Guest guest Posted May 14, 2009 Report Share Posted May 14, 2009 HERE IS A SAMPLE OF Q's AND ANSWERS TYPICALLY DESCRIBING HOW THE RATIONALIST PERSONS OF HIGH REPUTE WRITE AND SPEAK ABOUT NAADI PREDICTIONS { FROM INDIAN SKEPTIC ISSUE - NOV 1996} The comments and rejoinders are welcome. One of the owner of Naadi Centers in Pune, happen to read the article recently and requested Wg Cdr Oak to pen down his comments to satisfy Naadi lovers who also get carried away by the propaganda created by these organizations in print and Electronic Media From : G Eshwaran, Translator and owner of Naadi centers in Pune and Mumbai. Dear readers, December 31, 2005 Recently I came to know that one Naadi Lovers group is operating on Internet forum for the benefit of all Naadi Grantha lovers, I would like to contribute information available with me. Let me introduce myself. Since 1999, I am in a unique position of running two Naadi Centers in Pune and one in Ambarnath, a suburb of greater Mumbai, dedicated to Agasthya, Kaushik, Vashishtha, Mahashiv and many other Maharshees. In addition, for last 2 years, I possess the most revered Jeeva (live) Naadi of Atri Maharshees read and interpreted by highly dedicated and studied Naadi reader - Shri. Vaidhyanathan Guruji. Before getting involved with Naadi prediction, I was running a business as fashion Designer. Seven-eight years back, I got introduced to this prediction method by chance. As per the predictions, I was told that you are destined to get involved with this system as a profession. Soon, though reluctantly, I began to translate and record readings for the benefit of some Non-Tamilian persons on friendly basis. Later I found interesting to work as full time job. I worked as a translator in many Naadi centers in Mumbai and Pune. My other brother named Krupanand is also in the same profession and is presently running a center in Dombivali East. Being brought up in Mumbai, I speak good deal of Marathi and Hindi. Thus I am a good link between Naadi center readers and their patrons in Tamilnadu. I have known Wing Commander Shashikant Oak for last 5/6 years as a staunch Naadi lover. Through his publications in Marathi, English, Tamil and Hindi, he has been introducing the treasure of knowledge of many great Maharshees such as Agasthya, Vashishtha, Shuk, Mahashiv, Kaushik, Kak Bhujander, Bhrugu and many others. Recently I came to know from Wg Cdr Shashikant Oak that some information has been put up on Internet by a rationalist publication called `Indian Skeptic' by Sri Basav Premanand. Shri. B Premanand, leading non-believer, stands respected as a staunch rationalist of national and international repute. The style of the article published in November 1996 by Shri B. Premanand is in question and answer form. Shri B Premanand answered the Qs to satisfy Shri M. S. Risbud from Pune, who is rationalist and studied astrology in great details to debunk it. Shri. Risbud contributed couple articles in the book written and edited by Shri, B. Premanand himself - "Astrology – Science or Ego trip?" In spite of this background, he had some doubts to get clarified by Shri. B. Premanand. It appears that Shri. Risbud is not all that happy about the explanations given by Shri. B. Premanand. Referring to that article, after a gap of some 7-8 years, since I came to know of it only now, wish to contribute a rejoinder by way of "my comments" to some Qs raised, which are as follows: -. (For easy and coherent understanding, I have taken the liberty of combining the Qs and Answers from the article and also some comments by me are bracketed in bold letters) Q by Shri. Risbud: `The intriguing question is that how the names of the person appear on the strips? ... ` Answer by Shri B. Premanand: After asking a few questions and getting my answers, he (Naadi reader) went inside and brought a palm leaf and read from it my past life which was 100% correct, but the reading was made on a wrong horoscope that of a lady doctor, who accompanied him.(Shri B. Premanand in the article stated that he and the lady doctor played a trick of exchanging the horoscopes to confuse Naadi reader.) Later it was found that their names and parents' names were there in the horoscope and the other details were collected through subtle questioning. The fact is that at the time of subtle questioning by the astrologers or by their stooges, who also sit amongst you as persons who have come to read their horoscopes the palm leaves are prepared. There is no need for astonishment in this as it is a simple trick, which is practiced by all astrologers to collect information and tell it as if they have found it by reading the horoscope. My comments: 1) In this type of article where the myth of Naadi is presumed to have been exposed, the exact details are important. In the whole of the article date and the name of Naadi Center and reader is not found mentioned except `Salem' as place. 2) In the South Indian system of Naadi reading from the leaf is found out from person's thumb impression obtained at the center at the time of reporting. The horoscope is needed only if person wishes to compare with the one in the hand with the one written in the leaf. In the whole article no mention is made about obtaining of his or her thumb impressions, which is most important. 3) His observations about debunking Naadi predictions in general is based only on this single experience that too from unmentioned Naadi center which can not be treated as final proof about the validity of the writing in the leaf or otherwise. Q: `When (lady doctor's) name and her telling profession mentioned by him were correct, to me it makes no material difference if he had described her as a paediatrician instead of a gynec.' Ans: It makes lots of difference, as he was prediction about her based on my horoscope, which has proved that his predictions are not based on stars or planetary positions. We had exchanged our horoscopes deleting our names and our parents' name. We could not suppress our laughter as he was making prediction on my horoscope. My comments: 4) Shri. B. Premanand is making too much fuss of his trickery. By exchanging the horoscopes nothing has changed as far as Naadi reader is concerned. Because on occasions many persons carry thumb impressions of their near ones. While giving reading that does not mean that the predictions are made about the person presenting the impressions. When the leaf is found out it does not make difference to the Naadi reader whether he is diving for the person producing the thumb impression or the one not present. 5) Here in the answer he mentions that the names on their respective horoscopes were deleted. Whereas in earlier answer he states that the names were picked from the horoscopes. Read the underlined sentence. Q: ` Instead of laughing at he astrologer, I would have astonished by his skills of fathoming these facts. Further on, you have mentioned that you snatched the palm leaf from the hands of astrologer and you did not find mention about the person who entered with sandals and desanctified the room. This means you were able to read the script and the language of the palm strip. If you were to decipher the contents of the palm leaves, then I will arrange to send you the photocopy of such strip which Mr. Oka (Shri. Risbud is in habit of deliberately mentioning Wg Cdr `Oak' as `Oka' just to belittle him) had sent to Dr. Jayant Narlikar, (An Astrophysist decorated with Padma Vibhushna Award in 2004) and which was displayed by Dr. Dabholkar (Chairman of Superstition Eradication Committee, better known as Andhashradha Nirmoolan Samiti, in Marathi operating in Maharshtra for last 20 years) in Pune, inviting Tamil knowing persons to read it. Ans: If I get good photocopies of the palm leaf inscriptions, I can let you know what they contain. If I get the palm leaf, I could also check up their leaf by carbon dating to know its age. But you have no cared to send them. My comments 6) Shri. B. Premanand has shied from the stating whether he could read the script in the leaf by himself or not. Obviously not because had he the required expertise he could have realized that the divining is based on the matter stated in the leaf and not the based on the information extracted from the clients. On some odd occasions mentions are found about happening at the time of reading. The person entering in the room wearing sandals may be one of such occasion. 7) Shri. Risbud ignored to sending a copy of the photograph. He also deliberately avoided to respond about the outcome of the same "photographs show" conducted in Pune, on 29 Sep 1995, in front of a crowd of more than hundred persons mainly members of Dr. Dabholkar's Superstition Eradication Committee and three Tamil speaking persons who happen to attend the meeting by accidentally reading in local news paper about this show of photographs. This show was specially organized by Dr. Narendra Dabholkar to openly declare that the script in the palm leaf, purported to be a Naadi leaf obtained by them from Dorai Subburathinam's Naadi center in Tambaram, is not at all TAMIL. More than 100 persons, mostly strong supporters of Dr. Dabholkar, attended the meeting. In presence of video cameras of media, everyone witnessed that three Tamil speaking persons gave in writing and in front of video camera that the script is indeed Tamil and being ancient it is difficult to read ordinarily. 8) No Naadi center will like to provide the sample of leaf to these types of organizations who are hell bend on proving the existence of Naadi leaves predictions as HOAX at any cost. However person of high integrity and sincere in their approach like Wg Cdr Shashikant Oak are given the permission by many centers to take the photographs of the leaves pertaining to their own for the sake of examination and verification of truth of Naadi written by Maharshees in olden times. 9) It is surprising that person like Shri. B. Premanand whose life mission is to debunk the horoscopic or other wise predictive methods has to wait to provide the leaf in his lap. He then would like to the age of the leaf checked by the institute of his favour. What is preventing him or like-minded persons or organizations then? Let them come to centers with reverence towards the Maharshees work. They will not sent back empty handed. Q: The age of any originals of the palm leaves cannot be more than 1700 years at the most. This is certain because Rishies are mentioned in the contents. Rishies came into use in our astrology after Shaka year 300 or so. Ans: There are no originals of the palm leaves. It is prepared when a new customer comes, but it would look old through chemical treatment. But the age can be known by carbon dating.... That would help to prove the falsity of their claims. My comments 10) It is not impertinent to mention that a person named Thomas Ritter from Germany had already done the carbon 14 test in one of the most sophisticated laboratories in Germany. He has also got the script decoded by expert available in his country. The findings are that the leaf when tested was at least 350 to 400 years old. The foreign Tamil expert had explained that the matter is indeed divination in Tamil is not some thing otherwise religious scripture. If a foreigner could obtain the results, what is preventing the Indians? 11) It is always stated by the Naadi center owners that the matter on the leaf has been last rewritten in the times of Maratha King Sarfouji Maharaja of Tanjavaur some 300 years back. Thus the leaves may be of recent origin but the written matter is of ancient times. The same argument is confirmed by the Carbon 14 test conducted in Germany. Q: I wish to know this thing from you: You have mentioned that the Naadi astrologer told your past 100% correct. What explanation can you give for this. How did that fellow get all the information about you? In your article I did not find any answer. Ans: The fact that you have not cared to read the article minutely. (Shri B Premanand has scolded Shri Risbud at places for not having read his article minutely. Here is one such mention.) They are: 1. Later it was found that their names and their parents' names were in the horoscope and other details were collected through subtle questioning. 2. After asking a few questions and getting answers, he went inside and brought a palm leaf (meaning unconnected by string in bundle) and read from it my past life, which was 100% correct. 3. The fact is that at the time of subtle questioning by the astrologers or by their stooges who also sit amongst you as person who has come to read their horoscopes and the palm leaves are prepared and read. If you give wrong answer the reading will also be wrong. If you give another's horoscope as yours the reading will be on you and not on the horoscope if they have collected information about you. Except the names and your profession, most of the things they tell about you will not be on the palm leaf and what they read would generally prediction, which will be true to every one. My comments 13. As said earlier the leaf of any person is found out based on the thumb impression (For gents Right Hand and form ladies Left hand thumb impression) of the person and not on the horoscope. Shri. B Premanand has not even made any mention about it. How come? In fact as a rationalist he should have done a lot of drum beating about futility of the thumb impression in exacting the packet containing the leaf of his thumb impression configuration. 14. His statement that the Naadi reader went in side and brought (presumably one single) a palm leaf and read from it past life 100% correct. This cannot happen because all the leaves are inter-woven with a string through all leaves and packed in two wooden plates. 15. It is Shri. B. Premanand's wild imagination that the leaf gets prepared, (meaning, made to order) by writers from center sitting inside their so called `secret Room' and writing from the information they could extract by subtle questioning and through stooges planted has no base. He has not provided any proof to substantiate this statement. On the contrary as a custodian of all Naadi leaves in the center let me tell you Even though no person is permitted to peep though the secret room of Naadi center Shri. B. Premanand could have at least found out traces of cut outs of huge heaps of leaves out side the center and some unwanted waste parts of leaves in odd corners. Some half prepare leaves, waitting for some sort of chemical treatment. (Here let me make it very clear, as a owner of the centers and who knows what goes inside of secret room that neither the work of writing of leaf takes place nor any sort of preparation of leaves cutting, from branches, sorting making of holes, various types of sharp needle like stylus pens a getting sharpened for writing on blank parts of leaves. etc.) 16. There is no secret in the so-called "Secret room" except the bundles are stacked in neat manner. Sometimes Naadi readers sit or mostly stand to reach out to the correct bundle pertaining to the required thumb configuration. The Naadi centers, in places like Pune or Mumbai where the packets are in limited number, they are kept in suitcases too. Let me vouch authentically on behalf of Naadi centers that no preparation of new leaves takes place. 17. It is brought to the notice that the present Naadi readers are capable of only reading the matter on the leaves but cannot write the leaves. 18. The theory of sending the stooges in the crowd of visitors is highly impossible outside Tamilnadu. For getting the information with subtle questioning one will need extra ordinary command over Tamil language. If at all, it may be possible to some extent inside Tamilnadu but outside Tamilnadu through out all part of India the language is the main barrier. Here the problem is other way round, the workers of Naadi center do not know the language of the local visitors. They are so shy of talking to the visitors naturally; it often creates misunderstanding due to the problem of non-communication. Even if some of them try to be chummy with the crowd, they could get easily spotted out as typical Tamilian. 19. Also always remember that the visitors are not fools and gullible to discuss the personal information with strangers. In fact every person seeking the predictions for the first time is suspicious and very cautious to speak to any body from center or other visitors. In addition, we from Naadi center, while taking their thumb impression also caution to all visitors to not to say anything other than Yes or No when the search of leaf begins. 20. The present time problem out side Tamil speaking areas, we the Naadi center proprietors face is that there is not getting proper person who could speak to the waiting customers. There is general dissatisfaction about the quality of translation. The centers these days function in crowded cities in one-bed room flats where there is no place for them to hide the secret writing work to be undertake. along with getting the stakes of palm leaves from far off places. The suspicious neighbors will instantly catch Naadi readers if they see them bringing some fresh branches of palm trees to get more leaves for writing purpose. 21. These types of imaginary actions of writing of leaves, planting of stooges do not happen because there is no need to do all that. All the Naadi readers do is to read what is readily available in the leaf. But persons like Shri B. Premanand Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, Dr. Jayant Narlikar will never accept the reality. Therefore they are force to defend themselves on far-fetched imaginations. Thus the fictitious and queer theory of writing the new leaves inside the center for new customers is valid only for argument sake by the rationalists. In fact, not that they do not know the futility of their arguments, but they cannot accept the miraculous reality of Naadi predictions because it goes totally against their pre-decided negative scientific principles. Even if they wish to accept the truth of the Naadi prediction leaves, they have no face to show to the public. Thus the rationalists have already lost the case, but they will never accept the defeat in public to avoid the denigration and ignominy of getting their rationalist organizations closed. 22.Here let me make clear in writing that if any serious verification is to be conducted, I am open to such investigation. However, it should be headed by the team of expert scientists and not by the persons or organizations who had already declared the Jyotish Shasta as bunkum in general and Naadi predictions as fraud and deception in particular. (As told by Shri. G Eshwaran to Wg Cdr Shashikant Oak) [Owner of Two Naadi centers in Pune and one in Ambarnath - Suburban outside Mumbai] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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