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Historicity Of Mahabharat

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Historicity Of Mahabharat


Mar 20 (VNN) — This article is based on the information that I found in

March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published in Telugu by Tirumala

Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The

article itself was based on the research effort by Professor K.

Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous

pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the All India

Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from Hariyana,

and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R. Mankad, etc.

Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (Position

of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have started on

3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the astrological

positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Sukra

planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the position based

on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position of the

stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, one

can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other

related incidents that took place before and after the war were

described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely

matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow. Shrii

Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. He left the

Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati Nakshatra

(star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in Bharani

Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till Pushyami

Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna

Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNa

before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son of

Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana

must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be

Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned

to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on

Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra

day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra. Fifteen days

after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on Punarvasu Nakshatra

on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not want to participate in

the war that involved cousins on both sides). He returned to

Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra. The war

already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day, BahuLa

Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was the

fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra.

Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace

mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh day

is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as

discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was

turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day). 36 years after the

Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. This was predicted by

Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has compressed Purnima on

Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the Mahabharata war and again

will be happening soon and this will lead to our destruction". He

remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula. Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata war.

The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in

fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing

happened - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad

number). This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd

Adhyaaya. Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in

the same house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi

day it self . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen

from fifteen is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat

and has inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This

incident provided a direct means to establish the precise date of

Mahabharat war. According to Julian calendar this type of

planetary collusion occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa

writes: Caturdashiim panchadashiim Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim Imaantu naabhi jaaneham Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim Chandra suurya bhougrastou Ekamevam trayodashiim AparvaNi grahaNe tou Prajaa sakshapaishyataH||

"I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or

extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the

thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, on

the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing

thitiies is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to

people. One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada

Nakshatra, armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West

and the East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was

Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. That

evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have

finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is

further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira Shudda

Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famous

Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at 6:30

am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C. Other notable incidences that occurred: Bhiishma's death:

Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that

58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual

death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war

started). Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM.

Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday

(Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days

elder to Krishna. Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara.

- Krishna Trayodashi, Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger

to Bhiima. Shukla Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi

Nakshtra. When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death

of their father Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9

months and 11days old. When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20 years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC). They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra.

Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house it

took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the

burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa's

ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city. The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November 3091BC, seven months after the marriage.

Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It took

five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in April

3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam. Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February.

Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala (Tuesday)

JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most inauspicious day.

The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the

Moon, October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along

with moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra. Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya

- Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war was the Rajasuuya yagna of

Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day) JyeshTa Muula nakshtra

.. YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October 26th . The gambling and

the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in November 3081BC,

Margashira shukla-Trayodashi. Vanavaasam was 12 years and

living incognito was for one year (13 lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12

days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) - Bhiimshma calculates and

declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were wrong. AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjuna was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC. The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira shudda ekadashi Nakshatra. The war lasted for 18 days. Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years. 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th).

Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari,

Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That

year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham. Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caught in the forest fire and died. Sanjaya was only left. Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday. Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November.

These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological description of

the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions.

There is so much self consistency in all the events and the

descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact

information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) as

per the historical accounting. The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars.

The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta stand

out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind.

Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be

questioned. Translation by K. Sadanandahttp://www.vnn.org/editorials/ET0003/ET20-5717.html

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Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculation of positions of slow graha s first Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may b responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kula destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .(According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the god Krishna

died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most interpreters of

Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga, though

some believe that it is now at the beginning of the preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought to last 432,000 years.)Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUla destroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga strted ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference ) so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can giv more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly .But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task rgrds sunil nair , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji,>  > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately he goofed up the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn has the longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is the slowest of the grahas taking sligfhtly more than one year to traverse one Nakshatra (barring, of couse, Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must first consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the clearest possible manner that Saturn was in the Visakha Nakshatra for one year when the Mahabharata war took place. The Mahabharata also tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to Rohini and any astrologer will understand this but not only Prof. Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr. Balakrishna too had problem in underatnding that. Because of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.>  > Regards,>  > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala Historicity Of Mahabharat> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> > >  > > > > > Historicity Of Mahabharat> > BY K. SADANANDA> > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) â€" This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published in Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort by Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the All India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R. Mankad, etc. > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the position based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position of the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, one can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before and after the war were described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow. > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. He left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till Pushyami Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNa before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son of Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra. > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not want to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra. The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day, BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was the fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra. > > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh day is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day). > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. This was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead to our destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula. > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata war. > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing happened - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad number). This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya. Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the same house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it self . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat war. > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes: Caturdashiim panchadashiim > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim > Chandra suurya bhougrastou > Ekamevam trayodashiim > AparvaNi grahaNe tou > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| | > > "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, on the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing thitiies is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people. > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra, armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and the East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. That evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira Shudda Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famous Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at 6:30 am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C. > > Other notable incidences that occurred: > > Bhiishma's death: > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war started). > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM. > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days elder to Krishna. > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi, Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. Shukla Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra. > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their father Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11days old. > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20 years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC). > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra. > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house it took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' s ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city. > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November 3091BC, seven months after the marriage. > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It took five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam. > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February. > > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most inauspicious day. > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along with moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra. > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war was the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day) JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi. > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one year (13 lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) - Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were wrong. > > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjuna was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC. > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira shudda ekadashi Nakshatra. > > The war lasted for 18 days. > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years. > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th). > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari, Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham. > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caught in the forest fire and died. > > Sanjaya was only left. > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday. > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November. > > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological description of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions. > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) as per the historical accounting. > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars. > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta stand out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind. Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be questioned. > > Translation by K. Sadananda> http://www.vnn. org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20- 5717.html>

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Dear Sunil Nairji,


The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna's departure on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the Common Era). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th February 3102 BCE then the date would have been 18th February 3138 BCE as 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took place 36 years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date falls in oOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era).




SKB--- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM

Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculation of positions of slow graha s first Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may b responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kula destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .(According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the god Krishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of the preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought to last 432,000 years.)Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUla destroyed and

lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga strted ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference ) so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can giv more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly .But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji,>  > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately he goofed up the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn has the longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is the slowest of the grahas taking sligfhtly more than one year to traverse one Nakshatra (barring,

of couse, Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must first consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the clearest possible manner that Saturn was in the Visakha Nakshatra for one year when the Mahabharata war took place. The Mahabharata also tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to Rohini and any astrologer will understand this but not only Prof. Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr. Balakrishna too had problem in underatnding that. Because of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.>  > Regards,>  > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of Mahabharat> ancient_indian_ astrology@ .

com> Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> > >  > > > > > Historicity Of Mahabharat> > BY K. SADANANDA> > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) â€" This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published in Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort by Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the All India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R. Mankad, etc. > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day

of the war, the astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the position based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position of the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, one can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before and after the war were described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow. > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. He left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till Pushyami Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had

consultations with KarNa before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son of Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra. > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not want to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra. The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day, BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was the fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa

Nakshatra. > > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh day is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day). > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. This was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead to our destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula. > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata war. > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing happened - the paksha got

compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad number). This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya. Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the same house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it self . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat war. > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes: Caturdashiim panchadashiim > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim > Chandra suurya bhougrastou > Ekamevam trayodashiim > AparvaNi grahaNe tou > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| | > > "I

have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, on the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing thitiies is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people. > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra, armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and the East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. That evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira Shudda Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famous Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at

6:30 am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C. > > Other notable incidences that occurred: > > Bhiishma's death: > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war started). > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM. > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days elder to Krishna. > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi, Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. Shukla Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra. > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their father Pandu,

it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11days old. > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20 years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC). > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra. > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house it took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' s ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city. > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November 3091BC, seven months after the marriage. > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It took five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam. > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February. >

> Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most inauspicious day. > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along with moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra. > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war was the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day) JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi. > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one year (13 lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) - Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were wrong. > > AJNaata vaasam (living

incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjuna was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC. > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira shudda ekadashi Nakshatra. > > The war lasted for 18 days. > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years. > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th). > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari, Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham. > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caught in the forest fire and died. > > Sanjaya was only left. > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday. > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November. > > These are the dates that matched the Indian

astrological description of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions. > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) as per the historical accounting. > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars. > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta stand out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind. Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be questioned. > > Translation by K. Sadananda> http://www.vnn. org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20- 5717.html>

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Dear sunil bhattacharyaji sure ,even after careful calculation s i committed same mistake which i am afraid has occured .Thanks for pointing it out Now a curious question did the planetary positions mentioned in MBH is happening on the day u r mentioned ?u can see kaul has tactfully givd all wrong claculations too as if war happened in kaliyuga even he neglected what ever is shown in article ########in other wrods, almost all the scholars agree that the Mahabharata war was

fought after the Kaliyuga had started! The Puranas say that Kaliyuga

started the day when Bhagwan Krishna left for His Divine abode! But it

seems that the Kaliyuga of all these scholars was much more powerful than

Bhagwan Krishna Himself, since the Kaliyuga managed to stay in His Divine

presence!###########Rgrds sunil nair , Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji, >  > The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna's departure on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the Common Era). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th February 3102 BCE then the date would have been  18th February 3138 BCE as 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took place 36 years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date falls in oOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era). >  > Regards,>  > SKB> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM> > >  > > > > > Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji > > sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculation of positions of slow graha s first > > Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may b responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kula destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .> > (According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the god Krishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of the preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought to last 432,000 years.)> > Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUla destroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga strted ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference ) > > so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation > > need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can giv more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly .> > But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task > > > rgrds sunil nair > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Nairji,> >  > > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately he goofed up the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn has the longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is the slowest of the grahas taking sligfhtly more than one year to traverse one Nakshatra (barring, of couse, Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must first consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the clearest possible manner that Saturn was in the Visakha Nakshatra for one year when the Mahabharata war took place. The Mahabharata also tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to Rohini and any astrologer will understand this but not only Prof. Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr. Balakrishna too had problem in underatnding that. Because of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.> >  > > Regards,> >  > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:> > > > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of Mahabharat> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> > > > > >  > > > > > > > > > > Historicity Of Mahabharat> > > > BY K. SADANANDA> > > > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) â€" This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published in Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort by Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the All India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R. Mankad, etc. > > > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the position based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position of the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, one can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before and after the war were described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow. > > > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. He left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till Pushyami Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNa before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son of Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra. > > > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not want to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra. The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day, BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was the fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra. > > > > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh day is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day). > > > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. This was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead to our destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula. > > > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata war. > > > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing happened - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad number). This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya. Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the same house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it self . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat war. > > > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes: Caturdashiim panchadashiim > > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim > > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham > > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim > > Chandra suurya bhougrastou > > Ekamevam trayodashiim > > AparvaNi grahaNe tou > > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| | > > > > "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, on the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing thitiies is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people. > > > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra, armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and the East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. That evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira Shudda Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famous Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at 6:30 am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C. > > > > Other notable incidences that occurred: > > > > Bhiishma's death: > > > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war started). > > > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM. > > > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days elder to Krishna. > > > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi, Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. Shukla Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra. > > > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their father Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11days old. > > > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20 years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC). > > > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra. > > > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house it took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' s ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city. > > > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November 3091BC, seven months after the marriage. > > > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It took five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam. > > > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February. > > > > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most inauspicious day. > > > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along with moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra. > > > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war was the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day) JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi. > > > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one year (13 lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) - Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were wrong. > > > > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjuna was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC. > > > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira shudda ekadashi Nakshatra. > > > > The war lasted for 18 days. > > > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years. > > > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th). > > > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari, Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham. > > > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caught in the forest fire and died. > > > > Sanjaya was only left. > > > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday. > > > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November. > > > > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological description of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions. > > > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) as per the historical accounting. > > > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars. > > > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta stand out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind. Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be questioned. > > > > Translation by K. Sadananda> > http://www.vnn. org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20- 5717.html> >>

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Dear Sunil Nairji,


Yes, It did occur in the month of November, 3139 BCE. I shall post all my calculations and write up at a later date.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya


--- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 10:54 PM

Dear sunil bhattacharyaji sure ,even after careful calculation s i committed same mistake which i am afraid has occured .Thanks for pointing it out Now a curious question did the planetary positions mentioned in MBH is happening on the day u r mentioned ?u can see kaul has tactfully givd all wrong claculations too as if war happened in kaliyuga even he neglected what ever is shown in article ########in other wrods, almost all the scholars agree that the Mahabharata war wasfought after the Kaliyuga had started! The Puranas say that Kaliyugastarted the day when Bhagwan Krishna left for His Divine abode! But itseems that the Kaliyuga of all these scholars was much more powerful thanBhagwan Krishna Himself, since the Kaliyuga managed to stay in His Divinepresence!###

########Rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji, >  > The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna's departure on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the Common Era). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th February 3102 BCE then the date would have been  18th February 3138 BCE as 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took place 36 years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date falls in oOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era). >  > Regards,>  > SKB> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair

astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat> ancient_indian_ astrology> Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM> > >  > > > > > Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji > > sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculation of positions of slow graha s first > > Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may b responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kula destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .> > (According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began at midnight

(00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the god Krishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in Kali Yuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of the preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought to last 432,000 years.)> > Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUla destroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga strted ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference ) > > so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation > > need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can giv more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly .>

> But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task > > > rgrds sunil nair > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Nairji,> >  > > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately he goofed up the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn has the longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is the slowest of the grahas taking sligfhtly more than one year to traverse one Nakshatra (barring, of couse, Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must first consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the clearest possible manner that Saturn was in the Visakha Nakshatra for one year when the Mahabharata war took

place. The Mahabharata also tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to Rohini and any astrologer will understand this but not only Prof. Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr. Balakrishna too had problem in underatnding that. Because of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.> >  > > Regards,> >  > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:> > > > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of Mahabharat> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> > > > > >  > > > > > > > > >

> Historicity Of Mahabharat> > > > BY K. SADANANDA> > > > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) â€" This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published in Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort by Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the All India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R. Mankad, etc. > > > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala and

Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the position based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position of the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, one can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before and after the war were described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow. > > > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. He left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till Pushyami Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNa before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was

the eldest son of Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra. > > > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not want to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra. The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day, BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was the fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra. > > > > Krishana returned from

Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh day is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day). > > > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. This was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead to our destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula. > > > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata war. > > > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing happened - the paksha got compressed to 13 days.

(May be 13 is a bad number). This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya. Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the same house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it self . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat war. > > > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes: Caturdashiim panchadashiim > > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim > > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham > > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim > > Chandra suurya bhougrastou > > Ekamevam trayodashiim > > AparvaNi grahaNe tou > > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH|

| > > > > "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, on the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing thitiies is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people. > > > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra, armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and the East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. That evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira Shudda Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famous Bhagavad Geeta teaching

also started on that day. The war began at 6:30 am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C. > > > > Other notable incidences that occurred: > > > > Bhiishma's death: > > > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war started). > > > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM. > > > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days elder to Krishna. > > > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi, Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. Shukla Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi

Nakshtra. > > > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their father Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11days old. > > > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20 years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC). > > > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra. > > > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house it took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' s ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city. > > > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November 3091BC, seven months after the marriage. > > > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It took five years and six months for

Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam. > > > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February. > > > > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most inauspicious day. > > > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along with moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra. > > > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war was the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day) JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi. > > > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living

incognito was for one year (13 lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) - Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were wrong. > > > > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjuna was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC. > > > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira shudda ekadashi Nakshatra. > > > > The war lasted for 18 days. > > > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years. > > > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th). > > > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari, Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham. > > > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caught

in the forest fire and died. > > > > Sanjaya was only left. > > > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday. > > > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November. > > > > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological description of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions. > > > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) as per the historical accounting. > > > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars. > > > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta stand out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to

the mankind. Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be questioned. > > > > Translation by K. Sadananda> > http://www.vnn. org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20- 5717.html> >>

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Dear Bhaskar-ji,


Although your question was not was not meant for me., I am replying it anyway.


The text enclosed mentions the following


"Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that

58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died.

( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day

after the war started)."


Probably "He fell in the war on the 10th day after war started" is supposed

to convey that Bhisma was defeated and resting on 'Vaan-Shayya" /

Vaan-Shajya (Bed of Arrows).


The vernacular MBH I studied in childhood also mentions that Bhisma had

a boon of 'Iccha-Mrityu' (Death as per wish) and was waiting for Uttarayan


The 1st line


"Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that

58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died."


Probably refers to the death on Uttarayan








Bhaskar [bhaskar_jyotish] Monday, August 17, 2009 12:19 PM Subject: Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat

Dera Shri Sunil Bhattacharya ji and Shri Sunil Nairji,The article presented mentions that Shri Bhsihma Pitamha died 10 daysafter the war started. I was under the impression that he left his Pranaafter the war got over and instructed Yudhistra how he mus meet KingPandu, his Paternal Uncle and how he must approach him etc, apart fromthe Vishnu Sahasranaam sung by Bhishma Pitamha in glory of Lord Krishna.I have read this epic when I was very small in age, so dont remember theexact details and dates etc.Can you please confirm this for my curiosity ?regards,Bhaskar. , Sunil Bhattacharjya<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji,> Â> The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna'sdeparture on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the CommonEra). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th February3102 BCE then the date would have been  18th February 3138 BCEas 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took place 36years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date falls inoOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era).> Â> Regards,> Â> SKB>> --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:>>> sunil nair astro_tellerkerala Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM>>> Â>>>>> Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji>> sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculationof positions of slow graha s first>> Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may bresponsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kuladestroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .>> (According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that formsthe basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began atmidnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Juliancalendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the godKrishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Mostinterpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in KaliYuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of thepreceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought tolast 432,000 years.)>> Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUladestroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga strted ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference )>> so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation>> need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can givmore Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly .>> But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task>>> rgrds sunil nair>> ancient_indian_ astrology, SunilBhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Nairji,> > Ã'Â> > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately heÃ' goofedupÃ' the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn hasÃ' thelongest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is theslowest of the grahas takingÃ' sligfhtly more thanÃ'ÂoneÃ' year to traverse oneÃ' Nakshatra (barring, of couse,Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must firstconsider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in theclearest possible manner thatÃ' Saturn was in the Visakha Nakshatrafor one year when the Mahabharata war took place.Ã' The Mahabharataalso tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to Rohini andany astrologer will understand thisÃ' but not onlyÃ' Prof.Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr.Balakrishna too had problemÃ' in underatnding that.Ã' Becauseof this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.> > Ã'Â> > Regards,> > Ã'Â> > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> >> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:> >> >> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of Mahabharat> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> >> >> > Ã'Â> >> >> >> >> > Historicity Of Mahabharat> >> > BY K. SADANANDA> >> > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) ââ'¬" This article is based on theinformation that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri" published inTelugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii JanamaddiHanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort byProfessor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by severalfamous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the AllIndia Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri fromHariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R.Mankad, etc.> >> > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa(Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to havestarted on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, theastrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala andSukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the positionbased on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position ofthe stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar, onecan arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all otherrelated incidents that took place before and after the war weredescribed in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be preciselymatched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow.> >> > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed. Heleft the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in RevatiNakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura inBharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till PushyamiNakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was KrishnaPancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNabefore he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son ofKunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhanamust get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will beAmaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returnedto Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that onAnuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra dayPandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra.> >> > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left onPunarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not wantto participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). Hereturned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa Nakshatra.The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day,BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was thefifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra.> >> > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peacemission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh dayis New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra asdiscussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon wasturning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day).> >> > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed. Thiswas predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu hascompressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before theMahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead toour destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula.> >> > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharatawar.> >> > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens infourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing happened- the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad number).This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya.Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the samehouse one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it self. This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from fifteenis a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and hasinevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incidentprovided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat war.> >> > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusionoccurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes: Caturdashiimpanchadashiim> > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim> > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham> > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim> > Chandra suurya bhougrastou> > Ekamevam trayodashiim> > AparvaNi grahaNe tou> > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| |> >> > "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion orextension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on thethirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa. That, onthe same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing thitiiesis a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people.> >> > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra,armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and theEast sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day wasNavaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war. Thatevening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We havefinished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there isfurther delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira ShuddaEkadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the famousBhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at 6:30am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C.> >> > Other notable incidences that occurred:> >> > Bhiishma's death:> >> > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actualdeath - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the warstarted).> >> > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40 PM.> >> > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC, Tuesday(Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 dayselder to Krishna.> >> > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi,Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. ShuklaChaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra.> >> > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their fatherPandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11daysold.> >> > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC).> >> > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra.> >> > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house ittook 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After theburning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' sashram and seven months in Ekachatra city.> >> > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November3091BC, seven months after the marriage.> >> > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - Ittook five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was inApril 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam.> >> > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February.> >> > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala(Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the mostinauspicious day.> >> > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the Moon,October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along withmoon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra.> >> > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war wasthe Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon day)JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was inNovember 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi.> >> > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one year (13lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days) -Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations werewrong.> >> > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC. Arjunawas noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC.> >> > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashirashudda ekadashi Nakshatra.> >> > The war lasted for 18 days.> >> > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years.> >> > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th).> >> > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra, Gandhaari,Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). Thatyear itself Vidura performed praayopavesham.> >> > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got caughtin the forest fire and died.> >> > Sanjaya was only left.> >> > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday.> >> > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November.> >> > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological descriptionof the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions.> >> > There is so much self consistency in all the events and thedescriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exactinformation Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today) asper the historical accounting.> >> > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching theastrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars.> >> > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta standout as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind.Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot bequestioned.> >> > Translation by K. Sadananda> > http://www.vnn. org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20- 5717.html> >>This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

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Dear Chakroborty ji,


Exactly the response which I wished, has come from you. He fell on the

Baan shaiyya of Arjuna on the 10th day, but did not die that day.

" Death " was not for him, till he wished it. The term " Bhishma died "

cannot be used for this great Super Mortal.


And he did not die , but left the body on his own will, and only after

the war ended awaiting the Sun entering into the Uttarayan.


In fact Yudhisthira was full of pain and remorse at the death of his

cousins in the war, and after he was crowned the King, but before taking

the duties of the State, Yudhisthara went to Bhishma who lay on the bed

of the arrows and took his blessings and instructions in Dharma.


This instruction of Bhishma to Yudhisthara, is the famous Shantiparva of

the Mahabharata.


And after this discourse was over, Bhisma passed out.


I was looking for inputs from Shri Sunil Bhattacharyaji, because I see

that he knows lot of history and astronomy and was thus expecting him to

reply this.


best wishes,












> Dear Bhaskar-ji,


> Although your question was not was not meant for me., I am replying it

> anyway.


> The text enclosed mentions the following


> " Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that

> 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died.

> ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th


> after the war started). "


> Probably " He fell in the war on the 10th day after war started " is


> to convey that Bhisma was defeated and resting on 'Vaan-Shayya " /

> Vaan-Shajya (Bed of Arrows).


> The vernacular MBH I studied in childhood also mentions that Bhisma


> a boon of 'Iccha-Mrityu' (Death as per wish) and was waiting for



> The 1st line


> " Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon that

> 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. "


> Probably refers to the death on Uttarayan


> regards


> chakraborty



> _____


> Bhaskar [bhaskar_jyotish]

> Monday, August 17, 2009 12:19 PM


> Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat






> Dera Shri Sunil Bhattacharya ji and Shri Sunil Nairji,


> The article presented mentions that Shri Bhsihma Pitamha died 10 days

> after the war started. I was under the impression that he left his


> after the war got over and instructed Yudhistra how he mus meet King

> Pandu, his Paternal Uncle and how he must approach him etc, apart from

> the Vishnu Sahasranaam sung by Bhishma Pitamha in glory of Lord



> I have read this epic when I was very small in age, so dont remember


> exact details and dates etc.


> Can you please confirm this for my curiosity ?


> regards,


> Bhaskar.


> ancient_indian_


> astrology , Sunil Bhattacharjya

> sunil_bhattacharjya@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil Nairji,

> > Â

> > The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna's

> departure on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the Common

> Era). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th February

> 3102 BCE then the date would have been  18th February 3138 BCE

> as 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took place 36

> years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date falls in

> oOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era).

> > Â

> > Regards,

> > Â

> > SKB

> >

> > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@

> > Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat

> > ancient_indian_


> astrology

> > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji

> >

> > sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper calculation

> of positions of slow graha s first

> >

> > Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi calculations

> ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may b

> responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava Kula

> destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is 5110 .

> >

> > (According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise that


> the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began at

> midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic Julian

> calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

> This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that the god

> Krishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most

> interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently in


> Yuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of the

> preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally thought


> last 432,000 years.)

> >

> > Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the yadava KUla

> destroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga


> ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference )

> >

> > so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation

> >

> > need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can giv

> more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s properly


> >

> > But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this task

> >

> >

> > rgrds sunil nair

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil

> Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil Nairji,

> > > Ã'Â

> > > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately heÃ'Â


> upÃ'Â the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn hasÃ'Â the

> longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is the

> slowest of the grahas takingÃ'Â sligfhtly more thanÃ'Â

> oneÃ'Â year to traverse oneÃ'Â Nakshatra (barring, of


> Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must first

> consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the

> clearest possible manner thatÃ'Â Saturn was in the Visakha


> for one year when the Mahabharata war took place.Ã'Â The


> also tells us that the Saturn was giving " Pidha " (trouble) to Rohini


> any astrologer will understand thisÃ'Â but not onlyÃ'Â


> Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr.

> Balakrishna too had problemÃ'Â in underatnding that.Ã'Â


> of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.

> > > Ã'Â

> > > Regards,

> > > Ã'Â

> > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ... wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...

> > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of Mahabharat

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM

> > >

> > >

> > > Ã'Â

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Historicity Of Mahabharat

> > >


> > >

> > > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) ââ'¬ " This article is based on the

> information that I found in March 1995 issue of " Saptagiri " published


> Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii Janamaddi

> Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research effort by

> Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several

> famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of the


> India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri from

> Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii D.R.

> Mankad, etc.

> > >

> > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa

> (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to have

> started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the

> astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru, Mangala


> Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the


> based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the position


> the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian Calendar,


> can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all other

> related incidents that took place before and after the war were

> described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be precisely

> matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow.

> > >

> > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed.


> left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in Revati

> Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura in

> Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till


> Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was Krishna

> Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with KarNa

> before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest son


> Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that Duryodhana

> must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will be

> Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna returned

> to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on

> Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya Nakshtra


> Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra.

> > >

> > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama left on

> Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did not


> to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He

> returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa


> The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth day,

> BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It was


> fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra.

> > >

> > > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful peace

> mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the seventh


> is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as

> discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon was

> turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day).

> > >

> > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was destroyed.


> was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - " Rahu has

> compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before the

> Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will lead to

> our destruction " . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava kula.

> > >

> > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the


> war.

> > >

> > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens


> fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing


> - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad number).

> This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya.

> Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the same

> house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day it


> . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from


> is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has

> inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident

> provided a direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharat


> > >

> > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion

> occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes:


> panchadashiim

> > > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim

> > > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham

> > > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim

> > > Chandra suurya bhougrastou

> > > Ekamevam trayodashiim

> > > AparvaNi grahaNe tou

> > > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| |

> > >

> > > " I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or

> extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the

> thirteenth day itself I have never seen before " - says Vyasa. That, on

> the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing


> is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to people.

> > >

> > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada Nakshatra,

> armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and the

> East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was

> Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the war.


> evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We have

> finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why there is

> further delay in starting the war? " The next day, Margashira Shudda

> Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the


> Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began at


> am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November, 3067B.C.

> > >

> > > Other notable incidences that occurred:

> > >

> > > Bhiishma's death:

> > >

> > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon


> 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the actual

> death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the war

> started).

> > >

> > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at 11:40


> > >

> > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC,


> (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was 696 days

> elder to Krishna.

> > >

> > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna Trayodashi,

> Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima. Shukla

> Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra.

> > >

> > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their


> Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and 11days

> old.

> > >

> > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara was 20

> years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC).

> > >

> > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi Nakshtra.

> > >

> > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the Wax-house


> took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After the

> burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the Shaalihotraa' s

> ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city.

> > >

> > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in November

> 3091BC, seven months after the marriage.

> > >

> > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour - It

> took five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage was in

> April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam.

> > >

> > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February.

> > >

> > > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya Mangala

> (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most

> inauspicious day.

> > >

> > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of the


> October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along with

> moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra.

> > >

> > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata war


> the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya (new-moon


> JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC, October

> 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest was in

> November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi.

> > >

> > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one year (13

> lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18 days)


> Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations were

> wrong.

> > >

> > > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira 3069BC.


> was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC.

> > >

> > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November, Margashira

> shudda ekadashi Nakshatra.

> > >

> > > The war lasted for 18 days.

> > >

> > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years.

> > >

> > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October 26th).

> > >

> > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra,


> Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living). That

> year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham.

> > >

> > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got


> in the forest fire and died.

> > >

> > > Sanjaya was only left.

> > >

> > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday.

> > >

> > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November.

> > >

> > > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological


> of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions.

> > >

> > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the

> descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact

> information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from today)


> per the historical accounting.

> > >

> > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching the

> astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars.

> > >

> > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad Geeta


> out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the


> Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be

> questioned.

> > >

> > > Translation by K. Sadananda

> > > http://www.vnn. <http://www.vnn.> org/editorials/ ET0003/ET20-

> 5717.html

> > >

> >





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Dear respected Bhaskar ji thanks for ur post sure i am waiting for ur inputs frm epics which may help us to decode manything wheter it is astrology or what ever take ur time rgrds sunil nair , "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> > Dear Shri Sunil Nair ji,> > This is a good part of the story of Mahabharata which many do not know.> Actually what transpired only God knows Himself, because Krishna has a> habit of playing games and then chuckling, much to the consternation of> the other players who are caught unawares.> > I am not much researcher sort of person to go deep in the past history> of searching for dates etc. but like to live in the present trying to> adapt the ideals learnt from these great epics and manifest them in own> Life, especially with those ones which teach us about human behaviours,> ethical norms and codes one must follow, the pitfalls of who and what,> and the lessons learnt from these great characters of these Monumental> epics.> > The story you have just presented has much to teach us. It shows the> highest forms of loft ideals followed in those days, which must be> emulated even today (Which I too emulate to a certain extent am proud to> say this). An enemy means being inimical, and one component of being> inimical towards another is, disagreemtn, or not agreeing to a certain> point on a plane of exisstence. But does it mean that on the rest of the> planes disagreement is there ? No of course not . In those areas one> must be gentlemanly, like Nakula and Sahdev in your story were. Those> days people were really good as enemies, no one fought with an unequal.> A warrior seated on an elephant would always fight with another seated> on an elephant and not on an horseman. The horseman in return would only> fight with another warrior seated on a horse and not with a soldier> standing on his toes. Such were the great ideals of those days. In fact> during the Mahabharata war, after sunset which was the point of the> termination of the days war, the armies from both sides mingled and> enjoyed together with whatever means at their diposal. Do we see such> great ideals today ? We have much to learn in this short Life time from> these Epics and implement those ideals in the rest of the years we have> been given to breathe.> > I have some inputs regarding the Ramayana and the Mahabharata for the> research bent of mind, and may put them somewhere this week, whenever> time allows me so.> > Love and regards,> > Bhaskar.> > > > > > > , "sunil nair"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear Sunil b JI and Bhaskar ji> >> > All thse days i was searching for proof of this story which i heard or> > read ( i cant recollect now ) abt the day of strt of Mahabharatha war> > and its Muhurtha> >> > It says the youngest pandava Brothers Nakula sahadeva s were eminent> > astrologers ,and the story says the duryodhana Himself appraoched them> > for fixing a muhurtha for the war and he has givn a Muhurtha immdtly> > after day break of amavasya ( here we must think the enemy is> > approaching an astrologer who belongs to the other side and it shows> the> > blf of duryodhana that waht ever may happen the nakula sahadevas will> > not utter any thing against sastra sammatam when it comes to> > consultations )> >> > So such a day must b shukla paskha prathipatha and then Lord> srikrishna> > came to know abt this and On his enquiry they confirmed and they said> > the same thing that even if it is enmies we cannot use sastra for any> > evil purpose .So Lord decided to trick them the kauravas and he went> for> > performing pitri karma s .Every one knows we do pitri karmas also> during> > amavasyas .> > So when sun and Moon saw this frm abov they got confused and they> asked> > each other what Bhagavan is doing let us go and enquire abt it and> they> > went to lord to ask this question .So krishna asked them in return> ,what> > is amavasya ,they said when sun and moon are together ,then he asked> Now> > where are they ,so suddenly they know what happened> >> > and it may b also denoting the short duration of 13 days when amavasya> > happened> >> > so it must b in shukla paksha prathama than in krishna paksha> >> > even rishi Veda vyas was mentioning abt the amavasya happened within> 13> > days b4 the war> >> > since this a stroy and i was searching scriptural proof for it with> many> > and i am not yet successful> >> > Now we can together search for the source of this story> >> > rgrds sunil nair> >> >> > , "Bhaskar"> > bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > Dear Shri Sunil Bhattacharya ji,> > >> > > Thats very kind of you, for putting the matters in proper> perspective.> > > When you write this, it makes it sort of authentic for us to> believe.> > >> > > thanks and regards,> > >> > > Bhaskar.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , Sunil Bhattacharjya> > > sunil_bhattacharjya@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Bhaskarji,> > > >> > > > The Mahabharata warstarted on krishna Pratipada ie. after the> > Purnima.> > > Bhishma fell in the late afternoon of the 10th day of the war but he> > had> > > Isccha Mrityu. So he waited for 59 days for the Uttarayana to come.> > Then> > > he died and at that time it was Krishna Ekadashi. His Shraddha was> > > performed after 12 days of mourning as was the practice for the> > > Kshatriyas, according to the laws of Manu. His Shraddha was in the> > > Aparahna (after the mid-day) on the Shuklla Ashtami tithi. Then with> > the> > > Divy-deha and returned to the Vasu-loka.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > --- On Mon, 8/17/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@> > > > Re: Historicity Of Mahabharat> > > > > > > > Monday, August 17, 2009, 5:13 AM> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Chakroborty ji,> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Exactly the response which I wished, has come from you. He fell on> > the> > > >> > > > Baan shaiyya of Arjuna on the 10th day, but did not die that day.> > > >> > > > "Death" was not for him, till he wished it. The term "Bhishma died> "> > > >> > > > cannot be used for this great Super Mortal.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > And he did not die , but left the body on his own will, and only> > after> > > >> > > > the war ended awaiting the Sun entering into the Uttarayan.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > In fact Yudhisthira was full of pain and remorse at the death of> his> > > >> > > > cousins in the war, and after he was crowned the King, but before> > > taking> > > >> > > > the duties of the State, Yudhisthara went to Bhishma who lay on> the> > > bed> > > >> > > > of the arrows and took his blessings and instructions in Dharma.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > This instruction of Bhishma to Yudhisthara, is the famous> > Shantiparva> > > of> > > >> > > > the Mahabharata.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > And after this discourse was over, Bhisma passed out.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > I was looking for inputs from Shri Sunil Bhattacharyaji, because I> > see> > > >> > > > that he knows lot of history and astronomy and was thus expecting> > him> > > to> > > >> > > > reply this.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > best wishes,> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Bhaskar.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, CHAKRABORTYP2@> > ...> > > >> > > > wrote:> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Dear Bhaskar-ji,> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Although your question was not was not meant for me., I am> > replying> > > it> > > >> > > > > anyway.> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > The text enclosed mentions the following> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > "Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon> > that> > > >> > > > > 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died.> > > >> > > > > ( This is the actual death - He actually fell in the war on the> > 10th> > > >> > > > day> > > >> > > > > after the war started)."> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Probably "He fell in the war on the 10th day after war started"> is> > > >> > > > supposed> > > >> > > > > to convey that Bhisma was defeated and resting on 'Vaan-Shayya"> /> > > >> > > > > Vaan-Shajya (Bed of Arrows).> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > The vernacular MBH I studied in childhood also mentions that> > Bhisma> > > >> > > > had> > > >> > > > > a boon of 'Iccha-Mrityu' (Death as per wish) and was waiting for> > > >> > > > Uttarayan> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > The 1st line> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > "Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the afternoon> > that> > > >> > > > > 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died."> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Probably refers to the death on Uttarayan> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > regards> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > chakraborty> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > _____> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Bhaskar [bhaskar_ jyotish@ ..]> > > >> > > > > Monday, August 17, 2009 12:19 PM> > > >> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology> > > >> > > > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Historicity Of> Mahabharat> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Dera Shri Sunil Bhattacharya ji and Shri Sunil Nairji,> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > The article presented mentions that Shri Bhsihma Pitamha died 10> > > days> > > >> > > > > after the war started. I was under the impression that he left> his> > > >> > > > Prana> > > >> > > > > after the war got over and instructed Yudhistra how he mus meet> > King> > > >> > > > > Pandu, his Paternal Uncle and how he must approach him etc,> apart> > > from> > > >> > > > > the Vishnu Sahasranaam sung by Bhishma Pitamha in glory of Lord> > > >> > > > Krishna.> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > I have read this epic when I was very small in age, so dont> > remember> > > >> > > > the> > > >> > > > > exact details and dates etc.> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Can you please confirm this for my curiosity ?> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > regards,> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > Bhaskar.> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > ancient_indian_> > > >> > > > <ancient_ indian_astrology %40. com>> > > >> > > > > astrology@grou ps.com, Sunil Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > > sunil_bhattacharjya @ wrote:> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > Dear Sunil Nairji,> > > >> > > > > > Â> > > >> > > > > > The Mahabharata war took place 36 years before Lord Krishna's> > > >> > > > > departure on 18th February 3102 BCE (ie. 3102 years before the> > > Common> > > >> > > > > Era). If it would have been exactly 36 years before 18th> > > February> > > >> > > > > 3102 BCE then the date would have been  18th February> 3138> > > BCE> > > >> > > > > as 3102 +36 = 3138. But in reality the war took> place> > 36> > > >> > > > > years and 4 months before February 3102 BCE. Hence the date> falls> > in> > > >> > > > > oOvember 3139 BCE (ie. 3139 years before the Common Era).> > > >> > > > > > Â> > > >> > > > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > > > Â> > > >> > > > > > SKB> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@> > > >> > > > > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Historicity Of> > Mahabharat> > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_> > > >> > > > <ancient_ indian_astrology %40. com>> > > >> > > > > astrology@grou ps.com> > > >> > > > > > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 9:14 PM> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > Â> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > Dear Sunil Bhattacharjya ji> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > sure ,The astronomical dating should b done with proper> > > calculation> > > >> > > > > of positions of slow graha s first> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > Here i think there is some diffrnce with kaliyugadi> > > calculations> > > >> > > > > ,also the confusion between julian and indian calenders also may> b> > > >> > > > > responsible ,as it says kaliyuga strted immdtly after Yadava> Kula> > > >> > > > > destroyed and shri Krishna s demise ,present kaliyuga era is> 5110> > .> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > (According to the Surya Siddhanta, an astronomical treatise> that> > > >> > > > forms> > > >> > > > > the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars, Kali Yuga began> at> > > >> > > > > midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE [1] in the proleptic> > Julian> > > >> > > > > calendar, or 23 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian> > calendar.> > > >> > > > > This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that> the> > > god> > > >> > > > > Krishna died as a result of a freak bow hunting accident. Most> > > >> > > > > interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that earth is currently> > in> > > >> > > > Kali> > > >> > > > > Yuga, though some believe that it is now at the beginning of the> > > >> > > > > preceding stage, Dvapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is traditionally> > > thought> > > >> > > > to> > > >> > > > > last 432,000 years.)> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > Here also says that 36 yrs after the Mahabharath war the> yadava> > > KUla> > > >> > > > > destroyed and lord sri krishna s death happened and kaliyuga> > > >> > > > strtedÂ> > > >> > > > > ( if at all this is true according to scriptural reference )> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > so again giv the same yr 3066 as mentioned in this calculation> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > need to ponder over it and where went wrong ,Poeple like u can> > giv> > > >> > > > > more Lite in this aspect ,by again tru scriptural evidence s> > > properly> > > >> > > > .> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > But due to lack of quality time i prefer to stay away frm this> > > task> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > rgrds sunil nair> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Sunil> > > >> > > > > Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjy a wrote:> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Dear Sunil Nairji,> > > >> > > > > > > Ã'Â> > > >> > > > > > > Professor Raghavan worked hard but unfortunately heÃ'Â> > > >> > > > goofed> > > >> > > > > upÃ' the location Mahagraha Shani. The Saturn> hasÃ'Â> > > the> > > >> > > > > longest time of revolution round the Sun or geocentrically it is> > the> > > >> > > > > slowest of the grahas takingÃ' sligfhtly more> thanÃ'Â> > > >> > > > > oneÃ' year to traverse oneÃ' Nakshatra (barring,> of> > > >> > > > couse,> > > >> > > > > Uranus and Pluto). Therefore for astronomical dating one must> > first> > > >> > > > > consider the location of the Saturn. Mahabharata tells us in the> > > >> > > > > clearest possible manner thatÃ' Saturn was in the Visakha> > > >> > > > Nakshatra> > > >> > > > > for one year when the Mahabharata war took place.Ã' The> > > >> > > > Mahabharata> > > >> > > > > also tells us that the Saturn was giving "Pidha" (trouble) to> > Rohini> > > >> > > > and> > > >> > > > > any astrologer will understand thisÃ' but not> onlyÃ'Â> > > >> > > > Prof.> > > >> > > > > Raghavan, even the other astronomers like Prof. Achar and Dr.> > > >> > > > > Balakrishna too had problemÃ' in underatnding> > that.Ã'Â> > > >> > > > Because> > > >> > > > > of this Prof. Raghavan missed the mark.> > > >> > > > > > > Ã'Â> > > >> > > > > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > > > > Ã'Â> > > >> > > > > > > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > --- On Sun, 8/16/09, sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> wrote:> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ ...> > > >> > > > > > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Historicity Of> Mahabharat> > > >> > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology> > > >> > > > > > > Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:45 AM> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Ã'Â> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Historicity Of Mahabharat> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > BY K. SADANANDA> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > EDITORIAL, Mar 20 (VNN) ââ'¬" This article is based> on> > > the> > > >> > > > > information that I found in March 1995 issue of "Saptagiri"> > > published> > > >> > > > in> > > >> > > > > Telugu by Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanam, authored by Shrii> > Janamaddi> > > >> > > > > Hanumanta Rao. The article itself was based on the research> effort> > > by> > > >> > > > > Professor K. Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by> > > several> > > >> > > > > famous pundits of Panchanga Shaastra including the Secretary of> > the> > > >> > > > All> > > >> > > > > India Panchanga Samskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shaastri> > from> > > >> > > > > Hariyana, and Vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shrii> D.R.> > > >> > > > > Mankad, etc.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Based on the astrological information provided by Veda> Vyaasa> > > >> > > > > (Position of the stars etc), Mahabharat war was estimated to> have> > > >> > > > > started on 3067B.C. on 22nd November. On the day of the war, the> > > >> > > > > astrological positions of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Saturn, Guru,> > Mangala> > > >> > > > and> > > >> > > > > Sukra planets have been described by Vyaasa. By looking at the> > > >> > > > position> > > >> > > > > based on Panchangam, Indian Calendar, and matching with the> > position> > > >> > > > of> > > >> > > > > the stars described by Vyaas and comparing with the Julian> > Calendar,> > > >> > > > one> > > >> > > > > can arrive at the precise dates for the war. Furthermore all> other> > > >> > > > > related incidents that took place before and after the war were> > > >> > > > > described in Mahabhaarat, and the dates for these can be> precisely> > > >> > > > > matched with the Julian calendar, as discussed bellow.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Shrii Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but> > > failed.> > > >> > > > He> > > >> > > > > left the Upaplaavya city on Kaartiika Shuddha Dvaadasi day in> > Revati> > > >> > > > > Nakshatra (star) between 7:36 - 8:24AM. He reached Hastinaapura> in> > > >> > > > > Bharani Nakshatra, and had discussions with the Kouravaas till> > > >> > > > Pushyami> > > >> > > > > Nakshatra. The day Duryodhana rejected the peace proposal was> > > Krishna> > > >> > > > > Pancami. Krishna left Hastinaapura, and had consultations with> > KarNa> > > >> > > > > before he departed. (He revealed to KarNa that he was the eldest> > son> > > >> > > > of> > > >> > > > > Kunti) on Uttara Palghuni day. Krishna informed KarNa that> > > Duryodhana> > > >> > > > > must get ready to fight, seventh day from that day, which will> be> > > >> > > > > Amaavaasya day (New-moon day) with JyeshTa Nakshatra. Krishna> > > returned> > > >> > > > > to Upaplaavya city on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that on> > > >> > > > > Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplaavya. Next Pushya> > Nakshtra> > > >> > > > day> > > >> > > > > Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Fifteen days after return from Upaplaavya city, Balarama> left> > on> > > >> > > > > Punarvasu Nakshatra on the tour of sacred places. (Balarama did> > not> > > >> > > > want> > > >> > > > > to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides).> He> > > >> > > > > returned to Kurukshetra after forty-two days in the ShravaNa> > > >> > > > Nakshatra.> > > >> > > > > The war already started eighteen days back. On the nineteenth> day,> > > >> > > > > BahuLa Caturdashi day on ShravaNa Nakshatra, Duryodhana died. It> > was> > > >> > > > the> > > >> > > > > fifty-ninth day after Amaavaasya with JyeshTaa Nakshatra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Krishana returned from Hastinaapura after his unsuccessful> > peace> > > >> > > > > mission on Uttara Palghuna day. Starting from that day, the> > seventh> > > >> > > > day> > > >> > > > > is New-moon day (amaavaasya) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as> > > >> > > > > discussed by Vyaasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun, and the Moon> > was> > > >> > > > > turning towards Amaavaasya (New-Moon day).> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > 36 years after the Mahabharat war, Yaadava kula was> destroyed.> > > >> > > > This> > > >> > > > > was predicted by Krishana by astrological happening - "Rahu has> > > >> > > > > compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once before> > the> > > >> > > > > Mahabharata war and again will be happening soon and this will> > lead> > > to> > > >> > > > > our destruction" . He remembered Gandhari's curse on the Yadava> > > kula.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the> > > >> > > > Mahabharata> > > >> > > > > war.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes> > happens> > > >> > > > in> > > >> > > > > fourteen days. But during the Mahabharata war-time a rare thing> > > >> > > > happened> > > >> > > > > - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is a bad> > number).> > > >> > > > > This aspect has been discussed in the Bhiishma parva - 3rd> > Adhyaaya.> > > >> > > > > Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the> > > same> > > >> > > > > house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day> > it> > > >> > > > self> > > >> > > > > . This peculiar condensation of the thithiis into thirteen from> > > >> > > > fifteen> > > >> > > > > is a rare phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and> has> > > >> > > > > inevitably followed by mass destruction due to war. This> incident> > > >> > > > > provided a direct means to establish the precise date of> > Mahabharat> > > >> > > > war.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > According to Julian calendar this type of planetary> collusion> > > >> > > > > occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes:> > > >> > > > Caturdashiim> > > >> > > > > panchadashiim> > > >> > > > > > > Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim> > > >> > > > > > > Imaantu naabhi jaaneham> > > >> > > > > > > Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim> > > >> > > > > > > Chandra suurya bhougrastou> > > >> > > > > > > Ekamevam trayodashiim> > > >> > > > > > > AparvaNi grahaNe tou> > > >> > > > > > > Prajaa sakshapaishyataH| |> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion> or> > > >> > > > > extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the> > > >> > > > > thirteenth day itself I have never seen before" - says Vyasa.> > That,> > > on> > > >> > > > > the same month Sun and Moon eclipses falling during the missing> > > >> > > > thitiies> > > >> > > > > is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-scale disaster to> people.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > One month before, in Margashira, during Purvaashhaada> > Nakshatra,> > > >> > > > > armies of Pandavaas and Kouravaas have assembled on the West and> > the> > > >> > > > > East sides of the Hiranya river, respectively. The next day was> > > >> > > > > Navaraatri and Durga Puja day. Duryodhana was itching for the> war.> > > >> > > > That> > > >> > > > > evening Duryodhana sends a word with Sekuni's son Ulaka, " We> have> > > >> > > > > finished the prayer to the arms and everybody is ready - why> there> > > is> > > >> > > > > further delay in starting the war?" The next day, Margashira> > Shudda> > > >> > > > > Ekadashi day, in KRittika Nakshatra, the war started. Hence, the> > > >> > > > famous> > > >> > > > > Bhagavad Geeta teaching also started on that day. The war began> at> > > >> > > > 6:30> > > >> > > > > am. The date according to Julian calendar was 22nd November,> > > 3067B.C.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Other notable incidences that occurred:> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Bhiishma's death:> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Maagha Shuddha AshTami day in Rohini Nakshtra in the> afternoon> > > >> > > > that> > > >> > > > > 58th day after the war started, Bhiishma died. ( This is the> > actual> > > >> > > > > death - He actually fell in the war on the 10th day after the> war> > > >> > > > > started).> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Sri Krishna's Birth - He was born on 3112B.C. on Friday at> > 11:40> > > >> > > > PM.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Pandavaas Birth - YudhishTara was born on August 31, 3114BC,> > > >> > > > Tuesday> > > >> > > > > (Mangala Vaaram) Shudda Panchami JyeshhTaa Nakshatra - He was> 696> > > days> > > >> > > > > elder to Krishna.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Bhiima was 347 days younger to YudhishTara. - Krishna> > > Trayodashi,> > > >> > > > > Makha Nakshatra, and Arjuana was 303 days younger to Bhiima.> > Shukla> > > >> > > > > Chaturdashi Soma Vaaram (Monday) Uttara PhalguNi Nakshtra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > When Pandavaas came to Hastinaapura after the death of their> > > >> > > > father> > > >> > > > > Pandu, it was 3091BC and YudhishTara was 14years, 9 months and> > > 11days> > > >> > > > > old.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > When he was coranated by Bhiishma as a prince, YudhishTara> was> > > 20> > > >> > > > > years, 1 month and 26 days old. (November, 3094BC).> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > They reached Varanasi in PalguNa Shuddha AshTami RohiNi> > > Nakshtra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Droupadi's Swayamvaram -in 3091BC, April - to reach the> > > Wax-house> > > >> > > > it> > > >> > > > > took 10 days for Pandavaas. They stayed there for an year. After> > the> > > >> > > > > burning of the wax-house, they spent six months in the> > Shaalihotraa'> > > s> > > >> > > > > ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The second coronation and building of Indraprasta was in> > > November> > > >> > > > > 3091BC, seven months after the marriage.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Rajasuuya yagna was performed after Arjuna's dig vijaya tour> -> > > It> > > >> > > > > took five years and six months for Arjuna. Subhadra's marriage> was> > > in> > > >> > > > > April 3084BC. Three months after that was Khadava vana dahanam.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Abhimanyu was born in 3083BC, February.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Kaliyugam started in 3105BC, October 13th, Amaavaasya> Mangala> > > >> > > > > (Tuesday) JyeshaTa Nakshatra - Kali was born. This was the most> > > >> > > > > inauspicious day.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The next Pournima day (Full-moon day) was full eclipse of> the> > > >> > > > Moon,> > > >> > > > > October 1, 3104BC. That was the day, when the five grahaas along> > > with> > > >> > > > > moon were in DhanishTaa Nakshatra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Dharmajaa's Rajasuuya - Fifteen years before the Mahabharata> > war> > > >> > > > was> > > >> > > > > the Rajasuuya yagna of Dharmaja. That day was amaavaasya> (new-moon> > > >> > > > day)> > > >> > > > > JyeshTa Muula nakshtra . YudhishTara shakam started in 3082BC,> > > October> > > >> > > > > 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to forest> was> > in> > > >> > > > > November 3081BC, Margashira shukla-Trayodashi.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Vanavaasam was 12 years and living incognito was for one> year> > > (13> > > >> > > > > lunar years + 5 lunar months + 12 days or 13 solar years plus 18> > > days)> > > >> > > > -> > > >> > > > > Bhiimshma calculates and declares that Dhurodhana's calculations> > > were> > > >> > > > > wrong.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > AJNaata vaasam (living incognito) began in Margashira> 3069BC.> > > >> > > > Arjuna> > > >> > > > > was noticed on Margashira Krishna Navami, 3068BC.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The Great war began on 3067BC, Friday 22nd November,> > Margashira> > > >> > > > > shudda ekadashi Nakshatra.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The war lasted for 18 days.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Dharmaraju ruled for only 36 years.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > 25years later YudhishTara shaka started. (Thursday October> > > 26th).> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started, Dhutaraashtra,> > > >> > > > Gandhaari,> > > >> > > > > Vidura, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta (forest living).> > That> > > >> > > > > year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Two years after that Dhrutaraashtra, Gandhaari and Kunti got> > > >> > > > caught> > > >> > > > > in the forest fire and died.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Sanjaya was only left.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Shrii Krishna passed away on 3031BC, April 13th Friday.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Pandavaas Maahaa Prastaanam was in 3031BC, in November.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > These are the dates that matched the Indian astrological> > > >> > > > description> > > >> > > > > of the stars and the moon, and Julian Calendar predictions.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > There is so much self consistency in all the events and the> > > >> > > > > descriptions that it makes one to wonder. Based on these exact> > > >> > > > > information Mahabhaarat must be Five thousand years Old (from> > today)> > > >> > > > as> > > >> > > > > per the historical accounting.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The analysis is extremely precise and scientific, matching> the> > > >> > > > > astrological position of the Indian and the Julian Calendars.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > The beauty and the scientific psychoanalysis of Bhagavad> Geeta> > > >> > > > stand> > > >> > > > > out as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the> > > >> > > > mankind.> > > >> > > > > Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharat cannot be> > > >> > > > > questioned.> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > > > Translation by K. Sadananda> > > >> > > > > > > http://www.vnn. <http://www.vnn.> org/editorials/> ET0003/ET20-> > > >> > > > > 5717.html> > > >> > > > > > >> > > >> > > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > > > This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New> > Delhi,> > > >> > > > India. The information contained in this electronic message and> any> > > >> > > > attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of> > the> > > >> > > > addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or> privileged> > > >> > > > information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not> > > >> > > > disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the> > sender> > > >> > > > immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any> > > attachments.> > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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