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[VRI] Proofs that Mesha etc. rashis were imported into India!

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Shri Kaul has forwarded his reply to you and I feel you may like to see an

analysis of what he says.






you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara!  So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess!


This means to me and may be to many of you also, that Shri Kaul is wondering 

that since Dr. Iyengar is not aware of the mention of rashi in puranas (the

fifth Veda) such as the Bhagavat purana and the Vamana purana, then how could

Parashara could  have talked about the different grahas in different  rashis.

I am shocked at the absurd argument,which he puts forward.




am just trying to introduce,  actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis!  As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€!



Vamana purana gives the details of the nakshatras in the different rashis and as

the Nakshtars are fixed so are the Rashis. Thus the Rashis are Sidereal.

Sidereal rashis are mentioned by Claudius Ptolemy also. However the western

astrology uses the Tropical calendar and it uses the imitation rashis (imitation

Zodiacal signs) which are not fixed in relation to the fixed stars. Both the

Sidereeal and the tropical calendars have been used in India from the ancient

times. The Vedic calendars  (call it the fifth-vedic calendar if you like as

you can see the rashis mentioned unambiguously in the fifth Veda) were both

Sidereal and Tropical. Now Shri Kaul wants to introduce a calendar, for which he

puts a precondition that the Hindus have to get rid of the fixed Rashis, which

he thinks are imported from the Greeks, conveniently ignoring the mention of

these Rashis in the major puranas.. He says that astrology has also been

imported from the Greeks.

Megasthenes in the 4th century BCE found from his collected records that there

were 138 generations from Lord Krishna to his time and even if you take 20 years

per generation then Lord Krishna's date (and hence of the Mahabharata)  would

be 28 centuries before Megasthenes ie. around the 32nd century BCE. Even in

Shri Kaul's  own home state of Kashmir

there is an unbroken tradition of the Saptarshi calendar, which

started in 3077 BCe, ie 25 years after the start of the Kali yuga ie.

after the date when Lord Krishna left his mortal frame. From this

calendar also we can arrive at the year of Lord Krishna departure as

3102 BCE and from this the date of the Mahabharata war omes to be 3139 BCE..

Kalhana and Alberuni also mentioned about the Saptarshi

calendar. Recently Shri Kaul had been  told that there is mention of astrology

in the Mahabharata and that this shows the antiquity of astrology in ancient

Indian text. Shri Kaul protests saying  that he needs convincing proof that the

date of the Mahabharata was before 532 BCE as he thinks that the Greeks knew

astrolgy in 532 BCE and Indians could not have known astrology before that. He

implies that the date of the Mahabharata could not have been before 532 BCE.  I

have already shown how Shri Kaul dragged in the name of Dr. Meghnad Saha, the

chairman of the Calendar Reform committee (CRC), to say that as the Ritualistic

Indian literature did not mention the Rashis and that the Greeks knew astrology

by 532 BCE , the  rashis must have been imported from the Greeks. He completely

ignored the mention of the rashis in the ancient non-ritualistic texts such as

the Puranas (ie. the fifth veda).  Dr. Saha was the Chairman of the committe

and Shri kaul

seems to think that the members of the CRCdo not have the integrity that Dr.

Saha has. Moreover Shri Kaul forgets that it is the general practice that the

chairman of a committee does not vote unless there is a tie. The Chairman

affirms the majority decision and not his own. Under such situation how can Shri

Kaul drag in the name of Dr. saha. I think Shri Kaul has to think logically

before making such statements absolutely without any sense.


He harps on the celebration of Makar sankranti on the Winter solstice day. I

want to ask Shri kaul whether he has any evidence of celebration of Makar

Sankranti when theWwinter Solstice occurred in Krittika nakshatra, at the start

of the Treta yuga.



Sunil K. Bhattacharjya






--- On Sat, 7/11/09, jyotirved <jyotirved wrote:


jyotirved <jyotirved

[VRI] Proofs that Mesha etc. rashis were imported into India!


Cc: hinducalendar , abhinavagupta

Saturday, July 11, 2009, 4:30 AM



























Gopal Goelji,





seem to be more buried   WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS.>



is a lot of plagiarism about jyotisha books!  For example, there is “Ravana

Samhita†in Delhi Public Library, opposite Old Delhi Railway Station. It is in

Reference Section.  It is the same " world famous " Ravana Samhita,

published by a publisher of Delhi, priced at a whopping amount of Rs. 3000.00. 

Pl. take time out and have a look at the same!  The very first few pages of

that work will tell you the real state of " Ravana Samhita " in the

words of none other than " Maha Pandit Ravana " himself!



" Ravana " laments that it is publishers who make " him " write

such " Samhitas " galore, to mint money by making a fool of the common

man!  He is candid enough to admit that he has not “written†any such




" Maha Pandit Ravana " also pities the general public who fall in the

trap of Brighu Samhita!  According to “Maha Pandit Ravana†himself,  if


was a " creature " of about eight hundred thousand years back, Brighu

Rishi is a Rishi of early Satya Yuga---millions of years back!  " Maha

Pandit Ravana " laments further that people have become so

" blind " and " senseless " that they fall hook line and sinker

for such concoctions!



also pities the general public for not having read the Valmiki Ramayana etc.,

since if they had done so, they would have known it for themselves that

" Maha Pandit Ravana " never claimed that he had any knowledge of

astrology, leave alone writing a " Ravana Samhita " .  In fact, he never

claimed that he had any belief in it either!



is the case with your " darling " Brihat Parashari!  The half a dozen

editions available these days are concoctions of around eighteenth century!  If

you see the preface of the earlier editions of the original Parasharis of

Nirnaya Sagara Press, Mumbai, or Master Khelari Lal and Sons, Varanasi, you

will come to know the real truth and that is that the " compilers "

have “collected†(read “manufacturedâ€!) different portions of those


from different sources, and there is absolutely no guarantee that any of those

portions was ever written by the real Parasahara! 



that matter, just as we do not find any indication in the Valmiki Ramayana that

" Maha Pandit Ravana " has written any Ravana Samhita, there is no

indication that Maharshi Parashara has written anything about phalita

jyotisha!  Parasharis galore appear to the be works of some scheming jyotishis,

who, impressed with the astronomical knowledge of " Parashara " (which

that " Parashara " has actually borrowed from Maya the mleccha of the

Surya Sidhanta!), ascribed works of predictive gimmicks to Parashara Rishi!



you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara!  So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess!



then phalita jyotishis, enveloped as they are by Tamoguni budhi, close their

eyes to such works, lest they lose their clients or even have some pricks of




only aim is introduce Tropical calender.>



are absolutely wrong!



am just trying to introduce,  actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis!  As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€!








did you get the impression that my impression is that during the Vedic days,

the real Vamadevas talked (leave alone celebrated!) a so called Makar

Sankranti--- leave

alone a so called nirayana or sayana ?  For God's sake, my dear Goel Sahib, pl.

do not make such statements as exhibit your lack of doing any homework at all! 

Pl. go through 1999b.pdf and Rashi5.pdf papers and then enter into a










are again caught on the wrong foot yourself!  You have no knowledge of the

sidhantas nor of the Puranas, nor have your read historical documents like

Alberuni's India etc.



you quote even a single shloka from any Purana or Sidhanta which has not said

that Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year and Mesha Sankranti the

day of Vernal Equinox and so on?  No, you cannot!  All you will do is to


Parasharis galore just because they are the bibles of " Vedic

astrologers " .



otherwise, it is clear from your statements that you are just repeating the

words of some of your mentor jyotishis of jyotisha forums, without having any

idea yourself as to what a so called sidereal or a Tropical calendar means!



we take your statement, for the sake of argument, that the so called sidereal

calendar is being used over the last two thousand years, that itself means that

it is a post Maya the mlechha development in India!  What about the

pre-sidhantic era then?  As per your own words, it means that there was a so

called Tropical calendar in India then!






in what?  The Vedic calendar is neither so called Tropical nor so called

sidereal!  As such, your " prayers " are just like the prayers of

" Vedic astrologers " to remove a non-existent Kala Sarpa Dosha!






K Kaul





In Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@. ..> wrote:





Dear Mr. Kaul.



You seem to be more buried  WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS.



 You are so much engrossed in chronological order of Sanskrit literature




 you are not able to appreciate its contents.



We should enjoy the fruits than counting the trees .



Your  only aim is introduce Tropical calender . YOU HAVE TOTALLY WRONG

























Ph: 09350311433






NEW DELHI-110 076


















____________ _________ _________ __



Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@.. .>



Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com



Thursday, 9 July, 2009 1:15:37 PM



[ind. & West. Astrology] FW: Re: [VRI] FW: Proofs that Mesha etc.

rashis were imported into India!


















Shri Gopal Goelji,






<� “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is placed

in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of the

ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third quarter

of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on which

the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for religious

purposes. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on these two




Maharshi Parashara has not said anywhere " Tropical " or

" Sidereal " Mesha or Libra etc.! These words are recent

" innovations " and as suchy, your additions, and hence cannot be




It proves beyond all the reasonable doubts that the Rashichakra in the Puranas

is nothing but so called Tropical and will remain so for ever as per those

Puranas. It will never by so called nirayana! That is what Alberuni had

confirmed that in eleventh century India, Mesha Sankranti was the day of Vernal




Similarly, as per the Bhagavata, Shiva-Mahapurana etc. etc., Makar Sankranti is

another name of Winter Solctice (Uttarayana) the shortest day of the year, and

Vaishakaha/Mesha Sankranti another name of Vernal Equinox when the days and

nights are equal. According to these puranas and the sidhantas prevailing in

India, there are no conditions that after somet time, the Mesha Sankranti will

take place at any other day when the day is not equal to night nor is there any

conidtion that Makar Sankranti is any other day than the shortest day of the

year! Pl. see 1999b.pdf and rashi5.pdf.



It is also clear by implication that if Maharshi Parashara has written any so

called Brihat Parashari, which you claim to have been studying for the last

more than fifteen years, it should have been on the basis of a so called Sayana

Rashichakra! It appears that even after studying it assiduously for more than

fifteen years you have not understood that simple fact yet, that there cannot

be any Parashari on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. ayanamsha!



All those " parasharis " will then be " Lahiri Parasharis " or

" Ramana Parasharis " or " Muladhara Parasharis " etc. The

Nirnaya Sagar Press edition of Parashari may, as such, be called as Ganesha

Daivajya Parashari, since that edition wants us to subtract an Ayanamsha at the

rate of one arc-minute from Shaka 4444----exactly what Grahalaghava has




So three cheers for non-existent Nirayana Rashis and non-existet nirayana

Parasharis galore!



BTW, that does not mean that the so called Sayana Rashichakra exists really,

but all it means is that the Puranas and sidhantas have advocated a so called

Sayana Rashichakra- ---just in the footsteps of Maya the mlechhan's Surya




With regards,



A K Kaul



Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:






> Â Dear Friends,



> I am quoting below from Vishnu Purana Published by Gita



> 1. VE Point - The First Point of Tropical aries



> Â



> Sage Parasara explains his theory to Maitreya in the Vishnu Purana, second

ansha, chapter 8, slokas 74 to 81. These slokas are quoted below:



> Â



> ;% 'osrL;ksÙkj% 'kSy% J`îõ-okfufr foJqr%A



> =khf..k rL; rqÜk`Äõkf.k ;Sj;a J`îõ-okULe`r%AA74AA



> nf{k.ka pksÙkja pSo eè;a oS " kqora rFkkA



> 'kj}lUr;kseZè ;s r‰kuq% izfri|rsAA75AA



> Â



> es " kknkS p rqyknkS p eS=ks; fof " kqofRLFkr% A



> rnk rqY;egksjk=ka djksfr frfijkig%AA76AA



> n'ia×peqgwrZ oS rnsrnqHk;a Le`re~A



> izFkes�`fÙkdkHkkxs HkkLokaLenk' k'khAA77AA



> fo'kk[kkuka prqFksZ¿'ks equs fr " BR;la'k;e~ A



> fo'kk[kkuka ;nk lw;ZÃœpjR;a'ka r`rh;de~AA78AA



> rnk pUnza fotkuh;R�`fÙkdkf'kjfl fLFkre~A



> rnSo fo " kqok[;ks¿; a dky% iq.;ks¿fHk/h; rsAA79AA



> rnk nkukfu ns;kfu nsosH;% iz;rkRefHk%A



> czkgke.ksH;% fir`H;Üpeq[kesrÙkq nkute~AA80AA



> nÙknkuLrq fo " kqos �`r�`R;ks¿fHktk; rsA



> vgksjk=k¼ZHkklkLrq dyk% dk " Bk% {k.kkLrFkkAA81AA



> In brief, the above slokas convey  the following meanings:



> " There are three apex points -  one in the south (on the line of

Capricorn), another one in the north (on the line of Cancer). The third one is

in the middle (on the Equator). When the Sun arrives on this equatorial point

after the winter season and before the commencement of the spring season

(Vasant), the day of the Vernal Equinox occurs. Whenever the Sun is placed on

the Equator, either  tropical Aries or tropical  Libra start.  There is


interval of six tropical months between tropical Aries and tropical Libra. Day

and night become equal on the days of the Equinoxes.â€



> Â



> " Parasara further states (and this is very important to fix his

Era),  “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is

placed in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of

the ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third

quarter of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on

which the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for

religious purposes.. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on

these two days.â€



> Â



> It is therefore obvious that both the equinox days are considered very

auspicious and are also important reference points which control the yearly




>    The following inferences can therefore be drawn from chapter 8, ansa

2 of the Vishnu Purana:






> Ph: 09350311433



> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR



> NEW DELHI-110 076









































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Friends, Shri Kaul has forwarded his reply to you and I feel you may like to see an analysis of what he says.1)QuoteIf

you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara! So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess!UnquoteThis means to me and may be to many of you also, that Shri Kaul is wondering that since Dr. Iyengar is not aware of the mention of rashi in puranas (the fifth Veda) such as the Bhagavat purana and the Vamana purana, then how could Parashara could have talked about the different grahas in different rashis. I am shocked at the absurd argument,which he puts forward. 2)QuoteI

am just trying to introduce, actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis! As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€! UnquoteVamana purana gives the details of the nakshatras in the different rashis and as the Nakshtars are fixed so are the Rashis. Thus the Rashis are Sidereal. Sidereal rashis are mentioned by Claudius Ptolemy also. However the western astrology uses the Tropical calendar and it uses the imitation rashis (imitation Zodiacal signs) which are not fixed in relation to the fixed stars. Both the Sidereeal and the tropical calendars have been used in India from the ancient times. The Vedic calendars (call it the fifth-vedic calendar if you like as you can see the rashis mentioned unambiguously in the fifth Veda) were both Sidereal and Tropical. Now Shri Kaul

wants to introduce a calendar, for which he puts a precondition that the Hindus have to get rid of the fixed Rashis, which he thinks are imported from the Greeks, conveniently ignoring the mention of these Rashis in the major puranas.. He says that astrology has also been imported from the Greeks. Megasthenes in the 4th century BCE found from his collected records that there were 138 generations from Lord Krishna to his time and even if you take 20 years per generation then Lord Krishna's date (and hence of the Mahabharata) would be 28 centuries before Megasthenes ie. around the 32nd century BCE. Even in Shri Kaul's own home state of Kashmir

there is an unbroken tradition of the Saptarshi calendar, which

started in 3077 BCe, ie 25 years after the start of the Kali yuga ie.

after the date when Lord Krishna left his mortal frame. From this

calendar also we can arrive at the year of Lord Krishna departure as

3102 BCE and from this the date of the Mahabharata war omes to be 3139 BCE.. Kalhana and Alberuni also mentioned about the Saptarshi

calendar. Recently Shri Kaul had been told that there is mention of astrology in the Mahabharata and that this shows the antiquity of astrology in ancient Indian text. Shri Kaul protests saying that he needs convincing proof that the date of the Mahabharata was before 532 BCE as he thinks that the Greeks knew astrolgy in 532 BCE and Indians could not have known astrology before that. He implies that the date of the Mahabharata could not have been before 532 BCE. I have already shown how Shri Kaul dragged in the name of Dr. Meghnad Saha, the chairman of the Calendar Reform committee (CRC), to say that as the Ritualistic Indian literature did not mention the Rashis and that the Greeks knew astrology by 532 BCE , the rashis must have been imported from the Greeks. He completely ignored the mention of the rashis in the ancient non-ritualistic texts such as the Puranas (ie. the fifth veda).

Dr. Saha was the Chairman of the committe and Shri kaul seems to think that the members of the CRCdo not have the integrity that Dr. Saha has. Moreover Shri Kaul forgets that it is the general practice that the chairman of a committee does not vote unless there is a tie. The Chairman affirms the majority decision and not his own. Under such situation how can Shri Kaul drag in the name of Dr. saha. I think Shri Kaul has to think logically before making such statements absolutely without any sense.3)He harps on the celebration of Makar sankranti on the Winter solstice day. I want to ask Shri kaul whether he has any evidence of celebration of Makar Sankranti when theWwinter Solstice occurred in Krittika nakshatra, at the

start of the Treta yuga.Regards,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Sat, 7/11/09, jyotirved <jyotirved wrote:jyotirved <jyotirved[VRI] Proofs that Mesha etc. rashis were imported into India!indian_astrology_group_daily_digest Cc: hinducalendar ,

abhinavagupta Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 4:30 AM





Gopal Goelji, Namaskar! <You

seem to be more buried  WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS.> There

is a lot of plagiarism about jyotisha books! For example, there is “Ravana

Samhita†in Delhi Public Library, opposite Old Delhi Railway Station. It is in

Reference Section. It is the same "world famous" Ravana Samhita,

published by a publisher of Delhi, priced at a whopping amount of Rs. 3000.00.

Pl. take time out and have a look at the same! The very first few pages of

that work will tell you the real state of "Ravana Samhita" in the

words of none other than "Maha Pandit Ravana" himself! Poor

"Ravana" laments that it is publishers who make "him" write

such "Samhitas" galore, to mint money by making a fool of the common

man! He is candid enough to admit that he has not “written†any such Samhita! Same

"Maha Pandit Ravana" also pities the general public who fall in the

trap of Brighu Samhita! According to “Maha Pandit Ravana†himself, if Ravana

was a "creature" of about eight hundred thousand years back, Brighu

Rishi is a Rishi of early Satya Yuga---millions of years back! "Maha

Pandit Ravana" laments further that people have become so

"blind" and "senseless" that they fall hook line and sinker

for such concoctions! He

also pities the general public for not having read the Valmiki Ramayana etc.,

since if they had done so, they would have known it for themselves that

"Maha Pandit Ravana" never claimed that he had any knowledge of

astrology, leave alone writing a "Ravana Samhita". In fact, he never

claimed that he had any belief in it either! Same

is the case with your "darling" Brihat Parashari! The half a dozen

editions available these days are concoctions of around eighteenth century! If

you see the preface of the earlier editions of the original Parasharis of

Nirnaya Sagara Press, Mumbai, or Master Khelari Lal and Sons, Varanasi, you

will come to know the real truth and that is that the "compilers"

have “collected†(read “manufacturedâ€!) different portions of those “Parasharisâ€

from different sources, and there is absolutely no guarantee that any of those

portions was ever written by the real Parasahara! For

that matter, just as we do not find any indication in the Valmiki Ramayana that

"Maha Pandit Ravana" has written any Ravana Samhita, there is no

indication that Maharshi Parashara has written anything about phalita

jyotisha! Parasharis galore appear to the be works of some scheming jyotishis,

who, impressed with the astronomical knowledge of "Parashara" (which

that "Parashara" has actually borrowed from Maya the mleccha of the

Surya Sidhanta!), ascribed works of predictive gimmicks to Parashara Rishi! If

you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara! So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess! But

then phalita jyotishis, enveloped as they are by Tamoguni budhi, close their

eyes to such works, lest they lose their clients or even have some pricks of

conscience! <YourÂ

only aim is introduce Tropical calender.> You

are absolutely wrong! I

am just trying to introduce, actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis! As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€! <YOU



did you get the impression that my impression is that during the Vedic days,

the real Vamadevas talked (leave alone celebrated!) a so called Makar Sankranti--- leave

alone a so called nirayana or sayana ? For God's sake, my dear Goel Sahib, pl.

do not make such statements as exhibit your lack of doing any homework at all!

Pl. go through 1999b.pdf and Rashi5.pdf papers and then enter into a

discussion! <kindly



are again caught on the wrong foot yourself! You have no knowledge of the

sidhantas nor of the Puranas, nor have your read historical documents like

Alberuni's India etc. Can

you quote even a single shloka from any Purana or Sidhanta which has not said

that Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year and Mesha Sankranti the

day of Vernal Equinox and so on? No, you cannot! All you will do is to defend

Parasharis galore just because they are the bibles of "Vedic

astrologers". Even

otherwise, it is clear from your statements that you are just repeating the

words of some of your mentor jyotishis of jyotisha forums, without having any

idea yourself as to what a so called sidereal or a Tropical calendar means! If

we take your statement, for the sake of argument, that the so called sidereal

calendar is being used over the last two thousand years, that itself means that

it is a post Maya the mlechha development in India! What about the

pre-sidhantic era then? As per your own words, it means that there was a so

called Tropical calendar in India then! <I


in what? The Vedic calendar is neither so called Tropical nor so called

sidereal! As such, your "prayers" are just like the prayers of

"Vedic astrologers" to remove a non-existent Kala Sarpa Dosha! With

regards, A

K Kaul ---

In Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@. ..> wrote: > >

Dear Mr. Kaul. >

You seem to be more buried WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS. >

 You are so much engrossed in chronological order of Sanskrit literature THAT >

 you are not able to appreciate its contents. >

We should enjoy the fruits than counting the trees . >

Your only aim is introduce Tropical calender . YOU HAVE TOTALLY WRONG







Regards, >


Ph: 09350311433 >

Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR >

NEW DELHI-110 076 >






____________ _________ _________ __ >

Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@.. .> >

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com >

Thursday, 9 July, 2009 1:15:37 PM >

[ind. & West. Astrology] FW: Re: [VRI] FW: Proofs that Mesha etc.

rashis were imported into India! >






Shri Gopal Goelji, >

Namaskar! >

<� “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is placed

in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of the

ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third quarter

of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on which

the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for religious

purposes. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on these two

days.â€> >

Maharshi Parashara has not said anywhere "Tropical" or

"Sidereal" Mesha or Libra etc.! These words are recent

"innovations" and as suchy, your additions, and hence cannot be

accepted! >

It proves beyond all the reasonable doubts that the Rashichakra in the Puranas

is nothing but so called Tropical and will remain so for ever as per those

Puranas. It will never by so called nirayana! That is what Alberuni had

confirmed that in eleventh century India, Mesha Sankranti was the day of Vernal

Equinox! >

Similarly, as per the Bhagavata, Shiva-Mahapurana etc. etc., Makar Sankranti is

another name of Winter Solctice (Uttarayana) the shortest day of the year, and

Vaishakaha/Mesha Sankranti another name of Vernal Equinox when the days and

nights are equal. According to these puranas and the sidhantas prevailing in

India, there are no conditions that after somet time, the Mesha Sankranti will

take place at any other day when the day is not equal to night nor is there any

conidtion that Makar Sankranti is any other day than the shortest day of the

year! Pl. see 1999b.pdf and rashi5.pdf. >

It is also clear by implication that if Maharshi Parashara has written any so

called Brihat Parashari, which you claim to have been studying for the last

more than fifteen years, it should have been on the basis of a so called Sayana

Rashichakra! It appears that even after studying it assiduously for more than

fifteen years you have not understood that simple fact yet, that there cannot

be any Parashari on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. ayanamsha! >

All those "parasharis" will then be "Lahiri Parasharis" or

"Ramana Parasharis" or "Muladhara Parasharis" etc. The

Nirnaya Sagar Press edition of Parashari may, as such, be called as Ganesha

Daivajya Parashari, since that edition wants us to subtract an Ayanamsha at the

rate of one arc-minute from Shaka 4444----exactly what Grahalaghava has

advocated! >

So three cheers for non-existent Nirayana Rashis and non-existet nirayana

Parasharis galore! >

BTW, that does not mean that the so called Sayana Rashichakra exists really,

but all it means is that the Puranas and sidhantas have advocated a so called

Sayana Rashichakra- ---just in the footsteps of Maya the mlechhan's Surya

Sidhanta. >

With regards, >

A K Kaul >

Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote: >

> >

> Â Dear Friends, >

> I am quoting below from Vishnu Purana Published by Gita >

> 1. VE Point - The First Point of Tropical aries >

> Â >

> Sage Parasara explains his theory to Maitreya in the Vishnu Purana, second

ansha, chapter 8, slokas 74 to 81. These slokas are quoted below: >

> Â >

> ;% 'osrL;ksÙkj% 'kSy% J`îõ-okfufr foJqr%A >

> =khf..k rL; rqÜk`Äõkf.k ;Sj;a J`îõ-okULe`r%AA74AA >

> nf{k.ka pksÙkja pSo eè;a oS"kqora rFkkA >

> 'kj}lUr;kseZè ;s r‰kuq% izfri|rsAA75AA >

> Â >

> es"kknkS p rqyknkS p eS=ks; fof"kqofRLFkr% A >

> rnk rqY;egksjk=ka djksfr frfijkig%AA76AA >

> n'ia×peqgwrZ oS rnsrnqHk;a Le`re~A >

> izFkes�`fÙkdkHkkxs HkkLokaLenk' k'khAA77AA >

> fo'kk[kkuka prqFksZ¿'ks equs fr"BR;la'k;e~ A >

> fo'kk[kkuka ;nk lw;ZÃœpjR;a'ka r`rh;de~AA78AA >

> rnk pUnza fotkuh;R�`fÙkdkf'kjfl fLFkre~A >

> rnSo fo"kqok[;ks¿; a dky% iq.;ks¿fHk/h; rsAA79AA >

> rnk nkukfu ns;kfu nsosH;% iz;rkRefHk%A >

> czkgke.ksH;% fir`H;Üpeq[kesrÙkq nkute~AA80AA >

> nÙknkuLrq fo"kqos �`r�`R;ks¿fHktk; rsA >

> vgksjk=k¼ZHkklkLrq dyk% dk"Bk% {k.kkLrFkkAA81AA >

> In brief, the above slokas convey the following meanings: >

> "There are three apex points -Â one in the south (on the line of

Capricorn), another one in the north (on the line of Cancer). The third one is

in the middle (on the Equator). When the Sun arrives on this equatorial point

after the winter season and before the commencement of the spring season

(Vasant), the day of the Vernal Equinox occurs. Whenever the Sun is placed on

the Equator, either tropical Aries or tropical Libra start. There is an

interval of six tropical months between tropical Aries and tropical Libra. Day

and night become equal on the days of the Equinoxes.†>

> Â >

> "Parasara further states (and this is very important to fix his

Era), “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is

placed in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of

the ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third

quarter of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on

which the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for

religious purposes.. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on

these two days.†>

> Â >

> It is therefore obvious that both the equinox days are considered very

auspicious and are also important reference points which control the yearly

cycles. >

> Â Â The following inferences can therefore be drawn from chapter 8, ansa

2 of the Vishnu Purana: >

> Â G.K.GOEL >

> Ph: 09350311433 >

> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR >

> NEW DELHI-110 076 >


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To All,


Aryabhatta-ii wrote his Mahasiddhanta on the basis of Parashara Siddhanta.

Mahasiddhanta is entirely based on the concept of Rashi. Hence, at the time of

Aryabhatta-ii Parashara Siddhanta was a complete text of astronomy which was

based on the concept of Rashi. Such a text is not available now. If Mr Iyengar

or Mr Kaul have unearthed Parashara Siddhanta, they should first publish it

instead of making wild claims on its basis.


Mr Kail claims " I am just trying to introduce, actually reintroduce, the real

Vedic calendar, which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. "


But I caught him red-handed making error of 24 degrees in computation of

ayanamsha, he gave a value of 47 degrees for the present time !! A person so

deficient in simple mathematical operations claims to be a genius ! How can he

be expected to understand the abstruse computations of siddhantas which are not

explained in rexrs and are passed on only through guru-shishya tradition ?



====================== ==



Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya


Cc: ; vedic astrology ;


Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:30:04 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: [VRI] Proofs that Mesha etc. rashis were imported

into India!








Shri Kaul has forwarded his reply to you and I feel you may like to see an

analysis of what he says.






you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara! So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess!


This means to me and may be to many of you also, that Shri Kaul is wondering

that since Dr. Iyengar is not aware of the mention of rashi in puranas (the

fifth Veda) such as the Bhagavat purana and the Vamana purana, then how could

Parashara could have talked about the different grahas in different rashis. I

am shocked at the absurd argument,which he puts forward.




am just trying to introduce, actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis! As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€!



Vamana purana gives the details of the nakshatras in the different rashis and as

the Nakshtars are fixed so are the Rashis. Thus the Rashis are Sidereal.

Sidereal rashis are mentioned by Claudius Ptolemy also. However the western

astrology uses the Tropical calendar and it uses the imitation rashis (imitation

Zodiacal signs) which are not fixed in relation to the fixed stars. Both the

Sidereeal and the tropical calendars have been used in India from the ancient

times. The Vedic calendars (call it the fifth-vedic calendar if you like as you

can see the rashis mentioned unambiguously in the fifth Veda) were both Sidereal

and Tropical. Now Shri Kaul wants to introduce a calendar, for which he puts a

precondition that the Hindus have to get rid of the fixed Rashis, which he

thinks are imported from the Greeks, conveniently ignoring the mention of these

Rashis in the major puranas.. He says that astrology has also been imported from

the Greeks.

Megasthenes in the 4th century BCE found from his collected records that there

were 138 generations from Lord Krishna to his time and even if you take 20 years

per generation then Lord Krishna's date (and hence of the Mahabharata) would be

28 centuries before Megasthenes ie. around the 32nd century BCE. Even in Shri

Kaul's own home state of Kashmir

there is an unbroken tradition of the Saptarshi calendar, which

started in 3077 BCe, ie 25 years after the start of the Kali yuga ie.

after the date when Lord Krishna left his mortal frame. From this

calendar also we can arrive at the year of Lord Krishna departure as

3102 BCE and from this the date of the Mahabharata war omes to be 3139 BCE..

Kalhana and Alberuni also mentioned about the Saptarshi

calendar. Recently Shri Kaul had been told that there is mention of astrology

in the Mahabharata and that this shows the antiquity of astrology in ancient

Indian text. Shri Kaul protests saying that he needs convincing proof that the

date of the Mahabharata was before 532 BCE as he thinks that the Greeks knew

astrolgy in 532 BCE and Indians could not have known astrology before that. He

implies that the date of the Mahabharata could not have been before 532 BCE. I

have already shown how Shri Kaul dragged in the name of Dr. Meghnad Saha, the

chairman of the Calendar Reform committee (CRC), to say that as the Ritualistic

Indian literature did not mention the Rashis and that the Greeks knew astrology

by 532 BCE , the rashis must have been imported from the Greeks. He completely

ignored the mention of the rashis in the ancient non-ritualistic texts such as

the Puranas (ie. the fifth veda). Dr. Saha was the Chairman of the committe and

Shri kaul

seems to think that the members of the CRCdo not have the integrity that Dr.

Saha has. Moreover Shri Kaul forgets that it is the general practice that the

chairman of a committee does not vote unless there is a tie. The Chairman

affirms the majority decision and not his own. Under such situation how can Shri

Kaul drag in the name of Dr. saha. I think Shri Kaul has to think logically

before making such statements absolutely without any sense.


He harps on the celebration of Makar sankranti on the Winter solstice day. I

want to ask Shri kaul whether he has any evidence of celebration of Makar

Sankranti when theWwinter Solstice occurred in Krittika nakshatra, at the start

of the Treta yuga.



Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Sat, 7/11/09, jyotirved <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:


jyotirved <jyotirved (AT) sify (DOT) com>

[VRI] Proofs that Mesha etc. rashis were imported into India!

indian_astrology_ group_daily_ digest@grou ps.com

Cc: hinducalendar, abhinavagupta

Saturday, July 11, 2009, 4:30 AM



Gopal Goelji,





seem to be more buried  WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS.>



is a lot of plagiarism about jyotisha books! For example, there is “Ravana

Samhita†in Delhi Public Library, opposite Old Delhi Railway Station. It is in

Reference Section. It is the same " world famous " Ravana Samhita,

published by a publisher of Delhi, priced at a whopping amount of Rs. 3000.00.

Pl. take time out and have a look at the same! The very first few pages of

that work will tell you the real state of " Ravana Samhita " in the

words of none other than " Maha Pandit Ravana " himself!



" Ravana " laments that it is publishers who make " him " write

such " Samhitas " galore, to mint money by making a fool of the common

man! He is candid enough to admit that he has not “written†any such




" Maha Pandit Ravana " also pities the general public who fall in the

trap of Brighu Samhita! According to “Maha Pandit Ravana†himself, if


was a " creature " of about eight hundred thousand years back, Brighu

Rishi is a Rishi of early Satya Yuga---millions of years back! " Maha

Pandit Ravana " laments further that people have become so

" blind " and " senseless " that they fall hook line and sinker

for such concoctions!



also pities the general public for not having read the Valmiki Ramayana etc.,

since if they had done so, they would have known it for themselves that

" Maha Pandit Ravana " never claimed that he had any knowledge of

astrology, leave alone writing a " Ravana Samhita " . In fact, he never

claimed that he had any belief in it either!



is the case with your " darling " Brihat Parashari! The half a dozen

editions available these days are concoctions of around eighteenth century! If

you see the preface of the earlier editions of the original Parasharis of

Nirnaya Sagara Press, Mumbai, or Master Khelari Lal and Sons, Varanasi, you

will come to know the real truth and that is that the " compilers "

have “collected†(read “manufacturedâ€!) different portions of those


from different sources, and there is absolutely no guarantee that any of those

portions was ever written by the real Parasahara!



that matter, just as we do not find any indication in the Valmiki Ramayana that

" Maha Pandit Ravana " has written any Ravana Samhita, there is no

indication that Maharshi Parashara has written anything about phalita

jyotisha! Parasharis galore appear to the be works of some scheming jyotishis,

who, impressed with the astronomical knowledge of " Parashara " (which

that " Parashara " has actually borrowed from Maya the mleccha of the

Surya Sidhanta!), ascribed works of predictive gimmicks to Parashara Rishi!



you go through the Archaeoastronomy papers of Dr. R. N. Iyengar, you will see

for yourself that as late as 14th century BCE, there were no Mesha etc. Rashis

in the Parashara Sidhanta by a 14th century BCE Parashara! So how

could the Parashara of more than 5000 years back talk of Mangal, Shanik etc.

planets in Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis is anybody’s guess!



then phalita jyotishis, enveloped as they are by Tamoguni budhi, close their

eyes to such works, lest they lose their clients or even have some pricks of




only aim is introduce Tropical calender.>



are absolutely wrong!



am just trying to introduce, actually reintroduce, the real Vedic calendar,

which is without any Mesha, Vrisha etc. Rashis! As such, the question of

Tropical or sidereal calendar does not arise, since such curses are applicable

to Mesha etc. rashis only, and that also because of Hindu jyotishis, who call

themselves “Vedic astrologersâ€!








did you get the impression that my impression is that during the Vedic days,

the real Vamadevas talked (leave alone celebrated!) a so called Makar

Sankranti--- leave

alone a so called nirayana or sayana ? For God's sake, my dear Goel Sahib, pl.

do not make such statements as exhibit your lack of doing any homework at all!

Pl. go through 1999b.pdf and Rashi5.pdf papers and then enter into a










are again caught on the wrong foot yourself! You have no knowledge of the

sidhantas nor of the Puranas, nor have your read historical documents like

Alberuni's India etc.



you quote even a single shloka from any Purana or Sidhanta which has not said

that Makar Sankranti is the shortest day of the year and Mesha Sankranti the

day of Vernal Equinox and so on? No, you cannot! All you will do is to defend

Parasharis galore just because they are the bibles of " Vedic

astrologers " .



otherwise, it is clear from your statements that you are just repeating the

words of some of your mentor jyotishis of jyotisha forums, without having any

idea yourself as to what a so called sidereal or a Tropical calendar means!



we take your statement, for the sake of argument, that the so called sidereal

calendar is being used over the last two thousand years, that itself means that

it is a post Maya the mlechha development in India! What about the

pre-sidhantic era then? As per your own words, it means that there was a so

called Tropical calendar in India then!






in what? The Vedic calendar is neither so called Tropical nor so called

sidereal! As such, your " prayers " are just like the prayers of

" Vedic astrologers " to remove a non-existent Kala Sarpa Dosha!






K Kaul





In Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com,

Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@ . ..> wrote:





Dear Mr. Kaul.



You seem to be more buried WHO HAD AUTHORED BPHS.



 You are so much engrossed in chronological order of Sanskrit literature




 you are not able to appreciate its contents.



We should enjoy the fruits than counting the trees .



Your only aim is introduce Tropical calender . YOU HAVE TOTALLY WRONG

























Ph: 09350311433






NEW DELHI-110 076


















____________ _________ _________ __



Avtar Krishen Kaul <jyotirved@. . .>



Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com



Thursday, 9 July, 2009 1:15:37 PM



[ind. & West.. Astrology] FW: Re: [VRI] FW: Proofs that Mesha etc.

rashis were imported into India!


















Shri Gopal Goelji,






<� “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is placed

in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of the

ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third quarter

of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on which

the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for religious

purposes. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on these two




Maharshi Parashara has not said anywhere " Tropical " or

" Sidereal " Mesha or Libra etc.! These words are recent

" innovations " and as suchy, your additions, and hence cannot be




It proves beyond all the reasonable doubts that the Rashichakra in the Puranas

is nothing but so called Tropical and will remain so for ever as per those

Puranas. It will never by so called nirayana! That is what Alberuni had

confirmed that in eleventh century India, Mesha Sankranti was the day of Vernal




Similarly, as per the Bhagavata, Shiva-Mahapurana etc. etc., Makar Sankranti is

another name of Winter Solctice (Uttarayana) the shortest day of the year, and

Vaishakaha/Mesha Sankranti another name of Vernal Equinox when the days and

nights are equal. According to these puranas and the sidhantas prevailing in

India, there are no conditions that after somet time, the Mesha Sankranti will

take place at any other day when the day is not equal to night nor is there any

conidtion that Makar Sankranti is any other day than the shortest day of the

year! Pl. see 1999b.pdf and rashi5.pdf.



It is also clear by implication that if Maharshi Parashara has written any so

called Brihat Parashari, which you claim to have been studying for the last

more than fifteen years, it should have been on the basis of a so called Sayana

Rashichakra! It appears that even after studying it assiduously for more than

fifteen years you have not understood that simple fact yet, that there cannot

be any Parashari on the basis of Lahiri or Ramana or Muladhara etc. ayanamsha!



All those " parasharis " will then be " Lahiri Parasharis " or

" Ramana Parasharis " or " Muladhara Parasharis " etc. The

Nirnaya Sagar Press edition of Parashari may, as such, be called as Ganesha

Daivajya Parashari, since that edition wants us to subtract an Ayanamsha at the

rate of one arc-minute from Shaka 4444----exactly what Grahalaghava has




So three cheers for non-existent Nirayana Rashis and non-existet nirayana

Parasharis galore!



BTW, that does not mean that the so called Sayana Rashichakra exists really,

but all it means is that the Puranas and sidhantas have advocated a so called

Sayana Rashichakra- ---just in the footsteps of Maya the mlechhan's Surya




With regards,



A K Kaul



Indian_Astrology_ Group_Daily_ Digest@grou ps.com, Gopal Goel

<gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:






> Â Dear Friends,



> I am quoting below from Vishnu Purana Published by Gita



> 1. VE Point - The First Point of Tropical aries



> Â



> Sage Parasara explains his theory to Maitreya in the Vishnu Purana, second

ansha, chapter 8, slokas 74 to 81. These slokas are quoted below:



> Â



> ;% 'osrL;ksÙkj% 'kSy% J`îõ-okfufr foJqr%A



> =khf..k rL; rqÜk`Äõkf.k ;Sj;a J`îõ-okULe`r%AA74AA



> nf{k.ka pksÙkja pSo eè;a oS " kqora rFkkA



> 'kj}lUr;kseZè ;s r‰kuq% izfri|rsAA75AA



> Â



> es " kknkS p rqyknkS p eS=ks; fof " kqofRLFkr% A



> rnk rqY;egksjk=ka djksfr frfijkig%AA76AA



> n'ia×peqgwrZ oS rnsrnqHk;a Le`re~A



> izFkes�`fÙkdkHkkxs HkkLokaLenk' k'khAA77AA



> fo'kk[kkuka prqFksZ¿'ks equs fr " BR;la'k;e~ A



> fo'kk[kkuka ;nk lw;ZÃœpjR;a'ka r`rh;de~AA78AA



> rnk pUnza fotkuh;R�`fÙkdkf'kjfl fLFkre~A



> rnSo fo " kqok[;ks¿; a dky% iq.;ks¿fHk/h; rsAA79AA



> rnk nkukfu ns;kfu nsosH;% iz;rkRefHk%A



> czkgke.ksH;% fir`H;Üpeq[kesrÙkq nkute~AA80AA



> nÙknkuLrq fo " kqos �`r�`R;ks¿fHktk; rsA



> vgksjk=k¼ZHkklkLrq dyk% dk " Bk% {k.kkLrFkkAA81AA



> In brief, the above slokas convey the following meanings:



> " There are three apex points -Â one in the south (on the line of

Capricorn), another one in the north (on the line of Cancer). The third one is

in the middle (on the Equator). When the Sun arrives on this equatorial point

after the winter season and before the commencement of the spring season

(Vasant), the day of the Vernal Equinox occurs. Whenever the Sun is placed on

the Equator, either tropical Aries or tropical Libra start. There is an

interval of six tropical months between tropical Aries and tropical Libra. Day

and night become equal on the days of the Equinoxes.â€



> Â



> " Parasara further states (and this is very important to fix his

Era), “Presently, at the time of the ingress of the Sun into tropical

Aries, the Sun is placed in the first quarter of Krittika and the Moon is

placed in the fourth quarter of Vishakha nakshatra. Similarly, at the time of

the ingress of the Sun into tropical Libra, the Sun is placed in the third

quarter of Vishakha and the Moon is placed on the head of Krittika. The days on

which the equinoxes occur are most important as well as very auspicious for

religious purposes.. One must do charity and perform other auspicious acts on

these two days.â€



> Â



> It is therefore obvious that both the equinox days are considered very

auspicious and are also important reference points which control the yearly




> Â Â The following inferences can therefore be drawn from chapter 8, ansa

2 of the Vishnu Purana:






> Ph: 09350311433



> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR



> NEW DELHI-110 076


















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