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A Mahabharata reference to Sidereal system

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A Mahabharata

reference to Sidereal system

- Written by Sreenadh OG

Many argue that

there is no reference to Signs in MBh, Yanjnavalkya Smriti etc. But the truth

is that not only inherent references to Signs, but also details astrological

expositions are present in them.

The surfers

cannot find the pearls, but only the divers, ready to dive deep and search

patiently. But it is the surfers who make a lot of noise and entertain the

public. Those surfers are like the sarcastic journalists, or a radio jockey who

shines in lime light for a small amount of time, but remains unimportant in the

long run, or like the daily news paper which gets importance for a single day,

and then goes into the trash can. This write-up is not for the surfers but for

the potential divers – a sample peal, uncovered to stir-up you enthusiasm to

search for the peals in the sea of knowledge and information provided by MBh –

a marvel in literary history.

The quote

discussed here is very simple, but is a telescope towards the astronomical and

astrological understanding of MBh period. Let me quote –

Parvani dwigunam

danam, Rito dasagunam bhavet

Ayane vishuve

chaiva shadaseeti mukheshu cha


cha dattam akshayam uchyate


– Vanaparva ch. 200-124,125)

[The donation

given on (the day of) join of months is twice auspicious (than the donation

given in normal days); donation given on (the day of) beginning of (any of the

six) seasons 10 times auspicious; donation given on (the day of) starting of

Uttarayana or Dakshinayana or on Vishuvam day (Equinox day – the day on which

Sun is over equatorial line and the day and night are equal) or on

Shad-Asiti-Mukha (days of 6 major Sankrantis of the sun while traveling through

Signs – i.e. entry into Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanu and Kumbha) or on the

day of (solar or lunar) eclipse are enormously auspicious]

The whole quote

is about Sankrantis (Exit/Entices) or Sankramas such as Parva Sankrama, Ritu

Sankrama, Ayana Sankrama, Vishuva Sankrama, Shad-Asiti-Mukha Sankrama and

Grahana (movement of shadows access Sun or Moon). Let us first tabulate the

statements given in the above quote. As per the above quote, the donations

given on the first day of the following are more and more auspicious. i.e. The

donation given on the beginning day of -










2 times












10 times






















































Let us understand these words better.

`Parva' is the day of join of months. Which months –

solar, lunar or lunisolar? Please note that all the 6 items mentioned in

the above quote are related to the Sun itself. So the statement Parva

should refer to Solar or luni solar months, and not to lunar months. The

most popular month reckoning system prevalent during Mahabharata period

was Chaitra, Vaisakha etc luni solar months. So most possibly here the

reference is to the day on which the luni-solar month changes. (Since luni

solar year is adjusted with the sidereal solar year with the inclusion of

an extra month – we can see that the above itself points to the existence

of both sidereal solar year and sidereal solar months. Further it is also

well known that the months like Madhu, Madhava etc are sidereal solar

months). Let us note that the whole quote is on Muhurta selection – i.e.

the selection of an auspicious moment for giving donation. A better

muhurta, i.e. a Muhurta found by considering more time divisions, and even

difficult to calculate time divisions – is more auspicious. Thus selecting

the `Parva' day for donation is said to be twice auspicious because it is

a better Muhurta, than compared to the donation given on a normal day for

which no muhurta consideration is done. As per the ancient advice – an act

should be done considering time (kala), environment (dasa) and people

involved (patra). For determining the quality of time – Muhurta

considerations are always useful. Calculating Parva day is not that

difficult, since the next full moon day (Pournamanta system) or no moon

day (Amanta system) will indicate the Parva day. It is due to this lack of

difficulty in calculating Parva – it is said that selecting proper Parva

is only twice auspicious. Thus a reference to Parva indicates knowledge

about –Year and MonthsLunar and Solar year and about Luni-solar months

such as Chaitra, Vaisakaha etcSidereal solar year and sidereal solar months such

as Madhu, Madhava etcMuhurta systemWell developed philosophical foundation that is

well in tune with normal social lifeKnowledge of Astronomy that was well in tune with

astrology and much more.


a historian tells us that he got a coin with a chariot emblem, then there is no

need to search for extra evidence for a logical person to come to know that

horses where tamed, kingdom existed, king ruled, wars happened, metallurgy

existed, wheels already in use, travel and communication between moderately

distant places was not a difficulty and so on. If someone is not logical enough

and demands extra proof for all these, then he is either both simply illogical

and ignorant or purposefully intendeds to distort facts.

`Ritu' means season. Here it points to the beginning

day of any of the 6 seasons. Calculating the beginning day of a Ritu (2

solar months approx) is more difficult. For this, one should know Ayana

(half solar years starting from solstices) and then decide whether what we

speak about is equal division or unequal division of seasons. He should

also know that the Ritus (seasons) not only depends on the movement of Sun

through the ecliptic but also the Rekhamsa (longitude) and Akshamsa

(latitude) of the place under consideration. For example the date is March

21 does not mean that it is spring season throughout the world (as some

seems to believe). Then once he understands the concept under

consideration, he should calculate the first day of the Ritu for all the 6

seasons – such as Sisira (deep winter), Vasanta (spring), Greeshma (hot

season), Varsh (rainy season), Sarat (autumn) and Hemanta (winter). But

still the general understanding of Ritu is simple and is mathematical

division of Solar year in to 6 equal parts and naming it; but still it

demands much effort than locating the beginning day of a luni-solar month

and that is the very reason for the sage stating that finding out the

first day of the Ritu (and thus improving the quality of selected Muhurta)

is 10 time more auspicious. If the first point refers to Luni-solar

movements, the reference to Ritu points to Tropical solar year and months

– definitely tropical solar year and tropical solar months must have been

in use during MBh period (even though we don't know much about the month

names they ascribed to the tropical solar months they used). `Ayana' means half year starting from one of the

solstices. There are two Ayanas – Uttarayana (half year starting from

winter solstice) and Dakshinayana (half year starting from Summer

solstice). In short Ayana points to the 180 degree movement of Sun from

one solstice to the other. Here the word Ayana points to selecting the

first day of Uttarayana or Dakshinayana as the auspicious Muhurta for

donation. First day of Uttarayana is the shortest day for those who live

in Northern hemisphere (longest day for those who live in Southern

hemisphere) and the first day of Dakshinayana is the longest day for those

who live in Northern hemisphere (shortest day for those who live in

Southern hemisphere). Continuously observing and achieving the ability to

observe and calculate the first day of Uttarayana or Dakshinayana is

worthy intellectual ability that should be appreciated. Understanding

about first point of Uttarayana (winter solstice) and first point of

Dakshinayana (summer solstice), also indicate the knowledge about both the

equinoxes (vernal and autumnal equinoxes – the dates on which day and

night are equal). Thus knowledge about Ayana – i.e. knowledge about

solstices, equinoxes, precession of equinoxes and the moving wheel of time

– is invaluable. Therefore selecting the first day of Ayana as muhurta for

donation becomes enormously auspicious, since it indicates that your

knowledge and understanding is very good and you have considered numerous

inherent condition to choose proper Muhurta for the act (here the act of

donation). The word Ayana itself points to the existence of a Tropical as

well Sidereal zodiacs. Ayana means movement – movement not only of Sun

through the ecliptic, but also the movement of cardinal points through

ecliptic path – i.e. the precession of equinoxes. The movement of

something can be observed only using a fixed frame of reference. As we all

know the fixed frame of reference that was in use from the ancient past

was the fixed sidereal zodiac – i.e. the Nakshatra Chakra. Since the

cardinal points (solstices and equinoxes) are mentioned and also the year

beginning from cardinal points are mentioned it is well evident that the

moving Tropical zodiac was also well known. Any reference to Ayana, points

to the clear understanding about the use and existence of both sidereal

zodiac as well as tropical zodiac; of sidereal year (with months such as

Mesha, Vrishabha etc) and tropical year. `Vishuva' means equinox. There are two equinoxes –

vernal equinox and autumnal equinox. On both these dates the day and night

would be equal. The vernal equinox is on March 21 and the autumnal equinox

is on Sep 22 now a days. But due to `precession of equinoxes' this dates

will change in due course. As we all know the equinox takes around 25800

years approx to complete a circle through the ecliptic. Calculating,

locating and observing the Vishu day (date of equal day and night) is

equally difficult as finding the Ayana days (longest and shortest days).

This is the very reason for stating that selecting the proper muhurta as

correct as the Vishu day is enormously auspicious (just like the Ayana

day). May be this could be one of

the first reference to equinoxes present in ancient literature. This

quote and the reference to different Ayana starting points (with reference

to Nakshtra chakra – i.e. sidereal zodiac) points to the clear

understanding of precession of equinox during MBh period. Any reference to

equinox in ancient literature along with the reference to Nakshatra chakra

and Rasi chakra and the movement of cardinal points through Nakshatra

chakra (sidereal zodiac) could also mean that both Nakshatra chakra and

Rasi chakra was well in use (apart from the numerous lunar, solar and

lunisolar month and year systems in use).Shahd-Asiti-Mukha means Sun's entry into alternate

sidereal months. How? Shad means

`six', asiti means `Sun', mukha means `face'. Shad-Asiti-Mukaha means

- Sun's entry into six important

transit points (that derived by dividing the solar year in to six)). Here

the reference is to Sidereal solar year. Shad-Asiti-Mukha points to the

Sankranti (exit/entry – exist from previous sign and entry in to the new

sign) of Sun to various sidereal solar months/signs such as – Mesha

(Aries), Mithuna (Gemini), Simha (Leo), Tula (Libra), Dhanu (Sagittarius),

Kumbha (Aquarius). Thus this word introduces the concept of Sidereal solar

months. This much understanding about the nature and quality of time and

this much care in selecting the auspicious muhurta should be appreciated,

and this is the very reason for stating that this muhurta is enormously

auspicious. Chndrasuryoparaga means Chandra-Surya-Uparaga – i.e.

Lunar and Solar eclipse. Certainly eclipse calculation is not an easy

thing to do. All the transit period mentioned above – such as Parva, Ritu,

Ayana, Vishuva, Shahd-Asiti-Mukha are uncertain periods and the results

provided by them uncertain since they fall on the border of two certain

divisions done for result derivation purpose. So is the period of the

shadows (Rahu and Ketu) over Sun or Moon. All Sankrantis (Exit-Entry

periods) are fearful, since the result for the said period is uncertain,

since the quality of that time is uncertain. This is the very reason for

suggesting that such times are good for good deeds such as giving donation

(or prayer) – so that if the results indicated by such periods are bad

then they should get diminished. It is the effort to diminish the bad

results (if any) of the uncertain periods that is reflected in suggesting

`acts such as giving donation' in such uncertain times. As mentioned

earlier, exactly locating such uncertain changeover periods demands great

knowledge and understanding. It is said that to arrive at the exact

eclipse position more than 200 calculation steps are required (as per the

ancient calculation methods) – and definitely if one is good at locating

these uncertain moments effectively then that muhurta is certainly

enormously proper/auspicious for acts such as donation (but inauspicious

for any non-divine or household act due to there inherent uncertainty

regarding result indication)

So let us

tabulate what that sloka says and understand it better in our improved

knowledge background.

The donation

given on –




Day of join of




2 times

auspicious (than the donation given in normal days)





Day of

beginning of seasons



10 times






Day of

beginning sun's northern or southern course of travel









Day of Equinox









Day of Sun's

entry into alternate sidereal months









Day of Eclipse








This much for


Note: The following quote of Yajnavalkya

Smriti also speaks about Surya Sankrama (Entry of Sun into solar sidereal signs such

as Mesha, Vrishabha etc) and thus points to the existence of signs such as

Mesha during the period of Yajnavalkya smriti.


vrishtiH krishnapaksho ayanadwayam

Dravyam brahmana

sampattir vishuvat suryasankramaH



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Dear sreenadh JI very beautiful write up i hope the paroksha professers of Lunatic calender s may revise their Non existant calender claims on Lunar tropical calender why it shud b Lunar and tropical same time , god Knows any way thanks for this pearls rgrds sunil nair , "sreesog" <sreesog wrote:>> > A Mahabharata reference to Sidereal system> > - Written by Sreenadh OG> > Many argue that there is no reference to Signs in MBh, Yanjnavalkya> Smriti etc. But the truth is that not only inherent references to Signs,> but also details astrological expositions are present in them.> > The surfers cannot find the pearls, but only the divers, ready to dive> deep and search patiently. But it is the surfers who make a lot of noise> and entertain the public. Those surfers are like the sarcastic> journalists, or a radio jockey who shines in lime light for a small> amount of time, but remains unimportant in the long run, or like the> daily news paper which gets importance for a single day, and then goes> into the trash can. This write-up is not for the surfers but for the> potential divers – a sample peal, uncovered to stir-up you> enthusiasm to search for the peals in the sea of knowledge and> information provided by MBh – a marvel in literary history.> > The quote discussed here is very simple, but is a telescope towards the> astronomical and astrological understanding of MBh period. Let me quote> –> > Parvani dwigunam danam, Rito dasagunam bhavet> > Ayane vishuve chaiva shadaseeti mukheshu cha> > Chandrasuryoparage cha dattam akshayam uchyate> > (Mahabharata – Vanaparva ch. 200-124,125)> > [The donation given on (the day of) join of months is twice auspicious> (than the donation given in normal days); donation given on (the day of)> beginning of (any of the six) seasons 10 times auspicious; donation> given on (the day of) starting of Uttarayana or Dakshinayana or on> Vishuvam day (Equinox day – the day on which Sun is over equatorial> line and the day and night are equal) or on Shad-Asiti-Mukha (days of 6> major Sankrantis of the sun while traveling through Signs – i.e.> entry into Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanu and Kumbha) or on the day> of (solar or lunar) eclipse are enormously auspicious]> > The whole quote is about Sankrantis (Exit/Entices) or Sankramas such as> Parva Sankrama, Ritu Sankrama, Ayana Sankrama, Vishuva Sankrama,> Shad-Asiti-Mukha Sankrama and Grahana (movement of shadows access Sun or> Moon). Let us first tabulate the statements given in the above quote. As> per the above quote, the donations given on the first day of the> following are more and more auspicious. i.e. The donation given on the> beginning day of -> > 1> > Parva> > 2 times auspicious> > 2> > Ritu> > 10 times auspicious> > 3> > Ayana> > enormously auspicious> > 4> > Vishuva> > enormously auspicious> > 5> > Shad-Asiti-Mukha> > enormously auspicious> > 6> > Chndrasuryoparaga> > enormously auspicious> > > > Let us understand these words better.> > * `Parva' is the day of join of months. Which months –> solar, lunar or lunisolar? Please note that all the 6 items mentioned in> the above quote are related to the Sun itself. So the statement Parva> should refer to Solar or luni solar months, and not to lunar months. The> most popular month reckoning system prevalent during Mahabharata period> was Chaitra, Vaisakha etc luni solar months. So most possibly here the> reference is to the day on which the luni-solar month changes. (Since> luni solar year is adjusted with the sidereal solar year with the> inclusion of an extra month – we can see that the above itself> points to the existence of both sidereal solar year and sidereal> solar months. Further it is also well known that the months like> Madhu, Madhava etc are sidereal solar months). Let us note that the> whole quote is on Muhurta selection – i.e. the selection of an> auspicious moment for giving donation. A better muhurta, i.e. a> Muhurta found by considering more time divisions, and even > difficult to calculate time divisions – is more auspicious. Thus> selecting the `Parva' day for donation is said to be twice> auspicious because it is a better Muhurta, than compared to the> donation given on a normal day for which no muhurta consideration> is done. As per the ancient advice – an act should be done> considering time (kala), environment (dasa) and people involved> (patra). For determining the quality of time – Muhurta > considerations are always useful. Calculating Parva day is not that > difficult, since the next full moon day (Pournamanta system) or no moon> day (Amanta system) will indicate the Parva day. It is due to this lack> of difficulty in calculating Parva – it is said that selecting> proper Parva is only twice auspicious. Thus a reference to Parva> indicates knowledge about –> > * Year and Months> * Lunar and Solar year and about Luni-solar months such as> Chaitra, Vaisakaha etc> * Sidereal solar year and sidereal solar months such as Madhu,> Madhava etc> * Muhurta system> * Well developed philosophical foundation that is well in tune> with normal social life> * Knowledge of Astronomy that was well in tune with astrology> and much more.> > When a historian tells us that he got a coin with a chariot emblem, then> there is no need to search for extra evidence for a logical person to> come to know that horses where tamed, kingdom existed, king ruled, wars> happened, metallurgy existed, wheels already in use, travel and> communication between moderately distant places was not a difficulty and> so on. If someone is not logical enough and demands extra proof for all> these, then he is either both simply illogical and ignorant or> purposefully intendeds to distort facts.> > * `Ritu' means season. Here it points to the beginning > day of any of the 6 seasons. Calculating the beginning day of a Ritu (2> solar months approx) is more difficult. For this, one should know Ayana> (half solar years starting from solstices) and then decide whether what> we speak about is equal division or unequal division of seasons. He> should also know that the Ritus (seasons) not only depends on the> movement of Sun through the ecliptic but also the Rekhamsa> (longitude) and Akshamsa (latitude) of the place under> consideration. For example the date is March 21 does not mean that> it is spring season throughout the world (as some seems to> believe). Then once he understands the concept under consideration,> he should calculate the first day of the Ritu for all the 6 seasons> – such as Sisira (deep winter), Vasanta (spring), Greeshma (hot > season), Varsh (rainy season), Sarat (autumn) and Hemanta (winter). But> still the general understanding of Ritu is simple and is mathematical> division of Solar year in to 6 equal parts and naming it; but still it> demands much effort than locating the beginning day of a luni-solar> month and that is the very reason for the sage stating that finding> out the first day of the Ritu (and thus improving the quality of> selected Muhurta) is 10 time more auspicious. If the first point> refers to Luni-solar movements, the reference to Ritu points to> Tropical solar year and months – definitely tropical solar year> and tropical solar months must have been in use during MBh period> (even though we don't know much about the month names they> ascribed to the tropical solar months they used).> * `Ayana' means half year starting from one of the > solstices. There are two Ayanas – Uttarayana (half year starting> from winter solstice) and Dakshinayana (half year starting from> Summer solstice). In short Ayana points to the 180 degree movement> of Sun from one solstice to the other. Here the word Ayana points> to selecting the first day of Uttarayana or Dakshinayana as the> auspicious Muhurta for donation. First day of Uttarayana is the> shortest day for those who live in Northern hemisphere (longest day> for those who live in Southern hemisphere) and the first day of> Dakshinayana is the longest day for those who live in Northern> hemisphere (shortest day for those who live in Southern> hemisphere). Continuously observing and achieving the ability to > observe and calculate the first day of Uttarayana or Dakshinayana is> worthy intellectual ability that should be appreciated. Understanding> about first point of Uttarayana (winter solstice) and first point of> Dakshinayana (summer solstice), also indicate the knowledge about both> the equinoxes (vernal and autumnal equinoxes – the dates on> which day and night are equal). Thus knowledge about Ayana –> i.e. knowledge about solstices, equinoxes, precession of equinoxes> and the moving wheel of time – is invaluable. Therefore> selecting the first day of Ayana as muhurta for donation becomes> enormously auspicious, since it indicates that your knowledge and> understanding is very good and you have considered numerous > inherent condition to choose proper Muhurta for the act (here the act of> donation). The word Ayana itself points to the existence of a Tropical> as well Sidereal zodiacs. Ayana means movement – movement not> only of Sun through the ecliptic, but also the movement of cardinal> points through ecliptic path – i.e. the precession of> equinoxes. The movement of something can be observed only using a> fixed frame of reference. As we all know the fixed frame of> reference that was in use from the ancient past was the fixed> sidereal zodiac – i.e. the Nakshatra Chakra. Since the cardinal> points (solstices and equinoxes) are mentioned and also the year > beginning from cardinal points are mentioned it is well evident that the> moving Tropical zodiac was also well known. Any reference to Ayana,> points to the clear understanding about the use and existence of> both sidereal zodiac as well as tropical zodiac; of sidereal year> (with months such as Mesha, Vrishabha etc) and tropical year.> * `Vishuva' means equinox. There are two equinoxes – > vernal equinox and autumnal equinox. On both these dates the day and> night would be equal. The vernal equinox is on March 21 and the> autumnal equinox is on Sep 22 now a days. But due to> `precession of equinoxes' this dates will change in due> course. As we all know the equinox takes around 25800 years approx> to complete a circle through the ecliptic. Calculating, locating> and observing the Vishu day (date of equal day and night) is > equally difficult as finding the Ayana days (longest and shortest days).> This is the very reason for stating that selecting the proper muhurta as> correct as the Vishu day is enormously auspicious (just like the Ayana> day). May be this could be one of the first reference to equinoxes> present in ancient literature. This quote and the reference to> different Ayana starting points (with reference to Nakshtra chakra> – i.e. sidereal zodiac) points to the clear understanding of> precession of equinox during MBh period. Any reference to equinox> in ancient literature along with the reference to Nakshatra chakra > and Rasi chakra and the movement of cardinal points through Nakshatra> chakra (sidereal zodiac) could also mean that both Nakshatra chakra and> Rasi chakra was well in use (apart from the numerous lunar, solar and> lunisolar month and year systems in use).> * Shahd-Asiti-Mukha means Sun's entry into alternate > sidereal months. How? Shad means `six', asiti means> `Sun', mukha means `face'. Shad-Asiti-Mukaha means > - Sun's entry into six important transit points (that derived> by dividing the solar year in to six)). Here the reference is to> Sidereal solar year. Shad-Asiti-Mukha points to the Sankranti> (exit/entry – exist from previous sign and entry in to the new > sign) of Sun to various sidereal solar months/signs such as – Mesha> (Aries), Mithuna (Gemini), Simha (Leo), Tula (Libra), Dhanu> (Sagittarius), Kumbha (Aquarius). Thus this word introduces the> concept of Sidereal solar months. This much understanding about the> nature and quality of time and this much care in selecting the> auspicious muhurta should be appreciated, and this is the very> reason for stating that this muhurta is enormously auspicious.> * Chndrasuryoparaga means Chandra-Surya-Uparaga – i.e. Lunar> and Solar eclipse. Certainly eclipse calculation is not an easy > thing to do. All the transit period mentioned above – such as Parva,> Ritu, Ayana, Vishuva, Shahd-Asiti-Mukha are uncertain periods and> the results provided by them uncertain since they fall on the> border of two certain divisions done for result derivation purpose.> So is the period of the shadows (Rahu and Ketu) over Sun or Moon.> All Sankrantis (Exit-Entry periods) are fearful, since the result> for the said period is uncertain, since the quality of that time is> uncertain. This is the very reason for suggesting that such times> are good for good deeds such as giving donation (or prayer) –> so that if the results indicated by such periods are bad then they> should get diminished. It is the effort to diminish the bad results> (if any) of the uncertain periods that is reflected in suggesting > `acts such as giving donation' in such uncertain times. As> mentioned earlier, exactly locating such uncertain changeover> periods demands great knowledge and understanding. It is said that> to arrive at the exact eclipse position more than 200 calculation> steps are required (as per the ancient calculation methods) –> and definitely if one is good at locating these uncertain moments> effectively then that muhurta is certainly enormously> proper/auspicious for acts such as donation (but inauspicious for> any non-divine or household act due to there inherent uncertainty > regarding result indication)> > So let us tabulate what that sloka says and understand it better in our> improved knowledge background.> > The donation given on –> > Day of join of months> > 2 times auspicious (than the donation given in normal days)> > Day of beginning of seasons> > 10 times auspicious> > Day of beginning sun's northern or southern course of travel> > enormously auspicious> > Day of Equinox> > Enormously auspicious> > Day of Sun's entry into alternate sidereal months> > Enormously auspicious> > Day of Eclipse> > Enormously auspicious> > > > This much for now> > Note: The following quote of Yajnavalkya Smriti also speaks about Surya> Sankrama (Entry of Sun into solar sidereal signs such as Mesha,> Vrishabha etc) and thus points to the existence of signs such as Mesha> during the period of Yajnavalkya smriti.> > Amavasyashtaka vrishtiH krishnapaksho ayanadwayam> > Dravyam brahmana sampattir vishuvat suryasankramaH> > (Yajnavalkya Smriti)> > - 0 ->

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