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Judging Wealth with Chaturtha amsa (D-4)

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Dear All, The following article is from: http://www.shyamasundaradasa.com/jyotish/resources/articles/wealth/wealth_study_1.html Love and regards,Sreenadh========================Judging Wealth with Caturtamsa













Shyamasundara Dasa





















In Sanskrit one name for God is Bhagavan , One who possesses all good fortune. To further refine this definition Parasara Muni succinctly stated that Bhagavan is shad aishvarya purna, that is, He is full in six opulences and thus fully attractive (Krsna)

to everyone. Those opulences that Bhagavan Sri Krsna possesses in full

are: He is the most beautiful, wise, strong, famous, detached and

wealthy. If a person even partially possesses any one of these

qualities we feel an attraction to them what to speak if they possess

all of the qualities to the maximum extent as is the case of Bhagavan

Sri Krsna. So it is only natural that we are attracted to study the

lives of the wealthy as we are going to do in this article.

For this study I chose people whose birth data is accurate with a minimum of "AA" on the Rodden rating scale

(an "AA" rating means it is derived from the birth certificate), and

who have risen from financial obscurity to great wealth or even super

wealth. I have preferred to use such examples because first of all the

data is accurate -- what is the use of doing analysis on inaccurate or "dirty data" and also because these cases show a clear demarcation of before and after wealth which should be visible in the charts.

From the Sodasvargas I have not found Horavarga as defined by Parasara and Varaha Mihira

to be useful to me. This doesn't mean that I think they are incorrect

or wrong, but rather that because of my own inability to properly

understand how the ancients used them I have not been able to use them

effectively when it comes to the study of wealth. Other definitions for

Hora posited by Yavanacarya and others may be taken up by me in a future article. Rather than use horavarga I will make a lot of use of Caturtamsa (also called Turyamsa) as an analytical aid for studying the acquisition of wealth because Parasara Rsi has stated:


turyamse bhagyacintanam


"That from turyamsa we should think of bhagya." Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra 7.2

What exactly is bhagya? In this context M.M.Williams Sanskrit Dictionary defines bhagya thusly with reference to Mahabharata and other sastras:


"Fate, destiny (resulting from merit or demerit in former existences), (especially) good fortune, luck, happiness."



the vast majority of people gaining a substantial amount of wealth

would certainly fall under the category of good fortune and luck and

make them happy. Hence a study of Caturtamsa in the analysis of a chart

is useful for gauging the wealth of a person. It should be mentioned

however that no varga chart can stand on its own or be independent of the Rasi chart.

Hence Caturtamsa must be taken into account after studying Rasi,

Navamsa, Dasamsa and other diagnostic tools like Shadbala which are

available to the Vedic astrologer.

Caturtamsa is defined thusly:


- 7.5 degrees to the sign itself, 7.5 - 15 degrees to the 4th from it,

15 - 22.5 to the 7th from it and 22.5 - 30 to the 10th from it.

For more details see Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra 6th chapter.Ben Affleck

Our first two examples Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are connected as they were best friends and partners. The following from Rodden's AstroDatabank (a must for the serious astrologer) sums up the situation:


"[ben Affleck] American actor, an Academy Award winner on March 23, 1998 for the Best Original Screenplay of the film Good Will Hunting.

He and Matt Damon were two Cambridge buddies who first did the script

as a Harvard assignment. When Hollywood snapped up the script, 1997 was

an incredible year for the two life-long friends, taking them on a

rollicking ride from struggling actors, upstarts on a short list of hot

new talent, to winners of the most prestigious award in the field. In three years he went from struggling to pay his $300-a-month rent to commanding $12 million per film."



Let's first look at Ben Affleck's chart. The basic wealth giving

planets and houses are well situated: 1st and 4th lord is in the 2nd,

5th lord is in the 1st, 2nd lord is in the 5th, 11th lord Mars is

strong in the 3rd and aspects the 10th and is in turn aspected by the

strong 10th lord creating a sambhandha between 10th and 11th, and Sani

lord of the 9th aspects both 2nd and 9th houses as well as 1st and 4th

lord in the 2nd. Sani in 12th suggesting success away from his native


His Guru - Mangala

period started on Jan 17, 1997. Guru is well placed in own sign in 7th

and aspecting the 11th house and Mars lord of the 11th who is in the

favorable 3rd.

In Navamsa (V9 – Varga 9) Guru and Mangala between them rule 2, 3, 10, and 11th and situated respectively in the 4th and 5th and Mars is mutually aspecting Budha lord of the 5th located in the 11th – all favorable.

In Caturtamsa (V4 – Varga 4) we note that Guru

is in svamsa (own amsa) and in the lagna while Mars ruler of 5th and

12th is in the 9th and aspected by Guru a strong indicator of a

increase in fortunes of the financial variety. Mars is also aspected by

Sani ruler of the 2nd, and his dispositor in V-4, the Sun is in Mesha

and also aspected by Guru. It was during this short period that he went

from struggling actor who could barely pay his rent to a very wealthy


What is interesting is that his Dasamsa

(V-10) is not so spectacular, Guru and Moon together as 2, 5, and 9th

lords is very good but Guru is in an unfavorable sign though nicabhanga

is present, and that Mars is in the 12th with Venus. So while he made a

lot of money and won some fame and acclaim it was dampened some what as

he didn't play the lead part but only supporting roles. With the onset

of the Sani mahadasha things have not been so good as his other

projects have basically floundered as Sani is lord of 8th and 9th and

situated in the 12th in Rasi. This along with lagna lord in 12th in V10

is a strong suggestion that at least till 2009 he would be better off

taking supporting roles than the lead.Matt Damon

Now a look at Matt Damon's chart whose career followed a similar yet different track than his friend Ben Affleck. According to Rodden's AstroDatabank:



1996, Damon was just another struggling beefcake actor with a few good

supporting roles to his credit. But his unknown status changed

overnight when director Francis Ford Coppola handpicked Damon to

headline his adaptation of John Grisham's best-selling legal potboiler

The Rainmaker. The unprepossessing Damon soon

found himself engulfed by a flood of A-list scripts, directors and

stars. Steven Spielberg snapped him up to star alongside Tom Hanks in

World War II actioner [sic] Saving Private Ryan, and Miramax pounced on a script for a film titled Good Will Hunting

that Damon and his actor pal Ben Affleck had been shopping around;

Damon was cast in the lead role, and the project was propelled onto the

fast track when Miramax put critical darling Gus Van Sant in the

director's chair and signed box-office heavyweight Robin Williams as

Damon's co-star. Damon later parlayed his indie cred [sic] into several

franchises, starring in both The Bourne Identity and its sequel, The Bourne Supremacy, as well as Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve. By 1998 he had a stream of film commitments and a salary that escalated to $5 million a picture."



For Matt Damon real success and its accompanying financial rewards started a year earlier than Affleck in 1996. Rahu - Guru started March 12, 1995 and Rahu - Sani on August 4th 1997. Rahu is placed in Kumbha his anandasthana

where he is aspected by both Guru and Mars. We should note that while

Guru is lord of 3rd and 12th from lagna he is lord of 2nd and 11th from

Rahu and with his aspect he also gives the effect of Venus the yoga

karaka whom he is conjoined with. Both Venus and Guru also fully aspect

Sani the lagna lord which alleviates to a great extent his debilitation in Mesha.

In Navamsa

(V9) Rahu is situated in Dhanus which is not a favorable sign for him,

in fact Rahu is the only planet who does not do well in Dhanus. Had

Rahu been alone this would have been an unfavorable situation but

instead we see that Rahu is with Mars lord of V9 lagna, Moon lord of

the 4th and especially with Sani lord of 10th and 11th in V9 (who has

exchanged signs with Guru who is in the 11th), hence now Rahu will be a

channel for these planets as he will reflect

their energy. And, we also see that Guru in V9 is very favorably

situated in Kumbha (Varaha Mihira equates Guru in Kumbha to be the same

as in Kataka) as 9th lord in the 11th. So the Navamsa chart also is favorable.

In Dasamsa

(V10) Mahadasa lord is in Mesha the 4th while the critical bhukti lords

Guru and Sani are in their own signs. Sani is better placed than Guru

in regards to position from lagna and Rahu but Guru is still strong as

he is aspected by Moon as it was in Guru bhukti that real fame started

and only got better in the following bhukti. But how does it pan out

financially in regards to fortune? A person may be very famous or have

great responsibilities in his career and be happy with his career etc

but not have much financial reward.

In Caturtamsa

(V4) Rahu is ucha in the 2nd house with Mars lord of lagna, while the

Bhukti lords Guru (lord of 9th in V4) and Sani (lord of 10th and 11th

in V4) are respectively in lagna and 10th, with Guru also aspecting his

own sign the 9th house. This is a very strong indicator for great

increase of bhagya considering that Rasi and V9 are also strong and it

was during this time that his fortunes increased astronomically.

Considering the planetary situation in his chart we can safely conclude

that he will be a continuing success through the rest of the Rahu

mahadasha and the subsequent major periods of Guru and Sani.Michael Bloomberg

Next we will look at Michael Bloomberg. Here is a very concise description of his life regarding his financial situation from Rodden's AstroDatabank:



politician, elected the 108th Mayor of New York City on November 6,

2001, succeeding Rudy Giuliani. In the worlds of finance and financial

journalism, Michael Bloomberg is a phenomenon. From a modest

background, the son of a bookkeeper and a homemaker he is now the 41st

richest American (82nd in the world) with a net worth of $4.5 billion

(as of 2002), he runs a vast communications empire that takes in $2.5

billion a year in revenue and employs more than 8,000 people in more

than 100 offices worldwide.


student loans and a part time job of parking cars, he earned an

engineering degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1964 and continued

to Harvard Business School for two years. He began work as a bond

trader at Salomon Brothers firm in 1966, becoming a partner in 1972. He

was soon supervising all of Salomon's stock trading, sales and later,

its information systems. But his relationship with Salomon ended

abruptly after the company was purchased by the Phibro Corporation in

1981 and he was fired, a move he called political back-stabbing.


used his $10 million severance package to start his own firm. He

persuaded Merrill-Lynch to back his plan to build a system that

supplied data and analysis of that data. Prior to then, all trading

information was in bookkeeping ledgers and past issues of financial

journals. Tapping into the capacity of electronics, Bloomberg built a

service of current and past information for the business community to

access, a company that is now indispensable to

the financial world. Once he delivered, the firm put up a critical $30

million for a 30% stake. Later, Merrill Chief Executive Daniel P. Tully

graciously waived Bloomberg's exclusive contract with Merrill so he

could market his service to others. By 2000, Bloomberg L.P. has nearly

160,000 rs worldwide. Bloomberg News was launched in 1990,

providing economic, business, political and sports stories to leading

corporations, financial institutions and newspapers throughout the

world. Bloomberg Radio followed in 1993, a general news station with an

emphasis on business and the markets. The following year, Bloomberg TV

made a debut and has expanded to ten different networks broadcasting in

seven languages worldwide."



First let us look at the general financial indicators in the Rasi kundali:

Moon lagna lord is in 7th conjunct Venus lord of 4th and 11th and

aspected by Guru lord of the 9th who is in the 11th. Sun lord of 2nd in

the 8th is generally not good but in relation to financial markets,

banking and investments it can be excellent. And as a general indicator

of strength the lagna is vargottama.

Guru mahadasha ran from May 23, 1966 to May 23, 1982 it was during this period that he became wealthy after beginning work as a bond trader in 1966 until he was fired in 1981 with $10,000,000 severance package. But during his Sani Mahadasa from May 23, 1982 to May 23, 2001 is when he became super wealthy and giving away $100,000,000 in charity annually. Let us look at these two periods.

Guru as previously noted in the Rasi chart he is 9th lord in the 11th aspecting the lords of 1st, 4th, and 11th. In Dasamsa (V10) Guru is 9th lord uca in the 4th so he got his big start but in Navamsa he is in the 12th and aspected by Sani so he was in the background and not able to come forward according to his potential seen in Rasi. In Caturtamsa

Guru is well placed in the 5th so along with boost in career as

indicated in Dasamsa he got boost in income which he was able to use as

capitol to start his own company. So in summary during his Guru

mahadasha he started as a bond trader, became a partner, was betrayed,

used his capitol to start his own company which became wildly

successful especially in the following Sani mahadasha. Now let us look at why Sani was so financially successful for him.

First we note that in Rasi chart Sani is nica in the 10th but with several nicabhanga yogas so this is a very strong position. In Navamsa, Sani is in favorable 6th aspected by Guru lord of 6th and 9th. In Dasamsa

Sani is extremely powerful as lord of 10th and 11th in 10th conjoined

Venus and aspected by exalted Guru lord of 9th. These strongly indicate

his rise in career. But does it pay off financially? In Caturtamsa Sani is in his own sign conjoined exalted Mars the yoga karaka. He became a billionaire. We also note that in Shadbala Sani and Mars are the most powerful planets followed in magnitude by Guru and Sukra.

Up to this time we have not said anything about Mercury

who actually is quite prominent in all the chakras discussed so far. In

Rasi he is lord of 3rd and 12th in the 7th conjoined Moon and Venus and

aspects the lagna. In Vargas 4, 9, and 10 he is in the lagna in each

case as lord of the 3rd and twice as lord of the 12th. What to make of

this? I suggest that Budha's prominent position indicates his

involvement in business and in particular computers and communication focused on business needs. The 3rd lordship fortifies the communications aspect while the 12th lordship strongly suggests the large amounts of charity he gives.Pete Rose

Let us now study the chart of Pete Rose who rose to fame and wealth as a professional base ball player in the USA and then lost both because of a gambling scandal. Here is a brief synopsis of his story gleaned from AstroDatabank:



began playing in the spring of 1963 bringing in what for that time was

a great deal of money especially for a man coming from a poor

background. He was one of the highest paid players of his day. From

1984 to his fall in 1989 he was the player-manager of his team making a

7 figure salary plus extras for commercial endorsements and other sport

related business.

His fall from grace started on Feb 20, 1989 when investigations began on his gambling

habits. Rose was suspended from baseball on August 23, 1989 for betting

on his own team from 1985 through 1987. Rose was sentenced on July 19,

1990 to five months in prison and three months

in a half-way house. Though he was not completely broke and on the

street after this incident he was never able to recover his previous

position or income. To make matters worse on April 21, 1990 he pled guilty to

two charges of filing false income tax returns not showing income he

received from selling autographs and baseball memorabilia. Rose

received a short prison sentence and fined

$50,000 on July 20, 1990. He was released January 7, 1991 after having

paid $366,041 in back taxes and interest on $354,968 of unreported




His chart is an interesting one with three exalted and three debilitated planets. Wealth is seen by lord of 2nd and 9th exalted in the 11th there is also 11th lord (with nicabhanga) in 2nd house causing parivartana yoga

(exchange of signs), and the 2nd and 11th lords mutually aspect each

other. Guru lord of 1st and 10th is also strongly influenced by these

same two planets.

He started his professional career during the Budha-Mangala period. Though nica in Rasi chart Budha is well placed in the 10th in Navamsa along with uca Sani while Mars is also well placed. In Dasamsa it is even better as both Budha and Mars are conjoined together in the 9th and aspected by Venus.

In Caturtamsa Budha is lord of 1st and 10th in the 10th aspected by Venus lord of 2nd and 9th and Mars is in the 11th from lagna as dispositor of exalted Sun and debilitated Moon. Mars is himself debilitated but it would seem that the parivartana between Mars and the Moon reduces that effect to a degree. I have also seen in my clinical experience

that mutual aspect of debilitated Mars and Guru (friendly to each

other) in varga charts seems to largely soften the blow of

debilitation. (This is even more prominent when Venus and Mercury

mutually aspect each other in debilitation in varga charts. As Sun and

Saturn are mutually inimical their mutual aspect in debilitated vargas

is not so useful in my clinical experience. Even when Sun and Saturn

are exalted their mutual aspect has to be carefully watched. This

subject of mutual aspect of debilitated planets would be a good topic

forfurther research to confirm or deny my clinical experience.) Also

from main lord Budha, Mars is 11th lord in the 2nd. So from this stage

finances began to improve and continued even through the Ketu period as

Ketu in V4 is strongly influence by both Venus and Mercury who combined rule houses 1, 2, 9, and 10.

His sudden fall from grace took place during his Sukra-Guru bhukti September 20, 1988 to May 22, 1991 which coincided with the 2nd half of the Sukra mahadasha

which started on July 22, 1988. Why is this last fact important? Sukra

owns two houses 3rd and 8th and is exalted in the 1st, so while on the

whole Sukra will give the effect of both houses the first ten years

will have more 3rd house effects while the second 10 years more 8th

house effects. Hence we can expect sudden changes in life and death

(real or metaphorical) in the second half of the Venus period. In his

case he didn't physically die but perhaps death would have been

preferable for as Lord Krsna says in the Gita 2.34 "for one who has

been honored dishonor is worse than death." In any case his baseball

career came to an end and died.

The Dasamsa really tells the story.

Sukra is lord of houses 5 and 12, while Guru is lord of houses 7 and

10. Guru and Sukra and in 6/8 from each other and worst of all Guru is

nica and in the 8th from lagna conjunct Ketu. And in Caturtamsa

Guru is nica and afflicted by a malefic who is also 8th lord. His

career and reputation is ruined and along with that his main source of

livelihood. This last point should be carefully noted. Why

is that? The varga charts are not independent of each other and

especially not of the Rasi chart; they are only aids to give clues to

the intelligent astrologer. In the subsequent Sani bhukti where Sani is uca in V4 he was not able to recoup his losses because the effects of the previous bhukti were so catastrophic

as to make it impossible for him to return to his previous status as

Sani in V10 is giving the result also of 8th house tenanted by nica

Guru and Ketu and he is also aspecting major Lord Venus. Sani is also

in involved in a parivartana yoga with Mars focusing on the 6th and 9th houses hence his destiny at that time was blighted.


because Sani is strong in Navamsa and Caturtamsa he was not bankrupted

but he now makes an honest living hosting a radio show, running a

restaurant, tending investments, and selling sports memorabilia. But

this is far from his previous earnings as player and manager. He is

still attempting to be reinstated for while he can not play because of

age he could manage a team and earn huge income.


interesting thing to note is that while Sani is debilitated in the 2nd

and lord of the 12th he is not related to his loss of money or prestige

but actually because Sani is uca in both Navamsa and Caturtamsa he

actually preserves his wealth and keeps him living at least a

comfortable life if not a wealthy one. It was Guru who was the main culprit, it made him over confident to the extent that he literally gambled away his career.


thing to note is that while Surya is exalted in all the charts we have

discussed the subsequent Surya mahadasha following Sukra mahadasha was

not able to reinstate him to where he would like to be though there

have been improvements. At least one former President of the USA has

spoken up on his behalf but to date he has not been allowed to get

re-involved in baseball as he would like, so serious was his sin. The

situation when Surya took over was so bad that while he saved him from

complete poverty he could not revive his previous glories.


In conclusion we can see that when used with other diagnostic tools Caturtamsa is a valuable aid in judging and timing matters related to wealth. But

it should always be remembered that no one tool should be used

independent of the others or we will go wrong. Also no one index will

yield a result but when we see many indices converging and creating a

pattern we can confidently conclude what the result will be, assuming

of course that we start with accurate birth data.


References: AstroDatabank========================

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