought the grp

would hav taken up this discussions


rgrds sunil nair



ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish@

....> wrote:


> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for

> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.

> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing

> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the

> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the

> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.

> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -

> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also very

> instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues

> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental

> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth

> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in

> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death

> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs

> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death

> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by

> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains

> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur

> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would

> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes

> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the

> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to

> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or

> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break

> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of

> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,

> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,

> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss

> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in

> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to

> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages

> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will

> aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about

> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by

> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show

> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th

> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,

> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a

> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the

> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above

> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.






> ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear chakraborty ji

> >

> > Thanks for ur mail

> >

> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> >

> >

> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> results

> > depending on situations .

> >

> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> >

> >

> > Rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> > >

> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > >

> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > is operative.

> > >

> > > regards

> > >

> > > P L Chakraborty

> > >


















ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET


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Dear Anita ji,


These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

in every horoscope.


The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.











, Anita R <ash.rsh55



> Dear All,

> I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

horoscopes I have.


> Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th

house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a

house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th and

6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th

antar period.



> In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into

another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .


> I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can

7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> Regards,

> Anita




> --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> sunil nair astro_tellerkerala

> Re: Simple but practcal astrology


> Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM




Dear respected Bhaskar ji


> Thanks for the educativ posts


> even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


> may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

individual charts )


> i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions


> rgrds sunil nair



> ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,


> > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can


> > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from


> > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again


> > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of


> > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are


> > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo


> > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.


> > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also


> > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the


> > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be


> > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or


> > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native


> > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his


> > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom


> > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the


> > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers


> > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and


> > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and


> > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may


> > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money


> > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and


> > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of


> > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,


> > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence


> > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,


> > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss


> > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of


> > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,


> > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,


> > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions


> > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded


> > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long


> > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It


> > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show


> > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

made by

> > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will


> > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the


> > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the


> > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like


> > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but


> > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the


> > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for ur mail

> > >

> > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > >

> > >

> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has


> > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > results

> > > depending on situations .

> > >

> > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

can b

> > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > >

> > >

> > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > >

> > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > is operative.

> > > >

> > > > regards

> > > >

> > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > >

> >











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Hello Bhaskar Sir, Is there any use of bhava chart(sripathi method) in astrology?Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Sunday, 28 June, 2009 12:27:25 PM Re: Simple but practcal astrology



Dear Anita ji,


These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

in every horoscope.


The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.




ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R <ash.rsh55@. ..>



> Dear All,

> I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

horoscopes I have.


> Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th

house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a

house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th and

6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th

antar period.



> In general if any lord is gone "dusthana number of houses away" into

another "dusthana" house, it is "double trouble".


> I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can

7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> Regards,

> Anita




> --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:



> sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM




Dear respected Bhaskar ji


> Thanks for the educativ posts


> even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


> may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

individual charts )


> i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions


> rgrds sunil nair



> ancient_indian_ astrology, "Bhaskar"

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,


> > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can


> > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from


> > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again


> > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of


> > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are


> > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo


> > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.


> > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also


> > instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be

> > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the


> > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be


> > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or


> > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native


> > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his


> > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom


> > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the


> > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers


> > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and


> > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and


> > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may


> > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money


> > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and


> > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of


> > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,


> > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence


> > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,


> > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss


> > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of


> > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,


> > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,


> > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions


> > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded


> > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long


> > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It


> > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show


> > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

made by

> > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will


> > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the


> > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the


> > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like


> > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but


> > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the


> > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "sunil nair"

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for ur mail

> > >

> > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > >

> > >

> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has


> > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > results

> > > depending on situations .

> > >

> > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

can b

> > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > >

> > >

> > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > >

> > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > is operative.

> > > >

> > > > regards

> > > >

> > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > >

> >











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Dear P raj,


Yes , the Shripathi Bhava Chart is very useful in delineating the

results for the planets in houses. But the problem is that not many

people use this. Those who have time , should certainly use the

Shripathi Bhava Chart, and will find the difference in understanding why

a planet is not behaving the way it should, as per the normal normal

Natal Chart.







, p raj <praj11



> Hello Bhaskar Sir,

> Is there any use of bhava chart(sripathi method) in astrology?





> ________________________________

> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish


> Sunday, 28 June, 2009 12:27:25 PM

> Re: Simple but practcal astrology

Dear Anita ji,


> These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

> in every horoscope.


> The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

> dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

> good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

> spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

> chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

> Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.


> regards/Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R ash.rsh55@


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

> days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

> horoscopes I have.

> >

> > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the


> house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is


> house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

> course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

> never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

> Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

> remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th


> 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

> separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th


> antar period.

> >

> >

> > In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into

> another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .

> >

> > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

> difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how


> 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > Regards,

> > Anita

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> >

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal


> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> >

> > Thanks for the educativ posts

> >

> > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

> what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> >

> > may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

> to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

> but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

> individual charts )

> >

> > i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

> thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions

> >

> > rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

> <bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,

> for

> > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of


> > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can

> kill.

> > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of


> > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from

> owing

> > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again

> the

> > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of

> the

> > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are

> evil.

> > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo -


> > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


> -

> > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

> Jupiter

> > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus


> > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars


> > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this.


> > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study


> > > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also

> very

> > > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of


> > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the

> figues

> > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be

> instrumental

> > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or

> wealth

> > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the


> in

> > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his

> death

> > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom

> occurs

> > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the

> Death

> > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given


> by

> > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and

> gains

> > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


> > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and

> its

> > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may

> occur

> > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money

> would

> > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and

> causes

> > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of

> the

> > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever


> > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short


> to

> > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of


> or

> > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,

> break

> > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is


> > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business


> > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly -


> of

> > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of

> partnerships,

> > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

> Gratuity,

> > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,

> Loss

> > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business,


> in

> > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation


> > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly


> > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th


> > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded

> to

> > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when


> > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

> voyages

> > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from


> > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It

> will

> > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of


> > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show

> about

> > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

> made by

> > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It


> show

> > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends.


> > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the

> 7th

> > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

> native,

> > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing


> a

> > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these


> > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell,


> the

> > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may


> > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the

> above

> > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > >

> > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has

> diffrnt

> > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > > results

> > > > depending on situations .

> > > >

> > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

> can b

> > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,


> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly


> > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > >

> > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure


> > > > > is operative.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards

> > > > >

> > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

> http://cricket.

> Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

more. Click here http://cricket.


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dear shri bhaskarji,

A good birthday gift from ur end to all the members.

Many more happy returns of the day.


god bless u.





--- On Sat, 6/27/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish

Simple but practcal astrology


Saturday, June 27, 2009, 2:25 PM


Dear Friends,


I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also kills, in this

case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7.

Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this Sign.


Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th

Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna

Lord apart from owing the 6th.


Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th lord and the

6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th. Sun is the Lord of the



Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is

the 3rd Lord.


Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

is the 7th Lord.  Venus is the 2nd Lord.


Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the

8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work, and not

getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is this -


In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is

mostly also very instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House "   The Labha would

be available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the 11th

Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues at his later

stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental as the killer



Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above study. The 2nd

is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows

marriage to the native in his youth again, but these same planets will be the

cause of his death when he should die in old age.


Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the House of

Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures actively, but acts

passively when given powers by those same planets which give us wealth,

happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur to the

native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would be there. Why

? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes expenditure of the 2nd

house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of

the native please) .


Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,

to the native.


Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing rights of

Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of happiness of/from



Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from

children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money,

Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in marriage, Loss in

partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The tenant leaving the house



Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a stop,

Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite of spiritualism



Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or business,

Obstructions in promotion etc.


Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of the 1tth.


Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health of married



Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in

body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance though the

9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

voyages including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will aslo

show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the native. It will

show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about the health of the first

child. It will show about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It

will show about fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to

the elder brother or friends.  It will also show repairs needed to the roof of

the house.


(When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

native, it will also

show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes which may

start leaking).


Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic.

We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a

nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may

touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and makes

sense to few.







ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:



> Dear chakraborty ji


> Thanks for ur mail


> abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times



> but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all results

> depending on situations .


> so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )



> Rgrds sunil nair



> ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil-ji,

> >

> > Thanks for the reply.

> >

> > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > average as far as earning part goes.

> >

> > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > is operative.

> >

> > regards

> >

> > P L Chakraborty

> >

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Dear ones,

Bhaskarji had written a nice piece spending his valuable time.Specially he finished it off very well by saying there are no good or bad planets and houses.But actual results may touch hundreds of areas in life......perhaps thats why it is very hard2predict certain things in certain charts!

As sunil nair ji mentioned i was the one who touched upon the "badhaka " in my previous postings.


gopi. , "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe> that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very> instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the> 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will> aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.> > > > > > , "sunil nair"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear chakraborty ji> >> > Thanks for ur mail> >> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> >> >> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all> results> > depending on situations .> >> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> >> >> > Rgrds sunil nair> >> >> > , CHAKRABORTYP2@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil-ji,> > >> > > Thanks for the reply.> > >> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > > average as far as earning part goes.> > >> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > > is operative.> > >> > > regards> > >> > > P L Chakraborty> > >>

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Thanks Bhaskarji for your suggestion,but as i am a beginner, Plz tell me,what

kind of difference is expected for virgo lagna native,if Jupiter(lord of 7th

house) is placed in 6th house in rashi chart but in 7th in Shripathi Bhava Chart

and Sun(lord of 12th house) is placed in 11th house in rashi chart but in 12th

in Shripathi Bhava Chart.


Thanks Again




dear Membr


if ur questions r based on chart of ur own then it is amnting to consultancy and

we request u to do it in prvt paying the astrologers ,we hav seen enough of

guerilla technics and tactics for squessing out predictions frm astrologers .


rgds grp managemnt



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish


Sunday, 28 June, 2009 1:05:56 PM

Re: Simple but practcal astrology







Dear P raj,


Yes , the Shripathi Bhava Chart is very useful in delineating the

results for the planets in houses. But the problem is that not many

people use this. Those who have time , should certainly use the

Shripathi Bhava Chart, and will find the difference in understanding why

a planet is not behaving the way it should, as per the normal normal

Natal Chart.




ancient_indian_ astrology, p raj <praj11



> Hello Bhaskar Sir,

> Is there any use of bhava chart(sripathi method) in astrology?





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ...

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Sunday, 28 June, 2009 12:27:25 PM

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

Dear Anita ji,


> These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

> in every horoscope.


> The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

> dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

> good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

> spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

> chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

> Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.


> regards/Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R ash.rsh55@


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

> days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

> horoscopes I have.

> >

> > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the


> house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is


> house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

> course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

> never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

> Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

> remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th


> 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

> separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th


> antar period.

> >

> >

> > In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into

> another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .

> >

> > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

> difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how


> 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > Regards,

> > Anita

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> >

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal


> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> >

> > Thanks for the educativ posts

> >

> > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

> what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> >

> > may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

> to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

> but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

> individual charts )

> >

> > i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

> thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions

> >

> > rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

> <bhaskar_jyotish@ ....> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,

> for

> > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of


> > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can

> kill.

> > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of


> > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from

> owing

> > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again

> the

> > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of

> the

> > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are

> evil.

> > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo -


> > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


> -

> > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

> Jupiter

> > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus


> > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars


> > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this.


> > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study


> > > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also

> very

> > > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of


> > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the

> figues

> > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be

> instrumental

> > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or

> wealth

> > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the


> in

> > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his

> death

> > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom

> occurs

> > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the

> Death

> > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given


> by

> > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and

> gains

> > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


> > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and

> its

> > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may

> occur

> > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money

> would

> > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and

> causes

> > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of

> the

> > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever


> > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short


> to

> > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of


> or

> > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,

> break

> > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is


> > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business


> > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly -


> of

> > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of

> partnerships,

> > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

> Gratuity,

> > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,

> Loss

> > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business,


> in

> > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation


> > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly


> > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th


> > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded

> to

> > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when


> > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

> voyages

> > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from


> > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It

> will

> > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of


> > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show

> about

> > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

> made by

> > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It


> show

> > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends.


> > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the

> 7th

> > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

> native,

> > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing


> a

> > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these


> > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell,


> the

> > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may


> > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the

> above

> > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > >

> > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has

> diffrnt

> > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > > results

> > > > depending on situations .

> > > >

> > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

> can b

> > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,


> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly


> > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > >

> > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure


> > > > > is operative.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards

> > > > >

> > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

> http://cricket.

> Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

more. Click here http://cricket.







Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.

Click here http://cricket.

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If You want to know the results of just the house placements and not add

other inferences before making final judgement , then check what results

will Jupiter give in the 7th house for a Virgo native. Likewise check

what results will the Sun give in the 12th house for a Virgo native. Do

not aks me what would be the results, for I use other 2-3 methods before

reaching the final conclusion, and they are based on the planetary

degrees in a sign, and many other factors, which are unavailable in your

above query, and even if you put these, it would amount to looking for

reading requests, which is not done in this Group.





, p raj <praj11



> Thanks Bhaskarji for your suggestion,but as i am a beginner, Plz tell

me,what kind of difference is expected for virgo lagna native,if

Jupiter(lord of 7th house) is placed in 6th house in rashi chart but in

7th in Shripathi Bhava Chart and Sun(lord of 12th house) is placed in

11th house in rashi chart but in 12th in Shripathi Bhava Chart.


> Thanks Again




> dear Membr


> if ur questions r based on chart of ur own then it is amnting to

consultancy and we request u to do it in prvt paying the astrologers ,we

hav seen enough of guerilla technics and tactics for squessing out

predictions frm astrologers .


> rgds grp managemnt


> ________________________________

> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish


> Sunday, 28 June, 2009 1:05:56 PM

> Re: Simple but practcal astrology

Dear P raj,


> Yes , the Shripathi Bhava Chart is very useful in delineating the

> results for the planets in houses. But the problem is that not many

> people use this. Those who have time , should certainly use the

> Shripathi Bhava Chart, and will find the difference in understanding


> a planet is not behaving the way it should, as per the normal normal

> Natal Chart.


> regards/Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_ astrology, p raj praj11@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Bhaskar Sir,

> > Is there any use of bhava chart(sripathi method) in astrology?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ...

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009 12:27:25 PM

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Anita ji,

> >

> > These are general dictums and not to applied to every such


> > in every horoscope.

> >

> > The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

> > dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

> > good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

> > spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the


> > chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of


> > Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.

> >

> > regards/Bhaskar.

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R


> ..>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a


> > days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

> > horoscopes I have.

> > >

> > > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the

> 6th

> > house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house


> a

> > house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage.


> > course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo


> > never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

> > Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

> > remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th

> and

> > 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

> > separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th

> lord/6th

> > antar period.

> > >

> > >

> > > In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away "


> > another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .

> > >

> > > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which


> > difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how

> can

> > 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > > Regards,

> > > Anita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal

> astrology

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for the educativ posts

> > >

> > > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana


> > what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> > >

> > > may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also


> > to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in


> > but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

> > individual charts )

> > >

> > > i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

> > thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions

> > >

> > > rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

> > <bhaskar_jyotish@ ....> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in


> > for

> > > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of

> gains.

> > > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires


> > > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can

> > kill.

> > > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of

> the

> > > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart


> > owing

> > > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is


> > the

> > > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord


> > the

> > > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are

> > evil.

> > > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo -

> Mercury

> > > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.

> Virgo

> > -

> > > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

> > Jupiter

> > > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus

> and

> > > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars

> the

> > > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs


> > > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this.

> The

> > > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study

> observe

> > > > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also

> > very

> > > > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of

> the

> > > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the

> > figues

> > > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be

> > instrumental

> > > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord


> > > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or

> > wealth

> > > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the

> native

> > in

> > > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his

> > death

> > > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom

> > occurs

> > > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of


> > Death

> > > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given

> powers

> > by

> > > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and

> > gains

> > > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -

> Whenver

> > > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house


> > its

> > > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation


> > occur

> > > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning


> > would

> > > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and

> > causes

> > > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away


> > the

> > > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever

> the

> > > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short

> journeys,

> > to

> > > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of

> residence

> > or

> > > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,

> > break

> > > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is

> activated

> > > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business

> Partner

> > > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly -

> Loss

> > of

> > > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of

> > partnerships,

> > > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

> > Gratuity,

> > > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly -


> > > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys


> > Loss

> > > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business,

> Obstructions

> > in

> > > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly -


> of

> > > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated


> -

> > > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the


> is

> > > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be


> > to

> > > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when

> activatd

> > > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

> > voyages

> > > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from

> the

> > > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ?


> > will

> > > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of

> the

> > > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil


> > about

> > > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

> > made by

> > > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It

> will

> > show

> > > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or


> It

> > > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When


> > 7th

> > > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

> > native,

> > > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing

> like

> > a

> > > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these

> terms

> > > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell,

> but

> > the

> > > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may

> touch

> > > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the

> > above

> > > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards,

> bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > > >

> > > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has

> > diffrnt

> > > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv


> > > > results

> > > > > depending on situations .

> > > > >

> > > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa


> > can b

> > > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,


> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly

> above

> > > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure

> it

> > > > > > is operative.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards

> > > > > >

> > > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

> > http://cricket.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

> more. Click here http://cricket.

> Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

more. Click here http://cricket.


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Dear Anita Ji,


Bhaskar Ji wrote a very nice response. House placement is just one criterea. You also have to look at how strong it is. For example 7th lord in the 8th house debilitated has a totally different result than if that lord is in its own sign or exalted (with strong dispsitor). Similar for 7th lord in 6th house. One of my good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted. His wife is a Top lawyer in Arizona. Also as Bhaskar Ji said, if 7th L is in 8th house then the spouse gains from the native. If there is divorce, Native might lose substantial portion to the spouse. You can also see the relative positions of Lagna Lord and 7th lord for such analysis. If Lagna Lord/7th lord is in 12/2 or 2/12 position, then depending on which is 2 and which is 12, one gains more and the other loses more. If there is Jupiter aspect and if the Native's moon is strong, then the Native, even though he/she might "lose" or "sacrifice for the spouse", he/she will do it in a

magnanimous fashion that will not lead to discord.


The point I was trying to make is if 5th is gone to the 12th then (all other factors being temporarily unanalyzed) there is potential for damage since 5th has gone 8 away. This is also very logical because if you employ the standard practice of rotating the chart taking 5th house as Lagna, then obviously the Lagna Lord would have gone to the 8th house. Add to this negative aspects and other malefic influences, then this definitely becomes an area of concern to the native.


The reverse is also true. 9th L in the 5th and 5th Lord in the 9th etc. Take these two cases, 11th lord in the 10th, 11th lord in the 9th. Which is better? For wealth, in my opinion, 11th in the 9th is surely better because apart from going to a Bhagyasthana, 11th lord has also gone 11 away. Similarily will 6th lord in the 11th house give one disease after another or make diseases difficult to cure? (6th L gone 6 away)? These are different important things to keep in mind during analysis, but they dont form the whole story. However, when you analyze lots and lots of charts, suddenly you will realize these subtle things make a big difference. Some one with 5th L in 8th house may have some difficulties with children, but in the 12th it might be quite severe, especially if very affliced. However, if that Lord is Exalted in the 12th house then still there may be problems but the child might be very succesfful or living in a foreign country.


Also I know it is not happening much in India, but in the US, 5th Lord in the 12th, afflicted is a classic combination for children to "divorce" their parents ...... Yes such things happen here !!!








Anita R <ash.rsh55 Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:28:55 PM Re: Simple but practcal astrology


Dear All,I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the horoscopes I have. Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th and 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th antar period. In general if any lord is gone "dusthana number of houses away" into another "dusthana" house, it is "double trouble".

I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?Can someone please explain the logic behind this?Regards,Anita --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrologyancient_indian_ astrologySunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AMDear respected Bhaskar ji Thanks for the educativ posts even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts ) i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_ astrology@ .. com, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,

for> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the

2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe> that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also very> instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native

in> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the> 2nd is

activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys

undertaken, Loss> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will> aslo show about the marriage of

the younger brother or sister of the> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing

the above> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "sunil nair"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear chakraborty ji> >> > Thanks for ur mail> >> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times> >> >> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all> results> > depending on situations .> >> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )> >> >> > Rgrds sunil nair> >> >> > ancient_indian_

astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil-ji,> > >> > > Thanks for the reply.> > >> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above> > > average as far as earning part goes.> > >> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it> > > is operative.> > >> > > regards> > >> > > P L Chakraborty> > >>ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET http://cricket.

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Dear Shri Gopuji,




You have always been affectionate.









, K Gopu <kgopu_24



> dear shri bhaskarji,

> A good birthday gift from ur end to all the members.

> Many more happy returns of the day.


> god bless u.

> k.gopu




> --- On Sat, 6/27/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish

> Simple but practcal astrology


> Saturday, June 27, 2009, 2:25 PM


> Dear Friends,


> I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for lack of time.


> Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains. But he also

kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka powers in this

case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a badhaksthana for this



> Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill. Note that Jupiter is not

only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord

and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing the 6th.


> Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the 11th

lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the 7th.

Sun is the Lord of the 3rd.


> Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil. Venus is again the 11th Lord.

Mercury is the 3rd Lord.


> Leo - Mercury can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th



> Virgo - Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

Jupiter is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord.


> Libra - Jupiter , Venus and Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord.

venus the 8th lord. Mars the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th.


> Note - I have taken only 7 signs for study as not into research work,

and not getting paid for this. The points which I wish to stress home is

this -


> In above study observe that what we call the 11th house of

" Labhasthana " is mostly also very instrumental as the " Killer Planet or

House " The Labha would be available only in the youth age of the native

whenever dashas of the 11th Lord are activated, but when this same

planet comes in the figues at his later stage when he should die, this

planet would be instrumental as the killer planet.


> Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also figure in the above

study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth creations - Dhan

sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in his youth again,

but these same planets will be the cause of his death when he should die

in old age.


> Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs above, whomw e calll as the

House of Death - the poor owner of the Death house seldom figures

actively, but acts passively when given powers by those same planets

which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains throughout our Life.


> Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


> Whenver the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house

and its significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation

may occur to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning

money would be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house,

and causes expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing

away of the significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) .


> Whenever the 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short

journeys, to the native.


> Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine ducation, Loosing

rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or shifting, loss of

happiness of/from mother.


> Whenevr the 4th is activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness

from children, break in Love affairs, Loss in speculations.


> Whenever the 5th is activated strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss

of money, Business Partner stabbing in bock etc.


> Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of happienss in

marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships, marriages, The

tenant leaving the house etc.


> Whever the 7th is activated strongly - Problems in receipt of

Insurance money, Gratuity, legacy, Bonus etc.


> Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher education brought to a

stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss of prestige, opposite

of spiritualism etc.


> Whenever the 9th is activated strongly - Change in employment or

business, Obstructions in promotion etc.


> Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of the positives of

the 1tth.


> Whenever the 11th is activated strongly - Accidents to mother. Health

of married partner.


> Whenever the 12th is activated strongly . Obstructions to gains,

weakness in body and strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of

duty and responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness.


> This List can be expanded to one sheet for each house - for instance

though the 9th when activatd will give one higher education , Religious

terrth yatra, Long voyages including overseas, Success in court cases,

etc. but apart from the negatives mentioned in the above List, what else

it will show ? It will aslo show about the marriage of the younger

brother or sister of the native. It will show ill health to the natives

mother. It wil show about the health of the first child. It will show

about short journeys made by the partner in marriage. It will show about

fathers health. It will show about profits or gains available to the

elder brother or friends. It will also show repairs needed to the roof

of the house.


> (When the 7th is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage

to the native, it will also

> show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and drainage pipes

which may start leaking).


> Thus there is nothing like a good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or

Benefic. We use these terms just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may

reveal in a nutshell, but the actual results which one may face can be

unpredictable and may touch hundreds of areas in his Life.


> I have spent an hour writing the above mail. hope it is educative and

makes sense to few.


> regards,

> bhaskar.




> ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear chakraborty ji

> >

> > Thanks for ur mail

> >

> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> >

> >

> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all


> > depending on situations .

> >

> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can


> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> >

> >

> > Rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> > >

> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > >

> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > is operative.

> > >

> > > regards

> > >

> > > P L Chakraborty

> > >


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Ok ThanksBhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Sunday, 28 June, 2009 8:31:50 PM Re: Simple but practcal astrology



If You want to know the results of just the house placements and not add

other inferences before making final judgement , then check what results

will Jupiter give in the 7th house for a Virgo native. Likewise check

what results will the Sun give in the 12th house for a Virgo native. Do

not aks me what would be the results, for I use other 2-3 methods before

reaching the final conclusion, and they are based on the planetary

degrees in a sign, and many other factors, which are unavailable in your

above query, and even if you put these, it would amount to looking for

reading requests, which is not done in this Group.




ancient_indian_ astrology, p raj <praj11



> Thanks Bhaskarji for your suggestion,but as i am a beginner, Plz tell

me,what kind of difference is expected for virgo lagna native,if

Jupiter(lord of 7th house) is placed in 6th house in rashi chart but in

7th in Shripathi Bhava Chart and Sun(lord of 12th house) is placed in

11th house in rashi chart but in 12th in Shripathi Bhava Chart.


> Thanks Again




> dear Membr


> if ur questions r based on chart of ur own then it is amnting to

consultancy and we request u to do it in prvt paying the astrologers ,we

hav seen enough of guerilla technics and tactics for squessing out

predictions frm astrologers .


> rgds grp managemnt


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ...

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Sunday, 28 June, 2009 1:05:56 PM

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

Dear P raj,


> Yes , the Shripathi Bhava Chart is very useful in delineating the

> results for the planets in houses. But the problem is that not many

> people use this. Those who have time , should certainly use the

> Shripathi Bhava Chart, and will find the difference in understanding


> a planet is not behaving the way it should, as per the normal normal

> Natal Chart.


> regards/Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_ astrology, p raj praj11@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Bhaskar Sir,

> > Is there any use of bhava chart(sripathi method) in astrology?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ...

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009 12:27:25 PM

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Anita ji,

> >

> > These are general dictums and not to applied to every such


> > in every horoscope.

> >

> > The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

> > dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

> > good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

> > spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the


> > chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of


> > Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.

> >

> > regards/Bhaskar.

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R


> ..>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a


> > days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

> > horoscopes I have.

> > >

> > > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the

> 6th

> > house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house


> a

> > house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage.


> > course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo


> > never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

> > Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

> > remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th

> and

> > 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

> > separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th

> lord/6th

> > antar period.

> > >

> > >

> > > In general if any lord is gone "dusthana number of houses away"


> > another "dusthana" house, it is "double trouble".

> > >

> > > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which


> > difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how

> can

> > 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > > Regards,

> > > Anita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal

> astrology

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for the educativ posts

> > >

> > > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana


> > what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> > >

> > > may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also


> > to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in


> > but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

> > individual charts )

> > >

> > > i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

> > thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions

> > >

> > > rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Bhaskar"

> > <bhaskar_jyotish@ ....> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in


> > for

> > > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of

> gains.

> > > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires


> > > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can

> > kill.

> > > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of

> the

> > > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart


> > owing

> > > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is


> > the

> > > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord


> > the

> > > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are

> > evil.

> > > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo -

> Mercury

> > > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.

> Virgo

> > -

> > > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

> > Jupiter

> > > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus

> and

> > > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars

> the

> > > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs


> > > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this.

> The

> > > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study

> observe

> > > > that what we call the 11th house of "Labhasthana" is mostly also

> > very

> > > > instrumental as the "Killer Planet or House" The Labha would be

> > > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of

> the

> > > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the

> > figues

> > > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be

> > instrumental

> > > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord


> > > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or

> > wealth

> > > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the

> native

> > in

> > > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his

> > death

> > > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom

> > occurs

> > > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of


> > Death

> > > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given

> powers

> > by

> > > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and

> > gains

> > > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -

> Whenver

> > > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house


> > its

> > > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation


> > occur

> > > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning


> > would

> > > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and

> > causes

> > > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away


> > the

> > > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever

> the

> > > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short

> journeys,

> > to

> > > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of

> residence

> > or

> > > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,

> > break

> > > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is

> activated

> > > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business

> Partner

> > > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly -

> Loss

> > of

> > > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of

> > partnerships,

> > > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

> > Gratuity,

> > > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly -


> > > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys


> > Loss

> > > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business,

> Obstructions

> > in

> > > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly -


> of

> > > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated


> -

> > > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the


> is

> > > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be


> > to

> > > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when

> activatd

> > > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

> > voyages

> > > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from

> the

> > > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ?


> > will

> > > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of

> the

> > > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil


> > about

> > > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

> > made by

> > > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It

> will

> > show

> > > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or


> It

> > > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When


> > 7th

> > > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

> > native,

> > > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing

> like

> > a

> > > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these

> terms

> > > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell,

> but

> > the

> > > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may

> touch

> > > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the

> > above

> > > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards,

> bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "sunil nair"

> > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > > >

> > > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has

> > diffrnt

> > > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv


> > > > results

> > > > > depending on situations .

> > > > >

> > > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa


> > can b

> > > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,


> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly

> above

> > > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure

> it

> > > > > > is operative.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards

> > > > > >

> > > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

> > http://cricket.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

> more.. Click here http://cricket.

> Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and

more. Click here http://cricket.





ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

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Dear Manoj ji,


//One of my good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted//


I don't get this...for which house does 7th lord gets exalted in the 6th? Have I

overlooked something?










, Manoj Chandran

<chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Anita Ji,


> Bhaskar Ji wrote a very nice response. House placement is just one criterea.

You also have to look at how strong it is. For example 7th lord in the 8th house

debilitated has a totally different result than if that lord is in its own sign

or exalted (with strong dispsitor). Similar for 7th lord in 6th house. One of my

good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted. His wife is a Top lawyer in

Arizona. Also as Bhaskar Ji said, if 7th L is in 8th house then the spouse gains

from the native. If there is divorce, Native might lose substantial portion to

the spouse. You can also see the relative positions of Lagna Lord and 7th lord

for such analysis. If Lagna Lord/7th lord is in 12/2 or 2/12 position, then

depending on which is 2 and which is 12, one gains more and the other loses

more. If there is Jupiter aspect and if the Native's moon is strong, then the

Native, even though he/she might " lose " or " sacrifice for the spouse " , he/she

will do it in a magnanimous

> fashion that will not lead to discord.


> The point I was trying to make is if 5th is gone to  the 12th then (all other

factors being temporarily unanalyzed) there is potential for damage since 5th

has gone 8 away. This is also very logical because if you employ the standard

practice of rotating the chart taking 5th house as Lagna, then obviously the

Lagna Lord would have gone to the 8th house. Add to this negative aspects and

other malefic influences, then this definitely becomes an area of concern to the



> The reverse is also true. 9th L in the 5th and 5th Lord in the 9th etc. Take

these two cases, 11th lord in the 10th, 11th lord in the 9th. Which is better?

For wealth, in my opinion, 11th in the 9th is surely better because apart from

going to a Bhagyasthana, 11th lord has also gone 11 away. Similarily will 6th

lord in the 11th house give one disease after another or make diseases difficult

to cure? (6th L gone 6 away)? These are different important things to keep in

mind during analysis, but they dont form the whole story. However, when you

analyze lots and lots of charts, suddenly you will realize these subtle things

make a big difference. Some one with 5th L in 8th house may have some

difficulties with children, but in the 12th it might be quite severe, especially

if very affliced. However, if that Lord is Exalted in the 12th house then still

there may be problems but the child might be very succesfful or living in a

foreign country.


> Also I know it is not happening much in India, but in the US, 5th Lord in the

12th, afflicted is a classic combination for children to " divorce " their parents

........ Yes such things happen here !!!


> Regards,


> -Manoj





> ________________________________

> Anita R <ash.rsh55


> Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:28:55 PM

> Re: Simple but practcal astrology






> Dear All,

> I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few days back

which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the horoscopes I have.


> Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th house

but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a house of

divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of course there are

always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is never a pleasant one. If

you are able to get your hands on the Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives

(they are bound volumes) I remember reading articles on the 7th house and he

discusses this 7th and 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th

can lead to separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th

lord/6th antar period.



> In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into another

" dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " ..


> I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are difficult

to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can 7th lord in 8th

when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> Regards,

> Anita



> --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:


> sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM


> Dear respected Bhaskar ji


>   Thanks for the educativ posts


> even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP

krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


> may write abt it ,when quality  time is availble for me ,(also wants to write

abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects livs

,and how can we see it  tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts )


>   i thought when once such a mail on badaka  happened in grp ,i thought the

grp would hav taken up this discussions


> rgrds sunil nair


> ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for

> > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.

> > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing

> > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the

> > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the

> > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.

> > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -

> > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

> > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also very

> > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues

> > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental

> > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth

> > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in

> > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death

> > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs

> > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death

> > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by

> > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains

> > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

> > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur

> > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would

> > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes

> > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the

> > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to

> > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or

> > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break

> > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of

> > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,

> > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,

> > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss

> > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in

> > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to

> > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages

> > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will

> > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about

> > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by

> > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show

> > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th

> > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,

> > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a

> > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the

> > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above

> > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for ur mail

> > >

> > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > >

> > >

> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > results

> > > depending on situations .

> > >

> > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > >

> > >

> > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > >

> > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > is operative.

> > > >

> > > > regards

> > > >

> > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > >

> >


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Sorry Manoj ji...a correction to the previous mail.


It should be read as for which Lagna does the 7th lord gets exalted in the 6th?






, " renunw " <renunw wrote:


> Dear Manoj ji,


> //One of my good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted//


> I don't get this...for which house does 7th lord gets exalted in the 6th? Have

I overlooked something?


> blessings,


> Renu






> , Manoj Chandran

<chandran_manoj@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Anita Ji,

> >

> > Bhaskar Ji wrote a very nice response. House placement is just one criterea.

You also have to look at how strong it is. For example 7th lord in the 8th house

debilitated has a totally different result than if that lord is in its own sign

or exalted (with strong dispsitor). Similar for 7th lord in 6th house. One of my

good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted. His wife is a Top lawyer in

Arizona. Also as Bhaskar Ji said, if 7th L is in 8th house then the spouse gains

from the native. If there is divorce, Native might lose substantial portion to

the spouse. You can also see the relative positions of Lagna Lord and 7th lord

for such analysis. If Lagna Lord/7th lord is in 12/2 or 2/12 position, then

depending on which is 2 and which is 12, one gains more and the other loses

more. If there is Jupiter aspect and if the Native's moon is strong, then the

Native, even though he/she might " lose " or " sacrifice for the spouse " , he/she

will do it in a magnanimous

> > fashion that will not lead to discord.

> >

> > The point I was trying to make is if 5th is gone to  the 12th then (all

other factors being temporarily unanalyzed) there is potential for damage since

5th has gone 8 away. This is also very logical because if you employ the

standard practice of rotating the chart taking 5th house as Lagna, then

obviously the Lagna Lord would have gone to the 8th house. Add to this negative

aspects and other malefic influences, then this definitely becomes an area of

concern to the native.

> >

> > The reverse is also true. 9th L in the 5th and 5th Lord in the 9th etc. Take

these two cases, 11th lord in the 10th, 11th lord in the 9th. Which is better?

For wealth, in my opinion, 11th in the 9th is surely better because apart from

going to a Bhagyasthana, 11th lord has also gone 11 away. Similarily will 6th

lord in the 11th house give one disease after another or make diseases difficult

to cure? (6th L gone 6 away)? These are different important things to keep in

mind during analysis, but they dont form the whole story. However, when you

analyze lots and lots of charts, suddenly you will realize these subtle things

make a big difference. Some one with 5th L in 8th house may have some

difficulties with children, but in the 12th it might be quite severe, especially

if very affliced. However, if that Lord is Exalted in the 12th house then still

there may be problems but the child might be very succesfful or living in a

foreign country.

> >

> > Also I know it is not happening much in India, but in the US, 5th Lord in

the 12th, afflicted is a classic combination for children to " divorce " their

parents ....... Yes such things happen here !!!

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > -Manoj

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Anita R <ash.rsh55@>

> >

> > Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:28:55 PM

> > Re: Simple but practcal astrology

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few days

back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the horoscopes I have.

> >  

> > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th house

but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a house of

divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of course there are

always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is never a pleasant one. If

you are able to get your hands on the Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives

(they are bound volumes) I remember reading articles on the 7th house and he

discusses this 7th and 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th

can lead to separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th

lord/6th antar period.

> >  

> >  

> > In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into another

" dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " ..

> >  

> > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can 7th lord

in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > Regards,

> > Anita

> >  

> >

> > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:

> >

> > sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> >

> > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> >

> >   Thanks for the educativ posts

> >

> > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP

krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> >

> > may write abt it ,when quality  time is availble for me ,(also wants to

write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects

livs ,and how can we see it  tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts )

> >

> >   i thought when once such a mail on badaka  happened in grp ,i thought the

grp would hav taken up this discussions

> >

> > rgrds sunil nair

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for

> > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.

> > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing

> > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the

> > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the

> > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.

> > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -

> > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

> > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also very

> > > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues

> > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental

> > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth

> > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in

> > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death

> > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs

> > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death

> > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by

> > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains

> > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

> > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur

> > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would

> > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes

> > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the

> > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to

> > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or

> > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break

> > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of

> > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,

> > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,

> > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss

> > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in

> > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to

> > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages

> > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will

> > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about

> > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by

> > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show

> > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th

> > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,

> > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a

> > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the

> > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above

> > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > >

> > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > > results

> > > > depending on situations .

> > > >

> > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > >

> > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > > is operative.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards

> > > > >

> > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > >

> > >

> >

> > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET


> >

> >

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> > __,_.._,___

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Renu Ji, Anita Ji,


Sorry .... that should have read 7th is in Own house in the 6th. He has Leo lagna with Saturn in Capricon. In some ways own house is better because you dont have the danger of being weakened by the dispositor. Good catch Renu Ji .... keeping me honest :)



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DEar Bhaskarji,

Well, new ways of looking at charts is something I find fascinating. Look at

this chart which belongs to a lady. She has scorpio lagna with guru, shukra,

mandi in lagna and kuja, budha, shani and ravi in the 2nd house which is dhanu

and chandra in aries in 6ht house. Ketu is in 5th and rahu in 11th. This case is

exactly as you said. Husband is nowhere financially. Her brothers , a couple of

whom are bachelors ( prolonged bachelors at that) are totally supporting her

financially. She claims her husband is so difficult and uncaring , even if one

searched , they willnot find a man like her husband. Exageration obviously but

that is the extent of her husband's contribution to her house hold finances.




--- On Sun, 28/6/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish

Re: Simple but practcal astrology


Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 6:57 AM










Dear Anita ji,


These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

in every horoscope.


The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.




ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R <ash.rsh55@. ..>



> Dear All,

> I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

horoscopes I have.


> Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th

house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a

house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th and

6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th

antar period.



> In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into

another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .


> I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can

7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> Regards,

> Anita




> --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:



> sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM




Dear respected Bhaskar ji


> Thanks for the educativ posts


> even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


> may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

individual charts )


> i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions


> rgrds sunil nair



> ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,


> > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can


> > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from


> > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again


> > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of


> > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are


> > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo


> > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.


> > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also


> > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the


> > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be


> > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or


> > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native


> > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his


> > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom


> > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the


> > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers


> > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and


> > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and


> > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may


> > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money


> > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and


> > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of


> > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys,


> > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence


> > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,


> > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss


> > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of


> > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,


> > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,


> > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions


> > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded


> > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long


> > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It


> > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show


> > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

made by

> > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will


> > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the


> > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the


> > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like


> > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but


> > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the


> > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for ur mail

> > >

> > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > >

> > >

> > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has


> > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > results

> > > depending on situations .

> > >

> > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

can b

> > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > >

> > >

> > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > >

> > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > > is operative.

> > > >

> > > > regards

> > > >

> > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > >

> >











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Dear Manoj ji,

Thank you so much for the beautiful post. It was quite fascinating. I know what

you mean by saying one has to learn  by observing many charts. I am learning.

Thanks to wonderful forum mates like yourself, bhaskar ji, sreeram ji, etc.


Anita--- On Sun, 28/6/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:



Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj

Re: Re: Simple but practcal astrology


Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 3:47 PM



Dear Anita Ji,


Bhaskar Ji wrote a very nice response. House placement is just one criterea..

You also have to look at how strong it is. For example 7th lord in the 8th house

debilitated has a totally different result than if that lord is in its own sign

or exalted (with strong dispsitor). Similar for 7th lord in 6th house. One of my

good friends has 7th L in 6th house, exalted. His wife is a Top lawyer in

Arizona. Also as Bhaskar Ji said, if 7th L is in 8th house then the spouse gains

from the native. If there is divorce, Native might lose substantial portion to

the spouse. You can also see the relative positions of Lagna Lord and 7th lord

for such analysis. If Lagna Lord/7th lord is in 12/2 or 2/12 position, then

depending on which is 2 and which is 12, one gains more and the other loses

more. If there is Jupiter aspect and if the Native's moon is strong, then the

Native, even though he/she might " lose " or " sacrifice for the spouse " , he/she

will do it in a magnanimous

fashion that will not lead to discord.


The point I was trying to make is if 5th is gone to  the 12th then (all other

factors being temporarily unanalyzed) there is potential for damage since 5th

has gone 8 away. This is also very logical because if you employ the standard

practice of rotating the chart taking 5th house as Lagna, then obviously the

Lagna Lord would have gone to the 8th house. Add to this negative aspects and

other malefic influences, then this definitely becomes an area of concern to the



The reverse is also true. 9th L in the 5th and 5th Lord in the 9th etc. Take

these two cases, 11th lord in the 10th, 11th lord in the 9th. Which is better?

For wealth, in my opinion, 11th in the 9th is surely better because apart from

going to a Bhagyasthana, 11th lord has also gone 11 away. Similarily will 6th

lord in the 11th house give one disease after another or make diseases difficult

to cure? (6th L gone 6 away)? These are different important things to keep in

mind during analysis, but they dont form the whole story. However, when you

analyze lots and lots of charts, suddenly you will realize these subtle things

make a big difference. Some one with 5th L in 8th house may have some

difficulties with children, but in the 12th it might be quite severe, especially

if very affliced. However, if that Lord is Exalted in the 12th house then still

there may be problems but the child might be very succesfful or living in a

foreign country.


Also I know it is not happening much in India, but in the US, 5th Lord in the

12th, afflicted is a classic combination for children to " divorce " their parents

....... Yes such things happen here !!!










Anita R <ash.rsh55 >

ancient_indian_ astrology

Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:28:55 PM

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology




Dear All,

I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few days back

which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the horoscopes I have.


Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the 6th house but

also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is a house of divorce

because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of course there are always

exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is never a pleasant one. If you are

able to get your hands on the Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are

bound volumes) I remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses

this 7th and 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th lord/6th antar




In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into another

" dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .


I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are difficult to

predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how can 7th lord in 8th when

it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

Can someone please explain the logic behind this?





--- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in> wrote:


sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala@ .co. in>

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal astrology

ancient_indian_ astrology

Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM


Dear respected Bhaskar ji


  Thanks for the educativ posts


even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s what KP

krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us


may write abt it ,when quality  time is availble for me ,(also wants to write

abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts but affects livs

,and how can we see it  tru astrology in diffrnt individual charts )


  i thought when once such a mail on badaka  happened in grp ,i thought the grp

would hav taken up this discussions


rgrds sunil nair


ancient_indian_ astrology@ . . com, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details, for

> lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of gains.

> But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can kill.

> Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of the

> 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from owing

> the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again the

> 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of the

> 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are evil.

> Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo - Mercury

> can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord. Virgo -

> Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord. Jupiter

> is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus and

> Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars the

> Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this. The

> points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study observe

> that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also very

> instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of the

> 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the figues

> at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be instrumental

> as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or wealth

> creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the native in

> his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his death

> when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom occurs

> above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the Death

> house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given powers by

> those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and gains

> throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says - Whenver

> the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and its

> significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may occur

> to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money would

> be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and causes

> expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of the

> significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever the

> 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short journeys, to

> the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of residence or

> shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children, break

> in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is activated

> strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business Partner

> stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly - Loss of

> happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of partnerships,

> marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money, Gratuity,

> legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken, Loss

> of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> activated strongly - Change in employment or business, Obstructions in

> promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation of

> the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly -

> Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th is

> activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded to

> one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when activatd

> will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long voyages

> including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from the

> negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It will

> aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of the

> native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show about

> the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys made by

> the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It will show

> about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends. It

> will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the 7th

> is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the native,

> it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing like a

> good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these terms

> just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell, but the

> actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may touch

> hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the above

> mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards, bhaskar.






> ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear chakraborty ji

> >

> > Thanks for ur mail

> >

> > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> >

> >

> > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has diffrnt

> > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> results

> > depending on situations .

> >

> > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and can b

> > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> >

> >

> > Rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the reply.

> > >

> > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly above

> > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > >

> > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure it

> > > is operative.

> > >

> > > regards

> > >

> > > P L Chakraborty

> > >



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Dear Anita ji,


One should try not to marry a person who has many planets placed in the

2nd, because these same planets which look good for wealth in the

partner, may prove to be cause of destruction for the native in time to

come, being 8th house for the spouse. Additionally a strong malefic in

the 6th also brings out only sad tunes in the marriage for the 6th is

the house opposed to the house of marriage being 12th from it, and in

this case you mentioned ,the Moon specifically becomes a

badhaksthanadhipati for the native.


At least 12 days of every month the Moon is going to create great

problem in relationships for the native because of 4 planets placed in

the 2nd house, and whenever the Moon transits te constellations of these

planets 3 x 4 and also whenever these 4 planets transit in the

constellation of the Moon which again is 4 x 3, its going to create

problem. So for 24 days totally every month they will be at swords and

daggers with each other.


But this is Life.







, Anita R <ash.rsh55



> DEar Bhaskarji,

> Well, new ways of looking at charts is something I find fascinating.

Look at this chart which belongs to a lady. She has scorpio lagna with

guru, shukra, mandi in lagna and kuja, budha, shani and ravi in the 2nd

house which is dhanu and chandra in aries in 6ht house. Ketu is in 5th

and rahu in 11th. This case is exactly as you said. Husband is nowhere

financially. Her brothers , a couple of whom are bachelors ( prolonged

bachelors at that) are totally supporting her financially. She claims

her husband is so difficult and uncaring , even if one searched , they

willnot find a man like her husband. Exageration obviously but that is

the extent of her husband's contribution to her house hold finances.

> Regards,

> Anita


> --- On Sun, 28/6/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish

> Re: Simple but practcal astrology


> Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 6:57 AM




Dear Anita ji,


> These are general dictums and not to applied to every such combination

> in every horoscope.


> The 7th Lord in the 8th whether it is good or bad, would also be

> dependent on which other house the 7th Lord owns. In any case it is

> good for the spouse of the native. Because this shows wealth to the

> spouse. What a paradox because many planets in the 2nd in the natives

> chart, shows that many times obstructions arriving in Life of spouse.

> Wealth to the native, but poison to the partner.


> regards/Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_ astrology, Anita R ash.rsh55@


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > I am appending below, a para from the mail posted by Manoj ji a few

> days back which I was trying to learn with respect to some of the

> horoscopes I have.

> >

> > Yes. The 7th lord in the 6th is ominous not only because it is the


> house but also because the lord has gone 12 houses away. 6th house is


> house of divorce because it facilitates the annulment of marriage. Of

> course there are always exceptions but 6th lord and 7th lord combo is

> never a pleasant one. If you are able to get your hands on the

> Dr.Charak's Astrology magazine archives (they are bound volumes) I

> remember reading articles on the 7th house and he discusses this 7th


> 6th combo in detail. Many times Dasha/Antar of 7th/6th can lead to

> separation. 2 of my friends got divoced (in India) in their 7th


> antar period.

> >

> >

> > In general if any lord is gone " dusthana number of houses away " into

> another " dusthana " house, it is " double trouble " .

> >

> > I feel it is not always true or it might manifest in ways which are

> difficult to predict. Example while 7th lord in 6th can be bad, how


> 7th lord in 8th when it will be in the 2nd house be bad?

> > Similarly, if 5th in 10th, i.e 6 houses away how can it be bad?

> > Can someone please explain the logic behind this?

> > Regards,

> > Anita

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 28/6/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> >

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Simple but practcal


> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Sunday, 28 June, 2009, 4:57 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear respected Bhaskar ji

> >

> > Thanks for the educativ posts

> >

> > even i was thinking to write abt Badaka concepts and badaka stana s

> what KP krishnamoorthi ,parasara and kerala astrology teaches us

> >

> > may write abt it ,when quality time is availble for me ,(also wants

> to write abt venus and sun conjunctions as it is also common in charts

> but affects livs ,and how can we see it tru astrology in diffrnt

> individual charts )

> >

> > i thought when once such a mail on badaka happened in grp ,i

> thought the grp would hav taken up this discussions

> >

> > rgrds sunil nair

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Bhaskar "

> <bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Friends, I will just stretch this a bit, but not in details,

> for

> > > lack of time. Aries - The 11th Lord is known as the house of


> > > But he also kills, in this case Saturn. Venus also acquires maraka

> > > powers in this case Lord of 2 and 7. Note that the 11th is a

> > > badhaksthana for this Sign. Taurus - Jupiter, Moon and Venus can

> kill.

> > > Note that Jupiter is not only the 8th Lord but also the Lord of


> > > 11th. Moon is the 3rd Lord and Venus is the Lagna Lord apart from

> owing

> > > the 6th. Gemini - Mars,Jupiter and the Sun are evil. Mars is again

> the

> > > 11th lord and the 6th lord. Jupiter is the natural maraka Lord of

> the

> > > 7th. Sun is the Lord of the 3rd. Cancer - Venus and Mercury are

> evil.

> > > Venus is again the 11th Lord. Mercury is the 3rd Lord. Leo -


> > > can kill. Note that mercury is both the 2nd and the 11th lord.


> -

> > > Venus, Moon and Jupiter can kill. Moon is again the 11th Lord.

> Jupiter

> > > is the 7th Lord. Venus is the 2nd Lord. Libra - Jupiter , Venus


> > > Mars can kill. Jupiter is the 3rd Lord. venus the 8th lord. Mars


> > > Lord of the 2nd and the 7th. Note - I have taken only 7 signs for

> > > study as not into research work, and not getting paid for this.


> > > points which I wish to stress home is this - In above study


> > > that what we call the 11th house of " Labhasthana " is mostly also

> very

> > > instrumental as the " Killer Planet or House " The Labha would be

> > > available only in the youth age of the native whenever dashas of


> > > 11th Lord are activated, but when this same planet comes in the

> figues

> > > at his later stage when he should die, this planet would be

> instrumental

> > > as the killer planet. Also note that the 2nd and the 7th lord also

> > > figure in the above study. The 2nd is for family happiness, or

> wealth

> > > creations - Dhan sthana, while the 7th allows marriage to the


> in

> > > his youth again, but these same planets will be the cause of his

> death

> > > when he should die in old age. Notice that the 8th lord seldom

> occurs

> > > above, whomw e calll as the House of Death - the poor owner of the

> Death

> > > house seldom figures actively, but acts passively when given


> by

> > > those same planets which give us wealth, happiness, marriage and

> gains

> > > throughout our Life. Otherwise too - Simple astrology says -


> > > the Lagna is activated strongly - It affects the second house and

> its

> > > significations, Problems related to family and wealth creation may

> occur

> > > to the native. The family cannot expand. Problems in earning money

> would

> > > be there. Why ? Because the Lagna is 12th to the 2nd house, and

> causes

> > > expenditure of the 2nd house, or Moksha - Death - Passing away of

> the

> > > significations of the 2nd (Not of the native please) . Whenever


> > > 2nd is activated strongly -, will cause problems in short


> to

> > > the native. Whenever the 3rd is activated strongly - Breaks ine

> > > ducation, Loosing rights of Land or property, Changing of


> or

> > > shifting, loss of happiness of/from mother. Whenevr the 4th is

> > > activated strongly - Abortions, loss of happiness from children,

> break

> > > in Love affairs, Loss in speculations. Whenever the 5th is


> > > strongly - Loss oj job, employment. Loss of money, Business


> > > stabbing in bock etc. Whenever the 6th is activated strongly -


> of

> > > happienss in marriage, Loss in partnerships. Breaking of

> partnerships,

> > > marriages, The tenant leaving the house etc. Whever the 7th is

> > > activated strongly - Problems in receipt of Insurance money,

> Gratuity,

> > > legacy, Bonus etc. Whenever the 8th is activatd strongly - Higher

> > > education brought to a stop, Problems in long journeys undertaken,

> Loss

> > > of prestige, opposite of spiritualism etc. Whenever the 9th is

> > > activated strongly - Change in employment or business,


> in

> > > promotion etc. Whenever the 10th is activated strongly - Negation


> > > the positives of the 1tth. Whenever the 11th is activated strongly


> > > Accidents to mother. Health of married partner. Whenever the 12th


> > > activated strongly . Obstructions to gains, weakness in body and

> > > strength to fight disease and ill health, loss of duty and

> > > responsibilities, Laziness, selfishness. This List can be expanded

> to

> > > one sheet for each house - for instance though the 9th when


> > > will give one higher education , Religious terrth yatra, Long

> voyages

> > > including overseas, Success in court cases, etc. but apart from


> > > negatives mentioned in the above List, what else it will show ? It

> will

> > > aslo show about the marriage of the younger brother or sister of


> > > native. It will show ill health to the natives mother. It wil show

> about

> > > the health of the first child. It will show about short journeys

> made by

> > > the partner in marriage. It will show about fathers health. It


> show

> > > about profits or gains available to the elder brother or friends.


> > > will also show repairs needed to the roof of the house. (When the

> 7th

> > > is activated strongly , though it will bring in marriage to the

> native,

> > > it will also show the bad condition of the bathroom ,Toilet and

> > > drainage pipes which may start leaking). Thus there is nothing


> a

> > > good or bad Planet or a Dasha Malefic or Benefic. We use these


> > > just to lay emphasis on what the Dasha may reveal in a nutshell,


> the

> > > actual results which one may face can be unpredictable and may


> > > hundreds of areas in his Life. I have spent an hour writing the

> above

> > > mail. hope it is educative and makes sense to few. regards,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " sunil nair "

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear chakraborty ji

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for ur mail

> > > >

> > > > abt maraka and dhana yogas sure dhana itself maraka at times

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > but sure in astrology like bhaskar ji explained planets has

> diffrnt

> > > > traits and missions at diffrnt periods in life and they giv all

> > > results

> > > > depending on situations .

> > > >

> > > > so 2nd house ,Lords ,assosiated planets are marakas in dasa and

> can b

> > > > dangerous depends on time ( sure i dont know ur dasa pattern )

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Rgrds sunil nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,


> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil-ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for the reply.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not know whether Dhana yoga is operative..except that

> > > > > if I consider my background, I could be rated as slightly


> > > > > average as far as earning part goes.

> > > > >

> > > > > But 2nd house Maraka aspect goes, it is operative. I am sure


> > > > > is operative.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards

> > > > >

> > > > > P L Chakraborty

> > > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ICC World Twenty20 England & #39;09 exclusively on ! CRICKET

> http://cricket.

> >












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