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Ketu dasa

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Please add the chart when replying so that we can also appreciate your views

and comment if needed.


Sanjay Rath


" Alexandra Solomon " <songsoftarot

" Vedic e group " <varahamihira >

Friday, January 26, 2001 10:25 AM

[sri Guru] Ketu Dasa



" ananda muni " <sakti4all wrote:



recently requested any sharing regarding upcoming ketu dasa for

1-26-65, 12:36am, detroit, michigan usa...with moon/ketu in scorpio...

anyone open?? would greatly appreciate any offerings...

much peace~




Namaste Gurus, Members and Ananda Muni


My very amateur impression would be that Moon being in Scorpio and

debilitated is very good for serving others. Ketu being a spiritual planet

will draw strength from its proximity to a benefic the Moon and also from

Mars the Lord of Scorpio as Ketu's effect is sometimes compared to Mars.

The effect of Ketu will also be stronger due to Ketu Dasa running. This

seems to be an excellent time for doing spiritual work and taking very

decisive action is this direction.


I ask that members please comment and let me know if I am on the right track

with this interpretation. If so, I hope this helps.


Thank You



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Dear Visti,

Kindly include the reference in your reply as well as the chart. We can do

without the candles anyway.

Thank you

Sanjay Rath


" Visti Larsen " <vlarsen

<varahamihira >

Friday, January 26, 2001 4:47 PM

Sv: [sri Guru] Ketu Dasa



Om Namo Narayanaya


Dear Ananda, Happy Birthday!!!





Now blow out the candles =)



Moon is lord of 10th house in Rasi and debilitated in 2nd would make you

very prone to worries, especially in Carreer work. Note that Moon is strong

in Navamsa, and Dasamsa, so your recieving a Minor Neecha Banga Yoga from

Moons placement.


Note that Your born in Daytime in Krishna Paksha, and Rahu is in 6th from

Paka Lagna, so Astottari would be more appropriate for timing events.


However lets continue with the most appropriate udu-Dasa;


The Sun and Moon are Rahu's sworn enemies, However ketu is unable to see

these enemies, and would bring other potential matters to light. Sun and

Jupiter aspect Ketu+Moon, ridding one of the bad influences, through

cleansing(sun), and right guidance(Jupiter).


Ketu+Moon conjunctions are indicators of psychic ability, if also 5th

house/lord and mercury promote this.. 5th lord Rahu is in 8th house and

exalted.. this could show strength of occult abilties through the suffering

of near death experiences.. so your psychic ability is definitely promoted.


The way you use it is seen from the 2nd house/lord. Ketu+Moon show its

through intuition, and Mars in Virgo, in 12th shows a meditational state

with use of smokey stimulance.


So.. Ketu's Dasa will bring enhanced Psychic ability, and also many

unecessary worries to carreer.


You have Ketu+Moon in trines to Karakamsa, showing ur intuitive abilities.

All being in Watery signs promotes this. Also watery Venus is involved

showing the depth of your perception.



Further indications should be seen from Dasamsa for Carreer and Vimsamsa for

occult/spiritual activities.


Best wishes, Visti.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hey,how can u be born in 2005 and be doing business.Sorry,if i am speaking out of turn,but i couldn't understand.

By the way i am a new member.Live in Calcutta,India.My name is Rup Krishen RKJAWAHERJAIN <jawaherjain2002 wrote:

Respected Sir,My Birth Data is below:DOB: 14TH FEB 2005TOB: 11.32 AMPOB: DELHI INDIAI WISH TO KNOW WHEN WILL I PAY MY DEBTS AND WHEN I WILL GET PERMANENT JOB/BUSINESS AND TYPE OF BUSINESS.NOW A DAYS I AM NOT DOING ANY REGULAR BUSINESS TO GET MY LIVELIHOOD.KINDLY GUIDE ME ASTROLOGICALLY AND OBLIGE.WITH REGARDSJAWAHER JAINMOBILE : 20031013Beware: People will contact you on your personal mail offering remedies, far from transparency of this group. The risk is yours. Trust only if you initiate correspondence.Please select "No email" option to avoid mails to your mailbox.Please be patient. Effort is to answer all queries systematically, queue wise based on Msg # no. Do remind if your message is missed. Generally, an answer to your query should happen within

one week. Umesh Sharma, a professional astrologer, has most of the day consumed by his clients. Hence lag in answering queries.Post in group for free limited guidance. Send private mails to Umeshji only if ready to pay for full professional consultation.INSTRUCTION:- 1. DO ONLY ONE REMEDY IN ONE DAY, DURING DAY TIME.2. SEND FEED BACK AFTER 15/43DAYS, AFTER HAVING PERFORMED THE REMEDIES.CAUTION: Although utmost care has been taken to select and suggest the remedies, remedies suggested are in good faith with the view to do welfare of Humanity. Consultees should observe and perform these only at their own will, accord and risk.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hello Sir,


how will me time will be for this year 2009?


please advise.





Vedic Astrology , challa sastry <sastrychln220 wrote:


> Mr.Sivasamy,


> In Malaysia there are two time zones - (1) 7 1/2 Hours ahead of GMT at

112.5D. East and the (2) 8 Hours ahead of GMT at 120D. East. I am considering

first option as Kuala Lumpur is at 101E40. When I take the 1st option, your

birth time of 01-18 Malaysian time will be be 0-34 hrs LMT at Kuala Lumpur

on 18.9.1968.

> ,___ Your Birth Star is Pushyami - 1st Pada.

> Your Janma Rasi is Cancer.

> Your Janma Lagna is Gemini.


> You are running Ketu Maha Dasa/Mars Antar but not Saturn antar as advised by


> You are running Sade Sani.


> I think your question is " How does Saturn effect Cancer Janma Rasi " .


> For Cancer Rasi Saturn is Suvarna Murthy upto 15.7.2007 and afterwards

Rajitha Murthy.

> In your chart Saturn is neecha in 10th Bhava while Ketu is in 4th Bhava.


> As Saturn is transitting your 1st house upto 124D. ie. upto 4D in Leo,

effects will be on:


> Self Health.

> Co-borns/Courage.

> Life Partner/Family Life.

> Profession/Trade etc.



> The evil effects will be felt by the native himself in domestic and

professional fields. It denotes self ill-health, death of some rela- tives,

fear from enemies, journey to distant places and separa- tion from

relatives like brothers, wife and family etc. May cause imprisonment,

miseries, loss of wealth, fatigue/general debility, loss of friends,

obstructions and delay in undertakings, failure in attempts and increased

expenditure. A few authors are of the opinion that death of wife may take

place but can happen only subject to other conformities of the planets in

the horoscope. Health of wife,

children and close relatives is affected. Food not to taste, afraid of

enemies, disharmony, disagreement/disputes loss of honour. Birth of a child,

if exalted or in own house.


> Saturn Antar dasa in Ketu dasa will start from 2.5.2009 and ends by


> and this period will not be good.


> In your horoscope- Major planets - Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu are weak.

> In Bhavas - Bha. Nos. 3, 4. 5, 7, 8, 9,10 are week.

> Almost all planets are under the influence of Ketu/Rahu - Apasavya Kalasarpa



> You have to chant the Mantra of Saturn for 4 years from now upto Saturn

transits 4D of Virgo. and also of Ketu upto 7-6-2011 - daily 108 times - slokas

to be taken

> from " Navagraha Dhyana Slokas " .

> May go bless you,


> Regards, Sastry.




> Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your

question on Answers.


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  • 6 months later...

I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N.

Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and

5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in

the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already

enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me

to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.


--Radha S.

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Dear Radha ji,


I have went through ketu mahadasa, ketu is in 12th house from lagna.

I will simply call it as the dasa of failure of my wishes and career.



Vijay Goel




, " aphoton47 "

<aphoton47 wrote:


> I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa.

Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as

Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried

articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is

there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu?

Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on

Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.


> --Radha S.


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there was an article on the Ketu in the third house also in the Journal of



Ketu's dasha cannot simply be classified as a dasha of failures. Ketu's

placement and the strength of its dispositor needs to be judged before

pronouncing decision. I find creative activities of a person increase if Ketu is

placed in the third house and during its dasha, a person would write well.






--- On Wed, 9/30/09, aphoton47 <aphoton47 wrote:



aphoton47 <aphoton47

Ketu dasa


Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 8:58 AM







I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao

and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th

houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the

1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed

the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any

articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.


--Radha S.

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Dear Vijay goel ji i agree with u in general . which Nodes do u use true or mean if the nodes are in last dgree of 12th bhava sign even it may b in Lagna with true nodes as the diffrnce is 1 dgree with true and mean nodes radha Ji there is enough discussion happened in grp to see how to predict Nodes nodes r chaya graha s ( it is mathematical point s and planets without any mass and it is considered as the karma controllers in chart ) as a malific it afflicts those Bhavas ,if the afflictions in more it amnts to a sort of roga to that bhava and if it is with any planets it is as if death of the significations of the planets which nodes conjoined Nodes can copy the rasi Lord ( use this like any VIM dasa scheme ) nodes will show the quality of Nakshtra they r in ( and see who is the Lord of the nakshtra and House Lordship of that planet )also Nodes can giv the effects of planets who is aspecting them Nodes Like rahu can behav Like sani ( sanivath rahu ) and ketu behavs like Mars ( Kujavath ketu ) if Nodes are in kendra s to planets ,it may giv some missing of the said planets ,esp when kendra has more maleics ,for seeing the exprnce nativ may under go has to scrutinise all chart if it is in 2/8 axis to any planets or houses it may act like maraka to said planets and houses and karakatwas pls try on some charts and inform us ur exprnce we dont need lot of articles to see all this .But use our imagination and open minded ness and always keep basic first also see the charts ,strnght and promises etc first always see house ,karaka ,and Lord for declaring final resultone affliction is a tendency /2 means possibility and 3 is certainity Nodes in 5th and 9th has a say in productivity of a lady ( as 5th is santana stana and 9th is Garbha stana ,other wise also 9th is future generation as it is 5th frm 5th )in many cases it may giv more girl kids than boys but chart as whole shud b taken b4 jumping in predictions this is a primary concept now go ahead with ur analsysis and pls report to grp of ur exprnce ,try as many as charts and try to use our own brain to see how such a result is happened .than everytime we post and ask in grp and say -i dont find it is working because kala desa patra affects nativs i find rahu in 9th they may abuse guru they may hav less afinity to dharma sastra s even they may b fanatics of the religion and their by they bring disgrace to own religion or even go against elders and society and even all what is accepted norms of socieity .even some ppl i find they hav a diffrnt religion ( for exmple most of hare krishna ppl ) even one indian i find a jain lady monk is his guru ( our normal concept is generaly males r gurus ) so think all this possibilities shri PT.jawaharlal nehrue has jup +ketu in 6thHouse ( aspected By mars ,so jupiterian signification are affected greatly) he has No male kids he was against accepted Norms of society and always supports what ever western is true his father sub period of rahu dasa in 12th ( i am using memory )rahu in Mercurian sign and merc was in 4th house with venus rgrds sunil nair , "vijay.goel" <goyalvj wrote:>> Dear Radha ji,> > I have went through ketu mahadasa, ketu is in 12th house from lagna.> I will simply call it as the dasa of failure of my wishes and career.> > Thankyou,> Vijay Goel> Jaipur.> > > , "aphoton47"> aphoton47@ wrote:> >> > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. > Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as> Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried> articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is> there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? > Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on> Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> >> > --Radha S.> >>

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a correction ============= if it is with any planets it is as if death of the significations of the planets which nodes conjoined read as when more afflicted , "astro_tellerkerala" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Dear Vijay goel ji> > i agree with u in general .> > which Nodes do u use> > true or mean> > if the nodes are in last dgree of 12th bhava sign even it may b in> Lagna with true nodes as the diffrnce is 1 dgree with true and mean> nodes> > radha Ji> > there is enough discussion happened in grp to see how to predict Nodes> > nodes r chaya graha s ( it is mathematical point s and planets without> any mass and it is considered as the karma controllers in chart )> > as a malific it afflicts those Bhavas ,if the afflictions in more it> amnts to a sort of roga to that bhava and if it is with any planets it> is as if death of the significations of the planets which nodes> conjoined> > Nodes can copy the rasi Lord ( use this like any VIM dasa scheme )> nodes will show the quality of Nakshtra they r in ( and see who is the> Lord of the nakshtra and House Lordship of that planet )> > also Nodes can giv the effects of planets who is aspecting them> > Nodes Like rahu can behav Like sani ( sanivath rahu ) and ketu behavs> like Mars ( Kujavath ketu )> > if Nodes are in kendra s to planets ,it may giv some missing of the said> planets ,esp when kendra has more maleics ,for seeing the exprnce nativ> may under go has to scrutinise all chart> > if it is in 2/8 axis to any planets or houses it may act like maraka to> said planets and houses and karakatwas> > pls try on some charts and inform us ur exprnce> > we dont need lot of articles to see all this .But use our imagination> and open minded ness and always keep basic first> > also see the charts ,strnght and promises etc first> > always see house ,karaka ,and Lord for declaring final result> > one affliction is a tendency /2 means possibility and 3 is certainity> > Nodes in 5th and 9th has a say in productivity of a lady ( as 5th is> santana stana and 9th is Garbha stana ,other wise also 9th is future> generation as it is 5th frm 5th )> > in many cases it may giv more girl kids than boys> > but chart as whole shud b taken b4 jumping in predictions> > this is a primary concept> > now go ahead with ur analsysis and pls report to grp of ur exprnce ,try> as many as charts and try to use our own brain to see how such a result> is happened .than everytime we post and ask in grp and say -i dont find> it is working> because kala desa patra affects nativs> > i find rahu in 9th> > they may abuse guru> > they may hav less afinity to dharma sastra s> > even they may b fanatics of the religion and their by they bring> disgrace to own religion> > or even go against elders and society and even all what is accepted> norms of socieity .> even some ppl i find they hav a diffrnt religion ( for exmple most of> hare krishna ppl )> > even one indian i find a jain lady monk is his guru ( our normal concept> is generaly males r gurus )> > so think all this possibilities> > shri PT.jawaharlal nehrue has jup +ketu in 6thHouse ( aspected By mars> ,so jupiterian signification are affected greatly)> > he has No male kids> > he was against accepted Norms of society and always supports what ever> western is true> > his father sub period of rahu dasa in 12th ( i am using memory )> > rahu in Mercurian sign and merc was in 4th house with venus> > rgrds sunil nair> > > > > > > , "vijay.goel"> goyalvj@ wrote:> >> > Dear Radha ji,> >> > I have went through ketu mahadasa, ketu is in 12th house from lagna.> > I will simply call it as the dasa of failure of my wishes and career.> >> > Thankyou,> > Vijay Goel> > Jaipur.> >> >> > , "aphoton47"> > aphoton47@ wrote:> > >> > > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa.> > Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as> > Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried> > articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is> > there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu?> > Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles> on> > Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> > >> > > --Radha S.> > >> >>

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Dear Radha S,


I have undergone Ketu dasha and would like to state that I gined as well as I lost in Ketu Dasha. I also survived a fatal accident.





Khedbrahma, North Gujarat


D D Trivedi--- On Wed, 30/9/09, aphoton47 <aphoton47 wrote:

aphoton47 <aphoton47 Ketu dasa Date: Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 8:58 AM

I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.--Radha S.

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Dear Dushyant Trivedi JI Thanks for posting the results of ur ketu Dasa can u bit elaborate it and say how it affected in ur various aspects of life also giv details of ur kids rgrds sunil nair Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ket MD: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1992-01-12 (9:52:47) Antardasas in this MD: Ket: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1985-06-09 (20:30:59) Ven: 1985-06-09 (20:30:59) - 1986-08-09 (23:18:23) Sun: 1986-08-09 (23:18:23) - 1986-12-15 (19:20:36) Moon: 1986-12-15 (19:20:36) - 1987-07-16 (20:44:18) Mars: 1987-07-16 (20:44:18) - 1987-12-13 (0:06:53) Rah: 1987-12-13 (0:06:53) - 1988-12-30 (12:13:33) Jup: 1988-12-30 (12:13:33) - 1989-12-06 (9:39:28) Sat: 1989-12-06 (9:39:28) - 1991-01-15 (5:06:30) Merc: 1991-01-15 (5:06:30) - 1992-01-12 (9:52:47) , dushyant trivedi <trivedi20 wrote:>> Dear Radha S,> > I have undergone Ketu dasha and would like to state that I gined as well as I lost in Ketu Dasha. I also survived a fatal accident.> > Details> 20/12/1947> 6.28pm> Khedbrahma, North Gujarat> > D D Trivedi> > --- On Wed, 30/9/09, aphoton47 aphoton47 wrote:> > > aphoton47 aphoton47 Ketu dasa> > Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 8:58 AM> > > > > > > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> > --Radha S. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Try the new India Homepage. http://in./trynew>

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Once You have given an analysis, who else would try to better it ? At

least I wouldnt.


best wishes/Bhaskar.





, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Mouji ji, Radha ji and all,


> Sometime back, data of a lady was given by Mouji ji.


> 5 Sep 1963/22:00/Ferozepur; Aries lagna and sagi navamsha


> The chart appears to be quite interesting. I had worked on it, but was

a bit

> busy to write and post on the group. I am encouraged to bring it up


> because of Ketu.


> This native has passed through Ketu's dasha in the prime of her

life at

> 21-28 years. Ketu is in 9H of sagitarius, alone, yogkarak as per


> Has no adverse influence. In the nakshatra lordship of Venus who is


> and conjunct 5L Sun in 5H. Dispositor Jupiter in own house of Pisces


> Kendra to it with moon forming a Gajkesari Yoga. Ketu is driven by two

> gurus, Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is also in 10H from moon and 5H form



> Dispositor Jupiter is aspected by an exalted mercury and 10L Saturn

from own

> 10H. Interestingly, Ketu is also at exact degrees of lagna rising,


> greatly affect self.

> Altogether a very important planet.


> *I think Ketu would've made a crucial difference in her life.

*Ketu's star

> lord venus is also 7L of marriage and spouse, as well as 2L of

addition to

> family. 7L venus is combust and Sun is the 5L in 5H. Ketu is in 9H of

> prarabdh. I would think of the following possibilities:


> She would get married in Ketu's dasha.


> She would get a spouse who is spiritually inclined, may be very much


> bhakti and sadhana and surrendered his life to supreme power (sun). He

> could be a good singer and chant mantras and recite shastras. Strong

> benefics in 6/8 axis indicate charity by both husband and wife at the

> expense of their own selves. Both could be giving Vidya Daan,


> husband may be a scholar of an ancient branch of knowledge.


> It could be a love marriage.


> She herself would be interested in music and art. Might've learnt

to vocal

> or instrumental music as Ketu is in 3H from Karakamsha.


> May be her husband is in government service. I am going by the huge

role of

> Sun with 7L.


> She might not get a son though Sun in 5H is supposed to give one SON,


> here dasha of Ketu and Venus could give daughters (may be two?) with a


> pregnancy?


> Also I feel ketu's dasha could give some surgical operation,

either for

> child birth or otherwise, as venus and 7H are afflicted and Mars is

also the

> LL/8L in maraksthan with.


> But overall give her conditions for her spiritual upliftment.


> I would appreciate Mouji ji's comments on the same. And also other


> can take up further analysis.


> Regards

> Neelam


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It is scorpio navamsha. Please check again.




Mouji--- On Wed, 9/30/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Re: Ketu dasa Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 12:59 PM

Dear Mouji ji, Radha ji and all,Sometime back, data of a lady was given by Mouji ji.5 Sep 1963/22:00/Ferozepu r; Aries lagna and sagi navamshaThe chart appears to be quite interesting. I had worked on it, but was a bit busy to write and post on the group. I am encouraged to bring it up here because of Ketu. This native has passed through Ketu’s dasha in the prime of her life at 21-28 years. Ketu is in 9H of sagitarius, alone, yogkarak as per classics. Has no adverse influence. In the nakshatra lordship of Venus who is combust and conjunct 5L Sun in 5H. Dispositor Jupiter in own house of Pisces in Kendra to it with moon forming a Gajkesari Yoga. Ketu is driven by two gurus, Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is also in 10H from moon and 5H form Sun!Dispositor Jupiter is aspected by an exalted mercury and 10L Saturn from own 10H. Interestingly, Ketu is also at exact degrees of lagna rising, would greatly affect

self.Altogether a very important planet.I think Ketu would’ve made a crucial difference in her life. Ketu’s star lord venus is also 7L of marriage and spouse, as well as 2L of addition to family. 7L venus is combust and Sun is the 5L in 5H. Ketu is in 9H of prarabdh. I would think of the following possibilities:She would get married in Ketu’s dasha.She would get a spouse who is spiritually inclined, may be very much into bhakti and sadhana and surrendered his life to supreme power (sun). He could be a good singer and chant mantras and recite shastras. Strong benefics in 6/8 axis indicate charity by both husband and wife at the expense of their own selves. Both could be giving Vidya Daan, specially husband may be a scholar of an ancient branch of knowledge.It could be a love marriage.She herself would be interested in music and art. Might’ve learnt to vocal or instrumental music as Ketu is

in 3H from Karakamsha.May be her husband is in government service. I am going by the huge role of Sun with 7L.She might not get a son though Sun in 5H is supposed to give one SON, but here dasha of Ketu and Venus could give daughters (may be two?) with a loss pregnancy?Also I feel ketu’s dasha could give some surgical operation, either for child birth or otherwise, as venus and 7H are afflicted and Mars is also the LL/8L in maraksthan with.But overall give her conditions for her spiritual upliftment.I would appreciate Mouji ji’s comments on the same. And also other members can take up further analysis.RegardsNeelam

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Yes, I am sorry that was a typo! It does not change basic analysis on the few points that I have made.Hope you'd give your feedback on that.RegardsNeelam2009/9/30 Manoj Kumar <mouji99








It is scorpio navamsha. Please check again.




Mouji--- On Wed, 9/30/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Re: Ketu dasa

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 12:59 PM


Dear Mouji ji, Radha ji and all,Sometime back, data of a lady was given by Mouji ji.5 Sep 1963/22:00/Ferozepu r; Aries lagna and sagi navamsha

The chart appears to be quite interesting. I had worked on it, but was a bit busy to write and post on the group. I am encouraged to bring it up here because of Ketu. This native has passed through Ketu’s dasha in the prime of her life at 21-28 years. Ketu is in 9H of sagitarius, alone, yogkarak as per classics. Has no adverse influence. In the nakshatra lordship of Venus who is combust and conjunct 5L Sun in 5H. Dispositor Jupiter in own house of Pisces in Kendra to it with moon forming a Gajkesari Yoga. Ketu is driven by two gurus, Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is also in 10H from moon and 5H form Sun!

Dispositor Jupiter is aspected by an exalted mercury and 10L Saturn from own 10H. Interestingly, Ketu is also at exact degrees of lagna rising, would greatly affect

self.Altogether a very important planet.I think Ketu would’ve made a crucial difference in her life. Ketu’s star lord venus is also 7L of marriage and spouse, as well as 2L of addition to family. 7L venus is combust and Sun is the 5L in 5H. Ketu is in 9H of prarabdh. I would think of the following possibilities:

She would get married in Ketu’s dasha.She would get a spouse who is spiritually inclined, may be very much into bhakti and sadhana and surrendered his life to supreme power (sun).  He could be a good singer and chant mantras and recite shastras. Strong benefics in 6/8 axis indicate charity by both husband and wife at the expense of their own selves. Both could be giving Vidya Daan, specially husband may be a scholar of an ancient branch of knowledge.

It could be a love marriage.She herself would be interested in music and art. Might’ve learnt to vocal or instrumental music as Ketu is

in 3H from Karakamsha.May be her husband is in government service. I am going by the huge role of Sun with 7L.She might not get a son though Sun in 5H is supposed to give one SON, but here dasha of Ketu and Venus could give daughters (may be two?) with a loss pregnancy?

Also I feel ketu’s dasha could give some surgical operation, either for child birth or otherwise, as venus and 7H are afflicted and Mars is also the LL/8L in maraksthan with.But overall give her conditions for her spiritual upliftment.

I would appreciate Mouji ji’s comments on the same. And also other members can take up further analysis.RegardsNeelam

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Sure I would.




Mouji--- On Wed, 9/30/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Re: Ketu dasa Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:38 PM

Yes, I am sorry that was a typo! It does not change basic analysis on the few points that I have made.Hope you'd give your feedback on that.RegardsNeelam

2009/9/30 Manoj Kumar <mouji99 >









It is scorpio navamsha. Please check again.





--- On Wed, 9/30/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com> wrote:


neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Ketu dasaancient_indian_ astrologyWednesday, September 30, 2009, 12:59 PM


Dear Mouji ji, Radha ji and all,Sometime back, data of a lady was given by Mouji ji.5 Sep 1963/22:00/Ferozepu r; Aries lagna and sagi navamsha



The chart appears to be quite interesting. I had worked on it, but was a bit busy to write and post on the group. I am encouraged to bring it up here because of Ketu. This native has passed through Ketu’s dasha in the prime of her life at 21-28 years. Ketu is in 9H of sagitarius, alone, yogkarak as per classics. Has no adverse influence. In the nakshatra lordship of Venus who is combust and conjunct 5L Sun in 5H. Dispositor Jupiter in own house of Pisces in Kendra to it with moon forming a Gajkesari Yoga. Ketu is driven by two gurus, Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is also in 10H from moon and 5H form Sun!Dispositor Jupiter is aspected by an exalted mercury and 10L Saturn from own 10H. Interestingly, Ketu is also at exact degrees of lagna rising, would greatly affect self.Altogether a very important planet.I think Ketu would’ve made a crucial difference in her life. Ketu’s star lord venus is also 7L

of marriage and spouse, as well as 2L of addition to family. 7L venus is combust and Sun is the 5L in 5H. Ketu is in 9H of prarabdh. I would think of the following possibilities:She would get married in Ketu’s dasha.She would get a spouse who is spiritually inclined, may be very much into bhakti and sadhana and surrendered his life to supreme power (sun). He could be a good singer and chant mantras and recite shastras. Strong benefics in 6/8 axis indicate charity by both husband and wife at the expense of their own selves. Both could be giving Vidya Daan, specially husband may be a scholar of an ancient branch of knowledge.It could be a love marriage.She herself would be interested in music and art. Might’ve learnt to vocal or instrumental music as Ketu is in 3H from Karakamsha.May be her husband is in government service. I am going by the huge role of Sun with 7L.She might not get a son though

Sun in 5H is supposed to give one SON, but here dasha of Ketu and Venus could give daughters (may be two?) with a loss pregnancy?Also I feel ketu’s dasha could give some surgical operation, either for child birth or otherwise, as venus and 7H are afflicted and Mars is also the LL/8L in maraksthan with.But overall give her conditions for her spiritual upliftment.I would appreciate Mouji ji’s comments on the same. And also other members can take up further analysis.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Vijay Goel ji,


I met with an accident on 6th June 1986. It was friday and the accident occured at 3.11pm and one of the occupant who was not supposed to come with me died on the spot. The other two i.e. the driver and one more person were badly injured and were unconcious who recovered fully after six months. Luckily I escaped with a minor cut above my right eye which was very very minor in nature and it was a surprised to all who saw the accident how I could escape with nearly no injury.


D. D. Trivedi--- On Wed, 30/9/09, vijay.goel <goyalvj wrote:

vijay.goel <goyalvj Re: Ketu dasa Date: Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 1:36 PM

Dear Trivedi ji,Did you had the fatal accident in Ketu\jupiter.Vimsottari Dasa: Ket MD: 1985-01-11 - 1992-01-12 Jup AD: 1988-12-30 - 1989-12-06If not than when ?Thankyou,Regards,Vijay GoelJaipur.ancient_indian_ astrology, dushyant trivedi <trivedi20@.. .> wrote:>> Dear Radha S,> > I have undergone Ketu dasha and would like to state that I gined as well as I lost in Ketu Dasha. I also survived a fatal accident.> > Details> 20/12/1947> 6.28pm> Khedbrahma, North Gujarat> > D D Trivedi> > --- On Wed, 30/9/09, aphoton47 aphoton47@.. . wrote:> > > aphoton47 aphoton47@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Ketu dasa>

ancient_indian_ astrology> Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 8:58 AM> > > > > > > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> > --Radha S. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Try the new India Homepage. http://in.. com/trynew>

From cricket scores to your friends. Try the India Homepage!

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Dear S Radha and Vijay Goel.Ketu is most deceptive planet. Sage Vayasa says that Ketu representsUpliftment of Kula (your Kalan).There is no room for own material achievements.BPHS gives immense information on the dasa results of Ketu. If any one study theses dasa results ,it will help him in understanding the behavior of Ketu.Chapter- 48- Dasaphaladhaya-sloka-71 to 77 under ketu dasaChapter 53 to 61 -These chapter deals dasa and antra dasa affectsNow I will give thre Examples_Ex-One-Male Feb7,1964 at 14.57.30 hrs Kanpur Lagna -Gemini ,Navamsa Lagna Libra, D-10 Lagna Cancer-Ketu is in 7H in Sagiittarius(Jupiter), Purvashad(Bhavottama Venus),Navansa Virgo (Vargottama Mercury )DASA was running- Ketu dasa was running from Dec15,1984 to Dec15,1991Completed B.Sc in 1985,CA in Nov 1988, Joined service in a leading CA firm in April 1989, Left the job in 1990 to start his own busines in development and marketing of tailormade accounting software- this business he is still doing. Married on Jan20,1991 and Blesses with son on Oct26,1991. What Parasara says comes true.Ex Two- Male April23,1937 ,at 16.31 hrs at BAREILLY UP Native yet to undergo Major period of Ketu All antra dasa were not good. Sat/Ketu- Son met with accident ,native was seriously ill Mer/Ketu- worst period - Wife right hand fractured, yonger broyher leg fractured,miscarriage of grand son , Son's wife seriously ill. elder sister expired.five deaths in the family of daughter -in law.Ex-3 Male- Oct8,1946,12.07 IST Noon,82E36,25N09Ketu -Nov16,2001 to Nov11,2008 Belongs to industrialist family. In Ketu dasa business closed down , had to leave working place and all property.Now living in rented accomodation in another city with no reliable means of livelihood'He has become from king to poper.Regards,G. K. Goel


From: astro_tellerkeralaDate: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 05:48:08 +0000 Re: Ketu dasa





Dear Vijay goel ji i agree with u in general . which Nodes do u use true or mean if the nodes are in last dgree of 12th bhava sign even it may b in Lagna with true nodes as the diffrnce is 1 dgree with true and mean nodes radha Ji there is enough discussion happened in grp to see how to predict Nodes nodes r chaya graha s ( it is mathematical point s and planets without any mass and it is considered as the karma controllers in chart ) as a malific it afflicts those Bhavas ,if the afflictions in more it amnts to a sort of roga to that bhava and if it is with any planets it is as if death of the significations of the planets which nodes conjoined Nodes can copy the rasi Lord ( use this like any VIM dasa scheme ) nodes will show the quality of Nakshtra they r in ( and see who is the Lord of the nakshtra and House Lordship of that planet )also Nodes can giv the effects of planets who is aspecting them Nodes Like rahu can behav Like sani ( sanivath rahu ) and ketu behavs like Mars ( Kujavath ketu ) if Nodes are in kendra s to planets ,it may giv some missing of the said planets ,esp when kendra has more maleics ,for seeing the exprnce nativ may under go has to scrutinise all chart if it is in 2/8 axis to any planets or houses it may act like maraka to said planets and houses and karakatwas pls try on some charts and inform us ur exprnce we dont need lot of articles to see all this .But use our imagination and open minded ness and always keep basic first also see the charts ,strnght and promises etc first always see house ,karaka ,and Lord for declaring final resultone affliction is a tendency /2 means possibility and 3 is certainity Nodes in 5th and 9th has a say in productivity of a lady ( as 5th is santana stana and 9th is Garbha stana ,other wise also 9th is future generation as it is 5th frm 5th )in many cases it may giv more girl kids than boys but chart as whole shud b taken b4 jumping in predictions this is a primary concept now go ahead with ur analsysis and pls report to grp of ur exprnce ,try as many as charts and try to use our own brain to see how such a result is happened .than everytime we post and ask in grp and say -i dont find it is working because kala desa patra affects nativs i find rahu in 9th they may abuse guru they may hav less afinity to dharma sastra s even they may b fanatics of the religion and their by they bring disgrace to own religion or even go against elders and society and even all what is accepted norms of socieity .even some ppl i find they hav a diffrnt religion ( for exmple most of hare krishna ppl ) even one indian i find a jain lady monk is his guru ( our normal concept is generaly males r gurus ) so think all this possibilities shri PT.jawaharlal nehrue has jup +ketu in 6thHouse ( aspected By mars ,so jupiterian signification are affected greatly) he has No male kids he was against accepted Norms of society and always supports what ever western is true his father sub period of rahu dasa in 12th ( i am using memory )rahu in Mercurian sign and merc was in 4th house with venus rgrds sunil nair , "vijay.goel" <goyalvj wrote:>> Dear Radha ji,> > I have went through ketu mahadasa, ketu is in 12th house from lagna.> I will simply call it as the dasa of failure of my wishes and career.> > Thankyou,> Vijay Goel> Jaipur.> > > , "aphoton47"> aphoton47@ wrote:> >> > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. > Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as> Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried> articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is> there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? > Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on> Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> >> > --Radha S.> >>



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Respected Pathi jiIn case of Ketu it doesnt matter in which Rashi is sitting?RegardsDr Mishra--- On Wed, 9/30/09, venkatachala pathi <pathiav wrote:venkatachala pathi <pathiavRe: Ketu dasa Received: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 10:29 AM




Ilist below a selected 'effects' of Ketu in various houses among many:


In the first house (lagna): The person will talk irresponsibly - selfish greedy - worried on account of children - disturbed marital life - bestows wealth - lack of self confidence - poor health - (with support of of associated Planet owning angle/triangular house) confer power - (with Maraka owner) destroy wealth - cause longevity concern in major and sub periods.

In the second house : Eye troubles - dependence on others - no good relations with one or more important members of near in family - may talk rough and rude and spoil future life - in aspect of lord of 5th and 9th to give long life - prosperity - if placed here with owner of 2nd or 7th house, could end life in its major or sub-period.

In the third house : pain in arms and shoulders - a bad Ketu here is good for father - a strong physical constitution - success and happiness to spouse suddenly - wealthy - comfortable - when associated here with 2nd or 7th owner (maraka) could destroy hard earned health.

In the fourth house : Gives journey/life abroad - capable of killing mother - thinking will be polluted - adverse finance conditions - accident and violent incidents - angry disposition - associated with a Planet in this house would confer power with authority in major and sub periods - in association with maraka will destroy wealth.

In the fifth house : Mental disturbance to lose balance of decisions - diseases of stomach and injuries - unfortunate in many events - devotional approach to religion - a powerful Mercury, in association, could bring a windfall of fortune and comfort through speculation - natives father will be benefited.

In the sixth house : Makes native bold and expressive - inherently bad in nature and acts - troublesome - unpopular in society - frequently falling sick - may not have happy years - badly placed Ketu brings theft, defeat,disease in major and sub periods - disease in rectum/teeth.

In the seventh house : irritable life partner - separation in marital life - humiliations from opposite sex - if Ketu associated with a Planet here, owner of angle/triangle of Lagna will confer long life and all round prosperity - the opposite will be the result if positioned with lords of sixth, eighth or twelfth house.

In the eighth house: Sorrow and separation with spouse or partner in business - distress and death - will fall sick - could be a thief or a person involving evil sexual connections - adverse influence in otherwise favorable Dasha periods - religious and mystic to cause family irritations - super sensory experiences - attempting to gain super natural powers - land in social and law objectionable acts.

In the ninth house : Incur wrath of parents or elders - irritable or rash - suffer poverty - cause severe death prone ailments - if with Jupiter, one will be learned - if with mercury, one will be prolific writer - unless adverse in this house, Ketu is generally good here.

In the tenth house : Failed endeavours, loss of honor - will go abroad - beneficial Planet in this house - eye problems leading to surgical intervention - mother's health will be of anxious concern - accident/operation/ violent death are imminent under certain specified conditions.

In the eleventh house : The native will be frugal and successful - could gain power and position concern /worries on sisters and brothers with surmounting problems.

In the twelfth house : Increases expenditure more than income/assets - if with the owner of 12th house, occupies this house with Ketu religious - he would look for emancipation - constant sickness and medication may be necessary all life - very helpful in natured - could live abroad or far away from near siblings - disturbed mind - burdened life in solving problems of near and dear.


Some pointers from "Saaravalli' :: Some skin problems could errupt during Ketu desa and badly positioned Ketu in the desha period. - some medical problems for spouse and children could effect family life - visits to holy places - gifts from higher ups - good and happy events in family - particularly in Venus bukti in Ketu Desa marriages in family will certainly happen - some misunderstandings with near relatives could happen - in Badly positioned Sun in the chart could cause loife anxiety for either of parents to disturb normal flarish of family happenings - Some may commit acts landing them against law - in jail - the Moon bukti will welcome marriages and happy events in family with ease and comfort - Mars Bukti can bring ailments and anxieties in work place - but in wrongly placed or in aspect of badly positioned Planets to cause sickness of great sufferings - Badly placed Saturn to influence Ketu will cuse loss of near and

dear - loss of assets - while if Saturn is well placed, it will be a most helping years for growth and property as the person will not experience Saturn desha - With Jupiter in good place marriage and gain of lands will be positive -

with supportive Mercury, gaining properties will bring happiness. Of course, ketu desa kethu bukti is always worse to bring miseries to the native.


"Phaladeepika" Adh 19 Sloka 17 : The native will bee oppressed by enemies, thieves and the ruling heads - he will receive wounds - develop diseases caused by excessive heat , earn bad name, a stigma in his family, face danger from fire and find living in foreign (alien) land , in Ketu Desa.



The above are a few points I could immediately gather.




aphoton47 <aphoton47 >ancient_indian_ astrologyWednesday, September 30, 2009 4:28:55 AM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Ketu dasa

I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.--Radha S.








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Dear Sunil Nair ji,


I give below the details during my Ketu Dasha:


1. Got a very good job offer from a company in Ahemedabad and I changed my job and joined the Ahmedabad company on 7th Sept 2009. Thus I shifeted from Bombay to Ahemedabad.


2. On 6th June 1986 I met with a fatal accident at 3.11 pm on highway from Ahemedabad to Kalol. One gentleman who joined me at the last moment just to give me company lost his life. Two others one of them driver and another engineer were badly injured and both could recover only after 6 months. Both of them were unconcious at the time of acciodent. With God's grace I escaped without any injury. The only minor injury which I received was a small cut above my right eye.


I got B.P. in Sept 1986.


3. I lost the Ahmedabad job on 1st Sept 1987. However I got another job in Boisar and joined the company on 27th Nov 1987. I shifted my family to Bombay and I started working in Boisar visiting Bombay once a week.


4. I lost this job too but I had a good offer in hand. I lost this job on 15th Nov 1988 and joined a better company with better pay on 25th Nov 1988.


5. I lost this job on 31st Oct 1990. I appeared for an interview on 20th Dec 199 and was offered an excellent job in Pune. I lost my father-in-law on 21st Dec 1990. I joined Pune job on 2nd Feb 1991.


Hope the above shall give you insight for understanding the results of Ketu Dasa.


D. D. Trivedi--- On Wed, 30/9/09, astro_tellerkerala <astro_tellerkerala wrote:

astro_tellerkerala <astro_tellerkerala Re: Ketu dasa Date: Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 11:52 AM

Dear Dushyant Trivedi JI Thanks for posting the results of ur ketu Dasa can u bit elaborate it and say how it affected in ur various aspects of life also giv details of ur kids rgrds sunil nair Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ket MD: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1992-01-12 (9:52:47) Antardasas in this MD: Ket: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1985-06-09 (20:30:59) Ven: 1985-06-09 (20:30:59) - 1986-08-09 (23:18:23) Sun: 1986-08-09 (23:18:23) - 1986-12-15 (19:20:36) Moon: 1986-12-15 (19:20:36) - 1987-07-16 (20:44:18) Mars: 1987-07-16 (20:44:18) - 1987-12-13 (0:06:53) Rah: 1987-12-13 (0:06:53) - 1988-12-30 (12:13:33) Jup: 1988-12-30 (12:13:33) - 1989-12-06 (9:39:28) Sat: 1989-12-06 (9:39:28) - 1991-01-15 (5:06:30) Merc: 1991-01-15 (5:06:30) - 1992-01-12

(9:52:47)ancient_indian_ astrology, dushyant trivedi <trivedi20@.. .> wrote:>> Dear Radha S,> > I have undergone Ketu dasha and would like to state that I gined as well as I lost in Ketu Dasha. I also survived a fatal accident.> > Details> 20/12/1947> 6.28pm> Khedbrahma, North Gujarat> > D D Trivedi> > --- On Wed, 30/9/09, aphoton47 aphoton47@.. . wrote:> > > aphoton47 aphoton47@.. .> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Ketu dasa> ancient_indian_ astrology> Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 8:58 AM> > > > > > > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu

in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> > --Radha S. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Try the new India Homepage. http://in.. com/trynew>

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Dear Dushyant Trivedi Ji many many thanks for giving a detailed reply abt ur ketu dasa sure ,this will b a learning exprnce for us and see how ketu and sub periods in its dasa behaving in reality than going after some pop neo theoreys i will try to analsyse it when ever i get some quality time hope some learned memebrs may take up and giv us some more ideas and lessons tur this actual incidents rgrds sunil nair , dushyant trivedi <trivedi20 wrote:>> Dear Sunil Nair ji,> > I give below the details during my Ketu Dasha:> > 1. Got a very good job offer from a company in Ahemedabad and I changed my job and joined the Ahmedabad company on 7th Sept 2009. Thus I shifeted from Bombay to Ahemedabad.> > 2. On 6th June 1986 I met with a fatal accident at 3.11 pm on highway from Ahemedabad to Kalol. One gentleman who joined me at the last moment just to give me company lost his life. Two others one of them driver and another engineer were badly injured and both could recover only after 6 months. Both of them were unconcious at the time of acciodent. > With God's grace I escaped without any injury. The only minor injury which I received was a small cut above my right eye.> > I got B.P. in Sept 1986.> > 3. I lost the Ahmedabad job on 1st Sept 1987. However I got another job in Boisar and joined the company on 27th Nov 1987. I shifted my family to Bombay and I started working in Boisar visiting Bombay once a week.> > 4. I lost this job too but I had a good offer in hand. I lost this job on 15th Nov 1988 and joined a better company with better pay on 25th Nov 1988.> > 5. I lost this job on 31st Oct 1990. I appeared for an interview on 20th Dec 199 and was offered an excellent job in Pune. I lost my father-in-law on 21st Dec 1990. I joined Pune job on 2nd Feb 1991.> > Hope the above shall give you insight for understanding the results of Ketu Dasa.> > D. D. Trivedi> --- On Wed, 30/9/09, astro_tellerkerala astro_tellerkerala wrote:> > > astro_tellerkerala astro_tellerkerala Re: Ketu dasa> > Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 11:52 AM> > > > > > > > Dear Dushyant Trivedi JI > > Thanks for posting the results of ur ketu Dasa > > can u bit elaborate it and say how it affected in ur various aspects of life > > also giv details of ur kids > > rgrds sunil nair > > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > Ket MD: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1992-01-12 (9:52:47)> > Antardasas in this MD:> > Ket: 1985-01-11 (17:08:23) - 1985-06-09 (20:30:59)> Ven: 1985-06-09 (20:30:59) - 1986-08-09 (23:18:23)> Sun: 1986-08-09 (23:18:23) - 1986-12-15 (19:20:36)> Moon: 1986-12-15 (19:20:36) - 1987-07-16 (20:44:18)> Mars: 1987-07-16 (20:44:18) - 1987-12-13 (0:06:53)> Rah: 1987-12-13 (0:06:53) - 1988-12-30 (12:13:33)> Jup: 1988-12-30 (12:13:33) - 1989-12-06 (9:39:28)> Sat: 1989-12-06 (9:39:28) - 1991-01-15 (5:06:30)> Merc: 1991-01-15 (5:06:30) - 1992-01-12 (9:52:47)> > > > ancient_indian_ astrology, dushyant trivedi trivedi20@ .> wrote:> >> > Dear Radha S,> > > > I have undergone Ketu dasha and would like to state that I gined as well as I lost in Ketu Dasha. I also survived a fatal accident.> > > > Details> > 20/12/1947> > 6.28pm> > Khedbrahma, North Gujarat> > > > D D Trivedi> > > > --- On Wed, 30/9/09, aphoton47 aphoton47@ . wrote:> > > > > > aphoton47 aphoton47@ .> > [ancient_indian_ astrology] Ketu dasa> > ancient_indian_ astrology> > Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 8:58 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.> > > > --Radha S. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Try the new India Homepage. http://in.. com/trynew> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Connect more, do more and share more with India Mail. Learn more. http://in.overview.mail./>

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Goel ji,


Thank you very much for sharing.


--Radha S.


, " vijay.goel " <goyalvj



> Dear Radha ji,


> I have went through ketu mahadasa, ketu is in 12th house from lagna.

> I will simply call it as the dasa of failure of my wishes and career.


> Thankyou,

> Vijay Goel

> Jaipur.



> , " aphoton47 "

> <aphoton47@> wrote:

> >

> > I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa.

> Sri K.N. Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as

> Ketu in the 9th and 5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried

> articles with examples of Ketu in the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is

> there anyone in this forum who has already enjoyed the dasa of Ketu?

> Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to any articles on

> Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.

> >

> > --Radha S.

> >


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>now go ahead with ur analsysis and pls report to grp of ur exprnce ,try >as

many as charts and try to use our own brain to see how such a result >is



Sunil ji,

The truth is that I have not come across too many horoscopes where the native

has already experienced Ketu dasa, which is why what has been shared in this

group is so invaluable. While there are references in the classics regarding

the effects of Ketu, and one can extrapolate, I personally feel that an ounce of

experience is worth a pound of theory.


Best wishes,


Radha S.

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Thank you for alerting me regarding this article.





, Manoj Kumar <mouji99



> there was an article on the Ketu in the third house also in the Journal of



> Ketu's dasha cannot simply be classified as a dasha of failures. Ketu's

placement and the strength of its dispositor needs to be judged before

pronouncing decision. I find creative activities of a person increase if Ketu is

placed in the third house and during its dasha, a person would write well.


> regards,


> Mouji


> --- On Wed, 9/30/09, aphoton47 <aphoton47 wrote:



> aphoton47 <aphoton47

> Ketu dasa


> Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 8:58 AM







> I find very little information in the classics regarding Ketu dasa. Sri K.N.

Rao and his students have written about some aspects such as Ketu in the 9th and

5th houses. The Journal of Astrology carried articles with examples of Ketu in

the 1st, 2nd, and 12th houses. Is there anyone in this forum who has already

enjoyed the dasa of Ketu? Could you comment on it? Likewise, please direct me to

any articles on Ketu dasa that I may have missed. Thank you.


> --Radha S.


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Trivedi ji,

Thank you for sharing your data and the account of the accident. We are thankful

that you escaped with nearly no injury. Do you have the horoscope of the person

who died?


Best wishes,


--Radha S.

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Neelam ji and Mouji,


Thank you for bringing this up. Ketu dasa would have given the lady all or some

of the significations of the ninth house, education, travel, ethics or religion.


Rahu in the 3rd would make her either the eldest or the youngest amongst her

siblings, or the eldest or youngest of her sex.


There may be concern about the health of the father.


The presence of Jupiter and Moon in the 12th may have given her some health

problems, notably allergies.


There is a Raja Yoga in the fifth even though Venus is combust. The real

culprit here is the mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars.





, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Mouji ji, Radha ji and all,


> Sometime back, data of a lady was given by Mouji ji.


> 5 Sep 1963/22:00/Ferozepur; Aries lagna and sagi navamsha


> The chart appears to be quite interesting. I had worked on it, but was a bit

> busy to write and post on the group. I am encouraged to bring it up here

> because of Ketu.


> This native has passed through Ketu's dasha in the prime of her life at

> 21-28 years. Ketu is in 9H of sagitarius, alone, yogkarak as per classics.

> Has no adverse influence. In the nakshatra lordship of Venus who is combust

> and conjunct 5L Sun in 5H. Dispositor Jupiter in own house of Pisces in

> Kendra to it with moon forming a Gajkesari Yoga. Ketu is driven by two

> gurus, Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is also in 10H from moon and 5H form Sun!


> Dispositor Jupiter is aspected by an exalted mercury and 10L Saturn from own

> 10H. Interestingly, Ketu is also at exact degrees of lagna rising, would

> greatly affect self.

> Altogether a very important planet.


> *I think Ketu would've made a crucial difference in her life. *Ketu's star

> lord venus is also 7L of marriage and spouse, as well as 2L of addition to

> family. 7L venus is combust and Sun is the 5L in 5H. Ketu is in 9H of

> prarabdh. I would think of the following possibilities:


> She would get married in Ketu's dasha.


> She would get a spouse who is spiritually inclined, may be very much into

> bhakti and sadhana and surrendered his life to supreme power (sun). He

> could be a good singer and chant mantras and recite shastras. Strong

> benefics in 6/8 axis indicate charity by both husband and wife at the

> expense of their own selves. Both could be giving Vidya Daan, specially

> husband may be a scholar of an ancient branch of knowledge.


> It could be a love marriage.


> She herself would be interested in music and art. Might've learnt to vocal

> or instrumental music as Ketu is in 3H from Karakamsha.


> May be her husband is in government service. I am going by the huge role of

> Sun with 7L.


> She might not get a son though Sun in 5H is supposed to give one SON, but

> here dasha of Ketu and Venus could give daughters (may be two?) with a loss

> pregnancy?


> Also I feel ketu's dasha could give some surgical operation, either for

> child birth or otherwise, as venus and 7H are afflicted and Mars is also the

> LL/8L in maraksthan with.


> But overall give her conditions for her spiritual upliftment.


> I would appreciate Mouji ji's comments on the same. And also other members

> can take up further analysis.


> Regards

> Neelam


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