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-Sreenadh OG09/23/09 05:06 pmAstrology, Ancient IndianNakshatra....The Gems of Sky Dear All, The following write-up is from : http://miraclesree.blogspot.com/2008/09/nakshatrathe-gems-of-sky.html Love and regards,Sreenadh =============================== Thursday, September 25, 2008 Nakshatra....The Gems of Sky See how... Nakshatras make influence On youAshwini: TwinsOften has best friend that looks just (or is) like themAshwini Kumars -- healers -- road around in golden chariots and would rescue and heal the Gods and Goddesses through their herbal potions. They grew the healing herbs, horses heads, healing, alternative healing, gardening and agriculture.(In 4th house, mother might like gardening). Ketu is ruler.Bharani: Womb Yama: God of DeathProcreativity, creativity, slowly developing within -- mulling over -- (e.g. a thought) finally giving birth, gynecological issues, the womb itself, Yama - the restrainer -- brings up other issues: restraint, binder, judge and judging, going to jail, trouble with law, upholders of the law, feeling restrained or bound, death issues, e.g. working in hospice.also the idea of Utopianism: a new ideal world, a brave new society.Krittika: Razor edge Agnicutting things, sharp things, technical minds, sharp minds with edges to them,fiery, leadership oriented, Leo-like quality: those with bold, big plans, do tend to be prone to hot, passionate, seductive side, attracted to other people's wives.(Agni has almost too many associations)Rohini: The ox cart BrahmaCreativity, magnifies everything, gives rise to it. Improving. If you have money planets in Rohini it thrives, prospers, is blessed. Abundance. Favorite wife of the Moon. He fell in love with her because she excelled in all of music and the arts, especially dancing, and the sexual arts (skilled in the conjugal arts). They often love to dance. Other women are jealous of them (have a charge on them). They have a strong dose of feminine creative energy. To nip jealousy in bud, Rohini person should praise the other person, make them feel special, immediately. (Moon in Rohini in 11th, elder sister loves to dance.) Dramatic. The ox cart: pickup trucks and utility vehicles?Mrigashirsha: Deer's head Soma: The MoonBrahma was attracted to his daughter, she took form of deer to escape, Brahma took form of stag to pursue her, Shiva or Indra cut off head of Brahma to protect her, and his head became the constellation. Passion, unwise passions, constantly searching, preyer or prey, attracted to friend's wife, promiscuity, incest, suffering the consequences of unwise sexual attachments, sensitivity, good researchers, curious, good at finding things. (Afflicted Moon in Mrigashirsha in 9th, incest with father)Soma also seduced the wives of sages. Divine nectar: alcohol and drugs???Ardra: Teardrop RudraEmotional, tears, crying, tears as legitimate release, going through anguish, rain and storms, (he encounters storms when he travels, planet in 12th in Ardra), stormy weather as a metaphor, e.g. my Ardra in the 11th -- storms with friends. Lightning bolts.with my Sun in Ardra, I work with those who emotionally suffer, because Sun is the career planet, lots of people with Sun in Ardra e.g. psychologists deal with people in anguish.Punarvasu: Aditi: the Mother of all of the gods Quiver of ArrowsArrow goes out from bow, mostly stays in quiver. Mostly liking to stay at home, and sometimes traveling. Or mostly staying at an even keel with activity, and then sometimes getting really dynamically involved with activity. In 2nd, generally saves, occasionally likes to spend. Storing up potential energy, with occasional expenditure. Aditi means primordial vastness. Unbounded consciousness (space) that had to exist first to be the mother of the rest of the Gods. Symbol of freedom, they want space. Learn to give each other space -- they need to stretch out and be who they are, and need to give that to others. Because the planet is Jupiter - links to knowledge, philosophical perspective. They're interested in philosophy, yoga, meditation.Pushya: Brihaspati: mentor/teacher of the rest of the Godssymbol: udder of the cow nourishmentPushya is the most auspicious, wealthy constellation.a good time to start things when Moon in Pushya (like Jupiter rising) ensures success (except you don't get married with Moon in Pushya) Wealth, prosperity, nurturing (like Rohini, Dhanishta, Chitra -- gemstones -- )good at teaching, wisdom, philosophical, religious, devotion to the teacher, like JupiterAshlesha: Nagas deified serpents Intertwining serpents symbol of healersfound prominently in charts of psychologists, astrologers. Snakes live beneath the ground, so it symbolizes the unconscious, dark side, you do see axe murderers here, like the sign Scorpio, mesmerism/hypnotic, sneaky not quite straightforward quality, manipulative, kundalini energy, foundational energy, poison.Magha: Pitris The deified ancestors Throne RoomConnected to the past, revere the past and ancient traditions, they tend to like yoga, or traditional Chinese medicine, astrology. Protecting the tradition. Having a mentor, older wiser person that they highly respect (e.g. grandparent) if in the right houses in the chart. Searching out the family lineage. Ruler of 10th in Magha owned ice hockey rink (throne room, special room). They're environment is very important to them. Like to have an office, command center. Powerful one, mighty one, power-oriented, self-ruling, they don't like working for other people, like to do their own thing.Note: all of the Ketu constellations (Ashwini, Magha, Mula) have links to the past and to healing. Mula: root, herbal healers. Magha: traditions of healing.Purva Phalguni: Bed of marriage (conjugal bed) Bhaghaprocreativity, sexuality, creative, (in Madonna, Hugh Hefner, Mick Jagger charts) cannot own their identity ???, great marriage constellation (when people go into period with Moon in Purva Phalguni become interested in relationships), Shiva started his wedding march in this constellation. People getting married. Bhagha means the inherited share. (If ruler of 8th or planet in 8th is in this constellation, person will definitely get an inheritance.) Communal wealth. In ancient times, a person's transition from childhood to adulthood was marked by their being given a part of the share of the communal wealth. Transition into adulthood, maturity. Maturation process (e.g. in the 10th, they may come into a sense of owning what they do, in their work.) Symbol of wealth, great Nakshatra for wealth.Uttara Phalguni: Healing bed Aruman: god of chivalryHealing energy, serving, helping, healing. Aruman is god of patronage (goes along with Mitra). Person will find a teacher, will help someone else, be a mentor, or patron. Meeting important people. (If afflicted, you could meet someone who was supposed to help you and it falls through or problems come up.)Hasta: The hands Surya: the SunIf a person shows musical abilities here, it's likely to be instrumental (hands). Crafts people and artists. Also indicators of routine work. Sense of humor, clever speech, sometimes they ridicule people, cleverness. Verbal abilities, quick wit.Chitra: The beautiful one Viswakarma: the celestial architect and craftsmanHe made the bows and weapons for the warriors in Mythology.Creative, crafts, sculptor or craftsperson more likely than the fine arts because Chitra is likely to create something three dimensional. Design. Weapons making. Related to sexuality, passionate, charismatic. Pearl signifies beauty. Love of beauty. Feels beautiful or handsome, wants a beautiful mate.Swati: Vayu Sprout swaying in the windNew beginnings, tenuousness, not quite knowing if it's going to take off and fructify. Success after struggling and tenuous beginnings. A sprout becomes a powerful tree later on. Vayu god of wind: air, wind, (e.g. ruler of 12th in Swati, person might travel by air or to windy places), (as ruler of 1st may give Vata complaints, gas). Nothing can stand up to Vayu. Time is on the wind's side. When the wind goes, even the mountains will be worn down. Saraswati is alternative deity, god of arts, esp. Music. creative. The Vina stringed instrument. Saraswati has connotations of wisdom, knowledge.Vishakha: Indra-AgniBoth Vishakha and Anuradha have same symbol: Triumphal Gateway covered with leaves. Enormous power, goes for success through power. E.g. client who was a race car driver with ruler of 10th in Vishakha, wanted bigger engines, pushing others out of the way. Really try to get ahead by their own power. Seek to have more power. Overpowering, excessive power is its downfall. (E.g. if the voice is here, the person will speak to you too loudly.) Issues with truth, (sagittarius-like), they want to speak the truth, can be blunt.Anuradha: Mitra God of friendship.Success through friendship. Mitra rules over all of the rules and regulations of human relationships. Commitments. People value friendships, when they get ahead, they get ahead by a win-win situation, not by overpowering somebody. Lots of therapists and family counselors have this constellation, want to empower their clients. Establishment of relationships is the key to their successes in life. They really have issues with commitment --> if you say you're going to do something, you better follow through with it. Wants self and others to follow thru. Committed to and really value friends. Found in some lawyers charts, the rules of human interaction, make sure people honor their commitments. People who benefit thru relationship. Anyone who deals with clients.Jyeshtha: Indra King of the Gods Talisman is the symbolRulership, leadership, e.g. CEOs of companies, people who are good at being in charge. Indra once seduced the wife of a great sage who was away, when he came back, he cursed Indra to have 1000 vaginas all over his body, and was miserable for years and had to do many austerities, and finally the vaginas turned into 1000 eyes, and he's now called "the 1000 eyed one". Indra is known to burst into people's homes to get his Soma (that the person is keeping for him). Some of his clients have seduced the wives of others, or smoked opium. The seduction of the Soma is using drugs. Backlash from illicit affairs. If they get into sexual promiscuity (someone else's lovers) they get ill will directed towards them (or cursed). Arrogance. Talisman is the symbol of occult means, the ability to protect, indication of being protected. Possibly a secret interest or activity in the occult, e.g. chanting and meditating, seeking astrologers.Mula: Nirriti: The Goddess of calamity (like Kali)A traditional view is that it's bad to be a woman who's born with her Moon in Mula. Different padas tell which relative is going to die because someone married a woman with Moon in Mula. (He hasn't seen this to be true.) Many kinds of propititiations for a woman with this lunar Nakshatra. Makes a woman a Kali type, someone who is in touch with her "inner bitch". Psychologically, it allows a person to integrate both dark and light parts of themselves, without pushing out the dark and only going for sweetness and light. Associated with calamities, sudden challenging difficult experiences. He's heard it said that this is bad for finances, e.g. financial losses. Person will have issues with being paid what they're worth. Earning enough money. Person goes deeply into things, (the root), so whenever they do things, they do them with a tremendous amount of depth and get to the root of everything, a profound job, researchers, plumb to the depth of ideas. He noticed this constellation in the charts of very wealthy people, so it doesn't prohibit a person from wealth. Root is a symbol of going to the center of things. Mars/Ketu combination does energy healing, when he saw it in Mula, he said "You do Chi Gung" and was right, because Chi Gung is about rooting. Associated with the root chakra and Kundalini energy. Healing and ancient traditions (Ketu) because of the root concept.Purva Ashada: Winnowing Basket ApahSeparating the wheat from the chaff. Judgement, judgementalness, discernment, discrimination. Fighting quality. Apah, water, client who's 10th house ruler is here installs sprinkler systems. Ascendant or Moon, gravitate towards water. Good position for accomplishing things, starting projects, successes. Sexual, romantic, emotional, sensual energy (Venus constellation), they love music. Higher octave of spiritual energy (due to Sagittarius)Uttara Ashada : Vishuadevas Many virtues. TuskMulti-virtuousness, allows successes, connection to Ganesh, particularly good for starting new things (if someone's bhukti planet is in this constellation, they'll start something new -- sort of like Aries). If the planet in this constellation falls in the Dasamsha chart in the first house or Aries, they'll start something in their career. New beginning.Shravana: Ear and three offset footprints Vishnu (and Saraswati)Listening, oral traditions, therapists, musicians, good at convincing other people, teachers. Love to use their feet, they walk, hike, bike, run. One his clients is a teacher who has strong verbal abilities, is mesmerizing and convincing, extremely good listener, and also has biked all over the U.S., hiked up and down the Cascade range, etc. If you were in a period where the ruler of the 9th in the 12th, or the ruler of the 9th in the 3rd, was placed here, they'll travel and do a bit of walking. Ruler of 6th in Shravana if afflicted or with malefics (esp. if in the 8th house), possible problems with the ears or the feet. (Vishnu) Well read, into philosophy and spirituality, knowledgeable, virtuous, auspicious constellation for good character.Dhanishtha: Drum: musical drum.People who have this enjoy rhythmic music. The wealthy. Can have misogyny (hate women). Musicians. Precious things, money, gems, beautiful objects.Shatabhisha: Varuna: God of water Circle is the symbolVeiling star, circle contains or holds within, can conceal things, symbol of infinity, 100 physicians: healing, difficult health problems, interest in alternative medicine, may take a brainstorming approach to solving problems, looking at many possible solutions before they actually get to the right one. Rahu in 12th client in Rahu period had a circle of protection around him (he had been threatened, and had an armored car and guards). Psychologists that use group circles, healing circles. Associated in general with alternative. Connection with outer space, space program, other aspects of technology. Love of astrology and metaphysics.Purva Bhadrapada: Aja ekaba (relatively unknown deity) form of AgniYou see this in many spiritually-oriented people's charts (even though the constellation has a bad reputation), but also in many axe murders this came up (as did Ashlesha). Passions run amok. People who had run off with a lover, crimes of passion.Aja: The unmanifest, the unborn one, one awareness, (one footed goat), one being.Agni: Symbol of deified fire. Passion can be directed to spiritual growth, meditation.Funeral cot: symbol of transcendent of materialism. A deeply spiritual symbol. Yogis favor meditating in graveyards, because it reminds him of the transience of life, bring his mind to the spiritual level, and to forget the world. (It's considered a good omen to see a dead body.) Connection with death in this and the next two nakshatras. Emergency rooms, sitting with dying parent.Uttara Bhadrapada: Funeral cot Ahirbudhnya a Sea serpentEnjoy being around water, kundalini symbol, all of the associations with serpents.Both Bhadrapada constellations together are called the scorching pair because they're both associated with combustion or heat, and therefore passion and desire. But Uttara Bhadrapada has the capacity for channeling this desire in a constructive direction. More inclined to have a passion for life, or for their work, than to seduce their best friend's mate.Revati: ruled by Pushan who ushered souls into the realm of Yama (death)often find hospice workers. Pushan is the ruler of the road, so people love to travel with this Nakshatra. He's also the ruler of animals, he was the animal keeper of the gods, so people who love animals. Pushan is Caretaker of animals. He found lost animals. Herdsman of the Gods. Healers of animals.Drum symbol: increments in time. Project that's started in this period progresses sequentially. Posted by Sree at 11:42 PM ===============================

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Dear Sreenadhji,

Thank you for this email - I can see many correlates with the people I

know...although (like one of the earlier mails said last week) these form

the basic personality, I guess it is the particular placement of planets and

their dashas which will show that aspect of personality emerging



hari smaraNs,





On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:12 AM, <sreesog wrote:






> -


> Sreenadh OG


> 09/23/09 05:06 pm


> Astrology, Ancient Indian


> Nakshatra....The Gems of Sky




> Dear All,


> The following write-up is from :



l-eu.gmx.com/fm07/cgi/derefer?TYPE=2 & DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fmiraclesree.blogspot.com%\



> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> ===============================


> Thursday, September 25, 2008

> Nakshatra....The Gems of

Sky<http://mail-eu.gmx.com/fm07/cgi/derefer?TYPE=2 & DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fmiraclesree\

..blogspot.com%2F2008%2F09%2Fnakshatrathe-gems-of-sky.html> See

> how... Nakshatras make influence On you


> Ashwini: Twins

> Often has best friend that looks just (or is) like them

> Ashwini Kumars -- healers -- road around in golden chariots and would

> rescue and heal the Gods and Goddesses through their herbal potions. They

> grew the healing herbs, horses heads, healing, alternative healing, gardening

> and agriculture.

> (In 4th house, mother might like gardening). Ketu is ruler.


> Bharani: Womb Yama: God of Death

> Procreativity, creativity, slowly developing within -- mulling over --

> (e.g. a thought) finally giving birth, gynecological issues, the womb

> itself, Yama - the restrainer -- brings up other issues: restraint, binder,

> judge and judging, going to jail, trouble with law, upholders of the law,

> feeling restrained or bound, death issues, e.g. working in hospice.

> also the idea of Utopianism: a new ideal world, a brave new society.


> Krittika: Razor edge Agni

> cutting things, sharp things, technical minds, sharp minds with edges to

> them,

> fiery, leadership oriented, Leo-like quality: those with bold, big plans,

> do tend to be prone to hot, passionate, seductive side, attracted to other

> people's wives.

> (Agni has almost too many associations)


> Rohini: The ox cart Brahma

> Creativity, magnifies everything, gives rise to it. Improving. If you have

> money planets in Rohini it thrives, prospers, is blessed. Abundance.

> Favorite wife of the Moon. He fell in love with her because she excelled in

> all of music and the arts, especially dancing, and the sexual arts (skilled

> in the conjugal arts). They often love to dance. Other women are jealous of

> them (have a charge on them). They have a strong dose of feminine creative

> energy. To nip jealousy in bud, Rohini person should praise the other

> person, make them feel special, immediately. (Moon in Rohini in 11th, elder

> sister loves to dance.) Dramatic. The ox cart: pickup trucks and utility

> vehicles?


> Mrigashirsha: Deer's head Soma: The Moon

> Brahma was attracted to his daughter, she took form of deer to escape,

> Brahma took form of stag to pursue her, Shiva or Indra cut off head of

> Brahma to protect her, and his head became the constellation. Passion,

> unwise passions, constantly searching, preyer or prey, attracted to friend's

> wife, promiscuity, incest, suffering the consequences of unwise sexual

> attachments, sensitivity, good researchers, curious, good at finding things.

> (Afflicted Moon in Mrigashirsha in 9th, incest with father)

> Soma also seduced the wives of sages. Divine nectar: alcohol and drugs???


> Ardra: Teardrop Rudra

> Emotional, tears, crying, tears as legitimate release, going through

> anguish, rain and storms, (he encounters storms when he travels, planet in

> 12th in Ardra), stormy weather as a metaphor, e.g. my Ardra in the 11th --

> storms with friends. Lightning bolts.

> with my Sun in Ardra, I work with those who emotionally suffer, because Sun

> is the career planet, lots of people with Sun in Ardra e.g. psychologists

> deal with people in anguish.


> Punarvasu: Aditi: the Mother of all of the gods Quiver of Arrows

> Arrow goes out from bow, mostly stays in quiver. Mostly liking to stay at

> home, and sometimes traveling. Or mostly staying at an even keel with

> activity, and then sometimes getting really dynamically involved with

> activity. In 2nd, generally saves, occasionally likes to spend. Storing up

> potential energy, with occasional expenditure. Aditi means primordial

> vastness. Unbounded consciousness (space) that had to exist first to be the

> mother of the rest of the Gods. Symbol of freedom, they want space. Learn to

> give each other space -- they need to stretch out and be who they are, and

> need to give that to others. Because the planet is Jupiter - links to

> knowledge, philosophical perspective. They're interested in philosophy,

> yoga, meditation.


> Pushya: Brihaspati: mentor/teacher of the rest of the Gods

> symbol: udder of the cow nourishment

> Pushya is the most auspicious, wealthy constellation.

> a good time to start things when Moon in Pushya (like Jupiter rising)

> ensures success (except you don't get married with Moon in Pushya) Wealth,

> prosperity, nurturing (like Rohini, Dhanishta, Chitra -- gemstones -- )

> good at teaching, wisdom, philosophical, religious, devotion to the

> teacher, like Jupiter


> Ashlesha: Nagas deified serpents Intertwining serpents symbol of healers

> found prominently in charts of psychologists, astrologers. Snakes live

> beneath the ground, so it symbolizes the unconscious, dark side, you do see

> axe murderers here, like the sign Scorpio, mesmerism/hypnotic, sneaky not

> quite straightforward quality, manipulative, kundalini energy, foundational

> energy, poison.


> Magha: Pitris The deified ancestors Throne Room

> Connected to the past, revere the past and ancient traditions, they tend to

> like yoga, or traditional Chinese medicine, astrology. Protecting the

> tradition. Having a mentor, older wiser person that they highly respect

> (e.g. grandparent) if in the right houses in the chart. Searching out the

> family lineage. Ruler of 10th in Magha owned ice hockey rink (throne room,

> special room). They're environment is very important to them. Like to have

> an office, command center. Powerful one, mighty one, power-oriented,

> self-ruling, they don't like working for other people, like to do their own

> thing.

> Note: all of the Ketu constellations (Ashwini, Magha, Mula) have links to

> the past and to healing. Mula: root, herbal healers. Magha: traditions of

> healing.



> Purva Phalguni: Bed of marriage (conjugal bed) Bhagha

> procreativity, sexuality, creative, (in Madonna, Hugh Hefner, Mick Jagger

> charts) cannot own their identity ???, great marriage constellation (when

> people go into period with Moon in Purva Phalguni become interested in

> relationships), Shiva started his wedding march in this constellation.

> People getting married. Bhagha means the inherited share. (If ruler of 8th

> or planet in 8th is in this constellation, person will definitely get an

> inheritance.) Communal wealth. In ancient times, a person's transition from

> childhood to adulthood was marked by their being given a part of the share

> of the communal wealth. Transition into adulthood, maturity. Maturation

> process (e.g. in the 10th, they may come into a sense of owning what they

> do, in their work.) Symbol of wealth, great Nakshatra for wealth.


> Uttara Phalguni: Healing bed Aruman: god of chivalry

> Healing energy, serving, helping, healing. Aruman is god of patronage (goes

> along with Mitra). Person will find a teacher, will help someone else, be a

> mentor, or patron. Meeting important people. (If afflicted, you could meet

> someone who was supposed to help you and it falls through or problems come

> up.)


> Hasta: The hands Surya: the Sun

> If a person shows musical abilities here, it's likely to be instrumental

> (hands). Crafts people and artists. Also indicators of routine work. Sense

> of humor, clever speech, sometimes they ridicule people, cleverness. Verbal

> abilities, quick wit.


> Chitra: The beautiful one Viswakarma: the celestial architect and craftsman

> He made the bows and weapons for the warriors in Mythology.

> Creative, crafts, sculptor or craftsperson more likely than the fine arts

> because Chitra is likely to create something three dimensional. Design.

> Weapons making. Related to sexuality, passionate, charismatic. Pearl

> signifies beauty. Love of beauty. Feels beautiful or handsome, wants a

> beautiful mate.


> Swati: Vayu Sprout swaying in the wind

> New beginnings, tenuousness, not quite knowing if it's going to take off

> and fructify. Success after struggling and tenuous beginnings. A sprout

> becomes a powerful tree later on. Vayu god of wind: air, wind, (e.g. ruler

> of 12th in Swati, person might travel by air or to windy places), (as ruler

> of 1st may give Vata complaints, gas). Nothing can stand up to Vayu. Time is

> on the wind's side. When the wind goes, even the mountains will be worn

> down. Saraswati is alternative deity, god of arts, esp. Music. creative. The

> Vina stringed instrument. Saraswati has connotations of wisdom, knowledge.


> Vishakha: Indra-Agni


> Both Vishakha and Anuradha have same symbol: Triumphal Gateway covered with

> leaves. Enormous power, goes for success through power. E.g. client who was

> a race car driver with ruler of 10th in Vishakha, wanted bigger engines,

> pushing others out of the way. Really try to get ahead by their own power.

> Seek to have more power. Overpowering, excessive power is its downfall.

> (E.g. if the voice is here, the person will speak to you too loudly.) Issues

> with truth, (sagittarius-like), they want to speak the truth, can be blunt.


> Anuradha: Mitra God of friendship.

> Success through friendship. Mitra rules over all of the rules and

> regulations of human relationships. Commitments. People value friendships,

> when they get ahead, they get ahead by a win-win situation, not by

> overpowering somebody. Lots of therapists and family counselors have this

> constellation, want to empower their clients. Establishment of relationships

> is the key to their successes in life. They really have issues with

> commitment --> if you say you're going to do something, you better follow

> through with it. Wants self and others to follow thru. Committed to and

> really value friends. Found in some lawyers charts, the rules of human

> interaction, make sure people honor their commitments. People who benefit

> thru relationship. Anyone who deals with clients.


> Jyeshtha: Indra King of the Gods Talisman is the symbol

> Rulership, leadership, e.g. CEOs of companies, people who are good at being

> in charge. Indra once seduced the wife of a great sage who was away, when he

> came back, he cursed Indra to have 1000 vaginas all over his body, and was

> miserable for years and had to do many austerities, and finally the vaginas

> turned into 1000 eyes, and he's now called " the 1000 eyed one " . Indra is

> known to burst into people's homes to get his Soma (that the person is

> keeping for him). Some of his clients have seduced the wives of others, or

> smoked opium. The seduction of the Soma is using drugs. Backlash from

> illicit affairs. If they get into sexual promiscuity (someone else's lovers)

> they get ill will directed towards them (or cursed). Arrogance. Talisman is

> the symbol of occult means, the ability to protect, indication of being

> protected. Possibly a secret interest or activity in the occult, e.g.

> chanting and meditating, seeking astrologers.


> Mula: Nirriti: The Goddess of calamity (like Kali)

> A traditional view is that it's bad to be a woman who's born with her Moon

> in Mula. Different padas tell which relative is going to die because someone

> married a woman with Moon in Mula. (He hasn't seen this to be true.) Many

> kinds of propititiations for a woman with this lunar Nakshatra. Makes a

> woman a Kali type, someone who is in touch with her " inner bitch " .

> Psychologically, it allows a person to integrate both dark and light parts

> of themselves, without pushing out the dark and only going for sweetness and

> light. Associated with calamities, sudden challenging difficult experiences.

> He's heard it said that this is bad for finances, e.g. financial losses.

> Person will have issues with being paid what they're worth. Earning enough

> money. Person goes deeply into things, (the root), so whenever they do

> things, they do them with a tremendous amount of depth and get to the root

> of everything, a profound job, researchers, plumb to the depth of ideas. He

> noticed this constellation in the charts of very wealthy people, so it

> doesn't prohibit a person from wealth. Root is a symbol of going to the

> center of things. Mars/Ketu combination does energy healing, when he saw it

> in Mula, he said " You do Chi Gung " and was right, because Chi Gung is about

> rooting. Associated with the root chakra and Kundalini energy. Healing and

> ancient traditions (Ketu) because of the root concept.


> Purva Ashada: Winnowing Basket Apah

> Separating the wheat from the chaff. Judgement, judgementalness,

> discernment, discrimination. Fighting quality. Apah, water, client who's

> 10th house ruler is here installs sprinkler systems. Ascendant or Moon,

> gravitate towards water. Good position for accomplishing things, starting

> projects, successes. Sexual, romantic, emotional, sensual energy (Venus

> constellation), they love music. Higher octave of spiritual energy (due to

> Sagittarius)



> Uttara Ashada : Vishuadevas Many virtues. Tusk

> Multi-virtuousness, allows successes, connection to Ganesh, particularly

> good for starting new things (if someone's bhukti planet is in this

> constellation, they'll start something new -- sort of like Aries). If the

> planet in this constellation falls in the Dasamsha chart in the first house

> or Aries, they'll start something in their career. New beginning.


> Shravana: Ear and three offset footprints Vishnu (and Saraswati)

> Listening, oral traditions, therapists, musicians, good at convincing other

> people, teachers. Love to use their feet, they walk, hike, bike, run. One

> his clients is a teacher who has strong verbal abilities, is mesmerizing and

> convincing, extremely good listener, and also has biked all over the U.S.,

> hiked up and down the Cascade range, etc. If you were in a period where the

> ruler of the 9th in the 12th, or the ruler of the 9th in the 3rd, was placed

> here, they'll travel and do a bit of walking. Ruler of 6th in Shravana if

> afflicted or with malefics (esp. if in the 8th house), possible problems

> with the ears or the feet. (Vishnu) Well read, into philosophy and

> spirituality, knowledgeable, virtuous, auspicious constellation for good

> character.


> Dhanishtha: Drum: musical drum.

> People who have this enjoy rhythmic music. The wealthy. Can have misogyny

> (hate women). Musicians. Precious things, money, gems, beautiful objects.


> Shatabhisha: Varuna: God of water Circle is the symbol

> Veiling star, circle contains or holds within, can conceal things, symbol

> of infinity, 100 physicians: healing, difficult health problems, interest in

> alternative medicine, may take a brainstorming approach to solving problems,

> looking at many possible solutions before they actually get to the right

> one. Rahu in 12th client in Rahu period had a circle of protection around

> him (he had been threatened, and had an armored car and guards).

> Psychologists that use group circles, healing circles. Associated in general

> with alternative. Connection with outer space, space program, other aspects

> of technology. Love of astrology and metaphysics.


> Purva Bhadrapada: Aja ekaba (relatively unknown deity) form of Agni

> You see this in many spiritually-oriented people's charts (even though the

> constellation has a bad reputation), but also in many axe murders this came

> up (as did Ashlesha). Passions run amok. People who had run off with a

> lover, crimes of passion.

> Aja: The unmanifest, the unborn one, one awareness, (one footed goat), one

> being.

> Agni: Symbol of deified fire. Passion can be directed to spiritual growth,

> meditation.

> Funeral cot: symbol of transcendent of materialism. A deeply spiritual

> symbol. Yogis favor meditating in graveyards, because it reminds him of the

> transience of life, bring his mind to the spiritual level, and to forget the

> world. (It's considered a good omen to see a dead body.) Connection with

> death in this and the next two nakshatras. Emergency rooms, sitting with

> dying parent.


> Uttara Bhadrapada: Funeral cot Ahirbudhnya a Sea serpent

> Enjoy being around water, kundalini symbol, all of the associations with

> serpents.

> Both Bhadrapada constellations together are called the scorching pair

> because they're both associated with combustion or heat, and therefore

> passion and desire. But Uttara Bhadrapada has the capacity for channeling

> this desire in a constructive direction. More inclined to have a passion for

> life, or for their work, than to seduce their best friend's mate.


> Revati: ruled by Pushan who ushered souls into the realm of Yama (death)

> often find hospice workers. Pushan is the ruler of the road, so people love

> to travel with this Nakshatra. He's also the ruler of animals, he was the

> animal keeper of the gods, so people who love animals. Pushan is Caretaker

> of animals. He found lost animals. Herdsman of the Gods. Healers of animals.

> Drum symbol: increments in time. Project that's started in this period

> progresses sequentially.

> Posted by Sree at 11:42

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