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Narayana Dasa caluculation in the JHora

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Om Krishna Guru,




First i would like to Thank you for the software.


While i was using it with my chart i found that the Narayana Dasa

calculated by me manually was differing from the one the software

reported. So just wanted to figure out whether it was a mistake on my

part or the software.


As per your Narayana Dasa article in the List if Mercury is the Lord

of the rasi under consideration and Mercury is exalted one should not

add 1 year. But in your software for my Birth data it added a year.


My Birth Details are


October 20 1970 08:45AM

78E49 10N22 +5:30 East of GMT


The Dasa i am taking about is Ge. It is reported by the software to

have 4 years since Mercury is in Virgo. But i took it to be only 3

years as per your Article, Please clarify this.


Thanks in advance

Your Sishya


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Dear Siva,


Software is correct in this case.


If Mercury is Vi, Ge dasa is of 4 years.


The point you mentioned (that we should not add one

year for exaltation) applies only to Vi dasa. If you

add 1 year, it will become 13 years and 12 is the



May Jupiter's light shine on us,



--- vijayuma wrote:

> Om Krishna Guru,


> NarasimhaJi,


> First i would like to Thank you for the software.


> While i was using it with my chart i found that the

> Narayana Dasa

> calculated by me manually was differing from the one

> the software

> reported. So just wanted to figure out whether it

> was a mistake on my

> part or the software.


> As per your Narayana Dasa article in the List if

> Mercury is the Lord

> of the rasi under consideration and Mercury is

> exalted one should not

> add 1 year. But in your software for my Birth data

> it added a year.


> My Birth Details are


> October 20 1970 08:45AM

> 78E49 10N22 +5:30 East of GMT


> The Dasa i am taking about is Ge. It is reported by

> the software to

> have 4 years since Mercury is in Virgo. But i took

> it to be only 3

> years as per your Article, Please clarify this.


> Thanks in advance

> Your Sishya

> Siva





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