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Prospects of progeny.

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Dear Yogeshji,Namaskar !I just thought to try this chart. If some fails in KP or any branch of astrology, does not mean that particular astrology is wrong.I have seen many amazing prediction of KP system from the new aspirant astrologer who are just started reading the subject.///Would you like to try ? > Here is a birth Chart...> DOB : 08-04-1958> POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'> TOB : 12:05 PM> What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and daughters ?///It would have been very helpful if you would have mentioned the Gender of the person. At progeny matter gender is required.Now in this chart : Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ / || \ / \ Gk / || \ / \ / || \ / GL \ / || \ / \ / || x As x || / \ / \ || / \ Md / \ || / \ / \ || / Ra \ 4 / Ke \ || / \ / \ || JuR x MeR || \ / \ / || \ HL / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Mo x Ma x AL Su || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / SaR \ / Ve \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Navamsa D-9+--------------+| \ / \ Ke Gk / || \ / \ MeR / || \ / \ / || \ / Ma \ / || \ / \ / ||Md x As x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 4 / AL \ || / \ / \ || x SaR || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||JuR HL x Mo x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Ve \ / Su \ || / Ra GL \ / \ |+--------------+ Saptamsa D-7+--------------+| \ / \ SaR Gk / || \ Su / \ Ma / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / AL ||Ve Md x As x Ra JuR || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 10 / \ || / \ / \ || x HL || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||GL \ / \ / ||MeR Ke x x Mo || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ |+--------------+ Some observations:1) 5L mars is exalted, but debilitated in D9 and its depositer saturn is also debilitated in D9.2) 5H is in papkartari yoga & with debilitated moon in it. 3) From jupiter,5L is saturn is debilitated in D9, Venus in 5H is afflicted by nodes in D9.4) Jupiter is retro and afflicted by nodes is repeated in D7 in 5-11 axis.5) From Moon, 5L is again jupiter and sun in 5H.6)In saptamsha, LL saturn is in 12H with mars, both debilitated in D9.Many more negative factors are seen.I donot see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness is also denied.This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7. Seven planet in seven rasis, this is really a unique quality of this chart which is in 4-10 axis.Person is intelligent, skilled in arts and music, famous. As per Parashara it comes under 'Kuta yoga' which mean person is liar (hypocrite), Jailer, lives in deserted place, etc.If other factors would have been favored he would have endowed with good spouse and children.Other's opinion on this chart is also welcome.Thankyou,Regards,Vijay GoelJaipur. , Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi wrote:>> Dear Wiswas,> You are certainly not aware of recent happenings in K.P.,let that be...> The TOB I have arrived at is differing...you say...but from what or which ?> Are you aware that most K.P. Astrologers are following the New K.P. Ayanamsa...which I follow...> It is elementary knowledge that the EXACT TOB is at the Time of the First cry(first breath of the newborn)...that is when a human being begins to live in this world...> Traditional astrologers/nurses/doctors et al... follow different rules,in different parts of India... for recording the Time of Birth... K.P. is more scientific in this regard...> K.P. Readers have always mentioned that the forecasts based on a Horary Chart will always be more accurate than the Birth Chart...the comparison is between the 'scientific' Weather forecasts for rain,which are usually inaccurate because they are made when the approaching cloud formations are more than 100 miles away from the coast...at the time of prediction...no wonder Mr.Subramaniam kept silent, instead of retorting do you not know the basics of K.P. ? Politeness and good etiquette is interpreted as agreement ! > Your angst against K.P. is well-known and so are your many failures in prognostication...> The accuracy of K.P. is very well-known...for your snide remarks to make K.P. less famous...!> I am also aware of your opposition to my being admitted to your ancient astrology group...> I compliment you for being truly ancient in your outlook...the bane of our Countrymen is that they love to wallow in brilliance of our brilliant ancient forefathers and great astrologers...and prefer to remain STATIC with a closed mind,only quick to indulge in petty fault-finding exercises...and you must remember I can also expose your "expertise" by confronting you with such exercises...and your certain failures can be highlighted to the High Heavens... > Would you like to try ? > Here is a birth Chart...> DOB : 08-04-1958> POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'> TOB : 12:05 PM> What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and daughters ?> Do reply,> Yogesh Lajmi.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > ________________________________> Viswas astrologervishy_nair Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:00:34 PM> Branch of education> > > Respected Shri Lajmi ji> > Extremely thankful for your kind preparation of the chart. > > But one gets the feeling that the time of birth mentioned by you is differing. > > As we change ayanamsa, it is found in some cases we need to change the time of birth also slightly.> > In this case, hospital records clearly says time of birth is 13-38 pm on 26 May 1990 at Kottayam, Kerala.. > > I had been shown in Hyderabad, a birth chart corrected by Late Mr Anant Raichur and yourself separately. But in both cases Asc Cuspal sub lord differed.> > The native was asking me which one is correct and what is the authenticity and sanctity of birth time rectifications.> > Other questions asked by KP Astrologers are that how accurate one could predict KP methods in natal charts. > > Recently, one famous astrologer from Bangalore met me in Hyderabad, who writes in KP year books. Once he had gone to Chennai and when met, told Mr. K Subramanyam, son of Late Prof KS Krishnamurti, that KP fails in natal charts and Mr. Subramanyam, it appears, kept mum.> > Your esteemed views could be ideal and guiding factor for me to strictly and categorically tell them that KP really works in natal chart too.> > In the case discussed, the native, as I said, is studying B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics) course --2nd year--in JNTU, Hyderabad, a premier Govt. Engg College in A.P.> > Your valuable analysis on the branch befell on the native, shall augment my studious thoughts to learn the intricacies of KP Astrology.> > Thanks a lot and awaiting your valueable reply > > With warm regards> MK Viswanath> > > > > > ________________________________> Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi Viswas astrologervishy_nair Tuesday, 15 September, 2009 11:33:14 AM> Fw: astrologers please> > > Dear Viswas,> I have corrected the TOB to the EXACT Time of Birth.....> Am also sending you the Birth Chart,drawn strictly as per K.P., using New K.P. Ayanamsa...and answers to your queries...> Kindly acknowledge receipt and I am looking forward to your valuable comments/critique too...> With best wishes,> Yogesh Lajmi.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > ----- Forwarded Message ----> Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi > Monday, September 14, 2009 9:34:40 PM> Re: astrologers please> > > Dear Vishwas,> Firstly one will have to correct the Time of Birth(TOB),to the Exact TOB,and then erect the correct K.P. Chart and then analyse the IVth & IXth cusps for education and the Xth cusp for his profession...> Presently I am very busy with a heavy workload...I shall try and reply tomorrow...> With best wishes,> Yogesh Lajmi.> > > > > > > ________________________________> Viswas astrologervishy_nair > Monday, September 14, 2009 10:33:13 AM> Re: astrologers please> > > Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar> > Here is the birth details of a student, who is studying B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics) -- 2nd year, -- born on 26th May 1990 at 13-38 pm Kottayam, Kerala.> > Kindly consider to elicit in one list how he got Electrical and Electronics branch.> > Thanks and regards> MK Viswanath> > > > > > ________________________________> Mohankumar mkmohan520 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>> @gro ups.com> Friday, 11 September, 2009 9:35:38 AM> RE: astrologers please> > > Hi Anuj> > In KP System , Ninth house Sublord signify 10th house in once horoscope then they will study Profession education.The star lord of 9th house should be signify 10th house.> The following are some details of Profession> 9th cusp sublord if it is connected with > 1) Mercury/Venus = Engineering> 2) Sun/Mars = Medicene> 3) Jupitor = Law> 4) Jupitor/Mercury = Charted Account> 5) Saturn/Mercury = Astrologer> > And Also there are some more divisions as below> 1) Engineering = Mercury/Venus connected with Jupitor= New Tech> 2) ------------ --------- ------do- --------- --------- -- with Mars = Mechanical> 3) ------------ --------- -----do-- --------- --------- --- with Saturn= Civil/Leather> 4) ------------ --------- -----do-- --------- --------- ---with Sun = Mech., Instrumentation> 5) ------------ --------- ----do--- --------- --------- ----with Moon/Mercury= IT> 6) ------------ --------- --do----- --------- --------- -----with Rahu/Mercury= Electrical> 7) ------------ --------- -do------ --------- --------- ---with Rahu= Electrical & Eletronics> > 1) Medicene = Sun/mars connected with Mercury = Nurves system> 2) ------------ --------- --------- --do----- ---with Sun = Heart> 3) ------------ --------- --------- -do------ --with moon = Eye/Lungs> 4) ------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Sun- Dental/Skin> 5) ------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Venus= Kidney> 6) ------------ --------- ------do- --------- -with Mars= Surgery> 7) ------------ --------- --do----- --------- with Jupitor= Digestion/child care> > 1) Law= Jupitor connected with Jupitor/Mars= Criminal> 2) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Venus = family case> 3) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Mercury/ Moon= Notary> 4) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Sun= = Govt.,> > Please we can elaborate some more to do in Practical research> > > Mohankumar.A. B> KP Astrologer> 91-9500380080 > > @gro ups.com [k_p_ system@grou ps.com] On Behalf Of Sagar S> Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:57 PM> @gro ups.com> Re: astrologers please> > > Hi Anuj> If u r following KP , plz go through Proffession By K.subramaniam S/O Late KSK.> 2nd, 6th and 10th house, will be the strong significator of proffession.> Xth cusp lord, 2nd cusp sup sub lord, 6th cusp sub lord will play very key role on proffession.> Planet signifies 5th and 9th gives changes in proffession.> Loss of Job or job in abroad will signifie by 12th house .> Dasha, bhukti, antara will give perticular proffession.> > as per my knowledge i have very few points.> Other Masters in the field will guide u more.> All the best at all moments> Sahhasra Saagara> > > ________________________________> > Anuj Mittal <anujrailway@ .in>> @gro ups.com> Thursday, 10 September, 2009 3:26:58 PM> astrologers please> > > Dear Astrologers,> > Kindly guide us by giving what combiation of stars to be seen for predicting the right profession of any person by just looking at janma kundli.> > Also kindly tell importance of namansh kundli when doing predictions from Janma kundli.> > Lessons invited from all asrologers.> > thanks & regards> > Anuj> > > > > > ________________________________> > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. > > > > ________________________________> > See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.> ________________________________> Now, send attachments up to 25MB with India Mail. Learn how. > > > > ________________________________> Connect more, do more and share more with India Mail. Learn more.>

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Dear Yogesh ji,I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some reproductive health issues. The native and/or wife might have to undergo some treatment to get progeny. There is difficulty but not denial. The wife must have a strong chart to get progeny. As there is lack of happiness from children, this could also be a result of marital discord. This can be confirmed from wife�s chart.

Some of the points which are noticeable in this regard are:Karaka Jupiter is retrograde in 4H, afflicted by Rahu/ketu and 12L retrograde mercury. Venus, the karaka for reproductive ability is in 8H aspected by 8L Saturn. Rahu afflicts at exact degrees and also governs venus. Indicates a medical problem with the reproductive system/marital happiness. Mercury, the neuter 12L also controls lagna, moon and sun through nakshatra lordships.

Moon debilitating in 5H and the natal 5L debilitating in navamsh lagna indicate a karmic connection with 5H. LL moon is also aspected a debilitated 8L Saturn in navamsh.Beek sphuta falls in Leo rashi exactly on malefic Dhooma. 7H Mars aspecting Ketu and 12L mercury, lagna and 2H, indicate surgical intervention for wife. There are combinations for an adopted child which may be interpreted as IVF or such intervention?

He is likely to get more daughters (may be two), but I think he would also get one son, if wife�s chart supports. There can be some loss of progeny too. I think it is important to study the wife�s chart too for such issues.

Hope to learn from this.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Bhaskarji,


I tried to post a comment but could not do so as it kept me asking user name.

Hope you can help me do it.




--- On Wed, 16/9/09, bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish

Re: Re] Prospects of progeny.


Wednesday, 16 September, 2009, 11:34 PM








Please read the latest example of Ruling Planets from a real Life experience

from my own Life.

http://bhaskarjyoti sh.blogspot. com/2009/ 08/gold-ring- and-ruling- planets-my-





ancient_indian_ astrology, " axeplex " <axeplex



> Dear Yogesh ji,


> With due respect to KP and you, I hope the exercise was not taken from the

book " Progeny and Romance " . If it is so, it needs to be experimented with more

charts. Any book shall give example where it can explain what it is trying to

say. And any example is just a guidance not 100% fool proof.


> And also we are mere small in front of Rishis who wrote the basics.

> I can not comment right now on your analysis since I have yet to buy the book

on KP and may be it shall take a long time to do that.


> With little knowledge that I have on KP, I tried to test ruling planet theory

put by you in your last mail; when my son went to buy something and returned,

sub lords of ASC & Moon were not same when he returned & when he went. Again, I

am not doubting here the KP but just may be it needs to be researched further or

not 100% fool proof.


> regds..


> ancient_indian_ astrology, Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@


> >

> > Dear Mr. Goel,

> >                        A brief analysis is given...

> >                        The person 's XIth cusp and his Vth cusp(XIth

to VIIth-wife) need to be analysed.

> > As per K.P. Jupiter,though aputrakaraka, and aspecting Venus the lord of the

XIth...stellarwise, all the planets are connected to houses I,IV & X,which

negate houses II,V & XI....for begetting a child !

> >                        Unfortunately, even the star-lord of the Vth cusp is

Jupiter, signifies houses VIIth but not the Vth and such a Jupiter owns VI &

X...and associated with Rahu...Jup thus cannot give progeny... ! !

> >                        The final deciding factor is the sublord of the Vth

cusp, who is Moon,who,though in the Vth,is in Mercury's star hence signifying

IV,XII & X,and in the sub of Venus,signying IV,VIII...Hence she also is

sterile...! ! !

> >                        Serious students can also check with the Horary Chart

for number 44,given by the wife,POB for Both is Jeypore,whose Lat/Long was

already given...

> >                        Thus K.P. helps to give immense confidence in

prediction.. .

> >                        Only K.P. Ayanamsa is used,as always...

> >                        (Ref:Progeny & Romance,by K.Subramaniam, Pp232-239.


> >                        Wishing you ALL,the very best,

> >                        Yogesh Lajmi.

> >                       

> >                       

> >                       

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > vijay.goel goyalvj@

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:05:04 PM

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Prospects of progeny.

> >

> >  

> > Dear Yogeshji,

> >

> > Namaskar !

> >

> > I just thought to try this chart. If some fails in KP or any branch of

astrology, does not mean that particular astrology is wrong.

> >

> > I have seen many amazing prediction of KP system from the new aspirant

astrologer who are just started reading the subject.

> >

> > ///

> > Would you like to try ?

> > >                  Here is a birth Chart...

> > >                  DOB : 08-04-1958

> > >                  POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'

> > >                 TOB :  12:05 PM

> > >                 What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and

daughters ?

> > ///

> >

> > It would have been very helpful if you would have mentioned the Gender of

the person. At progeny matter gender is required.

> >

> > Now in this chart :

> >                       Rasi                      

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> > | \                   /   \                   / |

> > |   \               /       \      Gk       /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /      GL       \       /       |

> > |         \   /                   \   /         |

> > |           x          As           x           |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \      Md       /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /      Ra       \   4   /      Ke       \   |

> > | /                   \   /                   \ |

> > |          JuR          x          MeR          |

> > | \                   /   \                   / |

> > |   \      HL       /       \               /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /               \       /       |

> > |         \   /                   \   /         |

> > |Mo         x          Ma           x  AL   Su  |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \               /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /      SaR      \       /      Ve       \   |

> > | /                   \   /                   \ |

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> >  

> > Navamsa                                       D-9

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> > | \                   /   \     Ke   Gk       / |

> > |   \               /       \      MeR      /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /      Ma       \       /       |

> > |         \   /                   \   /         |

> > |Md         x          As           x           |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \               /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /               \   4   /      AL       \   |

> > | /                   \   /                   \ |

> > |                       x          SaR          |

> > | \                   /   \                   / |

> > |   \               /       \               /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /               \       /       |

> > |         \   /                   \   /         |

> > |JuR  HL    x          Mo           x           |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \               /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /      Ve       \       /      Su       \   |

> > | /     Ra   GL       \   /                   \ |

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> >  

> > Saptamsa                                      D-7

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> > | \                   /   \     SaR  Gk       / |

> > |   \      Su       /       \      Ma       /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /               \       /       |

> > |         \   /                   \   /     AL  |

> > |Ve   Md    x          As           x  Ra   JuR |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \               /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /               \   10  /               \   |

> > | /                   \   /                   \ |

> > |                       x          HL           |

> > | \                   /   \                   / |

> > |   \               /       \               /   |

> > |     \           /           \           /     |

> > |       \       /               \       /       |

> > |GL       \   /                   \   /         |

> > |MeR  Ke    x                       x       Mo  |

> > |         /   \                   /   \         |

> > |       /       \               /       \       |

> > |     /           \           /           \     |

> > |   /               \       /               \   |

> > | /                   \   /                   \ |

> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +

> >  

> > Some observations:

> > 1) 5L mars is exalted, but debilitated in D9 and its depositer saturn is

also debilitated in D9.

> > 2) 5H is in papkartari yoga & with debilitated moon in it.

> > 3) From jupiter,5L is saturn is debilitated in D9, Venus in 5H is afflicted

by nodes in D9.

> > 4) Jupiter is retro and afflicted by nodes is repeated in D7 in 5-11 axis.

> > 5) From Moon, 5L is again jupiter and sun in 5H.

> > 6)In saptamsha, LL saturn is in 12H with mars, both debilitated in D9.

> >

> > Many more negative factors are seen.

> >

> > I donot see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness is

also denied.

> > This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in

D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.

> >  

> > Seven planet in seven rasis, this is really a unique quality of this chart

which is in 4-10 axis.

> > Person is intelligent, skilled in arts and music, famous. As per Parashara

it comes under 'Kuta yoga' which mean person is liar (hypocrite), Jailer, lives

in deserted place, etc..

> > If other factors would have been favored he would have endowed with good

spouse and children.

> >

> > Other's opinion on this chart is also welcome.

> >

> > Thankyou,

> > Regards,

> > Vijay Goel

> > Jaipur.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Yogesh Lajmi

<yogeshlajmi@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Wiswas,

> > >                      You are certainly not aware of recent happenings in

K.P.,let that be...

> > >                      The TOB I have arrived at is differing... you

say...but from what or which ?

> > >                      Are you aware that most K.P. Astrologers are

following the New K.P. Ayanamsa...which I follow...

> > >                      It is elementary knowledge that the EXACT TOB is at

the Time of the First cry(first breath of the newborn)...that is when a human

being begins to live in this world...

> > >                     Traditional astrologers/ nurses/doctors et

al... follow different rules,in different parts of India... for recording the

Time of Birth... K.P. is more scientific in this regard...

> > >                      K.P. Readers have always mentioned that the forecasts

based on a Horary Chart will always be more accurate than the Birth Chart...the

comparison is between the 'scientific' Weather forecasts for rain,which are

usually inaccurate because they are made when the approaching cloud formations

are more than 100 miles away from the coast....at the time of prediction.. .no

wonder Mr.Subramaniam kept silent, instead of retorting do you not know the

basics of K.P. ? Politeness and good etiquette is interpreted as agreement !    

> > >                 Your angst against K.P. is well-known and so are your many

failures in prognostication. ..

> > >                 The accuracy of K.P. is very well-known.. .for your snide

remarks to make K.P. less famous...!

> > >                 I am also aware of your opposition to my being admitted to

your ancient astrology group...

> > > I compliment you for being truly ancient in your outlook...the bane of our

Countrymen is that they love to wallow in brilliance of our brilliant ancient

forefathers and great astrologers. ..and prefer to remain STATIC with a closed

mind,only quick to indulge in petty fault-finding exercises... and you must

remember I can also expose your  " expertise " by confronting you with such

exercises... and your certain failures can be highlighted to the High Heavens...

> > >                  Would you like to try ? 

> > >                  Here is a birth Chart...

> > >                  DOB : 08-04-1958

> > >                  POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'

> > >                 TOB :  12:05 PM

> > >                 What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and

daughters ?

> > >                 Do reply,

> > >                 Yogesh Lajmi.

> > >                                                   GOOD LUCK !

> > >  

> > >                 

> > >                     

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@

> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ ...

> > > Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:00:34 PM

> > > Branch of education

> > >

> > >

> > > Respected Shri Lajmi ji

> > >

> > > Extremely thankful for your kind preparation of the chart. 

> > >

> > > But one gets the feeling that the time of birth mentioned by you is


> > >

> > > As we change ayanamsa, it is found in some cases we need to change the

time of birth also slightly.

> > >

> > > In this case, hospital records clearly says time of birth is 13-38 pm on

26 May 1990 at Kottayam, Kerala..

> > >

> > > I had been shown in Hyderabad, a birth chart corrected by Late Mr Anant

Raichur and yourself separately.  But in both cases Asc Cuspal sub lord


> > >

> > > The native was asking me which one is correct and what is the authenticity

and sanctity of birth time rectifications.

> > >

> > > Other questions asked by KP Astrologers are that how accurate one could

predict KP methods in natal charts. 

> > >

> > > Recently, one famous astrologer from Bangalore met me in Hyderabad, who

writes in KP year books. Once he had gone to Chennai and when met, told Mr. K

Subramanyam, son of Late Prof KS Krishnamurti, that KP fails in natal charts and

Mr. Subramanyam, it appears, kept mum.

> > >

> > > Your esteemed views could be ideal and guiding factor for me to strictly

and categorically tell them that KP really works in natal chart too.

> > >

> > > In the case discussed, the native, as I said, is studying B.Tech

(Electrical and Electronics) course --2nd year--in JNTU, Hyderabad, a premier

Govt. Engg College in A.P.

> > >

> > > Your valuable analysis on the branch befell on the native, shall augment

my studious thoughts to learn the intricacies of KP Astrology.

> > >

> > > Thanks a lot and awaiting your valueable reply

> > >

> > > With warm regards

> > > MK Viswanath

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ ....

> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@

> > > Tuesday, 15 September, 2009 11:33:14 AM

> > > Fw: astrologers please

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Viswas,

> > >                     I have corrected the TOB to the EXACT Time of


> > >                     Am also sending you the Birth Chart,drawn strictly as

per K.P., using New K.P. Ayanamsa...and answers to your queries...

> > >                     Kindly acknowledge receipt and I am looking forward to

 your valuable comments/critique too...

> > >                     With best wishes,

> > >                     Yogesh Lajmi.

> > >                                                     GOOD  LUCK !

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----- Forwarded Message ----

> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ ...

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Monday, September 14, 2009 9:34:40 PM

> > > Re: astrologers please

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vishwas,

> > >                       Firstly one will have to correct the Time of

Birth(TOB),to the Exact TOB,and then erect the correct K.P. Chart and then

analyse the IVth & IXth cusps for education and the Xth cusp for his

profession.. .

> > >                        Presently I am very busy with a heavy workload...I

shall try and reply tomorrow...

> > >                        With best wishes,

> > >                         Yogesh Lajmi.

> > >          

> > >            

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Monday, September 14, 2009 10:33:13 AM

> > > Re: astrologers please

> > >

> > >  

> > > Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar

> > >

> > > Here is the birth details of a student, who is studying B.Tech (Electrical

and Electronics) -- 2nd year, -- born on 26th May 1990 at 13-38 pm Kottayam,


> > >

> > > Kindly consider to elicit in one list how he got Electrical and

Electronics branch.

> > >

> > > Thanks and regards

> > > MK Viswanath

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Mohankumar mkmohan520 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Friday, 11 September, 2009 9:35:38 AM

> > > RE: astrologers please

> > >

> > >  

> > > Hi Anuj

> > >  

> > > In KP System , Ninth house Sublord signify 10th  house in once horoscope

then they will study Profession education.The star lord of 9th house should be

signify 10th house.

> > > The following are some details of Profession

> > > 9th cusp sublord  if it is connected with

> > > 1)      Mercury/Venus       =  Engineering

> > > 2)      Sun/Mars                   =  Medicene

> > > 3)      Jupitor                        =  Law

> > > 4)      Jupitor/Mercury    = Charted Account

> > > 5)      Saturn/Mercury    =  Astrologer

> > >  

> > > And Also there are some more divisions as below

> > > 1)      Engineering   = Mercury/Venus connected with Jupitor=  New Tech

> > > 2)      ------------ --------- ------do- --------- --------- -- with

Mars    = Mechanical

> > > 3)      ------------ --------- -----do-- --------- --------- --- with

Saturn= Civil/Leather

> > > 4)      ------------ --------- -----do-- --------- --------- ---with Sun 

=  Mech., Instrumentation

> > > 5)      ------------ --------- ----do--- --------- --------- ----with

Moon/Mercury= IT

> > > 6)      ------------ --------- --do----- --------- --------- -----with

Rahu/Mercury= Electrical

> > > 7)      ------------ --------- -do------ --------- --------- ---with

Rahu=  Electrical & Eletronics

> > >  

> > > 1)      Medicene  =  Sun/mars connected with   Mercury  = Nurves system

> > > 2)      ------------ --------- --------- --do----- ---with  Sun  = Heart

> > > 3)      ------------ --------- --------- -do------ --with    moon =


> > > 4)      ------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Sun- Dental/Skin

> > > 5)      ------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Venus= Kidney

> > > 6)      ------------ --------- ------do- --------- -with  Mars= Surgery

> > > 7)      ------------ --------- --do----- --------- with Jupitor=

Digestion/child care

> > >  

> > > 1)      Law= Jupitor connected with Jupitor/Mars= Criminal

> > > 2)      ------------ --------- --------with  Jupitor/Venus  = family case

> > > 3)      ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Mercury/ Moon= Notary

> > > 4)      ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Sun= = Govt.,

> > >  

> > > Please we can elaborate some more to do in Practical research

> > >  

> > >  

> > > Mohankumar.A. B

> > > KP Astrologer

> > > 91-9500380080    

> > >  

> > > @ gro ups.com [k_p_ system@grou ps.com] On

Behalf Of Sagar S

> > > Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:57 PM

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Re: astrologers please

> > >  

> > >  

> > > Hi Anuj

> > > If u r following KP , plz go through Proffession By K.subramaniam S/O Late


> > > 2nd, 6th and 10th house, will be the strong significator of proffession.

> > > Xth cusp lord, 2nd cusp sup sub lord, 6th cusp sub lord will play very key

role on proffession.

> > > Planet signifies 5th and 9th gives changes in proffession.

> > > Loss of Job or job in abroad will signifie by 12th house .

> > > Dasha, bhukti, antara will give perticular proffession.

> > >  

> > > as per my knowledge i have very few points.

> > > Other Masters in the field will guide u more.

> > > All the best at all moments

> > > Sahhasra Saagara

> > >  

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > Anuj Mittal <anujrailway@ .in>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Thursday, 10 September, 2009 3:26:58 PM

> > > astrologers please

> > >

> > >  

> > > Dear Astrologers,

> > >  

> > > Kindly guide us by giving what combiation of stars to be seen for

predicting the right profession of any person by just looking at janma kundli.

> > >  

> > > Also kindly tell importance of  namansh kundli when doing predictions from

Janma kundli.

> > >  

> > > Lessons invited from all asrologers.

> > >  

> > > thanks & regards

> > >  

> > > Anuj

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > >  

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out


> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Now, send attachments up to 25MB with India Mail. Learn how.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Connect more, do more and share more with India Mail. Learn more.

> > >

> >


















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Dear Yogesh JI what is ur feed back on this analaysis i hav seen u done a KP analysis and what is ur opinion on Neelamji s analysis ,since u posted in a vedic astrology forum and u never bothered to acknwldge the post pls clarify rgrds sunil nair , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Yogesh ji,> > I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some> reproductive health issues. The native and/or wife might have to undergo> some treatment to get progeny. There is difficulty but not denial. The wife> must have a strong chart to get progeny. As there is lack of happiness from> children, this could also be a result of marital discord. This can be> confirmed from wife�s chart.> > Some of the points which are noticeable in this regard are:> > Karaka Jupiter is retrograde in 4H, afflicted by Rahu/ketu and 12L> retrograde mercury. Venus, the karaka for reproductive ability is in 8H> aspected by 8L Saturn. Rahu afflicts at exact degrees and also governs> venus. Indicates a medical problem with the reproductive system/marital> happiness. Mercury, the neuter 12L also controls lagna, moon and sun through> nakshatra lordships.> > Moon debilitating in 5H and the natal 5L debilitating in navamsh lagna> indicate a karmic connection with 5H. LL moon is also aspected a debilitated> 8L Saturn in navamsh.> > Beej sphuta falls in Leo rashi exactly on malefic Dhooma. 7H Mars aspecting> Ketu and 12L mercury, lagna and 2H, indicate surgical intervention for wife.> There are combinations for an adopted child which may be interpreted as IVF> or such intervention?> > He is likely to get more daughters (may be two), but I think he would also> get one son, if wife�s chart supports. There can be some loss of progeny> too. I think it is important to study the wife�s chart too for such issues.> > Hope to learn from this.> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Sunil ji,Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all. KP might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well in good hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the traditional astrologers.

There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh ji. Both through traditional method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem, but both could see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct judgment. Can we then say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim that KP only will give 100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the responses below:

Vijay Goel:I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness is also denied.This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.

Neelam Gupta:I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some reproductive health issues.There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted as IVF or such intervention?

Now what exactly happens with a native who has already crossed 50 cannot be said with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with perfection. Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart shows progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical or otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some flexibility to make our lives better. This person might not have been guided suitably in this regard.

Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is as far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.

Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any acknowledgement and given his postmortem analysis through KP. Only if we have more blind charts and both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we say what is better, if any.

Members are free to disagree.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Mr.Sunil Nair,

A copy of my reply to Mr Goel has been endorsed to ALL Members at ancient_idian_astrology group...

Kindly peruse it,it is quite brief and to the point....

With the very best wishes,

Yogesh Lajmi.




astro_tellerkerala <astro_tellerkerala Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:51:51 PM Re: Prospects of progeny.

Dear Yogesh JI what is ur feed back on this analaysis i hav seen u done a KP analysis and what is ur opinion on Neelamji s analysis ,since u posted in a vedic astrology forum and u never bothered to acknwldge the post pls clarify rgrds sunil nair ancient_indian_ astrology, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Yogesh ji,> > I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some> reproductive health issues. The native and/or wife might have to undergo> some treatment to get progeny. There is difficulty but not denial. The wife> must have a strong chart to get progeny. As there is lack of happiness from> children, this could also be a result of marital discord. This can be> confirmed from wife�s chart.> > Some of the points which are

noticeable in this regard are:> > Karaka Jupiter is retrograde in 4H, afflicted by Rahu/ketu and 12L> retrograde mercury. Venus, the karaka for reproductive ability is in 8H> aspected by 8L Saturn.. Rahu afflicts at exact degrees and also governs> venus. Indicates a medical problem with the reproductive system/marital> happiness. Mercury, the neuter 12L also controls lagna, moon and sun through> nakshatra lordships.> > Moon debilitating in 5H and the natal 5L debilitating in navamsh lagna> indicate a karmic connection with 5H. LL moon is also aspected a debilitated> 8L Saturn in navamsh.> > Beej sphuta falls in Leo rashi exactly on malefic Dhooma. 7H Mars aspecting> Ketu and 12L mercury, lagna and 2H, indicate surgical intervention for wife.> There are combinations for an adopted child which may be interpreted as IVF> or such

intervention?> > He is likely to get more daughters (may be two), but I think he would also> get one son, if wife�s chart supports. There can be some loss of progeny> too. I think it is important to study the wife�s chart too for such issues.> > Hope to learn from this.> > Regards> Neelam>

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Mr.Dushyant Trivedi,

I have only given an exercise...why are you getting so offended,quite needlessly ?

This was given as a classic example which served the purpose of bringing out the difference in the approaches towards the same problem...and to stress the point home, of the simplicity and directness, of approach of K.P....without any "ifs and buts"... that is all...

The B.V Raman days of a host of his followers launching attacks on K.P. and it's followers are long over...unless you want to waste evrybody's time by re-kindling that bygone era...the "more loyal than the king era"...

There is a whale of a lot of K.P. literature available,where the approach is on the same lines...simple and direct,straight forward and QUICK !

I can also quote 'live cases" from my own clients' example horoscopes...and some very recent ones at that...but the example given here was a very apt one,in my humble opinion, to bring out the nuances strickingly...

I hope this will serve to assuage your needless feelings of ... "hurt"... !

With the very best wishes,

Yogesh Lajmi.




dushyant trivedi <trivedi20 Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:56:21 AM Re:Prospects of progeny.

Dear Bhaskarji, I tried to post a comment but could not do so as it kept me asking user name. Hope you can help me do it. D. D. TRIVEDI--- On Wed, 16/9/09, bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in> wrote:bhaskar_jyotish <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Re] Prospects of progeny.ancient_indian_ astrologyWednesday, 16 September, 2009, 11:34 PM Please read the latest example of Ruling Planets from

a real Life experience from my own Life.http://bhaskarjyoti sh.blogspot. com/2009/ 08/gold-ring- and-ruling- planets-my- younger.htmlregards,Bhaskar. ancient_indian_ astrology, "axeplex" <axeplex > wrote:>> Dear Yogesh ji,> > With due respect to KP and you, I hope the exercise was not taken from the book "Progeny and Romance". If it is so, it needs to be experimented with more charts. Any book shall give example where it can explain what it is trying to say. And any example is just a guidance not 100% fool proof.> > And also we are mere small in front of Rishis who wrote the basics.> I can not comment right now on your analysis since I have yet to buy the book on KP and may be it shall take a long time to do that..> > With little knowledge that I have on KP, I tried to

test ruling planet theory put by you in your last mail; when my son went to buy something and returned, sub lords of ASC & Moon were not same when he returned & when he went. Again, I am not doubting here the KP but just may be it needs to be researched further or not 100% fool proof.> > regds..> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ wrote:> >> > Dear Mr. Goel,> > A brief analysis is given...> > The person 's XIth cusp and his Vth cusp(XIth to VIIth-wife) need to be analysed.> > As per K.P. Jupiter,though aputrakaraka, and aspecting Venus the lord of

the XIth...stellarwise, all the planets are connected to houses I,IV & X,which negate houses II,V & XI....for begetting a child !> > Unfortunately, even the star-lord of the Vth cusp is Jupiter, signifies houses VIIth but not the Vth and such a Jupiter owns VI & X...and associated with Rahu...Jup thus cannot give progeny... ! !> > The final deciding factor is the sublord of the Vth cusp, who is Moon,who,though in the Vth,is in Mercury's star hence signifying IV,XII & X,and in the sub of Venus,signying IV,VIII...Hence she also is sterile...! ! !> >

Serious students can also check with the Horary Chart for number 44,given by the wife,POB for Both is Jeypore,whose Lat/Long was already given...> > Thus K.P. helps to give immense confidence in prediction.. .> > Only K.P. Ayanamsa is used,as always...> > (Ref:Progeny & Romance,by K.Subramaniam, Pp232-239. ..)> >

Wishing you ALL,the very best,> > Yogesh Lajmi.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > vijay.goel goyalvj@> > ancient_indian_ astrology>

> Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:05:04 PM> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Prospects of progeny.> > > > > > Dear Yogeshji,> > > > Namaskar !> > > > I just thought to try this chart. If some fails in KP or any branch of astrology, does not mean that particular astrology is wrong.> > > > I have seen many amazing prediction of KP system from the new aspirant astrologer who are just started reading the subject.> > > > ///> > Would you like to try ?> > > Here is a birth Chart...> > > DOB : 08-04-1958> >

> POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'> > > TOB : 12:05 PM> > > What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and daughters ?> > ///> > > > It would have been very helpful if you would have mentioned the Gender of the person. At progeny matter gender is required.> > > > Now in this chart :> > Rasi > > +-----------

--------- --------- --------- --------- +> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ Gk / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / GL

\ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | x As x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \

Md / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / Ra \ 4 / Ke \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | JuR

x MeR |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ HL / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \

/ \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Mo x Ma x AL Su |> > | / \ / \ |> > |

/ \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / SaR \ / Ve \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +----------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- +> > > > Navamsa D-9> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > | \ / \ Ke Gk / |> > | \ / \ MeR / |> > | \

/ \ / |> > | \ / Ma \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |Md x As x |> > | /

\ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ 4 / AL \ |> > |

/ \ / \ |> > | x SaR |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ /

\ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > |JuR HL x

Mo x |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | /

Ve \ / Su \ |> > | / Ra GL \ / \ |> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > > > Saptamsa D-7> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > | \ / \ SaR

Gk / |> > | \ Su / \ Ma / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ /

\ / AL |> > |Ve Md x As x Ra JuR |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \

/ \ |> > | / \ 10 / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | x HL |> > |

\ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \ / |> > | \ / \

/ |> > |GL \ / \ / |> > |MeR Ke x x Mo |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \

/ \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > | / \ / \ |> > +----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- +> > > > Some observations:>

> 1) 5L mars is exalted, but debilitated in D9 and its depositer saturn is also debilitated in D9.> > 2) 5H is in papkartari yoga & with debilitated moon in it.> > 3) From jupiter,5L is saturn is debilitated in D9, Venus in 5H is afflicted by nodes in D9.> > 4) Jupiter is retro and afflicted by nodes is repeated in D7 in 5-11 axis.> > 5) From Moon, 5L is again jupiter and sun in 5H.> > 6)In saptamsha, LL saturn is in 12H with mars, both debilitated in D9.> > > > Many more negative factors are seen.> > > > I donot see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness is also denied.> > This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.> > > > Seven planet in seven rasis, this is really a unique quality of this chart which is in 4-10

axis.> > Person is intelligent, skilled in arts and music, famous. As per Parashara it comes under 'Kuta yoga' which mean person is liar (hypocrite), Jailer, lives in deserted place, etc..> > If other factors would have been favored he would have endowed with good spouse and children.> > > > Other's opinion on this chart is also welcome.> > > > Thankyou,> > Regards,> > Vijay Goel> > Jaipur.> > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Wiswas,> > > You are certainly not aware of recent happenings in K.P.,let that be...> > >

The TOB I have arrived at is differing... you say...but from what or which ?> > > Are you aware that most K.P.. Astrologers are following the New K.P. Ayanamsa...which I follow...> > > It is elementary knowledge that the EXACT TOB is at the Time of the First cry(first breath of the newborn)...that is when a human being begins to live in this world....> > > Traditional astrologers/ nurses/doctors et al... follow different rules,in

different parts of India... for recording the Time of Birth... K.P. is more scientific in this regard...> > > K.P. Readers have always mentioned that the forecasts based on a Horary Chart will always be more accurate than the Birth Chart...the comparison is between the 'scientific' Weather forecasts for rain,which are usually inaccurate because they are made when the approaching cloud formations are more than 100 miles away from the coast....at the time of prediction.. .no wonder Mr.Subramaniam kept silent, instead of retorting do you not know the basics of K.P. ? Politeness and good etiquette is interpreted as agreement ! > > > Your angst against K.P. is well-known and so are your many

failures in prognostication. ..> > > The accuracy of K.P. is very well-known.. .for your snide remarks to make K.P. less famous...!> > > I am also aware of your opposition to my being admitted to your ancient astrology group...> > > I compliment you for being truly ancient in your outlook...the bane of our Countrymen is that they love to wallow in brilliance of our brilliant ancient forefathers and great astrologers. ..and prefer to remain STATIC with a closed mind,only quick to indulge in petty fault-finding exercises... and you must remember I can also expose your "expertise" by confronting you with such exercises... and your certain failures can be highlighted to the High Heavens...> > >

Would you like to try ? > > > Here is a birth Chart...> > > DOB : 08-04-1958> > > POB : 18N30' ; 84E00'> > > TOB : 12:05 PM> > > What are the prospects for progeny ? How many sons and daughters ?> > > Do

reply,> > > Yogesh Lajmi.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@

....> > > Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:00:34 PM> > > Branch of education> > >> > >> > > Respected Shri Lajmi ji> > >> > > Extremely thankful for your kind preparation of the chart. > > >> > > But one gets the feeling that the time of birth mentioned by you is differing. > > >> > > As we change ayanamsa, it is found in some cases we need to change the time of birth also slightly.> > >> > > In this case, hospital records clearly says time of birth is 13-38 pm on 26 May 1990 at Kottayam, Kerala..> > >> > > I had been shown in Hyderabad, a birth chart corrected by Late Mr Anant Raichur and yourself separately. But in both cases Asc Cuspal sub lord differed.> > >> > > The native was asking me which one is

correct and what is the authenticity and sanctity of birth time rectifications.> > >> > > Other questions asked by KP Astrologers are that how accurate one could predict KP methods in natal charts. > > >> > > Recently, one famous astrologer from Bangalore met me in Hyderabad, who writes in KP year books. Once he had gone to Chennai and when met, told Mr. K Subramanyam, son of Late Prof KS Krishnamurti, that KP fails in natal charts and Mr. Subramanyam, it appears, kept mum.> > >> > > Your esteemed views could be ideal and guiding factor for me to strictly and categorically tell them that KP really works in natal chart too.> > >> > > In the case discussed, the native, as I said, is studying B..Tech (Electrical and Electronics) course --2nd year--in JNTU, Hyderabad, a premier Govt. Engg College in A.P.> > >> >

> Your valuable analysis on the branch befell on the native, shall augment my studious thoughts to learn the intricacies of KP Astrology.> > >> > > Thanks a lot and awaiting your valueable reply> > >> > > With warm regards> > > MK Viswanath> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ ....> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@> > > Tuesday, 15 September, 2009 11:33:14 AM> > > Fw: astrologers please> > >> > >> > > Dear Viswas,> > > I have corrected the TOB to the EXACT Time of Birth.....> > >

Am also sending you the Birth Chart,drawn strictly as per K.P., using New K.P. Ayanamsa...and answers to your queries...> > > Kindly acknowledge receipt and I am looking forward to your valuable comments/critique too...> > > With best wishes,> > > Yogesh Lajmi.> > >

GOOD LUCK !> > >> > >> > >> > > ----- Forwarded Message ----> > > Yogesh Lajmi yogeshlajmi@ ...> > > @gro ups.com> > > Monday, September 14, 2009 9:34:40 PM> > > Re: astrologers please> > >> > >> > > Dear Vishwas,> > > Firstly one will have to correct the Time of Birth(TOB),to the Exact TOB,and then erect the correct

K.P. Chart and then analyse the IVth & IXth cusps for education and the Xth cusp for his profession.. .> > > Presently I am very busy with a heavy workload...I shall try and reply tomorrow...> > > With best wishes,> > > Yogesh Lajmi.> > > > > > > > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________

__> > > Viswas astrologervishy_ nair@> > > @gro ups.com> > > Monday, September 14, 2009 10:33:13 AM> > > Re: astrologers please> > >> > > > > > Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar> > >> > > Here is the birth details of a student, who is studying B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics) -- 2nd year, -- born on 26th May 1990 at 13-38 pm Kottayam, Kerala.> > >> > > Kindly consider to elicit in one list how he got Electrical and Electronics branch.> > >> > > Thanks and regards> > > MK Viswanath> > >> > > > > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Mohankumar mkmohan520 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>> > > To:

@gro ups.com> > > Friday, 11 September, 2009 9:35:38 AM> > > RE: astrologers please> > >> > > > > > Hi Anuj> > > > > > In KP System , Ninth house Sublord signify 10th house in once horoscope then they will study Profession education.The star lord of 9th house should be signify 10th house.> > > The following are some details of Profession> > > 9th cusp sublord if it is connected with> > > 1) Mercury/Venus = Engineering> > > 2) Sun/Mars = Medicene> > > 3)

Jupitor = Law> > > 4) Jupitor/Mercury = Charted Account> > > 5) Saturn/Mercury = Astrologer> > > > > > And Also there are some more divisions as below> > > 1) Engineering = Mercury/Venus connected with Jupitor= New Tech> > > 2) ------------ --------- ------do- --------- --------- -- with Mars = Mechanical> > > 3) ------------ --------- -----do-- --------- --------- --- with Saturn= Civil/Leather> > > 4) ------------ --------- -----do-- ---------

--------- ---with Sun = Mech., Instrumentation> > > 5) ------------ --------- ----do--- --------- --------- ----with Moon/Mercury= IT> > > 6) ------------ --------- --do----- --------- --------- -----with Rahu/Mercury= Electrical> > > 7) ------------ --------- -do------ --------- --------- ---with Rahu= Electrical & Eletronics> > > > > > 1) Medicene = Sun/mars connected with Mercury = Nurves system> > > 2) ------------ --------- --------- --do----- ---with Sun = Heart> > > 3) ------------ --------- --------- -do------ --with moon = Eye/Lungs> > > 4)

------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Sun- Dental/Skin> > > 5) ------------ --------- -------do- --------- -with Venus= Kidney> > > 6) ------------ --------- ------do- --------- -with Mars= Surgery> > > 7) ------------ --------- --do----- --------- with Jupitor= Digestion/child care> > > > > > 1) Law= Jupitor connected with Jupitor/Mars= Criminal> > > 2) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Venus = family case> > > 3) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Mercury/ Moon= Notary> > > 4) ------------ --------- --------with Jupitor/Sun= = Govt.,> > > > > > Please we can

elaborate some more to do in Practical research> > > > > > > > > Mohankumar.A. B> > > KP Astrologer> > > 91-9500380080 > > > > > > @ gro ups.com [k_p_ system@grou ps.com] On Behalf Of Sagar S> > > Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:57 PM> > > @gro ups.com> > > Re: astrologers please> > > > > > > > > Hi Anuj> > > If u r following KP , plz go through Proffession By K.subramaniam S/O Late KSK.> > > 2nd, 6th and 10th house, will be the strong significator of proffession.> > > Xth cusp lord, 2nd cusp sup sub lord, 6th cusp sub lord will play very key role on proffession.> > > Planet signifies 5th and 9th gives changes

in proffession.> > > Loss of Job or job in abroad will signifie by 12th house .> > > Dasha, bhukti, antara will give perticular proffession.> > > > > > as per my knowledge i have very few points.> > > Other Masters in the field will guide u more.> > > All the best at all moments> > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > >> > > Anuj Mittal <anujrailway@ .in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Thursday, 10 September, 2009 3:26:58 PM> > > astrologers please> > >> > > > > > Dear Astrologers,> > > > > > Kindly guide us by giving what combiation of stars to be seen for predicting the right

profession of any person by just looking at janma kundli.> > > > > > Also kindly tell importance of namansh kundli when doing predictions from Janma kundli.> > > > > > Lessons invited from all asrologers.> > > > > > thanks & regards> > > > > > Anuj> > > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > >> > > Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. > > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > >> > > See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz.> > > ____________ _________ _________ __>

> > Now, send attachments up to 25MB with India Mail. Learn how.> > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Connect more, do more and share more with India Mail. Learn more.> > >> >> India has a new look. Take a sneak peek http://in... com/trynew

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Unfortunately for Meena, the poor railway clerk, the system developed by him is

today known as " K.P. " System.






--- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:



neelam gupta <neelamgupta07

Re: Re: Prospects of progeny.


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:17 PM







Dear Sunil ji,


Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all. KP

might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well in good

hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the traditional



There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh ji. Both through traditional

method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem, but both could

see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct judgment. Can we then

say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim that KP only will give

100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the responses below:


Vijay Goel:

I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness is

also denied.

This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in D7

which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.


Neelam Gupta:

I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some

reproductive health issues.

There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted as IVF

or such intervention?


Now what exactly happens with a native who has already crossed 50 cannot be said

with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with perfection.


Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart shows

progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical or

otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have

devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some flexibility to

make our lives better. This person might not have been guided suitably in this



Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I

think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is as

far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.


Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any acknowledgement and

given his postmortem analysis through KP. Only if we have more blind charts and

both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we say what is better, if any.


Members are free to disagree.




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Dear Manoj ji,


Not sure if I've understood this correctly. Please elaborate if you don't



Thanks and Regards





2009/9/17 Manoj Kumar <mouji99




> Unfortunately for Meena, the poor railway clerk, the system developed by

> him is today known as " K.P. " System.


> regards,


> Mouji


> --- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta


> wrote:


> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 <neelamgupta07%40gmail.com>>

> Re: Re: Prospects of progeny.


> To:



> Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:17 PM





> Dear Sunil ji,


> Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all.

> KP might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well

> in good hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the

> traditional astrologers.


> There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh ji. Both through

> traditional method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem,

> but both could see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct

> judgment. Can we then say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim

> that KP only will give 100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the

> responses below:


> Vijay Goel:

> I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness

> is also denied.

> This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in

> D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.


> Neelam Gupta:

> I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some

> reproductive health issues.

> There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted

> as IVF or such intervention?


> Now what exactly happens with a native who has already crossed 50 cannot be

> said with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with

> perfection.


> Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart

> shows progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical

> or otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have

> devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some

> flexibility to make our lives better. This person might not have been guided

> suitably in this regard.


> Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I

> think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is

> as far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.


> Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any

> acknowledgement and given his postmortem analysis through KP. Only if we

> have more blind charts and both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we

> say what is better, if any.


> Members are free to disagree.


> Regards

> Neelam




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Dear Manoj Kumar,

                              You seem to be yet another " worshipper of B.V

Raman,like his many minions " ...this deliberately spread canard, by B..V Raman's

minions,had been demolished,once and for all...by the late Jyotish Marthand 

K.S.Krishnamurthiji, but you seem to have resurrected this canard... once


                              Since you do not have anything of substance to

contribute to the group...you seem to have become desperate....I pity less-read

people like you ...

                              Study K.P. and you will wonder at it's

accuracy...and maybe find no place to hide it... !

                              Yogesh Lajmi







neelam gupta <neelamgupta07


Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:22:31 PM

Re: Prospects of progeny.



Dear Manoj ji,


Not sure if I've understood this correctly. Please elaborate if you don't



Thanks and Regards



2009/9/17 Manoj Kumar <mouji99 >




> Unfortunately for Meena, the poor railway clerk, the system developed by

> him is today known as " K.P. " System.


> regards,


> Mouji


> --- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com<neelamgupta07%

40gmail.com> >

> wrote:


> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com <neelamgupta07% 40gmail.com> >

> Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Prospects of progeny.


> ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology%

40. com>

> Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:17 PM





> Dear Sunil ji,


> Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all.

> KP might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well

> in good hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the

> traditional astrologers.


> There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh ji. Both through

> traditional method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem,

> but both could see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct

> judgment. Can we then say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim

> that KP only will give 100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the

> responses below:


> Vijay Goel:

> I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness

> is also denied.

> This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in

> D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.


> Neelam Gupta:

> I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some

> reproductive health issues.

> There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted

> as IVF or such intervention?


> Now what exactly happens with a native who has already crossed 50 cannot be

> said with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with

> perfection.


> Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart

> shows progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical

> or otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have

> devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some

> flexibility to make our lives better. This person might not have been guided

> suitably in this regard.


> Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I

> think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is

> as far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.


> Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any

> acknowledgement and given his postmortem analysis through KP.. Only if we

> have more blind charts and both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we

> say what is better, if any.


> Members are free to disagree.


> Regards

> Neelam




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Respected Neelamji,


Namaskar !


Gopal krishan Row was the engine driver in Railways, and was the research minded

astrologer and lead a very poor life.


He wrote some researches of his own in his Book " Meena's nadi " (some how he

managed to get publish) i think, i forget the actual name as i don't purchased

that book.


The principles he used as similar to the principle used by Shri Krishnamoorthi.

KP was also the serious scholar and rich by background, devoted to Lord Ganesha.


I don't know the real facts but the rumour was spread that he copied the

principles of Meena's book and than he researched and made the new system in his

name because he was rich also.


This book is out of print, but few years back some one offered me the copy of

that book on premium payment and i denied at that time.




At Horary astrology, KP is very effective, but Traditional horary astrology is

equally effective. We can see this quality in keralite astrologer who are very

famous for Horary astrology with many methods, like use of Arudha with the help

of Kowries , etc.


If the person does sincere meditation and mantra for atleast 2 hours daily, he

can do remarkable very accurate horary astrology (true \ false type queries)

just by looking only a clock two arm's.


I have seen many failed prediction by KP astrologer as KP application is not

very easy as it seems to be. All system needs hard word and a Guru. For KP

readers Books are equal to Guru as they didn't hide any secret to their





I knew one traditional horary astrologer in Jaipur, giving stunningly accurate

prediction to my close client on money matters every time he meets him without

fail for many years.[like he will earn fix 'A' amount in fix 'B' days, neither

more nor less] I have never understood his secret which he and his famous

father uses it within a minute.





Vijay Goel








, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Manoj ji,


> Not sure if I've understood this correctly. Please elaborate if you don't

> mind.


> Thanks and Regards

> Neelam




> 2009/9/17 Manoj Kumar <mouji99


> >

> >

> > Unfortunately for Meena, the poor railway clerk, the system developed by

> > him is today known as " K.P. " System.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Mouji

> >

> > --- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta


> > wrote:

> >

> > neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 <neelamgupta07%40gmail.com>>

> > Re: Re: Prospects of progeny.

> >

> > To:



> > Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:17 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sunil ji,

> >

> > Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all.

> > KP might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well

> > in good hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the

> > traditional astrologers.

> >

> > There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh ji. Both through

> > traditional method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem,

> > but both could see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct

> > judgment. Can we then say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim

> > that KP only will give 100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the

> > responses below:

> >

> > Vijay Goel:

> > I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness

> > is also denied.

> > This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in

> > D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.

> >

> > Neelam Gupta:

> > I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some

> > reproductive health issues.

> > There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted

> > as IVF or such intervention?

> >

> > Now what exactly happens with a native who has already crossed 50 cannot be

> > said with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with

> > perfection.

> >

> > Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart

> > shows progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical

> > or otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have

> > devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some

> > flexibility to make our lives better. This person might not have been guided

> > suitably in this regard.

> >

> > Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I

> > think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is

> > as far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.

> >

> > Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any

> > acknowledgement and given his postmortem analysis through KP. Only if we

> > have more blind charts and both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we

> > say what is better, if any.

> >

> > Members are free to disagree.

> >

> > Regards

> > Neelam

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Yogesh Lajmiji,


I think you have wrongly addressed this mail to me. I have in no way wrtten anything from which you conclude that I have got offended.


I hope and request you to go through the mails once again.


Thanks and with regards.


D. D. Trivedi

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Dear Vijay Goel ji,


This book is out of print, but few years back some one offered me the copy of

that book on premium payment and i denied at that time.//

The scanned copy of that book is available online for free I think. I have

seen it somewhere on my net journeys - please check it out.

Love and regards,



, " vijay.goel " <goyalvj



> Respected Neelamji,


> Namaskar !


> Gopal krishan Row was the engine driver in Railways, and was the research

minded astrologer and lead a very poor life.


> He wrote some researches of his own in his Book " Meena's nadi " (some how he

managed to get publish) i think, i forget the actual name as i don't purchased

that book.


> The principles he used as similar to the principle used by Shri


> KP was also the serious scholar and rich by background, devoted to Lord



> I don't know the real facts but the rumour was spread that he copied the

principles of Meena's book and than he researched and made the new system in his

name because he was rich also.


> This book is out of print, but few years back some one offered me the copy of

that book on premium payment and i denied at that time.


> -----------------


> At Horary astrology, KP is very effective, but Traditional horary astrology is

equally effective. We can see this quality in keralite astrologer who are very

famous for Horary astrology with many methods, like use of Arudha with the help

of Kowries , etc.


> If the person does sincere meditation and mantra for atleast 2 hours daily, he

can do remarkable very accurate horary astrology (true \ false type queries)

just by looking only a clock two arm's.


> I have seen many failed prediction by KP astrologer as KP application is not

very easy as it seems to be. All system needs hard word and a Guru. For KP

readers Books are equal to Guru as they didn't hide any secret to their



> ------------------


> I knew one traditional horary astrologer in Jaipur, giving stunningly accurate

prediction to my close client on money matters every time he meets him without

fail for many years.[like he will earn fix 'A' amount in fix 'B' days, neither

more nor less] I have never understood his secret which he and his famous

father uses it within a minute.

> ---------------


> Thankyou,

> Regards,

> Vijay Goel

> Jaipur.

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There is nothing to elaborate on it. Ask any senior astrologer and he will tell you about Meena and his system and the poor man could not get it published because of his poverty. This is pretty well known in astrological circles.




Mouji--- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Re: Prospects of progeny. Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 7:22 PM

Dear Manoj ji,Not sure if I've understood this correctly. Please elaborate if you don'tmind.Thanks and RegardsNeelam2009/9/17 Manoj Kumar <mouji99 >>>> Unfortunately for Meena, the poor railway clerk, the system developed by> him is today known as "K.P." System.>> regards,>> Mouji>> --- On Thu, 9/17/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com<neelamgupta07% 40gmail.com> >> wrote:>> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com <neelamgupta07% 40gmail.com> >> Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Prospects of progeny.>> ancient_indian_ astrology<ancient_indian_ astrology% 40. com>> Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:17 PM>>>>> Dear Sunil ji,>> Astrology is an ancient subject and vedic astrology is the mother of all.> KP might be a refinement of ancient astrology. But any tool would work well> in good hands. Many of those who practice KP also fail as miserably as the> traditional astrologers.>> There were two responses to this chart by Yogesh

ji. Both through> traditional method. Both were doing a blind analysis and not a postmortem,> but both could see the problem with the nativity with a fairly correct> judgment. Can we then say that Vedic astrology is not accurate. Can we claim> that KP only will give 100 per cent correct analysis. I am giving the> responses below:>> Vijay Goel:> I do not see any progeny happiness in this chart, infact marital happiness> is also denied.> This person could have one daughter (may be adopted) as venus is exalted in> D7 which is in 5H from jupiter in Lagna and D7.>> Neelam Gupta:> I think there could be a problem in begetting the progeny due to some> reproductive health issues.> There are combinations for an adopted child which may be also interpreted> as IVF or such intervention?>> Now what exactly happens with a native who has

already crossed 50 cannot be> said with certainty. Only in postmortem one may fit any technique with> perfection.>> Medical interventions have given hope to many childless couples. The chart> shows progeny and indicates the possibilty of progeny if measures (medical> or otherwise) are taken. If any chart were so rigid, Parashar would not have> devoted so many pages on remedial measures. God has given us some> flexibility to make our lives better. This person might not have been guided> suitably in this regard.>> Thanks for raising the point Sunil ji. We should work without any biases I> think. I also congratulate Vijay Goel ji on his correct judgement. This is> as far as one can get without knowing anything about a native.>> Sadly Yogesh ji has brushed aside these attempts without any> acknowledgement and given his postmortem analysis through

KP. Only if we> have more blind charts and both KP and Traditional systems are tested can we> say what is better, if any.>> Members are free to disagree.>> Regards> Neelam>> >

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