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Paroksha knowledge

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Who told Shri Mehrotra that the Vedas do not recognise the Pratyksha knowledge at all? Brhadaranyaka upanishad said only that the Paroksha interpretations are superior to Pratyaksha perceptions. What is commonly perceived is Pratyaksha and we see that the Sun moves round the earth and that perception is pratyaksha. That the earth moves round the Sun is paroksha knowledge. Aryabhatta upheld the Paroksha view and not the Pratyaksha view as Shri mehrotra is telling us.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Tue, 6/30/09, kk.mehrotra <kk.mehrotra wrote:

kk.mehrotra <kk.mehrotra[WAVES-Vedic] Re: Paroksha knowledgeWAVES-Vedic Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 1:41 AM



Dear Shri Malla,All the Vedas, Puranas and sidhantas tell us that the sun revolves round the earth. That is as per their parokshya knowledge. When Aryabhata said for the first time that it was the earth that was rotating/revolving, he was called as "Pishacha" and "moorkha" by Brahma-gupta as Aryabhata had dared to say something against the established "parokshya" knowledge of all the shastras including the Vedas.It is only modern science that has vindicated the "pratyakshya" stand of Aryabhata and disproved the "parokshya" stand of the Puranas and the Vedas.If you had not read geography in you primary school, you would still be believing that the earth is stationary and the sun and the stars are moving, esepcially since all the Vedas and Puranas and sidhanas say so!Best regards,K K MehrotraWAVES-Vedic, "harimalla@. .." <harimalla@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Dr. Joshi and Shaas (Germany),> I think I agree with Shaas.In fact my simple analysis is that parokshya knowledge is scientific and pratyakshya knowledge is illusory.I have a very good example.Pratyakshya knowledge is illusory like the everyday experience of the rising and the setting sun or the sun which moves northwards and southwards with the seasons.> Science tell us that it is illusory to think as above.> Science tells us that the sun neither rises nor sets, nor goes northwards and southwards.But it is remaining static, unmoving.This, in my view, is parokshya knowledge.How do we get this experience of the non moving sun? It is seen by the third eye or the divine vision that the sun is stationery.It is also known as our Atman.Thus parokshya knowledge tell us that the sun as our

Atma is stationery forever and ever.Is neither born nor dies or neither rises nor sets.> Thus parokshya knowledge is scientific whaere as the pratyakshya kowledge is illusory created by the relativity of motions.> Can I get your comments?> Thanks,> HAri Malla> > WAVES-Vedic, "amritasyaputra" <amritasyaputra@ > wrote:> >> > Dear Dr. Joshi,> > > > Your problem with paroksha as opposed to Pratyaksha knowledge is not clear to me. Or did you ever see with your own eyes an electron? Or a magnetic field? And still you believe in it?> > In the same way, without seeing the ATMA, pure consciousness, we can infer its existence from the effects it has. That is why inference is one of

the Vedic valid means of knowing.> > > > <But Gurus are telling us the same thing from thousands of years.>> > If you could at last stop listening to them and start doing what they advise! :-)> > > > Let them saying it another thousand years! But now, thanks to scientific age, we have the means to actually verify what Veda and the vedic masters are teaching.> > > > Without the subjective growth, the objective advances turn to be quite dangerous. Health care systems are on the verge of collaps, not to speak about the new diseases that come up. Wars against terror is actually terrifying the whole world.> > > > Why not just supply the modern scattered scientific knowledge with the direct experience of the Unified Field of all the laws of nature - the basis of universe. In spite of being unmanifest, non-material, it is still the basis of life!> >

> > And Vedic Literature teaches us that the direct experience of it leads to freedom, and positive, sattwic, problem-free, self-sufficient living - something that is so necessary in these chaotic times.> > > > Just a simple meditation technique of Transcendental Meditation which brings the mind to stillness - "vacuum state of thinking", ATMA, svarupe'vasthaanam - is enough to bring improvements in so many areas of life: > > http://www.mum. edu/tm_research/ tm_charts/ welcome.html> > > > That unmanifest pure consciousness is the reservoir of unlimited energy and intelligence expressing itself in matter and energy. Paroksha, you might say, but nevertheless forming the basis of all knowledge. > > > > Unless we do incorporate this wholistic state of consciousness in our education, our

life and life of society, the knowledge that is found and lived by human beings will be fragmented and potentially dangerous.> > > > With best wishes> > > > Shaas> > Germany> > > > > > WAVES-Vedic, "giravani@" <giravani@> wrote:> > >> > > <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas- microsoft- com:office: smarttags" />June 26, 2009<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas- microsoft- com:office: office" />> > > > > > Paroksha and Pratyaksha knowledge (Part II) by Dr. N.R.Joshi> > > > > > I am not in the business of character assassination. In the past 10 years I contributed to many India

related lists. In my every posting I presented new information. My postings are not rhetoric or arguments. They are composed to promote knowledge and extract knowledge from other scholars so we grow together in our common understanding. In my posting of "Paroksha and Pratyaksh knowledge" I did present reference to a new book by Japanese author Hideyo Ogawa on Patanjali. I met Dr. Sunil Bhattacharya in WAVEs 2008 conference. My impression of him is that he is a sincere scholar. I liked his work on the ancient Indian chronology. I personally like that he talks more about it. I suggest that Dr, Bhattacharya read the book "Colonial Indology" of Dr. Dilipa Chakrabarti from Oxford University. Dr Chakrabarti also thinks that the ancient Indian history by alien scholars is a kind of scaffolding effort. However Dr. Sunil Bhattacharya has freedom to handle any subject he wants. I described my problem with Paroksha knowledge. I have no desire to stop others if

they would like to talk about Paroksha knowledge. I was explaining my position. As a scientist I cannot talk about "Paroksha knowledge". I myself am bathing everyday in new Pratyaksha knowledge in my engineering discipline of Nondestructive Testing and in my India related research of the ancient history of Mahabharata and Semantics of Sanskrit. The sad part is in these three areas I am getting new information from Americans. In engineering discipline industrial people learn from me and I learn from them everyday. In India related research Americans send so much information to me that I have to say to them, please stop, it takes time for me to read books you suggested. Often I get either position papers or arguments from Indian writers or invitation to Satsanga. There is nothing wrong in Satsanga. In those meetings I come across Indian neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors and unfortunately they are reluctant to talk anything other that

this Guru and that Guru. In Houston Texas there is large Indian qualified population of scientists and engineers but they do not arrange scientific seminars among them, for benefit of general Indian population, instead they invite Gurus. I am not against that. But Gurus are telling us the same thing from thousands of years. Now they got new tool-introductory lecture brochure with sexy looking lady in meditation. I am not a psychologist. Where do I get chance to talk about difference between psychology of Americans and Indians or on Genetics or on new Neurological discoveries and effect of that on our ancient science of consciousness. My sincere request to all Indian scholars- to me your scientific knowledge is more important than your search in unknown from ancient India. There are books on the knowledge from the ancient India. It gives me joy to find that ancient Indians were thinking logically, rationally and learning from their experience. So for

those who are proud of ancient Indian knowledge, here is the new book. "Etymologies in Shatha Brahmana" by Dr. Nargis Verma. The book is good, scholarly, and full of details. In this book multiple etymologies of single Sanskrit word are presented from ancient Indian authors. Please read and then tell me does this make any sense to you. So I have given new information in this posting also. Thanks. Please pardon me for a long posting. N. R. Joshi.> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > > Keep clean no matter where you are with a portable shower. Click here!> > > http://thirdpartyof fers.juno. com/TGL2141/ fc/BLSrjpTHNlnaf jNryGUFTIsO61ax9 YPzhkBRfkpw9YP2V jd202P3J4m9NKo/> > >>


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