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Fwd: Krishna was born in 3112 BC, etc. by Natabara

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Dear Shri Sunil Bhattacharya ji and Shri Sunil Nair ji,


// Better let them find any date with their wild imagination and let us be immune to them. I tried to tell them for quite sometime and now I am sure nobody would withdraw the figures they had arrived once announced. Such is their honesty (or dishonesty?). So we are left with about a dozen dates. Do you think any sane person should waste time on these figures? //


This is most well said. Good that this is realised. Better late than never.


best wishes,



, Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nairji,>  > Thank you for sending this mail to the group. Some people do not have any regard for the truth. It is established historically from the unbroken Saptarshi Calendar Tradition that Lord Krishna passed away in February, 3102 BCE and the war took place 36 years and three months before Lord Krishna passed away. This clearly shows that the war must have taken place in late 3139 BCE and this satisfies the astronomical data given in the Mahabharata too. Still  these pseudo-scholars are out to distort history. This is just to draw your attention. Better let them find any date with their wild imagination and let us be immune to them. I tried to tell them for quite sometime and now I am sure nobody would withdraw the figures they had arrived once announced. Such is their honesty (or dishonesty?). So we are left with about a dozen dates. Do you think any sane person should waste time on these figures? What is the use of their good softwares if they feed> wrong data to the software?>  > Regards,>  > Sunil K. Bhattacharjya> > --- On Sat, 9/5/09, astro_tellerkerala astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > astro_tellerkerala astro_tellerkerala Fwd: Krishna was born in 3112 BC, etc. by Natabara> > Saturday, September 5, 2009, 9:11 PM> > >  > > > > > sacred-objects, Richard Shaw Brown rsbj66@ wrote:> > Hi all, I would like to comment about this article below.> > According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Great Kuruksetra War is not even mentioned, perhaps because it is still considered a myth as many other facts and truths that someone has decided to put on a side and build up the structure of our official history. But in the past 40 years or so since the Precession has been in the Virgo navamsa, many facts have come out to fortify our real history.> > << The Great War between the Pandavas and the Kauravas took place in 3067 BC, the Pune-born Pandit, who did his MBBS from BJ Medical College there, says in his first documentary, Krishna: History or Myth?.> > Pandit's calculations say Krishna was born in 3112 BC, so must have been 54-55 years old at the time of the battle of Kurukshetra.> Pandit is also a distinguished astrologer, having written several books on the subject, and claims to have predicted that Sonia Gandhi would reject prime ministership, the exact time at which Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati would be released on bail and also the Kargil war.>>> > Some writers try to emphasis their stories by showing impressive facts like in this case suggesting that by giving accurate predictions or having a degree in something or an impressive profession will affect the reader enough to accept what he reads as a fact. In this case, let us consult Ayarbattha the great Indian scientist that in his time had access to enough documents that helped him to calculate the entry of Kali Yuga as 18 February 3,102 BC of the Julian calendar. Ayarbattha knew from the Srimad Bhagavatam that Kali Yuga could not have started until Krishna was no present on Earth, and that Krishna was 125 years old when he departed. This means that Krishna was born in 3,227 BC.> > So in this case we respect Ayarbattha as a greatest authority.> > << We are always taught that Krishna is a part of Hindu myth and mythology.>>> > Who says so? When I was a child 50 years ago in my country Mexico I was told so, and even encyclopedias say so. But the conqueror always writes his version. For many years for example we have been following the version written by the Romans that the Celtic people were primitive, but new discoveries start to dismiss this Roman propaganda. In Germany the wooden ruins of a Celtic road has been discovered, and there is evidence that the Celts had many mines of gold with which they used to trade wine (lots) with the Romans. Now, it looks like the Romans conquered the Celts, killed a million of them and made another million slaves. They had to cover this up with propaganda against them showing that politics have not changed much since then.> > And if Krishna is not a myth, what is the meaning? That some one has been covering this up? For what reason and what is the implication?> > << He had done the dating of the Mahabharata war using astronomy.>>> > Well, I am also an astrologer and understand astronomy. There is another research done with astronomy and I am more inclined to believe that the Kuruksetra War started on 10 August 3129 BC. Below there is a link for you to consult and think.> > http://www.boloji. com/astro/ 00325a.htm> > > << I think that a mixture of the post-colonial need to conform to western ideas of Indian civilization and an inability to stand up firmly to bizarre western ideas are to blame.>>> > You are absolute right on this one, although we could go beyond it, and you could well dig into the glorious past of India, when it was the center of the planet. The king of Hastinapura automatically was accepted as the emperor of the whole Earth in those days of Dwapara Yuga. When king Yudisthira was enthroned he had to probe that he was the emperor. And he did it so. Because of the effects of Kali Yuga, India was conquered many times and its glories were almost erased forever. The latest propaganda of a linear, materialist culture, had to adjust everything to the idea that around 5,000 years ago primitive men living in caves decided “suddenlyâ€, spontaneously and at the same time, to live in cities, signs of a human culture. But they failed to explain how this “new†phase happened at the same time in at least sis places on Earth; China, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Caral (Peru), and Mesoamerica.> > Astrologers in Dwapara Yuga were aware that Kali Yuga was going to start, and told royalty about it to take the proper measures. In fact, the Kuruksetra war speeded up the advent of Kali Yuga when kings and their armies from all over the planet gathered together and were killed. Without heads the whole planet when down into darkness, and what history describes now as nomad people, were in effect people on the run without heads to protect them. It took several hundreds of years for nomad people to start to gather in more stable cultures.> > If you do a research about this you will find the whole picture. The Bhagavad Gita starts, “dharma ksetre kusuksetreâ€, which can be understood as a description of what was taken place at Kuruksetra, that field of dharma, the eternal religion, essence of all religions.> > << the Battle of Kurukshetra, where 4 million people are said to have died in 14 days.>>> > According to the books that one reads one gets informed but what is the truth? There is a tradition that says that the Kuruksetra war lasted for 18 days. And that 6.4 million soldiers died.> > << The Mahabharata war did not start on an Amavasya. That is straight forward.>>> > > Krishna tells Karna "Saptama chappi divasat Amavasya Bhivasyati" and says that Karna should tell Drona and Bhisma to do the ayudha (weapons) pooja on that date. But not start fighting the war on that date.>>> > Gods tells people to do something and many times he is disregarded. In fact, the Kurus were fighting against Krishna and it is likely therefore that they would not listen to him. Furthermore, the Kurus had an astrologer who told them to start the war on amavasya day, that means the New Moon. I have read in The Astrological Magazine a long time ago that Krishna knew about this prescription and how he tricked the Kurus to start the war on a bad day, the 14th day of the Moon, or the previous Moon day to the New Moon. Krishna told the Pandavas to follow him to the river to perform the oblation to the pitris, the forefathers, and the Pandavas were puzzled because that oblation is done only during amavasya days, but nevertheless they followed. On the other side of the camp the Kurus were observing and thought, “Our astrologer told us to start the war on amavasya day and the Pandavas are doing the oblation to the Pitris. Who is right in the calculations> of the days of the Moon, our astrologer or Krishna who is the Supreme astrologer? So, they thought that they were missing the opportunity to start the war and they took their arms on that day, the worst tithi to start anything new, and so they lost the war. And thus with this victory, the eldest brother of the Pandavas became king Yudisthira and sat on the throne of Hastinapur now New Delhi. > > << From Dwarka to Kurukshetra is more than 1,000 km. How do you think Krishna travelled to help the Pandavas?> > > As a scientist, I believe that they travelled on horses which would enable them to reach pretty quickly. If you consider 1,000 km, that should take him 7 days if he had a string of horses. Of course if you take faith into account, then it could happen in a twinkling of an eye.>>> > As a scientist of Kali Yuga were there are many fact missing one can be misled to think that faith does tricks. In Vedic times they knew so many things that so called modern science do not even imagine. In fact, science and faith are one, but when the eyes see a duality it is when misconception arise. 1,000 km can be measured as a long distance for horses to cover, but there is a super science that allows one to travel across dimensions instead of a simple plane.> > Best wishes> > Natabara Das> > 4-9-09> > > Richard Shaw Brown, PG> Musician, Designer, Gemologist & Author> www.richardshawbrow n.com>

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