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Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga (Part 2)

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Dear All, The following article is from: http://www.komilla.com/pages/Pushkara2of2.html Love and regards,Sreenadh========================Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga



Part Two



Komilla Sutton



click here for part one



posted on 1 Nov 2006




navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet.

Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and

auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara

means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the

quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of

the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in

many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when

you dig deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was

essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could

fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that

mention them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and

Nadi Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final

analysis is my own research and experience.




navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet.

Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and

auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means

who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of

the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet

from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts.

They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig

deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential

to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail.

Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention

them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and Nadi

Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final

analysis is my own research and experience.



Pushkara Navamsha




is the most important varga. Planet positions in their navamsha finally

decide whether they are strong or weak in the chart. Do they feel

supported or not. Therefore Pushkara navamshas become very important.

They are specific areas in charts that nourish which give planets the

capacity to heal and regenerate themselves. This special navamsha allow

the personality to flourish. Regardless of the situation of the planet,

its qualities become replenished. It is always the navamsha ruled by

the same signs within the same elements that become pushkara. Study the

table below for further clarification.



Pushkara navamsha table by signs and elements







pushkara degrees

Pushkara navamsha




Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


20 deg to 23 deg20





26 deg to 30 deg 00





Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

06 deg40 to 10 deg 00




13 deg 20 to 16 deg 40




Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

16 deg 40 to 20 deg 00




23 deg 20 to 26 deg 40




Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

00 deg 00to 03 deg 20




06 deg 40 to 10 deg 00







there are two Pushkara in each sign, they do not fall in Aries, Gemini,

Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius navamshas. These navamshas can be

taken as points of personal development, where individual learns from

their own mistakes. Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius are male signs and

their navamsha may use up all the energy available to them not try to

regenerate the planetary qualities. Scorpio and Capricorn are female

signs but these are complex areas within signs. Scorpio creates sudden

transformation and Capricorn makes planet feel very burdened, even if

they are well placed. As Capricorn makes us face up to our karmic

responsibilities and therefore we are not able to nurture the soul.

If planets are placed in these navamshas, it should not be taken as

minus points. What needs to be understood that these planets have to be

self-motivated, their job in this life uses up some of the positive

energy saved from previous lives, and therefore pushkara does not

nourish them. That may not be negative, just the way life is. Not

everything can be saved up or nurtured. But by being aware of these

qualities, we can make sure that we learn to nourish them through our




Pushkara navamsha can be classified through nakshatras padas as follows

Ketu Nakshatras (Ashwini, Magha, and Mula) do not have any pushkara navamsha.

3rd pada (Libra) of Venus nakshatras- Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha

1st pada, Sagittarius and 4th pada, Pisces of Sun nakshatras- Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha

2nd pada Taurus of Moon nakshatras- Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

Mars (Mrigasira, Chitra, and Dhanishta) do not have any pushkara navamsha.

4th pada Pisces of Rahu nakshatra- Ardra, Swati and Shatabhishak

2nd pada (Taurus) and 4th pada (Cancer) of Jupiter nakshatras- Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadra

2nd pada (Virgo) of Saturn nakshatra- Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadra

Mercury (Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revati) do not have any pushkara navamsha.





nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These

stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the

struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu

nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it

uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring

for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and

planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances.

That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot

thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the

next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It

is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future

rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.




nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These

stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the

struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu

nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it

uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring

for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and

planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances.

That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot

thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the

next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It

is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future

rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.




nakshatras are areas of transformation where the debris of all soul’s

negativity gets collected, the soul struggles to make the changes, the

mind is active trying to make sense of their circumstances. The planets

struggle to transcend, therefore there is no calmness and stillness

provided by Pushkara. Planets use up their energy and do not always

feel nourished.




pushkara navamshas throw up some interesting points. The rulerships of

the navamshas are by benefic planets. Jupiter and Venus ruler nine

pushkara each, one in fire, earth and air elements, whereas Moon and

Mercury rule one each in Water elements. Water signs are known as

moksha houses as well. Moksha houses are about self-realisation and the

rulership of Moon and Mercury- the two planets of the mind should that

we have to nourish our mind before we can aspire to realise ourselves.

Another way of looking at it is that a nourished and quiet mind helps

us to go towards self-realization.



The planets that are not placed in pushkara need to be energized, as they do not have the capacity to nourish themselves.





Pushkara Bhaga




Pushkara bhaga are specific degrees where planets become especially

auspicious to do good. The exact degree is becomes very powerful agent

for being positive, whereas the navamsha is still powerful but not as

intense as the degree. Pushkara degrees are used for Muhurta. Choosing

the muhurta lagna on a pushkara bhaga makes that a very auspicious




Jataka Parijata- Adhyaya 1 Shloka 58 gives the following degrees:



21º Aries (Libra Navamsha)

19º Leo (Virgo navamsha)

23º Sagittarius (Libra Navamsha)

These three in Venus nakshatras and Fire signs





14º Taurus (Taurus navamsha and vargotamma- Moon nakshatra),

9º Virgo (Pisces navamsha- Sun nakshatra),

14º Capricorn (Taurus Navamsha- Moon nakshatra)

Above Three in Earth signs





18º Gemini (Pisces navamsha- Rahu nakshatra),

24º Libra (Taurus Navamsha- Jupiter nakshatra),

19º Aquarius (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu nakshatra)

Above three in Air signs




8º Cancer (Virgo Navamsha)

11º Scorpio (Libra Navamsha),

9º Pisces (Virgo Navamsha)

Above three in Saturn nakshatras and Water signs



Pushkara degrees given by CS Patel in his book Nadi and Navamsha astrology are:

21º of Fire signs: 21º Aries, 21º Leo, and 21º Sagittarius (Venus nakshatras)

14º in Earth signs: 14º Taurus, 14º Virgo, and 14º Capricorn (Moon nakshatras)

24º in Air signs: 24º Gemini, 24º Libra, and 24º Aquarius (Jupiter Nakshatras)

7º in Water signs: 7º Cancer, 7º Scorpio, 7º Pisces (Saturn nakshatras)


to the CS Patel, Bhagas are not found in Ketu, Sun, Mars, Rahu and

Mercury nakshatras while Jataka Parijata has pushkara bhaga in Rahu and

Sun nakshatras but not in Ketu, Mars and Mercury nakshatras.





the Jataka Parijata pushkara bhaga degrees are used. I am also using

Jataka Parijata bhagas as it gives these actual degrees in the text.

Plus it resonates with my research.





I have been infomred by one of his students that CS Pate'ls information

is from Purva Kalamrita. Do research both sets of degrees and come up

with your own conclusions.




How to use Pushkara Bhaga and Navamsha.




Jataka Parijata says that pushkara should be used in muhurta, natal and

any other factor under consideration. Other factors under consideration

are in prashna and maybe relationship compatibility.




There are 24 pushkara navamsha and 12 pushkara therefore every hour a

pushkara navamsha rises and every two hours a pushkara degree rises.

Therefore when you need to find an auspicious time in a hurry, you can

chose a pushkara navamsha or a pushkara degree. Some degrees reflect

both the navamsha and degree of pushkara. In Taurus, the pushkara

navamsha and the degree are vargotamma; therefore that particular

position is extremely strong. Generally when planning a muhurta, it

would be good to choose a pushkara degree or navamsha rising. This

protects the chart and gives it a benefic quality. To have the benefic

planets, lagna lord, 9th lord, 5th lord as well as the lord of the

house for which you are performing the muhurta (10th career, 4th- home)

to be in pushkara navamsha will further fortify the chart.




Natal: Remember

pushkara is added on knowledge. You should analyse the chart by all

traditional methods and then study the chart to see whether any planets

are placed in pushkara bhaga or navamsha. If a chart does not appear to

have any great strength but it has ascendant in pushkara bhaga and 10th

lord in pushkara degree, the quality of the is chart changes and your

analysis will be different. The chart is showing extra ordinary

strength with both the lagna and 10th lord fortifies. Pushkara will

bring strength to the chart, nourish it after it has used up some of

its energy. The individual may not immediately gain the strength, but

is guided through these auspicious degrees to work with their issues,

accept them and learn to overcome them.


in an exact degree is stronger than the bhaga so the quality will be

more intense. If you have Sun exalted in 21º Aries, it is in pushkara

navamsha and bhaga. But this is also the debilitated navamsha of the

Sun. Sun debilitated by navamsha shows hidden lack of confidence, need

for support of others, and low self esteem. The weakness indicated by

the Sun in its debilitated navamsha is being over-ridden by the fact

that the Sun is pushkara both in navamsha and bhaga. Therefore an

individual may experience some weaknesses of this debilitation, but

they are quickly able to overcome it and make the Sun, its karakas,

house rulerships etc positive. Low esteem will be there but the person

learn confidence, pushkara will make them feel strong instead of weak.


texts say lagna, lagna lord, and 10th lords in Pushkara gives great

strength and good luck to the birth chart. In my experience, the more

planets in pushkara, the stronger the chart. The lagna is a pushkara

degree or navamsha brings fortune and success. If the lord of a house

is placed in pushkara or the bhava Madhya of the house is placed in

pushkara, this strengthens it and makes it a force to do good. Pushkara

imparts sweetness to the chart that brings in higher qualities of

goodness, spiritual aspirations and material success as.


who have their rajayoga karaka in pushkara or their yogas taking place

in pushkara, they are specially blessed. This enhances an already

strong position to something sublime.


experience of pushkara is during their dashas. If the dasha lord is in

pushkara or the lord of bhava Madhya that are pushkara, it will give

special results in relationship to its signification’s.


watch when planets go into their pushkara positions by transit. In June

2005, many planets, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Sun while as

I write this article (23 July2005) only Saturn and Sun are pushkara in

6º Cancer. But Saturn is combust and Saturn is spoiling Sun. Therefore

the ability of these planets to do good is limited. But their being in

pushkara position, it suggests that despite their limitations and the

pain that this conjunction has generated is there, but also there is

hope and capacity for improvement.








If the prashna ascendant falls in pushkara or the karaka falls in

pushkara, there will be a good ending. Lets suppose the question was

about buying a new home. 4th lord is Mercury and is placed in the 8th

house in Taurus navamsha in Libra. The immediate answer would be that

there is difficulty in buying the house. But this is a pushkara

navamsha; therefore there are some underlying factors that will make

this negative aspect positive. It may be that not buying the house

saved you from a big loss or there may be a better property ahead so

not buying this property will be for your good in the long run.





if Venus, the karaka of relationships is placed in 14º Virgo. Now Venus

in Virgo would usually create problems with relationships but the

pushkara aspect will nourish Venus, make it feel supported and that

would have good effect for relationships.

Your lagna lord is pushkara in your partner’s chart or vice versa means

that you have the ability to nourish your partners. The karakas Venus

and Jupiter in pushkara degrees help make partnerships good. If a woman

has Jupiter in pushkara, then she will experience good partners and

children. A pushkara Venus gives nourishing relationships






Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga



Copyright by Komilla Sutton ========================

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