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Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results

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Dear Vandana ji, //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides.// Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga (combination) that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara - point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result) that will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR SURE or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will be useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa, Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala (Uncertain result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest remedial measures. //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that bad

dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage

survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.// In this case as you could see - * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present; * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never comes. But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes; * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure of marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and supports failure of marriage. Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and Dasa not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if this period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the astrologer is supposed to provide - * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing; telling them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to; providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance; asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets getting exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher of the family - in this situation. * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e. for example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper treatment or adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about the natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc; if it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as required) so that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested or arrive at his/her own conclusion. *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e. temple visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what ever) At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether the remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or not. :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) - * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT break. * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL break. Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an Adridha phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and choice of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become useful. (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!) //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot

even a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for

marriage 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what

about AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?// Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought track mentioned above. Have a try. :) Love and regards,Sreenadh , "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:>> Respected sreenadhji,> I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination,rather i am still relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married divorced.....unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same planetary combination with changing moon position in context of dasha sequence can indicate above possibilities--now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.> > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot even a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for marriage 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > VANDANA MISHRA> -- In , "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vanadana ji,> > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is present, a> > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage could/will> > happen at that time.> > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in 2nd, 9th,> > 11th etc> > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its unaflicated lords,> > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of a> > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding dasa> > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the marriage - if> > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that marriage> > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can point to -> > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and the result> > didn't materilized)> > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as well as> > divorce came)> > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa indicating> > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but the dasa> > indicating sainthood came)> > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage broken and> > became a saint)> > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating the results> > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER them. So> > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in 7th or> > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot come to> > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken marriage or> > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will therefore> > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether it was> > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > bachelor-saint etc.> > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with changing> > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate all> > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > , Vandna Misra> > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > >> > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was wondering> > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken down or> > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and karaka> > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > With Regards to all,> > > VANDANA MISHRA> > >> >>

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Respected Sreenadhji,

Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed

explaination.you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is going

to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha pattern.so whatever

little astrology i know i will explain you. what I believe one is destined to

get what he gets in his life.so he may not destined to get married.when dasha of

MARRIAGE related houses gets activates he may indulge in some other activities

as the given house has many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in

AShtang yoga 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha

provoke him to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his

ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can achieve

SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of samadhi.when 12h dasha runs

he might landup in some Guru's ashram instead of looking for someone for

copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a

house of NIYAM.Some of you believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for

spiritual person 9H dasha takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover

God in himself.SO far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and

dhyan,he may attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

materialise he will be more into pooja path


So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their

interpretation is differnt for different individual.














- In , " sreesog " <sreesog wrote:


> Dear Vandana ji,

> //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is dasha

> which decides.//

> Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga (combination)

> that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara

> (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara -

> point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result) that

> will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain

> good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or

> whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR SURE

> or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will be

> useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,

> Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala (Uncertain

> result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result

> (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE

> HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest remedial

> measures.

> //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that bad

> dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage

> survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another

> marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//

> In this case as you could see -

> * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;

> * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never comes.

> But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;

> * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure of

> marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and

> supports failure of marriage.

> Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and Dasa

> not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if this

> period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is

> especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here

> remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest

> remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the

> astrologer is supposed to provide -

> * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by

> telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing; telling

> them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;

> providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current

> problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;

> asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and

> demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to

> speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets getting

> exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher of

> the family - in this situation.

> * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e. for

> example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper treatment or

> adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about the

> natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc; if

> it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as required) so

> that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested or

> arrive at his/her own conclusion.

> *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e. temple

> visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what ever)

> At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or

> survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether the

> remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or not.

> :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -

> * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT

> break.

> * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL

> break.

> Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an Adridha

> phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and choice

> of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become useful.

> (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)

> //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot even

> a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for marriage

> 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//

> Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought track

> mentioned above. Have a try. :)

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , " Vandna "

> <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:

> >

> > Respected sreenadhji,

> > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination,rather i am still

> relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have

> mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different

> stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married

> divorced.....unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same

> planetary combination with changing moon position in context of dasha

> sequence can indicate above possibilities--now what i have understood

> from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my querry is

> -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never comes

> not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially

> > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again

> supported by same bad dasha.

> >

> > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot even a

> single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for marriage

> 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?


> >


> >


> > -- In , " sreesog " sreesog@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vanadana ji,

> > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is present, a

> > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage

> could/will

> > > happen at that time.

> > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in 2nd,

> 9th,

> > > 11th etc

> > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its unaflicated

> lords,

> > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house

> > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of a

> > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding

> dasa

> > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the marriage -

> if

> > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that

> marriage

> > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.

> > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can point

> to -

> > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and the

> result

> > > didn't materilized)

> > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as well

> as

> > > divorce came)

> > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa indicating

> > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)

> > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but the

> dasa

> > > indicating sainthood came)

> > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage broken

> and

> > > became a saint)

> > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating the

> results

> > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER them.

> So

> > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in 7th

> or

> > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot come

> to

> > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken marriage or

> > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will

> therefore

> > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether it

> was

> > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,

> > > bachelor-saint etc.

> > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with

> changing

> > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate all

> > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!

> > > Love and regards,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > , Vandna Misra

> > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:

> > > >


> > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was

> wondering

> > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken down

> or

> > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and karaka

> > > venus�has to be afflicted.

> > > > With Regards to all,


> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Vandana ji,sorry for inturuption.Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh ji's clarity but this is something....//I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not

destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets

activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house

has many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang

yoga 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha

provoke him to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might

develop his ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan

kriya he can achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house

of samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram

instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs

he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you

believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha

takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO

far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may

attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

materialise he will be more into pooja path> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their interpretation is differnt for different individual.//Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart.I am into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled for a person to be spiritual.Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and not for boasting in public....thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,Warm regards,gopi.> , "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:>> -> > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed explaination.you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get materialise he will be more into pooja path> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > > > - In , "sreesog" sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vandana ji,> > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is dasha> > which decides.//> > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga (combination)> > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara -> > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result) that> > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR SURE> > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will be> > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala (Uncertain> > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest remedial> > measures.> > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that bad> > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > In this case as you could see -> > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never comes.> > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure of> > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > supports failure of marriage.> > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and Dasa> > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if this> > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing; telling> > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets getting> > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher of> > the family - in this situation.> > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e. for> > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper treatment or> > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about the> > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc; if> > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as required) so> > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested or> > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e. temple> > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what ever)> > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether the> > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or not.> > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > break.> > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > break.> > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an Adridha> > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and choice> > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become useful.> > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot even> > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for marriage> > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought track> > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > , "Vandna"> > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > >> > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination,rather i am still> > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > divorced.....unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of dasha> > sequence can indicate above possibilities--now what i have understood> > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my querry is> > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never comes> > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > supported by same bad dasha.> > >> > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot even a> > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for marriage> > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > >> > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > >> > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > -- In , "sreesog" sreesog@> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is present, a> > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > could/will> > > > happen at that time.> > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in 2nd,> > 9th,> > > > 11th etc> > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its unaflicated> > lords,> > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of a> > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > dasa> > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the marriage -> > if> > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > marriage> > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can point> > to -> > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and the> > result> > > > didn't materilized)> > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as well> > as> > > > divorce came)> > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa indicating> > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but the> > dasa> > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage broken> > and> > > > became a saint)> > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating the> > results> > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER them. > > So> > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in 7th> > or> > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot come> > to> > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken marriage or> > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > therefore> > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether it> > was> > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > changing> > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate all> > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , Vandna Misra> > > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > wondering> > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken down> > or> > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and karaka> > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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thanks Gopiji,

i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.

with due regards,God bless.

vandana mishra.






, " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927



> Dear Vandana ji,

> sorry for inturuption.Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh

> ji's clarity but this is something....

> //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may

> not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets

> activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has

> many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga

> 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him

> to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his

> ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can

> achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of

> samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram

> instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs

> he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you

> believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha

> takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO

> far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may

> attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

> materialise he will be more into pooja path

> >

> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their

> interpretation is differnt for different individual.//


> Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart.I am

> into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my

> teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always

> considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I

> remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled

> for a person to be spiritual.


> Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only

> writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have

> restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and

> not for boasting in public....

> thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,

> Warm regards,

> gopi.

> >

> , " Vandna "

> <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> >

> > Respected Sreenadhji,

> > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed

> explaination.you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is

> going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha

> pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I

> believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not

> destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets

> activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has

> many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga

> 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him

> to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his

> ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can

> achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of

> samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram

> instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs

> he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you

> believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha

> takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO

> far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may

> attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

> materialise he will be more into pooja path

> >

> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their

> interpretation is differnt for different individual.

> >


> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > - In , " sreesog " sreesog@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vandana ji,

> > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is

> dasha

> > > which decides.//

> > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga

> (combination)

> > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara

> > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara

> -

> > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)

> that

> > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain

> > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or

> > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR


> > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will

> be

> > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,

> > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala

> (Uncertain

> > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result

> > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE

> > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest

> remedial

> > > measures.

> > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that

> bad

> > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage

> > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another

> > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//

> > > In this case as you could see -

> > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;

> > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never

> comes.

> > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;

> > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure

> of

> > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and

> > > supports failure of marriage.

> > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and

> Dasa

> > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if

> this

> > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is

> > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here

> > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest

> > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the

> > > astrologer is supposed to provide -

> > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by

> > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;

> telling

> > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;

> > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current

> > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;

> > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and

> > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to

> > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets

> getting

> > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher

> of

> > > the family - in this situation.

> > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.

> for

> > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper

> treatment or

> > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about

> the

> > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;

> if

> > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as

> required) so

> > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested

> or

> > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.

> > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.

> temple

> > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what

> ever)

> > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or

> > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether

> the

> > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or

> not.

> > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -

> > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT

> > > break.

> > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL

> > > break.

> > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an

> Adridha

> > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and

> choice

> > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become

> useful.

> > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)

> > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot

> even

> > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for

> marriage

> > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//

> > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought

> track

> > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)

> > > Love and regards,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > , " Vandna "

> > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Respected sreenadhji,

> > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination,rather i am still

> > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have

> > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different

> > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married

> > > divorced.....unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same

> > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of

> dasha

> > > sequence can indicate above possibilities--now what i have

> understood

> > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my

> querry is

> > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never

> comes

> > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially

> > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again

> > > supported by same bad dasha.

> > > >

> > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot

> even a

> > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for

> marriage

> > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > -- In , " sreesog " sreesog@

> > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,

> > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is

> present, a

> > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage

> > > could/will

> > > > > happen at that time.

> > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in

> 2nd,

> > > 9th,

> > > > > 11th etc

> > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its

> unaflicated

> > > lords,

> > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house

> > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of

> a

> > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding

> > > dasa

> > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the

> marriage -

> > > if

> > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that

> > > marriage

> > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.

> > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can

> point

> > > to -

> > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and

> the

> > > result

> > > > > didn't materilized)

> > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as

> well

> > > as

> > > > > divorce came)

> > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa

> indicating

> > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)

> > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but

> the

> > > dasa

> > > > > indicating sainthood came)

> > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage

> broken

> > > and

> > > > > became a saint)

> > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating

> the

> > > results

> > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER

> them.

> > > So

> > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in

> 7th

> > > or

> > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot

> come

> > > to

> > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken

> marriage or

> > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will

> > > therefore

> > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether

> it

> > > was

> > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,

> > > > > bachelor-saint etc.

> > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with

> > > changing

> > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate

> all

> > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!

> > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > > > , Vandna Misra

> > > > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:

> > > > > >


> > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was

> > > wondering

> > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken

> down

> > > or

> > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and

> karaka

> > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.

> > > > > > With Regards to all,

> > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Vandana ji,you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...All the best,warm regards,gopi. , "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:>> thanks Gopiji,> i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> with due regards,God bless.> vandana mishra.> > > > > > , "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vandana ji,> > sorry for inturuption.Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > ji's clarity but this is something....> > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > >> > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > interpretation is differnt for different individual.//> > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart.I am> > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > not for boasting in public....> > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > Warm regards,> > gopi.> > >> > , "Vandna"> > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > >> > > -> > >> > >> > >> > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > explaination.you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > >> > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > >> > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > >> > > VANDANA MISHRA> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > - In , "sreesog" sreesog@> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > dasha> > > > which decides.//> > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > (combination)> > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > -> > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > that> > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > SURE> > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > be> > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > (Uncertain> > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > remedial> > > > measures.> > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > bad> > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > comes.> > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > of> > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > Dasa> > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > this> > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > telling> > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > getting> > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > of> > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.> > for> > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > treatment or> > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > the> > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > if> > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > required) so> > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > or> > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > temple> > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > ever)> > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > the> > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > not.> > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > break.> > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > break.> > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > Adridha> > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > choice> > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > useful.> > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > even> > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > marriage> > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > track> > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination,rather i am still> > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > divorced.....unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > dasha> > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities--now what i have> > understood> > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > querry is> > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > comes> > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > >> > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > even a> > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > marriage> > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > >> > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > -- In , "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > present, a> > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > could/will> > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > 2nd,> > > > 9th,> > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > unaflicated> > > > lords,> > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > a> > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > dasa> > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > marriage -> > > > if> > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > marriage> > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > point> > > > to -> > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > the> > > > result> > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > well> > > > as> > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > indicating> > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > the> > > > dasa> > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > broken> > > > and> > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > the> > > > results> > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > them.> > > > So> > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > 7th> > > > or> > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > come> > > > to> > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > marriage or> > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > therefore> > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > it> > > > was> > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > changing> > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > all> > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > , Vandna Misra> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > wondering> > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > down> > > > or> > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > karaka> > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Respected Gopiji,

I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.

Regards.God bless.


Vandana Mishra--- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Date: Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM

Dear Vandana ji,you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...All the best,warm regards,gopi.ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> thanks Gopiji,> i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> with due regards,God bless.> vandana mishra.> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vandana ji,> > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > activates he may indulge in some other

activities as the given house has> > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > attain mantra

siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > >> > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > restrained

myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > not for boasting in public....> > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > Warm regards,> > gopi.> > >> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > >> > > -> > >> > >> > >> > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related

houses gets> > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h

is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > >> > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > >> > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > >> > > VANDANA MISHRA> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > dasha> > > > which decides.//> > > > Yes - true.

You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > (combination)> > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > -> > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > that> > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > SURE> > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > be> > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> >

(Uncertain> > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > remedial> > > > measures.> > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > bad> > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > comes.> > > > But the Antara (that

can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > of> > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > Dasa> > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > this> > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > * Councelling:

required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > telling> > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > getting> > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > of> > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions

(i.e.> > for> > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > treatment or> > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > the> > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > if> > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > required) so> > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > or> > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > temple> > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > ever)> > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > survive) will depend (from

astrological perspective) on - whether> > the> > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > not.> > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > break.> > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > break.> > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > Adridha> > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > choice> > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > useful.> > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot>

> even> > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > marriage> > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > track> > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > relishing it..just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> >

> > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc..plus you have mentioned same> > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > dasha> > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > understood> > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > querry is> > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > comes> > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > >> > > >

> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > even a> > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > marriage> > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > >> > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > present, a> > > > >

> potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > could/will> > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > 2nd,> > > > 9th,> > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > unaflicated> > > > lords,> > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > a> > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > dasa> > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > marriage -> > > > if> > > > > > only

marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > marriage> > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > point> > > > to -> > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > the> > > > result> > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > well> > > > as> > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > indicating> > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did

not come but> > the> > > > dasa> > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > broken> > > > and> > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > the> > > > results> > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > them.> > > > So> > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > 7th> > > > or> > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > come> > > > to> > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> >

marriage or> > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > therefore> > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > it> > > > was> > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > changing> > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > all> > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology@ .

com, Vandna Misra> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > wondering> > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > down> > > > or> > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > karaka> > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear/Respected Vandana ji,I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...Warm regards,gopi. , Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.> Regards.God bless.> > Vandana Mishra> > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927 wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> All the best,> warm regards,> gopi.> ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > thanks Gopiji,> > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > with due regards,God bless.> > vandana mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > >> > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > > not for boasting in public....> > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > Warm regards,> > > gopi.> > > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > >> > > > -> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > >> > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > >> > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > >> > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > dasha> > > > > which decides.//> > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > (combination)> > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > -> > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > > that> > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > SURE> > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > be> > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > (Uncertain> > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > remedial> > > > > measures.> > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > bad> > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > comes.> > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > > of> > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > Dasa> > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > this> > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > telling> > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > getting> > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > of> > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.> > > for> > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > treatment or> > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > the> > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > if> > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > required) so> > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > or> > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > temple> > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > ever)> > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > the> > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > not.> > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > break.> > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > break.> > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > Adridha> > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > choice> > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > useful.> > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > even> > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > marriage> > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > > track> > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > dasha> > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > understood> > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > querry is> > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > comes> > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > >> > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > even a> > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > marriage> > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > >> > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > >> > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > present, a> > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > could/will> > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > 2nd,> > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > unaflicated> > > > > lords,> > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > a> > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > > dasa> > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > marriage -> > > > > if> > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > marriage> > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > point> > > > > to -> > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > the> > > > > result> > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > well> > > > > as> > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > indicating> > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > the> > > > > dasa> > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > broken> > > > > and> > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > the> > > > > results> > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > them.> > > > > So> > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > 7th> > > > > or> > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > come> > > > > to> > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > marriage or> > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > therefore> > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > it> > > > > was> > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > changing> > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > all> > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > >> > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > wondering> > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > down> > > > > or> > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > karaka> > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Respected Gopiji,

//...i could have kept quiet...rather.// kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.

Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case

5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.

Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]

Now few suggestions-since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti,-the power of intellect,Ichhashakti-power of will,Kriyashakti-power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics

Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..

I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.

REGARDS,God bless.


--- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Date: Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM

Dear/Respected Vandana ji,I dont know what/why you got me wrong..its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...Warm regards,gopi. ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.> Regards.God bless.> > Vandana Mishra> > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .

wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> ancient_indian_ astrology> Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> All the best,> warm regards,> gopi.> ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > thanks Gopiji,> > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > with due regards,God bless.> > vandana mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > >>

> > Dear Vandana ji,> > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's

ashram> > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > >> > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining

of 20's if not my> > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > > not for boasting in public....> > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > Warm regards,> > > gopi.> > > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > >

>> > > > -> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > to reach

a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > >> > > > So dasha related to

houses can be same for different people,but their> > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > >> > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > >> > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > dasha> > > > > which decides.//> > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > (combination)> > > > > that DESIDES,

it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > -> > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > > that> > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > SURE> > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > be> > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > (Uncertain> > > > > result) and the

astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > remedial> > > > > measures.> > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > bad> > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > comes.> > > > >

But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > > of> > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > Dasa> > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > this> > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > >

> > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > telling> > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > getting> > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> >

> of> > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.> > > for> > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > treatment or> > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > the> > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > if> > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > required) so> > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > or> > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > temple> > >

> > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > ever)> > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > the> > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > not.> > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > break.> > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > break.> > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > Adridha> > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will

and> > > choice> > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > useful.> > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > even> > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > marriage> > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > > track> > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >

ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > dasha> > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > understood> > > > > from above

statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > querry is> > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > comes> > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > >> > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > even a> > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > marriage> > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS

CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > >> > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > >> > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > present, a> > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > could/will> > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > 2nd,> > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > 11th

etc> > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > unaflicated> > > > > lords,> > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > a> > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > > dasa> > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > marriage -> > > > > if> > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > marriage> > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination.> > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME

combinations itself can> > > point> > > > > to -> > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > the> > > > > result> > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > well> > > > > as> > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > indicating> > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > the> > > > > dasa> > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > * Married

saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > broken> > > > > and> > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > the> > > > > results> > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > them.> > > > > So> > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > 7th> > > > > or> > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > come> > > > > to> > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > marriage or> > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are

possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > therefore> > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > it> > > > > was> > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > changing> > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > all> > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > >> > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology@

. com, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > wondering> > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > down> > > > > or> > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > karaka> > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > >

>> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Vandana ji,past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.// I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.//i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument where is the question of blame etc......once again thanking you for the nice analysys....Warm regards,GOD BLESS,gopi. , Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> //...i could have kept quiet...rather.// kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> Now few suggestions-since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti,-the power of intellect,Ichhashakti-power of will,Kriyashakti-power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics> Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> REGARDS,God bless.> VANDANA MISHRA> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927 wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM> > > > > > > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...> Warm regards,> gopi. > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.> > Regards.God bless.> > > > Vandana Mishra> > > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:> > > > > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> > All the best,> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > thanks Gopiji,> > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > with due regards,God bless.> > > vandana mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > > > not for boasting in public....> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > Warm regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > >> > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > > dasha> > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > (combination)> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > > -> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > > > that> > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > > SURE> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > > be> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > remedial> > > > > > measures.> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > > bad> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > > comes.> > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > > > of> > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > > Dasa> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > > this> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > > telling> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > > getting> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > > of> > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.> > > > for> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > treatment or> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > > the> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > > if> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > required) so> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > > or> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > > temple> > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > > ever)> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > > the> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > > not.> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > > break.> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > > break.> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > > Adridha> > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > > choice> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > > useful.> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > > > track> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > > dasha> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > understood> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > > querry is> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > > comes> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even a> > > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > > present, a> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > > 2nd,> > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > unaflicated> > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > > a> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > > marriage -> > > > > > if> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination..> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > point> > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > > the> > > > > > result> > > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > > well> > > > > > as> > > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > indicating> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > > the> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > broken> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > > the> > > > > > results> > > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > > them.> > > > > > So> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > > 7th> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > > come> > > > > > to> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > > it> > > > > > was> > > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > > all> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > > down> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > > karaka> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Vandana ji,there is a typo here below //i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which> was cornered by him//Pl read coined instead of cornered.Vandana ji,i have copied and saved your analysis in my personal files....Warm regards,gopi. , "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927 wrote:>> Dear Vandana ji,> past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just> hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself> how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd> lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like> bullets.> Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you> that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi> and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different> and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat> asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i> observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i> believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i> suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.> // I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming> your sat.//> i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which> was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat> that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only> not even argument where is the question of blame etc......> once again thanking you for the nice analysys....> Warm regards,> GOD BLESS,> gopi.> > , Vandna Misra> vandana_mishra_91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > //...i could have kept quiet...rather.// kindly take your words back.> I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk> about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the> tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour> case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed in 2h} placed in airy sign> .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action> rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> > Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past> karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is> also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in> 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case> > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed> in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop> blaming your sat.> > Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted> but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again> in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also> functional malefic so first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h> although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on> 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill> mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> > Now few suggestions-since sixth house is house of DHARNA which> involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they> are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti,-the power of> intellect,Ichhashakti-power of will,Kriyashakti-power to perform,and> kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control> over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh,> Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet> placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man> with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a> remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord> has been praised by few classics> > Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but> on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn> being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at> every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working> at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> > I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power> as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> > REGARDS,God bless.> > VANDANA MISHRA> > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> >> > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@> > Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > > > Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> > I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not> yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its> always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the> truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that> .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I> could have kept quiet rather!!...> > Warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > Respected Gopiji,> > > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not> here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find> something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could> not convey what i wanted to say.> > > Regards.God bless.> > >> > > Vandana Mishra> > >> > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:> > >> > >> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and> Results> > > ancient_indian_ astrology> > > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our> posts signify i believe...> > > All the best,> > > warm regards,> > > gopi.> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > > >> > > > thanks Gopiji,> > > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > > with due regards,God bless.> > > > vandana mishra.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,> "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to> sreenadh> > > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so> he may> > > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related> houses gets> > > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given> house has> > > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in> AShtang yoga> > > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha> provoke him> > > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop> his> > > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he> can> > > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's> ashram> > > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H> dasha runs> > > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some> of you> > > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person> 9H dasha> > > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in> himself.SO> > > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he> may> > > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to> get> > > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > > >> > > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different> people,but their> > > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > >> > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case> study)chart. I am> > > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if> not my> > > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I> always> > > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for> GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be> spoiled> > > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > >> > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am> only> > > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I> have> > > > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very> personal and> > > > > not for boasting in public....> > > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > > Warm regards,> > > > > gopi.> > > > > >> > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > -> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a> detailed> > > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint> how he is> > > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you.> what I> > > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he> may not> > > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses> gets> > > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given> house has> > > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in> AShtang yoga> > > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha> provoke him> > > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop> his> > > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he> can> > > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's> ashram> > > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H> dasha runs> > > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some> of you> > > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person> 9H dasha> > > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in> himself.SO> > > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he> may> > > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to> get> > > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > > >> > > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different> people,but their> > > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > > >> > > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > > >> > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog"> sreesog@> > > > > wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT> is> > > > > dasha> > > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > > (combination)> > > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is> Gochara> > > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and> Gochara> > > > > -> > > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain> result)> > > > > that> > > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a> certain> > > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or> accident or> > > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that> HAPPENED FOR> > > > > SURE> > > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial> meaures will> > > > > be> > > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga,> Dasa,> > > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad> result> > > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever)> MAY HAVE> > > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > > remedial> > > > > > > measures.> > > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it> possible that> > > > > bad> > > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how> marriage> > > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination> another> > > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage> never> > > > > comes.> > > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage)> comes;> > > > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports> failure> > > > > of> > > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also> bad and> > > > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result> and> > > > > Dasa> > > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That> means if> > > > > this> > > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this> period is> > > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means> that here> > > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD> suggest> > > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is -> here the> > > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple> (by> > > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are> undergoing;> > > > > telling> > > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be> in to;> > > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their> current> > > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing> guidance;> > > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as> requied and> > > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a> place to> > > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of> secrets> > > > > getting> > > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a> well wisher> > > > > of> > > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions> (i.e.> > > > > for> > > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > > treatment or> > > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them> about> > > > > the> > > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another> location etc;> > > > > if> > > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > > required) so> > > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives> suggested> > > > > or> > > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions> (i.e.> > > > > temple> > > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops> or what> > > > > ever)> > > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail> or> > > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on -> whether> > > > > the> > > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was> followed or> > > > > not.> > > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage> WILL NOT> > > > > > > break.> > > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage> WILL> > > > > > > break.> > > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > > > Adridha> > > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the> will and> > > > > choice> > > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology> become> > > > > useful.> > > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to> getnot> > > > > even> > > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses> for> > > > > marriage> > > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what> about> > > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the> thought> > > > > track> > > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > >> > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i> am still> > > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive> mind.you have> > > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to> different> > > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living> happily,married> > > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have> mentioned same> > > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context> of> > > > > dasha> > > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > > understood> > > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now> my> > > > > querry is> > > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha> never> > > > > comes> > > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> survives?especially> > > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage> fails.again> > > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to> getnot> > > > > even a> > > > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > > marriage> > > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what> about> > > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL> COMBINATION.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology,> "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > > > present, a> > > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then> marriage> > > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a> benefic in> > > > > 2nd,> > > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > > unaflicated> > > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking> of> > > > > a> > > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the> corresponding> > > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after> the> > > > > marriage -> > > > > > > if> > > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then> that> > > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said> combination..> > > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > > point> > > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came> and> > > > > the> > > > > > > result> > > > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage> as> > > > > well> > > > > > > as> > > > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > > indicating> > > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come> but> > > > > the> > > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > > broken> > > > > > > and> > > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations> indicating> > > > > the> > > > > > > results> > > > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which> DELIVER> > > > > them.> > > > > > > So> > > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some> malefics in> > > > > 7th> > > > > > > or> > > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you> cannot> > > > > come> > > > > > > to> > > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer> will> > > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding> whether> > > > > it> > > > > > > was> > > > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of> marriage,> > > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can> indicate> > > > > all> > > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of> astrology!> > > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology,> Vandna Misra> > > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart> i was> > > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later> broken> > > > > down> > > > > > > or> > > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h> and> > > > > karaka> > > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Gopiji,


You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects of this placement.

Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth.


Thanks & Regards

Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Mon, 28/9/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Date: Monday, 28 September, 2009, 12:17 PM

Dear Vandana ji,past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.// I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your

sat.//i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument where is the question of blame etc......once again thanking you for the nice analysys....Warm regards,GOD BLESS,gopi.ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> //...i could have kept quiet...rather. // kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned

with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is

strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> Now few suggestions- since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti, -the power of intellect,Ichhashak ti-power of will,Kriyashakti- power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics> Lastly,.so sixth

house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> REGARDS,God bless.> VANDANA MISHRA> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. . wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> ancient_indian_ astrology> Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM> > > > > > > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> I

dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...> Warm regards,> gopi. > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.> > Regards.God bless.> > > > Vandana Mishra> > > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .

wrote:> > > > > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> > All the best,> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > thanks Gopiji,> > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > with due regards,God bless.> > > vandana mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level

that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but

their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > > > not for

boasting in public....> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > Warm regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his

life.so he may not> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > >

believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself.SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > >> > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >>

> > > >> > > > >> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > > dasha> > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > (combination)> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > > -> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > > > that> > > > > > will happen for

sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > > SURE> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > > be> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > remedial>

> > > > > measures.> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > > bad> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > > comes.> > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > > > of> > > > >

> marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > > Dasa> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > > this> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by>

> > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > > telling> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > > getting> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > > of> > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > >

> > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e.> > > > for> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > treatment or> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > > the> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > > if> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > required) so> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > > or> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > > temple> > > > >

> visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > > ever)> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > > the> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > > not.> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > > break.> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > > break.> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > > Adridha> > > > > > phala

materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > > choice> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > > useful.> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > > > track> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > >

> > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context

of> > > > dasha> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > understood> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > > querry is> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > > comes> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even a> > > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > >

marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > > present, a> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is

ripe then marriage> > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > > 2nd,> > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > unaflicated> > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > > a> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it

should be after the> > > > marriage -> > > > > > if> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination. .> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > point> > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > > the> > > > > > result> > > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > > well> > > > > > as> > > > > > > > divorce

came)> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > indicating> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > > the> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > broken> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > > the> > > > > > results> > > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which

DELIVER> > > > them.> > > > > > So> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > > 7th> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > > come> > > > > > to> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > > it> > > > > > was> > > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of

marriage,> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > > all> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > >

Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > > down> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > > karaka> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Chiranjiv mehta ji,i am not at all an accoplished astrologer.I dont know what you mean by that.According to me no body is an accomplished astrologer since astrology is such a vast ocean.I dont know where i am in that ocean since i dont even know swimming.At best i may be called a research student.I spoke about 3rd lord in a particular context.3rdL/H have so many atributes like all other houses.First of all this is a rare placement.3rd lord of effort in 12th house of loss.So1.What ever effort is made is a waste(of effort) which is true in my case.2.Hence things hapen effortlessly.(also true in me).3.3rd house is called self in the spiritual sense.12th house is moksha.So whatever self effort is there is only towards moksha.4.3rd lord is also for younger siblings.I lost my youngest brother in his 1st year itself.One of my younger brother is abroad since 12th H represents residence abroad.5.Above all this is good for spirituality and not for materialistic life since one may not have sex experience aswell.Sri Ramakrishna paramahansa has his 3rdL exalted in 12th.These are a few things i know about for your information.Like that we can derive many more from many charts.....Love and regards,gopi. , chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:>> Dear Gopiji,> > You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects of this placement.> Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth.> > Thanks & Regards> > > Chiranjiv Mehta

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Respected mehtaji,

In Ashtyang yoga six house is a house of Dharna,it means concentration without

any distubance it is first steps towards samadhi.since our mind is extremely

wavering, to engage it in particular area is dharna.thus it is mainly

controlling  the mind.Now question arise what are the the various weeknesses of

individual? they are kam krodh lobh moh mad and matshya{or sexual

peasure,jaelousy,greed,attachments etc,}they are six ripus or six weeknesses

denoted by six house.since through dharna one is required to observe certain

norms strictly any strong planet placed in this house[exalted u can say]extol

the urge for the mentioned  karkatvas.It is the basic principle of astrology

,any benefic [here you have to take benefic for the house it can be natural

malefic also]  placed in the house stengthened the significance of the house.so

if planet is well placed it facilIites the way to achieve all these

materialistic attributes .In spiritual sense they are

enemy to individual as it hinders the way towards salvation,but for commoner

these are the things they are looking for.that is why it is said that

debilitated planet is better in this house as it deprives the native to avail

the happiness from the given significance.in other word it checks and

subsides the native's ambition.probably this the reason why malefic placed in

11H has been praised for spiritual upliftment.11H is bhavat bhavam of 6H,[6from








--- On Mon, 9/28/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:



chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv

Re: Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results


Monday, September 28, 2009, 9:21 AM




Dear Gopiji,


You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an

accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects

of this placement.

Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and

why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth.


Thanks & Regards



Chiranjiv Mehta



--- On Mon, 28/9/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 > wrote:



gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 >

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results

ancient_indian_ astrology

Monday, 28 September, 2009, 12:17 PM





Dear Vandana ji,

past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just

hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it

hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I

believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.

Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the

sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without

that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's

guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are

totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is

asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due

to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.

// I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your


i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was

cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am

only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument

where is the question of blame etc......

once again thanking you for the nice analysys....

Warm regards,




ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra

<vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:


> Respected Gopiji,

> //...i could have  kept quiet...rather. // kindly take your words back. I

appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about

your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign

as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l

 exalted placed in 2h}  placed in  airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned

with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu

tatva is innate philosphere.

> Secondly,  saturn is lord of 5H,  this house deals with your past karmas it

assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible

part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why  we wonder

what lied in our past karma!!!in your case

> 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in

past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your


> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in

the nakshatra or star  of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the

nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so

first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in

VRY..so there is strong  influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses

on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some

other context]

> Now few suggestions- since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six

primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or

some occult power,Gyanshakti, -the power of intellect,Ichhashak ti-power of

will,Kriyashakti- power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is

strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six

RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six

lord or exalted planet placed in  six house not consider very beneficial

especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies

to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord has

been praised by few classics

>  Lastly,.so sixth  house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some

kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L

exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to

fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time

forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..

> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this

house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.

> REGARDS,God bless.


> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. . wrote:



> gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM







> Dear/Respected Vandana ji,

> I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you

acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again

repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong

with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in

2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...

> Warm regards,

> gopi.

> ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra

<vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:

> >

> > Respected Gopiji,

> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to

praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the

decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to


> > Regards.God bless.

> >  

> > Vandana Mishra

> >

> > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:

> >

> >

> > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .

> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results

> > ancient_indian_ astrology

> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vandana ji,

> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts

signify i believe...

> > All the best,

> > warm regards,

> > gopi.

> > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Vandna "

<vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:

> > >

> > > thanks Gopiji,

> > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.

> > > with due regards,God bless.

> > > vandana mishra.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " gopalakrishna "

gopi_b927@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Vandana ji,

> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to


> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .

> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may

> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets

> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has

> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga

> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him

> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his

> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can

> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of

> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram

> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs

> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you

> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha

> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO

> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may

> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path

> > > > >

> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their

> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /

> > > >

> > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am

> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my

> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always

> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I

> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled

> > > > for a person to be spiritual.

> > > >

> > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only

> > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have

> > > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and

> > > > not for boasting in public....

> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,

> > > > Warm regards,

> > > > gopi.

> > > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Vandna "

> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > -

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,

> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed

> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he


> > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha

> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I

> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not

> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets

> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has

> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga

> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him

> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his

> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can

> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of

> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram

> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs

> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you

> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha

> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO

> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may

> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get

> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path

> > > > >

> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their

> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.

> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, " sreesog " sreesog@

> > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,

> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is

> > > > dasha

> > > > > > which decides.//

> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga

> > > > (combination)

> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara

> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara

> > > > -

> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)

> > > > that

> > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain

> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or

> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR

> > > > SURE

> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will

> > > > be

> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,

> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala

> > > > (Uncertain

> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result

> > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE

> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest

> > > > remedial

> > > > > > measures.

> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that

> > > > bad

> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage

> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another

> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//

> > > > > > In this case as you could see -

> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;

> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never

> > > > comes.

> > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;

> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure

> > > > of

> > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and

> > > > > > supports failure of marriage.

> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and

> > > > Dasa

> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if

> > > > this

> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is

> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here

> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest

> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the

> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -

> > > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by

> > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;

> > > > telling

> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;

> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current

> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;

> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and

> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to

> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets

> > > > getting

> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher

> > > > of

> > > > > > the family - in this situation.

> > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e..

> > > > for

> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper

> > > > treatment or

> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about

> > > > the

> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;

> > > > if

> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as

> > > > required) so

> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested

> > > > or

> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.

> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.

> > > > temple

> > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what

> > > > ever)

> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or

> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether

> > > > the

> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or

> > > > not.

> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -

> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT

> > > > > > break.

> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL

> > > > > > break.

> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an

> > > > Adridha

> > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and

> > > > choice

> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become

> > > > useful.

> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)

> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot

> > > > even

> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for

> > > > marriage

> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//

> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought

> > > > track

> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)

> > > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, " Vandna "

> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,

> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am


> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have

> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different

> > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married

> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same

> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of

> > > > dasha

> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have

> > > > understood

> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my

> > > > querry is

> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never

> > > > comes

> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially

> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again

> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot

> > > > even a

> > > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for

> > > > marriage

> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about

> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA

> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, " sreesog "


> > > > > > wrote:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,

> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is

> > > > present, a

> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage

> > > > > > could/will

> > > > > > > > happen at that time.

> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in

> > > > 2nd,

> > > > > > 9th,

> > > > > > > > 11th etc

> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its

> > > > unaflicated

> > > > > > lords,

> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house

> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of

> > > > a

> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding

> > > > > > dasa

> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the

> > > > marriage -

> > > > > > if

> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that

> > > > > > marriage

> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination. .

> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can

> > > > point

> > > > > > to -

> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and

> > > > the

> > > > > > result

> > > > > > > > didn't materilized)

> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as

> > > > well

> > > > > > as

> > > > > > > > divorce came)

> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa

> > > > indicating

> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)

> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but

> > > > the

> > > > > > dasa

> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)

> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage

> > > > broken

> > > > > > and

> > > > > > > > became a saint)

> > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating

> > > > the

> > > > > > results

> > > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER

> > > > them.

> > > > > > So

> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in

> > > > 7th

> > > > > > or

> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot

> > > > come

> > > > > > to

> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken

> > > > marriage or

> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will

> > > > > > therefore

> > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether

> > > > it

> > > > > > was

> > > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,

> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.

> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with

> > > > > > changing

> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate

> > > > all

> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!

> > > > > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra

> > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,

> > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was

> > > > > > wondering

> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken

> > > > down

> > > > > > or

> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and

> > > > karaka

> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.

> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,

> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >





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Namaste Vandanaji,


Thank You for your effort in replying.

The only matter of interpretation can be - a malefic will actually destroy the urge of the 6 ripus ????? That is what I thought upto now.

Your point is well taken but actually I have thinking 180 degrees opposite.

I am revisiting charts of people I know and will revisit the same.


Thanks for the shaking up of basic misconception.

This has personal bearing on me too. Will come back later.


Thanks & Regards

Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Tue, 29/9/09, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:

Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91 Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Date: Tuesday, 29 September, 2009, 12:38 PM

Respected mehtaji,In Ashtyang yoga six house is a house of Dharna,it means concentration without any distubance it is first steps towards samadhi.since our mind is extremely wavering, to engage it in particular area is dharna.thus it is mainly controlling the mind.Now question arise what are the the various weeknesses of individual? they are kam krodh lobh moh mad and matshya{or sexual peasure,jaelousy, greed,attachment s etc,}they are six ripus or six weeknesses denoted by six house.since through dharna one is required to observe certain norms strictly any strong planet placed in this house[exalted u can say]extol the urge for the mentioned karkatvas.It is the basic principle of astrology ,any benefic [here you have to take benefic for the house it can be natural malefic also] placed in the house stengthened the significance of the house.so if planet is well placed it facilIites the way to achieve all

these materialistic attributes .In spiritual sense they areenemy to individual as it hinders the way towards salvation,but for commoner these are the things they are looking for.that is why it is said that debilitated planet is better in this house as it deprives the native to avail the happiness from the given significance. in other word it checks and subsides the native's ambition.probably this the reason why malefic placed in 11H has been praised for spiritual upliftment.11H is bhavat bhavam of 6H,[6from 6h]. RegardsVANDANA MISHRA VANDANA --- On Mon, 9/28/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, September 28, 2009, 9:21 AMDear Gopiji, You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects of this placement.Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth. Thanks & RegardsChiranjiv Mehta--- On Mon, 28/9/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 > wrote:gopalakrishna

<gopi_b927 >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, 28 September, 2009, 12:17 PM Dear Vandana ji,past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i

believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.// I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.//i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument where is the question of blame etc......once again thanking you for the nice analysys....Warm regards,GOD BLESS,gopi.ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> //...i could have kept quiet... rather. // kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to

talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by

jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> Now few suggestions- since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti, -the power of intellect,Ichhashak ti-power of will,Kriyashakti- power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man

with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics> Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> REGARDS,God bless.> VANDANA MISHRA> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. . wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and

Results> ancient_indian_ astrology> Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM> > > > > > > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...> Warm regards,> gopi. > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly

excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say.> > Regards.God bless.> > > > Vandana Mishra> > > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:> > > > > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> > All the best,> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > thanks Gopiji,> >

> i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > with due regards,God bless.> > > vandana mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also

a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some

affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > >

> writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > > restrained myself also since i believe spirituality is very personal and> > > > not for boasting in public....> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > Warm regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > > going to deal with the discussed

planetary combination and dasha> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what I> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> >

> > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > >> > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA

MISHRA> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > > dasha> > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > (combination)> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and

Gochara> > > > -> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain result)> > > > that> > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > > SURE> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > > be> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > >

> > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > remedial> > > > > > measures.> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > > bad> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > > comes.> > > > > > But

the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to ensure whether it supports failure> > > > of> > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > > supports failure of marriage.> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > > Dasa> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > > this> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical

and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > > > > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > > telling> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > >

getting> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > > of> > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e..> > > > for> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > treatment or> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > > the> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > > if> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > required) so> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > >

or> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > > temple> > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > > ever)> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > > the> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > > not.> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > > break.> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD

then the marriage WILL> > > > > > break.> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the possible result of an> > > > Adridha> > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > > choice> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > > useful.> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from

later's clutches?//> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > > > track> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > > stature of individual's life

like-married living happily,married> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned same> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > > dasha> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > understood> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > > querry is> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > > comes> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > >> > >

> > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even a> > > > > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > > > present, a> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > happen at that time.> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > > 2nd,> > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > unaflicated> > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > >

a> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > > marriage -> > > > > > if> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination. .> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > point> > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > > the> > > > > > result> > > > > > > > didn't

materilized)> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > > well> > > > > > as> > > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > indicating> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > > the> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > broken> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > So

ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > > the> > > > > > results> > > > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > > them.> > > > > > So> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > > 7th> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > > come> > > > > > to> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > check the

dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > > it> > > > > > was> > > > > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > > all> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > >

> > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > > down> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > > karaka> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> >

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Respected Mehtaji,

we can say it is malefic in the 6H that is capable enough to fight shadripus.as we know malefic in 6h gives native fight back tendencies it could be either enemy or six ripus.one thing more if you are really searching someone with spiritual attributes its better to see vimshansha.it throws clear light upon ones spiritual upliftment of course by applying same parameters..


Vandana Mishra

..--- On Tue, 9/29/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:

chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjivRe: Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 11:02 AM






Namaste Vandanaji,


Thank You for your effort in replying.

The only matter of interpretation can be - a malefic will actually destroy the urge of the 6 ripus ????? That is what I thought upto now.

Your point is well taken but actually I have thinking 180 degrees opposite.

I am revisiting charts of people I know and will revisit the same..


Thanks for the shaking up of basic misconception.

This has personal bearing on me too. Will come back later.


Thanks & Regards

Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Tue, 29/9/09, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 > wrote:

Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, 29 September, 2009, 12:38 PM

Respected mehtaji,In Ashtyang yoga six house is a house of Dharna,it means concentration without any distubance it is first steps towards samadhi.since our mind is extremely wavering, to engage it in particular area is dharna.thus it is mainly controlling the mind.Now question arise what are the the various weeknesses of individual? they are kam krodh lobh moh mad and matshya{or sexual peasure,jaelousy, greed,attachment s etc,}they are six ripus or six weeknesses denoted by six house.since through dharna one is required to observe certain norms strictly any strong planet placed in this house[exalted u can say]extol the urge for the mentioned karkatvas.It is the basic principle of astrology ,any benefic [here you have to take benefic for the house it can be natural malefic also] placed in the house stengthened the significance of the house.so if planet is well placed it facilIites the way to achieve all

these materialistic attributes .In spiritual sense they areenemy to individual as it hinders the way towards salvation,but for commoner these are the things they are looking for.that is why it is said that debilitated planet is better in this house as it deprives the native to avail the happiness from the given significance. in other word it checks and subsides the native's ambition.probably this the reason why malefic placed in 11H has been praised for spiritual upliftment.11H is bhavat bhavam of 6H,[6from 6h]. RegardsVANDANA MISHRA VANDANA --- On Mon, 9/28/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT)

co.in>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, September 28, 2009, 9:21 AMDear Gopiji, You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects of this placement.Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth. Thanks & RegardsChiranjiv Mehta--- On Mon, 28/9/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 > wrote:gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrology@

. comMonday, 28 September, 2009, 12:17 PM Dear Vandana ji,past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.// I agree

with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.//i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument where is the question of blame etc......once again thanking you for the nice analysys....Warm regards,GOD BLESS,gopi..ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> //...i could have kept quiet... rather. // kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed

in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade

malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> Now few suggestions- since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti, -the power of intellect,Ichhashak ti-power of will,Kriyashakti- power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or

debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics> Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> REGARDS,God bless.> VANDANA MISHRA> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. . wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> ancient_indian_ astrology> Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM>

> > > > > > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...> Warm regards,> gopi. > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say..> > Regards.God bless.> > > >

Vandana Mishra> > > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:> > > > > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> > All the best,> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > thanks Gopiji,> > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > with due regards,God bless.> > > vandana

mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H

dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > >

> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > > restrained myself also since i

believe spirituality is very personal and> > > > not for boasting in public....> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > Warm regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what

I> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some

missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > >> > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> >

> > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > > dasha> > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > (combination)> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > > -> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain

result)> > > > that> > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > > SURE> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > > be> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY

HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > remedial> > > > > > measures.> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > > bad> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > > comes.> > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to

ensure whether it supports failure> > > > of> > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > > supports failure of marriage..> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > > Dasa> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > > this> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > >

> > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > > telling> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > > getting> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > >

of> > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e..> > > > for> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > treatment or> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > > the> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > > if> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > required) so> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > > or> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required

spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > > temple> > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > > ever)> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > > the> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > > not.> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > > break.> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > > break.> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the

possible result of an> > > > Adridha> > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > > choice> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > > useful.> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > >

> track> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned

same> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > > dasha> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > understood> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > > querry is> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > > comes> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even a> > >

> > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > >

> present, a> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > happen at that time..> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > > 2nd,> > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > unaflicated> > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > > a> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > >

> > dasa> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > > marriage -> > > > > > if> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination. .> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > point> > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > > the> > > > > > result> > > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > >

well> > > > > > as> > > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > indicating> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > > the> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > broken> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > > the> > > > > > results> >

> > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > > them.> > > > > > So> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > > 7th> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > > come> > > > > > to> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > > it> > > > > > was> > >

> > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > > all> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

> RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > > down> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > > karaka> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>Keep up with

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Dear Gopi jii would like trough some light regarding combination and yuti of Moon , shani and Guru (jup), I have lot of data for this combination.if moon and shani are together and expected by jup : native have less patience, when they talk to others they don't know what will be affect of their words to the person, but commonly they are innocent, but when Jupiter throw his light they become like saint and they achieve high position in their career as well in old age they can get some sort of sidhi.so

I have seen same impact of shani on moon and then affect of jupiter, commonly I treat them good people but short of temperament.If any one provide more feed back I will appreciate.RegardsDr Mishra ( Toronto)--- On Tue, 9/29/09, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91 wrote:Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_91Re: Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results Received: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 4:17 PM



Respected Mehtaji,

we can say it is malefic in the 6H that is capable enough to fight shadripus.as we know malefic in 6h gives native fight back tendencies it could be either enemy or six ripus.one thing more if you are really searching someone with spiritual attributes its better to see vimshansha.it throws clear light upon ones spiritual upliftment of course by applying same parameters..


Vandana Mishra

..--- On Tue, 9/29/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, September 29, 2009, 11:02 AM






Namaste Vandanaji,


Thank You for your effort in replying.

The only matter of interpretation can be - a malefic will actually destroy the urge of the 6 ripus ????? That is what I thought upto now.

Your point is well taken but actually I have thinking 180 degrees opposite.

I am revisiting charts of people I know and will revisit the same..


Thanks for the shaking up of basic misconception.

This has personal bearing on me too. Will come back later.


Thanks & Regards

Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Tue, 29/9/09, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 > wrote:

Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyTuesday, 29 September, 2009, 12:38 PM

Respected mehtaji,In Ashtyang yoga six house is a house of Dharna,it means concentration without any distubance it is first steps towards samadhi.since our mind is extremely wavering, to engage it in particular area is dharna.thus it is mainly controlling the mind.Now question arise what are the the various weeknesses of individual? they are kam krodh lobh moh mad and matshya{or sexual peasure,jaelousy, greed,attachment s etc,}they are six ripus or six weeknesses denoted by six house.since through dharna one is required to observe certain norms strictly any strong planet placed in this house[exalted u can say]extol the urge for the mentioned karkatvas.It is the basic principle of astrology ,any benefic [here you have to take benefic for the house it can be natural malefic also] placed in the house stengthened the significance of the house.so if planet is well placed it facilIites the way to achieve all

these materialistic attributes .In spiritual sense they areenemy to individual as it hinders the way towards salvation,but for commoner these are the things they are looking for.that is why it is said that debilitated planet is better in this house as it deprives the native to avail the happiness from the given significance. in other word it checks and subsides the native's ambition.probably this the reason why malefic placed in 11H has been praised for spiritual upliftment.11H is bhavat bhavam of 6H,[6from 6h]. RegardsVANDANA MISHRA VANDANA --- On Mon, 9/28/09, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv (AT) (DOT)

co.in>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, September 28, 2009, 9:21 AMDear Gopiji, You mentioned that - 3rd house in 12th house - Since you are already an accomplished astrologer - please tell me about what you think has been effects of this placement.Also Vandanaji please let explain more about 6th house - Dharna and 6 Ripus and why strong 6th house lord is bad for spiritual growth. Thanks & RegardsChiranjiv Mehta--- On Mon, 28/9/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 > wrote:gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Resultsancient_indian_ astrology@

. comMonday, 28 September, 2009, 12:17 PM Dear Vandana ji,past is past.I always live in present only.I just forget past.It just hapens,believe me there is no effort at all and i dont know for myself how it hapens if you ask me.I have no answer.(probably because of my 3rd lord in 12?).I believe in my GURUDEV'S saying that words are like bullets.Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis of sat.But i want to remind you that the sat is under the influence of great benefic jup both in Rasi and amsa .Without that inflence sat could have been totally different and it could be anybody's guess.I would like to mention here that sat asp by jup and jup asp by sat are totally diferent people.This is what i observed in many charts.Again my mo is asp by both sat and jup aswell.(i believe this gives one a balancing mind).Due to that jup in 10th i suppose i have/had the association of a few exalted souls.// I agree

with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.//i have already answered Bhaskar ji about this thing called blame which was cornered by him.I never /ever like blame games.Once again i repeat that i am only discussing astrology here.For me it is a discussion only not even argument where is the question of blame etc......once again thanking you for the nice analysys....Warm regards,GOD BLESS,gopi..ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91 wrote:>> Respected Gopiji,> //...i could have kept quiet... rather. // kindly take your words back. I appreciate your pure intention i have not mind anything.Now lets talk about your SAT placed in 2H first of all I would like to talk about the tatwas of sign as they represent the emotional side of native.inyour case sat is{ 5l and 6l exalted placed

in 2h} placed in airy sign .Airy sign is more concerned with conduct rather motive with action rather than feeling.so one born with vayu tatva is innate philosphere.> Secondly, saturn is lord of 5H, this house deals with your past karmas it assess the qualities of ones accumalated karmas.this house is also in invisible part of horoscope so what is invisible,unknown lies in 5h thats why we wonder what lied in our past karma!!!in your case > 5L saturn exalted and vargottam indicates meritorius deeds performed in past.so I agree with Bhaskarji that it is high time you should stop blaming your sat.> Now Let me pointout certain drawbacks with your saturn,it is exalted but in the nakshatra or star of mars,aspected by jupiter which is again in the nakshtra of mars.mars is not only natural malefic but also functional malefic so first grade

malefic for this lagna placed in 12h although involved in VRY..so there is strong influence of 6h,8h,12h,on 2h.the effect of trik houses on 2h is the reason behind your ill mannered saturn.[again dont'take it IN some other context]> Now few suggestions- since sixth house is house of DHARNA which involves six primary forces in nature over which one could control they are Parashakti or some occult power,Gyanshakti, -the power of intellect,Ichhashak ti-power of will,Kriyashakti- power to perform,and kundalinishakti etc.if native's 6L is strong it provides supreme control over primary forces of nature .Further six RIPUS Kam,, Krodh ,Madh,Lobh, Moh,Matshya lies in this house. so exalted six lord or exalted planet placed in six house not consider very beneficial especially for a man with spiritual bend of mind.as it inhances these tendencies to a remarkable level. that's why debelited planet or

debelitated sixth lord has been praised by few classics> Lastly,.so sixth house doesnot depend upon scholastic training but on some kind of inherent inborn faculty or occult training.so saturn being 5L,6L exalted might land you in some form of dilemma where at every step you have to fight against overambition and detachment working at the same time forcing sometimes to lead a cloisterd life..> I suppose you are blessed that you could develop or control this power as this house also represents the latent faculties- the perfection.> REGARDS,God bless.> VANDANA MISHRA> --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. . wrote:> > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> ancient_indian_ astrology> Friday, September 25, 2009, 3:19 PM>

> > > > > > Dear/Respected Vandana ji,> I dont know what/why you got me wrong.its my problem not yours.Ipraised you acording to me and you thought it otherwise.Its always like that.I once again repeat that you got me wrong.That's the truth.I simply dont know what's wrong with my post.Its always like that .Pl throw some light on that. Is it sat in 2nd?Or something else.....I could have kept quiet rather!!...> Warm regards,> gopi. > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> >> > Respected Gopiji,> > I Simply wanted to thank you for your comments,thats it. i am not here to praise myself, ra ther i am my worst critic.if you find something against the decorum of forum kindly excuse me.probably i could not convey what i wanted to say..> > Regards.God bless.> > > >

Vandana Mishra> > > > --- On Fri, 9/25/09, gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ . wrote:> > > > > > gopalakrishna gopi_b927@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Yoga-Dasa-Gochara and Results> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Friday, September 25, 2009, 4:01 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > you are honoured by your post(s).Here in the groups we are what our posts signify i believe...> > All the best,> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna" <vandana_mishra_ 91@ wrote:> > >> > > thanks Gopiji,> > > i am honoured for everything you have mentioned.> > > with due regards,God bless.> > > vandana

mishra.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > sorry for inturuption. Another good post from you.We are used to sreenadh> > > > ji's clarity but this is something... .> > > > //I believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may> > > > not destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H

dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > >

> > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual./ /> > > > > > > > Most of what you have mentioned are true in my (case study)chart. I am> > > > into Dhyana since very early in my life the begining of 20's if not my> > > > teens itself.I am a sincere practitioner of yoga till date.I always> > > > considered 7th house for Dhyana,8th H for samadhi,9th for GOD/GURU etc.I> > > > remember sri K.N.R ji said somewhere that 11th house should be spoiled> > > > for a person to be spiritual.> > > > > > > > Hope that the members dont think that i am boasting myself.I am only> > > > writing this to say that vandana ji's point of view is corect.I have> > > > restrained myself also since i

believe spirituality is very personal and> > > > not for boasting in public....> > > > thanks vandana ji for a good post once again,> > > > Warm regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > >> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Respected Sreenadhji,> > > > > Accept my humble grtitude and heartily thanks for such a detailed> > > > explaination. you have asked me about unmarried spiritual saint how he is> > > > going to deal with the discussed planetary combination and dasha> > > > pattern.so whatever little astrology i know i will explain you. what

I> > > > believe one is destined to get what he gets in his life.so he may not> > > > destined to get married.when dasha of MARRIAGE related houses gets> > > > activates he may indulge in some other activities as the given house has> > > > many other karkatvas.for example if dasha of 7H starts,in AShtang yoga> > > > 7H is also a house of DHYAN.so for spiritual person 7H dasha provoke him> > > > to reach a level of salvation.while in 8H dasha he might develop his> > > > ADHRA CHAKRA to such a level that through his Sudarshan kriya he can> > > > achieve SAMADHI.As you know in Asthang yoga 8H is a house of> > > > samadhi.when 12h dasha runs he might landup in some Guru's ashram> > > > instead of looking for someone for copulation.Further if 2H dasha runs> > > > he may be in some

missionary zeal as it is a house of NIYAM.Some of you> > > > believe that one gets married in 9H dasha for spiritual person 9H dasha> > > > takes him to various piligrimages or he may descover God in himself..SO> > > > far 11h goes any malefic in 11h is best for sadhna and dhyan,he may> > > > attain mantra siddhi.so instead of looking for some affairs to get> > > > materialise he will be more into pooja path> > > > >> > > > > So dasha related to houses can be same for different people,but their> > > > interpretation is differnt for different individual.> > > > >> > > > > REGARDS.BEST WISHES.> > > > >> > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> >

> > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > - In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear Vandana ji,> > > > > > //now what i have understood from above statement is that IT is> > > > dasha> > > > > > which decides.//> > > > > > Yes - true. You can better put is like this - it is Yoga> > > > (combination)> > > > > > that DESIDES, it is Dasa (Period) that DELIVERS, and it is Gochara> > > > > > (Transit) that CONFIRMS. When these three - Yoga, Dasa and Gochara> > > > -> > > > > > point to the same result then it is a Dridha Phala (certain

result)> > > > that> > > > > > will happen for sure! If these three matches and points to a certain> > > > > > good or bad result (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or> > > > > > whatever) the astrologer spells it out as result that HAPPENED FOR> > > > SURE> > > > > > or WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE during that period (no remedial meaures will> > > > be> > > > > > useful here). BUT if only any two of them (i.e. from Yoga, Dasa,> > > > > > Gochara) point to that result, then it is an Adridha phala> > > > (Uncertain> > > > > > result) and the astrologer tells that the said good or bad result> > > > > > (whether it be marriage, divorce or accident or whatever) MAY HAVE> > > > > > HAPPENED or MAY

HAPPEN during that period - and will suggest> > > > remedial> > > > > > measures.> > > > > > //now my querry is -in case of happily married is it possible that> > > > bad> > > > > > dasha never comes not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage> > > > > > survives? especially When IN same planetatry combination another> > > > > > marriage fails.again supported by same bad dasha.//> > > > > > In this case as you could see -> > > > > > * Yoga (indicating failure of marriage) is present;> > > > > > * Dasa (indicating failure of marriage failure of marriage never> > > > comes.> > > > > > But the Antara (that can indicate failure of marriage) comes;> > > > > > * Transit should be checked to

ensure whether it supports failure> > > > of> > > > > > marriage or its survival. Let as assume that Transit is also bad and> > > > > > supports failure of marriage..> > > > > > Basically, since the Yoga and Transit support the bad result and> > > > Dasa> > > > > > not - this is an Adridha phala (uncertain result). That means if> > > > this> > > > > > period is over then the marriage will survive, and this period is> > > > > > especially bad for successful married life. Also it means that here> > > > > > remedial measures will work and therefore astrologer SHOULD suggest> > > > > > remedial measures - both physical and spiritual. That is - here the> > > > > > astrologer is supposed to provide -> > >

> > > * Councelling: required psychological guidance to the couple (by> > > > > > telling them about the kind of time period they are undergoing;> > > > telling> > > > > > them about the possible future life conditions they will be in to;> > > > > > providing councelling and helping the couple to solve their current> > > > > > problems by suggesting possible solutions and by providing guidance;> > > > > > asking the m to docter or lawyer or tantric what ever as requied and> > > > > > demanded by the situation; providing them peace of mind a place to> > > > > > speakout their worried and conflicts without the fear of secrets> > > > getting> > > > > > exposed etc). Astrologer becomes a parent like figure, a well wisher> > > >

of> > > > > > the family - in this situation.> > > > > > * Practical Remedy: required to suggest phisical solutions (i.e..> > > > for> > > > > > example if it is lack of childen guide them to have proper> > > > treatment or> > > > > > adopt children etc; if it is family conflict then tell them about> > > > the> > > > > > natural situations or in worse cases shift to another location etc;> > > > if> > > > > > it is phychological agitation the suggest meditation etc as> > > > required) so> > > > > > that the native/qurrent can select one of the alternatives suggested> > > > or> > > > > > arrive at his/her own conclusion.> > > > > > *Spiritual Remedy: required

spiritual/tantric solutions (i.e.> > > > temple> > > > > > visits, puja, homa, gem stones, meditation, yoga workshops or what> > > > ever)> > > > > > At the end the final result (whether the marriage will fail or> > > > > > survive) will depend (from astrological perspective) on - whether> > > > the> > > > > > remedial measures (all the three mentioned above) was followed or> > > > not.> > > > > > :) Astrologer will say (and it is truth) -> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL NOT> > > > > > break.> > > > > > * If the remedial measures are NOT FOLLOWD then the marriage WILL> > > > > > break.> > > > > > Generally it is a bad period (with the

possible result of an> > > > Adridha> > > > > > phala materializing) and the final result depends on the will and> > > > choice> > > > > > of the native itself. And this is the very way astrology become> > > > useful.> > > > > > (If the result is cerain what good astrology is for!)> > > > > > //> in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even> > > > > > a single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?//> > > > > > Now this you turn to answer this question based on the thought> > >

> track> > > > > > mentioned above. Have a try. :)> > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > >> > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "Vandna"> > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Respected sreenadhji,> > > > > > > I am overwhelmed with your detailed explaination, rather i am still> > > > > > relishing it.just a FEW querries for this inquisitive mind.you have> > > > > > mentioned horoscpe having same combination can point to different> > > > > > stature of individual's life like-married living happily,married> > > > > > divorced.... .unmarried sainthood etc.plus you have mentioned

same> > > > > > planetary combination with changing moon position in context of> > > > dasha> > > > > > sequence can indicate above possibilities- -now what i have> > > > understood> > > > > > from above statement is that IT is dasha which decides. now my> > > > querry is> > > > > > -in case of happily married is it possible that bad dasha never> > > > comes> > > > > > not even AD/PD.then at that time how marriage survives?especially> > > > > > > When IN same planetatry combination another marriage fails.again> > > > > > supported by same bad dasha.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > in another example of unmarried saint is it possible to getnot> > > > even a> > >

> > > single marriage bhava dasha when we have too many houses for> > > > marriage> > > > > > 2h,7h,8h,12h sometimes even 5h.lets say no MD but again what about> > > > > > AD/PD. still that GREAT man escapes from later's clutches?> > > > > > > ..I STILL WONDER ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE OF MARITAL COMBINATION.> > > > > > >> > > > > > > WITH DUE REGARDS AND BEST WISHES,> > > > > > >> > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > -- In ancient_indian_ astrology, "sreesog" sreesog@> > > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Dear Vanadana ji,> > > > > > > > If a combination indicating marriage possibility is> > >

> present, a> > > > > > > > potential dasa comes, and if the age is ripe then marriage> > > > > > could/will> > > > > > > > happen at that time..> > > > > > > > * Combination indicating marriage could be even a benefic in> > > > 2nd,> > > > > > 9th,> > > > > > > > 11th etc> > > > > > > > * Dasa could be - the dasas of said planets, or its> > > > unaflicated> > > > > > lords,> > > > > > > > or if the dasa of a planet placed in own house> > > > > > > > But if there is a combination that indicate the breaking of> > > > a> > > > > > > > marriage, death of wife etc is present, and if the corresponding> > > >

> > dasa> > > > > > > > comes, and if the age is ripe (ie. it should be after the> > > > marriage -> > > > > > if> > > > > > > > only marriage happened then only it can breakdown) then that> > > > > > marriage> > > > > > > > will break due to the cause indicated by the said combination. .> > > > > > > > So the horoscope having the SAME combinations itself can> > > > point> > > > > > to -> > > > > > > > * Married and is living happly (The bad dasa never came and> > > > the> > > > > > result> > > > > > > > didn't materilized)> > > > > > > > * Married, Divorced (Both the dasa indicating marriage as> > > >

well> > > > > > as> > > > > > > > divorce came)> > > > > > > > * Unmarrid, but never beame a saint (neither the dasa> > > > indicating> > > > > > > > marriage nor the dasa indicating saint hood)> > > > > > > > * Unmarried Saint (Dasa indicating marriage did not come but> > > > the> > > > > > dasa> > > > > > > > indicating sainthood came)> > > > > > > > * Married saint (Dasa indicating marriage came, marriage> > > > broken> > > > > > and> > > > > > > > became a saint)> > > > > > > > So ultimatly even though it is the combinations indicating> > > > the> > > > > > results> >

> > > > > > that GENERATE the results, but it is the dasas which DELIVER> > > > them.> > > > > > So> > > > > > > > just by looking at the combinations such as a some malefics in> > > > 7th> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > 8th etc alone (of course they are important, but) - you cannot> > > > come> > > > > > to> > > > > > > > the conclusion that the individual is a victim of broken> > > > marriage or> > > > > > > > denial of marriage; both are possible. A good astrologer will> > > > > > therefore> > > > > > > > check the dasas before deriving the conclusion regarding whether> > > > it> > > > > > was> > >

> > > > > a marriage-happlife, marriage-breakdown, denial of marriage,> > > > > > > > bachelor-saint etc.> > > > > > > > As mentioned earlier the same planetary combination with> > > > > > changing> > > > > > > > moon position (different nakshatra dasa sequences) can indicate> > > > all> > > > > > > > these possibilities, and this itself is the beauty of astrology!> > > > > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vandna Misra> > > > > > > > <vandana_mishra_ 91@> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >

> RESPECTED ASTROLOGERS,> > > > > > > > > Since Gopiji,has given us liberty to discuss his chart i was> > > > > > wondering> > > > > > > > how one can diifferentiate between delay marriage later broken> > > > down> > > > > > or> > > > > > > > denial in marriage.as in both� the cases 7h,12h,2h and> > > > karaka> > > > > > > > venus�has to be afflicted.> > > > > > > > > With Regards to all,> > > > > > > > > VANDANA MISHRA> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>Keep up with

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