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Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?

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Dear Chandu 2 chill - if that is your name (He or She?)


Well! we are discussing the 'results' of transit Planets. The transit of a Planet related to the Natal Moon position is only taken, when "Paryaya' results are assimilated to a package. Millions would have born in that package. This package has to be 'read' in relations to many many factors acting as 'pointers' in a birth chart in relation to periods. If you just take the package only, you will be absolutely disappointed with the 'Gochara' inferences.


If some one threatens another, saying, "I will go to Police...." then this person will think how to influence the police to get away from the threatening. Similarly one movement of a planet in the present day is said to cause, particularly if the 'result' is bad, then people will rush to find the 'cause' as well as seek appropriate 'remedies'. What is wrong in this, as long as one give weightage to this 'result'?


This question : How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....? ---- Seems simple. But the reply will consume a chapter. When the mail of yours looks 'depressed' and express a 'tinge' of disbelief, this 'chapter' will be of no value, while it will be waste of time of an Astrologer.

In Jothish groups, when one is a member and interested in Jothish 'results', he will always seek these in such a group. Astrologers must come forward and tell what is made available in these 'movements' of Planets, for those who believe in such stated 'results'. Yes. All astrologers are human. One Astrologer, not being correct for reasons of his own, will not mar the basic fabric of Astrology.






nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006 Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:03:26 PM Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on..How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill

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Dear friends,


In the olden and golden days there were no Raashis, though the ancients

knew about the 12 spokes of the wheel, in the 360 degrees circular

movement of the sun through its chalan gati, yet the inferences were

drawn through the Nakshatras only.


The Raashis were developed to guide us, but not the whole and sole

complete solution to derive " Predictions " . The proof is that even today,

the Muhurtha Science is based only on nakshatras, which the Westerners

still do not know about or use. Which is why they cannot predict, but at

the most can only give " Character analysis " Linda Goodman style.


I request those who are new to astrology and entered these Groups as

" Patras " with a " Patra " to recive free readings, they must not get on

the head and consider themselves smart enough to challenge the dictums

of the Rishi Munis, and neither act smart with those who have been

dabbling with astrology since last 3 decades .


One year of taking free readings on their own Horoscopes does not maketh

one an astrologer.


No such newcomers defy, challenge, or talk rubbish with the old timers,

is my request, if you do not wish to spoil the proceedings of this great




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Dear Lajmi ji


I am very happy to see , on this forum, but some what I am agree and some where not?


why our Rishis developes , this subject , perhaps to help our generation, but today is kalyuga and every thing people misinterpretating and doing wrong act for their own benefit or you can say for sake of money.


I am am a scientist and i am student of vedic astrology since last 12 years , and in canada i am also helping lot of peoples or my community, by the help of mantras and gems and by Vastu.


It is not my profession and it does suite me that some one our brother is in trouble and we start to make money, so it is my hobby and i dont charge any thing.


But respectfully i would like to request to dont condemed the subject, like other peoples who dont belive in astrology ( doesnt matter it is vedic or KP ), becuase they have cretices and have say some thing against this subject.


So this is fault money minded peoples , they dont have character and spoiling this subject.


mantras has lot of power , gems has enery so be scientific.


so condemned greedy peoples not subject.





Dr Mishra --- On Mon, 8/31/09, venkatachala pathi <pathiav wrote:

venkatachala pathi <pathiavRe: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis? Received: Monday, August 31, 2009, 4:05 PM




Dear Yogesh Lajmi ji,


I am a strong supporter of your views to erradicate this cancerous tendency to 'Bribe' God.

I will be with you, Sir, for your efforts in this.








Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyCc: nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >Monday, August 31, 2009 4:46:59 PMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?



Dear Nanna,

I have been repeatedly writing on the K.P. Astrology site that, an unscrupulous nexus between vaidiks,gem- dealers and astrologers/ tantriks has developed over the years...and have over the years accumulated enough money to "buy" power and pelf,and they run a racket very cleverly indeed,always insinuating, not saying anything directly,while attributing a bad period in one's life to Mars Dosha,Kalasarpa Dosha and what have you...with the ultimate idea of fleecing the innocent and gullible...

It is my humble suggestion to move towards eradicating such quacks, charlatans,swindler s and cheats masquerading as "Vedic Astrologers- cum Tantriks" and what have you...and save the innocent and gullible public,from being exploited by these nexuses who abound in our country...

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to send this request for help,to ALL MEMBERS...to eradicate this evil,which has brought a bad name to Astrology and Astrologers in general...

I hope and pray members will give a positive response...and suggest ways and means of tackling this menace...

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi.




nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, August 31, 2009 8:33:26 PM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on..How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill

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Dear Shri Manoj Chandran,

There are areas in your mail where I take your kind permission to explain on 'transit' of Saturn or any Planet, other than Sun and Moon.


First, if a person is born in 00 Deg 02 Min, in Mesha, he is born in Ashwini Star, which is part of Mesha Zodiacal House. When you say which Nakshatra you are born, you will say that "I am born in Ashwini (not at the beginning of Ashwini)". Similarly the Zodiac Houses are formed by dividing the entire zodiac into 12 houses. Now, when a person is born in a star, we will also say that he is born in the Rasi (Zodiac House), and in such and such Star.

In 'Gochara' inference of results, the Zodiac house only plays its part in arriving at 'results'. Then, wherever Moon is placed , by virtue of the Naksathra in which the person is born, the Zodiac house (in full) is taken as Moon Rasi. Then we find the movement of the Planet in a house, to decide in which zodiac House (the number of houses counted including the house with Moon) the Planet is moving in relation to the House with Planet Moon placed in the birth chart - Moon Rasi. We count the houses from The position of Moon - not from the star in which the person is born - to state the effects of such a transit. This explanation will end in finding the 'Gochara'' effects for such a transit of the Planet in relation to position of Natal Moon. Please note that ownership, 'drusti' and other 'qualifications' considered in chart analysis, will NOT be part of 'Gochara' analysis. Of

course, these will be 'considered' when the 'strength' of 'moving' Planet is 'graded' from Natal birth chart.


These 'Gochara' effects while transiting in Zodiac House from the Natal Moon position, get slightly 'sharpened' at the next stage of analysis. Here you take the 'power' by occupation etc (as said above) of the Planet under normal 'chart positioned assessment of the strength' of the Planet in natal birth chart. Referring to the transit house relation with Moon position and the power assessed in the birth chart of selected transit Planet you will arrive at the 'moderated effect' +/-of that Planet. On basing this, the related period at which the transit is taking place, the Planet is set to exercise its 'effects' as 'graded' from the birth chart to the particular person.


The result of this 'deduction' will not reflect the Degree in which the Moon is placed or the star of the Moon, at the point of related Planetary movement (its Degree of movement etc)under 'Gochara' rules. Only Zodiac House counts are considered. This becomes a general rule in which millions would have born.






Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:28:22 PMRe: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?




Dear Chandu Ji,


Saturn being the outermost planet and due to its speed (or the lack of it) does have a great influence during transit. Whether this influence is positive or not needs interpretation and this includes a hierarchy as well. Natal chart strength/weakness, Dasha, Antar and then it is transit, in that order. Transit cannot create what the Natal chart does not promise. At the same time, Natal promise cannot fructify without Transit help.


In quoting another astrologer you have put me in a tight spot because now I (a learner) risks disagreeing with an experienced astrologer. Also since you have not reproduced the whole analysis, it may not be fair to comment on it. But from my logical mind, I cannot agree that Saturn's relationship with the Rashi will have no impact on the transit effect. Ofcourse we need to consider several other factors including the house ownership of Saturn and Moon. We also cannot ignore the position of Saturn/Moon from the Lagna as well.


On top of all this, the degree of placement of Moon is important. If Moon is 1 degree Virgo or 29 degree Virgo, don't you think it will make a difference? Should we then consider Sade-Sati from 45 degree on either side of the Moon's degree position, instead of Rashi alone? And ofcourse Nakshatras also play an important role.


But, I can assure you that if Dasha is bad, Antar dasha is Bad and Sade-Sati arrives, even if Sa has good rulership and Moon has good rulership, still there will be serious problems. I am a live test case for that in the past 7.5 years.








nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, August 31, 2009 8:03:26 AM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on..How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill

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Dear Mr.Mishra,

I agree with you...our wise Rishis developed this subject for the benefit of humankind...but the greedy, ungrateful and selfish people among us exploit this gift,almost on a daily basis,quite cleverly and professionally,and have,over the years developed this into a fine art...and have evolved vicious nexuses between, astrologers-gemdealers-vaidiks-'tantriks' and what have you...to exploit and fleece the innocent and gullible simple laymen...

I had quite recently challenged 3 of these "famous" tantriks and Lal-Kitab practitioners and Maantriks...openly,to demonstrate a single case wher their efforts did produce benefic results,which could be attributed singularly to their efforts...but none mustered the courage to accept the challenge...!

Prayer,is the least expensive form of auto-suggestion... but the fact remains that unless one is destined to benefit as per his Karma,he will not.

Kindly therefore please 'munch' on these facts and relate them to your own experience without bringing in any bias of any sort,and respond please....

Yogesh Lajmi.




Akhil Mishra <astro6301 Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 12:44:50 AMRe: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?






Dear Lajmi ji


I am very happy to see , on this forum, but some what I am agree and some where not?


why our Rishis developes , this subject , perhaps to help our generation, but today is kalyuga and every thing people misinterpretating and doing wrong act for their own benefit or you can say for sake of money.


I am am a scientist and i am student of vedic astrology since last 12 years , and in canada i am also helping lot of peoples or my community, by the help of mantras and gems and by Vastu.


It is not my profession and it does suite me that some one our brother is in trouble and we start to make money, so it is my hobby and i dont charge any thing.


But respectfully i would like to request to dont condemed the subject, like other peoples who dont belive in astrology ( doesnt matter it is vedic or KP ), becuase they have cretices and have say some thing against this subject.


So this is fault money minded peoples , they dont have character and spoiling this subject.


mantras has lot of power , gems has enery so be scientific.


so condemned greedy peoples not subject.





Dr Mishra --- On Mon, 8/31/09, venkatachala pathi <pathiav > wrote:

venkatachala pathi <pathiav >Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?ancient_indian_ astrologyReceived: Monday, August 31, 2009, 4:05 PM




Dear Yogesh Lajmi ji,


I am a strong supporter of your views to erradicate this cancerous tendency to 'Bribe' God.

I will be with you, Sir, for your efforts in this.








Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyCc: nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >Monday, August 31, 2009 4:46:59 PMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?



Dear Nanna,

I have been repeatedly writing on the K.P. Astrology site that, an unscrupulous nexus between vaidiks,gem- dealers and astrologers/ tantriks has developed over the years...and have over the years accumulated enough money to "buy" power and pelf,and they run a racket very cleverly indeed,always insinuating, not saying anything directly,while attributing a bad period in one's life to Mars Dosha,Kalasarpa Dosha and what have you...with the ultimate idea of fleecing the innocent and gullible...

It is my humble suggestion to move towards eradicating such quacks, charlatans,swindler s and cheats masquerading as "Vedic Astrologers- cum Tantriks" and what have you...and save the innocent and gullible public,from being exploited by these nexuses who abound in our country...

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to send this request for help,to ALL MEMBERS...to eradicate this evil,which has brought a bad name to Astrology and Astrologers in general...

I hope and pray members will give a positive response...and suggest ways and means of tackling this menace...

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi.




nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, August 31, 2009 8:33:26 PM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2..5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on..How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill


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Dear Mr.Mishra,

Didn't I tell you that some people have made it into a "Fine Art"... !

With best wishes,

Yogesh Lajmi.




Akhil Mishra <astro6301 Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:13:14 AMRe: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?





Respected lajmi ji and my friends,

In Canada , lot of astrologers , who are making unpredctable money, in Kalyuga if you have money , means you most intelligent, this is sign of Kalyuga.


I dont hesitate to take name Chamunda Swami, he give programm in ZEe TV and iUSA as well as canada , if you call him for any question first depost $250 , then he will tell some , for pooja he charge 5000$ onwards .


When baba Ramdev came canada , he inaugrated the programm and welcome to Baba ramdev, so in this kalyuga ( modern yug) no body listens to honest professional.


Either you , Dr rath and other respectable person can serve better than others.


so just you can see, and how long and how many people you can challnge, if you undersatnd hindi, then i would like quote,one line.


Jab ek hi ullu(owl) kafi hai, barbad gulistan karne ko

to yahan har shakh per Ullu baitha hai anjame gulista kya hoga.


now i will not write more on this topic, only I am concentrate, what I can service i can offer to my community and our people.





Dr Mishra


--- On Tue, 9/1/09, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ > wrote:

Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ >Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?ancient_indian_ astrologyReceived: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 3:27 AM



Dear Mr.Mishra,

I agree with you...our wise Rishis developed this subject for the benefit of humankind... but the greedy, ungrateful and selfish people among us exploit this gift,almost on a daily basis,quite cleverly and professionally, and have,over the years developed this into a fine art...and have evolved vicious nexuses between, astrologers- gemdealers- vaidiks-' tantriks' and what have you...to exploit and fleece the innocent and gullible simple laymen....

I had quite recently challenged 3 of these "famous" tantriks and Lal-Kitab practitioners and Maantriks... openly,to demonstrate a single case wher their efforts did produce benefic results,which could be attributed singularly to their efforts...but none mustered the courage to accept the challenge...!

Prayer,is the least expensive form of auto-suggestion. .. but the fact remains that unless one is destined to benefit as per his Karma,he will not.

Kindly therefore please 'munch' on these facts and relate them to your own experience without bringing in any bias of any sort,and respond please....

Yogesh Lajmi.




Akhil Mishra <astro6301 >ancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, September 1, 2009 12:44:50 AMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?






Dear Lajmi ji


I am very happy to see , on this forum, but some what I am agree and some where not?


why our Rishis developes , this subject , perhaps to help our generation, but today is kalyuga and every thing people misinterpretating and doing wrong act for their own benefit or you can say for sake of money.


I am am a scientist and i am student of vedic astrology since last 12 years , and in canada i am also helping lot of peoples or my community, by the help of mantras and gems and by Vastu.


It is not my profession and it does suite me that some one our brother is in trouble and we start to make money, so it is my hobby and i dont charge any thing.


But respectfully i would like to request to dont condemed the subject, like other peoples who dont belive in astrology ( doesnt matter it is vedic or KP ), becuase they have cretices and have say some thing against this subject.


So this is fault money minded peoples , they dont have character and spoiling this subject.


mantras has lot of power , gems has enery so be scientific.


so condemned greedy peoples not subject.





Dr Mishra --- On Mon, 8/31/09, venkatachala pathi <pathiav > wrote:

venkatachala pathi <pathiav >Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?ancient_indian_ astrologyReceived: Monday, August 31, 2009, 4:05 PM




Dear Yogesh Lajmi ji,


I am a strong supporter of your views to erradicate this cancerous tendency to 'Bribe' God.

I will be with you, Sir, for your efforts in this.








Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyCc: nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >Monday, August 31, 2009 4:46:59 PMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?



Dear Nanna,

I have been repeatedly writing on the K.P. Astrology site that, an unscrupulous nexus between vaidiks,gem- dealers and astrologers/ tantriks has developed over the years...and have over the years accumulated enough money to "buy" power and pelf,and they run a racket very cleverly indeed,always insinuating, not saying anything directly,while attributing a bad period in one's life to Mars Dosha,Kalasarpa Dosha and what have you...with the ultimate idea of fleecing the innocent and gullible...

It is my humble suggestion to move towards eradicating such quacks, charlatans,swindler s and cheats masquerading as "Vedic Astrologers- cum Tantriks" and what have you...and save the innocent and gullible public,from being exploited by these nexuses who abound in our country...

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to send this request for help,to ALL MEMBERS...to eradicate this evil,which has brought a bad name to Astrology and Astrologers in general...

I hope and pray members will give a positive response...and suggest ways and means of tackling this menace...

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi.




nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006@ >ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, August 31, 2009 8:33:26 PM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Saturn's Transit Results of 2..5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on...How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill


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Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet Explorer® 8. Optimized for Get it Now for Free!

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Dear Yogesh Lajmi,

I am with you to fight agaist the evil.

Regards--- On Mon, 8/31/09, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi wrote:

Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmiRe: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis? Cc: "nanna_id2006" <nanna_id2006Monday, August 31, 2009, 9:16 PM




Dear Nanna,

I have been repeatedly writing on the K.P. Astrology site that, an unscrupulous nexus between vaidiks,gem-dealers and astrologers/tantriks has developed over the years...and have over the years accumulated enough money to "buy" power and pelf,and they run a racket very cleverly indeed,always insinuating,not saying anything directly,while attributing a bad period in one's life to Mars Dosha,Kalasarpa Dosha and what have you...with the ultimate idea of fleecing the innocent and gullible...

It is my humble suggestion to move towards eradicating such quacks, charlatans,swindlers and cheats masquerading as "Vedic Astrologers-cum Tantriks" and what have you...and save the innocent and gullible public,from being exploited by these nexuses who abound in our country...

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to send this request for help,to ALL MEMBERS...to eradicate this evil,which has brought a bad name to Astrology and Astrologers in general...

I hope and pray members will give a positive response...and suggest ways and means of tackling this menace...

With kind regards,

Yogesh Lajmi.




nanna_id2006 <nanna_id2006 Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 8:33:26 PM Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?

Dear All,Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here in AIA and their respective views on..How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3 Nakshatras effects the native....?Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5 yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.This was told by

one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..Quote:-> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be positive or negative! "<-UnquoteWhat are your observations/ views?Kindly share......RegardsChandu2Chill

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Dear respected Bhaskar ji Thanks for encouraging words i was just pointing out that it is our society only promotes such bad elemnts all this is blessing of kaliyuga No one will see truth or even ready to accept the truth Once when i asked a person to giv some more as he spent more than usual time for a matchting after the session is over which took almost half a day (as he was asking 1000 questions based his girls chart and the boy s charts which was almost 10 in numbrs and i was not doing simple mechanical matchting ) ,suddnly he replied ,in that case i can see that so and so ---- pubilcised astrologer and get a reading tho actualy he charges more than 25000/ ( a kerala astrologer ) per sitting and even more than 30 minits he wont giv as he has big que of clients coming frm various cities even .i suddnly told him ,then u must visit him and pls dont come here next time .This is my exprnce when i realy satisfied him with a good reading and matchting of 2 charts ( actualy he brought some 10 charts to b matched and No one in profession will entertain such time waisters ) rgrds sunil nair , "bhaskar_jyotish" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> > Dear Shri Sunil Nairji ji,> > You are a Master Blaster.> > I love reading all your mails and read them fully.> > Your lines -> > " Now to become a successful astrologer u simply wants a good marketting> person behind u than u learn so many yrs and work sincerely "> > sums up the present day definition of a "successful" astrologer.> > Love and regards,> > Bhaskar.> > > > > > , "astro_tellerkerala"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> >> > Dear chandu Ji and grp> >> > Thanks for raising an imp question> >> > why transit is important at all ??> >> > i think this is the reason> >> > Our birth chart is map of heaven at the time of Birth ,if u see u can> > see all planets r still and staying there for rest of the life in our> > Birth chart and we assess chart on that basis of dasa s . and basis of> > planets and ownerships etc etc> >> > But we all know that all this planets also moving> >> > so transits as a whole is also considered for seeing that effects and> > their movmnt will trigger the houses and karaka s ,some sensitiv> points> > ,even 64th amsa points ( this also can see frm various karakas too )> > ,some points like what we call brigu bindu etc etc too in this movemnt> s> >> > this shud b read along with dasa s and other methods we follows> >> > since sat and jupiter is slowest planets and their position frm moon> is> > considered as moon is karaka for mind too .This is the general method> s> > used by most of the Popular astro sites or news papers> >> > But it has to b seen frm many angles ,including ashtavarga> >> > All Know that Moon is having 2 1/4 days presense in a sign ,where as> > Lagna is shorstest unit .then there is various karaka s ,marriage> karaka> > venus ,satru Karaka mars ,karaka for cheating rahu etc etc ,so taking> > transits frm MOON only is too general but easy to publicise such> > transits tru media s .So it become a general accepted system> >> >> >> > even we hav to see how it is interacting with various karaka and> > activating which houses ,also we must not forget the desa ,kala patra> > principle too> >> > if dasa is good No bad transit can destory its significations> > sani is natural 10th L and 11th lord ,so it rules our karma and its> > results ,jup is considered as sarveshwara karaka and jeeva elemnt in> > chart> >> > it is also natural 9th L hence rules our bhagya too> >> > hence this 2 transits are important ,but all this has to b seen with> our> > birthcharts and dasa s etc> >> > i am trying to giv a simple answer here> >> > Most of the commercial astrologers utilise this transit time to make> > some money ,and the reasons r many> >> > No body will go to an astrologer and pay him good unless he trumpet> > himself ,all ppl r after TV or net astrologers who ever advise max> will> > get max clients ,so we shud also think that all this will also cost> them> > money .I hav seen some astrologers spends upto millions ( a yantra> > seller - i am calculating his advtmnts also in many forign media s )> > daily for simply advtising ,so even if they truely charge money ( let> us> > assume they r good astrologers with good grasp of subjuct ) how much> he> > can earn in a day after deducting his expenditure .what abt the days> > when he takes a leave or sick,or needs to attent some family /social> > functions etc ,do u Know what is the rent of one office room in places> > like delhi in a decent market place ?? it may b one lac RS even per> > month to hav a office in a nice place and then running expenses are> > there .> >> > so pls think abt this ,who is responsible for such a plight ??It is> our> > ppl only .They r not ready to support the good ,satwik astrologers> ,and> > this also a profession so finaly it is survival of fittest> >> > who is ready to compete and out smart others win the race ( it is new> > mantra in this kaliyuga )> >> > do u know even if we spend six months ( on some cases of mental> tensions> > after a break in Lov or a divorse case etc ) daily for some persons> > finaly they come with absues only .> >> > So we hav to think all sides and views too> >> > one TV progrmme will cost min 30 to 50 thousand rs ,all thinks the TV> is> > giving free platform ,which is not true> >> > so even if astrologer work honestly how much he can earn in a day ?> >> > also think of city astrologers who has to bear all rise in price s and> > other paraphernalia of city life ,even a school fees may b 3000 in> mega> > cities per month for a kid> >> > So along with fighting against such evils we public also shud hav an> > awareness on why it is happening so> >> > Now to become a successful astrologer u simply wants a good marketting> > person behind u than u learn so many yrs and work sincerely> >> > sorry i will write later more later> >> > rgrds sunil nair> >> >> >> >> >> > , Manoj Chandran> > chandran_manoj@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Chandu Ji,> > >> > > Saturn being the outermost planet and due to its speed (or the lack> of> > it) does have a great influence during transit. Whether this influence> > is positive or not needs interpretation and this includes a hierarchy> as> > well. Natal chart strength/weakness, Dasha, Antar and then it is> > transit, in that order. Transit cannot create what the Natal chart> does> > not promise. At the same time, Natal promise cannot fructify without> > Transit help.> > >> > > In quoting another astrologer you have put me in a tight spot> because> > now I (a learner) risks disagreeing with an experienced astrologer.> Also> > since you have not reproduced the whole analysis, it may not be fair> to> > comment on it. But from my logical mind, I cannot agree that Saturn's> > relationship with the Rashi will have no impact on the transit effect.> > Ofcourse we need to consider several other factors including the house> > ownership of Saturn and Moon. We also cannot ignore the position of> > Saturn/Moon from the Lagna as well.> > >> > > On top of all this, the degree of placement of Moon is important. If> > Moon is 1 degree Virgo or 29 degree Virgo, don't you think it will> make> > a difference? Should we then consider Sade-Sati from 45 degree on> either> > side of the Moon's degree position, instead of Rashi alone? And> ofcourse> > Nakshatras also play an important role.> > >> > > But, I can assure you that if Dasha is bad, Antar dasha is Bad and> > Sade-Sati arrives, even if Sa has good rulership and Moon has good> > rulership, still there will be serious problems. I am a live test case> > for that in the past 7.5 years.> > >> > > Regards,> > > -Manoj> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ________________________________> > > nanna_id2006 nanna_id2006@> > > > > > Monday, August 31, 2009 8:03:26 AM> > > Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5> > Yrs...But on what basis?> > >> > >> > > Dear All,> > >> > > Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it> > is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same> to> > the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of> > the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making> > gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the> name> > of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep> > on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)> > >> > > Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members> here> > in AIA and their respective views on..> > >> > > How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having> 3> > Nakshatras effects the native....?> > >> > > Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if> i> > may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these> 2.5> > yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.> > >> > > This was told by one of the very exprienced, practical and> scientific> > bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal> the> > name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..> > >> > > Quote:> > >> > > -> "It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting> > but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is> transiting> > that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be> > positive or negative! "<-> > >> > > Unquote> > >> > > What are your observations/ views?> > >> > > Kindly share......> > >> > > Regards> > >> > > Chandu2Chill> > >> >>

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Dear Shri Sunil Nair Ji, Manoj Ji,


Thank you for your useful views on Saturn's trasit.







, " astro_tellerkerala "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Dear chandu Ji and grp


> Thanks for raising an imp question


> why transit is important at all ??


> i think this is the reason


> Our birth chart is map of heaven at the time of Birth ,if u see u can

> see all planets r still and staying there for rest of the life in our

> Birth chart and we assess chart on that basis of dasa s . and basis of

> planets and ownerships etc etc


> But we all know that all this planets also moving


> so transits as a whole is also considered for seeing that effects and

> their movmnt will trigger the houses and karaka s ,some sensitiv points

> ,even 64th amsa points ( this also can see frm various karakas too )

> ,some points like what we call brigu bindu etc etc too in this movemnt s


> this shud b read along with dasa s and other methods we follows


> since sat and jupiter is slowest planets and their position frm moon is

> considered as moon is karaka for mind too .This is the general method s

> used by most of the Popular astro sites or news papers


> But it has to b seen frm many angles ,including ashtavarga


> All Know that Moon is having 2 1/4 days presense in a sign ,where as

> Lagna is shorstest unit .then there is various karaka s ,marriage karaka

> venus ,satru Karaka mars ,karaka for cheating rahu etc etc ,so taking

> transits frm MOON only is too general but easy to publicise such

> transits tru media s .So it become a general accepted system




> even we hav to see how it is interacting with various karaka and

> activating which houses ,also we must not forget the desa ,kala patra

> principle too


> if dasa is good No bad transit can destory its significations

> sani is natural 10th L and 11th lord ,so it rules our karma and its

> results ,jup is considered as sarveshwara karaka and jeeva elemnt in

> chart


> it is also natural 9th L hence rules our bhagya too


> hence this 2 transits are important ,but all this has to b seen with our

> birthcharts and dasa s etc


> i am trying to giv a simple answer here


> Most of the commercial astrologers utilise this transit time to make

> some money ,and the reasons r many


> No body will go to an astrologer and pay him good unless he trumpet

> himself ,all ppl r after TV or net astrologers who ever advise max will

> get max clients ,so we shud also think that all this will also cost them

> money .I hav seen some astrologers spends upto millions ( a yantra

> seller - i am calculating his advtmnts also in many forign media s )

> daily for simply advtising ,so even if they truely charge money ( let us

> assume they r good astrologers with good grasp of subjuct ) how much he

> can earn in a day after deducting his expenditure .what abt the days

> when he takes a leave or sick,or needs to attent some family /social

> functions etc ,do u Know what is the rent of one office room in places

> like delhi in a decent market place ?? it may b one lac RS even per

> month to hav a office in a nice place and then running expenses are

> there .


> so pls think abt this ,who is responsible for such a plight ??It is our

> ppl only .They r not ready to support the good ,satwik astrologers ,and

> this also a profession so finaly it is survival of fittest


> who is ready to compete and out smart others win the race ( it is new

> mantra in this kaliyuga )


> do u know even if we spend six months ( on some cases of mental tensions

> after a break in Lov or a divorse case etc ) daily for some persons

> finaly they come with absues only .


> So we hav to think all sides and views too


> one TV progrmme will cost min 30 to 50 thousand rs ,all thinks the TV is

> giving free platform ,which is not true


> so even if astrologer work honestly how much he can earn in a day ?


> also think of city astrologers who has to bear all rise in price s and

> other paraphernalia of city life ,even a school fees may b 3000 in mega

> cities per month for a kid


> So along with fighting against such evils we public also shud hav an

> awareness on why it is happening so


> Now to become a successful astrologer u simply wants a good marketting

> person behind u than u learn so many yrs and work sincerely


> sorry i will write later more later


> rgrds sunil nair






> , Manoj Chandran

> <chandran_manoj@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chandu Ji,

> >

> > Saturn being the outermost planet and due to its speed (or the lack of

> it) does have a great influence during transit. Whether this influence

> is positive or not needs interpretation and this includes a hierarchy as

> well. Natal chart strength/weakness, Dasha, Antar and then it is

> transit, in that order. Transit cannot create what the Natal chart does

> not promise. At the same time, Natal promise cannot fructify without

> Transit help.

> >

> > In quoting another astrologer you have put me in a tight spot because

> now I (a learner) risks disagreeing with an experienced astrologer. Also

> since you have not reproduced the whole analysis, it may not be fair to

> comment on it. But from my logical mind, I cannot agree that Saturn's

> relationship with the Rashi will have no impact on the transit effect.

> Ofcourse we need to consider several other factors including the house

> ownership of Saturn and Moon. We also cannot ignore the position of

> Saturn/Moon from the Lagna as well.

> >

> > On top of all this, the degree of placement of Moon is important. If

> Moon is 1 degree Virgo or 29 degree Virgo, don't you think it will make

> a difference? Should we then consider Sade-Sati from 45 degree on either

> side of the Moon's degree position, instead of Rashi alone? And ofcourse

> Nakshatras also play an important role.

> >

> > But, I can assure you that if Dasha is bad, Antar dasha is Bad and

> Sade-Sati arrives, even if Sa has good rulership and Moon has good

> rulership, still there will be serious problems. I am a live test case

> for that in the past 7.5 years.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > nanna_id2006 nanna_id2006@

> >

> > Monday, August 31, 2009 8:03:26 AM

> > Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5

> Yrs...But on what basis?

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B house it

> is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the same to

> the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences of

> the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc making

> gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in the name

> of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website keep

> on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)

> >

> > Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members here

> in AIA and their respective views on..

> >

> > How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house having 3

> Nakshatras effects the native....?

> >

> > Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool if i

> may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all these 2.5

> yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.

> >

> > This was told by one of the very exprienced, practical and scientific

> bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to reveal the

> name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to him..

> >

> > Quote:

> >

> > -> " It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is transiting

> but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is transiting

> that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be

> positive or negative! " <-

> >

> > Unquote

> >

> > What are your observations/ views?

> >

> > Kindly share......

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Chandu2Chill

> >


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Dear Bhaskar garu,thanks.Idont know hindi very much but still....regards,gopi. , "bhaskar_jyotish" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> > Sau Sonar ki, ek Lohar ki.> > Good one Gopiji.> > regards/Bhaskar.> > > > > > > > > , "gopi_b927"> gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear one(s) and shankar_mamta ji,> > //.charlatans are> > also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each of the others..."good"> > or "bad".//> >> > you are shankar and he is HARI and when we can see GOD in all and> > everywhere where is the problem?Since we cant see THAT, is the> > problem.We just repeat what somebody said.Just random thoughts....> >> > regards,> > gopi.> >> > , "shankar_mamta"> > shankar_mamta@ wrote:> > >> > > dear hari smarans...with hari smaran u should not let such people> > affect u so much that u should use such language. hari has so many> > forms...charlatans are also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each> > of the others..."good" or "bad".> > >> > > my daughter tells me that i am in the habit of "preaching" and> should> > generally shut up.> > >> > > but i just felt like giving some motherly advice...for whatever it> is> > worth....> > >> > > :)> > >> > >> > > , s s freemorons@> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Respected members,> > > > It is indeed true that almost 100% of the people peddling "cures"> > and> > > > conducing "shantis" are charlatans destined to hell. If anyone has> a> > problem> > > > with this statement, I request them to take it up with Dr.Krishna> > Bhagawan,> > > > who says: "*yam imam puspitam vacam pravadanty avipascitah //> > veda-vada-ratah> > > > partha nanyad astiti vadinah...(There are many people) who> recite> > the> > > > flowery words of the vedas ( & shastras) without realizing their> > meaning, who> > > > say that these mantras are for sense gratification and not for> > anything> > > > else..."*> > > >> > > > It is most disgusting to see the prevalence of these activities> > everywhere> > > > in India now. In Bangalore (I am sure elsewhere too) there is a TV> > programme> > > > aired every morning for 1 hour where the supposed "astrologer"> > speaks vulgar> > > > language and scares people into doing things (if you dont do this> > shanti you> > > > will lose your husband ) - they are playing on human emotions and> > reducing> > > > people to superstitious masses who run from pillar to post paying> > 20,000 rs> > > > for rudraksha beads and thinking smugly that they have> "controlled"> > the> > > > grahas. This is very ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.> > > >> > > > The graha-devatas are not selfish and base beings - they are> > realized souls> > > > who have been entrusted with a task. These tales of their birth> and> > life> > > > (found in the puraNas) are in guhya bhasha and are not to be taken> > literally> > > > - can you imagine beings of the stature of Shani-ishwara> > > > having enmity towards another being, let alone his own father???> If> > they> > > > have such tamasic qualities then how did they become divine> > entities? THEY> > > > ARE ENTRUSTED WITH A JOB - to dispense one's karma. The vedic> seers> > and> > > > sages gave us the jyotish vidya so that we have a roadmap of the> > future so> > > > that we are prepared to face what we have to face- and not so that> > we can do> > > > pariharas and escape what we are destined to go through...that is> > misusing> > > > the knowledge entrusted to us.> > > >> > > > As the upanishads say, these people who say such things, are> > "nihArENa> > > > pravRuttaah" (eyes covered with fog) and are nothing but> prostitutes> > of the> > > > temple.> > > >> > > > hari smaraNs!> > > >> > >> >>

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Pranams,Before the " blacksmiths and goldsmiths " comments, I should have pointed out that i was quoting from the Vedas (neehareNa praVRuttaha, jalpyaa cha asutrupAh.... etc, found both in Rik and Yajur)...these are not my words only. My mistake completely - sorry if I offended anyone. 

I strongly feel against people who exploit one's emotions - as i pointed out, I have directly observed people making profit by saying there is some harm to befall the child or husband or some other important subject....no amount of explanation will remove the doubt in the mind once poisoned by such words. Fear is a primal, inbuilt response that we cannot completely control unless we are realized souls, and such exploitation by the media and by these peddlers is the biggest insult to those who are sincere (like the genuine, honorable astrologers in this forum -  they have my sincere respect - and you are experts in your field by experience and learning).

The self same people do not even know the proper pronunciations of some shlokas, which becomes doubly dangerous - for example there is one website where the annapurNasTam is quoted as " maha bhaya kari " which translates to " She, who gives great fear " instead of the actual verse " maha bhaya hari " - " She, who removes great fear " .. the polar opposite. And this is not even the vedic riks, where we have to pay close attention to udatta,swarita, anudatta pronunciations! We all know the story of vrTra and how a VERY SMALL mispronunciation spelled disaster for this existence, even though he was a great realized soul....but that is another subject.

Hopefully, you will forgive this outburst of mine... thank you.hari smaraNs,prANadAsaOn Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:09 PM, gopi_b927 <gopi_b927 wrote:







Dear Bhaskar garu,thanks.Idont know hindi very much but still....regards,gopi. , " bhaskar_jyotish " <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

>> > Sau Sonar ki, ek Lohar ki.> > Good one Gopiji.> > regards/Bhaskar.> > > > > > >

> > , " gopi_b927 " > gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear one(s) and shankar_mamta ji,

> > //.charlatans are> > also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each of the others... " good " > > or " bad " .//> >> > you are shankar and he is HARI and when we can see GOD in all and

> > everywhere where is the problem?Since we cant see THAT, is the> > problem.We just repeat what somebody said.Just random thoughts....> >> > regards,> > gopi.> >

> > , " shankar_mamta " > > shankar_mamta@ wrote:> > >> > > dear hari smarans...with hari smaran u should not let such people

> > affect u so much that u should use such language. hari has so many> > forms...charlatans are also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each> > of the others... " good " or " bad " .

> > >> > > my daughter tells me that i am in the habit of " preaching " and> should> > generally shut up.> > >> > > but i just felt like giving some motherly advice...for whatever it

> is> > worth....> > >> > > :)> > >> > >> > > , s s freemorons@

> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Respected members,> > > > It is indeed true that almost 100% of the people peddling " cures " > > and> > > > conducing " shantis " are charlatans destined to hell. If anyone has

> a> > problem> > > > with this statement, I request them to take it up with Dr.Krishna> > Bhagawan,> > > > who says: " *yam imam puspitam vacam pravadanty avipascitah //

> > veda-vada-ratah> > > > partha nanyad astiti vadinah... " " (There are many people) who> recite> > the> > > > flowery words of the vedas ( & shastras) without realizing their

> > meaning, who> > > > say that these mantras are for sense gratification and not for> > anything> > > > else... " *> > > >> > > > It is most disgusting to see the prevalence of these activities

> > everywhere> > > > in India now. In Bangalore (I am sure elsewhere too) there is a TV> > programme> > > > aired every morning for 1 hour where the supposed " astrologer "

> > speaks vulgar> > > > language and scares people into doing things (if you dont do this> > shanti you> > > > will lose your husband ) - they are playing on human emotions and

> > reducing> > > > people to superstitious masses who run from pillar to post paying> > 20,000 rs> > > > for rudraksha beads and thinking smugly that they have> " controlled "

> > the> > > > grahas. This is very ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.> > > >> > > > The graha-devatas are not selfish and base beings - they are> > realized souls

> > > > who have been entrusted with a task. These tales of their birth> and> > life> > > > (found in the puraNas) are in guhya bhasha and are not to be taken> > literally

> > > > - can you imagine beings of the stature of Shani-ishwara> > > > having enmity towards another being, let alone his own father???> If> > they> > > > have such tamasic qualities then how did they become divine

> > entities? THEY> > > > ARE ENTRUSTED WITH A JOB - to dispense one's karma. The vedic> seers> > and> > > > sages gave us the jyotish vidya so that we have a roadmap of the

> > future so> > > > that we are prepared to face what we have to face- and not so that> > we can do> > > > pariharas and escape what we are destined to go through...that is

> > misusing> > > > the knowledge entrusted to us.> > > >> > > > As the upanishads say, these people who say such things, are> > " nihArENa> > > > pravRuttaah " (eyes covered with fog) and are nothing but

> prostitutes> > of the> > > > temple.> > > >> > > > hari smaraNs!> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Shri Sunil nairji,


I understand your predicament and so is mines.


People call us rude. But who made us rude and to the point and curt ?

These same people.


When I give free readings, they ask for more, and when I stop giving

them more, they get annoyed, feel insulted and come back at me with a

vengeance instead of gratitude.


When I give readings on a proomise to be made on a future date, they

dont send me payment. Just recently one lady from America called me and

took many readings from me about her and her husband, and promised to

send me payment next day, but conveninetly forgot to do so, after having

received her readings. Just two days after her, another member from

these Jyotish Groups from Bangok called me and chatted with me for 3

hours (I foregoed my Lunch that day) and I rectified his birth time but

he too forgot to send me the promised fees, and is happy forgetting me

after his work is done. what to do of such white collared rascals you

tell me.


So what crime I do now, if I ask for my fees in advance in order not to

befooled again and again incessantly ?


Let me tell you, that whoever brings upon pain to an astrologer who has

helped him genuinely, will never receive the fructifications of the good

Yogas which the astrologer must have cited for him, and will instead

face misery. This is the law of Nature which works very well. But these

fools do not know this.


Love and regards,







, " astro_tellerkerala "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Dear respected Bhaskar ji


> Thanks for encouraging words


> i was just pointing out that it is our society only promotes such bad

> elemnts


> all this is blessing of kaliyuga



> No one will see truth or even ready to accept the truth


> Once when i asked a person to giv some more as he spent more than


> time for a matchting after the session is over which took almost half


> day (as he was asking 1000 questions based his girls chart and the boy


> charts which was almost 10 in numbrs and i was not doing simple

> mechanical matchting ) ,suddnly he replied ,in that case i can see


> so and so ---- pubilcised astrologer and get a reading tho actualy he

> charges more than 25000/ ( a kerala astrologer ) per sitting and even

> more than 30 minits he wont giv as he has big que of clients coming


> various cities even .


> i suddnly told him ,then u must visit him and pls dont come here next

> time .


> This is my exprnce when i realy satisfied him with a good reading and

> matchting of 2 charts ( actualy he brought some 10 charts to b matched

> and No one in profession will entertain such time waisters )


> rgrds sunil nair


> , " bhaskar_jyotish "

> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Shri Sunil Nairji ji,

> >

> > You are a Master Blaster.

> >

> > I love reading all your mails and read them fully.

> >

> > Your lines -

> >

> > " Now to become a successful astrologer u simply wants a good

> marketting

> > person behind u than u learn so many yrs and work sincerely "

> >

> > sums up the present day definition of a " successful " astrologer.

> >

> > Love and regards,

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ,

" astro_tellerkerala "

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear chandu Ji and grp

> > >

> > > Thanks for raising an imp question

> > >

> > > why transit is important at all ??

> > >

> > > i think this is the reason

> > >

> > > Our birth chart is map of heaven at the time of Birth ,if u see u

> can

> > > see all planets r still and staying there for rest of the life in

> our

> > > Birth chart and we assess chart on that basis of dasa s . and


> of

> > > planets and ownerships etc etc

> > >

> > > But we all know that all this planets also moving

> > >

> > > so transits as a whole is also considered for seeing that effects

> and

> > > their movmnt will trigger the houses and karaka s ,some sensitiv

> > points

> > > ,even 64th amsa points ( this also can see frm various karakas too


> > > ,some points like what we call brigu bindu etc etc too in this

> movemnt

> > s

> > >

> > > this shud b read along with dasa s and other methods we follows

> > >

> > > since sat and jupiter is slowest planets and their position frm


> > is

> > > considered as moon is karaka for mind too .This is the general

> method

> > s

> > > used by most of the Popular astro sites or news papers

> > >

> > > But it has to b seen frm many angles ,including ashtavarga

> > >

> > > All Know that Moon is having 2 1/4 days presense in a sign ,where


> > > Lagna is shorstest unit .then there is various karaka s ,marriage

> > karaka

> > > venus ,satru Karaka mars ,karaka for cheating rahu etc etc ,so

> taking

> > > transits frm MOON only is too general but easy to publicise such

> > > transits tru media s .So it become a general accepted system

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > even we hav to see how it is interacting with various karaka and

> > > activating which houses ,also we must not forget the desa ,kala

> patra

> > > principle too

> > >

> > > if dasa is good No bad transit can destory its significations

> > > sani is natural 10th L and 11th lord ,so it rules our karma and


> > > results ,jup is considered as sarveshwara karaka and jeeva elemnt


> > > chart

> > >

> > > it is also natural 9th L hence rules our bhagya too

> > >

> > > hence this 2 transits are important ,but all this has to b seen


> > our

> > > birthcharts and dasa s etc

> > >

> > > i am trying to giv a simple answer here

> > >

> > > Most of the commercial astrologers utilise this transit time to


> > > some money ,and the reasons r many

> > >

> > > No body will go to an astrologer and pay him good unless he


> > > himself ,all ppl r after TV or net astrologers who ever advise max

> > will

> > > get max clients ,so we shud also think that all this will also


> > them

> > > money .I hav seen some astrologers spends upto millions ( a yantra

> > > seller - i am calculating his advtmnts also in many forign media s


> > > daily for simply advtising ,so even if they truely charge money (

> let

> > us

> > > assume they r good astrologers with good grasp of subjuct ) how


> > he

> > > can earn in a day after deducting his expenditure .what abt the


> > > when he takes a leave or sick,or needs to attent some family


> > > functions etc ,do u Know what is the rent of one office room in

> places

> > > like delhi in a decent market place ?? it may b one lac RS even


> > > month to hav a office in a nice place and then running expenses


> > > there .

> > >

> > > so pls think abt this ,who is responsible for such a plight ??It


> > our

> > > ppl only .They r not ready to support the good ,satwik astrologers

> > ,and

> > > this also a profession so finaly it is survival of fittest

> > >

> > > who is ready to compete and out smart others win the race ( it is

> new

> > > mantra in this kaliyuga )

> > >

> > > do u know even if we spend six months ( on some cases of mental

> > tensions

> > > after a break in Lov or a divorse case etc ) daily for some


> > > finaly they come with absues only .

> > >

> > > So we hav to think all sides and views too

> > >

> > > one TV progrmme will cost min 30 to 50 thousand rs ,all thinks the

> TV

> > is

> > > giving free platform ,which is not true

> > >

> > > so even if astrologer work honestly how much he can earn in a day


> > >

> > > also think of city astrologers who has to bear all rise in price s

> and

> > > other paraphernalia of city life ,even a school fees may b 3000 in

> > mega

> > > cities per month for a kid

> > >

> > > So along with fighting against such evils we public also shud hav


> > > awareness on why it is happening so

> > >

> > > Now to become a successful astrologer u simply wants a good

> marketting

> > > person behind u than u learn so many yrs and work sincerely

> > >

> > > sorry i will write later more later

> > >

> > > rgrds sunil nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , Manoj Chandran

> > > chandran_manoj@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Chandu Ji,

> > > >

> > > > Saturn being the outermost planet and due to its speed (or the

> lack

> > of

> > > it) does have a great influence during transit. Whether this

> influence

> > > is positive or not needs interpretation and this includes a

> hierarchy

> > as

> > > well. Natal chart strength/weakness, Dasha, Antar and then it is

> > > transit, in that order. Transit cannot create what the Natal chart

> > does

> > > not promise. At the same time, Natal promise cannot fructify


> > > Transit help.

> > > >

> > > > In quoting another astrologer you have put me in a tight spot

> > because

> > > now I (a learner) risks disagreeing with an experienced


> > Also

> > > since you have not reproduced the whole analysis, it may not be


> > to

> > > comment on it. But from my logical mind, I cannot agree that

> Saturn's

> > > relationship with the Rashi will have no impact on the transit

> effect.

> > > Ofcourse we need to consider several other factors including the

> house

> > > ownership of Saturn and Moon. We also cannot ignore the position


> > > Saturn/Moon from the Lagna as well.

> > > >

> > > > On top of all this, the degree of placement of Moon is


> If

> > > Moon is 1 degree Virgo or 29 degree Virgo, don't you think it will

> > make

> > > a difference? Should we then consider Sade-Sati from 45 degree on

> > either

> > > side of the Moon's degree position, instead of Rashi alone? And

> > ofcourse

> > > Nakshatras also play an important role.

> > > >

> > > > But, I can assure you that if Dasha is bad, Antar dasha is Bad


> > > Sade-Sati arrives, even if Sa has good rulership and Moon has good

> > > rulership, still there will be serious problems. I am a live test

> case

> > > for that in the past 7.5 years.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > -Manoj

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > nanna_id2006 nanna_id2006@

> > > >

> > > > Monday, August 31, 2009 8:03:26 AM

> > > > Saturn's Transit Results of

> 2.5

> > > Yrs...But on what basis?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > Whenever Saturn and Jupiter begins new transit be it A or B


> it

> > > is an opportunity for the Website/Web Astrologers to encash the


> > to

> > > the maximum extent by just sending mailers with generic influences

> of

> > > the said planets based on Rashi signs, Ashtama shani etc etc


> > > gullible members/public fall pray and spend so much of money in


> > name

> > > of Shanti, pooja etc... Even there's one Baba's Astrology website

> keep

> > > on sending Shanti..Homam Pooja notices every 15 Days!!!:-)

> > > >

> > > > Well, i would like to know from the esteemed and learned members

> > here

> > > in AIA and their respective views on..

> > > >

> > > > How Saturn's Transit into particular house(s) with each house

> having

> > 3

> > > Nakshatras effects the native....?

> > > >

> > > > Here i have one very useful perhaps may be a good observing tool

> if

> > i

> > > may call it. Even i observed with my own experience during all


> > 2.5

> > > yrs Transit of Saturn in Leo which is 8H from my natal Moon.

> > > >

> > > > This was told by one of the very exprienced, practical and

> > scientific

> > > bent Astrologer in an another forum long back i don't want to


> > the

> > > name at this point of time but i have my respect and regards to

> him..

> > > >

> > > > Quote:

> > > >

> > > > -> " It is not saturn's relationship with the rashi it is

> transiting

> > > but the moon's relationship to the rashi/lord which saturn is

> > transiting

> > > that will determine if the period (2.5 years at a time!) would be

> > > positive or negative! " <-

> > > >

> > > > Unquote

> > > >

> > > > What are your observations/ views?

> > > >

> > > > Kindly share......

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Chandu2Chill

> > > >

> > >

> >


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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Mamtaji[your name reminds me of a bengali dancer-cum-actress],

Well, whatever is there in the world--is *hari*, " Sarvam-khalvidam brahma " . Your

words make me recollect a story, which Shri Ramakrishna often used to tell:

" Once a man was taught by his Guru that everything in this world is a form of

Narayana--good & bad. So that " man " on his way back home, found a " drunk "

elephant. He started praying in front of that elephant, considering it to be a

form of Narayana. The elephant keeper, was shouting at that " man " & advising him

to move away as he may be hurt by the " drunk " elephant " .That " man " didn't pay

any attention to the elephant rider & prostrated before that elephant & was

seriously injured.

" Later he recovered & told his Guru about this incident in detail. His Guru

listened & said " Well, what you have done is alright, but, wasn't " Narayana "

present in the elephant rider as well, who was telling you to move out?? " .


Thank you,



, " shankar_mamta "

<shankar_mamta wrote:


> dear hari smarans...with hari smaran u should not let such people affect u so

much that u should use such language. hari has so many forms...charlatans are

also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each of the others... " good " or " bad " .


> my daughter tells me that i am in the habit of " preaching " and should

generally shut up.


> but i just felt like giving some motherly advice...for whatever it is



> :)



> , s s <freemorons@> wrote:

> >

> > Respected members,

> > It is indeed true that almost 100% of the people peddling " cures " and

> > conducing " shantis " are charlatans destined to hell. If anyone has a problem

> > with this statement, I request them to take it up with Dr.Krishna Bhagawan,

> > who says: " *yam imam puspitam vacam pravadanty avipascitah //


> > partha nanyad astiti vadinah... " " (There are many people) who recite the

> > flowery words of the vedas ( & shastras) without realizing their meaning, who

> > say that these mantras are for sense gratification and not for anything

> > else... " *

> >

> > It is most disgusting to see the prevalence of these activities everywhere

> > in India now. In Bangalore (I am sure elsewhere too) there is a TV programme

> > aired every morning for 1 hour where the supposed " astrologer " speaks vulgar

> > language and scares people into doing things (if you dont do this shanti you

> > will lose your husband ) - they are playing on human emotions and reducing

> > people to superstitious masses who run from pillar to post paying 20,000 rs

> > for rudraksha beads and thinking smugly that they have " controlled " the

> > grahas. This is very ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.

> >

> > The graha-devatas are not selfish and base beings - they are realized souls

> > who have been entrusted with a task. These tales of their birth and life

> > (found in the puraNas) are in guhya bhasha and are not to be taken literally

> > - can you imagine beings of the stature of Shani-ishwara

> > having enmity towards another being, let alone his own father??? If they

> > have such tamasic qualities then how did they become divine entities? THEY

> > ARE ENTRUSTED WITH A JOB - to dispense one's karma. The vedic seers and

> > sages gave us the jyotish vidya so that we have a roadmap of the future so

> > that we are prepared to face what we have to face- and not so that we can do

> > pariharas and escape what we are destined to go through...that is misusing

> > the knowledge entrusted to us.

> >

> > As the upanishads say, these people who say such things, are " nihArENa

> > pravRuttaah " (eyes covered with fog) and are nothing but prostitutes of the

> > temple.

> >

> > hari smaraNs!

> >


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My dear Manoj ji,

I second your opinion. Amen. But no harm is trying what our sages have adviced us to do.

Even if we progress a bit, it would be a great achievement for " unrealised" souls like us.

Love,Anita--- On Wed, 2/9/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojRe: Re: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis? Date: Wednesday, 2 September, 2009, 1:26 PM




Dear Anita Ji,


There is Divinity in dead people also. Which is why we pay respects to our departed elders and have a very elaborate ritual after some one is dead.


But really the most difficult things in Life are treating every one equally, treating all situations good and bad equally and controlling/ eliminating desires (or atleast replacing them with higher desires). However these cannot be just achieved with will power or self control alone. One needs true Self Realization for this. Once we have tasted the "Higher Nectar" then the need for the "Lower Nectars" will fall away, naturally. If we try to do it unnaturally, it leads to suppression and has negative side effects.


Ofcourse just my "Un-realized" thoughts ...








Anita R <ash.rsh55 >ancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, September 1, 2009 9:14:39 PMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?






Dear Bhaskar ji,

Once when I was in a deep blue mood, I was talking to a swami of the Ramakrishna order and he said, that I should try to see DIVINITY in every human being. But at that moment in my life, my mood was so BLUE, I remember telling him that the only sign of DIVINITY I see in some persons is the fact that they are ALIVE.


Anita--- On Tue, 1/9/09, bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote:

bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Saturn's Transit Results of 2.5 Yrs...But on what basis?ancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, 1 September, 2009, 7:19 PM

Dear Pranadasaji,I agree with your previous mail and this one too. And so do I agree withthe member who replied You.Its not easy to see God in "Daridranarayan" which is actually anotherword for beggars which those who see God in everyone call. Neither is iteasy to see God in a rapist. I personally would not be interested in anyspiritual explanation wanting me to look for God in a rapist.With reference to astrologers who fool people, for me there is only onepunishment, put them in a big Kadhai of Boiling Oil (Ghee must not bewasted on such creeps). These rascals first put fear on these alreadysuffering people, and then charge hefty sums of money from them forremedial measures in form of Yantras, Tantras, Poojas etc.There is no doubt that they will go to the darkest hells after they die.Also there is no doubt of their remaining in these hells for next1000-1500 years with no

streaks of light in these hells , and no sourceof another birth for them, for such time.I am also aware of rascals who have never personally read the Mantraswhich they are advising to gullible members. these so called frauds mustalso be put in front of the vultures so that they die a horrible andslow death.Sorry for being cruel but such spiritual white collared dupesters makeme sick.regards/Bhaskar.ancient_indian_ astrology, s s <freemorons@ ...>wrote:>> Pranams,>> Before the "blacksmiths and goldsmiths" comments, I should havepointed out> that i was quoting from the Vedas (neehareNa praVRuttaha, jalpyaa cha> asutrupAh... . etc, found both in Rik and Yajur)...these are not mywords>

only. My mistake completely - sorry if I offended anyone.>> I strongly feel against people who exploit one's emotions - as ipointed> out, I have directly observed people making profit by saying there issome> harm to befall the child or husband or some other importantsubject....no> amount of explanation will remove the doubt in the mind once poisonedby> such words. Fear is a primal, inbuilt response that we cannotcompletely> control unless we are realized souls, and such exploitation by themedia and> by these peddlers is the biggest insult to those who are sincere (likethe> genuine, honorable astrologers in this forum - they have my sincererespect> - and you are experts in your field by experience and learning).>> The self same people do not even know the proper pronunciations ofsome> shlokas, which becomes doubly dangerous - for

example there is onewebsite> where the annapurNasTam is quoted as "maha bhaya kari" whichtranslates to> "She, who gives great fear" instead of the actual verse "maha bhayahari"> -"She, who removes great fear" .. the polar opposite. And this is noteven> the vedic riks, where we have to pay close attention toudatta,swarita,> anudatta pronunciations! We all know the story of vrTra and how a VERYSMALL> mispronunciation spelled disaster for this existence, even though hewas a> great realized soul....but that is another subject.>> Hopefully, you will forgive this outburst of mine... thank you.>> hari smaraNs,> prANadAsa>>>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:09 PM, gopi_b927 gopi_b927@.. . wrote:>> >> >> > *Dear Bhaskar garu,> > thanks.Idont know hindi very much but still....>

> regards,> > gopi.> > *> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "bhaskar_jyotish"> > bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > Sau Sonar ki, ek Lohar ki.> > >> > > Good one Gopiji.> > >> > > regards/Bhaskar.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopi_b927"> > > gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear one(s) and shankar_mamta ji,> >

> > //.charlatans are> > > > also hari. Let us recognise a bit of us in each of theothers..."good"> > > > or "bad".//> > > >> > > > you are shankar and he is HARI and when we can see GOD in alland> > > > everywhere where is the problem?Since we cant see THAT, is the> > > > problem.We just repeat what somebody said.Just randomthoughts....> > > >> > > > regards,> > > > gopi.> > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "shankar_mamta"> > > > shankar_mamta@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > dear hari smarans...with hari smaran u should not let suchpeople> >

> > affect u so much that u should use such language. hari has somany> > > > forms...charlatans are also hari. Let us recognise a bit of usin each> > > > of the others..."good" or "bad".> > > > >> > > > > my daughter tells me that i am in the habit of "preaching" and> > > should> > > > generally shut up.> > > > >> > > > > but i just felt like giving some motherly advice...forwhatever it> > > is> > > > worth....> > > > >> > > > > :)> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, s sfreemorons@> > > >

wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Respected members,> > > > > > It is indeed true that almost 100% of the people peddling"cures"> > > > and> > > > > > conducing "shantis" are charlatans destined to hell. Ifanyone has> > > a> > > > problem> > > > > > with this statement, I request them to take it up withDr.Krishna> > > > Bhagawan,> > > > > > who says: "*yam imam puspitam vacam pravadanty avipascitah//> > > > veda-vada-ratah> > > > > > partha nanyad astiti vadinah...(There are many people)who> > > recite> > > > the> > > > > > flowery words of the vedas ( & shastras) without realizingtheir> > > > meaning, who> > > > >

> say that these mantras are for sense gratification and notfor> > > > anything> > > > > > else..."*> > > > > >> > > > > > It is most disgusting to see the prevalence of theseactivities> > > > everywhere> > > > > > in India now. In Bangalore (I am sure elsewhere too) thereis a TV> > > > programme> > > > > > aired every morning for 1 hour where the supposed"astrologer"> > > > speaks vulgar> > > > > > language and scares people into doing things (if you dont dothis> > > > shanti you> > > > > > will lose your husband ) - they are playing on humanemotions and> > > > reducing> > > > > > people to superstitious masses who run from pillar to postpaying>

> > > 20,000 rs> > > > > > for rudraksha beads and thinking smugly that they have> > > "controlled"> > > > the> > > > > > grahas. This is very ridiculous and pathetic at the sametime.> > > > > >> > > > > > The graha-devatas are not selfish and base beings - they are> > > > realized souls> > > > > > who have been entrusted with a task. These tales of theirbirth> > > and> > > > life> > > > > > (found in the puraNas) are in guhya bhasha and are not to betaken> > > > literally> > > > > > - can you imagine beings of the stature of Shani-ishwara> > > > > > having enmity towards another being, let alone his ownfather???> > > If> > > >

they> > > > > > have such tamasic qualities then how did they become divine> > > > entities? THEY> > > > > > ARE ENTRUSTED WITH A JOB - to dispense one's karma. Thevedic> > > seers> > > > and> > > > > > sages gave us the jyotish vidya so that we have a roadmap ofthe> > > > future so> > > > > > that we are prepared to face what we have to face- and notso that> > > > we can do> > > > > > pariharas and escape what we are destined to gothrough...that is> > > > misusing> > > > > > the knowledge entrusted to us.> > > > > >> > > > > > As the upanishads say, these people who say such things, are> > > > "nihArENa> > > > > > pravRuttaah" (eyes

covered with fog) and are nothing but> > > prostitutes> > > > of the> > > > > > temple.> > > > > >> > > > > > hari smaraNs!> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >> >> >>


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