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Upagrahas - Calculation and Signification

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Upagrahas (Sub-Grahas)© 2009 Revati Energetic Astrology(more articles and infos on: http://health.revati_energetics_true_vedic_astrology/ )Non-luminous UpaGrahas ("Sub-Grahas"). Add 4 Rashis 13 degrees and 20 minutes of arc to Surya's longitude at a given moment to get the exact position of the all inauspicious Dhooma. Reduce Dhooma from 12 Rashis to arrive at Vyatipata. Vyatipata is also inauspicious. Add six Rashis to Vyatipata to know the position of Parivesha. He is extremely inauspicious. Deduct Parivesha from 12 Rashis to arrive at the position of Chapa (Indra Dhanus), who is also inauspicious. Add 16 degrees 40 minutes to Chapa, which will give Ketu (UpaKetu), who is a malefic. By adding a Rashi to UpaKetu, you get the original longitude of Surya. These are the Grahas, devoid of splendour, which are malefics by nature and cause affliction.Effects of Sub-Grahas. If one of these afflicts Surya, the native's dynasty will decline, while Chandra and Lagna, respectively, associated with one of these, will destroy the longevity and wisdom. So declared Lord Brahma, the Lotus-Born.Calculation of Pranapada. Convert the given time into Vighatis and divide the same by 15. The resultant Rashi, degrees etc. be added to Surya, if he is in a Movable Rashi, which will yield Pranapada. If Surya is in a Fixed Rashi, add 240 degrees additionally and, if in a Dual Rashi, add 120 degrees in furtherance to get Pranapada. The birth will be auspicious, if Pranapada falls in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 4th, 10th, or 11th from the natal Lagna. In other Bhavas Pranapada indicates an inauspicious birth.BPHS, Ch. 3, Sl. 61-64, 71-74Upagrahas are subgrahas, subplanets, "non-luminous bodies" based on a particular calculation. Like Rahu and Ketu they are shadowy, invisible grahas (forces, powers, energies) which are mainly seen as inauspicious. Nevertheless, in chapter 25 of BPHS their distinct effects are explained and it is seen that their effects highly depend on their placement in Bhava and Rashi. Upagrahas can have favourable and unfavourable effects.Interpretation of Upagrahas: Most important is the placement of an Upagraha (each one of the 13 described) in Bhava (and Nakshatra), and its conjunction (yuti) with another Graha or Upagraha.Do not miss that Upagrahas are effective energies and forces (Grahas) like all the other Grahas. They highly modify effects of Grahas and Nakshatras.***There are 7 general and 6 particular Upagrahas (subplanets) existing.The 7 general Upagrahas are the 7 Kaala Velas: Sub-Grahas which are closely related to the planetary energies they represent.The seven Kaala Velas are:Kaala, Paridhi, Mrityu, Ardha Prahara, Yama Ghantaka, Kodanda and Gulika.The effects of the Kaala Velas will be explained in he next paragraph.The 5 particular Upagrahas are Sub-Grahas being related to the Surya - the self, the eternal - and indicating a calling, a mission, a vocation in life demanded by the soul.These Surya-related Upagrahas are:Indrachapa, Upaketu, Vyatipata, Parivesha and Dhooma.Surya is the Graha representing our Self and its Center, on a higher plane our higher self - our eternal plane.As the 5 distinct Upagrahas are derived only with reference to Surya - the self, the soul - they indicate a calling, a mission, a vocation in life, demanded by our soul.Calculation of the 5 distinct Upagrahas:Dhooma: 133°20' (= 10 Nakshatras) are to be added to Surya's longitudeVyatipata: 360° substracted to Dhooma's longitudeParivesha: 180° added to Vyatipata's longitudeIndrachapa: 360° substracting Parivesha's longitudeUpaketu: 16°40' added to Indrachapa's longitudeAdding 30° to Upaketu's longitude we arrive at Surya's longitude.Calculation Example 1: starting from Surya's Moolatrikona (0° Simha / Leo)Surya: 0° Leo (start of moolatrikona)+ 133°20' added to Surya's longitude leads toDHOOMA: 13°20' Sagittarius (253°20' in zodiac)360° - 253°20' = 86°40' leads toVYATIPATA: 26°40' Gemini+ 180° leads toPARIVESHA: 26°40' Sagittarius (266°40' in zodiac)360° - 266°40' = 73°20' in zodiac leads toINDRACHAPA: 13°20' Gemini+ 16°40' leads toUPAKETU: 0° CancerAdding 30° we again arrive at Surya 0° Leo.Result: The own Rashi of Dhooma is Sagittarius, own Rashi of Vyatipata is Gemini, own Rashi of Parivesha is Sagittarius, own Rashi of Indrachapa is Gemini and own Rashi of Upaketu is Cancer.In a chart, Parivesha (Sg) is always in opposition (180°) to Vyatipata (Ge),Dhooma (Sg) is always 180° away from Indrachapa (Ge).Upaketu always is placed 16°40' from Dhooma, and finally Surya always is posited 30° from Upaketu (Upaketu -30° counted from Surya's longitude).We see the Upagrahas related mainly to the axis Mithuna - Dhanu (Gemini - Sagittarius). Vyatipata and Indrachapa are related to Gemini, Dhooma and Parivesha to Sagittarius. Upaketu is linked to Cancer.The axis Gemini - Sagittarius is the Moolatrikona axis of Rahu and Ketu, Gemini being the Moolatrikona Rashi of Rahu, Sagittarius is the Moolatrikona Rashi of Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are the (shadowy) Grahas of change and transformation, and so are the Upagrahas, too.Gemini - Sagittarius is the axis of learning. In Gemini - a dual Rashi - we make new experiences (Lord: Budha/Mercury), and we extend our knowledge by means of these experiences. We get in touch with many people, learning consciously and unconsciously through these persons. In Sagittarius (Lord: Guru/Jupiter) we arrive at higher knowledge (prepared in Scorpio).Basically the Upagrahas Vyatipata and Indrachapa demand making of new experiences; Dhooma and Parivesha demand acquisition of higher knowledge.The true meaning of these Upagrahas is revealed by calculating their exact exaltation points.Calculation Example 2: starting from Surya's exaltation (10° Mesha / Aries)Surya: 10° Aries (exact exaltation point)+ 133°20' leads toDHOOMA: 23°20' Leo (143°20' in zodiac)360° - 143°20' = 216°40' in zodiac leads toVYATIPATA: 6°40' Scorpio+ 180° leads toPARIVESHA: 6°40' Taurus (36°40' in zodiac)360° - 36°40' = 323°20' in zodiac leads toINDRACHAPA: 23°20' Aquarius+ 16°40' leads toUPAKETU: 10° Pisces+ 30° leads to10° Aries - Sun's longitudeResult: 23°20' Leo is the exaltation for Dhooma, 6°40' Scorpio the exaltation for Vyatipata, 6°40' Taurus the exaltation for Parivesha, 23°20' Aquarius the exaltation for Indrachapa and 10° Pisces the exaltation for Upaketu.Dhooma: own Rashi Gemini, exaltation Rashi LeoVyatipata: own Rashi Gemini, exaltation Rashi ScorpioParivesha: own Rashi Sagittarius, exaltation Rashi TaurusIndrachapa: own Rashi Sagittarius, exaltation Rashi AquariusUpaketu: own Rashi Cancer, exaltation Rashi Pisces.The result - and the effects of the distinct 5 Upagrahas:DHOOMA: Leo is the Rashi of royalty, authority, demonstration of self, of proudly self-expression, leadership, of self-will, firmnesss and luxuries.Mission demanded by our eternal soul: Developing a sense of self and its power and a stronger self-expression of own individuality - by means of learning through particular life experiences and personal transformation. We will be confronted with situations and persons which will demand leadership and authority from us.Dhooma is an airy Upagraha and demands a process of growth in the area of Dharma (see chapter 3, the four aims of life). Tamasic energy (Gemini) is directed to reach sattvic (Leo) goals.Dhooma can be seen as an energetic combination of Mercury/Rahu directed to Surya purposes.How this takes place is seen by the Nakshatra and Rashi placement of Dhooma, where (which life area) this takes place by his Bhava placement.Vocation Key Word: Royalty (Evolution of Personal Power and Royalty)VYATIPATA: Scorpio is the Rashi of transformation, of exploration and investigation of hidden matters, of intensity, sharpness and passions. The intense occupation with one life area makes a person an expert in this area. Scorpio also includes a very intense sexual desire (Taurus - Scorpio is the sexual-creative Kundalini axis where Rahu and Ketu are exalted).Mission demanded by our eternal soul: Intense exploration of a particular life area, accumulating knowledge on it - on a theoretic level (e.g. reading books - Gemini) and on a practical level (e.g. learning by other people - Gemini). We will be confronted with situations and persons which will contribute to extend our knowledge about this life area.Vyatipata is an airy Upagraha and demands a process of growth in the area of Moksha (see chapter 3, the four aims of life). Tamasic energy (Gemini) is directed to reach sattvic (Scorpio) goals.Vyatipata can be seen as an energetic combination of Budha/Rahu directed to Mangala/Ketu purposes.How this takes place is seen by the Nakshatra and Rashi placement of Vyatipata, where (which life area) this takes place by his Bhava placement.Vocation Key word: Exploration (Evolution of expertise in a distinct area of life)PARIVESHA: Taurus is the Rashi of material manifestation, of worldly comforts, of possessions, property and material prosperity, of gathering objects (valuable things like a house) and subjects (like constitution of an own family, and friends). Taurus also is linked to business and money matters (like Libra, the main Rashi of Shukra).Taurus makes people industrious and perseverant in reaching their material goals.Mission demanded by our eternal soul: Archieving growth and material prosperity. Combining spiritual and religious needs (Sagittarius) with worldly matters (Taurus) in a reasonable way. We will be confronted with situations and persons ...Parivesha is a fiery Upagraha and demands a process of growth in the area of Artha (see chapter 3, the four aims of life). Sattvic energy (Sagittarius) is directed to reach rajasic (Taurus) goals.Parivesha can be seen as an energetic combination of Guru/Ketu directed to Shukra/Chandra purposes.How this takes place is seen by the Nakshatra and Rashi placement of Parivesha, where (which life area) this takes place by his Bhava placement.Vocation Key word: Growth (Evolution of personal power and ability to archive material prosperity)INDRACHAPA: Aquarius is the Rashi of labour, work, of neglecting the needs of own self for a bigger goal (self-negation - Aquarius is opposite to Leo), and of service and difficult material life conditions (Aquarius is related to Shudras). As Leo is the Rashi of personal power, royalty and proud self-demonstration, the opposite Rashi Aquarius is exactly the negation of these qualities.Mission demanded by our eternal soul: Sacrificing our self and destroying our ego.We will be confronted with situations and persons which will demand negation of self (for others), service to others and hard labour. As Indrachapa is related to Sagittarius we see that the insight in higher needs and necessities is the impulsing factor for the labour and service done. It is insight into one's own duties, obligations and responsibilities to be realized in world.Indrachapa is a fiery Upagraha and demands a process of growth in the area of Kama (see chapter 3, the four aims of life). Transformation of Kama is demanded by Indrachapa - own wishes and desires must be put aside due to needs and necessities of other people, or the society (or own partner, own family, own children, or even the company for which a person works). Sattvic energy (Sagittarius) is directed to tamasic (Aquarius) goals.Indrachapa can be seen as an energetic combination of Guru/Ketu directed to Shukra/Chandra purposes.How this takes place is seen by the Nakshatra and Rashi placement of Indrachapa, where (which life area) this takes place by his Bhava placement.Vocation Key word: Sacrifice (Evolution of personal capability to serve others, neglecting own self and wishes for social needs)UPAKETU: Pisces is the Rashi of detachment with regard to material needs (like comforts, money, possessions), demanding pure conduct, spiritual insights - and also of resoluteness with regard to these matters. Nevertheless Pisces influenced people often reach considerable material wealth and prosperity in their life. Pisces energy also lets people guide other people (gurus, counsellors, consultants, advisors). It is the Rashi of finishings and endings, too.Mission demanded by our eternal soul: Renunciation and detachment with regard to material issues (like worldly fame, wordly comforts and luxuries).We will be confronted with situations and persons which will cause material expenses and losses and which will demand renunciation and detachment (which can lead to philosophical and spiritual insights).As Upaketu is rooted in Cancer, care for other people's needs and nourishment of other people is required, too.Upaketu is a watery Upagraha and demands a process of growth in the area of Moksha (see chapter 3, the four aims of life). Whereas Vyatipata is directed to a particular life area or field which is being explored intensively, Upaketu directly is linked with spirituality or philosophical beliefs. Both Upagrahas indicate personal sources of true happiness. Sattvic energy (Cancer) is directed to sattvic purposes (Pisces).Upaketu can be seen as an energetic influence of Chandra directed to Guru/Ketu purposes.How this takes place is seen by the Nakshatra and Rashi placement of Upaketu, where (which life area) this takes place by his Bhava placement.Vocation Key word: Renunciation (Evolution of personal power to accept losses and restraints in own life - and despite of this caring and nourishing other people)***Pranapada (the 13th Upagraha) is a distinct Upagraha with a particular calculation. Pranapada represents an extremely intensifying focus in a chart which is such strong that some people take Pranapada as a Lagna (Ascendant, "Pranapada Lagna").Pranapada isn't related to any particular sign (Rashi), its effects is comparable to Rahu and Ketu which are (shadowy and indistinct) intensifying factors, too.The Nakshatra, Rashi and Bhava in which Pranapada is posited represents a very intensive focus of a person's attention and interest - but often combined with difficult experiences in this area. In 1st Bhava the personal focus lies on own self (which can result in egocentrism), in 2nd Bhava on acquisition of resources, in 3rd the focus is on realization of own desires and ambitions, in 4th on home issues and inner mind, in 5th on knowledge and enjoyments, in 6th on competitions and problem solving, in 7th the focus is located on partner, business and sexuality, in 8th on transforming given conditions, in 9th on beliefs, philosophy and religion, in 10th the focus is on own profession and archievements in society, in 11th on gains and own merits and finally in 12th the focus is on self-negation (also waste and extravagance under certain circumstances).Key Word: Intensifying Focus (of attention, of interest, of desire)* **Auspicious and inauspicious Bhava placements of Upagrahas:(according to BPHS, Ch. 25)Indrachapa and Upaketu have positive effects in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th; negative effects in 3rd, 8th, 12th.Vyatipata has positive effects in 3rd, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th; negative effects in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th; mixed effects in 4th.Gulika has positive effects in 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th; negative effects in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th.Dhooma has positive effects in 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th; negative effects in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th; mixed effects in 1st, 4th.Parivesha has positive effects in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th; negative effects in 7th, 12th.Pranapada has positive effects in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th Bhava; negative effects in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th Bhava.

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