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The 18 family non-vedic and 8 family vedic traditions of astrology

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The 18 family non-vedic and 8 family

vedic traditions of astrology

- Written By

Sreenadh OG

As all of you may know the name

of Jaimini as a Jyotisastra pravartaka (propagators of ancient indian

astrological wisdom) is not available in any of the popular lists of

Jyotisastra pravartakas. Many used to wonder why the name of Jaimini is not

mentioned in any of those lists, if Jaimini is an ancient sage who wrote books

on astrology. This write-up is an effort to answer this question.

It is wrong to say that the name of Jaimini is

not mentioned in any of the lists; but it would be rather correct to state

that, Jaimini's name is not mentioned in any of the lists that refer to the 18

families of `propagators of astrology'. Jaimini is not part of the non-vedic 18

family tradition of astrology, but of the vedic 8 family tradition of

astrology. But when I say so, I am supposed to provide some references as well,

regarding the 8 family tradition and also about the families included on that

list. Here it goes -

Chamatkara Chintamani is a texts

that builds up and provides the results for planets in all the 12 houses based

on the ancient 18 family tradition of astrology. But while speaking about the

propagators of astrology Chamatkara Chintamani states – "Vadantashta

deemantamanye muneendraH" (Sloka 63.) [it is told that there are 8 other sages

as well (popular as propagators of astrology)]. This statement kindles our

curiosity. From the wording "other sages" it is evident that the author of

Chamatkara Chintamani does not consider himself as a follower of this 8 sages

(or 8 family) tradition. But the question is who are these 8 ancient sages, the

kula acharyas of 8 families who contributed to astrology? The following quote

answers our curiosity –


choudulomeeti samjitaH

Karshnalini tathacharyaH

kasakrintana eva cha

Jaimini Badari Badarayanascha


Ete chashtau samakhyata jyotiH

sastra vidhayakaH

[Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi,

Karshnalini (Karsnajini), Kasakrintana (Kasakrtsna), Jaimini, Badari,

Badarayana (Parasari) - these 8 sages are known as teachers provides us with

the rules regarding astrology (they too are the propagators of astrology)]

This is interesting! These 8

names are not popular in current astrology, and possibly this is the only list available that mentions the names of

Jaimini as an ancient propagator of astrology. The system propagated by

the Badarayana mentioned above is the one popular with the name Parasari now a

days and is the base of BPHS. Among those mentioned above Parasari and Jaimini

systems are popular today, but we have

no news about the astrological contribution of

Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi, Karshnalini (Karsnajini), Kasakrintana

(Kasakrtsna) and Badari – mentioned in the above list. It is interesting to

note that this 8 family teacher list is primarily available in Brahma Sutras

written by Badrayana. They are all Vedic ritual teachers and reformists. Is it

possible that the above quote and list is a made up one where after taking the

list of 8 vedic scholars mentioned Brahma Sutra someone added the word "jyotiH

sastra vidhayakaH" into it? Till we know more about the authenticity of the

above quote – this doubt too should be kept alive. (I got the above sloka from

a Malayalam commentary to Phaladeepika as quoted by Brahmasri Cheruvalli Narayanan Nambootiri, and he does not give

any reference regarding where this quote is taken from). But as of now, let us

assume that the above quote is authentic and that it points to an ancient

astrological tradition – an alternate school of thought.

None of the popular ancient

astrological classics mentions their names or refers to their astrological

contribution! Why? The answer to this question possibly lies in the fact that –

most of the astrological classics available today is a continuation of one or

other of 18 family tradition and not of the not known 8 family tradition. Let

us have a brief understanding about both these traditions.


18 family agama (non-vedic) tradition

The ancient

indian astrology mainly depends on the teachings of 18 families possibly of

non-vedic or early vedic stream. Skanda, Vasishta, Kausika, Surya, Sounaka,

Manu, Chayavana, Yavana, Brigu, Garga are all among these 18 ancient masters of

astrology. Not only the available ancient texts and quotes of these 18 acharyas

and their followers, but also even the medieval scholars like Mihira (Brihat

Jataka – 6th century), Gunakara (Hora Makaranda – 6th

century), Balabhadra (Hora Ratna), Acharya Narasimha (Hora Sara – 16th

century), Kalyana Varma (Saravali – 10th century), Bhattolpala

(commentry of Brihat Jataka – 9th century), Talakkulattu Govinda

Bhattatiri (Dasadhyayi commentary of Brihat Jataka – 15th century),

Kaikulangara (Hridyapatha commentary of Brihat Jataka – 19th

century), Ballala Sena (Adbhuta Samhita – 12th century) are all

texts that belong to this tradition initiated by this ancient 18 families; the

ancient. But please note that the Jaimini sutra text available today, the Tajik

jyotisha texts, the lal kitab texts, the Ramala Jyotish texts and the current

BPHS with too much Jaimini methods interpolation DOES NOT belong to this

tradition (but of course many of ancient methods and info – that is not part of

Jaimini system – present in current BPHS does belong to this tradition).


8 family

nigama (vedic) tradition

But then we find

a possibly later day stream of the teachings of 8 families possibly of vedic or

later vedic stream. Among them only the astrological teachings of Jaimini and

Badarayana (Parasari) are popular as of now – possibly the version of

astrological teaching introduced by some vedic reformists of the 8 family

order. Let us see who they are - Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi,

Karsnajini, Kasakrtsna, Jaimini, Badari, Parasari

(Badarayana). Karmandi-bhiksu and Alekhana etc are other personalities

mentioned along with them. They were all reformists and ritual teachers but of

non-conventional vedic order. The absence of early commentaries for the texts

written by the above masters indicate that these texts might be of much later

origin possibly between 10th to 17th century – texts

written by some notable individuals from the above family order. Let us

remember that the first commentary that refers to Jaimini Sutram named Phala

Ratnamala by Krishna Mishra (1050-1070) and Kalpalatha by his son Somanath

Mishra appeared only in 11th century AD. From texts like Jaimin

Sutra, Badarayana sutras etc we may assume that the texts by the above 8

generally written in a sutra style and are devoid of any reference to their

place, period of creation etc – depicting a confusing and made-up nature in

general. Their woks can be better treated as efforts of later day Vedic

ritualists to adopt and improve upon the non-vedic astrological foundation in a

vedic way. Since there is no evidence that the scholars of the above 8 families

who lived during the ancient vedic period talked much on astrology anywhere (in

Brahmanas, Aranyakas, discussions on Brahma sutra, Meemamsa texts etc) it is

doubtful that the astrological literature ascribed to these families belongs to

the vedic past. Most possibly (as indicated by the absence of commentaries to

their astrological texts, or references to them or their astrological texts in

ancient astrological classics) it can concluded that the astrological texts

ascribed to these families must have been created by later day scholars of

these families in their effort to create the vedic (nigama) version of the

non-vedic (agama) branch of knowledge astrology; an effort by the 8 vedic

families to counter or extend the foundation provided by the ancient 18 family

tradition. Possibly the astrological texts ascribed to this 8 ancient vedic

families do not belong to the ancient vedic past but originated only after or

around 10th century AD – it seems.

Till more

evidence surfaces in favor or against the ancient 8 family origin and

association of astrological Jaimini, Badarayana etc, it can only be assumed

that, may be it was all part of an effort by the 10th century vedic

brahmins to accept and assimilate this ancient agama branch of knowledge into

their knowledge base, after seeming the revival that happened to astrology

after Meenaraja and Sphujidwaja (3rd Century Tantirc Yamala

followers?), Vararuchi (4th century north indian scholar who got

settled in Kerala), Mihira (6th century indian settled Iranian of

Avanti who learned astrology from Srilanka?), Aryabhata (5th century

Kerala Jain scholar) etc who adopted and developed this ancient Aganama branch

of knowledge that was adored by Agama Tantric tradition of Skanda hora, Brihat

Prajapatya, Brahma Yamala, Adi yamala etc. But instead of integrating and adopting

the then existing astrology with the Vedic astrology as mentioned in Atharva

parisishta, Atharva Vedanga Jyotisha the 8 family tradition seems to have taken

the path of extending and introducing new innovative methods of interpretation

such as Chara karakas, Rasi drishti, Argala, Numerous dasas and so on – just as

done by the innovators behind the Prashna branch of astrology happening nearly

the same time in Kerala started by Vararuchi of 4th century AD that

extended upto the creation of texts such as Prshna Marga in 16th

century AD. The South Indian Prashna stream and this 8 family stream seems to

have much in common especially considering the fact that both of them mostly

use and depend upon secondary methodologies derived based upon the foundation

system provided by the 18 family traditions.



Those who are

interested in this information bit can build upon this pointer and strengthen

their foundation – I hope that the followers of 8 family traditions (such as

Jaimini and Parasari systems) will utilize this information and build upon it






Badari = The

Badarian culture provides the earliest direct evidence of agriculture in Upper

Egypt during the Predynastic Era. It flourished between 4500 to

3800 BCE, and might have already existed as far back as 5000 BCE.

Is it possible

that the words like "Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi, Karsnajini, Kasakrtsna,

Jaimini, Badari, Parasari (Badarayana)" etc points to non-indian, or outside

indian origin of these vedic words and people? - 0 -

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Dear All, Not anything important - just thinking of some possible connections. Also just re-posting a message for which no reply came or no discussion happened. Audumbaras: The Audumbras, or Audumbaras were a north Indian tribal nation east of the Punjab, in the Western Himalaya region. They were the most important tribe of the Himachal, and lived in the lower hills between Sirmaur and Yamuna. (URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audumbaras )Love and regards,Sreenadh , "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi, Karshnalini (Karsnajini), Kasakrintana> (Kasakrtsna), Jaimini, Badari, Badarayana (Parasari)> Tailpiece 1:> > Badari = The Badarian culture provides the earliest direct evidence of> agriculture in Upper Egypt during the Predynastic Era. It flourished> between 4500 to 3800 BCE, and might have already existed as far back as> 5000 BCE.> > Is it possible that the words like "Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi,> Karsnajini, Kasakrtsna, Jaimini, Badari, Parasari (Badarayana)" etc> points to non-indian, or outside indian origin of these vedic words and> people?> > - 0> ->

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