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DOS-based Atlas Search: Testers Needed

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Dear friends,


ACS has increased the annual license fee to $500. If we use their atlas (which contains only 152,000 cities in USA and 100,000 international cities), we have to pay $500 every year (as long as we continue to sell the software) in addition to the royalties! This is exorbitant and I was in a fix given their monopoly in the market.


But luckily Nimmi Ragavan was kind enough to share the longitude and latitude data that she collected from public domain over the years. She is sending me the data in a CD. Without waiting for the CD, I started code development with some sample data.


Instead of using a standard database driver (BTW, Shiva, InstantDB is not free), I decided to use my own proprietary database format and engine (because the purpose is quite simple here). In the last 2 days, I wrote a program to format the data sent by Nimmi in different formats into one indexed database format and another program to search for a given city name in the database.


I have already integrated this in JH, but have to add the timezone info.


Once Nimmi's CD arrives, I will create the complete database, but I have a sample database now which has 200,500 places (almost the same size as ACS already!). This completely covers Australia, India, UK and USA. I was surprised to find some small villages near my native place in India listed in this database (ACS doesn't have them).


I uploaded this database and the city search program to the SJVC site. If you can download it and test it, that will be great. Because this is a new and proprietary database format and the search algorithm is also new and both were written in just 2 days, they MAY be unstable. Though I tested it thoroughly, more testing can only do good.


If it crashes or gives erroneous answers, please send me the exact data you entered so that I can debug and see what went wrong. Try to exert it as much as possible.


If you don't know how to use the command prompt (DOS shell), please ignore this mail. You can help only if you know that.




Download the zip file




Use the password "nimmiragavan" when unzipping. Two files - adbread.exe and jhatlas.adb - are created. Go to the directory where these files are located, in command prompt, and run adbread.exe. It will display help on how to use it. Basically, two arguments are needed. First one is city name and the second one is country code. Country codes in capitals (in the JH intergrated version, user doesn't have to enter country codes and they are generated based on combo boxes).



Usage: adbread cityname countrycode


Searches jhatlas.adb file (atlas database file) and finds the required city in the required country.


ALL All countries AS Australia IN India UK United Kingdom US/USA United States of America US[xx] A state in USA (xx is state's two-letter code), e.g. USCA - California

The above tells you what to do. Here are a few more examples:


C:\tmp>adbread challa ALL


"challa" in ALL:


1: Challambra, Australia: 142 E 32, 36 S 15 2: Challakere, India: 76 E 39, 14 N 19 3: Challapalle, India: 80 E 56, 16 N 7 4: Challacombe, United Kingdom: 3 W 53, 51 N 9

C:\tmp>adbread nagayalankkkka IN


"nagayalankkkka" in IN:


1: Nagayalanka, India: 80 E 55, 15 N 57


Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.

C:\tmp>adbread grafton USMA


"grafton" in USMA:


1: Grafton, USA(MA): 71 W 41, 42 N 12


C:\tmp>adbread walth US


"walth" in US:


1: Walthal, USA(CA): 121 W 9, 37 N 59 2: Walthourville, USA(GA): 81 W 38, 31 N 46 3: Waltham, USA(MA): 71 W 14, 42 N 23 4: Waltham, USA(ME): 68 W 20, 44 N 43 5: Waltham, USA(MN): 92 W 53, 43 N 49 6: Walthall, USA(MS): 89 W 17, 33 N 36 7: Waltham, USA(MT): 110 W 53, 47 N 34 8: Walthill, USA(NE): 96 W 29, 42 N 9 9: Walther, USA(PA): 80 W 3, 40 N 20 10: Walthall, USA(VA): 77 W 24, 37 N 19 11: Walthall Mill, USA(VA): 77 W 22, 37 N 19


C:\tmp>adbread "New Found" AL


"New Found" in AL:


No match.

C:\tmp>adbread "New Found" ALL


"New Found" in ALL:


1: New Fountain, USA(TX): 99 W 4, 29 N 23



Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.

C:\tmp>adbread Calcutta ALL


"Calcutta" in ALL:


1: Calcutta, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 34 2: Calcutta Bagh Bazar, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 36 3: Calcutta Ballygunge, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 32 4: Calcutta Bara Bazar, India: 88 E 21, 22 N 34 5: Calcutta Cossipore, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 37 6: Calcutta Garden-Reach, India: 88 E 18, 22 N 32 7: Calcutta Hastings, India: 88 E 20, 22 N 33 8: Calcutta Narkaldanga, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 34 9: Calcutta Tengra, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 33 10: Calcutta, USA(IN): 87 W 4, 39 N 36 11: Calcutta, USA(NY): 74 W 41, 42 N 38 12: Calcutta, USA(OH): 80 W 35, 40 N 40 13: Calcutta, USA(WV): 81 W 12, 39 N 21

Don't worry about the complexity of this interface - entering country codes in capitals etc. This is only a test version with a main() wrapped around the basic library. When I integrated the library in JH, I made it very very simple for the user. The


If you find any crashes or wrong answers (i.e. program goes out of control), please send me the exact command you entered.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha ---------------------Narasimha P.V.R. Rao email: pvr10826 Seaver Farm Lane Tel: (508) 839-1218South Grafton, MA 01560 email: pvr **** Note the address change **** Homepage: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org---------------------

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Hare Rama Krishna!


Dear Narasimhaji and members


In this atlas practically there are no cities of the CIS. I have

opportunity to give 5000 cities of the CIS. Write in what format of

them to you better to give, will approach in such:


City Area N E


Abaza Hakasskaya a o 52.39 90.06

Abaj Karagandinskaya 50.27 85.05

Abakan (133) Hakasskaya a o 53.43 91.26

Aban Krasnodarskij 56.41 96.04

Abastumani Gruzinskaya SSR 41.46 42.50

Abatskij T'umenskaya 56.18 70.28

Abasha Gruzinskaya SSR 42.12 42.17

Abdulino Orenburgskaya 53.42 53.40

Abez ' Komi 66.32 61.42

Abinsk Krasnodarskij 44.52 38.09

Abov'an Arm'anskaya SSR 40.16 44.40

Abramcevo Moskovskaya 55.50 37.50


I also have selection of coordinates for the various countries of the

world, it occupies in zip near 860Kb, but there are recurrences

therefore them it is necessary to choose.


Yours sisya, Chandramukha das

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Dear Narasimha,

SUPERB. You can market this as another alternative to PCS showing (a) Larger

number of places and (b) flexibility of auto correction and specific look up

world wide which they don't have. In ACS you got to specify a lot of stuff.

Best Regards

Sanjay Rath



" Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr108

<jhora >; " Sri Guru Achyuta " <achyuta >

Friday, November 09, 2001 9:19 AM

DOS-based Atlas Search: Testers Needed



Dear friends,


ACS has increased the annual license fee to $500. If we use their atlas

(which contains only 152,000 cities in USA and 100,000 international

cities), we have to pay $500 every year (as long as we continue to sell the

software) in addition to the royalties! This is exorbitant and I was in a

fix given their monopoly in the market.


But luckily Nimmi Ragavan was kind enough to share the longitude and

latitude data that she collected from public domain over the years. She is

sending me the data in a CD. Without waiting for the CD, I started code

development with some sample data.


Instead of using a standard database driver (BTW, Shiva, InstantDB is not

free), I decided to use my own proprietary database format and engine

(because the purpose is quite simple here). In the last 2 days, I wrote a

program to format the data sent by Nimmi in different formats into one

indexed database format and another program to search for a given city name

in the database.


I have already integrated this in JH, but have to add the timezone info.


Once Nimmi's CD arrives, I will create the complete database, but I have a

sample database now which has 200,500 places (almost the same size as ACS

already!). This completely covers Australia, India, UK and USA. I was

surprised to find some small villages near my native place in India listed

in this database (ACS doesn't have them).


I uploaded this database and the city search program to the SJVC site. If

you can download it and test it, that will be great. Because this is a new

and proprietary database format and the search algorithm is also new and

both were written in just 2 days, they MAY be unstable. Though I tested it

thoroughly, more testing can only do good.


If it crashes or gives erroneous answers, please send me the exact data you

entered so that I can debug and see what went wrong. Try to exert it as much

as possible.


If you don't know how to use the command prompt (DOS shell), please ignore

this mail. You can help only if you know that.




Download the zip file




Use the password " nimmiragavan " when unzipping. Two files - adbread.exe and

jhatlas.adb - are created. Go to the directory where these files are

located, in command prompt, and run adbread.exe. It will display help on how

to use it. Basically, two arguments are needed. First one is city name and

the second one is country code. Country codes in capitals (in the JH

intergrated version, user doesn't have to enter country codes and they are

generated based on combo boxes).




Usage: adbread cityname countrycode


Searches jhatlas.adb file (atlas database file) and

finds the required city in the required country.


ALL All countries

AS Australia

IN India

UK United Kingdom

US/USA United States of America

US[xx] A state in USA (xx is state's two-letter code),

e.g. USCA - California


The above tells you what to do. Here are a few more examples:


C:\tmp>adbread challa ALL


" challa " in ALL:


1: Challambra, Australia: 142 E 32, 36 S 15

2: Challakere, India: 76 E 39, 14 N 19

3: Challapalle, India: 80 E 56, 16 N 7

4: Challacombe, United Kingdom: 3 W 53, 51 N 9


C:\tmp>adbread nagayalankkkka IN


" nagayalankkkka " in IN:


1: Nagayalanka, India: 80 E 55, 15 N 57


Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.


C:\tmp>adbread grafton USMA


" grafton " in USMA:


1: Grafton, USA(MA): 71 W 41, 42 N 12


C:\tmp>adbread walth US


" walth " in US:


1: Walthal, USA(CA): 121 W 9, 37 N 59

2: Walthourville, USA(GA): 81 W 38, 31 N 46

3: Waltham, USA(MA): 71 W 14, 42 N 23

4: Waltham, USA(ME): 68 W 20, 44 N 43

5: Waltham, USA(MN): 92 W 53, 43 N 49

6: Walthall, USA(MS): 89 W 17, 33 N 36

7: Waltham, USA(MT): 110 W 53, 47 N 34

8: Walthill, USA(NE): 96 W 29, 42 N 9

9: Walther, USA(PA): 80 W 3, 40 N 20

10: Walthall, USA(VA): 77 W 24, 37 N 19

11: Walthall Mill, USA(VA): 77 W 22, 37 N 19


C:\tmp>adbread " New Found " AL


" New Found " in AL:



No match.


C:\tmp>adbread " New Found " ALL


" New Found " in ALL:


1: New Fountain, USA(TX): 99 W 4, 29 N 23


Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.


C:\tmp>adbread Calcutta ALL


" Calcutta " in ALL:


1: Calcutta, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 34

2: Calcutta Bagh Bazar, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 36

3: Calcutta Ballygunge, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 32

4: Calcutta Bara Bazar, India: 88 E 21, 22 N 34

5: Calcutta Cossipore, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 37

6: Calcutta Garden-Reach, India: 88 E 18, 22 N 32

7: Calcutta Hastings, India: 88 E 20, 22 N 33

8: Calcutta Narkaldanga, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 34

9: Calcutta Tengra, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 33

10: Calcutta, USA(IN): 87 W 4, 39 N 36

11: Calcutta, USA(NY): 74 W 41, 42 N 38

12: Calcutta, USA(OH): 80 W 35, 40 N 40

13: Calcutta, USA(WV): 81 W 12, 39 N 21


Don't worry about the complexity of this interface - entering country codes

in capitals etc. This is only a test version with a main() wrapped around

the basic library. When I integrated the library in JH, I made it very very

simple for the user. The


If you find any crashes or wrong answers (i.e. program goes out of control),

please send me the exact command you entered.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,




Narasimha P.V.R. Rao email: pvr108

26 Seaver Farm Lane Tel: (508) 839-1218

South Grafton, MA 01560 email: pvr


**** Note the address change ****


Homepage: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


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Dear Sanjay,


Let us not get carried away.


ACS gives deg-min-sec for several US cities (though not all). We have only

deg-min. They have historical timezone info (I am doing research on it to

incorporate it).


We will probably have a better international database, but ACS may still

have a better USA database. I don't look at this as competing with ACS. I

just wanted something reasonable that doesn't cost soooo mmmmmuch.


If it turns out that this is complete enough to be marketed as a stand-alone

product, perhaps we can. To replace the DOS main() wrapper with a windows

wrapper is not a big deal. We can create a simple Windows atlas application.


For now, let me concentrate on JH.


BTW, I am attaching jhin.jpg (40 kB) which shows how JH birthdata entry

dialog box looks like now, after atlas search is fully integrated.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,




> Dear Narasimha,

> SUPERB. You can market this as another alternative to PCS showing (a)


> number of places and (b) flexibility of auto correction and specific look


> world wide which they don't have. In ACS you got to specify a lot of


> Best Regards

> Sanjay Rath

> http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

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Dear Chandramukha,


I am afraid you didn't read my mail fully.


The database you got is a sample database which contains only USA,

UK, Australia and India. The complete database will be ready only

after I get Nimmi's data in CD.


As I am making an indexed database, it should work with 350 countries

if it works with 4. I just want to make sure that the basic search is

fine. That's why I sought help from you people in testing it.


This is an early test version and not the final product.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Hare Rama Krishna!


> Dear Narasimhaji and members


> In this atlas practically there are no cities of the CIS. I have

> opportunity to give 5000 cities of the CIS. Write in what format of

> them to you better to give, will approach in such:


> City Area N E


> Abaza Hakasskaya a o 52.39 90.06

> Abaj Karagandinskaya 50.27 85.05

> Abakan (133) Hakasskaya a o 53.43 91.26

> Aban Krasnodarskij 56.41 96.04

> Abastumani Gruzinskaya SSR 41.46 42.50

> Abatskij T'umenskaya 56.18 70.28

> Abasha Gruzinskaya SSR 42.12 42.17

> Abdulino Orenburgskaya 53.42 53.40

> Abez ' Komi 66.32 61.42

> Abinsk Krasnodarskij 44.52 38.09

> Abov'an Arm'anskaya SSR 40.16 44.40

> Abramcevo Moskovskaya 55.50 37.50


> I also have selection of coordinates for the various countries of


> world, it occupies in zip near 860Kb, but there are recurrences

> therefore them it is necessary to choose.


> Yours sisya, Chandramukha das

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Dear Vijay,


> It really looks good.

> How ever, I have a small cocern.

> Run

> adbread gudur IN and you will understand.

> D:\JHora\db>adbread gudur IN


> " gudur " in IN:


> 1: Gudur, India: 78 E 49, 17 N 29

> 2: Gudur, India: 75 E 55, 15 N 56

> 3: Gudur, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46

> 4: Gudur, India: 79 E 51, 14 N 8

> 5: Guduru, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46


> How would I know which Gudur I need to select! Where ever, the name

of the

> Town/Place is repeated, it is better if some description is added

> (lik Gudur, Near Tirupati, Gudur, nearMachilipatnam, etc.).


I too was uncomfortable with it. But we cannot do a better job. The

raw data has to be labelled (e.g. " Gudur (near Tirupati) " etc)

humanly. Software cannot do it as it does not know which cities are

big ones. Sometime later, we can mark the important cities and then

we can write an offline utility that detects multiple entries and

adds " (near xxx) " to them. This requires a lot of human effort in

addition to computer logic. This cannot be done now.


Though it will be nice to have such facility, you must realize that

ACS is worse. They charge $500 per year for licensing and royalties.

If you search for " Gudur " in India, they only return the 4th one

(near Tirupati), as that's a big town. The other 3 Gudurs (which are

smaller villages) of India are just ignored by ACS.


If someone was born in Gudur #2 and goes to an astrologer who uses

ACS, he will simply enter Gudur and get one entry and cast a wrong

chart thinking that there is only Gudur!! Between entries 2 and 4,

there can be a difference of 3-4 degrees in lagna!!!


With our atlas, the astrologer will atleast know that there are 4

different Gudurs. With some human effort and help from client, he may

be able to find the real one.


Though this can be improved further, this is already better than ACS

for Indian villages.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> This is a suggestion. One can always see the longitudes and

probably see

> some nearby place and decide which is the correct one.

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Dear Vijay,


This talk of Gudur reminded me of Chittigudur. Do you remember that

small village near our native town Machilipatnam? It is not listed in

ACS, but listed here! Search for it.


C:\tmp>adbread chittigudur IN


" chittigudur " in IN:


1: Chittigudur, India: 81 E 4, 16 N 13

2: Chittiguduru, India: 81 E 4, 16 N 13


> > D:\JHora\db>adbread gudur IN

> >

> > " gudur " in IN:

> >

> > 1: Gudur, India: 78 E 49, 17 N 29

> > 2: Gudur, India: 75 E 55, 15 N 56

> > 3: Gudur, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46

> > 4: Gudur, India: 79 E 51, 14 N 8

> > 5: Guduru, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Narasimha,

To identify between different similary named places

a World Map and Cross symbol can be shown where the latitude

and longitude hits. This may help the person in identifying the



Can I give another suggestion?.


Can I/we upload the Location Lat/Long info in the

Database folder of JHORA groups

This way we all can keep adding new places and

later you can export this table into your program.





jhora, pvr108 wrote:

> Dear Vijay,


> > It really looks good.

> > How ever, I have a small cocern.

> > Run

> > adbread gudur IN and you will understand.

> > D:\JHora\db>adbread gudur IN

> >

> > " gudur " in IN:

> >

> > 1: Gudur, India: 78 E 49, 17 N 29

> > 2: Gudur, India: 75 E 55, 15 N 56

> > 3: Gudur, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46

> > 4: Gudur, India: 79 E 51, 14 N 8

> > 5: Guduru, India: 77 E 49, 15 N 46

> >

> > How would I know which Gudur I need to select! Where ever, the


> of the

> > Town/Place is repeated, it is better if some description is added

> > (lik Gudur, Near Tirupati, Gudur, nearMachilipatnam, etc.).


> I too was uncomfortable with it. But we cannot do a better job. The

> raw data has to be labelled (e.g. " Gudur (near Tirupati) " etc)

> humanly. Software cannot do it as it does not know which cities are

> big ones. Sometime later, we can mark the important cities and then

> we can write an offline utility that detects multiple entries and

> adds " (near xxx) " to them. This requires a lot of human effort in

> addition to computer logic. This cannot be done now.


> Though it will be nice to have such facility, you must realize that

> ACS is worse. They charge $500 per year for licensing and


> If you search for " Gudur " in India, they only return the 4th one

> (near Tirupati), as that's a big town. The other 3 Gudurs (which


> smaller villages) of India are just ignored by ACS.


> If someone was born in Gudur #2 and goes to an astrologer who uses

> ACS, he will simply enter Gudur and get one entry and cast a wrong

> chart thinking that there is only Gudur!! Between entries 2 and 4,

> there can be a difference of 3-4 degrees in lagna!!!


> With our atlas, the astrologer will atleast know that there are 4

> different Gudurs. With some human effort and help from client, he


> be able to find the real one.


> Though this can be improved further, this is already better than


> for Indian villages.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> > This is a suggestion. One can always see the longitudes and

> probably see

> > some nearby place and decide which is the correct one.

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Dear Sanjay,


> Dear Sanjay,


> Let us not get carried away.


> ACS gives deg-min-sec for several US cities (though not all). We

have only

> deg-min. They have historical timezone info (I am doing research on

it to

> incorporate it).


> We will probably have a better international database, but ACS may


> have a better USA database. I don't look at this as competing with


> just wanted something reasonable that doesn't cost soooo mmmmmuch.


I found GNIS (Geographic Names Information System) database of USGS

(a US government agency). I downloaded free data from there, which

gives the longitudes, latitudes and also altitudes (elevation -

useful in topocentric positions!) and county names for 163,957 places

in USA. It includes each and every US town (14,000 places more than

ACS). Being a government database, it is very authetic. ACS database

gives seconds for some US cities, but not all. This database gives

seconds for all cities. I am going to replace the US data I got from

Nimmi with this file. I will keep the elevation data also with US

towns, as someone may use topocentric positions.


So we will have longitude and latitude upto seconds for US towns,

just like ACS. We'll still have upto only minutes for international

towns, but that's the same with ACS.


As for timezones, US timezone borders are not aligned with any

longitude/latitude. They are not even necessarily aligned with state

borders. They are aligned with county borders (I found it out only

today). The database I downloaded gives counties also. So I will

invorporate county codes also in the US atlas database (2 bytes per

town = 0.33 MB extra). This will enable us to find the timezone

accurately. Slowly we can add historical info also.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Om Krishna Guru,


Hi NarasimhaJi,


Yes the present version of InstantDB is not free but the previous

versions are free and we use it in our product (Intel Checks very

closely any licence violation).


Any way since you have already coded and released a version i will do

my part of testing it.






jhora, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr108> wrote:

> Dear friends,


> ACS has increased the annual license fee to $500. If we use their

atlas (which contains only 152,000 cities in USA and 100,000

international cities), we have to pay $500 every year (as long as we

continue to sell the software) in addition to the royalties! This is

exorbitant and I was in a fix given their monopoly in the market.


> But luckily Nimmi Ragavan was kind enough to share the longitude

and latitude data that she collected from public domain over the

years. She is sending me the data in a CD. Without waiting for the

CD, I started code development with some sample data.


> Instead of using a standard database driver (BTW, Shiva, InstantDB

is not free), I decided to use my own proprietary database format and

engine (because the purpose is quite simple here). In the last 2

days, I wrote a program to format the data sent by Nimmi in different

formats into one indexed database format and another program to

search for a given city name in the database.


> I have already integrated this in JH, but have to add the timezone



> Once Nimmi's CD arrives, I will create the complete database, but I

have a sample database now which has 200,500 places (almost the same

size as ACS already!). This completely covers Australia, India, UK

and USA. I was surprised to find some small villages near my native

place in India listed in this database (ACS doesn't have them).


> I uploaded this database and the city search program to the SJVC

site. If you can download it and test it, that will be great. Because

this is a new and proprietary database format and the search

algorithm is also new and both were written in just 2 days, they MAY

be unstable. Though I tested it thoroughly, more testing can only do



> If it crashes or gives erroneous answers, please send me the exact

data you entered so that I can debug and see what went wrong. Try to

exert it as much as possible.


> If you don't know how to use the command prompt (DOS shell), please

ignore this mail. You can help only if you know that.


> Procedure:


> Download the zip file


> http://www.sjvc.org/adb.zip


> Use the password " nimmiragavan " when unzipping. Two files -

adbread.exe and jhatlas.adb - are created. Go to the directory where

these files are located, in command prompt, and run adbread.exe. It

will display help on how to use it. Basically, two arguments are

needed. First one is city name and the second one is country code.

Country codes in capitals (in the JH intergrated version, user

doesn't have to enter country codes and they are generated based on

combo boxes).


> C:\tmp>adbread


> Usage: adbread cityname countrycode


> Searches jhatlas.adb file (atlas database file) and

> finds the required city in the required country.


> ALL All countries

> AS Australia

> IN India

> UK United Kingdom

> US/USA United States of America

> US[xx] A state in USA (xx is state's two-letter code),

> e.g. USCA - California


> The above tells you what to do. Here are a few more examples:


> C:\tmp>adbread challa ALL


> " challa " in ALL:


> 1: Challambra, Australia: 142 E 32, 36 S 15

> 2: Challakere, India: 76 E 39, 14 N 19

> 3: Challapalle, India: 80 E 56, 16 N 7

> 4: Challacombe, United Kingdom: 3 W 53, 51 N 9


> C:\tmp>adbread nagayalankkkka IN


> " nagayalankkkka " in IN:


> 1: Nagayalanka, India: 80 E 55, 15 N 57


> Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.


> C:\tmp>adbread grafton USMA


> " grafton " in USMA:


> 1: Grafton, USA(MA): 71 W 41, 42 N 12


> C:\tmp>adbread walth US


> " walth " in US:


> 1: Walthal, USA(CA): 121 W 9, 37 N 59

> 2: Walthourville, USA(GA): 81 W 38, 31 N 46

> 3: Waltham, USA(MA): 71 W 14, 42 N 23

> 4: Waltham, USA(ME): 68 W 20, 44 N 43

> 5: Waltham, USA(MN): 92 W 53, 43 N 49

> 6: Walthall, USA(MS): 89 W 17, 33 N 36

> 7: Waltham, USA(MT): 110 W 53, 47 N 34

> 8: Walthill, USA(NE): 96 W 29, 42 N 9

> 9: Walther, USA(PA): 80 W 3, 40 N 20

> 10: Walthall, USA(VA): 77 W 24, 37 N 19

> 11: Walthall Mill, USA(VA): 77 W 22, 37 N 19


> C:\tmp>adbread " New Found " AL


> " New Found " in AL:



> No match.


> C:\tmp>adbread " New Found " ALL


> " New Found " in ALL:


> 1: New Fountain, USA(TX): 99 W 4, 29 N 23


> Listed partial matches, as there were no exact matches.


> C:\tmp>adbread Calcutta ALL


> " Calcutta " in ALL:


> 1: Calcutta, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 34

> 2: Calcutta Bagh Bazar, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 36

> 3: Calcutta Ballygunge, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 32

> 4: Calcutta Bara Bazar, India: 88 E 21, 22 N 34

> 5: Calcutta Cossipore, India: 88 E 22, 22 N 37

> 6: Calcutta Garden-Reach, India: 88 E 18, 22 N 32

> 7: Calcutta Hastings, India: 88 E 20, 22 N 33

> 8: Calcutta Narkaldanga, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 34

> 9: Calcutta Tengra, India: 88 E 23, 22 N 33

> 10: Calcutta, USA(IN): 87 W 4, 39 N 36

> 11: Calcutta, USA(NY): 74 W 41, 42 N 38

> 12: Calcutta, USA(OH): 80 W 35, 40 N 40

> 13: Calcutta, USA(WV): 81 W 12, 39 N 21


> Don't worry about the complexity of this interface - entering

country codes in capitals etc. This is only a test version with a main

() wrapped around the basic library. When I integrated the library in

JH, I made it very very simple for the user. The


> If you find any crashes or wrong answers (i.e. program goes out of

control), please send me the exact command you entered.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> ---------------------

> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao email: pvr108

> 26 Seaver Farm Lane Tel: (508) 839-1218

> South Grafton, MA 01560 email: pvr@c...


> **** Note the address change ****


> Homepage: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> ---------------------

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