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RAID! (Radical Astrological Idiocy Deterrent!)

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Dear All, The following article is from: http://www.navamsa.com/?page_id=149 Love and regards,Sreenadh====================================RAID!

September 28th, 2008 · Uncategorized



confession time. When I occasionally lay siege to the shaky bastion of

someone's cherished concept (eg, Mercury retrograde, the Galactic

Center, asteroids, etc), it's as much for my own amusement as the

incidental edification of my imagined readers. Maybe I'm just an

astrological provocateur, or maybe I'm just bored.

So when I spray some RAID! (Radical Astrological Idiocy Deterrent!)

into the cracks and crevices of the cosmological community, I'm always

amused to see what critters come scurrying out, waving their antennae

and convulsing in outrage as they vomit up all sorts of undigested


Just because I'm a Vedic astrologer doesn't mean I have an axe to

grind with the Tropical community. Quite the contrary, I was raised on

Tropical astrology and there's much I admire and respect, and the

further back I go in history, the more I marvel that many modern

astrologers seem intent on forgetting the principles and techniques

that sustained the careers of our astrological forefathers.

I reject the naïve notion of the "next big thing" – that if it's

new, it must somehow be better than what is old. Frankly, it's almost

never so. The new stuff being minted is often counterfeit, and

therefore worthless. Into this category fall a lot of theories,

including but not limited to non-traditional planetary rulerships, 13

signs of the zodiac, the interpretation of asteroids, and other notions.

Several months ago, I attended a talk on the Gnostic Circle and its

application to astrology. Essentially, this theory superimposes the

9-pointed enneagram onto the 12-sign zodiac to highlight critical

points in the evolution of a spiritual journey, eg, from individual

through cosmic to transcendent. As an intellectual construct, it

appeals to those who like to amuse themselves by looking at cycles

within cycles of time, whether your own life or the Age of Aquarius. As

a technique to counsel or predict for a client, it's a formula for

confusion, since it overlays yet another paradigm on top of something

that already works fine.

Although their followers call them "visionary", I think some of

these theories are just "diversionary". It often seems that the very

people who invent them seem incapable of working successfully with the

basic nuts and bolts of a system that already works pretty well. In

other words, frustrated at their own ability to comprehend a perfectly

workable system, either because they haven't understood it in the first

place, studied it sufficiently, or put it to rigorous practice, they

think the key to chart interpretation and forecasting must lie in some

other quarter, and if only they come up with an alternative approach,

they will somehow stumble upon new truths.

It reminds me a bit of David Icke, who's written twenty books in his

quest to prove that the world is controlled by an elite group of

reptilian aliens known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, whose ranks

include George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, the Jews and Kris Kristofferson,

whom they control from their subterranean headquarters beneath the

Denver International Airport. Frankly, I don't know which is more scary

– the fact that he's channeled this stuff under the guise of a

spiritual mission to save Earth, or that tens of thousands of readers

believe his theories.

What's even more frightening is that some of his fans, whom I know

from personal acquaintance, are practicing astrologers. To all outward

appearance, they appear sane, but scratch the surface, and alien

lizards are lurking just out of sight. I don't know about you, but when

I seek counsel from someone regarding my marriage or my career, I want

a sympathetic realist, not someone who blames the world's woes on a

cabal of cold-blooded conspirators.

Astrology can be a lifelong romp through an intellectual amusement

park, but its purpose has always been to advise and inform the affairs

of man. Kooky ideas, in astrology or elsewhere, attract kooky


RAID! Don't leave home without it.


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